TC Minutes 10-24-1978MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCILMEMBERS OF THE TOWN OF AVON HELD OCTOBER 24, 1978 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado, was held in the Town Office, Second Floor, Benchmark Shop- ping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Rich Allen at 7:30 p.m.. Councilmembers in attendance were Richard Allen, Joyce Allred, William Doyle, Steve Erickson, and Allan Nottingham. Angelo Alpi and Carol Richards were absent. Also present were: George Ros- enberg, Town Attorney; Don Pease, owner of the Stables; John Blish, Attorney for Don Pease; Chuck Dotson, State of Colorado Liquor Enforce- ment Officer. Joyce Allred moved that the Council dispense with the reading of the Minutes. Seconded by Steve Erickson and so carried. The Council, sitting as the local liquor licensing authority for the Town,then conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the suspension or revocation of the liquor license held by Don Pease doing business as the Stables at Beaver Creek. This hearing was held as a result of an alleged violation of the Colorado Liquor Code, which allegedly occurred on October 20, 1978 when an employee allegedly discharged a firearm resulting in bodily harm or injury to a patron. Rich Allen, turned the meeting over to George Rosenberg, who acted as Hearing Officer. Mr. Rosenberg introduced the Notice of Hearing for Suspension or Revocation of the Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License Held by Don Pease D/B/A the Stables at Beaver Creek and Order, asked the Town Clerk to identify it and mark it Exhibit "A". John Blish, repre- senting Don Pease, introduced himself to the Council and distributed and read a Sta tement dated October 24, 1978. He then requested that the hearing be continued on the grounds that no formal notice had s • been served on Mr. Pease. Following some discussion, Joyce Allred moved that the hearing pro- ceed. Seconded by Bill Doyle. Motion carried, Steve Erickson opposed Allan Nottingham abstained. Mr. Blish then requested that the Council continue the hearing on the grounds that there had not been adequate time to prepare for the hearing. He further requested that the Council allow the Stables to reopen pending the result of the hearing. Steve Erickson moved to continue the hearing to October 31, 1978 at 7:00 with the Stables to remain closed. Seconded by Joyce Allred. Motion carried. Allan Nottingham abstained. At 8:40 p.m. Joyce Allred moved that Council go into executive session. Seconded by Steve Erickson and so carried. At 9:30 p.m. the meeting was reopened to the public. A complaint was filed with the Council by Cheryl Nottingham, Manager of the Eagle Valley Bowl, regarding an alleged incident which occurred at the Score Sheet Lounge on October 22, 1978. Council agreed that Staff would investigate the incident and report back to Council. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.. Respectfully Submitted, VAL Leslie James Allen, Town Clerk MINUTES APPROVED, NOTICE OF MEETING WAIVED: