TC Council Packet 07-11-2006TOWN OF "ON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, JULY 111 2006 AvON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MEETING BEGINS AT5:3DpK8 ,ncnn�nn 1' CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2' APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE C]F POTENTIAL CONFLICT OFINTEREST 4' CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY INPUT 5. COUNCIL COMMITTEE UPDATES a. Eagle County Open Space Committee Update (Mayor Wolfe) G' STAFF UPDATES @. East Town Center Ch8rretteUpdate (TambiKatieb. Community Development Director) b. Recreation Center — Upcoming Special EVeOts(DanitoChihchiUo.Speoie|EventsCoordinotor) C. Project Summary Report (Department Directors) Report only 7. ORDINANCES e. Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 06-13. 8ahee of 2006. Second Reading. Ordinance Amending Title 15 of the TOvvD of Avon Municipal Code relating to Permit Violations (John Dunn. Town Attorney) Amendment to Code that helps the Town to enforce agreements with landowners by making violation of a condition of a building permit a violation of the municipal code b. C>ndiD8DQe NO. 00-14' First Reading, {]rdiD3DCe /\D1BDdiOg Title S Of /\VOD K8uDiCip@| Code Relating TO POSSeSSiUD Of Liquors By Underage Person (Brian Kozak, Police Chief) Proposed revisions to legislation which addresses enforcement issues 8' RESOLUTIONS 8. Public Hearing on ReSU|Uh0n NO. 00-31. Series of 2006, Renaming of Mountain Star Drive to Buck Creek Road, (Norm Wood, Town Engineer) Public Hearing on this matter which proposes a name change for this road b. RenO|UdOn No. 00-32. Series of 2008. RBSO|uhOD to /\DleDd the 2006 TOvvD of Avon Budget (Scott Wright, Finance Director) Amendment to appropriate additional expenditures related to contributions and to community development contract services 9. NEW BUSINESS 8. Public Hearing for Outdoor Use of Sound Amplification System for Frank Osurio Event Name: American Crown Circus Location: Harry A. Nottingham Park Dates: July 26 and 27, 2006 (Patty McKenny, Town Clerk, & Danita Chirichillo, Special Events) 1Q. OTHER BUSINESS 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1Z' TOWN MANAGER REPORT 13- TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT 14' MAYOR REPORT 16. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: VV|LDR|DGE MEETING |NAUGUST Avon Council Meeting. ns.nrn Page aofo TOWN OF "ON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2006 AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM 16. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes from June 27, 2006 Meeting b. Avon Streetscape Lighting Conversion — Sturgeon Electric — Construction Contract Award (Norm Wood, Town Engineer) 17. ADJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting.06.07.11 Page 3 of 3 I J� L:4 11 To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council TOWN CENTER EAST district Plan Summary: The East Town Center Design Charrette will be taking place the entire week of July 17th, culminating with the findings of all meetings, data inventory /analysis, and the various alternative concept plans and sketches presented in a community open house format on Friday, July 21st at 4:30pm. Over 100 invitation letters were sent out to property owners, design professionals, and property associations. Most property groups have one -on -one meetings with Design Workshop and Town staff, and time slots have been designated for Town department, Transit Groups, the Avon Business Association, and the Fire Department interviews. The tentative charrette schedule is attached for your review. This process will be extremely similar to the Town Center West Charrette which took place last summer. Staff has been in personal contact with property groups and the Avon Business Association, who is helping us coordinate with the business community, and we anticipate a great amount of public involvement in this process. Town Manager Comments: Attach rr � s:" Exhibit A: Charrette Schedule Exhibit B: Town Center East Aerial F:ACounctIvMFM0W006ATown Center East Charrette Update 071106.doc CHARETTE SCHEDULE TOWN CENTER EAST TI V dist,#ct plan Monday, July 17 — Avon Town Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. Design team to walk the corridor with Community Development Director 11:00 a.m. Avon Town Council 12:30 p.m. Avon Planning Commission Members (lunch provided) 2:00 p.m. Community Development / Engineering / Public Works Departments 3:30 p.m. Transit Groups — EcoTransit, Avon Transit, Beaver Creek Transit Tuesday, July 18 — Avon Town Council Chambers (until 1:30 p.m.) 9:00 a.m. Property Group #1 Christie Lodge 10:30 a.m. Property Group #2 Benchmark Shopping Center 12:00 p.m. Property Group #3 Christie Sports & Avon Annex - (lunch provided) 1:30 p.m. Property Group #4 Chapel Square 3:00 p.m. Police and Fire Departments 4:30 p.m. Chamber of Commerce / Avon Business Association Wednesday, July 19 — Avon Town Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. Property Group #5 City Market 10:30 a.m. Property Group #6 Village at Avon 12:00 p.m. Property Group #7 American Nat'l Bank / 51 Beaver Creek Place - (lunch 6:30 p.m. provided) 1:30 p.m. Property Group #8 Benchmark Plaza ("Boat Building") 3:00 p.m. Property Group #9 North Court / Buck Creek Condos / Avon Plaza 4:30 p.m. Work time for Design Team 7:00 p.m. Community Workshop Thursday, July 20 — Avon Town Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. Meet with Community Development — update 10:00 a.m. Work time for Design Team Friday, July 21 — Avon Town Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. Meet with Community Development — update 10:00 a.m. Work time for Design Team 4:30 p.m. Community Open House 6:30 p.m. Conclusion of Open House *Times may be adjusted as necessary TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Larry Brooks, Town Manager FROM: Meryl Jacobs, Director of Recreation Danita Chirichillo, Special Events Coordinator DATE: July 5, 2006 RE: Upcoming Special Events The Special Events department is gearing up for a very busy July. To that end, following is a summary of the Special Events planning for July. Saturday, July 8: Triple Bypass — this event is a turnkey event taking place on the main athletic field at Harry A. Nottingham Park. It is a bike ride starting in Evergreen and ending in Avon. The parking lot between the municipal building and police department is blocked off on Friday night July 7 through Saturday, July 8. All permits are in place. Friday, July 14 through Sunday, July 16: Thunderbird Artists — this event is a turn key event taking place on the main athletic field at Harry A. Nottingham Park. The Thunderbird Artists exhibit in outdoor settings all over Colorado, Arizona and California. All permits are in place. Friday, July 21 and July 28: Avon's Lakeside Cinema — This is a "town owned" event starting in July and commencing in August for a total of five (5) events all on Friday evenings. The event takes place on the main athletic field at Harry A. Nottingham Park. We erect a large movie screen and show feature films to the public for free. Wednesday, July 26: Avon's Dunk -n -Dash — This is a "town owned" event starting in July and commencing in August for a total of four (4) events all on Wednesday evenings. This event is an 800 -yard swim in Nottingham Lake followed by a 5K run around the lake and recreational path. Wednesday, July 26 and Thursday, July 27: American Crown Circus — This is a turn key event taking place on the main athletic field at Harry A. Nottingham Park. It is a family circus specializing in acrobatics. There will be two shows daily; 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. All permits are in place. TOWN MANAGER COMMENTS:' i MEMORANDUM TO: TOWN COUNCII FROM: TOWN ATTORNEY RE: ORDINANCE MAKING VIOLATION OF CONDITIONS OF A BUILDING PERMIT A VIOLATION OF THE TOWN CODE DATE: July 11, 2006 This ordinance is before Council on second reading. No changes were made at time of first reading. Some time ago Council gave direction that the Town be given the ability to assess liquidated damages against landowners when they violate agreements with the Town. Since then a variety of ways to accomplish that goal have been explored. The ordinances of other municipalities have been reviewed. It has been concluded that the most effective way to enforce agreements with landowners is to condition building permits on, among other things, compliance with agreements with the Town and to red-tag the permitted improvements when an agreement is violated. It is our experience that stopping work on a project most effectively cures the violation. Doing that, of course, does not result in the assessment of a penalty. The ordinance placed on the agenda for first reading will accomplish that purpose. JWD:ipse TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 06- 13 SERIES OF 2006 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 15 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON RELATING TO PERMIT VIOLATIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF Section 1. Amendment. Title 15 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon, is hereby amended by the addition of a Chapter 15.50 to provide as follows: Chapter 15.50 General Violations 15.50.010 Permit Violation. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, move, demolish, repair, use and occupy any building or structure in the Town, or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any condition set forth in any permit issued by the Building Official pursuant to this Title. Section 2.. Penalties. It is unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding one year or by both such fine and imprisonment. INTRODUCED, APPROVED, PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED POSTED the _ day of , 2006 and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council on the day of , 2006, at P.M. in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. Mayor Town Clerk INTRODUCED, FINALLY APPROVED, PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED POSTED the day of , 2005. Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney Mayor Ordinance No. 06-13 Building Permit Violations I JL1�1L1•J TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Brian Kozak, Chief of Police Date: June 29, 2006 Re: Ordinance No. 06 -14, Municipal Code 9.12.060 Possession or Consumption of Liquor by an Underage Person Summary: This report outlines the reasons why the current municipal code restricting underage possession of alcohol is unenforceable. The Avon Police Department recommends the approval of Ordinance No. 06 -14, thereby, allowing enforcement of the municipal code. Background: Last year the Avon Police Department responded to a call of an underage alcohol drinking party at a private residence and cited several juveniles for the current municipal code of underage possession of alcohol. The Municipal Court dismissed all the offenses since they took place at a private residence, which the town ordinance does not cover. Since this event, the Avon Police Department has used the state ordinance for underage consumption of alcohol by citing offenders into the Eagle County Court in lieu of using the unenforceable town ordinance. Discussion: Limitations of the current ordinance (Attachment A) The current town ordinance has the following limitations, which prevent appropriate enforcement: • The current town ordinance only restricts the underage possession of alcohol in a public place, which is more lenient than the state law's restriction of anywhere in the State of Colorado. • The current town ordinance does not provide any affirmative defenses as the state law does. • The current town ordinance does not restrict the consumption of alcohol by an underage person. • The current town ordinance does not allow enforcement in a situation where a child has consumed alcohol outside of the town limits and enters the town in an intoxicated state. 0 Benefits of Ordinance No. 06 -14: An amendment to the municipal code as outlined in Ordinance No. 06 -14 would allow appropriate enforcement for the following reasons: • The ordinance is consistent with the state law, CRS IS- 13-122 (Attachment B) and makes it illegal for an underage person to consume or op ssess alcohol anywhere within the town limits. • The ordinance defines "possession" as the presence of a detectable level of alcohol in a person's body, even if ingested outside of the town limits. • The ordinance allows for the same affirmative defenses as the state law (Attachment B): • The minor consumes alcohol in the presence of a parent on private property. • The consumption of alcohol is for religious purposes. • The minor calls for medical assistance due to alcohol consumption. Financial Implications: The amendment to the municipal code will not cause any fiscal impact to the town. The amendment will allow enforcement, thereby, allowing the Avon Municipal Court to assess fines. Recommendation: The Avon Police Department recommends that the Council approve Ordinance No. 06 -14, thereby, allowing prevention, enforcement and the early intervention of minors consuming or possessing alcohol. Alternatives: If Ordinance No. 06 -14 is not approved the Avon Police Department will continue to use the state statute and disregard the municipal code related to underage consumption of alcohol. Proposed Motion: "I move to approved Ordinance No. 06 -14, an amendment to municipal code 9.12.060, possession or consumption of liquors by underage persons ". Town Manager Comments: 1 ;-/ rt- • Page 2 IRA ORDINANCE NO. 06- 14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON RELATING TO POSSESSION OF LIQUORS BY UNDERAGE PERSON Section 1. Amendment. Chapter 9.12, Title 9 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon is amended as follows: "9.12.060 Possession or consumption of liquors by underage person. (a) It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) to possess or consume ethyl alcohol anywhere within the Town limits. For the purposes of this ordinance, "possession" shall include the presence of a detectable level of ethyl alcohol in a person's body, which alcohol may have been ingested outside Town limits. (b) It shall be an affirmative defense to the offense that the ethyl alcohol was possessed or consumed by a person under twenty-one years of age under the following circumstances: (L) While such person was legally upon private property with the knowledge and consent of the owner or legal possessor of such private property and the ethyl alcohol was possessed or consumed with the consent of his parent or leizal guardian who was present during such DOssession or consumption; or (ii.) The possession or consumption took place for religious purposes protected by the first amendment to the United States constitution. (c) An underage person and one or two other persons shall be immune from criminal prosecution under this section if they establish the following: G.) One of the underage -persons called 911 and reported that another underage person was in need of medical assistance due to alcohol consumption; (ii.) The underage -person who called 911 and, if applicable, one or two other persons acting in concert with the underage person who called 911 provided each of their names to the 911 operator; (iii.) The underage person was the first person to make the 911 report; and N, (iv.) The underage person and, if applicable, one or two other persons acting in concert with the underage person who made the 911 call remained on the scene with the underage -person in need of medical assistance until assistance arrived and cooperated with medical assistance and law enforcement personnel on the scene. Section 2.. Penalties. ' It is unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding one year or by both such fine and imprisonment. INTRODUCED, APPROVED, PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED POSTED the - day of , 2006 and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular regular meeting of the Town Council on the day of , 2006, at P.M. in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk INTRODUCED, FINALLY APPROVED, PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED POSTED the _ day of 12005. Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney I Attachment A — Current Avon Municipal Code 9.12.060 Possession of liquors by underage person. (a) It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (2 1) to have in his or her possession or in his or her control in a public place or a privately owned place opened to the use and access of the public, any malt, vinous or spirituous liquors in any container of any kind, whether open or unopened, within the Town limits. (b) It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (2 1) years to have in his or her possession or in his or her control in any public place or a privately owned place opened to the use and access of the public, any fermented malt beverage in any container of any kind, whether opened or unopened, within the Town limits. (Ord. 02-21 (part)) M Attachment B — Colorado Revised Statute 18-13-122. Illegal possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol by an underage person. (1) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) "Establishment" means a business, firm, enterprise, service or fraternal organization, club, institution, entity, group, or residence, and any real property, including buildings and improvements, connected therewith, and shall also include any members, employees, and occupants associated therewith. (b) "Ethyl alcohol" means any substance which is or contains ethyl alcohol. (c) "Possession of ethyl alcohol" means that a person has or holds any amount of ethyl alcohol anywhere on his person, or that a person owns or has custody of ethyl alcohol, or has ethyl alcohol within his immediate presence and control. (d) "Private property" means any dwelling and its cartilage which is being used by a natural person or natural persons for habitation and which is not open to the public and privately owned real property which is not open to the public. "Private property" shall not include: (1) Any establishment which has or is required to have a license pursuant to article 46, 47, or 48 of title 12, C.R.S.; or (11) Any establishment which sells ethyl alcohol or upon which ethyl alcohol is sold; or (111) Any establishment which leases, rents, or provides accommodations to members of the public generally. (2) (a) Any person under twenty-one years of age who possesses or consumes ethyl alcohol anywhere in the state of Colorado commits illegal possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol by an underage person. Illegal possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol by an underage person is a strict liability offense. (b) (1) Upon conviction of a first offense, illegal possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol by an underage person shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred fifty dollars. The court, upon sentencing a defendant pursuant to this paragraph (b), may, in addition to any fine, order that the defendant perform up to twenty-four hours of useful public service, subject to the conditions and restrictions of section 18-1.3-507, and may further order that the defendant submit to and complete an alcohol evaluation or assessment, an alcohol education program, or an alcohol treatment program at such defendant's own expense. (Il) Upon conviction of a second offense, illegal possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol by an underage person shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, and the court shall order the defendant to submit to and complete an alcohol evaluation or assessment, an alcohol education program, or an alcohol treatment program, at the defendant's own expense. The court may further order the defendant to perfonn up to twenty -four hours of useful public service, subject to the conditions and restrictions specified in section 18 -1.3 -507. (III) Upon conviction of a third or subsequent offense, illegal possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol by an underage person shall be a class 2 misdemeanor, and the court, in addition to sentencing the defendant pursuant to the provisions of section 18- 1.3 -501, shall order the defendant to submit to and complete an alcohol evaluation or assessment, an alcohol education program, or an alcohol treatment program, at the defendant's own expense. (3) It shall be an affirmative defense to the offense described in subsection (2) of this section that the ethyl alcohol was possessed or consumed by a person under twenty -one years of age under the following circumstances: (a) While such person was legally upon private property with the knowledge and consent of the owner or legal possessor of such private property and the ethyl alcohol was possessed or consumed with the consent of his parent or legal guardian who was present during such possession or consumption; or (b) When the existence of ethyl alcohol in a person's body was due solely to the ingestion of a confectionery which contained ethyl alcohol within the limits prescribed by section 25 -5 -410 (1) (i) (1I), C.R.S.; or the ingestion of any substance which was manufactured, designed, or intended primarily for a purpose other than oral human ingestion; or the ingestion of any substance which was manufactured, designed, or intended solely for medicinal or hygienic purposes; or solely from the ingestion of a beverage which contained less than one -half of one percent of ethyl alcohol by weight. (c) The person is a student who: (I) Tastes but does not imbibe an alcohol beverage only while under the direct supervision of an instructor who is at least twenty -one years of age and employed by a post- secondary school; (II) Is enrolled in a university or a post- secondary school accredited or certified by an agency recognized by the United States department of education, a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association, or the "Private Occupational Education Act of 1981", article 59 of title 12, C.R.S.; e (III) Is participating in a culinary arts, food service, or restaurant management degree program; and (IV) Tastes but does not imbibe the alcohol beverage for instructional purposes as a part of a required course in which the alcohol beverage, except the portion the student tastes, remains under the control of the instructor. (4) The possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol shall not constitute a violation of this section if such possession or consumption takes place for religious purposes protected by the first amendment to the United States constitution. (4.5) An underage person and one or two other persons shall be immune from criminal prosecution under this section if they establish the following: (a) One of the underage persons called 911 and reported that another underage person was in need of medical assistance due to alcohol consumption; (b) The underage person who called 911 and, if applicable, one or two other persons acting in concert with the underage person who called 911 provided each of their names to the 911 operator; (c) The underage person was the first person to make the 911 report; and (d) The underage person and, if applicable, one or two other persons acting in concert with the underage person who made the 911 call remained on the scene with the underage person in need of medical assistance until assistance arrived and cooperated with medical assistance and law enforcement personnel on the scene. (5) Prima facie evidence of a violation of subsection (2) of this section shall consist of: (a) Evidence that the defendant was under the age of twenty -one years and possessed or consumed ethyl alcohol anywhere in this state; or (b) Evidence that the defendant was under the age of twenty -one years and manifested any of the characteristics commonly associated with ethyl alcohol intoxication or impairment while present anywhere in this state. (6) During any trial for a violation of subsection (2) of this section, any bottle, can, or any other container with labeling indicating the contents of such bottle, can, or container shall be admissible into evidence, and the information contained on any label on such bottle, can, or other container shall be admissible into evidence and shall not constitute hearsay. A jury or a judge, whichever is appropriate, may consider the information upon such label in determining whether the contents of the bottle, can, or other container were composed in whole or in part of ethyl alcohol. A label which identifies the contents of any bottle, can, or other container as "beer ", "ale ", "malt beverage ", "fermented malt 0 beverage ", "malt liquor ", "wine ", "champagne ", "whiskey" or "whisky ", "gin ", "vodka ", "tequila ", "schnapps ", "brandy ", "cognac ", "liqueur ", "cordial ", "alcohol ", or "liquor" shall constitute prima facie evidence that the contents of the bottle, can, or other container was composed in whole or in part of ethyl alcohol. (7) A parent or legal guardian of a person under twenty -one years of age or any natural person who has the permission of such parent or legal guardian may give or permit the possession and consumption of ethyl alcohol to or by a person under the age of twenty -one years under the conditions described in paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of this section. This subsection (7) shall not be construed to permit any establishment which is or is required to be licensed pursuant to article 46, 47, or 48 of title 12, C.R.S., or any members, employees, or occupants of any such establishment to give, provide, make available, or sell ethyl alcohol to a person under twenty -one years of age. (8) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any statutory or home rule municipality from enacting any ordinance which prohibits persons under the age of twenty -one years from possessing or consuming ethyl alcohol, which ordinance is at least as restrictive or more restrictive than this section. (9) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or preclude prosecution for any offense pursuant to article 46, 47, or 48 of title 12, C.R.S., except as provided in such articles. (10) Upon the expiration of one year from the date of a conviction for a violation of subsection (2) of this section, any person convicted of such violation may petition the court in which the conviction was entered for an order sealing the record of such conviction. The court shall grant such petition if the petitioner has not been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any felony, misdemeanor, or petty offense during the period of one year following the date of such petitioner's conviction for a violation of subsection (2) of this section. (11) The qualitative result of an alcohol test or tests shall be admissible at the trial of any person charged with a violation of subsection (2) of this section upon a showing that the device or devices used to conduct such test or tests have been approved as accurate in detecting alcohol by the executive director of the department of public health and environment. (12) Official records of the department of public health and environment relating to the certification of breath test instruments, certification of operators and operator instructors of breath test instruments, certification of standard solutions, and certification of laboratories shall be official records of the state. Copies of such records, attested by the executive director of the department of public health and environment or his deputy and accompanied by a certificate bearing the official seal for said department, which state that the executive director of the department has custody of such records, shall be admissible in all courts of record and shall constitute prima facie evidence of the information contained in such records. The official seal of the department described in this subsection (12) may consist of a rubber stamp producing a facsimile of the seal stamped upon the document. (13) In any judicial proceeding in any court of this state concerning a charge under subsection (2) of this section, the court shall take judicial notice of methods of testing a person's blood, breath, saliva, or urine for the presence of alcohol and of the design and operation of devices certified by the department of public health and environment for testing a person's blood, breath, saliva, or urine for the presence of alcohol. This subsection (13) shall not prevent the necessity of establishing during a trial that the testing devices were working properly and that such testing devices were properly operated. Nothing in this subsection (13) shall preclude a defendant from offering evidence concerning the accuracy of testing devices. (14) No law enforcement officer shall enter upon any private property to investigate any violation of this section without probable cause. (15) Repealed. JI L:4 I I me To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thiru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer Date: July 3, 2006 Re: Resolution No. 06-31 A Resolution Changing the Name of Mountain Star Drive to Buck Creek Road in the Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (Public Hearing) Summary: Steven C. Coyer, President of the Mountain Star Association, per attached letter (Exhibit 2), has requested that the name of Mountain Star Drive be changed to Buck Creek Road so the name will be consistent from Nottingham Road to the intersection with Wildwood Road. Adoption of Resolution No. 06 -31, Series of 2006 (Exhibit 1) will change the name of Mountain Star Drive to Buck Creek Road and is recommended for approval, Discussion: The section of roadway that extended northward to the original Town boundary from Nottingham Road, toward what is now Mountain Star, was named Buck Creek Road on the Official Plat-Town of Avon and Final Subdivision Plat-Amendment No. 4, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Eagle County, Colorado. That name was continued through various resubdivisions and replats including the current Wildwood Resort PUD. When this road was extended across U.S. Forest Service Property that was subsequently added to Mountain Star as Filing No. 2, the extension was named Mountain Star Drive. This has resulted in some confusion with respect to providing directions to Mountain Star and thus the subsequent request for the name change. On April 12, 2005, the Avon Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 05-02 establishing criteria for the names of streets. These criteria included: (1) Names shall relate to one (1) or more of the following: a. The history of the State, the Town and the area, including persons associated with that history; b. Skiing and the history of skiing; c. Local flora and fauna d. Local geography, including creeks, lakes and mountain peaks-, and e. The American West, particularly including farming, mining, ranching and Native American culture [:\EngineeHng\Admiiiistration\Miscellaneous\Street Names\Res 06-31 Memo.Doc es: A'S -illy TOWN OF AVON Series of 2006 A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE NAME OF MOUNTAIN STAR DRIVE TO BUCK CREEK ROAD IN THE TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, the Final Plat for Wildwood Resort, a Resubdivision of Lots 5, 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado designates a public road beginning at Nottingham Road and terminating at the northerly boundary of the subdivision as Buck Creek Road; and WHEREAS, this public road is extended by the Final Plat of Mountain Star Filing No. 2 and designated as Mountain Star Drive from the northerly boundary of Wildwood Resort to the intersection of Wildwood Road; and WHEREAS, the Mountain Star Association has requested that the name of the road be changed to be consistent for it's full length from Nottingham Road to Wildwood Road; and WHEREAS, the Town held a public hearing at which it received evidence and testimony concerning the requested street name change, at the conclusion of which the Town Council considered such evidence and testimony; and WHEREAS, the Avon Municipal Code requires, Names of streets shall be subject to the approval of the Town Council and shall relate to one or more of the following: . a. The history of the State, the Town and the area, including persons associated with that history; b. Skiing and the history of skiing; C. Local flora and fauna; d. Local geography, including creeks, lakes and mountain peaks; and e. The American West particularly including farming, mining, ranching and Native American culture; and WHEREAS, Buck Creek is a local creek adjacent to the roadway and Buck Creek Road is the current name of a portion of this roadway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that the entire length of road extending from the intersection with Nottingham Road to the intersection with Wildwood Road and Paintbrush, currently bearing the names of Buck Creek Road and Mountain Star Drive, shall henceforth be named Buck Creek Road for it's entire length and shown as such on all future maps and plats. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF JULY 2006. . Patty McKenny, Town Clerk F TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor MOUNTAN STAR Mr. Larry. Brooks Town Manager Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Larry, May 26, 2006 As you may recall, last year 1, as President of the Mountain Star Association, asked that the street leading up to our security gate be renamed. At that time, there was a sign leading from Nottingham Road that said "Mountain Star Drive", yet this was not "officiar" — i.e., on services like Mapquest, it did not appear. The council then decided to re-sign the road as "Buck Creek Road". I am perfectly happy with that, but somewhere ,along Buck Creek Road, the road's name changes, officially, to Mountain Star Drive. I would like to ask the Town to fix this by renaming the road. We feel it should be called Buck Creek Road, all the way from Nottingham Road up to our security gate, where we rename it "Paintbrush". This would eliminate Mountain Star Drive entirely. Please let me know if there is anything you need me to do to help this along. We have a Mountain Star owner who will be building a house just below our gate soon, and we would like to clarify the name for him for address purposes. Thank you.. Steven C. Coyer President, Mountain Star Association NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: Whom it May Concern FIX A// f13 /r 3 You are hereby notified pursuant to provisions of Section 16.20.070 of the Avon Municipal Code, that a Public Hearing on a Street Name Change Mountain Star Drive to Buck Creek Road will be held and considered at the meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, on July 11, 2006 - at 5:30 PM in the Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to be present and be heard. PROPERTY OWNER(S): APPLICANT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado Town of Avon Buck Creek Road, Wildwood Resort, A Resubdivision of Lots 5. 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision and Mountain Star Drive, Mountain Star Filing 2, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado Buck Creek Road & Mountain Star Drive DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED SUBDIVISION: Change the Name of Buck Creek Road and Mountain Star Drive to Buck Creek Road from Intersection with Nottingham Road to DEADLINE: PUBLIC REVIEW: Intersection with Wildwood Road/Paintbrush If you wish to be heard on this matter, you may appear personally or by designated agent at the public hearing on July 11, 2006 OR you may file a written statement with the Town Clerk, Town of Avon, P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620. In order to be considered by the Town Council, such written statement must be received in the Town offices no later than 4:00 PM, Tuesday, July 11, 2006. A copy of the application is available in the Community Development Office for review during regular business hours by the public. Sign up to receive meeting agendas at www.avon.org. For further information, call 970.748.4030. POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON: • MAIN LOBBY, AVON MUNICIPAL COMPLEX • MAIN LOBBY, AVON RECREATION CENTER • MAIN LOBBY, ALPINE BANK • AVON CITY MARKET Posted on June 29.2006 by Communi4, Development 1:\Engineering\Admiiiistration\Miscellaneous\Street Names\Buck Ck Notice.Doc iy� u4r,—Ire To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Scott Wright, Finance Director Date: July 6, 2006 Re: Supplemental Budget Amendment No. 06 -32 Summary: An supplemental budget amendment to the General Fund is necessary to appropriate additional expenditures related to contributions and to community development contract services. Discussion: At the last Town Council meeting the Council approved a request by Channel 5 for a $8,200 contribution. The additional appropriations for this request will be added to the Public Relations budget. In addition, an amendment to the building inspection budget is necessary to reflect the cost of plan check services contracted out for the Westin Riverfront Hotel & Spa. These costs are estimated to be approximately 65% of the total plan check fees that the Town will receive. hi addition, building permit, plumbing and mechanical fee revenues have been increased to reflect the total estimated building department revenues to be received from the hotel. The total amount estimated to be received is $1,027,086. Approximately 10% of this amount has already been paid to the Town for the foundation portion of the building. Financial Implications: Total estimated revenues are being increased by $1,027,486. Appropriations are being increased by a total of $308,200. In addition, the beginning fund balance for 2006 is being increased by $787,176 based on the audited ending fund balance for 2005. The net impact of these changes is an increase of $1,506,462, which brings the estimated ending fund balance for 2006 to $6,591,457 from the previous estimate of $5,084,995. Town Manager Comments: .r Page 1 Attachments: Resolution No. 06 -32 General Fund Amendment No. 1 • Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 06 -32 SERIES OF 2006 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2006 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES BY FUND AND AMENDING THE 2006 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 2006, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2006. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the 2006 budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Council reviewed the revised estimated revenues and expenditures for 2006; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it necessary to amend the 2006 budget to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures for 2006; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the following funds are amended as follows for 2006: Original or Previously Ending Fund Balance $ 5,084,995 1 Current Proposed Amended 2006 Budget $ 5,773,617 12,697,388 11,879,548 $ 6 591,457 Amended 2006 Budget General Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 4,986,441 Revenues and Other Sources 11,669,902 Expenditures and Other Uses 11,571,348 Ending Fund Balance $ 5,084,995 1 Current Proposed Amended 2006 Budget $ 5,773,617 12,697,388 11,879,548 $ 6 591,457 Section 2. That the budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 3. That the budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Town Manager and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 11`h day of July, 2006. ATTEST: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk 2 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor General Fund #10 Amendment #1 Other Uses 1,333,214 1,628,609 1,690,107 - Transfers-Out m Mall Maintenance - 15.000 15.000 15.000 ' Original or Proposed 482.615 615.107 615.107 - Transfers-Out mVVU hdge80 Prev. Amended Revised Difference - - Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase Transfers-Out to Transit 2004 2005 2006 2000 Transfers-Out to Sherwood Meadows nEvsmuse - ' � Transfers-Out to Fleet Maintenance 190.000 Taxes $ 5.662.387 * 7.575.986 $ 7.705.547 $ 7.705.547 $ ' Licenses and po,mup 236.867 249.032 228.100 830.504 804.404 Intergovernmental 682.103 748.223 804.193 804.183 ' Charges for Services 1.831.290 2.074.070 2.275.498 2.098.580 423.082 Fines and Forfeitures 58.757 53.*48 58.e00 59,900 - Investment Earnings 127.046 320.995 175.000 175.000 ' Other Revenue 208743 421,858 242,164 242,164 - Total Operating Revenues 9,907,773 11,443,612 11,488,402 12,515,888 1,027,486 Other Sources Sales uf Fixed Assets 1.*10 1.001 1.500 1.500 ' Transfer-In From Capital Projects Fund 50.000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - Capital Lease Proceeds 75,864 74,403 130000 130000 - Total Other Sources 127274 125404 181,500 181,500 ' TOTAL REVENUES exPEmo|TunEo General Government $ 1.570.203 $ 1.742.961 $ 2.054.624 $ 2.062.824 $ 8.200 Community Development *77.045 532.230 834.304 934.384 300.000 Public Safety 1.652.782 1.667.280 1.903.228 1.903.228 - Public Works 2.428.118 2.583.517 2.985.065 2.965.065 Recreation and Culture 1,943,124 202*614 2818940 2318940 Total Operating Expenditures 8,078,273 V sn0 OOz 9,876,241 1O 184 441 308,200 Contingency - - 5000 5000 Other Uses 1,333,214 1,628,609 1,690,107 - Transfers-Out m Mall Maintenance - 15.000 15.000 15.000 ' Transfers-Out u/ Debt Service 485.820 482.615 615.107 615.107 - Transfers-Out mVVU hdge80 2.500 3.307 ' - - Transfers-Out m Finance Authority 137.99e 132.687 ' - ' Transfers-Out to Transit 380.000 835.000 900.000 900.000 ' Transfers-Out to Sherwood Meadows 127.095 - ' ' Transfers-Out to Fleet Maintenance 190.000 160.000 160.000 160.000 Total Other Uses 1,333,214 1,628,609 1,690,107 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,411,487 10,179,271 11,571,348 11,879,548 NET SOURCE (VSE) OFFUNDS 023.560 1.389.745 98.554 817.840 719.280 FUND BALANCES, Beginning nfYear 3,760,312 4,383,872 *988 5,773,617 787.176 1 � General Fund #10 Amendment #1 2 Licenses and Permits: a:�% . Liquor Licenses 4,427 4,960 4,000 Original or Proposed 52102 Business Licenses 19,728 19,808 20,000 Prev. Amended Revised Difference Account 14,000 Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase Number Description 2004 2005 2006 2006 (Decrease) Plumbing Permits Taxes: 18,837 18,000 87,739 69,739 52204 51101 General Property Tax $ 1,297,968 $ 1,368,386 $ 1,513,905 $ 1,513,905 $ 52205 51102 General Property Tax - Delinquent Collections 195 288 300 300 52206 51103 General Property Tax - Interest 1,914 2,077 300 300 - 51201 Specific Ownership Tax 158,257 165,810 160,000 160,000 51301 Sales Tax 4,155,951 4,683,354 4,689,487 4,689,487 51302 Utility Tax 117,711 124,945 120,000 120,000 53199 51303 Accommodation Tax - 343,979 345,050 345,050 51304 Penalties and Interest 12,632 17,467 15,000 15,000 53299 51305 Sales Tax Audit Assessments - 3,722 20,000 20,000 51306 Payments In- Lieu -Of Sales Tax 629,242 541,702 551,505 551,505 51402 Franchise Fees 289,097 324,256 290,000 290,000 - 51000 Total Taxes 6,662,967 7,575,986 7,705,547 7,705,547 53302 2 Licenses and Permits: 52101 Liquor Licenses 4,427 4,960 4,000 4,000 52102 Business Licenses 19,728 19,808 20,000 20,000 52103 Contractor's Licenses 14,000 15,355 13,500 13,500 52201 Building Permits 154,426 153,583 147,500 612,426 464,926 52203 Plumbing Permits 19,916 18,837 18,000 87,739 69,739 52204 Mechanical Permits 19,920 19,239 18,000 87,739 69,739 52205 Road Cut Permits 4,450 17,250 5,000 5,000 - 52206 Other Licenses and Permits - - 100 100 - 52000 Total Licenses and Permits 236,867 249,032 226,100 830,504 604,404 Intergovernmental: Federal Grants: 53199 Other Federal Grants 8,640 9,283 45,340 45,340 State Grants 53299 Other 10,618 1,000 - - Subtotal: Grants 19,258 10,283 45,340 45,340 State /County Shared Revenue: 53301 Conservation Trust 53,701 59,047 58,640 58,640 53302 Motor Vehicle Registration 21,862 22,798 22,335 22,335 53303 Highway User's Tax 142,234 144,196 157,667 157,667 53304 Cigarette Tax 41,744 44,564 33,123 33,123 53305 County Sales Tax 281,652 339,874 360,088 360,088 53306 Road & Bridge Fund 121,652 127,461 127,000 127,000 Subtotal: Shared Revenue 662,845 737,940 758,853 758,853 53000 Total Intergovernmental 682,103 748,223 804,193 804,193 2 General Fund #10 Amendment #1 3 ...« v... ..,:.):.. ... .. „<C.r ,.. ..... ,; .o,,,: .. ,, ... .. �.`52�Z. �Y..�Y.��,..� , .. ,�� \Tii��G �G�� ,. ,? 'e c �. .•. .'':. 2<.\ . \;.�.':, .3 . 3�10 a�2f°.- `:- �3....'�E.. Original or Proposed Prev. Amended Revised Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase Number Description 2004 2005 2006 2006 (Decrease) Charges for Services: General Government: 54101 Sales of Map and Publications 162 75 250 250 54102 Photocopying Charges 2,091 2,033 1,500 1,500 54103 License Hearing Fees - - 100 100 54104 Other Fees and Charges 2,267 2,639 2,250 2,250 54201 Plan Check Fees 150,586 111,146 105,000 528,082 423,082 54202 Subdivision Review Fees 90,136 50,449 20,000 20,000 - 54203 Design Review Fees 30,292 37,152 30,000 30,000 54204 Animal Control Fees 180 1,120 500 500 54205 Abatement Services - - 100 100 54301 Police Reports 1,114 1,356 1,250 1,250 54302 Police Contract Services 3,212 1,692 6,750 6,750 54303 Fingerprinting Fees 2,742 3,808 2,500 2,500 54304 VIN Inspection Fees 18,084 17,074 17,750 17,750 54305 False Alarm Fees /Misc Police Dept Fees 5 1,415 150 150 54306 DUI Reimbursement - 1,358 - - 54453 Village at (Avon) Municipal Services 335,632 599,650 573,574 573,574 - Subtotal: General Govern. 