TC Minutes 01-12-19930 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD JANUARY 12, 1993 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to orderbx Mayor Albert Reynolds at 7:36p:m." A roll call was taken with Councilors Jerry Davis, Jack Fawcett, John Hazard, Tom Hines, Celeste Nottingham, and Jim Roof present.- Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bil•1_James, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Community Development Rick Pylman, Police Chief Art Dalton, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Recreation Superintendent Meryl Jacobs, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as:members'o, the press and public. First item under Citizen Input was the Masters Soccer Team. Mr. Robert Barr, Captain of the Masters Soccer Team 1990/91/92, introduced Mr. Mike Meahan, member of the soccer team. Mr. Meaha_n informed the team consists of approximately 20 members that are 35 years of age and over. Mr. Meahan informed the team will serve as ambassadors of the Vail Valley area and requested funding from the Town of Avon for an April/May trip to Europe. Mr. Barr added that funding will be,used primarily for jerseys which will include logos/advertising of the sponsors. Mr. Barr detailed the various levels of sponsorships and requested the Town of Avon consider a gold sponsorship of $2,500. Mayor Reynolds informed that the budgeting process, which included public hearings and lasted approximately six months, has been completed"and the 1993 budget has been adopted. Council's consensus was to review the request of funding and various sponsorships at a later date. Next item under Citizen Input was the Precision Lawn Chair Drill Team. Mr. Richard Carnes, member of the Precision,Lawn Chair Drill Team (the Team),'requested funding from the Town of Avon to help the Team finance a trip to Washington DC to march in President Clinton's Inauguration Parade. Mr. Carnes informed Council-of various news articles, interviews, and appearances scheduled for the Team. Funds collected thus far, from individuals as well as organizations, total $8,000 and budget is set at $16,000. Fund raisers are scheduled within the next week and all donations are requested to be mailed,to a post office box in Avon, Colorado. Only two representatives from the State of Colorado will be present at the Inauguration; Ben Nighthorse Campbell and the Team. Lawn chairs will display the Coors logo. Special chants have been composed for this occasion. Councilor Nottingham motioned to donate $1,000 to the Precision Lawn Chair Drill Team. 'Councilor Hazard seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. - - • 0 Second Reading of Ordinance No. 92-21, Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE WILDWOOD PUD; ESTABLISHING A ,DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND IT'S CONTENT AND ESTABLISHING DETAILS RELATING THERETO Mr. Rick Pylman informed the applicant has requested in writing that this matter be tabled till next Council Meeting of January 26, 1993. Councilor Hines motioned to table Ordinance No. 92-21, Series of 1992 until the next meeting of January 26, 1993. Councilor Roof seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 92-41, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MOUNTAIN STAR SUBDIVISION, A REPLAT AND RESUBDIVISION OF REPLAT NUMBER 1 OF THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT WILDWOOD; TOWN OF AVON, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 337, PAGE 364, IN EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO Mr. Pylman stated this Resolution is an accompanying Resolution to Ordinance No.-.92-21 and the request from the applicant was also to table this Resolution. Councilor Roof motioned to table Resolution No. 92-41, Series of 1992. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 93-1, Series of 1993, A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ACCESSIBILITY TO THE SERVICES, PROGRAMS, AND ACTIVITIES OF THE TOWN OF AVON Mr. Larry Brooks informed the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires that the Town of,Avon complete a series of administrative requirements to demonstrate compliance with that law. The attached-Resolution formally addresses the administrative requirements that the Town needs to follow. Components of the administrative requirements are a self evaluation, naming of an ADA coordinator, and availability of information. Councilor Hines motioned to adopt Resolution No. 93-1, Series of 1993. Councilor Roof seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 93-2, Series of 1993, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 68, BLOCK 1, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Mr. Pylman informed this Resolution allows the subdivision of a duplex.- This creates two separate pieces of property. The duplex is located on Saddle Ridge Loop. Staff recommends approval of this Resolution. Councilor Nottingham motioned,to approve Resolution No. 93-2, Series of 1993. Councilor Hines seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously- -2- 0 0 Resolution No. 93-3, Series of 1993, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 38, BLOCK 1, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON,:EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Mr. Pylman stated this duplex was built on Flatpoint Road approximately 6-7 years ago-and the owner is now wishing to sell half of the duplex; thus needs to subdivide into two pieces of property. Staff recommends approval of this Resolution. Councilor Fawcett motioned to adopt Resolution No. 93-3, Series of 1993. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 93-4, Series of 1993, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT AMENDMENT NO. 2, EAGLEBEND SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT B, BLOCK 1, AMENDMENT NO. 1, EAGLEBEND SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Resolution No. 93-5, Series of 1993, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT AMENDMENT NO. 3, EAGLEBEND SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT B, BLOCK 1, AMENDMENT NO. 1, EAGLEBEND SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Mr. Pylman informed this Resolution subdivides the development along Eaglebend Drive. Eaglebend Drive was rezoned from multi family to single family-, The developer is building twenty one single family homes between Eaglebend Drive and the railroad tracks. Four different architectural models were approved and the developers are tailoring the property lot to the house; the houses are being built and then creating the lot line to fit the houses. Six houses are under construction., Minor subdivision process allows creation of no more than four lots at onetime; thus the need for two Resolutions creating six lots. Staff recommends approval of the Resolutions. Councilor Hines motioned-to approve Resolutions No. 93-4 and 93-5, Series of 1993. Councilor Fawcett seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 93-6, Series of 1993, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDOMINIUM PLAT FOR BUILDING C OF BRIDGEWATER TERRACE CONDOMINIUMS, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 8, BLOCK-3; BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Mr. Pylman informed this Resolution is for a condominium subdivision. Bridgewater Terrace Condominiums is located near Sunridge, along the railroad tracks and the Eagle River. This Resolution creates six condominium units. Staff recommends approval of the Resolution. Councilor Nottingham motioned to adopt Resolution No. 93-6, Series of 1993. Councilor Roof "seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. -3- Next was the Town Attorney's Report. Councilor Davis questioned status of telephone service to the Wildridge area. Mr. Bill James informed the phone company has to provide service with sufficient demand. Presently two of the forty five lots are developed. Attorney Dunn added the phone company does have an obligation to provide service; this being an odd situation as normally the developer installs utilities. Mr. James noted further discussions with the phone company need to be addressed and information will be forthcoming at next Council meeting. Next on the Agenda was the Mayor Report. Mayor Reynolds voiced satisfaction with the past Mayor's Breakfast. Mayor Reynolds complemented Staff on the condition of the lake this year. The Financial Matters were next presented to Council. Councilor Nottingham requested an annual comparison of building permits. Councilor Hines moved to receive items #1 thru #15 and approve items #16 thru #22 and the accounts payable listing of the period 1/12/93. The motion was seconded by Councilor Nottingham and was unanimously carried. Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes. Councilor Hines motioned approval of the December 8, 1992 Regular Council Meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilor Roof and the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Reynolds called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Hines moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Nottingham. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Reynolds at 9:15pm. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty Ne hart, Town Clerk -4-