TC Minutes 11-10-1992MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER 10, 1992 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the'Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called.to order by Mayor Jerry Davis at 7:35p.m. A roll call was taken with Councilors Charlie Gersbach, John Hazard, Tom Hines, Celeste Nottingham, Derek Pysher,. and Albert Reynolds present. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director- of Community Development Rick Pylman, Police Chief Art Dalton, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of the press and public.:., First item on the agenda was Unfinished Business. Ms. Gloria McRory,'!representing.Avon.A"rts Trust requested funding for Glenna Goodacre's sculptures, Sidewalk Society. Ms.' McRory offered'Avon Arts Trust pays 1/2 and Town of Avon pays 1/2;-.a-total of-5 pieces,-with 9 figures. Total is $275,000; Town to pay half ($137,500) plus up to $10,000 for shipping, setup, and insurance costs for a total of $147,500. The town will have -ownership. Ms. McRory requested the plaque mention the joint project between the Town of Avon and the Avon Arts Council. Councilor Reynolds motioned approval, according to the agreement with the Avon Arts Council, of the purchase of these statues: Councilor- Nottingham seconded the motioned and the motion carried unanimously. Next under Unfinished Business was Bobfest. Councilor Gersbach motioned to continue funding of Bobfest for $10,000. Councilor Pysher seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Councilor Hazard amended motion to approve the money only after everything has been cleared financially to the satisfaction of Council. Councilor Pysher seconded the amendment to the motion and the amendment carried unanimously. Councilor Hines amended the amendment to the motion by placing a contingency that we do not approve the $10,000 allocation until Council reviews and is in agreement with the plans for the upcoming event. Councilor Hazard seconded the amendment to the amendment and the amendment carried unanimously. The Financial Matters were next presented to Council. Councilor Reynolds moved to receive items #1 thru #12 and approve items #13 thru.#17.. The - motion was seconded by Councilor - Nottingham and was unanimously carried. Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes. Councilor Hines motioned approval of the October 27, 1992 Regular Council Meeting-minutes-as presented. The-motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds and the motion carried unanimously. Councilors Charlie Gersbach and Derek Pysher then proceeded to give their farewell comments to the Council,and public. Resolution No. 92-35, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION OF CHARLES GERSBACH. Resolution' No., 92=36,,,-, series of 1.992, A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION..OF DEREK-PYSHER. Mayor Davis read both Resolutions in their entirety. Councilor Hines motioned'to adopt,Resolution-No. 92-35, Series of 1992 and Resolution No. 92-36, Series of 1992. Councilor Reynolds seconded the,-motion and the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Davis called for a motion to.adjourn. Councilor Gersbach moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Pysher. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Davis at 7:55pm. The Council then proceeded with the installation of the newly elected Councilmembers. Town Clerk Patty Neyhart read the list of newly elected Councilmembers as Jack Fawcett, John Hazard, Thomas M. Hines, Celeste-(C.C.) Nottingham, Albert J. "Buz" Reynolds, and Jim Roof. All newly elected Councilmembers were sworn in by Judge Buck Allen. Councilor Nottingham nominated Councilor Tom Hines as Temporary Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Councilor Hazard. Councilor Fawcett motioned to close the nominations. Councilor Nottingham seconded motion and the motion carried unanimously. Tom Hines was nominated unanimously as Temporary Chairman. -2- Councilor Hazard nominated Jerry Davis as Mayor. Councilor Nottingham nominated Albert "Buz" Reynolds as Mayor. With no further nominations, Temporary Chairman Hines motioned for nominations to cease. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Ballots were handed out and.tallied by the Town Clerk with verification by the Fire Chief. Temporary Chairman Hines announced that Albert J. "Buz" Reynolds was elected Mayor. Councilor Fawcett nominated Councilor Nottingham as Mayor Protem'. Councilor Davis nominated Tom Hines as Mayor Protem. With no further nominations, Temporary Chairman Hines motioned for nominations to cease. Councilor Fawcett seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Ballots were handed out and tallied by the Town Clerk with verification by the Fire Chief. Temporary Chairman Hines announced that Celeste (C.C.) Nottingham was elected Mayor Protem. The Council took a short recess to-meet the public and press. The meeting reconvened with the new Council taking their appropriate seats. Mayor Reynolds called for Citizen Input: Mr. Peter Jamar, representing Mountain Star Limited Liability Company, gave a presentation on the proposed new development in Wildwood. Mr. -Jamar informed Mountain Star will need to rezone, in terms of a PUD amendment, the existing_Wildwood subdivision'. The Wildwood project was approved by the Town approximately 10 years ao and was zoned for 932 dwelling units, plus 4 apartments- Mountain— Star development plan is to downzone the property to 88 single family home sites with caretaker unit/guest dwelling unit. Construction of the first house would probably be during the summer of 1994. Resolution No. 92-37,.Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION OF THE JUDGES AND CLERKS,FOR THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND PAYMENT APPROVAL. Mayor Reynolds read Resolution No. 92-37 in its entirety. Councilor Hines motioned to adopt Resolution No. 92-37, Series of 1992. Councilor Nottingham seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 92-38, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION IN APPRECIATION OF MAYOR JERRY DAVIS. -3- Councilor Hazard motioned toyrequest the.,Town Clerk to draft a special Resolution in appreciation of Jerry Davis for his outstanding services and accomplishments as Mayor of the Town of Avon. Councilor Hines seconded the motion and the motion-carried unanimously. Next was New,Business regarding a request of transfer tax exemption from Mr. Kent Gubler. Mr. James informed Mr. Gubler has requested an exemption from the real estate transfer tax under section of the Municipal Code. This applies to owner occupied units, which exempts the first'$80,000 of purchase price from the 2% tax, with one year as primary "residence. Mr. Gubler closed on the resident on September 4, 1991 and sold the unit on September 181 1992. However., Mr. Gubler left the area around June 1st. Attorney Hartlaub has reviewed and advises the tax is due. Councilor Fawcett questioned method of transfer and was it contrived with the purpose of evading the real transfer tax; was this attempt fraudulent initially. Councilor Fawcett stated, from the letter, Mr. Gubler had every intent to live in this home as his primary resident; which he did so for hine'months. Councilor Fawcett added Mr. Gubler may have waited over- a year,to sell the resident solely for the purpose of not having to pay the transfer tax; but that does;not disqualify him from the exemption. Councilor Fawcett summarized there is no way the Town can really request him to pay the transfer tax. Councilor Davis added Mr. Gubler was presented with an opportunity that he really could not pass up; his intent was to live in Avon in the resident. Councilor Fawcett motioned Kent and Kari Gubler be exempted from the real property transfer tax for the Town of Avon. Town Attorney Dunn stated the earlier advice from Attorney Hartlaub was in error; it appears the motion is correct. Councilor Davis seconded the motion and the-motion carried unanimously. Next was Other Business. Council reported on Committees. Councilor Davis mentioned the CAST meeting.to be held at the Antlers in Vail on December 10 and 11, 1992. Councilor Davis mentioned the Transportation Task Force meeting to- be held in Avon on November 18th at 8:30am-10:00am. Councilor Davis mentioned the Eagle County Regional Meeting to be held in Vail on November 18th at 5:15pm Councilor Nottingham mentioned the CML sponsored seminar to be this Saturday, November 14th on collaboration. -4- i • There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor- Reynolds called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Hines moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Nottingham. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Reynolds at 9:00pm. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty Ney art To Clerk -5- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF,THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER 24, 1992- 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Albert Reynolds at 7:35p.m. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jerry Davis, Jack Fawcett, John Hazard, Tom Hines, and Jim Roof present. Councilor Celeste Nottingham was absent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Municipal services Larry Brooks, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Community Development Rick Pylman, Police Chief Art Dalton, Fire Chief Charlle Moore, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of, the press and public. With no one wishing to speak under Citizen Input, the Mayor called for the first item on the Agenda. First Reading of Ordinance No. 92-20, Series of 1992, AN, ORDINANCE-AMENDING CHAPTER 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON RELATING TO OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC DECENCY; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF -Town Clerk Patty Neyhart informed this Ordinance pertains to House Bill 90=1083 that made certain changes to the State Liquor Code, Ordinance No. 92-20 brings the Avon Municipal Code into conformance. Three items that House Bill 90-1083 dealt with are: Sunday hours of operation are Sam to 2am with special license of extended hours; New Years Eve is Sam to 2am regardless of special license of extended hours; and Christmas Day is 8am to midnight with special license of extended hours. Councilor Hines motioned to adopt Ordinance- No. 92-20, Series of 1992 on first reading. Councilor Roof seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. First Reading of Ordinance No. 92-21, Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE WILDWOOD PUD; ESTABLISHING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND IT'S CONTENT AND ESTABLISHING DETAILS RELATING THERETO Mr. Rick Pylman stated Mountain Star Limited Liability Company submitted an application to the Staff approximately 45 days ago for a PUD amendment and a preliminary plat application for 683 acres commonly referred to as the Wildwood Subdivision. Wildwood was platted and zoned in 1979 for 272 lots with 970 dwelling units. The development plan will change with Mountain Star's proposal of an 88 lot residential subdivision. 