TC Council Packet 08-05-2001Town Council Meetings Roll Call Check Sheet Date: 5/8/01 Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley Rick Cuny XZ Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder j Roll calls are called at start of meeting and for Ordinances. Do not call Mayor except for meeting roll call or to break a tie vote. Seating arrangements from west to east: P. Buckley, Reynolds, Cuny, Yoder, McDevitt, D. Buckley, Brown Staff Present: Bill Efting Jeff Layman Mike Matzko Larry Brooks Charlie Moore Other Staff: Burt Levin ? Norm Wood 1. Kris Nash ? Meryl Jacobs Jacquie Halburnt Bob Reed A-P tie__ Scott Wright Harry Taylor STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD MAY 8, 2001, AT 4:00 PM IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM 1.) Council Communications 4:20 PM - 4:50 PM 2.) Bike Path Preliminary Plans - Confluence 4:50 PM - 5:00 PM 3.) Recreation Center Refurbish Final Plans 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 4.) Contribution Request Policy 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 5.) Staff Updates Consent Agenda Questions Council Committee Updates AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: Marlene Perrine Deputy Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON MAY 7, 2001: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY TOWN OF AVON APPLICATION GUIDELINES CONTRIBUTION REQUEST FALL 2000 FOR 2001 FUNDING Please include the following information in your request to the Town of Avon for non- profit funding. The deadline for receipt of application is August 31, 2000. Return the application to: Kristen Nash, Town Clerk TOWN OF AVON P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Application Information 1. Name of organization. 2. Mailing address. 3. Contact person and telephone number. 4. Purpose of the organization or event. 5. Amount requested from the Town of Avon. 6. Amount requested and/or provided from other agencies, organizations, companies (i.e. other funding committed). 7. Explanation of the need for funds: a. Description of the event or organization. b. How the event or organization benefits the Avon community. C. Anticipated budget for the organization or event. d. If applicable, what marketing effect the event or project has for the Town of Avon. e. The Town may request a progress report on the event or organization prior to its implementation and final report once the event is completed. 8. Include a description of any "in-kind" contributions that the Town of Avon provides to your organization, including but not limited to: land, buildings, and their facilities and/or services. INCOMPLETE OR LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE GROUNDS FOR IMMEDIATE REJECTION. If you are a tax exempt organization, please include a copy of the determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service recognizing your tax exempt status under IRS 501(c) (3). TOWN OF AVON APPLICATION GUIDELINES CONTRIBUTION REQUEST FALL 2000 FOR 2001 FUNDING Page 2 of 2 If your planning/budget cycle does not permit you to submit a complete application by the due date, you will not have any opportunity to request funding until Fall 2001. Individuals will not be considered for funding. Sports groups/organizations will be considered only if the request is for a marketing event, and that is no guarantee that funding will be granted. Please use separate/additional sheets of paper if necessary. Please number each item on those sheets to correspond to the application guidelines. Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer "VAN Anne Martens, Engineer Date: May 3, 2001 Re: Eagle River Recreation Path II (West Beaver Creek Blvd to Confluence Lot) Preliminary Design Summary: Peak Land Consultants, Inc. has completed Phase I of the Design Services for the analysis of alignments for the Eagle River Recreation Path II. The review of the path alignments are based upon review of alternates in regards to feasibility and costs. The Attached diagram depicts the four proposed alignments. In addition, the proposed detailed cost estimates for each alignment is attached. A summary description of each alignment is as follows: Alignment A - Begins at West Beaver Creek Boulevard at the intersection with Millies Lane and continues to the East in the Railroad Right-of-Way until it connects to the existing Confluence Lot path. This section of trail is level and fairly easy to construct. However, it will require a 6' - 8' chain link fence on both side5of the path for almost the entire section. Also a 15' wide section of the Railroad Right-of-Way will need to be acquired. Estimated Cost: $184,335* Alignment B - Begins at West Beaver Creek Boulevard at the intersection with Millies Lane and continues to the East just south of the Railroad Right-of-Way until the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) property. Along the ERWSD property the path meanders between ERWSD and the Railroad Properties dependant upon the site constraints. This option includes several retaining walls and sections that have chain link fence on both sides of the path. Estimated Cost: $312,741 I:\Engineering\CIP\Eagle River Rec 11\2.0 Contract Services\2.2 Design (Eng)\2.2.2 RFP & Proposal\Pelim Design Memo.Doc Alignment C - Begins at West Beaver Creek Boulevard at the intersection with Millies Lane and continues to the East just south of the Railroad Right-of-Way until the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) property. Then the path heads south between the ERWSD and Sunridge at Avon Phase I property. Lastly, it heads east along the Eagle River adjacent to the ERWSD plant. This alignment will require several retaining walls and may require wetlands permits. Estimated Cost: $543,909* Alignment D - Begins at West Beaver Creek Boulevard between the Eagle River and Sunridge at Avon Phase I. The path continues along the Eagle River until it connects to the existing Confluence Lot path. The alignment will require several retaining wall along the ERWSD property and may require wetlands permits at the East end of the project. Estimated Cost: $504,362 * Cost estimates excludes the cost of land acquisition. Peak Land Consultants, Inc. has categorized the alignments based upon probable costs, impacts on land owners, environmental impacts, construction impacts and aesthetic value. Complete copies of Peaks Land Consultants, Inc report on the Alignment, Analysis and Recommendations for the Eagle River Recreation Path II are available in the Town Clerk's Office for those that are interested in reviewing them. The staff is requesting Council to select a preferred alignment in order to pursue final design. Town Manager Comments: I:\Engineering\CIP\Eagle River Rec II\2.0 Contract Services\2.2 Design (Eng)\2.2.2 RFP & Proposal\Pelim Design Memo.Doc 2 4.2 Probable Costs For Each Completed Alignment The costs tabulated for each individual alternative were used to calculate a probable cost for each completed alignment through the entire site. Final design fees were excluded from the total costs of each alignment. Additionally, costs may change after wetland delineation occurs and land acquisition costs are determined. 4.2A Alignment A Alignment A contains Alternate I and is approximately 2122' long. The total cost calculated for alignment A is $184,335. This number excludes any costs associated with land acquisition from Union Pacific Railroad, which once determined may significantly change the total cost of the alignment. The average price per linear foot for Alignment A is $86.90/ft. ALIGNMENT A - ALTERNATE 1 ITEM COST Total cost of Alternate 1 $ 146,335.00 Mobilization $ 20,000.00 Construction Staking $ 6,000.00 Erosion Control $ 2,000.00 Drainage Improvements $ 5,500.00 Geotechnical Testing $ 4,000.00 Permits $ 500.00 Total Cost- Alignment A $ 184,335.00 NOTE: COST EXCLUDES THE PRICE OF LAND ACQUISITION FROM UNION PACIFIC 4.2B Alignment B Alignment B combines Alternates 2 & 3 and is approximately 2121' long. The total cost calculated for Alignment B is $312,741. The average price per linear foot to construct this alignment is $147.40/ft. Since this alignment runs through Town of Avon right of way and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District property there are not any costs associated with land acquisition. Additionally, costs associated with wetland disturbance along this alignment will be minimal. ALIGNMENT B -ALTERNATES 2 & 3 ITEM COST Total cost of Alternate 2 $ 42,351.00 Total cost of Alternate 3 $ 222,390.00 Mobilization $ 20,000.00 Construction Staking $ 12,000.00 Erosion Control $ 2,500.00 Drainage Improvements $ 5,500.00 Geotechnical Testing $ 7,500.00 Permits $ 500.00 Total Cost- Alignment B $ 312,741.00 NOTE: COST EXCLUDES THE PRICE OF LAND ACQUISITION FROM UNION PACIFIC 4.213 Alignment D Alignment D