TC Minutes 12-08-1998MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD DECEMBER 8, 1998 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:31 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Buz Reynolds and Mayor Protem Bob McIlveen present. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Community Development Director Mike Matzko, Public Works Superintendent Bob Reed, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Special Events Coordinator Dana Mauer, Planner George Harrison, _ Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Fire Chief Charles Moore, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Executive Assistant Jacquie Halburnt, Finance Director Scott Wright as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input: Christmas in the Park Update Special Events Coordinator Dana Mauer Vated the Council on Christmas in the Park which takes place Saturday, December 12 in Nottingham Park. Ordinances: Second Reading of Ordinance No. 98-23, Series of 1998, AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A ZONE CHANGE FROM TC TO PUD, ESTABLISHING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, LOT B, AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing. Community Development Director Mike Matzko stated Staff has reviewed the parking issues raised at a previous work session and the applicant has agreed to provide 270 spaces on site. Staff recommends approval. Mr. Stewart Borne, Vice President of Shapiro Development, stated they are requesting approval of an 82 suite development plus 6 efficiency employee housing units in a tower not to exceed the height of Avon Center, and approximately 24,000 square feet of retail space. If approved, they hope to break ground this spring. Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. There being no further comments from the Council, Mayor Yoder asked for action. Councilor Reynolds motioned to approve Ordinance No. 98-23, Series of 1998. Mayor Protem McIlveen seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. Resolutions: • • Resolution No. 98-80, Series of 1998, A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION OF JOHN DUNN Mayor Yoder read the Resolution in its entirety. Councilor Benson motioned approval of Resolution No. 98-80, Series of 1998. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Yoder then presented a plaque to Mr. Dunn. Mr. Dunn stated his experience working with the Town and the Staff has been a wonderful experience. He thanked Council for the opportunity to work with the Town of Avon. Resolutions: Resolution No. 98-81, Series of 1998, A RESOLUTION LEVYING GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1998 TO HELP DEFRAY THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO FOR THE 1999 BUDGET YEAR Resolution No. 98-82, Series of 1998, A RESOLUTION LEVYING GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1998 TO HELP DEFRAY THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE AVON METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE 1999 BUDGET YEAR Finance Director Scott Wright stated Resolution No. 98-81 levies the property taxes for the general fund operating purposes as well as debt service purposes. The mill rate for 1999 for general operating expenses, is 11.456 mills, unchanged from current year. The mill rate for 1999 for debt services is 7.916 mills, a reduction of .196 mills from current year. Mr. Wright stated Resolution No. 98-82 levies a mill rate for 1999 of 5.876 mills, a small reduction from last year. Mayor Protem McIlveen motioned approval of Resolution No. 98-81, Series of 1998, and Resolution No. 98-82, Series of 1998. Councilor Benson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Resolutions: Resolution No. 98-79, Series of 1998, A RESOLUTION CANCELING A REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Yoder stated that this Resolution cancels the December 22°d Council Meeting. Councilor Reynolds motioned approval of Resolution No .98-79, Series of 1998. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Town Manager Report: Town Manager Efting stated he will be gone the week between Christmas and New Years. Assistant Town Manager Brooks will be in charge. Town Attorney Report: Town Attorney Levin reported he will be gone from December 24 - January 3. Mayor Report: Mayor Yoder wished a happy holidays to everyone from the Avon Town Council and Staff. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the November 24, 1998, Council Meeting Minutes b.) Amended and Restated Master Service Contract for Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority c.) Financial Matters Councilor Benson motioned approval of the Consent Agenda with the removal of Item B. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion. The motion" carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Benson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:46 PM. Y SUBMITTED 4 E Kris Bash Town Clerk APPROVED: Jim Benson Debbie Buckley Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt Bob McIlveen Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder