TC Council Packet 12-12-2000Town Council Meetings Roll Call Check Sheet Date: 12/12/00 Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley VA / Rick Cuny / Mac McDevitt / Buz Reynolds / VZ Judy Yoder V Roll calls are called at start of meeting and for Ordinances. Do not call Mayor except for meeting roll call or to break a tie vote. Seating arrangements from west to east: Brown, P. Buckley, Cuny, Yoder, McDevitt, D. Buckley, Reynolds Staff Present: Bill Efting ? Larry Brooks Burt Levin is Nash E??Jacquie Halburnt Scott Wright Jeff Layman Charlie Moore Norm Wood Meryl Jacobs Bob Reed ?z- Harry Taylor Mike Matzko Other Staff: STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 11, 2000, AT 6:00 PM IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 6:00 PM 1.) Holiday Lighting Contest AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWNOF AVON, COLORADO C BY: `listen Nash own Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON DECEMBER 8,2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY LJ STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 12, 2000, AT 3:45 PM IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM 1.) 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2.) 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 3.) Odor Ordinance Discussion Capital Projects Update Community Development Update Consent Agenda Questions Council Committee Updates O AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TO" OF AVON, COLORADO BY: Kristen Nash Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON DECEMBER 8,2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY 1' . fl Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: December 8, 2000 Re: Nottingham Road / I-70 Bikepath Summary: We anticipate presenting the Nottingham Road / I-70 Bikepath plans and cost estimate at the December 12, Town Council Work session. The plans have been revised to reflect the Bikepath as a standalone project. They have also been revised to provide a direct connection with the proposed Bus Stop / Nottingham Road crosswalk near Beacon Hill and they now include a proposed landscape plan. The attached Cost Estimate projects a total construction cost of $879,393.88. The current Budget for this Project is $610,000.00. Three items in the attached Cost Estimate, Retaining Walls, Bicycle & Pedestrian Railing and Landscaping account for $607,266, or 69% of the total construction cost. We are currently looking at ways to reduce the cost of these three items. The landscaping costs can be reduced approximately $30,000 by deleting half of the trees. These could be added later as funds become available. Some savings may also result from replacing a portion of the proposed MSEW Retaining Wall with boulder walls. Inter-Mountain Engineering is also researching alternate Bicycle & Pedestrian Railing systems and suppliers. These two items could result in significant savings, but probably not enough to meet the current budget. The original Cost Estimate and Budget was prepared before the bikepath alignment was revised to connect with the proposed bus stop / Nottingham Road crosswalk. The revised grades with this change required significantly more retaining wall and pedestrian railing than the original alignment. Significant savings should be realized by moving the path down the slope and away from the bus stop. This change, in conjunction with the other potential cost saving measures may bring the estimated construction cost back in line with the current budget. ism& \crn\sflcepath-Nodingbamr&3.1 Design G® CoMMemo t.Doe We would like Council comments regarding the possible reduction of landscape plant materials and realignment of the bikepath to reduce the amount of retaining walls and railing required. These comments will used in completing final construction plans and bid documents. Town Manager Comments: I:1Engineering\CIP\Sikepath-Nottingbamrd\3.1 Desigli Gan CotrMemo 1.Doc 2 BIKE PATH - FINAL ESTIMATE NOTTINGHAM ROAD IMPROVEMENTS QUANITIY UNIT UNIT PRICE 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Mobilization 1.2 Survey/ Staking 2.0 DEMOLITION 2.1 Fence Removal 2.2 Rip Rap Removal 3.0 EARTHWORK 3.1 Clearing 3.2 Unclassified Excavation 3.3 Inplace Embankment 3.4 Site Grading 3.5 Retaining Walls, MSEW 3.6 Headwalls, concrete 3.7 Bridge Abutments 3.8 Rip Rap 4.0 PATH 4.1 Fine Grade 4.2 Class 1 Subbase 4.3 Class 6 Road Base 4.4 Asphaltic Concrete 4.5 Gaurdrail, type 3 4.6 Bicycle and Pedestrian Railing 4.7 Extend Existing CMP a. 18" b. 18" End Section c. 24" d. 24" End Section e. 30" f. 30" End Section - g. 36" h. 36" End Section 1 L.S. $5,000.00 1 L.S. $2,500.00 3,290 L.F. $1.10 507 S.F. $1.00 1 789 263 122,179 9,468 7 12 27 46.500 0 2,236 854 54 1,422 2 0 9 0 13 0 0 0 L.S. $20,000.00 C.Y. $7.50 C.Y. $12.00 S.F. $0.12 S.F. $30.00 C.Y. $400.00 C.Y. $600.00 C.Y. $30.00 S.F. $0.18 TONS $19.00 TONS $21.00 TONS $47.50 L.F. $21.00 L.F. $110.00 L.F. $40.00 EACH $250.00 L F. $55.00 EACH $300.00 L.F. $60.00 EACH $350.00 L.F. $67.50 EACH $400.00 SUBTOTAL TOTAL COST $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $3,619.00 $507.00 $20.000.00 $5,917.50 $3,156.00 $14,661.48 $284,040.00 $2,640.00 $7,200.00 $810.00 $8,370.00 $0.00 $46,956.00 $40,565.00 $1,134.00 $156,420.00 $80.00 $0.00 $511.50 $0.00 $804.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $604,891.48 00-0037E 1217/00 Final-CostAs BIKE PATH - PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE NOTTINGHAM ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 4.8 Install New Pipe a. 12" HDPE b. 12" HDPE End Section a. 18" HDPE b. 18" HDPE End Section c. 24" HDPE d. 24" HDPE End Section e. 30" HDPE f. 30" HDPE End Section g. 84" HDPE h. 84" HDPE End Section h. 30" CMP I. 30" CMP End Section 4.9 Install New Signs 4.1 Striping 4.11 Bridge, 121x40' 4.12 Concrete Handicap Ramp 4.13 Barricade, type 3, F-A 4.14 Right-of-Way Fence QUANITIY UNIT 22 2 39 2 78 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 4 0 1 0 1 4,040 L.F. EACH L.F. EACH L.F. EACH L.F. EACH L.F. EACH L.F. EACH EACH L.S. L.S. L.S. EACH L.F. UNIT PRICE $40.00 $200.00 $45.00 $250.00 $50.00 $300.00 $60.00 $350.00 $175.00 $1,500.00 $60.00 $350.00 $250.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $800.00 $1,040.00 $2.00 TOTAL COST $880.00 $400.00 $1,755.00 $500.00 $3,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,580.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $1,040.00 $8,080.00 5.0 LANDSCAPING AND EROSION CONTROL 5.1 Erosion Bale Inlet Protection 7 EACH $175.00 $1,225.00 5.2 Straw Bale Dikes 20 EACH $100.00 $2,000.00 5.3 Silt Fence 2,039 L.F. $2.50 $5,097.50 5.4 Re-Veg. & Landscaping, see attachment 1 L.S. $111,600.00 $111,600.00 6.0 UTILITIES 6.1 Adjust Manhole Rims 0 EACH $300.00 $0.00 6.2 Adjust Gate Valves 0 EACH $200.00 $0.00 6.3 Install 4' Manhole 2 EACH $6,500.00 $13,000.00 6.4 Adjust Curb Stops 0 EACH $125.00 $0.00 6.5 Area Inlets, type 13 - 3 EACH $2,500.00 $7,500.00 7.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL 7.1 Equipment and Personnel 1 L.S. $4,000.00 $4,000.00 SUBTOTAL $799,448.98 10% CONTINGENCY $79,944.90 TOTAL $879,393.88 00-0037E 1217100 Final-Cost.xls LANDSCAPE.XLS NOTTINGHAM ROAD BIKE PATH PHASE ONE Final Design Cost Estimate Terrasan 12/6/00 Note: Tap Fee Not Included Existing tap utilized SOIL P FION Trees Fine Grading 144 ea 275000 sf 50.00 $7,200.00 $0.05 $13,750.00 LAWNS & GRASSES $27,500.00 Native Grass Seed 275000 sf $0.10 $27,500.00 Erosion Control 0 Is $0.00 $0.00 I REES, SHRUBS, VINES, GRD.COVERS,PERENNIALS $53,150.00 Aspen 2" 36 ea $225.00 $8,100.00 Aspen 2.5" 36 ea $275.00 $9,900.00 Aspen 3" 19 ea $300.00 $5,700.00 Cottonwood 2" 7 ea $250.00 $1,750.00 Spruce 12' 8 ea $850.00 $6,800.00 Spruce 10' 19 ea $600.00 $11,400.00 Spruce 8' 19 ea $500.00 $9,500.00 PHASE ONE TOTAL $111,600.00 Page 1 TOWN OF AVON LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSE AUTHORITY AGENDA December 12, 2000 - 5:20 PM 1. Call to Order / Roll Call 2. Application for New OR Renewal Liquor License a.) Application for Renewal Retail Liquor Store License t Applicant: Bachelor's Wine & Spirits, Inc. (y Address: 1060 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Avon, CO 81620 Officers: J. Michael Collins, President 3. Other Business a.) Modification of Premises Applicant: SLH Restaurant, LLC dba Cassidy's Hole in the Wall, LLC Address: 82 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Nr f F, xt V+" Avon, CO 81620 Officers: Glenn Heelan, Member 4. Approval of the Local Liquor License Authority Minutes_ a.) Approval of the November 28, 2000 Meeting Minutes 5. Adjournment s a E COLORADO /DEPT OF REVENUE LIQUOR OR 3.2 BEER LICENSE LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1375 SHERMAN ST RENEWAL APPLICATION j DENVER CO 80261 Ilnlnn?I?Ilnu?illlnu?il?I?InJu?Ilnnlnl?Inu??III BACHELOR'S WINE AND SPIRITS INC C/O VAIL BKKPS&ACTS PO BOX 5940 AVON CO 81620-5940 License Number License Type 10-84227-0000 1940 Liability Information 44 003 005921 C 022300 Business Location 1060 W BEAVER CRK BL AVON