TC Minutes 10-24-19950 r7 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD OCTOBER 24, 1995 - 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Albert J. Reynolds at 7:31PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Richard Carnes, Jack Fawcett, and Celeste C. Nottingham present. Councilors Jim Benson, Tom Hines, and Judy Yoder were absent. Also present were Town Manager Bill James, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, Town Attorney John Dunn, Police Chief_ Gary Thomas,'Town Engineer Norm Wood, Director of.Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Director of Recreation Meryl Jacobs, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, and Director of Community Development Mike Matzko, as.well as members of the press and public. Citizen.Input: Unity through County wide Transportation Mr. Rob Levine requested Council to take a supportive stand on the .5% sales tax increase ballot issue, on the election ballot this November, for transportation. Mr. Bob McIlveen spoke in favor of the sales tax increase for transportation and distributed-stickers in favor of ballot issue Citizen Input: Vail Valley International Holidays / Light Up Night Debra, from the Business Advisory Council, a volunteer group that is part of the Vail Valley Tourism and Convention Bureau, requested Council to turn the Town's Christmas lights on by November 16th or earlier. This request was in association with the Chevy Trucks International Ski Festival and World Cup Ski Racing. Cost was discussed. Director of Public Works Larry Brooks estimated the electrical consumption to be $400 per week. With Council's direction, Town Manager Bill James stated public works will get them up as early as possible. Citizen Input: Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce Citizen of Year Benefit / Transportation Request Ms. Christie Banowetz requested transportation for approximately 80-150 people from Gypsum and Eagle to the Marriott in Vail and return on December 9th for the annual Citizen of the Year Benefit. Ms. Banowetz added that Avon has been donating transportation for at least the last four years and perhaps longer. Beaver Creek Resort Company used to donate this transportation and when the Town took over operations, the Town continued the donation. Director of Public Works Larry Brooks estimated costs at 20 labor hours X $50 = $1,000. Councilor Nottingham motioned to support the Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Benefit transportation request and supply the busses. • 0 The motion died due to lack of a second. Mayor Reynolds advised Ms. Banowetz to return with a letter of request, at next Council Meeting, when more councilmembers are present. Citizen Input: Public Hearing on the 1996 Proposed Town of Avon Budget Mayor Reynolds announced copies of the proposed budget are available in the Clerk's office. Mayor Reynolds stated this is a public hearing and the proposed budget will be reviewed by Council after receiving public input. Mr. Ron Blake, assistant executive director for Colorado West Mental Health Center, requested Council to reconsider not funding human service programs, including Colorado West Mental Health. Mr. Blake informed the amount of people served has increased 20% from last year. And, 27%,of that represents Avon citizens. Mr. Blake appreciated the support 'in the past and requested $3,000 for 1996 funding: `Mr.' Blake rioted Colorado West-does have an employee assistance program with the Town of-Avon whereby the Town pays $2,100 yearly for three free visits per employee. Councilor Fawcett expressed his support of Colorad.o'West. Councilor Fawcett apologized to all in attendance that three council members are not present. Councilor Fawcett stated it is very hard -for. him to not allow the.. absent 'c`ouncil members to have a chance to speak. -Councilor Fawcett felt that-..everyone attending this evening's meeting should come back and attend the next council meeting when more council members are in attendance. Councilor Nottingham strongly believed that this is representative government,-we have a quorum, we have an obligation to go on with the business of the community and make our decisions. If those council members can't be here, we still need to go on with running our community. Councilor Nottingham motioned to support Colorado West Mental Health's $3,000 request for 1996. The motion died due to lack of a second. Mayor Reynolds felt very strongly that the whole council is needed. The whole council voted negative on the donation requests. It should be up to them to make a change. Mr. Blake stated he would be glad to come back and attend the next council meeting. Councilor Nottingham did not want to waste these people's time and felt Council's obligation to the community . . . Councilor Fawcett interjected he had a real.problem - if the vote changed this evening in favor and then the.other members of council came back and appealed that vote, then we again wasted these people's time. Councilor Fawcett stated he would rather have everyone making their personal appeal when the rest of council are here. Discussion centered around when and how these people should make their appeal. Town Manager Bill James stated the purpose of tonight is to receive input from the general public on the budget. The council can weigh that input at future budget meetings. There will be a final budget presented that council will vote on. 2 E • That vote will be either the first or second meeting in November. And, again, that gives people-an opportunity to speak, if indeed there are changes made during the budget process. Mayor Reynolds reiterated the budget is not completed, yet. There are items that-have,not been discussed. Councilor Fawcett wanted to see everyone present their requests to all the missing council members, as well as the present council members. Councilor Fawcett felt it would be beneficial for everyone to return or phone council members anytime and state their positions. Ms. Tsu Wolin-Brown suggested Channel 5 give copies of the video of this evening's meeting to the missing council members for their review. Councilor Carnes asked if there was anyone in attendance who wanted to talk about the other $11 million. Mr. Bob Moroni, citizen, questioned the philosophy of Council as to why this funding has been discontinued. The Town of Vail stated they are discontinuing funding based on the philosophy that they desire to fund organizations that bring revenue to the community. Councilor Carnes stated there very well could be a general philosophy of the whole council but, the council has not discussed-such. Each council member gave their individual philosophies for distributing contributions of tax dollars to the organizations. Councilor Fawcett suggested appointing a public committee to make the decisions of distribution. Mayor Reynolds mentioned the difficult and time consuming past selection process of distributing funds. Mayor Reynolds added he did not want to discourage anyone. Ms. Jean Reid, representing Bravo! Colorado, thanked the council for their support of the last six years, in terms of in-kind transportation. Ms. Reid noted this goes back to the grand- fathering, when Beaver Creek Resort ran the transportation and the Town of Avon has continued the in-kind donation. Ms. Reid asked council for their support in 1996. Councilor Carnes informed Ms. Reid that council approved in-kind transportation for Bravo! Colorado but, not the $20,000 cash. Ms. Toni Berns, managing.director of Food~Resource Center, stated the council has been very good,to'the-Food Resource Center for 6 1/2 years. Ms. Berns stated Food Resource Center serves Eagle County and Leadville. No"money is received from Leadville but, that doesn't- mean'Food'Resource Center-is'going to"stop.feeding them. Ms. Berns stated she received'a donatio-for $7;000 and noted she has never seen that amount of money in 6 1/2 years. Ms. Berns added, she has- done 5,1/2 times, the amount of-food over last year. ; Ms. Berns ,,stated :she is, proud ;of what -she does because she cares Ms. Jennie Wahrer, Eagle County public health nurse and representing Healthy Babies & Families, stated the Healthy Babies program is a home visitation program, in existence for approximately two years. Funding is_limited and has been cut. Ms. Wahrer asked council to reconsider funding all the health and human services that are in the county. Healthy Babies served 125 families and 45 families resided in the Town of Avon. There is a lack of services for children twelve months to three years. Most families served are at risk families. 62% of clients are Latino. 3 • Mr. Andy Clark, director of the Vail Jr.--Hockey Club, stated he will make his remarks short as he is fairly frustrated at the moment. Mr. Clark stated his intention is to provide the best instruction for the kids,'regardless of their ability to pay. The program is open to every kid that wants to learn youth hockey. Mr. Clark's expectations of council members are that they have a moral and civic obligation to service the hockey club and the other organizations. Mr. Clark stated he understands the value of the guest experience but, he also understands that you'. have.to take care of your own. That is Mr. Clark's expectation* of council. Mr.-Clark appreciated the support of council the last several years. Mr. Clark thought that Town funds should be used for community services. Mr. Clark questioned if he and council are part of the same community and are we trying to serve the same needs? If we aren't, his expectations will be lower. Mr. Clark is trying to match needs and expectations. Over 200 families participate in the Club, with approximately 30-35o Avon families. Councilor Fawcett'.asked how much it costs'a child,-to skate with the club. Mr. 'Clark stated" it 'depends 'on what 'age they are - from $250 up to $500. Councilor Fawcett stated a lot of people can't afford, that ' much. ° Mr. Clark -noted there-As.a scholarship fund. Councilor..'Fawcett askea..what the-Town of'Vail contributed to the Vail Jr. Hockey Club. Mr. Clark stated nothing. Vail Jr. Hockey Club-is just_a,_name, it might as well be the Eagle County Jr. Hockey-Club,, as-the club even has children:as far away as Grand Junction. Ms. Cheryl Paller, representing Eagle Valley Family Center and the Resource Center, stated most things she wanted to say have already been said. Ms. Paller stated even if you decide that tax dollars are not properly spent on health and human services, non- profit groups, we feel that as an employer, of a number of people, then it is appropriate for the health and human service groups to come to you, as we do other employers. When