TC Minutes 03-25-1997MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF. THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD MARCH 25, 1997 - 5:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jack Fawcett at 5:32 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Richard Carnes; Bob McIlveen, and Judy Yoder present. Councilors David Gilman and.Buz,Reynolds, Jr. were absent. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Deputy Town Clerk Linda Donnellon,.Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Special Events Coordinator Dana Maurer, Planner George Harrison, Director of Community Development Mike Matzko, and Administrative Assistant Jacquie Halburnt, as well as members-of the press and public. Citizen Input: Appeal of P & Z - Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Director of Community Development Mike Matzko reminded,'two weeks ago, Council was asked by Planning Zoning Commission (P & Z) Chairman Jack Hunn to reconsider a reversal of a decision by P & Z,made two weeks prior to that meeting. Based on Chairman Hunn's request, the matter appears tonight on the Agenda under Citizen Input. Matzko acknowledged both Chairman Hunn's and the applicant, Mr. Steven Grow's presence. Matzko stated staff's perspective is that they are focusing on this as a process issue,. primarily, and not really addressing the substance of the design. Staff is -requesting that the process, because of the way it was conducted, be remanded to the P & Z. Mayor Fawcett asked where did the process fail or go afoul, if that is the issue? Matzko stated it is hard to identify one single point but, the key issue is probably the information, that Council was presented with, by the applicant,-'in the hearing on February 25th, was different. The site plan and the model were different than the information that P & Z used to base their decision on February 4th. Mr. Steven Grow, applicant, handed out a five page document dated 3/25/97, and attached as Exhibit A. Mayor Fawcett thought the issue before Councilois whether or not there were matters presented to the Council that were not presented to.'P & Z. Mayor Fawcett suggested Mr. Grow stress that issue. Mr. Grow thought that was exactly the issue. Mr. Grow read the 5 page document, in it's entirety. Mayor Fawcett asked for any questions from Council. No questions from Council at this time. P & Z Chairman Jack Hunn reminded why he requested Council reconsider this decision. Mr. Hunn informed, at P .&-Z's meeting, P & Z was presented with reduced copies-of plans, that had'been . submitted two weeks prior to the meeting, together with the staff report indicating their findings and their recommendation for denial. That was the information P & Z was instructed to consider. 0 0 During the meeting, at the meeting, the applicant presented a model that staff had not seen prior to the meeting; and a new site plan that had not been reviewed by staff, any member of the Commission, or the Town Engineer. Staff was very careful to point out, that while this site plan appeared to resolve some of their concerns, they had not had time to review it. The underlying intent of staff was that we should not consider that site plan until it had been reviewed-by the Town Engineer and Staff. As one commission member, Mr. Hunn made comments that indicated the new site plan raised the building approximately 2' and that that would further exacerbate his concern regarding the project being too high off of the-existing grade. Mr. Hunn stated his purpose, in approaching Council two weeks ago and requesting Council reconsider the decision, was primarily procedural. Specifically, Mr. Hunn felt that in overturning P & Z's decision, Council left the matter of the Town Engineer's review of the site plan unresolved. Council left the matter of final selection of colors and materials, which were discussed at P & Z's meeting, unresolved. Council left the matter of landscaping; additional landscaping, that was discussed to help mitigate the concerns of the Commission, unresolved. It is for. that-reason that Mr. Hunn asked that the matter be reconsidered. Ms. Karen Cross, citizen of Avon, asked what P & Z is, what are they trying to build; it is really unclear, as obviously they have talked about this before. Ms. Cross asked if anyone could reintroduce what P & Z is, what they are trying to build, and what the problem was. Ms. Cross stated this was the first time she has been here and that she had no idea what was going on. Mayor Fawcett informed P & Z is the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon. What Council is doing is considering or reconsidering a presentation made by a developer to build a particular- project in Avon, in an area called Wildridge. Councilor Carnes gave Ms. Cross a memo to update her. Mr. Grow stated he heard what Chairman Hunn just said. Mr. Grow stated we have again a major, major communication problem. Mr.. Grow stated Mr. Hunn said their underlying basis 'was the,site plan that was presented to them, prior -to'. the site, plan acid model of that evening. Mr. Grow believed that staff, the day before, had the opportunity to look at and review it. .In essence, the 11 X 17s, that Mr. Hunn is talking about, which were in the packet, were preliminary reviewed the prior day; not a thorough review. That is how Mr. Harrison was able to make his comments a number of times - they are not reviewed however-- based upon a preliminary review, they appear to work. No one commented, during the evening, that they couldn't review it; could not consider any comments.- Everything went on just as if nothing happened. Everyone was fully aware of what they were looking at. From the town's perspective, it wasn't totally reviewed but, Mr. Grow didn't hear anybody come forth and say I am sorry, we can't have presentation this evening. Mr. Grow spent an hour and half at P & Z. Everybody asked questions. They looked at the model. They had a major discussion about all'the features, the color board.. Where was the communication from the board saying that their underlying belief was that they can not take that information into consideration? Tell me where the communication breakdown is. Mr. Grow reiterated he spent-an entire night discussing that model, that site plan, even though it was not formally reviewed; and the comments were, by Mr. Harrison, that it looked like they could work. Mr. Grow did not hear anybody'-s comment saying, how do you know it's going to,work; what makes you think it's going to work. There - was no direct questioning regarding the ability of that site to work or not work.' P &'Z didn't express concern that they were looking at something that the town staff had not looked at. 2 0 0 Mr. Grow stated he would have loved to have heard any one individual, that night, say,,I am sorry, we really can't look at your model, we can't look.at,your new-site plan, because staff didn't review it prior to that. There was no big mystery with this product. It hadn't changed substantially over the prior products they were looking at. Yes, it changed but, obviously; the board had a thorough understanding of the changes. It wasn't so difficult a project to comprehend at that point - staff level. And, Mr. Grow stated,. that is what he-'didn't understand. Mr., Grow stated Mr.,Hunn'made certain assertions,-tonight; he made certain statements tonight; he made them at'prior-comments to you, which Mr. Grow refuted and felt there is still a communication problem. Mr. Grow just didn't understand where the board can come off and say they looked at different information than Council was presented. They looked at the identical information. Mr. Grow agreed it wasn't formally approved with Staff but, that entire night it was identical information, the identical model,.the identical facts,-the identical figures. They made the same decision that night based on the information that they had before them, as Council made the following two weeks with the information before Council; identical information. Mr. Grow stated this is a subterfuge, folks. That is all this is.'''They'need something to hang their hat on and Mr. Grow-stated he-will not accept a subterfuge cause it's not based on fact. Matzko stated, from.staff's perspective, he would like to clarify a couple of comments. Matzko stated when he started working here certain practices were in place. Because of the level of activity we have been getting, we, as a staff, have worked with the commission to get clearer on our staff comments so that we can present the issues more clearly. And, when the commission-is taking an action, it is very specific. An example of that is, well, in this particular one, the motion that was made by the commission was very specific as to which plan it was denying approval for. The date', Matzko thought, was the 21st of January. The reason we do that is.exactly for this reason; so it is absolutely clear in everybody's mind which plan we are reviewing and which plan we are deciding upon. Without that, I think you can understand it would be very difficult to know which plan we were talking about. So, at the end of the discussion', the commission all understood, read, and repeated that motion which specified that plan. At the beginning of the hearing, Mr. Harrison made the statement - not once but at least twice'- this plan has just been received; we haven't had a chance to review it. The commission had the opportunity to either review that plan at a later date, after staff had a chance to review it or to rule on the plan that was before them, which was the one dated January 21st. Based on the applicant's feelings, expressed at that time, the commission proceeded and made the ruling. Councilor 'Carnes interjected and asked if Matzko was talking about the ruling of February 4th. Matzko replied yes. January 21 was the date of the plan set that the commission reviewed and made their decision upon. The plan set that Mr. Grow is referring to, and the model, are based on a revised site plan. The planning commission did not have the benefit of full staff review; did not have-the benefit of discussion of that; they'did have the applicant handing it out to them, at the meeting. Matzko continued, if you look at our common practice for the.P & Z, the commission is reluctant to make a decision based on information that they get at that point. It is just simply not done. Why they would make an exception in this case is beyond me. So, I appreciate it may be confusing to the applicant but, we were trying to be very clear that they were not reviewing or deciding upon that revised site plan. Mayor Fawcett asked, so you are saying the decision was based on the January 21st site plan? Matzko replied exactly and the record reflects that. 3 0 • Councilor Carnes asked if Council has ever seen the January 21st site plan. Matzko stated it was attached in Council's packet however, the presentation was based on the model and the discussion centered on the revised site plan. Councilor Benson asked if Matzko had a chance to look at the revised site plan - him or the Town Engineer - in the last couple of weeks. Matzko replied we've had a chance to look at it. We still have some concerns but, pending this action here, we did not feel it was appropriate to go ahead and do a full staff review. Councilor Benson asked, so basically you have to have it referred back to staff and P & Z to review that site plan and make sure this new site plan does work properly