is 2626' long and combines Alternates 5 and 6 to create a complete alignment through the site. The total cost calculated to complete Alignment D is $504,362. This price excludes costs associated with obtaining property from adjacent land owners. Additionally, the limits of wetlands disturbance associated with Alternate 6 cannot be quantified at this time and may change costs associated with this alignment. The average cost per linear foot calculated to construct this alignment is $192.06/ft. ALIGNMENT D - ALTERNATES 5 & 6 ITEM COST Total cost of Alternate 5 $ 81,241.00 Total cost of Alternate 6 $ 369,071.00 Mobilization $ 20,000.00 Construction Staking $ 12,000.00 Erosion Control $ 4,800.00 Drainage Improvements $ 7,500.00 Geotechnical Testing $ 7,500.00 Permits $ 2,250.00 Total Cost- Alignment D $ 504,362.00 NOTE. COST EXCLUDES THE PRICE OF LAND ACQUISITION FROM ADJACENT LAND OWNERS 4.2C Alignment C Alignment C is approximately 2775' long and combines Alternates 2, 4, and 6 into one complete alignment through the site. The total cost calculated for Alignment C is $543,909. This cost excludes the cost of land acquisition from adjacent land owners. Additionally, the limits of wetlands disturbance along Alternate 6 cannot be quantified at this time and may change costs associated with this alignment. The average cost per linear foot calculated to construct Alignment C is $196.00/ft. ALIGNMENT C - ALTERNATES 2, 4, & 6 ITEM COST Total cost of Alternate 2 $ 42,351.00 Total cost of Alternate 4 $ 78,437.00 Total cost of Alternate 6 $ 369,071.00 Mobilization $ 20,000.00 Construction Staking $ 12,000.00 Erosion Control $ 4,800.00 Drainage Improvements $ 7,500.00 Geotechnical Testing $ 7,500.00 Permits $ 2,250.00 Total Cost- Alignment C $ 543,909.00 NOTE: COST EXCLUDES THE PRICE OF LAND ACQUISITION FROM ADJACENT LAND OWNERS D j :rt' rt?'< I M N ? O O . yd-r C'S.t 7 t: aw'. ,y?ly? r f1 f i¦ o Y Y Y Y? ? a??aaouoa??o ? o / fl dC?a7yo O 00 / ?' ? ? P W N A ° rnOJ?w -uj l °n?m°OA ?i:F m m `0' ioz 0 } o o = OVERALL SITE EXHIBIT , - W PRELIMINARY RECREATION PATH ALIGNMENT D o n TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Es Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer f? Anne Martens, Engineer I Date: May 3, 2001 Re: Avon Recreation Center Refurbishment of Locker and Changing Rooms Final Design Plan Summary: Attached is the final design and cost estimate for the Avon Recreation Center Refurbishment of the Locker and Changing Rooms. The redesign of the locker and changing rooms includes the lockers, seating areas, floors, shower stalls, vanities, urinals, water closets, storage, and water and ventilation issues. The final plan also modifies the family changing room to provide two changing rooms and a vestibule, which hosts the family lockers. In addition, the entrance to the Men's Locker Room is reconfigured to provide additional storage. Both Locker Rooms will have modifications to the vanity areas to provide additional locker area. The lockers proposed include a bench directly in front of the lockers to eliminate the common bench. The lockers will no longer operate by keys but will instead require padlocks. This will ease operation problems such as front desk requirements, lost keys, and door mechanisms that do not work. The end result of the project will be to provide more functional locker and changing room areas with materials to withstand heavy use. The proposed Cost Estimate uses the products, which the Design Team has recommended as the best choices from the standpoint of durability and cost. The current Project Budget is $553,000, with $39,990 allocated to design services. The proposed cost estimate for construction by our design team is $505,329. The construction documents will include several alternates in the construction bids to provide options for adjusting the actual construction contract amount to conform to the Project Budget. The staff is requesting Council concurrence with regard to the proposed color palette and final design. Town Manager Comments: Co'I C- " v IAEngineering\CIP\Rec Center Refurbish\3.0 Design\3.1 General CorrTinal Designmemo.Doc 4 8 9 8 8 Y 8 8 4 ;a 8 a it s a s o a = R lit I it Sir t R Hill R C -4 Q Z RNA m I c o w z z cNn 03 Q Z OZn n n m 0 p oo=T = a Z = ?XC? co Z T 7v ?? 4 0 ZZ z T O z G7 o v m 7O C y y 0 Z T 4 o 4 REFURBISHMENT OF THE LOCKER (IIII??ii??IIIII o> AND CHANGING ROOMS PROJECT FOR: n AVON RECREATION CENTER ?