TC Minutes 10-14-1997u MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD OCTOBER 14, 1997 - 5:30 P.M. A regular meeting of:the Town Council'of the Town-of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal-,Building, 400 Benchmark.,Road,,' Avon-, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jack Fawcett at 5:32 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Richard•Carries, Bob McIlveen, Buz Reynolds, Sr., Buz Reynolds; Jr., and Mayor Protem Judy Yoder present. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Patty. Lambert, Town Attorney John Dunn, Police Chief Gary Thomas, Town Engineer Norm-Wood, Director of Recreation Meryl Jacobs, Special Events'Coordinator Dana Maurer, Director of Community-Development Mike Matzko, and Administrative Assistant Jacquie Halburnt, as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input: Haunting Update Special Events Coordinator Dana Maurer reviewed the upcoming Haunting to be held in Nottingham Park on'Saturday, October 25, 1997. Ordinances: Second Reading of Ordinance No. 97-10, Series of 1997, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5 OF THE TOWN OF AVON MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF PAWNBROKERS Mayor Fawcett announced this is a public hearing, on second reading. Town Attorney John Dunn stated the matter is before the Council, on second reading, without change. Mayor Fawcett asked for any public input. Mr. Larry Kilstrup, of Vail Valley Trading & Loan, stated he was happy if Council was happy. Councilor Reynolds, Sr. motioned to approve, on second reading, Ordinance No. 97-10, Series of 1997. Councilor Benson seconded the motion. Mayor Fawcett called for a roll call vote. The motion carried unanimously. Resolutions Resolution No. 97-53, Series of 1997, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TOWN OF AVON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND TRANSPORTATION PLAN AS THE MASTER PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AVON'AND AS THE ANNEXATION PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AVON Town Attorney Dunn stated quite some time ago the P & Z recommended to the Council a Comprehensive` Plan and Transportation Plan. Since February, there have been negotiations underway between the Town and the County with respect to the County's three mile.plan. Approval is required, both by the.Board of County Commissioners- and by the Town Council.. This Resolution will provide,that approval. It also approves the master plan as the annexation plan for the Town. State statute,requires that the Town annually update it's annexation plan, which clearly contains the same elements as the master plan.' Therefore; it makes 'sense'for the master plan to serve that purpose as well. Councilor Yoder motioned to of 1997. Councilor Benson carried unanimously. Resolutions approve'Resolution No. 97-53, Series seconded the motion and the motion Resolution No. 97-57, Series of 1997, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GUARANTEE OF INDEBTEDNESS Town Attorney Dunn stated the Town's Charter requires that the town Manager reside within the town limits. The purpose of this Resolution is to authorize the guarantee of indebtedness, on behalf of the Town Manager, in purchasing housing within,the town. The closing is set for this Thursday. Councilor Reynolds, Jr. motioned to approve Resolution No. 97-57, Series of 1997. Councilor McIlveen seconded the motion and the mot-ion carried unanimously. Town Manager Report: Town Manager Bill Efting informed Council's next work session will be earlier in the day, around 12/Noon. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the September 30., 1997 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Resolution No. 97-54, Series of 1997, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PART-TIME, TEMPORARY AND SEASONAL (PTS) EMPLOYEES DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN c.) Financial Matters Councilor McIlveen motioned to,approve the consent agenda. Councilor Reynolds, Jr. seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Fawcett called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Benson moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds, Sr. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Fawcett at 5:44 PM. RESPE Pa'ttyLamb Town Clerk Y SUBMITTED: , I CMC 2 0 0