in terms of engineering. Matzko stated staff's preference would be that the design be remanded to the P & Z; the applicant have a chance to properly present and have the commission review that revised site plan and then take whatever action the commission feels is appropriate. And, if the applicant is not satisfied with that outcome, whatever it might be, then they would again have the opportunity to appeal to Council. But, at least then we would understand that the Council would be reviewing the same information that the commission made it's decision based upon. Councilor Carnes asked if the January 21st site plan was full of flaws and was that why they came up with a revised one? Matzko stated it's not that it was full of flaws, it's that the design it showed was not - did not - fit within the guidelines established by the town. Councilor Carnes asked so they were having to do this revised site plan no matter what. Matzko stated yes. Councilor Benson noted we received their revised site plan on February 11th. Matzko added, and the model which is based on the revised site plan; although it is at a different scale than the site plan. It is a minor point but, from a procedure standpoint it has fairly large implications. Councilor Carnes stated so when we were asking those questions - when we overturned - and when we were asking, is this the exact same thing that P & Z looked at and you were saying yes, because it was. Matzko stated P & Z made their decision based on the January 21st site plan. And, the model and the revised site plan were not what P & Z had formally reviewed. The applicant showed them to the P & Z but, if you look at a grading plan, of any type, it's pretty difficult to make a decision - have a good understanding of that - in the short period of time that you have before you at a meeting. Typically the commission has at least a weekend to review those sorts of things. Councilor Yoder asked, so if you were doing this again, in hind site of course, would you have just waited until the following meeting so you had a chance to review it, before it went to P & Z, so this wouldn't have happened. Matzko stated that would have been his recommendation. As Matzko recalled, he suggested that. However, the applicant wanted to proceed - get a decision at that point - right then and there. In hind site, Matzko thought it may have been an unfortunate decision. Councilor Carnes understood and confirmed that on February 4th they didn't deny the revised site plan, they denied the original site plan. Matzko stated correct; that was why we put the specific date of the site plan in the motion so there was no question in anybody's mind what site plan was reviewed. Ms. Cross asked why does this gentleman want to build a duplex in Wildridge, when he can build a duplex anywhere else in Colorado? 4 • • Mr. John Perkins, architect for the applicant, thought part of the problem is a timing problem. When the Town Engineer's comments come back to staff and then when they get back to me, we're starting to approach meeting date and in a lot of cases there is not time to change anything. The changes that we made to the site plan were to improve; we made them to improve,the way this building worked on the site.. Two or three days before the meeting - that would be the meeting of February 4th, the denial meeting - George and I sat down and went over the site plan of January 21st and we'went over the Town Engineer's comments and we walked out of there. I made some red line marks on a full size 24 X 36 sheet of that site plan and we made some comments and-we both thought what we had was a workable solution and those changes got made and ended up in the reduced packet; we didn't resubmit the big sheets - you submit the copies of the 24 X 36 on the deadline date. And, I think the way it is intended to work is that staff makes comments and maybe those comments can get corrected and they go in on the reduced copies which you submit to staff sometime later. And so, that is why, in the packet, there was a site plan in there that was altered and reviewed as agreed on between myself and staff, as a workable site plan. And, then the model - then I built the model just a few days before the meeting - and the model was based on that latest improved site plan. In no way did we change anything between that meeting and what you saw. Councilor Benson asked, did P & Z have a chance to see that-model that you brought to our meeting a month ago. Mr. Perkins replied yes but, it came to the meeting, I think George said he wanted that model over here at 6:30pm the night before. The other key thing that everybody may be missing - the model was completely voluntary on our part. It is in no way required. We prepared the model because we knew we were having a ,hard time communicating this building to the P & Z. So, we prepared that at the owner's expense and we got it over here as soon as we had it. There was never a deadline that you have to have a model - you don't have to have a model. Mr. Grow wanted to clarify the whole issue about the,packet. Mr. Grow stated the purpose of the packet is that the board has an opportunity to review the information that is going to be. discussed in the following few days. Mr. Grow found it hard to believe that the board members actually, if•they were looking at that packet prior to coming to that meeting, really recognized that that site plan, in that packet, was any different than the site plan of January'21st. They had in their packet - and if they had reviewed that packet - the only thing that they were looking at - the only thing they possibly could have made a determination on was the information in that packet. They weren't aware, until that actual meeting,--`that the information in that packet - that revised site plan, that new site plan - they weren't aware that that was-a new site plan until they came to the actual meeting. They had it'in their possession for certainly, probably through the weekend,~I would guess, I'm not quite sure. But, they had it in their packet. And, what they . reviewed theoretically was the revised-site plan. "We never,'-, alluded to the January site plan. We only discussed;the "site' plan that was in their packet. Mr. Grow continued, there-is no way that anything that they were looking at that evening - and that was discussed that evening - referred to anything other than what was in their packet and what they theoretically would have reviewed and listened to and had comments about that entire evening. Mr. Grow stated he does not deny that staff didn't have the appropriate amount of time to review the technical issues - all the technical issues. George Harrison had a little bit of time - Mr. Grow recognized that. But, we also recognized that we were going to work with staff - we said it a number of times staff said that they would work with us to resolve those few issues. 5 Mr. Grow continued, those weren't critical issues to the discussion that evening. They were critical, I understand, to P & Z's perspective but, we discussed everything else under the sun relating to that project aside from the actual real nitty gritty of their real concerns. Again, nobody on the board said, by the way, why are we looking at this site plan tonight? That's not the January site plan. Why didn't any board commissioner make a comment at the beginning of the meeting - oh, by the way folks, that is not the site plan we really have to look at and consider; there was no comment about that. As far as anybody on that, board, as far as I'm concerned, they recognized that the site plan in their packet was the identical site plan that we were discussing that entire night and they could have cared less, otherwise the comment, I would imagine, would have been made about that January site plan because what was relevant was the improved site plan - not the old site,plan. 'What' is relevant to the process is getting the project through and getting as.good a site plan as we can get and as good a project as we can get so 'that we don't rehash old material. I'm sure the board wasn't even considering that because, had-they considered it, a comment, at some point in an hour and a half, would have come up - not at closing, not at opening, not at the middle, not during Mr. Hunn's conversations. Mr: Hunn's.staff was there.' I did not;hear--one- staff member say, by the.way, don't consider that site-plan,'itvs' a new site plan - we didn't have a chance to.review it. They said they didn't have a chance to review it but, they never said don't consider it. I can not truly believe that staff or Mr. Hunn truly believed that the decision that night was based upon the January plan. It was never discussed - it was never in their packet - why would they even think about that.site plan - it was history - it was old information. Councilor Carnes stated we are spending a lot of time debating which site plan was approved and so on and which site plan was denied and so on - when can you start building the house? Mr. Grow replied as'soon as I get approval. Councilor Carnes '.asked if Mr. Grow has any other problems besides this. Mr.'Grow stated no., Councilor Carnes questioned if-everything was settled-here, you could start building the house tomorrow? Mr. Grow stated theoretically - not tomorrow but within a reasonable period 'of time. Councilor Carnes asked if this whole issue went back, with the site plan we are-talking about - the February 4th site plan - if that went back to P & Z, next Tuesday, with those other four issues - colors, landscaping, final materials, and grading - could you put it first on the agenda next Tuesday, you guys look at the new site plan theoretically, could'it-all just be solved next Tuesday and he could start building next Wednesday? If everything passed, of course. Town Attorney John Dunn thought of no reason why the matter could not go'back before P & Z on Tuesday of next week but, that is certainly no guarantee that it would be approved. It could be back in Council's lap in a few weeks. Mr. Grow asked, why can't we just go back to staff, which was :originally agreed to - the original agreement between Mike, George, myself, John Perkins, all the people involved in the process. Mr. Grow asked, why can't it be resolved at staff level - why does it have to appear before the board? We don't think-it is necessary to take up the board's time.to talk about-four issues - color, landscaping, site plan of which most of it is worked out and agreed to by George; I'm not talking about major, issues. All the major issues have been resolved. We are-talking about cosmetic, for the most part, issues. 