° 3 O K -? s AVON, COLORADO 81620 e sa as ° 3 c m 3 O O Z s 5P REFURBISHMENT OF THE LOCKER IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII o m AND CHANGING ROOMS PROJECT FOR: x AVON RECREATION CENTER ®e = _ m D s AVON, COLORADO 81620 e d e ?_ e m° ?? 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C O Cv ° v 3.w a 3 . -a a _ 0 c;0:c 0 i cc 0=; O -1 3 tT o S cn n (: 0 y N 3 m 3 3 7 7 o ?. cn N ^v 3 m n < cc v: co < in ca r.x .Q N ,CD i7 N m?N =r c CD _ CD '.N 7' 0 ' O m 3 °m w ' v 0) y' 0 - c . ?, E m v m ?0 X N .f) 9,1 CD . 'co U3 CD m N m: m CD-:-CD m_ S S =r I =r S S ? O O' -? N W -i CO. O O A N OD N O' O V N O CAn A A V W CN71 N 0 0 0 Cn 00 O CT OD N i OD'; O Ln 0 C) 0 0 C) C) CJ1 O O Cn . W; CT : O D 0 f- _ NCnA A _ O W N O -0 O) V A O VI A W Co O -• . N OD ; m WCnO A 0 0 V CA N O O O - ; O O O 0l0 ! tr Cn O O O O i O:O O O D d ' n 0 N Z -i C N . c 0 O N F CD , CD I m (a O /) C X O 7 7 CD N ? o 3 _L C1 G cfn fl1 t ??? X CO CO. < 'a 'a - Cv CD C.) O n =. G m m ' n 7 CL] CO N) m C) co 3 0 . p < 3 CD -P C-) C ? O O S - tll f0 CD 0) MEMORANDUM TO: Hon. Mayor and Town Council CC: Bill Efting, Larry Brooks FROM: Burt Levin RE: Contribution Policy DATE: April 5, 2001 1. Today I filed a motion for entry of default against Barbara Andrews Events, Inc. The clerk of the court will in the near future enter a default and thereafter I will move for entry of judgment based on the default. 2. At a recent meeting of the board of directors of Crime Stoppers of Eagle County the attached materials stating the Town of Vail's policy concerning contribution requests and grants was circulated. I took a copy of the materials from the meeting, thinking you might want to review and consider them. TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 Fax: 970-479-2157 www. ci. vail.co. us July 24, 2000 Kim Andree Crime Stoppers of Eagle County P.O. Box 1616 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Contributions Dear Kim: The Town Council has reviewed and approved the contribution request procedure for 2001 contributions. Please note that contributions will. only be awarded to applicants who can show the contribution will be used directly to benefit the entire community of Vail. Attached please find the following forms that relate format and policy the Town of Vail has implemented in regard to requests for funding. These forms are as follows: 1) Contribution Policy/ Disclosure 2) Application for Town of Vail Funding 3) Application for Town of Vail Funding/Balance Sheet 4) Application for Town of Vail Funding/ Statement of Sources and Uses 5) List of 2000 Requests and Approvals A completed submission must be received at the Town of Vail by Friday, August 25, 2000, in order to qualify for funding in 2001. Funding will be determined solely from the written application; no in-person presentations will be held. If the Town Council has questions about your application, you may be contacted by a staff member at a later date. Requests for parking passes and/or parking days must be included in the disclosure. Individual requests throughout the year, outside this process, will not be considered. When making your request, please keep in mind the Town is experiencing uncertainty in its revenue levels and, therefore, is not planning to increase its contribution budget. If you have any questions on materials to be submitted, please do not hesitate to contact Reatha Schmidt, Cashier, at 479-2100. Sincerely, TOWN OF VAIL TM t?? RECYCLEDPAPER CONTRIBUTION POLICY TOWN OF VAIL 1. All contribution requests received by the Town of Vail will be processed in the following manner: A. All requests must be submittted in writing using the Town's application for funding. You may submit financial information (Balance Sheet and Statement of Sources and Uses) ONLY IF it does NOT exceed 2 pages in length. Please do not attach additional information. Incomplete applications and supplemental information will not be accepted. The Town Council will only be given your completed application forms. No supplemental information will be given to the Town Council. B. All applications for funding in 2001 shall be sent to the Town by Friday, August 25, 2000. C. The Town Council will evaluate the various proposals based on their support of the following outcomes: 1. A positive, sustained economic climate 2. An environmentally sensitive high quality of life 2. Disclosures to all applicants: A. No money will be disbursed until March 1, 2001. Each recipient must invoice the Town of Vail for the total approved contribution prior to March 1, 2001. B. Because of uncertainty of revenue estimates, please note the following possibilities: 1) Contribution funding may be reduced based on 2000 revenues. 2) The Town of Vail may choose to disburse funding in quarterly installments throughout 2001. C. Notification of awards will be sent after the Council approves the final budget, currently scheduled for November, 2000 2 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL FUNDING GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS All applications must be submitted to the Town of Vail by August 25, 2000. You must provide 11 copies of the application. Any application received after that date or any application packet with fewer than 11 copies will not be considered. Please send application to: Town of Vail Reatha Schmidt, Cashier 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 For questions on the financial statements, please contact Reatha Schmidt at 479-2100. PLEASE TYPE THIS APPLICATION OR PRINT IN BLACK INK 1. Name of organization: 2. Contact person: 3. Mailing address: 4. Telephone: 5. Members and Titles of your governing board: 6. Amount of contribution requested: 7. Organization fiscal year-end: 8. Are your books audited? 9. How will the contribution be used? 10. How does your request support item 1C of the contribution policy? 11. Who currently funds your organization (other governments, private donations, user fees, etc.)? 12. Organization's mission statement: (If more room is needed to answer questions, please use the back of this page.) 3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL FUNDING Balance Sheet Instructions: Round all figures to the nearest dollar. Please present in as much detail as possible. Most Recent Completed Fiscal Year (Date: ) Assets: Total Assets Liabilities: $ Total Liabilities $ Net Worth (Total Assets Minus Total Liabilities) $ 4 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL FUNDING Statement of Sources and Uses Instructions: Round all figures to the nearest dollar. Please present as much detail as possible. Current Fiscal Year Budget Revenues: $ (List by funding source) Total Revenue $ Expenses: $ Total Expenses Total Revenue Minus Expense $ 5 +dWfit41~ VAS. UlVDI1Cr?t15T ?,F tr 2000 GENERAL FUND: Final 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ECONOMIC: Bravo! Colorado/John Giovando 25,000 CARTS/Jim Scherer 2,500 The Chamber of Commerce/Jen Brown 4,000 The Chamber of Commerce/Jen Brown 1 day ice LH Merchants-Jamin Jazz Nights/Gary Boris 15,000 VV Merchants-Block Parties/Kaye Ferry 15,000 LH/VV Merchants Assoc-The Guide/Kaye Ferry 10,000 Vail Jazz Foundation/Howard Stone 7,000 Vail Valley Foundation/Rick Beveridge: American Ski Classic 17,000 World Mountain Bike Championships (for 2001) 50,000 American Cycle Classic 0 Winter Concert Series 0 Parking 2,300 c Vail International Dance Festival 11,500 Gerald R. Ford Ampitheater (Hot Summer Nights) 5,000 Chevy International Ski Festival Subtotal - VVF 85,800 TOTAL ECONOMIC lti4?3U0: EDUCATIONAL: Colorado Avalanche Info Center/Knox Williams 500 Gore Range Natural Science School/Kim Langmaid 0 Learning Tree/Moe Mulrooney 0 Meet the Wilderness/Thomas McCalden 0 The Vail Symposium/Ebby Pinsen 0 The Youth Foundation/Sandra Nadeau 0 Environmental Educator 0 Turn It Up Vail Parry/Kaye Ferry (1) Turn It Up Vail Training/Kaye Ferry (2) TOTAL EDUCATIONAL h3ifl? HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: The Jimmie Heuga Center/Bruce Valentine 0 United Way of Eagle River Valley/Kathy Henry 1,000 Vail Mountain Rescue Group/Tim Reinholtz 2,000 TOTAL HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 3i RECREATION: Ski Club Vail/Kate Asoian 4 days Vail Internat'I Hockey Club/Peter Zent 1,000 Vail Jr Hockey Association/Peter Zent (3) TOTAL RECREATION 1,00id PRIOR YEAR REQUESTS ) 5II#1 TOTAI - CONTRIBUTIONS 168,$00`: Bndgtf for 220011 ARRANGEMENTS and AGREEMENTS: Channel 5 (40% of our franchise fee received) 44,880 Vail Valley Foundation Vail Valley Exchange 6,300 Berry Creek 5th - operating expenses (4) Vail Valley Athlete Commission 5,000 Vail Valley Tourism & Convention Bureau: Events & Information Staff 3,675 Marketing 0 Information Booths 155,800 Special Events 332,000 Vail 100 10,625 Lodging Quality Initiative 75,000 Total VVTCB 577,100 ARM oll 55 i Vail Alpine Garden Foundation/Ry Southard 0 i Vail Alpine Garden Foundation/Ry Southard 38,500 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 lebits Blue Passes 25 Blue Passes cnc'I app'd 10/19/99 TOWN OF AVON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA May 8, 2001 - 5:30 PM 1. Call to Order / Roll Call f i II n, 2. Citizen Input a.) Employee Bonus Awards 3. Ordinances a.) First Reading of Ordinance No. 01-04, Series of 2001, An Ordinance Concerning Wildlife Protection E - , 4. Resolutions'` 5. Unfinished Business > (( ??, 6. New Business airl?t° ?? a.) Village at Avon Preliminary Plan - Public Meetings L n ?? 