TC Council Packet 10-09-2007TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO WORK SESSION MEETING FOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2007 AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD PRESIDING OFFICIALS MAYOR RON WOLFE MAYOR PRO TEM BRIAN SIPES COUNCILORS RICHARD CARROLL DAVE DANTAS KRISTI FERRARO AMY PHILLIPS TAMRA NOTTINGHAM UNDERWOOD TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN DUNN TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME ESTIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP: / /WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND COUNCIL MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND AVON LIBRARY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH WORK SESSION AGENDA MEETING BEGINS AT 2:30 PM 2:30 PM — 2:45 PM 1. APPROVAL OF WORK SESSION AGENDA & COUNCIL ASSIGNMENT UPDATES a. Channel 5 Update (Amy Phillips, Councilor) 2:45 PM — 3:00 PM 2. POTENTIAL HOME RULE CHARTER AMENDMENT (Larry Brooks, Town Manager) The proposed charter amendment would rewrite Section 18.3 to allow for sales and exchanges of Town land if approved by the Council after making certain findings 3:00 PM — 4:00 PM 3. EAST TOWN CENTER DISTRICT PLAN (Eric Heidemann, Community Development Director) "Review of the draft Avon East Town Center District Plan. The plan provides guidance and planning principles related to land use, massing and form, open space, urban design, transportation, and parking needs 4:00 PM — 5:00 PM 4. PRESENTATION BY INTERIM EAGLE COUNTY HOUSING DIRECTOR ON PROPOSED EAGLE COUNTY HOUSING GUIDELINES (Alex Potente, Eagle County Interim Housing Director) Staff invited Alex Potente to present their proposed Housing Guidelines and shared lessons learned regarding the mitigation of affordable housing on the West End Development project 5:00 PM 5. ADJOURNMENT ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW 633 SEVENTEENTH STREET. SUITE 3000 DENVER, COLORADO 90202 Sherman & Howard L.L.C. TELEPHONE: (303)297-2900 FAX: (303)298.0940 OFFICES IN: COLORADO SPRINGS PHOENIX • RENO • LAS VEGAS MEMORANDUM To: Avon Town Council cc: Larry Brooks, Town Manager John Dunn, Town Attorney From: Randy Funk/�and Matt Gray Date: October 2, 2007 Re: Potential Home Rule Charter Amendment Section 18.3 of the Town of Avon Home Rule Charter (the "Charter ") states, "The Town shall not sell or dispose of municipally -owned buildings or real property in use for public purposes without first obtaining the approval of a majority of the electors voting thereon." This provision is more restrictive than many charter provisions on this topic and provides little flexibility for the Town to accomplish land exchanges or sales that would be beneficial to the Town and its citizens. From time to time, the Town may have the opportunity to sell or exchange lands in a way that will be helpful in implementing the Avon Comprehensive Plan; however, under the current provision, each of these transactions would require voter approval. The proposed charter amendment would rewrite Section 18.3 to allow for sales and exchanges of Town land if approved by the Council after making certain findings. This would provide greater flexibility while also ensuring that such land transactions are completed for an appropriate purpose after the opportunity for public review and comment. For this reason, any sale, lease or exchange of Town property would have to be authorized by ordinance after the public notice and hearing procedures set forth in the Charter. In addition, the Town Council could not sell, lease or exchange Town property without finding that: (1) the transaction will provide a public benefit for the Town; (2) the transaction will assist the Town in implementing the Comprehensive Plan; and (3) the value of the property sold, exchanged, or leased by the Town is substantially equal to the value of the property or purchase price received in exchange. These safeguards should help ensure that Town lands are protected from arbitrary action by a Town Council without handicapping the Town's ability to complete beneficial transactions more efficiently. We would be happy to discuss any questions you may have. 001024000\PUBF1N1732395. I SECOND DRAFT 9 -20 -07 Town of Avon Home Rule Charter Amendment The current Section 18.3 would be replaced in its entirety by the following: Section 18.3 Municipally -Owned Real Property (a) The Town may sell, exchange, lease or dispose of any interest in real property or buildings of the Town to or from any person, firm or corporation, or other public or private entity. Any such sale, exchange, lease or disposition shall be approved by ordinance after a public hearing thereon. (b) Any ordinance adopted pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section shall contain findings by the Council that: 1. the transaction will provide a public benefit for the Town; 2. the transaction will assist the Town in implementing its comprehensive plan; and 3. the appraised value of the interest in real property or buildings or other consideration to be conveyed by the Town is substantially equal to the appraised value