TC Minutes 06-09-19920 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD JUNE 9, 1992 - 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Avon Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was'held in the Municipal Building,-400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jerry Davis at 7:38p.m. A roll call was taken with councilors John Hazard, Tom Hines, Derek Pyshe'r, and Albert Reynolds present. Councilors Charlie Gersbach and Celeste Nottingham were absent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Bill James, Director of Engineering Norm Wood, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Planner Jim Curnutte, Police Chief Art Dalton, Fire Chief Charlie Moore,-Recreation Superintendent Meryl Jacobs, Public Relations Officer Teresa Albertson, Town Clerk Patty Neyhart, as well as members of the press and public. First item under Citizen Input was County Commissioner Candidate Eric Affeldt. Mr. Affeldt informed he is the Republican Candidate for District 2 Commissioner Seat which is being vacated,by Commissioner Don Welsh. Mr. 'Affeldt's background includes; former Vail Councilmember, involvement with Design Review Board and Planning Commission, Resort Association and Chamber of Commerce Boards, Eagle Valley Community Forum, and Hospital Boards. Mr. Affeldt will focus on three issues; Financial Management, Land Use Planning;.and Communication. Mr. Affeldt-,requested Council's support. Mr. Affeldt responded to Council's questions with his views on transportation, recreation, and bike paths. -Next item under Citizen Input was Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association Update and Colorado Public Radio Funding Request. With regards to the Avon/Beaver Creek Resort Association Update, Ms. Kate Collins presented Council with tee shirts promoting Summer Solstice: Ms.' Collins-informed educational/motivational monthly series are starting up; first meeting held at.Restaurant Picasso on June 19th for $15.00. Ms. Collins stated with regards to the pro beach volleyball in Avon, ESPN will air similar productions on June'10th; 5:30 and 10:30pm and on'June 12th at, 12:0ON6on. Ms. "Collins added she has-been attending Vail Valley Marketing Board meetings- with' advertising Avon in 'mind. With regards to,Colorado Public Radio, Ms. Collins informed that a committee has=been formed to bring KPRN/KCFR (public radio networks in-Grand Junction and Denver) via=A'local station or translator. Three public radio stations have expressed interest in coming.to this area.,, Ms. Collins introduced the Committee Chairperson, Ms. Montine clapper. Ms. Clapper stated public radio will be introduced to the valley via translator (directional 100 watt), bringing in KCFR/KPRN signal to cover part of the valley. Colorado Public Radio proposes to build a station, due to translator's inability to cover entire local area. Ms. Clapper added that beginning in September they hope to receive public radio programming via translator. Programming will include classical music, news and information services, special programs such as Garrison Reillor and concerts. This will be the third station in the State networking system. Public broadcasting is nonprofit, noncommercial and is dependent on public funds, private funds, government grants and foundation grants. The initial effort to build the translator is estimated at $20,000 and includes; $2,000 engineering, $8,000 translator equipment, $1,000 cable, first-year lease of $500 monthly. Translator money will come from private, individuals. The station/studio is estimated to cost $75,000 and includes all equipment for the studio and first year funding-for at least one full time staff professional on site with engineering and maintenance expertise. In addition to the FCC, a NTIA grant has been applied for with the possibility of receiving up to $40,000 facilities grant. Construction could begin early-next year with the station completed by June or July, 1993. Ms.,- Clapper requested Council to appoint a liaison between Town of Avon and Colorado-Public Radio. Councilor Hazard volunteered. Next item that came before Council under citizen Input was the Rio Grande Train proposal. Mr. Tom Britz of Vertical Marketing highlighted key points in the proposal; Town of Avon to provide $5,000 in.seed money (reimbursable) earmarked toward filling a Labor Day weekend train. Mr. Britz noted that it is the Anshultz Investment Company (ANSCO) not the Denver Rio Grande that will be dealt with in bringing the train to Avon. Mr. Britz proposes a "no/no go date" of August 10th; a decision will be made on that date whether the train runs or not, based on the number of tickets sold. Mr. . Britz informed that after the railroad has received operational monies; the Town of Avon will be reimbursed. After the Town of Avon.is reimbursed, Vertical Marketing will receive remaining monies. Mr. Britz noted the Labor Day train would include the Leadville day trip. Mr. Britz mentioned future possibilities of a Thanksgiving train and an apres-ski dinner train to Glenwood Springs. Mr. Britz noted timing is critical and possibly has-one car'sold already. The Train will hold approximately 900 people with the addition of three private cars, 5 1/2 hour trip, and the price is comparable to what ANSCO is recommending with