4d W `J L~? L 7. Town Manager Report ??? CZuJ h 8. Town Attorney Report --^ r r? r u 9. Mayor Report .. n CIA 10. Other Business ??t?Kr;- 11. Consent Agenda. j? a.) Approval of the April 24, 2001 Council Meeting Minutes C b.) Eagle River Bike Path Change Order ?(!! EtC c.) Appointment of Planning & Zoning Commission Members 12. Adjournment I ?t. (( re- elrVd- ORDINANCE NO. 01-04 SERIES OF 2001 AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING WILDLIFE PROTECTION. WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to protect human life and property, and to minimize the destruction of wildlife; and WHEREAS, several bears were killed during 2000 due to their interactions with humans and trash; and WHEREAS, there is a need to protect our wildlife and a need to co-exist with wildlife in a way that prevents wildlife from being jeopardized, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. A new Section 9.16.121 of the Avon Code is added to provide as follows: 15.16.121. Wildlife Protection. No person (including a corporation, partnership, or unincorporated -association) shall knowingly leave or store any refuse, food product, pet food, grain, or salt in a manner which would constitute a lure, attraction, or enticement of wildlife. As used in this section, "wildlife" means any non-domestic mammal indigenous to the Eagle Valley, including but not limited to, bear, deer, elk, raccoon, coyote, beaver, skunk, badger, bobcat, mountain lion, porcupine, and fox. INTRODUCED, APPROVED ON FIRST READING, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL AND POSTED, this day of , 2001, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado on the day of , 2001, at 5:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: 1 Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk INTRODUCED, APPROVED ORDERED PUBLISHED AND POSTED this ATTEST: Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney ON SECOND READING, AND . day of , 2001. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Mayor 2 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager ?4?K- -- From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer ' G, Date: May 1, 2001 Re: The Village (at Avon), Filing No. 1 Preliminary Plan Subdivision - Public Hearing Summary: Traer Creek L.L.C. has submitted an Application for Subdivision Preliminary Plan Approval for the "Village (at Avon) Filing No. 1". The submittal also includes applications for approval of two variances from the Subdivision Regulations. The Preliminary Plan has been referred to Colorado Department of Transportation, Eagle County Engineer's Office, Eagle River Fire Protection District and Eagle River Water and Sanitation District for review and comment. These Agencies were provided 24 days for review and comment ending May 7, 2001. Comments received from these agencies will incorporated in the public hearing record and will be considered in recommendations for action regarding the Preliminary Plan. Notices of Public Hearing have been mailed and posted as required. Recommended actions at this meeting are introduction of the Preliminary Plan followed by a brief presentation by the Applicant and opening of the public hearing for comment. Upon receipt of all public comment, close the public hearing and continue action on this item until the next regular council meeting on May 22, 2001. At that time council will be presented a resolution with recommended actions regarding the Preliminary Plan Application. This resolution and recommendations will include consideration of issues raised by the reviewing entities and during the public hearing process. I:\Engineering\Avon VillageTrel P1affub Hearing Mem-1.D- 1 Background: Filing No. 1 includes the area between I-70 and the Union Pacific Railroad. The