CO Current License Expires F E B 22, 2001 PLEASE COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS j This renewal reflects no changes from the last --application Complete-page 2-and file now! F-1 There are changes from the last application. Complete?lnd attach-page 2-DR-84-130)-and-if a-- corporation, DR 8177 - Corporate Report of Changes; or if a Limited Liability Company (DR 8405). All other changes of ownership require a transfer of ownership application. See your Luca Licensing Authority immediately. MlVery Permit requested? Retail Liquor Store, Drug Store or 3.2% Beer - Combination On/Off Premises Licenses ONLY. Check the box if you want the permit to be issued Application for renewal must be filed with our LOCAL LICENSING-AUTHORITY at leastA5=©?rYS-PRIOR to the expiration date of your current license. -€x,c t n. VVholesaler-;-naanufac-turer,-fmporter-, and-public transportation system license renewals do not need Local Licensing Authority approval and must be returned directly to the Colorado Department of Revenue at least 30 days prior to the current license expiration date. I-AILIURE TE) FILE MIS R13?1111EWAL AT LEAST 45 . DrAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE OF YOUR LICENSE MAY RESULT IN YOUR LICENSE NOT BEING RENEWED. . ................................. AT .: i-i A . OP PI?L A I declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that this application and all attachments are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knovvledgie? Authorized Signat e Date Business Phone g 70 ?? f3 YS-- 7 3,33 Title of Sig- _ corpJJoration) Sales Tax Number (GSIaPri ??- S?aa.7-6dad ....................................:.:.RE PORT:Af? Q APPROW:OFt I ENSIM :A ,; UTHQR ::>:: >::: >:::::::? » :........... . . The foregoing application has been examined and the premises, business conducted and character of the applicant are satisfactory, and we do hereby report that such license, if granted, will comply with the provisions of Title 12, Articles 46 and 47 C.R.S. , THEREFORE THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. Local Licensing Authority for Date Town/City ? County Signature Title Attest DO NOT DETACH DO NOT DETACH DO NOT DETACH DR 8400 (08/95) COLORADO DEPT OF REVENUE LIQUOR OR 3.2 BEER LICENSE 1375 SHERMAN ST DENVER CO 80281 RENEWAL APPLICATION 21 Business Name BACHELOR'S WINE AND LICENSE NUMBER (use for all reference) 10-84227-0000 RENEWED LICENSE EXPIRES AFTER 02-22-02 TYPE OF LICENSE ISSUED C-ASH FUND - STATE FEE RETAIL LIQUOR STORE CITY 85% OAP LICENSE - MALT, VINOUS, - 2320-100(999) 1940-750(999) 2180-100(999) AND SPIRITUOUS $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 127.50 ADD $75.00 TO RENEW RETAIL WAREHOUSE STORAGE SUB-TOTAL $ 202.50 PERMIT 2210-100(999) $ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $aoa .S Make check payable to: Colorado Department of Revenue DR 8401 (0797) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1881 PIERCE LAKEWOOD, CO 80261 ATTACHMENT TO LIQUOR OR (303) 205-2300 3,2 BEER LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION This page must be completed and attached to your signed renewal application form. Failure to include this page with the application may result in your license not being renewed. Trade Name of Establishment f - State License Number 9 J n a c ' ,S C? r,n d S T t /o- g a17- O41 1. Operating Manager Home Address O. ov i f 3 9, 0, n ce 9i L _L6 18 2. Do you have legal possession of the premises for which this applicatio for license is made? Yes No Are the premises owned or rented: If rented, expiration date of lease: ?1- - 7 ® ? 3. Has there been any change in financial interest (new notes, loans, owners, etc.) since the last annual application? If yes, explain in Yes No detail and attach a listing of all liquor businesses in which these new lenders or owners, (other than licensed financial institutions) are ? materially interested. 4. Since the date of filing of the last annual application, has the applicant, or any of its agents, owners, managers, principals, or lenders Yes No (other than licensed financial institutions), been convicted of a crime? It yes, attach a detailed explanation. ? Since the date of filing of the last annual application, has the applicant, or any of its agents, owners, managers, principals, or lenders 5 . (other than licensed financial institutions), been denied an alcoholic beverage license, had an alcoholic beverage license suspended or Yes No revoked, or had interest in any entity that had an alcoholic beverage license denied, suspended or revoked? if ye§; attach a detailed ? explanation. 