of the interest in real property or buildings or other consideration to be received by the Town. BUS_RE\1436554.1 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner II Eric Heidemann, Director Date: October 2, 2007 Re: East Town Center District Plan AVO N C 0 L 0 R A b 0 Summary: Design Workshop will be presenting the East Town Center District Plan at the October 9, 2007 meeting. The draft plan reflects over a year of work with several stakeholder meetings. The plan incorporates input from property owners, business owners, residents, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and Town Staff. The plan provides guidance and planning principles related to land use, massing and form, open space, urban design, transportation, and parking needs. With these principles in mind, the design team has created a scalable plan that could work for individual properties that may have different redevelopment timelines. Background: The Comprehensive Plan acknowledges the importance of district planning, and the redevelopment opportunities that exist in both the West and East Town Center Districts. The East Town Center District is recognized as a fragmented area, which lacks strong automobile and pedestrian connections. Policy C.4.1 in the Comprehensive Plan states: "Develop a detailed District Master Plan for the East Town Center District identifying parcel configurations and new automobile and pedestrian circulation alignments to increase the district's viability." In response to Policy C.4.1, and the Implementation Matrix found in the Comprehensive Plan, there was a joint work session conducted in April, 2006 with the Planning and Zoning Commission, Town Council, and interested property owners in the district. Design Workshop was contracted in June, 2006 to conduct a planning and design charrette for this district. The charrette concept was discussed as a `front end' discovery to a more detailed sub area plan for the area. October 9, 2007 Town Council Meeting - 1 - Following the charrette and the open house, which culminated the week long charrette, Design Workshop was contracted to complete the master plan for the East Town Center District. It became very apparent during the charrette process that there was interest in the project continuing to the next level of detail. The attached draft plan is a reflection of feedback received from the design charrette last summer, individual stakeholder meetings, and more recently a meeting in February, 2007, where the Commission reviewed the "preferred alternative." The Planning and Zoning Commission directed staff and the design team at the February, 2007 meeting to move forward with the alternative presented; build flexibility into the plan to accommodate obstacles to the implementation of road realignments; and to put together a sketch up model that includes the West Town Center plan, East Town Center plan, and the Riverfront Village. All input has been considered in the attached draft plan, dated September 11, 2007. Financial Implications: The project is currently within the budget of $164,500. Attached to this Memorandum is a Memorandum from Design Workshop (dated September 19, 2007) outlining the cost estimates for further refinements to this draft plan, in response to the comments received by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Memorandum states that additional services will cost between $4,500 and $8,500, and may take up to three additional months to complete. Town Manager Comments: �� ` ��� ✓��wG y�� ���, �- R�`G ✓2 1 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Town Council review the draft plan, and after hearing a presentation by Design Workshop, authorize Staff to return with an add service proposal from Design Workshop for additional services. Once the modifications are complete, staff will return for adoption by resolution. Attachments: Exhibit A: Memos from Design Workshop and Summary of Planning and Zoning Commission Comments Exhibit B: Draft District Plan (September 11, 2007) October 9, 2007 Town Council Meeting -2- N Exhibit A Design Workshop, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban Design Strategic Services Memorandum To: Avon Town Council Via: Eric Heidemann From: Rebecca Leonard Date: October 2, 2007 Project Name: Avon East Town Center Project #: 3928 Subject: Town Council Hearing We are pleased to present a draft of the East Town Center District Plan for your approval. Summary of the Process: • A five -day Community Partnership Charrette kicked off the District Plan process in July, 2006. Stakeholders, including representatives from nearly every property in the District, were interviewed. • Four concepts for the District were developed during the charrette week. These concepts were unveiled for comment at the Open House at the end of the week. • In November 2006, the Planning and Zoning Commission gave direction on how to proceed with a refined alternative, modifying Alternative 3. • The District Plan was informed by a Market Investigation completed on January 25, 2007 and a Financial Analysis completed on April 16, 2007. • The refined alternative was presented at a January 2007 open house meeting. The refined alternative illustrated the sum of input from the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion, direction from the market investigation, and additional design details. Most of the property owners in the District attended the meeting and supported the refined alternative. • Feedback regarding the District Planning Principles and refined alternative were given by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the February 2007 meeting • The Draft District Plan was reviewed and commented on by the Planning Commission in four meetings from May 15, 2007 to July 31, 2007 • Design Workshop revised the Draft District Plan based on the comments summarized in the included table of Planning Commissioner Questions /Comments. DESIGNWORKSHOP Asheville • Aspen • Denver • Park City • Phoenix • Santa Fe • Tahoe • Sao Paulo 120 East Main Street, Aspen, Colorado 81611 • (tel) 970 - 925 -8354 • (fax) 970 - 920 -1387 www. des ignworkshop.corn C: \Documents and Settings \mpielsticker \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK360 \071002 - TCmemo.doc 3 Summary of the District Plan: Chapter 1: Introduction District Plan Intent Relationship to Town -Wide Plans District Description History Planning Considerations Plan Development Charrette Alternatives Chapter 2: Physical Plan Illustration Summary of Planning Principles Sustainable Design Land Use Pedestrian Circulation Vehicular Circulation Parking District Character Views Chapter 3: Implementation Partnership Public Improvements Revenues Private Investment Key Redevelopment Areas Central Plaza Realignment of Main Street Realignment of East Beaver Creek Blvd.. Conclusion Appendix A: Market Investigation Appendix B: Financial Analysis The heart of the District Plan document is the Planning Principles for each of the topics in Chapter 2: Physical Plan. In this chapter the existing conditions, Planning Principles, and proposed changes lay out the framework for the future development of the District. The Planning Principles are as follows: 1. Utilize green building practices. 2. Create environmentally superior development. 3. Provide a mix of uses including commercial, residential and lodging. 4. Ensure that pedestrians have safe and convenient access throughout the District. 5. Maintain two access points off Avon Road. 6. Maintain a dispersed circulation pattern through the District. 7. Create quiet residential scale pedestrian streets. 8. Provide on- street parking. 9. Minimize the impact of off - street parking lots. 10. Provide de- centralized parking garages. 11. Ensure the architectural character of the East Town Center compliments the character emerging in the West Town Center. 12. Ensure that buildings with mid -size retail uses are designed in a manner that fits the character of the area and supports a pedestrian- friendly experience. 13. Encourage a high level of site planning and design to maximize public and semi - public pedestrian spaces. 14. Maximize solar exposure. 15. Define the plaza and other key pedestrian areas by framing these spaces with buildings. 16. Maintain key views to and from the District to provide visibility, orient people to their surroundings and define the character of the spaces. 17. Focus municipal involvement on actions that produce the most public benefit. Page 2 Agenda: Design Workshop will provide a short presentation on the contents of the plan, facilitate a discussion with the Town Council and interested public, and lay out a course of next steps. I. Introduction and Review of District Plan II. Facilitated Discussion of District Plan III. Next Steps Page 3 Design Workshop, Inc. Landscape Architecture Land Planning Urban Design Strategic Services Memorandum To: Avon Town Council Via: Eric Heidemann From: Rebecca Leonard Date: September 19, 2007 Project Name: Avon East Town Center Project #: 3948 Subject: District Plan Graphics Staff has requested a rough cost estimate for the changes to the imagery in the East District Plan suggested by the Planning Commission. It is unclear at this point the extent to which the Planning Commission wishes to have the illustrations /renderings revised. The total hours and cost will be dependent on the level of detail, amount of change, and type of illustrations /renderings desired. For this reason, a range of hours and cost has been provided. Image and Number Minimum Hours Maximum Hours Minimum Cost Maximum Cost Plan Illustration (1) 8 16 $ 600 $1,200 Sketchu Model (5) 8 16 $ 600 $1,200 Building Height Cross Section (1) 2 4 $ 200 $ 350 Perspective Drawings (2) 12 24 1 $1,000 1 $2,000 Diagrams hand drawn (20) 18 34 $1,600 $3,000 Roadway Cross Sections (3) 4 9 $ 500 $ 750 The estimated cost ranges from $4,500 to $8,500. Completion of these tasks may take up to two months. DESIGNWORKSHOP Asheville • Aspen • Denver • Park City • Phoenix • Santa Fe • Tahoe • Sao Paulo 120 East Main Street, Aspen, Colorado 81611 • (tel) 970 - 925 -8354 • (fax) 970 - 920 -1387 www. des ignworkshop.corn C: \Documents and Settings \eheidemann \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK 1 DF\070919 - TCmemo (2).doc East Town Center District Plan Planning Commissioner Questions/ Comments 5 -15 -07 to 7 -31 -07 Responses and changes by Design Workshop Underlined text indicates the need for future direction Page: Comment: DW Change Tracldn : 11 Energy Efficiency and Green Building Moved the Sustainable Principles to the beginning of the document. Standards are a good baseline for the Expanded upon LEED ND. plan. LEED ND or ALA 50 steps to sustainability need to be heavily encouraged. Include in the front end of the document. 