proposed subdivision essentially divides the site into two areas. The easterly portion of the site is divided into four lots for proposed development, one lot for proposed parkland and various tracts for open space, parkland, roads and utilities. Lot 5 in this area is proposed as a 4-acre public works site. The westerly portion is designated as Lot 1 and it extends from the original town boundary easterly to the proposed road connecting I-70 and US Highway 6. It is anticipated that this Lot 1 will be resubdivided in the future as the development plan for this area is completed. One Variance Application is for a variance from the Subdivision Regulations to allow a cul-de-sac length greater than 1000 feet. The cul-de-sac road providing access to the proposed public works site is approximately 1780 feet long. The other Variance Application is for a variance from the Subdivision Regulations to allow a permit to be issued for overlot grading prior to approval of the Final Plat. The proposed overlot grading includes stockpiling excavated materials at various locations complete with pollution control and revegetation of disturbed areas. Improvements proposed with the subdivision include the 1-70 Interchange, connecting road to US Highway 6 with a railroad underpass and a new bridge over the Eagle River. Temporary easements and roadway construction are proposed to extend East Beaver Creek Boulevard and Chapel Place to connect with the connector road between I-70 and US Highway 6. A temporary roadway is also proposed from the intersection of Stonebridge Drive and Eaglebend Drive across the railroad tracks to connect with the temporary extension of East Beaver Creek Boulevard. This temporary road is proposed to provide access for delivery of construction materials and equipment to the site while it is inaccessible from Swift Gulch Road and the existing Ranch Road due to the I-70 Interchange and Eagle River Bridge construction. Other proposed improvements include utilities, storm drainage and pollution control facilities. Recommendations: 1. Introduce Preliminary Plan Application by Staff 2. Brief Presentation by Applicant 3. Public Hearing 4. Council Comments 5. Continue Action to May 22, 2001, Council Meeting Town Manager Comments: 1:\Fngineming\Av0n Villag?Pre1 P1at\Pub Hearing Mein-1.Doc 2 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD APRIL 24, 2001 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Mike Brown, Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley, and Mayor Protem Buz Reynolds present. Councilors Rick Cuny and Mac McDevitt were absent. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Human Resources Director Jacquie Halburnt, Police Sergeant Chris Peck, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Public Works Supervisor Gary Padilla, Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Asst. Director of Community Development Ruth Borne, as well as members of the public. Citizen Input: Mr. Bob Trueblood of Eagle River Water and Sanitation District approached the Council. Mr. Trueblood stated that he is the new wastewater operations manager for the District and will be located in Avon. Mr. Trueblood gave a brief history of himself. Mr. Trueblood then informed the Council that Mr. Pete Miller, of the Sanitation District staff, will be promoted to lead odor control technician. He will be responsible for optimizing and improving reliability of the odor control system. Resolutions: Resolution No. 01-08, Series of 2001, A Resolution Approving the Master Deed Restriction Agreement for Lot C PUD ("Mountain Vista Resort"), Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado Assistant Director of Community Development Ruth Borne stated that this resolution approves the deed restriction agreement for Lot C. She stated that there are 20 employee housing units. Councilor Debbie Buckley motioned approval of Resolution No. 01-08, Series of 2001. Councilor Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the April 10, 2001 Meeting Minutes b.) Financial Matters c.) Letter Authorizing the Extension of Planning & Zoning Commission Members Councilor Brown motioned approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilor Debbie Buckley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Debbie Buckley motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:39 PM. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Kristen Nash, Town Clerk APPROVED: Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley Rick Curly Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder Regular Council Meeting April 24, 2001 Memo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Bill Efting, Town Manager Norm Wood, Town Engineer f GZ/ Anne Martens, Engineer May 2, 2001 Eagle River Recreation Path - Change Order No. 3 Summary: The attached Change Order No. 3 for the Eagle River Recreation Path Project represents minor changes required to address actual conditions encountered in the field. Change Order Number 3 is to extend the hand / guard railing required due to the steep bank near an irrigation ditch, an increase in keystone block retaining wall due to existing grade conditions, and deletion of 60' of 2' high boulder retaining wall which was not necessary. The cost of this Change Order is summarized as follows: Change Order No Delete 60 LF of 1' to 2' High Boulder Wall <$ 2,100.00> Add 100 SF of Keystone Block Wall $ 2,500.00 Add 100 LF Hand / Guard Railing $10,000.00 Total of Change Order No. 3 Add $ 10,400.00 The net effect of this Change Order is to increase the Contract Amount from $ 266,460.00 to $ 276,860.00. These changes are typical for this type of construction and are provided for by the contingency item in the project budget. It is anticipated that there will be another change order for deletion of a portion of the hand / guard railing to the east end of the project, which will allow for additional cost savings. The approved Capital Improvements Project Budget Total is $392,000. The Town of Avon also received a $272,000 grant from ECO Trails for the Project. I:\Engineering\CIP\Eagle River Bike Path - West\4.0 Construction Docs\4.5 Change Orders\CO Memo 3.Doc J, 1 The current detail of the Project Budget is as follows: Original Construction Contract $259,412 Approved Change Orders No. 1 & 2 $ 7,048 Proposed Change Order No. 3 $ 10,400 Engineering Design Services $ 20,805 Easement - Survey / Title / Appraisals $ 5,078 Easement - Acquisition $ 72,687 Construction Testing / Contract Administration $ 5,000 Public Relations & Administration $ 800 Remaining Contingency $ 15,848 Approved Project Budget $392,000 Approval of Change Order No.3 to the Site Resources Management, Inc. contract for construction of the Eagle River Recreation Path is recommended, increasing the Contract amount $ 10,400.00 from $ 66,460.00 to $ 276,860.00. Recommendations: Approve Change Order No. 3 to the Site Resources Management, Inc. contract for construction of the Eagle River Recreation Path, increasing the Contract amount $ 10,400.00 from $ 266,460.00 to $ 276,860.00. Town Manager Comments: I:\Engineering\CIP\Eagle River Bike Path - West\4.0 Construction Docs\4.5 Change Orders\CO Memo 3.Doc 2 G CHANGE ORDER Order No.: ,3 Date: 4 119 1 o l Agreement Date: NAME OF PROJECT:, OWNER: ouj to Lai CONTRACTOR: The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Justification: Avo KagtT-r4,G ? c,? Im SF ZS `= Z.Sc?t? ' Avv F64o/6vft" -ZAwu,rA, f Co'LF a loop l O? Ooo = DE vucr Ito z' f/iytl ?uco?Q klwc? !oo ?- e, 3 5:.? 2 t °° M Change to CONTRACT PRICE: Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ Z59, 417. Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased)(deeFeased) by $ 1-Q Igo The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be Change to CONTRACT TIME: t . CAPA&C The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased)(decreased) by calendar days. -..?- The date for completion of all work will be (Date). APPROVALS REQUIRED: ' Approved by Engineer: Accepted by Contractor: Accepted and Approved by Owner: Federal Agency Approval (where applicable): CO-1 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager (U-f- Norm Wood, Director of Community Development From: Ruth Borne, Asst. Director Community Development Date May 2, 2001 Re: Planning & Zoning Commissioner Appointments Summary: On May 1, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commissioners interviewed eight applicants for the three vacancies. The following individuals were chosen as new members: 1. Andrew Karow -reappointment Wildridge Resident 2. Michael McClinton Eaglebend Resident 3. Ronald Wolfe Mountainstar Resident Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the new members for the Planning & Zoning Commission. Town Manager Comments: Attachment: Resumes for Michael McClinton Ronald Wolfe Andrew Karow C ??