6. Does the applicant, or any of its agents, owners, managers, principals, or lenders (other than licensed financial institutions), have a Yes No direct or indirect interest in any other Colorado liquor license (include loans to or from any licensee, or interest in a loan to any El licensee)? If yes, attach a detailed explanation. 7. Sole owners or husband-wife partnerships answer this question. Since the date of filing of the last annual license application: N Has ownership changed in whole or in part, from a sole owner to any other person, partnership, corporation, or limited liability o Yes company other than the licensee listed on your state liquor license? If yes, this license must be transferred to the new owner and ? G may not be renewed. Contactyour Local Authority immediately. 8. Partnership applicants must answer this question. Since the date of filing of the last annual license application: Yes No (a) Are there, or have there been any general partners added to, or deleted from the partnership? If yes, this license must be ? ? transferred to the new partnership and may not be renewed. Contact your Local Authority immediately. (b) Are there, or have there been any limited partners with a 10% or more interest, added or deleted from the partnership? If yes, this ? ? license must be transferred to the new partnership and may not be renewed. Contact your Local Authority immediately. 9. Corporate applicants must answer this question. Since the date of filing of the last annual license application: Yes No (a) Are there, or have there been any officers or directors added to, or deleted from the corporation? If yes, complete and attach ? FKA I DR 8177 and submit to your Local Authority immediately. I N (b) Are there, or have there been any stockholders with 10`io or more of the issued stock, added to, or deleted from the corporation? immediatel l A tho it it t L b d ? y. u r y o your oca m su If yes, complete and attach DR 8177 an (c) Date of filing last annual corporate report with the Colorado Secretary of State: rE- 1 00 10. Limited Liability Company applicants must answer this question. Since the date of filing of the last annual license application: Yes No (a) Are there, or have there been any managing members added to, or deleted from the company? If yes, complete and attach ? ? DR 8177 and submit to your Local Authority immediately. (b) Are there, or have there been any members with 10% or more membership interest, added to, or deleted from the company? l di ? ? y. ate If yes, complete and attach DR 8177 and submit to your Local Authority imme (c) Date of filing last annual LLCO report with the Colorado Secretary of State: 11, - Bed and Breakfast applicants must answer this question and certify compliance with 12-47-118.5 C.R.S., to the state licensing authority by initialing the following listed questions: That it has no more than 20 sleeping rooms, and That it provides at least 1 meal per day at no charge other than for overnight lodging, and That it does not sell alcoholic beverages by the drink or in sealed containers, and That it shall not serve alcoholic beverages for more than 4 hours in any one day, as follows: MONDAY HOURS TUESDAY HOURS WEDNESDAY HOURS THURSDAY HOURS FRIDAY HOURS SATURDAY HOURS SUNDAY HOURS From: 9 I m. From: 9 4 m. From: 9 1^1 M. From: 1 q m. From: 9 q m. From: 9 9 m. From: e a'. To: (i m. To: I ! m. To: ! 1 10 M. To: / I m. To: / i m. To: / 1 M. To: M. t i VON Town of Avon Office of the Town Clerk --Referral-to-Police- Dep-artment Date: November 29, 2000 Applicant: -Date of Birth: SSN: David Rovelstad 04/11/1952 501-62-6261 has made application to the Town Clerk for: Type of License: Retail Liquor Store ----Name of Business: Bachelor's Wines & Spirits, Inc. dba Bachelor's Wines & Spirits Physical Location: 1060 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Avo , CO 81620 Comments: Renewal h wring scheduled for December 12, 2000. Town Clerk Signature: Investigation by: Avon Police Department Investigation Comments: Z2,2 ,&,e/+vY_ Avon Police Department Liquor License Applicant Name: Rovelstad, David P. Name of Business: Bachelor Gulch Wine & Spirits Inc. Location of Business: 1060 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. - -Date Received: 12/01/00 - -. Plfotographs/F'ingerprints: On File Investigation by: Detective Michael R. Leake Date: 12/07/00 11 Criminal Investigation: Criminal history "located per C.B.I./C.C.I.C. as follows: 110685 Arrest by Vail Police Department on following four charges: Possession Dangerous Drugs Possession Dangerous Drugs Traffic Offense DUI Per Se 062386 Conviction by Eagle County Sheriff's Department on following two charges: Possession Dangerous Drugs DWAI 072698 Arrest by Colorado State Patrol on following three charges: DUI DUI Per Se Traffic Offense Local history revealed calls for service for 1999 at Bachelor Gulch Wine & Spirits as follows: 01/26/00 Bachelor Wine and Spirits Telephoned in a Liquor Violation, the business believed an adult had attempted to purchase liquor for under age persons. 