12 3 -5 stories should be the preferred Took a qualitative approach for the District Plan instead of height, and no `Canyon Effect' is numerical approach which can be found in the Municipal Code. desired. Taller buildings may be From the Comprehensive Plan: "Site buildings of varying sizes along appropriate if designed appropriately. the street to maximize sun exposure, protect views, and break up building bulk." Is Avon Road the Line of Yes- from the Comprehensive Plan: "Limit building heights fronting Demarcation for Taller buildings? Avon Road to existing heights to avoid a canyon effect and to reserve Beaver Creek views." 9 and In reference to the massing models, is :deed direction to determine if the illustration and sketch -up model should be revised to reflect this comment. 44 big block massing the preferred alternative or smaller individual buildings on smaller pieces of property? Varying building heights needs to be Need direction to determine if additional cross sections should be created for building heights. expressed in the plan. Cross section(s)? :additional vignettes should be Need direction to determine if perspective drawings should be created. provided in place of photographs where possible (e.g. bottom of page 6, or bottom of page 7). 9 Coversheet illustration needs to be Need direction to determine if the illustration should be revised. redesigned. 1 The last paragraph must be This is restated throughout the entire document next to every highlighted and reinforced. More diagram. Made the entire sentence bold. No changes to statement. than putting "not" in bold is required to get this message across. 5 The need for "complimentary" or Changes made as suggested. "interesting" architecture instead of "common." Pedestrian circulation is confusing and needs to be emphasized. Bullets #3 and #5 must be reworded. Bullet #5 is confusing as it reads "to attract full time residents but are not of a high enough quality to appeal to the other markets." XMiat are we trying to say here? Views must be emphasized and roofline articulation. The diminished sight corridors must be addressed in the plan in this section. 7 Schematic diagrams were unanimously Need direction to determine if additional perspective drawings should be created. eat. More are needed. East Town Center District Plan Planning Commissioner Questions/ Comments 5 -15 -07 to 7 -31 -07 Responses and changes by Design Workshop Underlined text indicates the need for future direction Page: Comment: DW Change Tracldn : 10 Captions need to be reworded and Captions remain the same. District character is explained in the more visible. The District Character chapter. Design character is described in the Town Center Design Language was questioned - should it Guidelines. read design character? What exactly is being encouraged here? 10 Bullet #15 must be reviewed carefully. Removed from the document What does it mean to encourage visibility from Interstate 70? The Commission was not in agreement with this Planning Principle. This language also shows up on Page 41 of the document. 13 The floor to ceiling ratio was Reworded. Full time residency cannot be required in market rate questioned and its meaning. The first housing. ridded reference to the 2007 Town of Avon Attainable bullet point needs to be reworked. Housing Guidelines. We need to expand and create housing options that strengthen full time residency. 14 Strike 'big box' language and reword Removed all mention of "big box" and called them "significant to 'retailers up to 15,000 sq. ft.' The nationally -known retailers" that are located to the east of the Town gaps in retail frontage were Center and act as anchors. appropriate and the plan needs to embrace good techniques and creative Need direction to determine if the illustrative should be revise to show gaps in retail frontage. solutions to enhance spaces between buildings. The plan should encourage porosity and create open spaces where Change wording to "minimize large gaps in the retail frontage." possible. Secondary pedestrian access Added bullet point about good techniques and solutions to enhance is of high importance. spaces between buildings. Added bullet point about encouraging Strike reference to Vail City Market. pedestrian portals along the shopping path to improve accessibility and maintain a scale appropriate for the pedestrian. Reference to Vail City Market removed. 