TC Minutes 03-23-19930 9 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD MARCH.23, 1993 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town-of,Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers.' The meeting was called to order by Mayor- Albert Reynolds at 7:38p.m. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jack Fawcett, John Hazard, Tom Hines, and'Jim Roof present. Councilors Jerry Davis and Celeste Nottingham,were absent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Transportation,Director Harry Taylor, Director of Community Development Rick Pylman, Planner Tom Allender, Police Chief Art Dalton, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of the press and public. First item under Citizen Input was Ms. Jessica Rasmussen requesting funds for.People to People Science Ambassador. Ms. Rasmussen stated she has been accepted to participate in a Youth Science Exchange program in Costa Rica to study the rain forest this June. Ms. Rasmussen needs a total of $3,000 and-has' received $100 from Vail Associates and $200 from the Rotary Club. Ms. Rasmussen requested any amount the Town of Avon could donate. Ms. Rasmussen is a senior at Battle Mountain High and a resident of Eagle-Vail. Mr. Bill,James mentioned donations.could come froin'the marketing budget or special events budget. Council's consensus was,to discuss this funding request.at the next regularly scheduled worksession and make a,decision at;the next regularly scheduled council meeting. Next item under Citizen Input was-Mr. -Josh Hall representing Channel #23. Mr. Hall reminded that the next Town Council Meeting will be aired on Channel #5. Next item on the Agenda was the Federal Transit Administration Section 3 / Grant Application Public Hearing. Mr. Larry Brooks reminded that the Town of Avon was awarded this year, through the Federal Transportation Administration (PTA), Section 3 Bus Grant-for the purchase of 6 new busses. The application has been prepared and needs to be turned into the FTA tomorrow. In addition to-the prepared.packet including Resolutions, etc., there is,an additional "part of that packet; that part being the public hearing that'we are holding here tonight. Notices were published in the news apers for this public hearing. The total grant can go as high as $p 1,338,720.00.--This grant is 80% federally funded and 20% locally funded. The local match could"go as high as $267,744. Of that Avon pays $50,000, Beaver Creek pays '$132,500, and Town of Vail pays $67,500. By the end of this month,,specifications as ' part of the bid package will be developed. Bids will be evaluated in August of,1993 and awarded in September. Vehicles will be received in December and close out of the project is scheduled in January of 1994. The purpose of this meeting'is to give the public a chance for their input and to ask any questions they may have, and to serve notice of the application on file. Mayor Reynolds opened the meeting for public input. Hearing no one, Mayor Reynolds closed that portion of the meeting. First Reading of Ordinance No. 93-3, Series of 1993, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN'OF AVON AS IT RELATES TO SUBDIVISIONS AND REQUIRING DEDICATION OF LAND FOR RECREATION PURPOSES OR PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU THEREOF AND THE ADDITION OF SECTION 16.08.115 PROVIDING A DEFINITION FOR "PARKLAND, DEVELOPED" Mr. Rick Pylman reminded that in February, 1992 Council adopted the Recreation-Master Plan. The Master Plan's Recommendations and Action,Plan calls for implementation of a recreation land dedication ordinance. This Ordinance provides for the dedication of developed parkland. Mr. Pylman highlighted the Ordinance. The first section describes the purpose,of the Ordinance; to ensure future development covers its own impacts on park and recreation facilities for the Town of Avon. The next-section of the Ordinance is a formula that allows the Town to determine those. impacts. Staff has taken national standards for park and - recreation and fit these standards into the unique demographics of Avon. The Ordinance describes the manner that land will be dedicated to the Town.and"addresses, at Council's discretion, cash in lieu of land. The Ordinance addresses'minimal'acreage to be accepted as 1/4 acre. Commercial land dedication is to be accessed at $0.40 per square foot of proposed building. Trails dedication requirements are addressed-in the Ordinance. Criteria for land suitability is also mentioned in the Ordinance. And,. finally the Ordinance adds a definition of "developed parkland" as -specified in the Recreation Master Plan. Councilor Roof noted that under the definition'of "parkland;: developed, the Recreation Master Plan was adopted February 11, 1992; not 1993. Councilor Hazard mentioned, for purpose of clarification, Staff had presented fictitious examples, and questioned if those examples would be used. Mr. Pylman informed examples will be distributed to the developers in a packet of information and is not appropriate to include in the ordinance. Councilor Hines moved to approve Ordinance No. 93-3, Series of 1993, on first