6 • Mayor Fawcett stated the problem is that we obviously aren't that familiar but, we do have certain issues that we have to deal with. At this point in time, it is up to this board or this Council to determine whether they want to take some action, no action, whatever. But, it is really up to my colleagues to determine what to do. Mr. Grow suggested Council position themselves to say that they'll stay with their course however, prior to obtaining a building permit, we will have to work out and receive the approvals from staff to mitigate all their concerns regarding site. Mayor Fawcett thought it might be easier to remand. Mr. Grow added to remand to staff, not before the board. Councilor Yoder felt there are enough unresolved issues that it needs to go back to the P & Z. Councilor Benson motioned to remand the final design of the proposed duplex for Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision to the Planning and Zoning Commission with the direction to review and rule upon the revised design as submitted by the applicant. Councilor Yoder seconded the motion. Mayor Fawcett asked for further comment. Councilor Carnes asked if it is something that could be handled just at the staff level; not to debate whether or not it was discussed two weeks; but can it be? Matzko stated in his opinion it would not be appropriate to resolve these issues at the staff level. Councilor Benson asked why. Matzko stated the grading plan in this particular project has such an impact on the placement of the building that to say that we could resolve this, that this is a minor change; I am not confident making that statement. If anything, the site plan, as revised, may exacerbate the problem that the commission was concerned with in the first place. Councilor Benson asked building mass? Matzko stated building mass relative to the site and it's placement on the site relative to the slope. Matzko felt this to be a very important issue. Councilor Benson commented that a month ago when he looked at the model, from what Mr. Hunn shared with Council, by raising the building up the 2' it is going to increase that massive looking size of a block feature. Councilor Benson stated he was not aware of that. Councilor Benson thought it needed to return to P & Z for approval. Councilor Carnes asked if this did go back to P & Z, next Tuesday, and P & Z denied it, everything could start all over again, correct; in terms of the appeal process? Mr. Hunn stated yes. Councilor Carnes thought so two weeks from now, we could be sitting here with an appeal on the new site plan being denied. Mr. Hunn understood that if it is remanded back to P & Z next Tuesday, and P & Z again denies it, the applicant has the right to appeal to the Council. Mr. Hunn noted the record of what P & Z denied, what was presented and denied, will be clear. And, that is the reason why we are sending it back. If I am understanding the motion, it is to consider it on the new information. Mr. Grow wished to clarify. First of all, staff didn't comment whether they think that - even if we decided and we agreed to get - all the revised site plan; the four issues that they were raising - to them, we have only a few days until next meeting. If we got that to them, as quickly as we could, would they have the opportunity to properly review it, make their report, get the information to P & Z, for them to make an informed decision, based upon our time frame? I don't think that was ever answered. That's one. 7 • • Mr. Grow continued, the second question is we are not talking about the issues four, five, six, or five, six, seven - that P & Z referred to when they denied us. We went through the whole scenario - they approve, they approve, they approve - but there was four, five, and six, I don't remember exactly which issues they were; those issues were denied once. They felt obviously - we were turned down because we didn't meet the same design criteria. Are we going to have to appear before that board and prove again that we have to meet those same, excuse me four, five, six, or five, six, seven, whatever they are; that they mentioned in their denial? or is it just - are we going to discuss the four issues remaining - site, landscape, color, roofing, whatever the last one was. I mean I want to be real clear what we will be discussing at that meeting and not having to go through and open up the entire process again to discuss what we have been discussing for several months. There is a big difference between talking about four issues that Mr. Hunn came before you about and discussing the entire process and every single issue of that project. I would like clarification as to the scope of that meeting, if you decide that we will go before the board. Councilor Yoder stated it is remanding the final design back to P & Z. Councilor Benson stated he added in Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge. Councilor Carnes added, to review and rule upon the revised design as submitted by the applicant. Councilor Carnes asked Mr. Grow if he was suggesting to include in the motion those four items. Mr. Grow stated the four items raised by Mr. Hunn, two weeks ago, which is why we are here tonight; not the entire process; no other issues with the exception of those four issues. Councilor Benson stated he would say no to revising the motion based on the fact of what if they come up with other issues. You may come up with something else. And, then you are limited; you have the right to say, no, this was not an issue; we can't discuss that. I want to keep it open so that the staff has the opportunity - has the latitude to make sure you are including'everything in that. Councilor Yoder called the question. Councilor Carnes asked is next Tuesday enough time for staff to thoroughly research everything. Matzko stated it would be a push to do that. Normally we wouldn't do it that quickly. We will do everything that we can. Councilor Carnes asked if we fast track it, is it fair to the applicant? Matzko felt the fairest thing to the applicant would be to give them a thorough review so that we can resolve these issues and that is what we want to do. The other side of this is, we do not want to engage in this any longer than the applicant does because, this is diverting resources that we could otherwise put in other projects. We are not interested in prolonging it. We will do our best to get it on and thoroughly reviewed by next meeting. Councilor Yoder again called the question. Mayor Fawcett stated we have a motion and a second and requested a roll call vote. The