636,503 830,967 761,674 1,184,756 423,082 Recreation Facility: 54601 Admission Fees 996,386 931,237 1,105,463 1,105,463 - 54602 Program Fees 49,642 50,418 60,235 60,235 54603 Rentals 265 5,140 4,400 4,400 54604 Merchandise Sales 11,925 15,175 17,733 17,733 54605 Childcare 16,307 15,489 17,237 17,237 54606 Rec Center Services 18,052 18,620 22,486 22,486 54607 Fitness Program Revenues 12,739 20,963 29,856 29,856 54608 Locker Rental 450 200 330 330 Other Recreation: 54651 Adult Program Revenues 13,220 14,625 15,281 15,281 54652 Cabin Equipment Rentals 31,589 37,159 46,046 46,046 54653 Athletic Field Rentals 3,273 3,004 3,311 3,311 54654 Cabin Concessions 3,141 3,966 4,687 4,687 54655 Youth Program Revenues 51,759 61,511 72,713 72,713 54676 Sponsorships 61,980 58,000 90,200 90,200 54677 Advertisements 1,985 1,500 6,600 6,600 54678 Event Fees 22,074 6,096 17,246 17,246 Subtotal: Recreation 1,294,787 1,243,103 1,513,824 1,513,824 - 54000 Total Charges for Services 1,931,290 2,074,070 2,275,498 2,698,580 423,082 3 General Fund #10 Amendment #1 4 �� Investment Earnings: 57101 Interest 175,000 175,000 - Original or Proposed 127,046 175,000 175,000 Prev. Amended Revised Difference Aonnum Actual Actual Budget Budget mnmasa mumua, o n n �uo* eons zoos 2006 50,000 ' 58109 Fines and Forfeitures: 11.872 11.747 11.664 11.66* 5e201 55101 Counnnvx - Tmffio 14.749 18.075 15.000 15.000 - 55102 Court Fines Criminal 35,009 24.e40 30,000 30,000 - 55103 Court Fines Parking 2.744 *.ons 5.400 5.100 $ 55104 Court Fines General 1.115 *n 2.500 2.500 55105 Court Costs 4.37e *.ou* *.moo *.snn ' 5510e Jury Fees - 200 coo 55107 Bond Forfeitures - nUn eno - 5510e Miscellaneous Court Revenues rnz 150 150 - 55109 Court Fines Toy Fund for Christmas - 1e48 1250 1250 55000 Total Fines and Forfeitures 58,757 53,448 59,900 59,900 4 �� Investment Earnings: 57101 Interest 175,000 175,000 - nrono Total Investment Earnings 127,046 175,000 175,000 Other Revenues: 58101 Recreational Amenity Fees 110J91 122.571 135.000 135.000 58106 Community Enhancement Fees 50,664 60,699 50.000 50,000 ' 58109 Debt Issuance Fees 11.872 11.747 11.664 11.66* 5e201 Lease m Town-Owned Property 4,747 e.on* 5,500 5,500 58889 Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues 30669 220155 40000 *onno souoo Total Other Revenues 208743 *2185e 2*216* 2*216* s000n TOTAL REVENUES $ 11488402 4 �� General Fund #10 Amendment #1 1 Dept./Dix Actual Actual Number o�� �� �� General Government: Original or Pmpvvou Prev Amended Revised Difference Budget Budget Increase 2006 2006 (Decrease) i11 Mayor and Town Council $ 103,501 * 117,403 $ 123J72 $ 123,772 $ - 112 Boards and Commissions 12,307 14,153 15,355 15,355 - 113 Town Attorney 107,337 147,585 97,000 97,000 - 114 Public Relations 70,454 119,785 266858 275,053 8,200 115 Town Clerk 100182 100745 108626 108826 Total Executive 356,583 Total Legislative 393841 499671 611,606 618806 8200 Community Development: Judicial: 211 Administration 121 Municipal Court 142.393 142.893 ' 212 Planning - 20.344 Executive: 232,951 - 213 Building Inspection 211,150 189,879 131 Town Manager 245.793 248.333 262.542 262.542 - 132 Human Resources 110,790 1 123,297 123,297 - Total Executive 356,583 ' Finance Department: 141 Finance 446.895 487.739 510.310 510.310 - 142 Information Systems 123.420 130.089 154.401 154/01 ' 11e Nondepaumemo| 176661 2004*0 306970 306970 - Total Financial Administration 747076 798,328 971 ,681 971,681 ' Total General Government 1,576,203 1,742,961 2054624 2062,824 8,200 Community Development: 211 Administration 115.415 141.067 142.393 142.893 ' 212 Planning 150,480 20.344 232,951 232,951 - 213 Building Inspection 211,150 189,879 104,697 104,697 - Total Police 1,652,782 1,667,280 1,903,228 Total Community Development 477,045 532,290 634384 83438* 300000 Police Department: 311 Administration 278'489 293.554 304.791 304.791 - 312 Patrol 1,276,426 1,276,442 1,483740 1,4937*0 ' 313 Investigations 97,867 97,284 104,697 104,697 - Total Police 1,652,782 1,667,280 1,903,228 1,903,228 5 �� General Fund #10 Amendment #1 6 Recreation and Culture: 513 Special Events 224,400 210.284 247.367 247.367 - 514 Administration 315,076 296,835 316,889 Original or Proposed Adult Programs 03.289 43.150 46,816 Prev. Amended Revised Difference Dept./Div. 3*9.3*6 Actual Actual nuuQeu Budget Increase Numbe, oonoh | 2004 onOs 2000 2006 Fitness Public Works: 109.303 113.*37 115.457 519 vn Administration 87.259 89.403 81.376 81.376 - 412 Engineering 283,059 227,822 374,021 274,021 - 413 Roads and Streets 1.027.452 1.178.324 1.271.906 1.271.906 - w^ Facilities Maintenance 320,10 355,932 469,082 469,082 - 415 Parks 711,168 732038 808680 868,680 ' TOTAL OPERATING Total Public Works 2,429,119 2,583,517 2,965,065 2,965,065 6 Recreation and Culture: 513 Special Events 224,400 210.284 247.367 247.367 - 514 Administration 315,076 296,835 316,889 316,888 515 Adult Programs 03.289 43.150 46,816 46.816 ' 516 Aquatics 3*9.3*6 376.504 *zu.ose 428.069 - 517 Childcare 57.493 32.87* 36.054 36.054 - 510 Fitness 102.700 109.303 113.*37 115.457 519 Front Desk 212.511 228.715 288.651 288.651 - 520 Maintenance 551.481 810.848 699.434 839.434 ' 521 Youth Programs 66,828 72.923 87.828 87.828 ' 522 Cabin - 42,077 e43e5 54395 ' Total Recreation and Culture 1,943,124 2024614 2318940 2318840 ' TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 6 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: General atwe*n10 Department: NIA Program: Public Relations #114 Account Number Account Description Avmm em_u_4 Actual zo_o_5 Original or Prev. Amended Budget xu_n_n Proposed aewsua ouueau u_oo_s Difference Increase o e creasei_' Services: _ _ oouox Printing and Reproduction Services $ ' $ $ 1.500 $ 1.500 $ - 000ee Other Purchased and Contracted Services 9,172 11,622 13500 13500 su000 Total Services 9,17211,62215,00015,000'________� Other Operating Costs: 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships - 1.e50 825 825 ' 64301 Postage and Delivery Costs ' ' 1.078 1.07e - 64e02 Financial Support, Donations, and Contributions 36.850 80.382 113.950 122.150 8,200 64903 Economic Development - 100.000 100.000 ' 64904 Operating Fees, Assessments, and Charges 24,4:3225,831_ 36,000 36,000 - 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 61,282 108,163 251,853260/05z38,200� s0000 Total Expenditures $ 70,454 $ 119,7e5 ,853 $ 275,053 $ 8,�' 7 � »� Function: Community Development #200 Department: Community Development #210 Program: Building Inspection #213 Account Commodities: Number Account Description 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 62807 Personnel: 61101 Regular Full -time Salaries 61151 Overtime Wages 61301 FT Pension 61303 Wellness 61304 Employee Assistance Program 61401 FICA /Medicare 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 61505 Long -term Disability Insurance 61507 Dental Insurance 61509 Worker's Compensation 61510 Unemployment Insurance 61000 Total Personnel Town of Avon Line Item Detail Original or Commodities: 62401 Gasoline 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 62807 Consumable Tools /Small Equipment 62903 Data Processing Supplies 62904 Software 62905 Books and Periodicals 62000 Total Commodities 72 Services: 63999 Other Purchased and Contracted Services 63000 Total Services 2,543 Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel, Training and Conference 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships 64103 Mileage Reimbursement 64104 Meeting Expenses 64201 Telephone 64206 Cellular & Pagers 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges 64403 Washbay Charges 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 64000 Total Other Operating Costs Capital Outlay: 66402 Computers and Peripherals 66000 Total Capital Outlay 60000 Total Expenditures Town of Avon Line Item Detail Original or Proposed Prev. Amended Revised Difference Actual Actual Budget Budget Increase 2004 2005 2006 2006 (Decrease) $ 138,825 $ 126,104 $ 169,906 $ 169,906 $ - 2,945 1,495 5,500 5,500 15,271 13,950 18,690 18,690 - - 1,950 1,950 72 60 84 84 - 2,018 1,851 2,543 2,543 - 28,425 25,042 33,553 33,553 - 1,339 1,228 1,750 1,750 - 1,818 1,440 2,310 2,310 - 1,433 1,594 1,841 1,841 287 385 526 526 192,433 173,149 238,653 238,653 - 504 1,846 1,651 1,651 - 345 750 750 - 142 31 300 300 - - 126 500 500 - - - 500 500 15 608 500 500 200 200 - 1,400 661 2,956 4,201 4,201 - 5,304 - - 300,000 300,000 5,304 300,000 300,000 - 1,173 1,500 1,500 250 355 500 500 - - 39 200 200 - 241 204 500 500 - - - 200 200 - 1,400 1,780 1,890 1,890 - 5,349 5,376 6,004 6,004 - 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 - 936 780 936 936 - - 162 500 500 - 10,576 12,269 14,630 14,630 - 2,176 1,505 1,556 1,556 - 2,176 1,505 1,556 1,556 - $ 211,150 $ 189,879 $ 259,040 $ 559,040 $ 300,000 To: Mayor & Town Council Thmm: Larry Brooks, Town Manager J@DqUiBH@|burnt, Assistant Town Manager From: PattyK8CKBDny' Town Clerk \« []ate: July O.2OO8 / Re: Public Hearing for Outdoor Use Of Amplified Sound Application A public hearing is required on a Permit Application for Outdoor Use of Amplified Sound for events that will be using amplified sound before 9:00 AM or after 8:00 FzK8 in Nottingham Park (Avon &0Uni[jpm| Code Chapter 5.24.020). The applicant iG Frank {)SUhO' American Crown Circus &the event iS8 circus oD July 2O & 27, 2000. This ewBD[ has two shows with the Second show ending at 8:30 PM. The Source & O8tUne of the amplified sound iStObe able tO announce the upcoming acts for the circus. The /\DlehcBO CrOxxO Circus returns t0 Avon's Nottingham Park Once again for two ShOvxS. The American Crown Circus iS@ family owned and operated acrobatic circus. The circus tent seats 2OOper showing and features 8Cn}b@ts. C|UwDS. jugglers and 8eh8|iStS. Refreshments and souvenirs are available for sale. Financial Implications: The applicant has submitted the $25 processing fee for the amplified sound permit & the related fees with the Recreation Department. Town Manager Comments: Attachments: — / Application for Outdoor Use Vf Amplified Sound Equipment E L: I U4-b-ltb 11 bD TOWN OF AVON p'ERIIffr ApPL-IC.VFJON FOR OUTDOOR USE OF SOUND AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM Avo N *FEE: $25 FEE FOR PUBLIC moTli,-icATION COSTS, I *THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SLBMITTED 140 LATER T14A,,4 4wEEKS PRIOR TO THE PROPOSED tVENT(S) TONSURE AN4PLE pUBI,.IC NOTTfICATMN AN D TOWN COUNCIL SCHEDuIxq(;'m-4E. APPLICANTWILL 11 PRESENT To COUNCIL AT A REGULARLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC COLNCIL MEETING, i DATr-, Of APPLICATION: NAME OF APPLlC TELEPHONE NUMBER. ADDRESS OF PREMISE CR L0CX'rlO'N[ WHEMi SOUND IS TO 73E PRODUCE be N Acs PURPOSE FOR OUTDOOR USE OF SOUND AMPLIFICAI-ION SYSTEM DATES AND ITM•S OF PROPOSED USE r t-fI5 Al e- 0-1� MAILINGADD ESSOFAPPLICAINft APPROYD: SPECIAL EVENT COORDINATOR TOWN CLERK please acKnowledge that e001 POa-a is snfiJactory by niiitWrq. DATE r. t' lr_ DN EQUIPMENT T ,C)A Sp4�.rx it Fad'- 6 Q:J I 1 0 To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Re.