reading. Councilor Roof seconded the motion. Mr. Peter Jamar commented on overall support of such. Mr. in need of refinement.. First of several issues,.such as the section 16.50.020. the proposed Ordinance and expressed Jamar noted several items are still item mentioned was the clarification last paragraph on page 1, under -2- • Mr. Jamar suggested this is too broad and needs criteria to identify on what basis should the Council decide that the dedication of parkland does not accomplish the purpose of the chapter. Mr. Jamar noted that developed parkland refers to the Recreation Master Plan and there does not appear to be a specific definition of developed parkland in the Recreation Master Plan. Mr. Jamar suggested defining developed parkland in the ordinance. Mr. Jamar exampled Mountain Star development; their focus on passive recreation with open space to include picnic areas and questioned if this passive recreation would qualify for any credit under this Ordinance. Mr. Jamar questioned fees relating to cash in lieu of; to what extent is the parkland to be developed; and regarding commercial dedication requirements, questioned what portions of the building; and added $0.40 per square foot of proposed building seems high. Also, there is no option for cash in lieu of for commercial dedication. Mr. Jamar noted an inconsistency between the Ordinance quoting $0.40 square foot fee for commercial buildings, yet the Recreation Master Plan quotes 1%-3% of the total appraised value of the developed commercial space. Mr. Jamar questioned appropriate time to pay cash in lieu of fees. Councilor Fawcett stated that the fees are scheduled to be paid at time of subdivision so the developer is responsible for payment and not the individual homeowners. Mr. Jamar added that on a large residential subdivision the time to figure out whether you can provide parkland or not is certainly at a time when you are subdividing and you might set aside a part for a park. However, if you aren't going to provide land and it is determined that you are paying cash in lieu of a park, then really the time to probably pay that cash is at the time that you are actually building. Vail attaches a square footage fee called a recreation amenity fee on to each building permit. In the commercial areas, the fee is to be paid at the building permit stage, with no option of parkland dedication. Mayor Reynolds requested Mr. Pylman's response. Mr. Pylman stated that the last paragraph on page 1 is pretty broad. If we describe exactly what developed parkland is, we will have a bunch of cookie cutter parks exactly the same and there is a broad range of what is acceptable to the Town. Mr. Pylman noted where there is a commercial area, such as the Stolport, that the Recreation Master Plan indicates a park in that area, the Town would only require the $.040 per square foot cash; not park and land. Mr. Jamar suggested the Ordinance be made clearer. Mr. Pylman informed as the ordinance is written, no credit would be given for open space/passive recreation. Mr. Pylman noted the Recreation Master Plan is a guide and the Ordinance is the specific tool that implements such. These will not always mess, thus the discrepancy of the Commercial fees. Mayor Reynolds suggested maybe the response is to table this and discuss later at a worksession. Councilor Hines reminded that there is a motion to approve on first reading, with a second on the floor. Attorney Dunn stated a motion to table would be in order. -3- Councilor Hazard motioned to table Ordinance No. 93-3, Series of 1993 on first reading. Councilor Hines seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Councilor Hazard motioned for recess. The motion was seconded by Councilor Hines and carried unanimously. Council recessed at 8:41pm and reconvened at 8:49pm Resolution No. 93-16, Series of 1993, A RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 91-17 Councilor Hines motioned to approve the following Resolution (No. 93-16), "Resolved that Resolution No. 91-17 be amended to provide that it not be applicable to lots as to which design review approval was received before the effective date of said Resolution". The motion was seconded by Councilor Roof. The motion carried unanimously. First Reading of Ordinance No. 93-4, Series of 1993, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WILDRIDGE SPA PLAN BY AMENDING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION FROM A SIX UNIT MULTI-FAMILY USE TO TWO DUPLEX LOTS. Mr. Tom Allender informed the owners of Lot 2, Block 5, Wildridge are requesting to amend the PUD of Wildridge. That amendment would change Lot 2, Block 5 from a sixplex lot to a 4 unit duplex designation. As part of the process, the applicants are pursuing the subdivision of the lots into two separate lots. The Resolution that would approve the subdivision will be presented to council concurrently with the second reading of the Ordinance amending the PUD, assuming the PUD gets thru the first reading. This design review was brought to the Planning& Zoning Commission on September, 1990. In June, 1991 the Resolution, that was just amended, passed. The