motion carried with Councilors Jim Benson, Bob McIlveen, and Judy Yoder in favor and Councilor Carnes opposed. Mayor Fawcett announced the motion passes. It will be remanded to P & Z. 8 Citizen Input: Ms. Dee Combs, resident of Wildridge, thanked the-Police Department for directing traffic during the 5:00 PM rush hour. Ms. Combs also thanked the guys for doing such a good job in keeping the roads cleaned and cindered this winter, going up.to Wildridge. Ordinances: Second Reading of Ordinance No. 97-3, Series of 1997, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BROOKSIDE PUD, LOT 1, EAGLEWOOD SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Mayor Fawcett announced this is a public hearing. Director of Community Development Mike Matzko informed the request is to table this Ordinance indefinitely. They still have not closed on the property. Councilor Benson motioned to table indefinitely Ordinance No. 97- 3, Series of 1997. Councilor Yoder seconded the motion. Mayor Fawcett called for a roll call vote. The motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the March.li, 1997 Council Meeting Minutes- b.) Approval of Fireworks Production Contract with Western. Enterprises, Inc: c.) Approval of Festival, of Nations Contract with Sumeo Vahine Alii, the Polynesian fire dancers d.) Resolution No. 97-26, Series of 1997, A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1997 BUDGET e.) Approval of proposal from Public Service Company / Extension of gas line in Avon Road f.) Approval-of Benchmark (Nottingham) Lake Maintenance Costs / Regional Water Authority Agreement g.) Approval of Maintenance Agreement for'Breathing Air Compressor h.) Financial Matters Councilor Benson motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilor Yoder seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Fawcett called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Benson moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Yoder. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Fawcett at'6:34 PM. RESPMTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty LambeAt. CMC Town Clerk 9 • 10 • 0 E X H I B I T po TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 3/25/97 My response to the council meeting of 3/11/97, in which Jack Hunn requested further review of the Council's decision to reverse P & Z's denial: Good evening Mr. Mayor and members of the Council. Please allow me to read this statement, so that I may stay focused on the relevant issues at hand this evening. First, I would like to say that I am at a loss as to why I had to come from New Jersey to formally appear before you, when the issues raised by Mr. Hunn could have easily been worked out at staff level, and they would have been on my project. At the conclusion of the Council meeting in which the P & Z denial was overturned, Mike Matzko and my group all discussed that there were a few open issues left to resolve and it was agreed then that they could be resolved at staff level. Mike Matzko agreed, and we assumed this was the path to be taken. The following day George Harrison, Mike Matzko and I, met in their offices and we again expressed the same spirit of cooperation and communication between all of us, in the resolution of the open issues. We never so much as received either a phone cal! or a letter from any member of staff indicating that any other approach was to be taken. It was never our attempt to avoid resolving the open issues and we made this very clear to the staff. So much for "improved communications." 1 would like to next discuss Jack Hunn's comments to you on March 11, in which you agreed to further review your decision to reverse P & Z's denial for final design review. Mr. Hunn suggested that Council made their decision on the basis of different information than P & Z had available to them when P & Z made their decision to deny. This is blatantly untrue. Let's review some of the actual comments taken from the official tape recordings of the P & Z meeting of February 4, 1997. The opening . comments by George Harrison indicated that the model and the new sight plan included in their packet had not been formally reviewed- by staff or the Town engineer, but based upon staffs' preliminary review, "we achieved appropriate grades and it appeared the new grading plan would work." John Perkins, during his presentation, says a short time later- "Look at the model- it includes revised gradings that Norm Wood requested. Also included are the revised 11 x 17's in your packet." Again, a short time later, John Perkins says that "all comments from the prior Board meeting have been addressed, including the roof product." George Harrison then comments about the "back side of the staff report containing a materials table." Later on during Mr. Perkins' presentation, he again comments that "the site plan in the Council's packet reflect changes and the model clearly reflects the retainage issue." George Harrison then comments "that at a • i glance, the sight plan should work even though it has not been formally reviewed by staff." Later on, Commissioner Evans asks directly "if this is an updated sight plan." John Perkins responds "yes!" Commissioner Karow says he would approve the project subject to Town Engineers approval. Mr. Perkins responds "we will do that." Chairman Hunn then begins to discuss driveway detail and mentions the revised grading plan. George Harrison's final comment was that "the sight plan in packet was not reviewed by Town Engineer." Commissioner Karow moves to "approve project subject to grading plan approval by the Town Engineer." Commissioner Railton seconds the motion subject to working out landscaping and grading. Mr. Perkins comments that "we will agree to these