slight increase to include gourmet box lunch or equivalent. Mr. Britz looks at thi"s as a sales effort (direct mail and direct sales), more than a marketing effort. The Town's risk is $5,000; if it doesn't go.the money is forfeited. No further seed money from the Town of Avon will be requested for future excursions. If ANSCO can not be guaranteed $30,000 the train does not.run. Mr. Britz noted that from a marketing point, the train should be positioned as a Vail Valley excursion. The Denver Rio Grande freight company would like to deposit the passengers on property they own in Minturn. Anshultz Investment, Town of Avon, and Mr. Britz will insist they are deposited in Avon. Mr. Britz requested cooperation from Town Staff.for the loading/unloading area. -2- I:] • Councilor Reynolds motioned to allocate $5,000 for seed money. Councilor Hazard seconded the motion. Council Pysher questioned if the money is coming from the Special Events Budget. Mayor Davis responded affirmatively and added of which there is $6,000. Motion passed unanimously. Second Reading, Ordinance No. 92-13, Series of 1992, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF A PORTION OF THE EAGLEBEND SPA (TRACT B, BLOCK 2,•FILING 2); ESTABLISHING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ITS CONTENT AND ESTABLISHING DETAILS RELATING THERETO. Mr. Jim Curnutte-informed this ordinance amends the SPA of Tract B to allow single family homes in the list of allowed uses and approves a,specific development plan for the property. Mr: Curnutte directed Council's attention to page four of the Ordinance-detailing allowed uses. Mr. Curnutte stated there are four different house models proposed with certain conditions (no two alike placed side by side). The Design Review Board has given final design approval on these house plans as-well as the SPA amendment. A total of 19 units are planned, which is the.maximum density. Mayor Davis opened the meeting for a public hearing. With no one wishing-td be,heard, Mayor Davis closed that`portion of the meeting. There being no further discussion, Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilor- Pysher motioned to approve the second reading of Or"dinance.No. 92-13, Series of 1992. Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion. Ma yor_Davis--questioned motion. For clarification, Councilor- Pysher moved to adopt the second reading of Ordinance No. 92-13, Series of 1992. Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion. Mayor Davis entertained a roll call. Those Councilors voting aye were John Hazard,,Tom Hines, Derek Pysher, Albert Reynolds. -Motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 92-20, Series of 1992, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF SKI VISTA TOWNHOMES, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 101, BLOCK 1, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. Mr. Curnutte informed this Resolution approves a townhouse plat., Ski Vista Townhomes is a six unit townhouse project; two•triplexes on Lot 101. The applicant is requesting Council's approval so the applicant can sell the separate units. Mr. Curnutte recommended Council's approval conditional on Staff's review of "as built" drawings. Mayor Davis called for a motion. -3- Councilor Reynolds motioned approval, with condition, of Resolution No. 92-17, Series of 1992. Councilor Pysher seconded the motion. Councilor Hines moved to amend the motion to insert the condition that it not be signed by the Mayor until Staff has received the drawings they need. Councilor Pysher seconded the amendment. Mayor Davis entertained discussion on the amendment. With no further discussion, Mayor Davis entertained a vote on the amendment. The amendment carried unanimously. Mayor Davis entertained a vote on the motion for the Resolution. The motion carried unanimously. Next was Unfinished Business. The Avon Road/Streetscape project was presented by Mr. Bill James. Mr. James reminded Council of discussions during the Worksession. Mr. James recommended that because the project exceeded budget, the Town rescope the project to match the budget;-take,alternate bids on items deleted; the Town become the General Contractor and hire a Construction,Manager; Re-bid-this project; and look-at." alternate means of financing the lights. If Council agrees with these recommendations, Staff will revise the bid documents and have those plans completed by Friday.' 'On June 17th'the final pre-bid meeting will be held with.interested contractors and subcontractors; June 19th bids will be opened; and June 23rd the contract will be awarded. The revised project will be completed around the end of October. With the rescoping_of the project, total construction cost-is estimated to be $1,203,000..