13 and There needs to be a definition for Cannot regulate full-time for market rate housing, instead we state 17 'Full-Time' residents. The preference that the affordable housing is to be in line with 2007 Avon should be given to units with high Attainable Housing Guidelines and be available for occupancy rates in the form of full residents /employees in the town. time residents. Does this mean all timeshare /hotel? 21 Commercial use table: 'Convenience Description of "Convenience Goods" is on page 20. Goods' - what does this term mean? Emphasize the word "recommendations" for tenant mix. Prescribing tenant mixes might not be appropriate for this plan. 24 The shapes of the suggested buildings Need direction to determine if the illustrative should be revise to not have hard edge lines and add character to the buildings and porosity on the graphic need character. For example, storefronts need to be of the buildings surrounding the plaza. illustrated and no hard edge lines should be present. This goes for all The plan does not depict four walls surrounding the plaza. depicted buildings in site plan view within the plan. The plaza should not be surrounded by four walls. East Town Center District Plan Planning Commissioner Questions /Comments 5 -15 -07 to 7 -31 -07 Responses and changes by Design Workshop Underlined text indicates the need for future direction Page: Comment: DW Change Traddn : 25 The medical tenants and /or urgent There is no suggestion of urgent care. The medical offices will be care should be accessible. It was ADA compliant just as any commercial space would be. No questioned whether a post office in revisions made. East Avon is appropriate. The plaza overlay should encourage articulated The location of the post office was added to the walking diagram. outdoor spaces. How about bookstores? Outdoor dining and bookstore added to the list. 26 Pictures need to be included to Included charrette drawing of commercial on the second floor on demonstrate, for example, what flex page 21. space in second level looks like, in addition to diagrams. 27 First bullet should read "create a Changes made as suggested. strong pedestrian connection" or "create and encourage a strong Size of sidewalks indicated in the cross sections and description of connection." The second bullet point the proposed roadways. needs to be reworded to reflect the desire to reroute E. BC Blvd and should not call out Christie Lodge by name. The intent of moving the street should be highlighted (i.e. to move lodging closer to the core of East Avon and for circulation purposes). The principles should define the size of sidewalks. Third bullet — should read: "Enhance and maintain strong pedestrian connections between East Town Center and the Eagle River." The second to last bullet to be modified stating "Provide comfortable and safe spaces with adequate separation of automobiles and pedestrians." Add bullet "Create a safe and exploratory environment with strong pedestrian connections to secondary pedestrian corridors." 28 Strike word "thereby" Change made as suggested. 29 Avon Road Crosswalk color and /or Changed to bolder lines. symbol showing connections between East and West Town Centers should be emphasized. First sentence should be reworded to start with "Consistent high quality and intuitive design are Changes made as suggested. the driving forces....." There should be a consistent level of visual cues including materials, signs, and landscaping. Need direction to determine if the illustrative /diagrams should be revise to look more hand - drawn. The Photoshop drawing does not give the right feel to the plan. The lines appear too hard and should be broken in some way with new hand drawn sketches. WPM East Town Center District Plan Planning Commissioner Questions/ Comments 5 -15 -07 to 7 -31 -07 Responses and changes by Design Workshop Underlined text indicates the need for future direction Page: Comment: DW Change Tracldn : 29 Under bullet one of principal five, Changing this from a residential to a mixed use portion of the replace "residential' with "mixed- District changes the fundamental principles of this district to create a use." residential environment. This is a mixed use district, with most of the District having mixed -use buildings. Changing the buildings along this street to include commercial will require major changes to the document, financial analysis, and approach. We would like to keep it as is. Change of photos. 30 The second dashed walking radius line Change made as suggested. does not have a leader. 31 The top photo is great, but the Bottom photograph changed. bottom picture is no representative of Changes to text made as suggested. the envisioned East Town Center District. Under principal four, second No changes made to "mixed use" for the same reasons as page 29. bullet, the word "border" should be replaced with "front." Under fourth bullet, should read "Avoid or minimize the impacts of traffic on secondary streets to create a pleasant living environment." Bullet five, "by encouraging owners with vehicles..." Under bullet one of principal five, replace "residential' with "mixed use." 32 and The residential street should be called Text change made as suggested. 