11/15/00 Bachelor Wine and Spirits Telephoned in an intoxicated person. The Avon Police Department continues to conduct nightly business checks at Bachelor Wine and Spirits. Comments: Background investigation conducted with no problems and or areas of concern with the exception of the above three incidents concerning Rovelstad personally, the above items were addressed at the last liquor license renewal N C I C database not accessed on this applicant. Bachelor Gulch Wine & -an-excellent reputation-ef reporting-incidents-and-assist-investigations-of-the AvonPolice -- Sp 'its-has Department. Investigation Time: 2 hours. Administration Time: lhour. v DR 8442 (07/97) Page 1 COLORADO0EPARTMENT OF REVENUE LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1375 SHERMAN STREET ^ENVER CO 80261 3) 205-2300 PERMIT APPLICATION & REPORT OF CHANGES 21 CURRENT LICENSE NUMBER 24 Q - - ALL ANSWERS MUST BE PRINTED IN BLACK INK OR TYPEWRITTEN LOCAL LICENSE FEE $ APPLICANT SHOULD OBTAIN A COLORADO LIQUOR & BEER CODE BOOK TO ORDER CALL (303) 321-4164 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 1. Applicant is a PRESENT CLASS OF LICENSE ? Corporation ? Individual ?t ? Partnership - - __.___-;4? Limited Liability Company PRESENT LICENSE NUMBER 2. Name of Applicant I LLC N<K5ade Name s BUSINESS TELEPHONE t -H-e NO LL 70 ?i -C t 4. Address' (U aD , City County ZIP > Select the appropri ate section below and proceed to the instructions o n page 2. SECTION A - DELIVERY PERMIT SECTION C 1) ? 2210-100 (999) Retail Warehouse Storage Permit (ea) ........ $ 75.00 • License Account No. 2) ? 2320-100 (999) Wholesale Branch House Permit (ea) ............ 50.00 3) ? 2320-100 (999) Change Corp or Trade Name Permit (ea) ....... 25.00 ? 3.2% On/Off Premises Only ..... ........................... NO FEE 4 2230-100 999 Change Location Permit ea 100.00 ? Liquor Store or Drugstore ......... ....................... NO FEE 5280-100 (999) Chan e, Aker or Modify Premises 7 100.0 Total Fee t71? . 0 0 SECTION B - MANAGER REG/CHANGE 6) ? 1980-100 (999) Addition of Optional Premises of Existing H/R $75.00 x Total Fee • License Account No. 7) ? 2340-100 (999) Bed and Breakfast Permit .............................. 25.00 SECTION D - DUPLICATE LICENSE 1970-750 (999) ? Manager's Registration (Hotel & Restr.) ....... $75.00 • LIQUOR LICENSE No. ? Change of Manager (Other Licenses) ........ NO FEE 2330-100 (999) DUPLICATE LICENSE ................................. $ 25.00 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE - FOR DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE USE ONLY DATE LICENSE ISSUED LICENSE ACCOUNT NUMBER PERIOD -100(999) TOTAL Ott- DR 8442 (07/97) Pape 2 INSTRUCTION SHEET For all sections, complete questions 1-4 located on page 1 ? Section A For current 3.2% On/Off premises only a Retail Liquor Store or Drugstore licensees apply- ing to deliver alcohol, check the appropriate box in section A and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. ? Section B . ... To Register or Change Managers, check the appropriate box in section B and complete question 9 on page 4. Proceed to the Oath of Applicant for signature (Please note: Hotel and Restaurant licensees are required to register their managers). ? Section C Check the appropriate box in section C and proceed below. 1) For a Retail Warehouse Storage Permit, go to page 3 complete question 5 (be sure to check the appropriate box). Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 2) For a Wholesale Branch House Permit, go to page 3 and complete question 5 (be sure to check the appropriate box). Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 3) To Change Trade Name or Corporation Name, go to page 3 and complete question 6 (be sure to check the appropriate box). Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 4) To modify Premise, go to page 3 and complete question 7. Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 5) For Optional Premises, go to page 3 and complete question 7. Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 6) To Change Location, go to page 3 and complete question 8. Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 7) For a Bed and Breakfast Permit, go to page 4. Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. ? Section D For a Duplicate license, be sure to include the liquor license number in section D on page 1 and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. DR 8442 07/97) Page 3 5. Retail Warehouse Storage Permit or a Wholesalers Branch House Permit ? Retail Warehouse Permit ? Wholesalers Branch House Permit (Does not require local licensing authority approval) a ui c7 1) Federal Basic Permit # ¢ If granted, will the proposed warehouse or branch house be in compliance with local building and zoning laws? Yes No ? ? fl Name and title of Person in Charge of Premises ? Attach a diagram of premises showing area of alcohol beverage storage a M 6. Change of Trade Name or Corporation name a z ? Trade/DBA Name Change only w cc ? Corporate Name Change (Attach a Certificate of Amendment from Colorado Secretary of State) 0 Z Z U N N Old Name ew ame U ¢ O 7. Modification of Premises or Addition of an Optional Premises to an existing Hotel/Restaurant Liquor License ff H? (a) Describe change proposed t i??Od- C?6a O w (n (b) Will the proposed change result in the licensed premises now being located within 500 feet of any public l i l C i l O ¢ rements of or private schoo that meets compulsory education requ o orado law, or the pr ncipa campus a of any college, university or seminary? Yes No LU (If yes, explain in detail and describe any exemptions that should apply) ? Q 2 p i (c) Wh ill the proposed change k s c ^ . (mo/day/year) End (mo/day/year) Sta . U. (d) Is the proposed change in compliance with local building and zoning laws? Yes No 2 ?? o (e) If this modification is for an additional Hotel and Restaurant Optional Premises, has the local authority o authorized by resolution or ordinance the issuance of optional premises? Yes No Q ? ? (f) Are such changed premises owned or leased? ? Owned Leased (Attach a signed copy of deed or lease in the name of the licensee only) (g) Attach a diagram of the premises showing the area where alcohol beverages will be stored, served, possessed or consumed. Include food preparation facilities for Hotel and Restaurants. 8. Change of Location (a) Address of current premises city County ZIP Z 0 (b) Address of proposed New Premises (Attach a copy of the deed or lease that establishes possession of the premises by the licensee) V 0 Address IL City County ZIP UJI 0 Z (c) New mailing address if applicable a Address U City County ZIP (d) Attach a diagram of the premises showing the area where alcohol beverages will be stored, served, possessed or consumed. Include food preparation facilities for Hotel and Restaurants. I . DR 8442 (07/97) Page 4 8. Change of Manager or register manager of a Hotel/Restr. liquor license X (a) Change of Manager (attach Individual History DR 8404-1 H/R only) a Former manager's name New managers name LL (b) Compensation of Mgr. Date of Emp. Exp. Date Q Has manager ever managed a Liquor licensed establishment? ? Yes ? No z Does manager have a financial interest in any other liquor licensed establishment? ? Yes ? No V If yes, give name and location of establishment 10. Bed and Breakfast Permit • Attach a copy of a deed or lease in the exact name of the applicant only, reflecting possession of the permitted area for at least the minimum duration of this permit (1 year from date of issuance). • Attach a diagram of the premises which accurately reflects the area where alcoholic beverages will be stored, served, possessed or consumed. 1. Applicant is a: F_ ? Corporation (attach DR 8177) ? Partnership d ? Individual (attach DR 8404-1) ? LTD Liability Company (attach DR 8177) W o' ? 