'Each lot will have a primary residence and a caretaker/guest -apartment. One parcel of land is zoned for an overall property manager's unit. Total density of the project is 177 units. • Mr. Pylman added the unanimous approval of and the applicant are the Ordinance (Section Ordinance No. 92-21. 1J Planning and Zoning commission recommended the PUD Amendment with conditions. Staff in agreement with those conditions listed in 6). Mr. Pylman discussed each section of Mr. Peter Jamart representing Mountain Start gave overview of project. Mountain Star is a dramatic reduction in density and dramatic increase in open space from the Wildwood PUD. Mountain star totals 683.94 acres. The main access will be up Buck Creek. Road with secondary access via Wildwood Road. Sites range in elevation from approximately 8250' to 92501. Vegetation on sites vary from sage to heavily wooded with aspen and conifers. Each home site,has been selected to maximize privacy and views and minimize disruption to the natural environment of the site. Ranch Central is designated as a gathering place for residents and home for a full time on-site manager. Mountain Star will operate with their own Architectural Design Review Board that will function separately from the Town of Avon Design Review Board. Councilor Roof questioned trail head off-road parking. Mr. Jamar responded presently there is no real plan, however trail heads will be'detailed in the final subdivision plat. Mr. Jamar added Mountain Star is in agreement with the conditions of the Ordinance. Mr. Bill James reminded-of,discussions regarding Mountain Star's participation in financing a public works facility and questioned where this is mentioned in the,.,Ordinance. Mr. James added land dedication is noted'in the:Ordinance, but with Amendment 1; resources may be limited to build a facility. Mr.' James suggested a proposal to have Mountain Star build the facility and the Town lease it back. Mr. Pylman stated public works site/faci:lity.and trail head conditions need to be defined and very clearly addressed prior to second reading of this Ordinance. Mr. James stated this is creating two residential units per lot and questioned size limit on secondary unit. Mr. Jamar responded there is no limit, however covenants will require the second unit' to be a caretaker or guest type of unit. Councilor Hazard motioned to approve Ordinance No. 92-21, Series of 1992 on first reading and Resolution No. 92-41, Series of 1992. Town Attorney John Dunn suggested Resolution~No. 92-41 be tabled until second reading of Ordinance 92-21 and advised Councilor Hazard to rephrase motion to adopt the Ordinance. Council Hazard rephrased motion to approve Ordinance No. 92-21, Series of 1992 on first reading. Councilor Fawcett seconded the motion. Councilor Davis noted Section 2, number 1 "without" review by the Town of Avon or revision to this Ordinance and suggested it read "with" review by the Town of Avon. (dropping "or revision to this Ordinance"). Councilor Davis requested dealing with the conditions, prior to second reading of the Ordinance, relating to public works site/facility and trail heads. -2- • • Mr. Jamar'expressed agreement with defining the public works site/facility-and trail heads conditions prior to second reading of the Ordinance. Mr. Jamar added that a size limit may be placed on the secondary unit. Mr. Jamar expressed hesitation to change the "without" to the "with" and suggested different agreeable language. Mr,. Jamar stated second reading is planned in January, allowing time to review and discuss all issues. Following the roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 92-41; Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MOUNTAIN STAR='SUBDIVISION,,A REPLAY AND RESUBDIVISION OF REPLAT NUMBER 1-OF THE FINAL SUBDIVISION„PLAT WILDWOOD, TOWN.OF AVON, AS RECORDED IN BOOR 337, PAGE 364, IN EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO Attorney Dunn suggested-to table Resolution No. 92-41 until second reading of_Ordinance.'No.: 92-21. Councilor Hazard motioned to table Resolution No. 92-41, Series of 1992 until second reading of Ordinance.No. 92-2i. Councilor Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 92-38, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION IN, APPRECIATION OF MAYOR JERRY DAVIS. Mayor Reynolds read the Resolution in its entirety. Councilor Hines motioned to adopt Resolution No. 92-38, Series of 1992. Councilor Hazard seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously'. Resolution No. 92-39, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1992 BUDGET Mr. James stated this Resolution brings figures in line for 1992. The main item is, under the Public Works Fund, an increase from $52,667 to $200,167. This includes the purchase of Glenna Goodacre's "Sidewalk Society" art sculptures for $147,500 and final payment of Checkmate for $52,667. Councilor Hines motioned to adopt Resolution No. 92-39,'Series of 1992. Councilor Hazard seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 92-40, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1993 BUDGET