- Avon Streetscape Lighting Conversion Sturgeon Electric — Construction Contract Award Summary: The Avon Streetscape Lighting Conversion project generally consists of replacing light fixtures and heads, in residential areas along Hurd Lane and West Beaver Creek Boulevard. Three sealed bids for the project were received on June 30, 2006. Sturgeon Electric, Inc. submitted the Low Base Bid of $113,778.00. It is recommended that the Contract be awarded to Sturgeon Electric based upon their Low Bid. Discussion: Three bids were submitted in response to the Advertisement for Bids for the Town of Avon 2006 Street Improvements. Sturgeon Electric submitted a bid of $113,778, Shaw Electric submitted a bid of $145,470, and Tri-Phase Electric submitted a bid of $169,154. These Bids are summarized on the Bid Tabulation Sheet attached as Exhibit A. Staff has reviewed the submitted bids and found them to be in general conformance with the Advertisement for Bids and Contract Documents. All three firms submitted adequate Bid Bonds pursuant to the requirements of the Contract Documents. C:\Documents And Settings\Nwood\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\OLK23\Counci1 Memo Bid Award - Lighting Conversion I.Doc 1 Financial Implications: The project budget for the Avon Streetscape Lighting Conversion is summarized below: Replacement of 46 fixture heads and 32 heads and arms $113,778 Design /Engineering $ 7,500 Administration $ 5,000 Contingencies $ 25,000 Total Lighting Conversion Budget $ 151,278 Original 2006 Budget $ 204,000 Excess Funding — 2006 $ 52,722 All bids received are well within the project budget for 2006. Monies not spent in 2006 will be allocated for use in the next phase of streetscape lighting conversion, scheduled for 2007. In the town core area, a new light standard is currently under development in association with Transit Center design. If that new light standard is adopted for use in the remainder of the town core, replacement costs will rise substantially, and the excess funding will certainly be utilized during the next phase of streetscape lighting conversion. Staff recommends approval of the Bid submitted by Sturgeon Electric, in the amount of $113,778 for implementation of the Avon Streetscape Lighting Conversion. Recommendations: Award contract to Sturgeon Electric in the amount of $113,778 for implementation of the Avon Streetscape Lighting Conversion. Attachments: Exhibit A — Avon Streetscape Lighting Conversion Bid Tabulation Town Manager Comments: C:ADocuments And Settings \Nwood \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK23 \Council Memo Bid Award - Lighting Conversion I.Doc 2 O Oa oa O O ;172 P.1 O goo "M u O rtHw ri O ti xx ,tea dd — IV Iz 1 (.4 1-1 en z ;T-1 70E J2 aaa O Ul) V) 6n TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES OF THE LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING HELD JUNE 27, 2806 The /\VnD Town Council acting as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority for the Town Of /\vOO. CV|O[Gdo convened at 5:20 PM 8[ the Avon K8uOiCip8| Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, C0|D[@dV. /\ roll call was taken and Board members Of the Authority present were Ron Wolfe gS Chairperson, and E]O8Pd members Debbie Buckley, KriSti Ferng[O, K8aC K8C[)evitt, Amy Phillips, Brian Sipes and T8[nraUnderwood. PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT 3. Applicant: Eagle Valley Humane Society Event: Avon Fine Art & Wine /#f@ine/ sponsored by the Thunderbird Artists Dates: July 14, 15, 16, 2006 Manager: Char Quinn Location: Harry A. Nottingham F`grk' Avon Staff noted that all application materials were in Order. Char Quinn, representing the Humane Society was present to answer questions related to the application. Mayor Wolfe opened the public hearing, OO comments were [n8d8. and the hearing was closed. Board member Sipes moved to approve the special events permit for the Eagle Valley HUDl8D8 Society; Board member Ferraro seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with a roll call vote. Board member Buckley moved tO approve the Consent Agenda 8Sfollows: a. Minutes from May 23, 2006 Meeting b. Minutes from June 13.20O8Meeting Board member McDevitt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with a roll call vote. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned 8t5:25PM. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk APPROVED: Debbie Buckley KhstiFerran} Mac McDevitt /\Oly Phillips Bh8O Sipes Tamn8 Underwood Ron Wolfe MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL HELD JUNE 27, 2008 /\ [9gu|8[ meeting of the Town of Avon, C0|Vr@dO VVGS held at 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. K88yVr Ron VVoK8 called the meeting t0 order Ed5:9O PM. A PDU call was taken and Council rnennbe[S present were Debbie BUck|ey, Mac McDevitt, Amy Phi||ips, Brian 8ipeS, and Tarnr8 Nottingham Underwood. K[iSti Ferraro was absent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, -[OvvO K8@O8ga[ Larry B[OOkS' /\SSt. Town K88OagerJ8CqUie H8|bUrnt. [ovvO Clerk Patty KUCKeDny, Town Engineer Norm VV0od, Public Works/Transit Director Bob Reed and COn101Uni1y Development Director l[8[Dbi K8Ueb, Finance C)irB[tO[ Scott Wright, as well as members Df the press and public. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST There were OU agenda items that would require g diSC|OSu[e of conflict Of interest O[exp8rte CV000uDiCahOn. Changes to the agenda included the removal Of item O\ from the consent agenda and inclusion Of a triathlon update by the Recreation Department. Meryl J8C0be. R8C[e8iioO [)iF8CtO[, provided an update OD their recent meeting with the triathlon event manager, Premier Event Manager, whose representative did not feel comfortable with the COUrS8 proposed in the Vail area. Jacobs proposed canceling the contract with "PEW1". and tabling the event until next year to 8|l0vv for time t0 resolve some of the issues identified. Council was in agreement with this proposal. - TOxvnAttO[OeyJOhD Dunn noted that @ site tour was done at the Village at Avon }OC8d0n in light of the application on the agenda later that evening. T0m/D Manager Larry Brooks asked that additional attention be given to Design Workshop's proposal and the funding Of that proposal. CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY INPUT Matt 8oh8rr. with Eagle Valley Alliance for 8uSt@inabi|ity addressed the Council with regard to the A||iGOCe Recycles OO recycling first qUGde[iy report, recycling for special eV8niS and curbside recycling in Avon. Other topics discussed included: the Site in Avon and the usage Of that site, current funding n0ech8DiS[nS and the County's [O|e in the endeavor. 8cherr noted that more funds would be needed to continue to operate at such levels; he asked Avon for funds and indicated he would approach the county for funds and some assistance as vve||. Council continued to support the organization's efforts. l[8e BnUVVn. President Of the {}hgOOe| 5 0U8rd. community access television, addressed the Council with @ funding request for equipment and services that are desperately needed for the S[GtiOD. He reviewed the PEG Fee monies that are C0||eC[ed and provided to the StGdVn as well as @ matching donation the Town of Vail recently awarded the station. Town Manager Larry Brooks recommended the Council consider funding the request heS8d on both philosophical and practical reasons station is in need of additional funding. Mayor Wolfe asked that this item be considered for 8 vote under "other business" later in the meeting, and asked that the Channel 5 Board continue discussions with V[hH[S involved in this type of production tO make improvements and then better define its role in the community. [}aDba {|hirichi||0. Special Events Coordinator, presented the July 3m Salute to the USA Celebration Update. NEW BUSINESS Scott Wright, Finance Director, & Neil Schilling, C)dtOO GUOde[SOD, presented the Audited FiO8DCi@| Statements Review audited financial statements for year ending December 2005. Mr. Schilling spoke about nUDlerOUS parts Of the document, the nn@O8ge[O8nƒ 8O@|ySiS, fund balances, etc. Several questions and comments were made; the adoption Of the audit would be completed under the consent agenda. ORDINANCES John C>uDD, Town Attorney presented Ordinance NO. 06-09. Series Of 2000, 88C0Od Reading, An [)rdiO@DDe Amending Chapter 17.14' Tide 17' Avon Municipal {}Ude. Relating TO Vested Property Rights. He noted that these proposed amendments are t0 the vested property rights chapter Of the Code. He reviewed some Of the following changes