conditions.' Do these comments and responses sound like comments from a Board who did not know what they were looking at or what information was being presented to them?? Do our responses and comments sound to you like we were not cooperative and that we would also continue to be cooperative in the resolution of any unresolved issues. I will let you be the judge. The Board and Chairman Hunn, from the very beginning of that meeting of February 4,1997, were well aware that the entire discussion that evening was based upon the model presented and the new site plan that was in their packet. As you heard at various times during the meeting, George Harrison reminded the Board that the plans and model were not formally reviewed by staff, but included recent changes suggested by staff that appeared to work. There was no misrepresentation nor misunderstanding as to what our presentation represented. The Board was looking at the project as it was perceived at that point. At no time did the Board say they would not hear the presentation because the staff had not formally reviewed the model or the new sight plan being presented. Chairman Hunn's assertion that the P & Z Board did not consider the new sight plan discussed that evening in making their determination to deny final design review approval is ludicrous. That new sight plan and that model were the only items discussed that entire evening and everyone was aware of that, including Mr. Hunn. I am not sure what Chairman Hunn's motive or agenda is, but it certainly was not presenting true and accurate information to this Council on March 11, 1997. The presentation and information given to council on February 25,1997, contained exactly the same information as was presented to the P & Z Board on February 4, 1997. Mike Matzko and George Harrison were both at the council meeting of February 25th, and I am sure had they heard anything contrary to what was presented to P & Z, they would have commented. They spoke a number of times during the Council meeting but never mentioned there was conflicting information presented to Council! Mr. Hunn also suggested there were "significant" differences between the sight plans. I am not sure what Mr. Hunn means by "significant." But again, if this was fact, I would assume the staff 2 0 s present would have commented about the apparent discrepancy. There were no comments from the staff because there were no differences or new information presented to Council. Let's review some of the specifics from Mr. Hunn's comments of March 11th. Mr. Hunn mentions four unresolved issues: 1. Sight plan- Retaining walls, encroachments, etc. I do not know what issues Mr. Hunn includes in the "Etc." category, however, based upon my memory, these issues were resolved long ago; 2. Final Materials-Roof material and siding; 3. Colors; and 4. Landscaping. As to roof materials and colors, these were discussed at the Board meeting of February 4th, and were presented to the Board on a comprehensive color board and passed around to the Council. I do not recall any member expressing any confusion as to the actual materials being used, as each had the color board in front of them for their review. This included the actual roof material and actual siding being used. If there was any confusion on any Board members' part relative to the materials being used, it was not expressed during that meeting, nor was it mentioned in the minutes of that meeting. George Harrison even commented that "the submitted `materials' list was attached to the back side of the staff report." There was some concern relative to the actual colors being presented and landscaping was discussed at length at the time. Mr. Hunn suggests these "open-issues fell through the cracks." I am not sure what or whose cracks, sort to speak, he meant by this, but as far as we are concerned, they were not forgotten by us, and were always intended to be resolved by us with staff prior to securing the building permit. In fact, some issues have already been discussed with staff. Council Member Carnes asked Mr. Hunn "if the Council's decision to reverse was based upon 'incorrect' information presented to them." Mr. Hunn's response was "not incorrect necessarily, but perhaps 'different information' than P & Z was shown." Council Member Gillman asked "if the model shown to Council was not representative of the new construction proposed." Mr. Hunn's response was that "he could not say for certain which site plan the model represented, but that Council made their decision relying upon the model as the primary element of information, but the Board was looking at a very different site plan at their meeting." Is Mr. Hunn suggesting we purposely prepared a different model specifically for Council to review, as opposed to presenting the same model the Board reviewed? Ladies and gentlemen, there is only one set of facts and one model- the same model and same set of facts that P & Z and the Council were presented and reviewed and commented upon. Mr. Hunn also unilaterally states "that if Council had seen the same information that P & Z had seen, then Council may have arrived at a different conclusion." Ladies and gentlemen, you had exactly the same information as was presented to P & Z. Council member Carnes asked "if we were aware of the four open issues." Mr. Hunn's response was that "it was reflected in the minutes and he understands the applicant has a copy of them." I believe the intent of Mr. Cames' question was whether the Board or staff had directly communicated their concerns regarding the four unresolved 3 0 issues to the applicant. Is this correct Mr. Carries? Obviously Mr. Hunn feels the minutes are sufficient notification and communication, but I do not believe