(not including the lights and electrical work estimated to be $290,000). Budget is $1,257,000 total. Discussion centered on the streetlights. It was agreed that there has been no change on the lights; only financing alternatives. Mr. Chris Eddy, representing Sunroad Properties, expressed concerns of the specific streetlight and feels the Town granted a monopoly to one distributor and-one manufacturer. Mr. Eddy added that this custom light limits competitive bidding; Mr. Eddy requested that private citizens be offered inclusion with the Town's purchase, allowing individuals to reap the reduced unit cost the Town may be granted. Mayor Davis stated this may be a possibility and once the new bids are received, the lights will be reviewed. Ms. Gloria McRory, business owner in Avon and past Councilmember, stated the lights were accepted at the proposed cost, not at the current bid price. Mayor Davis questioned if Staff needed further direction. Mr. James will proceed with the recommendations. -4- Next under Unfinished Business was the Four-Man Pro Beach Volleyball update presented by Mr. James. Mr. James confirmed the date for Four-Man Pro Beach Volleyball in Avon to,be August 15 and 16, 1992. Mr. James noted a contract is being developed with a three year commitment. Mr. Duffy Wilson will be here to do a site inspection on Monday, June 15th at 10:00am. Next was New Business. First item under New, Business was Sunridge, at Avon, Phase I Appeal of Planning & Zoning Commission decision~of April 7, 1992.: Mayor Davis read.a letter from Mr. James Stovall, representing Sunridge Homeowners Association, requesting continuance until the first.Council'meeting in July. Mayor Davis questioned.Town - Attorney Dunn on this process. Attorney Dunn read "and interrupted Code to allow this continuance per applicant's request at the discretion of Council. Mr. Curnutte informed that last summer-.the Sunridge folks painted the building without,design approval. They were contacted and came before the Design Review Board and received approval with one condition; the condition being to paint the breezeways as well as the exterior- of the building. Winter passed with the building finished on the outside, but not,.the breezeways. The owner of the building was contacted this Spring to comply with the condition of approval.. They went before the Design Review Board and requested release of the condition. The Design Review Board denied that request and that denial is the appeal before Council tonight. Councilor Reynolds motioned to give them two weeks to rectify the situation or come before Council. Councilor Reynolds restated motioned to table for two weeks with the provision that they do something. Councilor Hines seconded the motion. Councilor Hines moved to amend the motion to extend the time frame; strike out the two week period and extend it,to the first meeting in July. Amendment failed due to lack of a-second. Mayor Davis entertained a vote on the motion. Councilor Pysher requested clarification of the motion. Mayor Davis responded this is on the motion for the two week time frame. The motion carried unanimously. Next was the Town Attorney Report. Attorney Dunn reminded Council of the discussion at last meeting of the Vail/Avon Commercial Partners; redesign of the intersection of Plaza Way and East Beaver Creek Blvd. at the entrance to the Benchmark Shopping Center. The Resolution adopted by Council required the redesign be brought back before Council for a determination that it comports.with public safety. The redesign is being presented tonight. Attorney Dunn added, if this determination is made, the issue of immediate possession is concluded with respect to Vail/Avon Commercial.Partners. The Town will still have the issue of the determination of the value of the property taken. -5- Malcolm Murray, attorney for Vail/Avon Commercial Partners, is in support of the redesign that Intermountain Engineering has created. Attorney Murray added they are in agreement with the movements and mentioned the loss of parking space along Plaza Way. Mr. Jeff Spanell, of Intermountain Engineering, stated one space will be lost and may be incorporated into the plan elsewhere. Attorney Murray informed a stipulation was signed allowing the Town'to withdraw Vail/Avon Commercial Partner's answer to the petition to condemnation. Attorney Murray added a letter of apology will be forthcoming. Mayor Davis noted this is not Town property. Mr. James mentioned this is a temporary construction easement which will go back to the property owner. Mr. Spanell informed a larger temporary construction easement is needed to build this than what was proposed.' Attorney Murray requested some assurance that this is the design that will go forward. Councilor Pysher motioned to approve the design. Councilor Hines seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Next was the Mayor Report. Mayor Davis mentioned at the Colorado Municipal League Conference there is a seminar on Friday regarding Judicial Proceedings. Councilor Hazard questioned that a Councilman when speaking as an individual has a right as an individual to express his view. Attorney Dunn,answered as long you speak without bias. Mayor'Davis mentioned the Goal Sharing Session on Monday, June 22 from 2:00pm-9:00pm at the Beaver Creek Lodge. Mayor Davis reminded--Council'of the interviews scheduled with the BBC.regarding'the Community Center on Wednesday, June 10th. Next was Other Business. Councilor Hazard motioned for the Town of Avon to send a letter of thanks to Vertical Marketing.for the outstanding job they did on Bobf est . Councilor Pysher moved to amend the motion. Mayor Davis interjected the motion must be seconded in order to amend the motion. Councilor Hines seconded the motion. Councilor Pysher moved to amend the motion to include some other people-such as Pepsi, which was the