made tO the document: `/ Deleted the five year vesting schedule / Termination of vested rights was amended • Multiple phase projects would be dealt with separately • Comprehensive plan compliance • Show cause hearings Mayor Wolfe opened the public hearing and the following people commented. Rick Travers, attorney, commented OD the vesting schedule for new Orexisting projects Ruth BO[De, concerned about the overall |8giS|8d0n` and spoke about several t0pioo, vesting schedule, definitions F8/8t8d to site-specific development p|GnS' multi-phase projects, Some further changes were made upon SUggeSt0DS made in the public hearing. No other comments were 08d8 and the hearing was closed. CVUnd|Or Ferraro moved to approve {}ndiD8DQe No. 06-09. Series Of 2006, On SeCOOd reading, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 17.14. Title 17. AVOO Municipal Code, Relating To Vested Property Rights with modifications discussed. W18y0r Pro Tern UOdSmVOOd seconded the DlOUOD and it p83S8d unanimously with a roll call vote. Scott Wright, Finance Director, presented {)rdiO8DCe 06-12. Second H88diOg. An C>rd)D3DCe Amending Title 3 Of the K8UniCip8| Code Of the TOvvD of Avon relating to Interest Charged on Past Due ACCOUntS Ovv|ng to the TVvVD of Avon. He noted that this vvOU|d 8U0vv the town to include gfiO@DDe charge for all past due and unpaid accounts for services, fees or charges of any kind owed to the t0vvD. Mayor Wolfe opened the public hearing, DO CUDl[nente were made and the hearing was closed. COUDCiiOr Buckley moved to approve On SHCOOd reading DndiD8DCe N0. 06-12' Amending Title 3 of the yWUDiCip8| Code of the Town of Avon relating LO Interest Charged OD Past Due Accounts owing tO the Town OfAvon. Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present. John [}Unn. Town Attorney, p[HS8Dt8d Ordinance NV. 00-13. Series of 2006, First R8Gding, A Building Permit Violations Amendment t0 the Avon Municipal Code. He noted that the most effective way to enforce agreements with |8ndOm/Oe[s is to condition building permits on. among other things' compliance with agreements with the Town and to red-tag the permitted improvements when gO agreement iSviolated, The Ordinance provides for on assessment ofa penalty in this type of situation and provides for timely payment of the billings and helps offset the 8d0iOiSi[8dve COGtS of the CO||eCtiOO efforts. Some discussion ensued and yN@yO[ Pro Tern Underwood then moved to approve an Ordinance Amending Title 14 of the Municipal Code of the tOvvQ relating to permit vi0|GhODS. Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with @ rO|| C8|| vote. Regular Council Meeting Page zof4 June 27, 2006 RESOLUTIONS John [)uOD' TVvVO Attorney. presented ReSO|UbOO 00-29. 88heS of 2006' A R8SO|Udon Approving a License Agreement between the Town of Avon and the T[8e[ Creek RP. LLC. This n*SO|UtioO vv0U|d allow for a Temporary Alternate Public Works Site. He noted ODB outstanding issue related to incorporating 8 [8Cit@| indicating the purpose of the lease agreement to provide an alternative vvOrh site during the term of the school lease; language which was now included. T[8e[ Creek included revisions from the |8Si meeting; Staff has agreed to the h][Dl Of the agreement @Spresented. Council comments were heard and some revisions were made tOthe indemnification section. Councilor Sipes moved to approve Resolution NO. 08-29. Resolution approving 8 Lease Agreement between the Town of Avon and the 7-[8e[ Creek F<F`. LLC with the changes noted. Councilor Phillips S8CODded the 00iiOO and it passed with @ four to two vote (Buckley & Ferraro O8y). Norm Wood, Town Engineer, presented F(eSD|UtiOD 06-14, A Resolution Approving Preliminary Subdivision Plan for The Village (at Avon) Filing 4. -[OVVO of Avon, Eagle COuD[y, Colorado. He noted that T[@er Creek RP LLC's application vvOu|d C[R@te G right-of-way for the inSt8||8tiOO of 8 water service nQ8iO and future public n}Gd' 8 site for a two Dli||iOD g8||OD potable water storage tank and drainage easements for natural Ste@nn flow & wetland mitigation. He noted that this item was continued from the April 11 m Dl8eUDg. K8@yO[ Pro Tern asked about the conditions in the resolution Nos. 1O&11;8S8 result Cf discussion, no. 11 was changed GSfollows: Dedicate a pedestrian and bicycle route [Othe north and west from Tr@e[C[e8k F<UD to the U.S. Forest Service parcel in conjunction with the development Of this subdivision parcel. [)orniOiC K88UheUo. R3pneS8nUDg Tr3erCreek RP. LLC, presented the application in detail. Discussion 8DSUed regarding various topics. Both yN@y0r Pro Tern Underwood and Councilor Ferraro expressed their support of the app|iC8UOD' hOvVev8[, they have been disappointed in that repeated requests for Dl@t8ria|a were made and the applicant took many months f0 finally comply with presenting the appropriate materials. Councilor Ferraro also noted that She did not necessarily agree with all the 8D8|ySiS completed by the 8pp|iC8OL Councilor Sipes moved to approve Resolution 00-14. /\ Resolution Approving Preliminary Subdivision Plan for The Village (at Avon) Filing 4, Town of Avon, Eagle COUDtv, CO|On3dO. COuOCi|U[ Sipes moved to approve Resolution 06-14, A ReSO|UUVn Approving Preliminary Subdivision Plan for The Village (@t /\v0O) Filing 4, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with @ roll call vote. Norman VVOOd, TOxxO Engineer presented Resolution 06-28' Series Of 2006. A ReS0|UhOn Approving Nottingham and PUderDitch F{ep8i[, K88iDt8DGnCe and Management Agreement. He noted that Tr8er Creek Metro District and the Town each OVvn water rights pertaining to the Nottingham and pud8r Ditch. The agreement was developed to address the current ownership and water right interests in the ditch and t0 establish an agreement for ditch repairs, routine ditch nn8inLeO8nce, ditch improvements and the distribution of costs. He noted that Gray Gr8er., the Town's water attorney, provided his comments tVthe iSSUeS raised at the June 13 m rneet|n0 (enclosed iD the council packet). Dan Leery. TCK8D' noted that his board had approved this agreement as well. Councilor Buckley moved to approve Resolution Approving Nottingham and puder Ditch Repair, Maintenance and N18O8gernent /\onSenoenL Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with a roll call vote. Other Business T8nnbi KGtieb, Community Development [}insctor, presented the proposal submitted by Design VVOrhahOp for further work OD the [8SkS discussed by Council regarding the Avon Town Center West Redevelopment Plan. Councilor Buckley moved to approve up to $OOK for work to be completed by Design Workshop. Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with 3 roll call vote. Regular Council Meeting Page aorx June o7.o0no Councilor E]Udd9y moved to approve the Channel 5 request for 8D advance on the full 810K PEG and an outright grant for $8200 for the immediate acquisition of equipment with the following conditions: Evidence ShOVvn on progress being made with respect to investigation for @ possible merger with other competing businesses An assessment b8 made with respect to Avon's in-house technology Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed with a five to one vote (McDevitt nay). CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Wolfe asked for a DlOtiOD On the CODSBD1 Agenda below. Councilor Phillips moved to adopt the consent agenda; Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 8. Minutes from May 27& June 13'2OO6Meeting b. 2OOS Street Improvements Change Orders c. 2005 Audited FiD8DCi8| 8t8teO8eOLS d. Premier Event Management Contract —reDlVvBd At approximately 9:30 PK8, K8@y0r Pro Tern Underwood moved to convene into Executive session pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(b) a conference with the town attorney for the local public body for the purpose of receiving |8g@| advice on specific |8g8| questions related to the Village at /\VOn. Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and the executive S8SGiOD convened. COUnCi|0[S Ferraro & Sipes left the meeting at 7:40 F'K8 due to C0DOiCt of interest. Councilor McDevitt moved to adjourn executive session; Mayor Pro Tern Underwood seconded the motion, Town Attorney John Dunn noted for the record that the only topic discussed was identified above. There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. Patty McKenny, Town Clerk APPROVED: Debbie Buckley KhstiFena0 Mac McDevitt Amy Phillips Brian Sipes TGmnG Underwood Ron Wolfe Regular Council Meeting June zr.2006 Page 4«,* TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2006 AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD PRESIDING OFFICIALS MAYOR RON WOLFE MAYOR PRO TEM TAMRA NOTTINGHAM UNDERWOOD COUNCILORS DEBBIE BUCKLEY KRISTI FERRARO MAC MCDEVITT AMY PHILLIPS BRIAN SIPES TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN DUNN TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER: JACQUIE HALBURNT THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME ESTIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP: / /WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND COUNCIL MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND CITY MARKET THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH THERE WILL NOT BE A WORK SESSION MEETING ON .JULY 11, 2006 Avon Council Meeting. 06.07.11 Page 1 of 3