the Avon Police department has asked for assistance from the Resource Center regarding domestic violence or sexual assault, the Resource Center has responded. There were 137 Avon residents served in 1994 by the Resource Center. Most of those had contact with the Avon Police Department and therefore, the Resource Center kept their staff hours down as the Resource Center is taking care of the victim issues that any law enforcement agent will tell you they don't want to deal with. Eagle Valley Family Center - many of the agencies, Colorado West and Literacy Program, etc, do a lot for employees and their families in the community. That is one way you could look at it and be comfortable not spending tax dollars but, being an appropriate employer. If some of all those dollars spent on marketing - to tell everybody what a wonderful place Avon is to come and live and visit - if those dollars were invested in the people of the community - word of mouth would get you a whole lot more bang for your buck - you wouldn't need to market what a great place it is - a healthy community does it's own marketing. Mr. Curt Krieg, representing Cub Scout Pack 231, stated he was with Mr. Ted Vigil. Mr. Krieg thanked council for past donations and asked council to reconsider the Pack's donation request for 1996. Mr. Krieg stated the Pack has grown over the last five years, from having no Pack to over 100 kids. Mr. Krieg stated personally his company is.relocating to Avon and will be spending tax money here. Mr. Krieg thought Avon would be supporting more of the community organizations. Mr. Krieg is personally disappointed. Mr. Vigil stated the money has been used for scholarships to send boys to camp who normally could not afford it. Mr. Vigil asked council to reconsider. 4 Mr. Fred Haslee, representing Buddy Werner League, stated Vail Associates donates approximately $30,000 annually by supplying coaches, lift tickets, and'hill time. Kids from second to eighth grade make up the League. There are approximately 250 kids in the organization. Mr. Haslee asked council to reconsider the donation request for Buddy Werner League. Each member must pay $50,,plus pay for a ski pass. The Vail Recreation District has scholarships available when someone can't afford a ski pass. The League limits membership to 250, due to lack of available coaches. Councilor Carnes stated the League puts a limit on their organization and asked if,,the Town should limit their donations. Mr. Haslee thought the committee idea, that was suggested earlier, was a great idea. You could say you have X amount of money and have the committee divide it among X number of groups. Ms. Tsu Wolin-Brown, representing Eagle Valley Family Center, mentioned she is involved in several of the agencies represented and not represented here this evening including Echo Ranch, Volunteers for Literacy, Eagle Valley Family Assistance Fund, Salvation Army and the Eagle Care Medical Clinic. Ms. Wolin- Brown stated the Eagle Care Medical Clinic started out thinking they would get business support from the community because who they were serving were employees who didn't have medical insurance provided for them. This funding hasn't happened. Ms. Wolin-Brown invited council to look at some of the philosophical issues that people have touched on this evening. What is the appropriate use of tax dollars? Is it to maintain a quality of human existence in the community? Ms. Wolin-Brown questioned the role of government. Ms. Wolin-Brown reviewed the Gettysburg Address about government of the people, for the people, and by the people. Mr. Bill Bailey, assistant scout master for Boy Scout Troop 231, asked council to reconsider supporting the Troop. There are approximately 30-35 boys that are involved. Without the Town's funding, it will be difficult to purchase an old school bus to cut down on the amount of parents having to haul the Scouts to camp, etc. Mr. Bob Moroni mentioned his confusion of,what.,role government plays. Mr. Moroni=stated he would hate for the.Towns of Vail Avon to be perceived as governments and communities that are not willing to have a charitable heart to fund organizations. Mr. Moroni would hate for the,AP to pick up that we are spending $40,000 on fire works and nothing on chari"tabie.contributions or that we`are=going.to.operate the.recreation center at a$300,000 annual deficit. Mr. Moroni stated he grew up with the YMCA and now we are building a Taj Mahal and he appreciated that is what the citizens wanted their tax dollars spent for. Mr. Moroni questioned whether the citizens were cognizant that it would run at a tremendous deficit every year. Now what the tax payers are saying is we would appreciate a minuscule portion of our tax dollars to be used for social charitable organizations. Mr. Moroni thought that council members' personal philosophies should not supersede their obligation to be representative of the people. Mr. Moroni reiterated the idea of a committee to recommend, a.percentage for the organizations, to the council. Mr. Moroni mentioned his participation of the donation process within the Rotary Club. Mr. Moroni stated, because the process is difficult, that is no reason to discontinue funding. Mayor Reynolds interjected that there are a lot of people in Avon that applauded the council's decision. They are not here tonight because we have made that decision. A lot of people did not want council to donate money. Mr. Moroni stated they should be as vocal as we are. Mayor Reynolds stated there is no reason because of the decision. 5 • i Councilor Carnes stated he had only one person express madness at the council's decision to not fund. Most calls were in support of the council's decision. Councilor No stated she got all the calls agreeing with her and Councilor Carnes got all the calls agreeing with him. Councilor Nottingham added Vail residents wished Vail council members would support their community. Councilor Carnes stated he received calls from Vail residents stating good for you. Councilor Fawcett stated it is obvious what side you are on and the ones that support you, call you. Councilor Fawcett received more comments saying nice going and he replied he really didn't vote that way. Councilor Fawcett noted he received more calls saying I'm glad you didn't use tax payers' money for all those different organizations. Mr. Moroni expects the council to make a concerted effort to be a representative of the people who elected you. Mr. Moroni appreciated the lack of defensiveness that council has towards this and the ability to non-judgementally listen. Mr. Marty Jones, garden director of the Vail Alpine Gardens, suggested council come up with a frame work of what they might support. A community, as a whole, has a responsibility to certain types of organizations, primarily human resource oriented - as a community, not as a town government, not as a council, but as a group of people who live here together to support groups such as Colorado West Mental Health, D.A.R.E. program, Echo Ranch, Food Resource Center, and the Resource Center - those which•.support the human needs of our community. Mr. Michael Caccioppo strongly disagreed with the organizations' views. Mr. Caccioppo commended Councilor Carnes for his letter that was published in the Vail Daily today. Mr. Caccioppo stated the organizations have great causes but, they should not be supported with tax payers' money. Mr. Caccioppo felt government should be delivering on three issues; police, fire, and roads. It-is not government's responsibility to determine who the charities will be given to. Mr. Caccioppo thanked Council for their decision and requested stick to your guns. They are very -bright people and they.are capable of finding other ways to get 'funded but, this'is not the appropriate forum. Ms. Paller mentioned Eagle County's Human Resource Council - they make recommendations to the County Commissioners.- Councilor Carnes felt it sad that no one.asked about the $11.1 million budget, other than the donations. Councilor Carnes stated.the.organizations' worthiness has never been questioned. Councilor Carnes-felt it unfair that the seven members of Council decide who gets what. Councilor Carnes stated if you come back here in two weeks, please do not tell us how great your organization is; we are not questioning that. Councilor Nottingham stated she was comfortable representing the community organizations. Council must make choices to spend the entire budget and Council can make organization choices, too. Mayor Reynolds stated Council is going to review the budget; it is not a done deal, yet. If the groups want to come back to another Council meeting, they are certainly welcome. Council recessed at 9:32pm and reconvened at 9:44pm. 6 Ordinances: Second;Reading of Ordinance No. 95-22,. Series of 1995, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 83-21, PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN, BENCHMARK SUBDIVISION (WILDWOOD RESORT) TO ALLOW THE SEASONAL SALE OF CHRISTMAS TREES ON LOT 1 AND THE STORAGE OF TREES AND NURSERY STOCK THROUGH JUNE 1996 ON LOT 2, WILDWOOD RESORT, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Mayor Reynolds announced this is .d public hearing. Councilor Fawcett motioned to approve, on second reading, Ordinance No. 95-22, Series of 1995. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion. Mr. Marty Jones clarified he could get set up prior to commencement of the selling of the Christmas trees. Christmas tree sales begin November 15th. Town Clerk Neyhart reminded Mr. Jones he would need a business license and sales tax certificate. Mayor Reynolds called for a roll call vote. The motion carried unanimously. Unfinished Business: Update on the Haunting Special Events Coordinator Alastair Lyall gave an update on the Town of Avon's Haunting to take place on Saturday, October 28th. Unfinished Business: Transportation Gas Service Provider Mr. Jim Adams updated Council on Public Service Company's assistance to the Town in locating a gas transportation service provider for the recreation center. Mr. Adams informed gas transportation service is'another tariff service that Public Service provides to their'end use customers. Mr. Adams estimated the recreation center will use approximately 15,000 mcf on an annual basis and therefore makes sense to buy your gas from someone of-her than Public.Service and then have Public Service transport the gas to the facility for you. Mr. Adams recommended H S Resources, a Denver firm. H S Resources also exists on the western-slope, near Rifle, and Avon's gas will come from the west slope. Mr. Adams estimates a savings of $18,000 annually from what the Town would have paid Public Service for the natural gas and by'buying it through the third pasty. There will be two contracts; one,-to purchase the gas-with H S Resources and one to transport the gas with Public Service Company. Mr. Adams suggested the "burner tip" contract with'H S Resources, so that the Town will only receive one bill, including;Public Service's charges, from'H~S Resources. Public Service is supplying the gas to the recreation center presently. We are just not saving the money, until,the contract.with,H S Resources is.sighed.., Although the Town will..be.delegating the payment of the bill to some other entity, the.ultimate"user.'of the'prroduct is--still responsible for the payment of the bill. If H S Resources suddenly goes south and takes the money the Town has paid to pay Public Service, then Public Service would.go after the Town for payment. Contract language was discussed. Mr. Adams thought the Town may want to sign both contracts, instead of the "burner tip" contract to ensure the bills get paid. 7 • New Business: Railroad Abandonment Meeting Town Manager James announced there are a couple of meetings coming up on the railroad abandonment; one is tomorrow night at 7pm in the Edwards Elementary School and the other is scheduled for November 9th at 7pm in the Edwards Elementary School. New Business: Vail Valley Foundation Contract / 1995 Chevy Trucks International Ski Festival & 1996 American Ski Classic Town Manager James stated $30,000 is for the Chevy Trucks International, as well as the 1996 American Ski Classic. The $29,200 is for the 1999 World Ski Championships. Town Manager James requested authorization to have the mayor sign the contract. Council's consensus was to wait until more council members are present to vote on this matter. New Business: Great Colorado Payback Contract Town Manager James informed this is for any unclaimed checks that the Town may have outstanding. This year there are two uncashed payroll checks; one in the amount of $63.47 and the other in the amount of $278.06. This money is remitted to the State; they hold it and try to find the owners of the money. If it is not claimed, the State retains the money. Councilor Nottingham motioned to approve the Great Colorado Payback Contract involving these two checks and authorize the Mayor to sign it. Councilor Fawcett seconded the motion. The motion carried with Councilor Carnes opposed. New Business: Wolcott Springs Fire Contract Fire Chief Moore informed this contract is for the Wolcott Springs subdivision, located below Bellyache Ridge. Wolcott Springs is a resubdivision of two parcels into three. The County is requesting proof of fire protection services, before approving subdivisions. It is the applicant's intent, that if the subdivision is not approved, the contract become null and void and this language needs to be added to the contract. Councilor Fawcett motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract between the Town of Avon and Wolcott Springs for fire protection services with the addition of a paragraph that should the County turn down the subdivision, by December 31, 1995, the contract is null and void. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. New Business: Spacemaster Contract for Public Works Facility Director of Public Services Larry Brooks stated the Spacemaster International contract is for the modular complex at the Swift Gulch public works site. Councilor Nottingham motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the required modular building contract document with Spacemaster International in the amount of $225,643. Councilor Carnes seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. 8 New Business: Holy Cross Elect. Assn. Contracts for Swift Gulch Councilor Nottingham motioned to authorize the Mayor to sign the required agreements with Holy Cross Electric Association for electric service to Swift Gulch with the approval of John Dunn, Town Attorney. Councilor Fawcett seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Town Attorney Report: Town Attorney John Dunn commented on the ADA complaint regarding enrollment of a child in the before and after school program. As a result of that filed complaint, about a year ago, the Town was contacted by the Department of Interior and directed to hold a self evaluation to determine compliance of the before and after school program. A report of the self evaluation was made to the Department of Interior. Last week the Department called seeking more information. Attorney Dunn's impression was that the file with Department of Interior is being closed. Councilor Fawcett mentioned the same couple is involved in a similar case in Summit County. Other Business: Councilor Nottingham announced this is Red Ribbon Week - Be Healthy and Drug Free. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the October 10, 1995 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Financial Matters Councilor Fawcett motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Adjourn: There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Reynolds called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Nottingham moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Fawcett. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Reynolds at 10:34PM. PECTFULLY SUBMITTED: CMC Patty NeyharN Town Clerk 9 L 10 •