TC Minutes 12-26-19780 0' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCILMEMBERS OF THE TOWN OF AVON ")ri-.h, 1978 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town office, second floor, Benchmark Shop- ping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Angelo Alpi. Councilmembers in attendance were Joyce Allred, Angelo Alpi, Wil- liam Doyle, Steven Erickson, and Allan Nottingham. Richard Allen arrived late and Carol Richards was absent. Also present were: John Blish, Town Attorney; Jim Morter, architect; Jim Wells and Ron Allred, the Benchmark Companies. Steve Erickson moved that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 12, 1978 be approved as submitted. Seconded by Allan Nottingham and so carried. Council then considered the request of Watkins-Erickson regarding lot 70, block 1. Jim Morter, architect representing the owners ex- plained that they were seeking preliminary approval of the three building twenty unit condominium project to be located on a 1.54 acre lot which had previously been part of a larger piece of land zoned open space. The approval of this new lot will require an amendment to the plat. Ron Allred, the Benchmark Companies, ex- plained that there remain 100 unassigned living units in the Town and that twenty of those units will be assigned to this project. The project provides for five one bedroom units, twelve two bedroom units, three three bedroom units, forty parking spaces, ten of which are inside. Solar heating will be the primary heating system with electical heating as the backup system. The site plan provides for landscaping which will include maintenance of the stream bed area, a three foot by one and one half foot gravel basin around the parking lot, earth berming between the parking lot and Nottingham Road, and a screen of conifer trees at the west end of the lot. To the east of the lot lies a fifty foot drainage easement, to the west, the be- ginning of the industrial zoned lots. Following some discussion, Allan Nottingham movfd that the council give pr iminary approval of the project. Seconded by William Doyle and so carried. Steve Erickson abstained. The Council then held the public hearing on the proposed official Map of the Street System of the Town of Avon which had been intro- duced and approved on first reading during the meeting of December 12th,1978 and posted throughout the Town from December 12th to Decem- ber 26th, 1978. There being no discussion from the public, Joyce Allred moved that the Council approve the proposed map as submitted and so certify the mileage of the Town of Avon. Seconded by Allan Nottingham and unanimously carried. The Council then considered the naming of the park and lake. The name Harry A. Nottingham was suggested. Harry A. Nottingham, Allan Nottingham's father, settled in Avon in 1896 and was an Eagle County Commissioner for a number of years. Steve Erickson moved that the park and lake be named the "Harry A. Nottingham Park and Lake". Seconded by William Doyle and unanimously carried. The Town has received letters from three C.P.A.s applying for the position of Town Auditor. Copies of these letters were distributed to the Council for their consideration. Of the three, the Council selected Stan Bernstein-to work at the hourly rate stated in his proposal, any junior C.P.A. in his firm to work at a lower rate, and the total fee for the 1978 audit not to exceed $1600.00. Allan Nottingham so moved. Seconded by Joyce Allred and unanimously carried. Several items were then brought up by the public. Ron Allred and Jim Wells asked if there were any procedures to insure that the Town is receiving all transfer taxes to which it is entitled. The Council agreed to look to the Town Auditor and the Colorado Municipal League for advice in this matter. The problem of construction sites extending beyond the boundry of the lot onto other property was then discussed. Ron Allred reported that lot 3, block 2 is currently using park land as their construction access. This project is scheduled for completion in February 19-79. The Council discussed that they may require a note or letter of credit at the time of issuance of the temporary certificate of occupancy to insure that landscaping, 0 0 the driveway, and parking ~ area are com- pleted properly and to repair any damage sustained by the park. The sug(,.estion .aas made tizat the Tom should install cuar_d :rails on West Beaver Creek Blvd. by Benchmark Apartments as there are steep banks on the side of this part of the road. The Council agreed that they would look into it. Steve Erickson, who recently attended a meeting with the Eagle County Department of Environmental Health, reported that the Department would like a letter from the Town authorizing them to inspect the bars, rest- aurants, food stores, and mobile home parks within the Town limits to Eagle County health standards. Steve Erickson moved that the Council send said letter. Seconded by Joyce Allred and so carried. Ron Allred, Chairman of the Design Review Board, reported that the first meeting of the Board will be held Tuesday, January 2, 1979 at 4:00 p.m.. Mayor Alpi stated that he had received a letter from Jim Collins of the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District requesting that the Town give site approval of the sewage treatment plant expansion in Avon. The plan will be financed by 25% bond issue and 75% matching Federal funds. Joyce Allred moved that the Council grant approval. Seconded by Steve Erickson and so carried. The insurance proposal from the Hartford was then discussed. While the proposal seems to be favorable, the Council discussed increasing the proposed limits of $10,000 for contents of office, $5,000 for valuable papers, and $1,000,000 umbrella liability coverage. John Blish said that he would discuss this with the insurance broker and report to the Council at the next regular meeting. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.. Respectfully Submitted, Leslie James Allen, Town Clerk MINUTES APPROVED, N-TICE OF MEETING WAIVED: s • :D - 9