Mr. James stated this Resolution brings figures in-line for 1993. In the Public Works Fund Expenditures, because of purchasing "Sidewalk Society" in 1992, an annual payment in 1993 is not necessary. Under the General Fund Revenues, the Town has increased the management of the Avon Metro District. Under Public Works Fund Revenues, this amount is not necessary.because of the new agreement to purchase "Sidewalk Society". ! i Councilor Hines motioned to adopt Resolution No. 92-40, Series of 1992. Councilor Hazard seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Next was New Business regarding Wildwood Townhomes. Councilor Hazard mentioned concerns of residents of Wildwood Townhomes. Councilor Hazard suggested Town Staff discuss matters with Morgan Murray. Councilor Hazard noted concerns of roof tiles not installed, window installed upside down, quality of.carpet, quality of work. Mr. James informed a meeting with the homeowners association was held. The punch list is to be done as quickly as possible and everything corrected. EJ has,assured- Staff everything that he can address will be done by-December 4th. Another meeting with the homeowners association is set for December 7th. Councilor Hazard added he has heard of-several -walls that are not straight. Mr. James stated concerns are being condensed and resolved. Mr. James added there are some concerns .to discuss later; one being there are no gutters on the buildings. Next under New Business was Christie Lodge commendation. Councilor Hines commended the efforts of Lynn Weas on the face lift of the Christie Lodge; it has certainly improved the appearance of the building. Mayor Reynolds added it also helps the appearance of the Town's streetscape. Next on the Agenda was the Town Attorney Report. Attorney Dunn requested direction from Council regarding exemption from real estate transfer tax. Attorney Dunn stated the intent, when the Ordinance was adopted, was to adopt as objective a text as possible; that the applicant purchased the unit with the intent of living in it as primar-y,resident for at least one year. That intent is reflected in:the:requirement that an affidavit be executed and that the amount of tax be withheld for a period of one year after the closing. Attorney Dunn requested specific language from Council to tighten1up the language so.that intent can be enforced. Councilor Fawcett;expressed'intent "ls quite clear in the Ordinance the way it is°written., On the other hand, if this is to be mandatory for one year, than the Ordinance needs to be rewritten. '-Attorney-Dunn-,suggested a one year mandatory period. Councilor Davis informed the'biggest concern, when'the ordinance was.,written, -was ,someone buying; the .unit, receiving, an exemption, then renting it out/making'it a second'home.' Mr.' James stated that at the end of the year, Staff checks to see that the.sake person who bought the unit is occupying the unit; this month there are four who are not. Mr. James requested a method of enforcement. Discussions-focused on,whether to change the Ordinance from intent to mandatory and whether to escrow funds. Council directed Attorney Dunn to draft an amended Ordinance-with specific language. Councilor Davis noted Avon was.the first community in Colorado to pass the transfer tax and the first to offer an exemption. -4- • Next on the Agenda was the Mayor Report. Mayor Reynolds announced the appointments to the various committees. (See Attachment A) Mayor Reynolds mentioned the next CAST meeting on-December 11th and 12th. Mayor Reynolds noted the Worksession scheduled for next Tuesday, 4pm. The Financial Matters were next presented to-Council. Councilor Hines moved to receive items #1 thru #3 and approve items #4 thru #8. The motion was seconded by.Councilor Davis and was unanimously carried. Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes. Councilor Hines motioned approval, of the.-November 10, 1992 Regular Council Meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilor Hazard and the motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Remolds called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Hines moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Fawcett. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Reynolds at 9:05pm. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Town Clerk Patty NeOhar -5- ATTACHMENT A 9 LIST OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES 1993 Avon Arts Trust Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Assn. CAST (Colorado Association of Ski Towns) CML (Executive Committee) (Colorado Municipal League) Drug Free Eagle Valley Eagle Valley Recreation Task Force (BerryCreek Authority) Housing Committee Mountain Man Triathlon NWCCOG (Northwest Colorado Council of Governments) Special Events Committee (ABCRA) Special Events Committee (Vail Valley Marketing Board) Transportation Task Force Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority Vail Valley Community T.V. (Channel 23) Vail Valley Foundation Vail Valley Marketing Vail Valley Performance & Conference Cntr (Citizens Advisory Committee) Vail Valley Special Events Commission (Towns of Avon & Vail and V.A.) Mayor John Hazard/Mayor mayor mayor Celeste C. Nottingham Jack Fawcett Jim Roof Tom Hines Jim Roof & Tom Hines John Hazard Jerry Davis & John Hazard Jack Fawcett Celeste C. Nottingham John Hazard Jerry Davis (Alternate John Hazard) & Tom Britz Jack Fawcett Dana DelBosco