2. Name of Applicant a 3. Trade Name of Establishment (DBA) Y 4. Address of Premises (specify exact location) a 5. State Sales Tax Number Business Phone ( ) QG m a Pursuant to 12-47-410, C.R.S., Applicant hereby states that it qualifies for a Bed and Breakfast Permit to serve complimentary z alcoholic beverages, and does certify to the State Licensing Authority: 0 That it has no more than 20 sleeping rooms, and w m That it provides at least 1 meal per day at no charge other than for overnight lodging, and That it does not sell alcoholic beverages by the drink or in sealed containers, and That it shall not serve alcoholic beverages for more than 4 hours In any one day, as follows: MONDAY HOURS TUESDAY HOURS WEDNESDAY HOURS THURSDAY HOURS FRIDAY HOURS SATURDAY HOURS SUNDAY HOURS From: m. From: m. From: m. From: m. From: m. From: m. From: m. To: M. To: M. To: M. To: M. To: M. To: m. To: M. / OATH OF APPLICANT I decia and penalty cf perjury ir. t e second degree that I have read the foregoing application and all attachments thereto, and th t all i formation erein is ru , correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature Title Date L _ 607 _ REPORT AND APPROVAL OF LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY (CITY / COUNTY) / heforegoing application has been examined and the premises, business conducted and character of the applicant is satisfactory, and we do report that such permit, if granted, will comply with the applicable provisions of Title 12, Articles 46 and 47, C.R.S., as amended. THEREFORE, THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. Local Licensing Authority (City or County) Date filed with Local Authority Signature Title Date REPORT OF STATE LICENSING AUTHORITY The foregoing has been examined and complies with the filing requirements of Title 12, Article 47, C.R.S., as amended. Signature Title - Date • FROM STOLTZ MGMT. (WED)12. 6'00 16 ; 53/ST. 16 ; 52/NO. 4860788364 P 2 MOUNTAINAIRE PROPERTIES, INC. C/O Stoltz Management of Delaware 725 Conshohocken State Road Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 LASE EXPANSION AGREEMENT AGREEMEN'r made as of the 21st day of November, 2000, between Mountain Owners (Benchmark), Lp, C landlord"), and SLH Restaurant, LLC (" Tenant") Collectively hereinafter ("the Parties). ' WiTNESSETH: WBEREAS, Landlord and Tenant executed a written Lease, dated April 9a', 1991, covering approximately 6000 square feet of rentable space lmown as Suite #M106, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon Colorado hereinafter referred to as the ("Lease") AREAS, Landlord and Tenant executed written Lease Addendums dated April e, 1991 and August 2e, 1991, an Assignment and Consent to Assignment Agreement dated November 1, 1993 and an Assignment and Consent to Assignment Dated on or about June 1, 1996, WHERAS, Landlord and Tenant are desirous of further amending said terms and conditions of said Lease as amended to fiuthcr expand the Lensed PrMdSeS, effo VV November 15, 2000, by an additional 11522 square feet(Suite #M107) over the previously established 6,000 square feet( hereinafter refereed to as the "Leased Premises'), to reset the rental terms of said Lease, to reset the percentage rent of said Lease and to establish the amount of Options on said Lease. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of-the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties hereby mutually agree as follows: 1 RtRL Tenant shall, up until July 1, 2001, continue to pay Minimum Annual pent of $6,293.60, plus all pass-thrus, monthly, on the Existing ----Space (6,b00 sq feet) under the terms and conditions ofthe Lease. Effective tuly 1,2001- June 30, 2006,Tenant shall pay to Landlord Minimum Annual Rent for the Leased Premises(7,522 sq feet) as follows: 1 FROM STOLTZ MGMT, 2• PERCENTAGE RENT: Effective, July 1, 2001- June 30, 2006, Tenant shall pay to Landlord Percentage Rent, once annually,each respective year running from July- June,as follows: 7% of sales over $1, 792,385-$1,950, 000 and 5% of sales over $1, 950, 000 3. OPTION: So long as Tenant is not in default of the Lease, 't'enant shall have the option to extend said Lease for one(1) period of five(5) years beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2011. If Tenant desires to exercise said option, he shall do so in writing on or before February 1, 2006 or said option shall be rendered null and void and no longer in effect. The rent for said Option period shall be adjusted to reflect the then Fair Market Value of the Leased Premises. 