33 "secondary" streets, and there should Hierarchy made clearer. be some sort of hierarchy in line types, colors, etc. to differentiate between through roads and secondary roads. 34,35, 36 Residential cross section appears more commercial than residential, and the cross Need direction to determine if cross sections should be changed to look softer. sections throughout the document should be softened in some way. 35 "Trash Bins" should be replaced with Replaced with Trash "Receptacles" to match the Avon Commercial "Trash Cans ". Also the first Design Guidelines. paragraph should read "Trees should Reworded trees placement text. be no more than 30 feet on center." 36 Same as previous page, trees should Changes made as suggested. be no more than 30 feet o.c. The sentence in the middle of the paragraph should read "A minimum of six foot clear pedestrian circulation route should be provided, however, creative solutions to pedestrian routes is strongly encouraged." WE East Town Center District Plan Planning Commissioner Questions/ Comments 5 -15 -07 to 7 -31 -07 Responses and changes by Design Workshop Underlined text indicates the need for future direction Page: Comment: DW Change Tracldn : 37 Page 35: Strike 150 o mixed -use Changes made as suggested. reduction bullet. Strike "Casual surveillance" bullet from principal 7. Under principal 8, add bullet to read "Encourage decentralized underground parking." Last bullet to read "Prohibit bland walls facing the street on buildings with parking garages. Bland walls must be decorated with artwork, display cases......" Do the footprints work with parking The on -street parking numbers will be revised to reflect what the 39 numbers? What were the illustrated plan allows. assumptions that went into these 1. Underground parking: parking studies? The underground parking was calculated by determining the square footage of the possible building footprint- connecting footprints where reasonable. Underground parking area was drawn in GIS based on the CAD drawings of the potential footprints. The square footage of this underground parking area was divided by 425 to determine the number of spaces possible. Four hundred and thirty- five is a conservative number to include the double -wide parking spaces, infrastructure, aisles, and drives. Parking consultants provided this conservative rule -of thumb number. Underground parking was assumed to have only one floor to be conservative with the estimate- although more than one floor is likely to be desirable for maximum efficiency. The park plaza was the one exception in which two floors was anticipated. 2.0n- street parking Parallel parking was calculated as 20 feet per parking space. The length of the parking area was measured and divided by 20. Angled parking was calculated as 16 feet per parking space. The length of the parking area was measured and divided by 16. On- street parking to remain the same was counted from an aerial map 3.Surface parking Surface parking to remain the same was counted from an aerial map. Surface parking is also calculated as total square footage divided by 425 a parking space. The City Market parking space is calculated to include underground parking as well as surface parking. 42 Strike last bullet under principal 10. Changes made as suggested. Slight modification- "still compliant Under the second to last bullet under with the Avon lighting requirements to minimize "over- lighting." principal 11, should read "Provide appropriate lighting to insure that paths are safe at night and still compliant with the Dark Sky Ordinance." East Town Center District Plan Planning Commissioner Questions/ Comments 5 -15 -07 to 7 -31 -07 Responses and changes by Design Workshop Underlined text indicates the need for future direction Page: Comment: DW Change Tracking: 11 LEED certification was discussed at Reworded to express an emphasis on these specific LEED points. length and whether or not it should be Moved from page 44 to page 11. required in this document. Some of the bullets may be redundant (i.e. New image selected. encourage the use of renewable materials) since they are required by LEED already. The bottom photo is not representative of the East Avon vision. 44 Strike entire page. Would like to keep the Massing Models. They are a good tool to express how the build -out may change based on this plan. It shows the change from low density with expanses of surface parking. The captions help to explain the purpose of the massing models. 45 Strike first bullet. Add Bellyache Changes made as suggested Ridge to the third bullet. Strike the word "trees" from last bullet and this last bullet should be reworded. 45,46,47 Strike entire page 46 Took new photos to show the great mountain ranges, not necessarily View corridors should not be broken from the locations indicated on page 47. Included the name of the into primary and secondary, they mountain range below the photo. Views diagram altered to include should all be accepted as view Belleyache. No prioritization for views. corridors with no prioritization. The narrative should go into more detail on which views are important (i.e. call out Bachelor's Gulch, Gypsum Cliffs, etc again) and there should be a view from Beaver Creek Boulevard looking straight down. 49 The third bullet should read "Require Town Staff requested the realignment of East Beaver Creek the realignment of East Beaver Creek Boulevard to be flexible. Boulevard." Under the last bullet "Tax Increment Financing" should be spelled out since it is the first time it comes up in the document. 