biggest sponsor. Councilor Hazard interjected it was Coca Cola. Councilor Hazard seconded the amendment. Councilor Hazard moved to amend the amendment to include Coca Cola, Vail Valley_Foundation contribution which was $3,500 and Christy Sports aind these other people should also be recognized by the Town. Councilor Pysher seconded the amendment. -6- • • Mayor Davis requested Councilor Hazard to be very specific in who he would like to include. Councilor Hazard requested to include Coca Cola and the Vail Valley Foundation. Ms. McRory interjected that if the Town wants to thank the sponsors, they should thank them all. Councilor Pysher motion to send one to all the participants. Mayor Davis requested, before that motion is made, Council to vote on the motion and all the amendments on the floor. Mayor Davis entertained a vote on the last amendment put on the floor. The amendment failed unanimously. Mayor Davis entertained a vote on the first amendment. The amendment failed unanimously. Mayor Davis entertained a vote on the motion. The motion failed unanimously. Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilor Hazard motioned to send a letter of commendation to Vertical Marketing for the outstanding job they did in initiating Bobfest and also to send a letter of thanks to Coca Cola for their sponsorship and the Vail Valley Foundation: Mayor Davis repeated the motion for the record. Councilor Hazard seconded the motion; Councilor. Hazard can not second his own motion. Motion failed due to lack of a second. Mayor Davis informed Councilor Pysher's motion to send-the letter- to all did not pass due to lack of a second and this-wa's a new motion prior to voting on the original motion and amendments. Mayor Davis called for a motion. Councilor Pysher motioned to send a thank you letter to everyone that participated (sponsors) that is on the.list. Councilor' Hazard seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Point of order was recognized by Mayor Davis from Councilor Reynolds. Under Mayor's Report was the Appointment of the Town of Avon's Representative to the Vail Valley Special Events Commission. Ballots were distributed to Councilmembers and collected by the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk tallied the votes and the Public Relations Officer verified the tally. Mayor Davis announced that the new Town of Avon's Representative to the Vail Valley Special Events commission is Dana DelBosco. Next was Other Business. Councilor Hazard mentioned the request of the Planning and Zoning Commission to have a joint meeting with the Town Council to understand each others duties, functions, policies, procedures. -7- 0 0 Councilor Hazard motioned for Council to agree, to.a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilor Pysher seconded the motion. Discussion centered on the judicial process and rights of the applicants. - Councilor Hines called for the question. Mayor Davis entertained a vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Davis requested this joint meeting be put on the next worksession. Councilmembers' Committee Reports were next presented. Councilor Pysher noted he attended the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments meeting in a Senior Citizens Hall. Councilor Pysher added this was a boring meeting but felt his continued participation would be worthwhile. Councilor Hazard announced that on May 28th he attended a meeting at the Vail Valley Foundation regarding the 1999 World Championships. The Foundation is seeking support and basically requires $500,000 shared between communities. The Foundation would.like to,report to Council on their trip to Budapest. Councilor Hazard thought the.Foundation will request to come before Council sometime'after.the Four-man Pro Beach Volleyball Tournament. Councilor Hines had nothing to report. Councilor Reynolds had nothing to report. Next was Other Business. Mr. James informed the Town is looking at a very busy next few weeks. Colorado Municipal League Conference is"next week, Summer Solstice is the 20th and the Motorcycle Group comes in the 20th/21st and is here until the 25th. Mr. James mentioned plans need to be reviewed from Holy Cross Electric with regards to power line changes. Mr. James informed this may be discussed at next meeting. The Financial Matters were next presented to Council. Councilor Reynolds moved to receive items #1 thru #11 and approve items #12 thru #16: The motion was seconded by Councilor Hines and was unanimously carried. -8- Next presented to Council were the Council Meeting Minutes. Councilor Pysher moved approval of the May,26th Regular Council Meeting minutes. The motion was seconded'by Councilor Reynolds. Councilor Hines amended the motion to insert approve them as presented. Council Pysher seconded the amendment. There being no further discussion, Mayor Davis entertained a vote on the amendment. The amendment carried unanimously. Mayor Davis entertained a vote on the motion. -The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before Council, Mayor Davis called for a motion to adjourn. Councilor Hines moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds. The- meeting was adjourned by Mayor Davis at 10:00pm. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty Neyh rt, T nnClerk -9- avvRnvFn~ -