TC Minutes 06-07-19830 9 NI170TES OF T13E SPECIAL AVON TOWN COUNCIL HEETTTIG JUTE 7. 1983 - 4 P.M. The special meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Allan 11ottingham at 4:22 p.m. A roll call was taken with Larry Kumpost, Sheila Davis, Greg Gage, A.J. Dells, Al Connell and Don Buick present. Also present were Town Manager Richard D. Blodgett, Town Planner Dick Kvach, Finance Director Bill James, Director of Public 1.1orks Norm Wood, Carrie Wangbiehler, Planning Intern; P & Z members Bill Pierce, Chairman, Mike Blair and Clint Watkins as well as members of the public. The first and only item on the agenda for action, was the discussion of the Comprehensive Plan and to execute the contract for the consultants of Plum Street Associates Inc. The Mayor stated that the special meeting was called in order to make some decisions on the Comprehensive Plan. The Mayor asked Mr. Kvach to introduce the consultants. Mr. Kvach stated that there were three representatives from Plum Street Associates, that the total team consists of six individuals. He then introduced Mr. Dennis Swain, Carol Devenir and Bob Komives to the Council. Mr. Komives will be the project director. Mr.. Komives approached the Council. He stated the purpose for a Comprehensive Plan is to help both the public and private sector to make development decisions more easily. He discussed the words flexibility and predictability. Mr. Komives reviewed the purpose of having a Comprehensive Plan. At that point Mr. Komives passed a questionnaire to each Councilmember and also to the P Z Members. He requested that the Council fill out the questionnaire and return it to Dick Kvach as soon as possible. He stated that it would be the beginning of their thoughts on the future of Avon. He asked the Council what is it that makes Avon a place in which you want to live. Larry Kumpost stated that the location in terms of the ski areas was one. Don Buick stated it is not primarily skiing, but with Arrow Head Resort, Beaver Creek Resort, Eagle-Vail Golf Course and Berry Creek Golf Course, it is the hub of Eagle County Resort Community. The elevation was a factor, as were the climate, a wider valley, the airpoort, and Municipal services. Mr. Komives then asked what were some of the key issues that make it difficult to encourage people to live in Avon. A major item was the railroad. This was discussed at length. The proposed traffic lights ir-) Avon were discussed. Sheila Davis stated she felt that the Master Plan should encourage developoment, not discourage it and it should encourage quality development. The Mayor then suggested that the Council look at the scope of services. Mr. Kvach stated that items K & L were addendum items that were requested to be included in the Scope of Services. He stated that the intent of the Comprehensive Plan was not to start over, but to take what we have and to build on it. A good plan would be a -1- true benefit to the whole comm outside the town. Bill Pierc stated that something the P & to get the sign ordinance stra Komives stated that they want and objectives portion of this important to have public input probably totally. Town staff on. He stated he would like t Sheila Davis stated that the d included in what the town°s us to bein the future.It was also Larry Kumpost stated that in t have to look at what the Maste says. He stated if a develope zoning ordinance they should h Clint Watkins stated he felt t Study area not only to just th the east, south, west and nort Mayor stated he would like to important for the consultants too far with the plan, the con the Council. He stressed that E anity as well as to study the area Chairman of the P & Z Commission, feels strongly about was that they want ightened out in this process. Bob to be able to make sure, during the goals study, that signs are included. It is and to have that document reworked, gill provide a document to-make reviews nis to be included in these discussions. iscussion of time-sharing should be as are right now and should be considered suggested to address the air quality issue. arms of the zoning ordinance, they will r Plan is and what the zoning ordinance r bought property under the present ave those development rights protected. nat they ought to increase the Town Center Town Center as described but to look at n of the center of the Town of Avon. The Discuss the meetings. He stated it was to have good direction. Before they go sultants should sit down and talk with the communication should be open. Bob Komives stated that there were eight meetings scheduled. The next meeting between the consultants and the Council will be held July 7, 1983. A.J. Wells stated that the Council did not want the consultants to go out and start doing things on their own. He stated that the area was originally planned as the new development of the Upper Eagle Valley. It is most properly considered to be the hub of the entire Vail Valley. He stated that if they come in and want to re-invent the wheel there will be problems. Mr. Wells stated he wanted them to accept what the town has and to build on that. He stated he wanted them to look at the valley floor of the town. Mr. Kvach stated he had approached Jim Rubin at the County and asked him if they could contribute $5,000-$10,000, toward the Master Plan. The Commissioners responded and said no, they would not contribute any money, but would contribute in-kind services. So at this time Avon is funding the hard cash and the County is providing in-kind services. The total cost of the contract is $63,700, and will not exceed that amount. The billing would be on an hourly basis. After discussion A.J. Wells mover; to authorize the execution of the Agreement regarding the consultants services to accomplish this Piaster Plan with the attached exhibits "A", "B" and "C", provided that Dick Kvach as our planner, have a proper signature form added to the approved agreement into the form section so that his signature will be on the Agreement; provided that the Town Attorney and the staff go through the Agreement and the scope of services, especially one more time, to eliminate any other typographical errors and any other errors for that matter, and provided that the scope of services including tasks be limited to those services scheduled on the production schedules through the fourth month except that we will allow ten hours for consulting services on drafting the zoning ordinance; after the fourth month we will have another major sit down meeting to review the status of the Master Plan, where we are, where we are going, whether or not we need any major changes. The motion was seconded by Al Connell and was unanimously carried. -2- 0 There being no further discussion Al Connell moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Larry Kumpost. The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. espe#fully Submitted: -3-