information appearing in the minutes is the same as direct communication. Do You?? Please notice the precise selection of expressions Chairman Hunn uses in his responses- "Perhaps", "Could not say for certain", and "He understands." Do you notice a language pattern? Possibly a bit ambiguous or cautious in his choice of wording. What could be his rationale for selecting such vague expressions? By the way, I never had a copy of the minutes prior to me picking them up this past Friday, March 21 st. In fact, not only did we not receive notification of the four outstanding issues, but I was not informed of Mr. Hunn's appearance before you on March 11, 1997, nor did we receive oral notification of this evening's meeting, as was suggested by Town Attorney Dunn. To Mr. Hunn's credit however, he did acknowledge that "we were not contacted or asked to be present at the Council meeting." May I suggest that Mr. Hunn was so confidant that Council would not overturn "his" Boards' decision, that he did not even bother to show up at the Council meeting of February 25,1997. Had Mr. Hunn been there, our appearance tonight would not have been necessary, as Mr. Hunn would have heard the discussion first hand, and would have realized that the information given to you was identical to that given to "his" Board. Certainly, at a minimum, if Mr. Hunn had any concems, he would have had the opportunity to express them, were he at that meeting. In reviewing the official Council tape recording of February 25, 1997, 1 found a minimum of six occasions where we or the Council discussed and used expressions like the "finished project" or "final presentation." Additionally, the Mayor specifically asked me if all the arguments presented that evening were made to P & Z . And I responded "absolutely- there was not one thing here tonight that they (P & Z) did not hear during this entire process, as we did not hear anything new tonight from them (P & Z)." They had the model at their meeting (of February 4, 1997). Mr. Mayor, in summerizing the evenings discussions, you made the following comments: "All of the arguments you put forth to Council you said you put forth to P & Z. If we came to Council with something new that P & Z had not heard, then I would say 'my God,' they did not have the advantage of having that- perhaps we should reverse and approve your appeal. Because P & Z has more knowledge and has dealt with this for several months, I can't reverse unless there is a rule of law, which I don't believe you have, or unless you have new material that you are providing us with, which you already said you have not. I can't vote but just wanted Council to know my opinion." My response to you, Mr. Mayor, was "that we were told we are not allowed to present to you any new information that we (may) have that was not given to P & Z Board at the time of denial. We definitely have other information that would soften the approach, but we are not allowed to discuss that with you, unless you bring up the issue. This 4 0 • stance was based upon George Harrison's comments to me that we could not discuss anything other than (that) was discussed (at P& Z) because you are here to rule on the denial, which they had the benefit of "x° information." John Perkins further commented that "the appeal has to be based on the material that was submitted and denied." George Harrison said to us this is not the forum for new information...." Councilman Benson made a motion to approve the project with some technical corrections from the staff. After some discussion regarding the language of the motion, a new motion was presented and seconded. Councilman Benson's final remark after the motion was passed was "thank you for bringing this model- it helped me out a lot." Ladies and gentlemen, if you recall the last time I appeared before you, I complained about the major lack of communication, and possibly even possible deception, between staff and this applicant- obviously this has not changed and continues. Even though Chairman Hunn may not have been required by law to provide us with notice of his intent to appear before Council on March 11, in the spirit of cooperation and fairness, which staff says they are trying to maintain, and which we have tried so hard to maintain, I believe we should have been given the courtesy and had the opportunity to appear before you on March 11, 1997, to discuss the issues raised by Chairman Hunn. It is quite obvious that you were given false, or at best, misleading information by Mr. Hunn, Chairman of the P & Z Planning Commission, as the basis for your decision to review your determination. I will say again, had staff even communicated with us on a minimum level, we would not be here tonight; wasting Council's time with areas of discussion that should have been, and could have been, easily resolved at staff level. I will also say again that we are still being examined and being held accountable beyond any degree of reasonableness. The proceedings tonight for which I had to come from NJ to appear before you, the proceedings of March 11, and the continuing microscopic staff review we are encountering, only further supports our contention there is some hidden agenda, either personal or more wide spread, that we are experiencing, in an attempt to prevent us from proceeding with this project. We will not allow individual personalities or personal agendas to prevent this project from moving forward. I would like the Council to stand by its original decision of the reversal of the P & Z denial and allow us to continue our dialog with staff and resolve all the outstanding issues that we originally agreed to resolve a month ago. Thank you for time, continued cooperation and understanding. CounciQ 5