50 Strike first sentence of first paragraph. Change made as suggested. 51 The Chapel Square figure was Changes made as suggested. questioned. In the caption, the word "will" to be replaced with "shall." There should be a note added indicating that the expenditures are based on 2006 or 2007 numbers based on assumptions. 55 The schematic drawings should show Change made as suggested. existing conditions next to the proposed drawings that are shown. 58 The relationship between this plan See page 3 and 33 and the Village at Avon was questioned. There should be a clear statement of intent in the conclusion. Images added or changed to cover and pages 11, 13, 21, 31, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 49, 58 12 Memo C 0 L 0 R A 0 0 To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager x l From: Eric Heidemann, Community Development Director Date: October 5, 2007 Re: Presentation of Proposed Eagle County Housing Guidelines Summary: Staff has invited Alex Potente, Eagle County Acting Housing Director, to present their proposed Housing Guidelines and share lessons learned regarding the mitigation of affordable housing on the West End Development project. Below is an outline of the presentation: 1) EC proposed housing guidelines (see chart attached) a. Residential inclusionary requirement (50% or total square footage) i. 30% "Affordable" price - capped, appreciation capped @ 105 %/115% AMI ii. 20% "Resident- Occupied" (no price or appreciation caps) b. Commercial mitigation (100% of all jobs created @ 100% AMI) 2) West End Deal Structure a. Affordable housing component (30% at 115% AN with cost recovery up to 125% AMI) b. Explanation of cost recovery mechanism and how it might be structured in Avon c. Sales tax infrastructural assessment for off -site road improvements d. Road impact fee schedule e. Other off -site improvements (pedestrian access; bus stops and shelters; preserve landscaping) f. Parking (drive -up vs. underground parking) 3) Other tools potentially applicable to Avon a. Government partnerships i. Government - financed, income - generating facilities (e.g., underground parking structures) ii. Tax credit rental housing (free federal money for project equity) iii. Bank - qualified financing for rental and for -sale properties Town Manager Comments` fg. Attachments: Exhibit A: Summary of Proposed Changes to the Eagle County Housing Guidelines Proposed Material Chances to Earle County Housing Guidelines EC Old Housing Guidelines EC Proposed Housing Guidelines RESIDENTIAL INCLUSIONARY 20% of total residential units in PUD. 30% of total residential square REQUIREMENT footage in PUD deed restricted, price Applies only up- zoning in unincorporated Eagle Applies to 4 residential units or more capped, County in a zoning change. plus 20% full -time residency only (no initial or resale price capon site only). Applies to 4 residential units or more. AMI level for sales housing 30 -100% of AMI, average 80% AMI. An average of 105% (115% if 80% or more parking is underground). Cost recovery plus 5% profit (plus 5% developer's fee) if proven to County's satisfaction by independent auditor after construction from self - imposed assessment at developer's election. Fees imposed at time of sale No broker; County facilitates sales. Same. 2% Transfer commission paid by the seller for county's role as broker. Off -Site Mitigation Rate 25% of total residential units in PUD. 30% (price capped) treated as on -site if certain criteria are met; 20% (non- price- capped) must be onsite or developer must meet cash -in -lieu. In -Lieu Mitigation Rate 30% @ 80% AMI, based on square 50% @ 100% AMI ($60 sq. ft.) plus footage ($132,000/950 sq. ft.). 15% admin. fee ($9 /sq. ft)); land in lieu will be considered as alternative; off -site may be treated as on -site if objective criteria are met. RESIDENTIAL LINKAGE 20% of housing needs generated by Abolished. development's employees @ 80% On -site AMI on site; 25% off -site; 30% in- lieu. In -lieu 30% (13.1% effective) @ 60% AMI N /A. COMMERICAL LINKAGE Must meet commercial linkage or inclusionary requirement; whichever is higher plus lower AMI level for generated requirement -- -the two are not cumulative. On -site 20% @ 60% AM I. 100% @ 100% AMI. Off -site 25% @ 60% AM I. Treated as on -site if certain criteria are met (e.g., location inappropriate for employee housing); otherwise in- lieu must be satisfied. In -lieu 30% @ 60% AMI ($172,000 100% at 100% AM1($60'sq. ft.) plus subsidy /unit; 87 jobs x 13.1 %= 11 15% ($9'sq. ft.) administrative fee. units x $172,000 affordability gap @ 60% AMI = $1.89 million). Deed Restriction Terms Locals only; appreciation capped at Same, except no min/max for wage wages, but only 3 % -6% compound appreciation. interest; no income cap