owners of the lot appeared before Council, requesting to be allowed to proceed through the subdivision and rezoning process, and the Council gave direction to proceed. On March 16, 1993 the PUD was presented to the Planning Commission that was passed unanimously. The reasoning for passage was the P & Z felt the proposed use was more appropriate than the one allowed; that the design review preceded the verbal resolution that was discussed; and that they were trying to correct a hardship of financing that was really not the fault of the applicants. Public notices have been completed and the adjoining property owners have been notified; with no comments received. The Ordinance is condensed as; the Wildridge SPA Plan shall be and is hereby amended by the designation of Lot 2, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision as two duplex lots, to be known as Lot 1, Foxx 4 Subdivision and Lot 2, Foxx 4 Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot 2, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision. Councilor Hines requested to add a few items to the Ordinance. Councilor Hines said, "Under the third whereas, after section 2, I'd like to add in another whereas, in conjunction with section 2. Section 2 reads, as deemed compatible with surrounding land uses and uses in the area and I would like to add in, and whereas the project received design review approval before the adoption of Resolution No. 91-17." -4- • 0 Councilor Hines continued, "And, then I would like to go down further and after the paragraph that Tom (Allender) just read, I would like to add in the sentence of following a resubdivision of Lot 2, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision, it is the condition of such amendment that the project proposed for said lot be completed no later than two years from the effective date of this Ordinance." Councilor Roof motioned approval of Ordinance No. 93-4, Series of 1993 with Tom's additions (Councilor Hines' additional requested, items in the above paragraphs) on first reading. Councilor Hines seconded the motion. With no further discussion, Mayor Reynolds entertained a roll call. Those voting aye were Councilors John Hazard, Jack Fawcett, Jim Roof, Tom Hines. Motion carried unanimously. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 93-2, Series of 1993, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER OF 5.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON RELATING TO LIQUOR LICENSES Attorney Dunn informed this is second reading; was adopted on first reading without amendment at last meeting and is presented to Council accordingly without change for final consideration. Mayor Reynolds opened the meeting for public input. Hearing-none, Mayor Reynolds closed that portion of the meeting. There being no further comments, Mayor Reynolds called for a motion. Councilor Fawcett motioned to adopt Ordinance No. 93-2, Series of 1993ton second reading. Councilor Hines seconded the motion. With'no further discussion, Mayor Reynolds entertained a roll call. Those voting aye were Councilors Jim Roof,:Tom Hines, Jack Fawcett, John Hazard. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 93-15, Series of 1993, A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1993 BUDGET Mr. Bill- James informed Resolution No.' 93-15 amends the Public Improvements Fund by $32,000 for trenching to be able to put the Wildridge phone lines in,'and $105,045 +:$721000 final landscaping, street Improvements; and.condeianation of land for the railroad project; reappropriating funds from last year to this year. Councilor Roof motioned to approve Resolution No. 93-15,'Series of 1993. Councilor Hazard seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. -5- 1J 0 First item added to the Agenda under New Business was the Contracts to purchase the Miller Ranch. Councilor Fawcett motioned, "that the officers of the Town be authorized to enter into option contracts to purchase parcels A and C as shown on exhibits A and C attached to these option contracts on the Miller Ranch in Eagle County, Colorado substantially in the form as the Option Contracts #1 and #2 which have been filed in our minutes of today's meeting appear. However with such changes in form as may be approved by the Town Manager and our Town Attorney, John Dunn." Councilor Roof seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. The Financial Matters were next presented to Council. Councilor Hines motioned to receive items #1 through #6 and approve items #7 through #8. The motion was seconded by Councilor Fawcett and was unanimously carried. Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes. Councilor Hines motioned approval of the March 9, 1993 Regular Council Meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilor Fawcett and the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Reynolds called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Hines moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Fawcett. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Reynolds at 9:08pm. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: -6- Patty Ne art, Town Clerk