TC Minutes 09-26-1978MINUT S OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN C(II)UNCILME"AB, E R S OF THE TOWN OF AVON HELD SEPTEMBER 26, 1978 The regular meeting of the Town Councilrnembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado, was held in the Town Office, Second Floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. Councilmembers in attendance were: Richard Allen, Joyce Allred, Angelo V. Alpi, William Doyle, Steven Erickson and Carol Richards. Allan Nottingham was absent. Also present were: George Rosenberg, Town Attorney; L. RandallFlodine, Finance and Spec. Studies Supervisor, Colorado Dept. of Highways; John Eberly, Town of Vail LIFT; Jim Wells, Benchmark Architectural Control Committee; Brian"Byrne, architectect; and Dave ,Mott of Vail Associates. The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 12, 1978 was waived. L. Randall Flodine of the Colorado Department of Highways introduced himself to the Council-members and briefly explained the Colorado Highway Users Tax Fund. The revenues, which are based on the certified number of miles in the Town and the number of registered vehicles in the Town, will be received monthly beginning in August of 1979. John Eberly, of the Town of Vail's LIFT program, discussed the types of bus service which the LIFT, a federally funded transportation program, could provide for the Town of Avon. Of the four types of services provided, the LIFT "pool," whereby a driver organizes a minimum of eight people to commute to Vail in a LIFT van at $.04 per mile, seems to be the most feasible for Avon. The Council agreed to encourage Avon residents to take advantage of this program. 0 0 Jim Wells of the Benchmark Architectural Control Committee introduced Brian Bryne, architect for Helmut Lilischkies, applicant for a building permit for Lot 3, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. The building plan provides for two parking spaces for each of the twelve condo units. Since this does not comply with the current County standards, the County Building Official required that the applicant bring the plan before the Council for their review and written authorization for the County to issue a building permit. Jim Wells stated that the Architectural Control Committee reviewed the plans and approved them subject to the following conditions: details for the exterior lighting shall be submitted, all exposed metal shall be painted a dark color to match the anodized aluminum, a common access easement shall be obtained from the owner of Lot 4, Block 2, and the site shall be properly landscaped. These conditions are included in the Committee's Minutes of Thursday, September 14, 1978. Copies of these Minutes will be provided to the Council. After some discussion, Steve Erickson moved that the Council approve the building plan for Lot 3, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision contingent upon the owner meeting the conditions set forth by the Architec- tural Control Committee and u,Don the owner completing and maintaining the landscaping. If the owner should fail to complete or maintain the landscaping, the Town shall have the power to complete and maintain the landscaping at the owner's expense. If the owner fails to reimburse the Town for landscaping provided by the Town, the Town shall have the power to file a lien against the property. Seconded by Joyce Allred and passed unanimously. The Council briefly discussed forming an Architectural Control Committee. Jim Wells said he would pro3ide the Council with copies of the "Rules and Regulations," the "Protective Covenants" and Minutes of the meetings to date. He also invited the Council to attend the next Architectural Control Committee Meeting which will be held Wednesday, October 4, 1978, at 4:00 p.m., in the Benchmark Conference Room. Dave Mott, of Vail Associates, explained the dreliminary plat of the first phase of Beaver Creek, which was submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recori:mendation at their regular meeting on October 18, 1978. The Council discussed employee housing, traffic patterns and air pollution as potential problems effecting Avon and Dave Mott explained how these are to be handled by Vail Pssociates. Overall, the Council viewed the preliminary plat with approval, however, no action was taken. Next the Council considered the A-95 for the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District - 201 Facilities Plan Extension. Although in the letter of September 21, 1978, the Council invited the District to review the application with the Council, the Council has not been contacted. Carol Richards moved to recommend denial of the application stating that the Avon taxpayers should not have to pay for a study that doesn't directly concern them and that the site study should be Wolcott rather than Squaw Creek. Steve Erickson seconded. Motion unanimously carried. Steve Erickson moved to approve the Dog Control Ordinance on second reading. Seconded by Rich Allen and unanimously carried. Carol Richards moved to approve the Model Traffic Ordinance on second reading. Seconded by Rich Allen and unanimously carried. Carol Richards moved to table the second reading of the Uniform Building Code Ordinance. Seconded by Joyce Allred. Motion carried with Steve Erickson opposed. Al Alpi reported that the Committee to interview applicants for Town Clerk recommended Leslie Allen. Joyce Allred moved that Leslie Allen be appointed Town Clerk. Bill Doyle seconded. Motion carried. Rich Allen abstained. Mayor Alpi called a Special Meeting for Tuesday, October 3, at 6:30 for the purpose of discussing the proposed 1979 Budget, second reading on the Uniform Building Code, first reading on a proposed sales tax ordinance, first reading on a proposed real estate transfer tax and such other business as may properly come before the Council. 0 0 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Leslie James Allen Town Clerk MINUTES APPROVED, NOTICE OF MEETING WAIVED: