TC Minutes 11-11-1997MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER 11, 1997 - 5:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building,' 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Buz Reynolds,.'8r. at 5:31 PM. fA roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Richard Carnes, Bob McIlveen, and Buz Reynolds, Jr. present. Mayor.Jack Fawcett and Mayor Protem Judy.Yoder were absent. Also, present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks., Administrative Assistant Linda Donnellon,'Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Engineer Norm, Wood, Special Events Coordinator Dana Maurer, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Police Chief Gary Thomas, Director of Community Development Mike Matzko, and Administrative Assistant Jacquie Halburnt; as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input: Public Hearing on the 1998 Proposed Budget Acting,Mayor Reynolds, Sr. asked if any on the 1998 proposed budget. Hearing no Reynolds, Sr. closed the public hearing. Resolutions: one would like to comment one, Acting Mayor. Resolution No. 97-60, Series of 1997, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY'EAGLEBEND AFFORDABLE HOUSING CORPORATION OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING PROJECT REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1997, IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $22,860,000; AUTHORIZING AN AMENDED AND RESTATED PROJECT AGREEMENT; AND AUTHORIZING INCIDENTAL ACTION Town Attorney John Dunn stated the purpose of this Resolution is to authorize the Eaglebend Housing Corporation to refinance the debt on the-Eaglebend project. The structure of that project. is such that the consent of the Council is required for issuance of debt and for changing the terms of the debt. The net, affect of this will be to reduce the interest rate"and pay down,the.debt more rapidly and leave d balloon at the end, which-is considerably less. Councilor Reynolds, Jr. motioned Series of 1997. Councilor Benson motion carried,unanimously. to approve Resolution No. 97-60, seconded'the motion and the Resolutions: Resolution No. 97=61, Series of 1997, A RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY,AND FINAL PLAT FOR THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL CONDOMINIUM MAP OF THE-GREENBRIER CONDOMINIUMS - PHASE NO. 1 (UNITS 27-32), TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Acting Mayor Reynolds, Sr. announced this is a public hearing. a 0 Town Engineer Norm Wood stated Warner Developments, the owner of Lot 34, Block 2, Benchmark, has submitted a preliminary,and final plat for the third supplemental condominium map-for Greenbrier Condominiums. This is the fourth building in a multi-building project. Staff reviewed the plat and recommends approval. Councilor Benson motioned to approve Resolution No. 97-61,,Series of 1997. Councilor McIlveen seconded the..motion and the motion carried unanimously: Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the October 28, 1997 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Approval of the Intergovernmental-,,between the..Board of Eagle. County ; Commissioners and the Town (5f Avon `referr--ing to 'the Joint Consultation 'Area for use'in planning and zoning decisions c.) Approval of Resort Entertainment Contracts for, Holiday Party d.) Financial Matters Councilor McIlveen motioned to approve the consent agenda. Councilor Benson seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Acting Mayor Reynolds, Sr. called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor ' Benson moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds, Jr. The meeting was adjourned by Acting Mayor Reynolds, Sr. at 5:40 PM. 'r SPE ULLY SUBMITTED: Patty LamberCMC Town Clerk 2