TC Minutes 11-08-1978.D 0 0 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCILMEMBERS OF THE TOWN OF AVON HELD NOVEMBER 8, 1978 7:30 p.m. A special meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Shop- ping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Angelo Alpi at 7:30 p.m.. Councilmembers in attendance were Richard Allen, Joyce Allred, Angelo Alpi, Steven Erickson and Allan Nottingham. William Doyle and Carol Richards were absent. Also present were: George Rosenberg, Town At- torney; Keith Troxel, applicant, Lot 19,Block 1. Allan Nottingham moved that the Council approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 31, 1978 as submitted. Seconded by Rich- ard Allen and so carried. George Rosenberg introduced the First Draft of the Town of Avon Zoning Ordinance, which was the product of work sessions.held between the Benchmark Architectural Control Committee and the Council Subcom- mittee. It was agreed that, at the next regular meeting, the document would be discussed in a work session and considered on first reading. The Council then considered the proposed ORDINANCE NO.4, SERIES OF 1978, AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CREATION OF A DESIGN REVIEW BOARD - ITS POWERS AND DUTIES; DESIGN APPROVAL OF STRUCTURE WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON; PERFORMANCE BONDING; SUBMISSION OF MATERIALS; BOARD PROCEDURES; DESIGN GUIDELINES; DESIGN REVIEW FEES; APPEAL OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TO TOWN COUNCIL; LAPSE OF DESIGN APPROVAL; AND TO PROVIDE A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE, which was al- so a product of the above referenced work session. George Rosenberg briefly explained the ordinance section by section. Joyce Allred moved to accept the proposed ordinance on first reading. Seconded by Steve Erickson and unanimously carried. Council then agreed that a special session be held Wednesday, November 15, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. 9 1 0 0 to conduct a hearing on the proposed ordinance and to review the ap- plications for positions on the Design Review Board. Joyce Allred so moved. Seconded by Richard Allen and so carried. Next the Council considered the fence permit request of Troxel- Rosenberg, Lot 19, Block 1. For the purpose of this matter, Mr. Rosenberg stepped down as Town Attorney. Keith Troxel presented the Council with a letter stating the following; the proposed temporary use of the lot is a car pound, the owners intension is to screen the property with a fence, the installation of landscaping and sprink- lers is premature at this time, and should they still own the property next summer, they will advise the Town further as to their plans with regard to use and landscaping. Also submitted was a screen fence de- tail. Mr. Troxel further explained that the owners would not store more than 25 to 30 cars on the site and no cars would be stored on the second bench. Ron Allred of the Benchmark Architectural Control Committee noted that the owners had yet to return to the Committee with the necessary information, ie. a correct topo and drainage plan. Mr. Troxel explained that most of the material was ready and that they would be returning to the Committee. Joyce Allred moved that the Council not approve the fence permit until the applicants comply with the Benchmark Architectural Control Committee. Seconded by Steve Erickson. Joyce Allred and Steve Erickson in favor, Richard Allen, Allan Nottingham and Angelo Alpi opposed. Motion defeated. Allan Nottingham moved that the matter be tabled until the applicants provide tH&e Council with the landscaping and drainage plan and a cor- rect topo map. Seconded by Richard Allen and unanimously carried. The Town Clerk reported that a Professional Chief of Police Screening Committee had been formed. The members are Chief Robert Halbert, Glen- wood Springs, Mr. Thomas Waddill, Sopris Mental Health Clinic, and Mr. Paul La Chance, Mesa College. Council then considered the forma- tion of a subcommittee whose function it would be to work with the Screening Committee. Richard Allen, Joyce Allred, and Allan Notting- ham volunteered and were so appointed. It was noted that Les Douglas of the Eagle County Department of Plan- ning requested that the Council advise him on the procedure for issuance of certificates of occupancy in Avon. Following some discussion, it d Q was agreed that certificates of occupancy should only be issued following Council's review and approval of the project. Avon Glass,which is a business illegally Park, was the next matter to come before that the Eagle County Department of Plan a zoning violation on October 26, 1978. the Council proceed with legal action to Seconded by Joyce Allred and unanimously operating in the Mobile Home the Council. It was noted ping cited the business with Steve Erickson moved that rectify the situation. carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.. Respectfully Submitted, Leslie James Allen, Town Clerk MINUTES APPROVED, NOTICE OF MEETING WAIVED: 1 i i V / 1 L