4. Ttwan: It is agreed that Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole cost and expcnse, construct upon the Leased Premises for Tenant's use and occupancy all improvements necessary thereon and promptly apply for all necessary permits and authorizations from the appropriate governmental and regulatory agencies for the construction of same. Tenant agrees that Landlord is not and shall not be liable for any labor, services or materials to be furnished or to be furnished to Tenant or to anyone holding the Leased Premises or any part thereof, and that no mechanics or other liens for any such labor, services or materials shall attach to or affect the interest of landlord in and to the Leased Premises. With respect to any and all improvements conducted to the Leased Premises, Tenant shall obtain the appropriate waiver of liens from any and all Laborers, Materialmen, Contractors, Artisans, Mechanics and any other persons furnishing any labor, services, materials, supplies or equipment to Tenant with respect to any portion of the Leased Premises. Notwithstanding the above, shall any lien be filed, Tenant shall ensure that such Lien(s) shall be removed no later than ten (10) days after such filing(s) have occurred, In addition to the foregoing, Tenant shall provide an insurance certificate naming Landlord as an additional insured, covering Landlord for berth prperty damage and liability coverage, 5.5ubletting, n As kament. The following language is added to the Lease. Thus, replacing_any previous language in said Lease regarding Assignment and Subletting: (WED)12. 6'00 16:53/ST. 16:52/NO, 4860788364 P 3 -Month XAU July 1, 2001- June 30,2006 $10,455.58 $125,466.96 E • FROM STOLTZ MGMT. (WED)12. 6'00 16: 54/ST. 16: 52/NO. 4860788364 P 4 ® Subleasin_g/"ignme„r-; Tenant shall not sublet or assign the premises without the Landlord's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably, withheld. In determining whether to grant consent to the Tenant's sublet or assignment request, the Landlord may consider any reasonable factor. Landlord and Tenant agree that any one of the following factors, or any other reasonable factor, will be reasonable grounds for deciding the Tenant's request: (a) Financial strength of the proposed subtenant/assignee must be at least equal to that of the existing Tenant; (b) Business reputation of the proposed subtenant/assignee must be in accordance with generally acceptable commercial standards; (e) Use of the premises by the proposed subtcnant/assignee must be approved by Landlord which approval shall not be unreasonably witheld; (d) _Managerial and operational skills of the proposed subtenant/assignee must be the same as those of the existing Tenant; (e) Use of the premises by the proposed subtenant/assignee will not violate or create any potential violation of any laws; (f) Use of the premises will not violate any other agreements affecting the premises, the Landlord or other Tenants. (g) Not applicable (h) Consent by Landlord to any assignment or subletting shall not constitute a waiver of the necessity for such consent to any subsequent assignment or subletting. (i) This prohibition against assigning or subletting shall be construed to -include a prohibition against any assignment or subletting by operation of law. G) If this Lease be assigned, or if the Leased Premises or any part thereof be underlet or occupied by anybody other than Tenant, Landlord may collect Rem from the assignee, subtenant or occupant, and apply the net, amount collected to the Rent herein reserved, but no such assignment, subletting, occupancy or collection shall be deemed a waiver of this covenant, or the acceptance of the assignee-,--subtenant-or occupant_as-Terra -or a release __ of Tenant from the further performance by Tenant of covenants on the part of Tenant herein contained. -- (k) Any request for consent of Landlord to any subletting or assignment, (which must be exercised in writing and sent via certified mail), shall grant 0 3 . • FROM STOLTZ MGMT. (WED)12. 6'00 16: 54/ST. 16:52/NO. 4860788364 P 5 to Landlord the option (which must be exercised in writing, mailed within thirty (30) days via certified mail after receipt of such request and shall be effective upon the date of mailing) to recapture the portion of Leased Premises with respect to which such request was made. Thereafter, the rent and additional rent payable under this Lease shall be reduced in proportion that the rentable Area of the released portion bears to the total rentable area of Leased Premises immediately prior to such recapture. As a result of any such recapture, Landlord, its successors and assigns, shall also be granted by Tenant, without charge, such rights of access to the remainder of Leased Premises as were to be given to the proposed subtenant or assignee, and as reasonable and necessary to permit occupancy of the recaptured portion of the Leased Premises. (I) Should Tenant ever sublease the Leased Premises or any put thereof for rent which exceeds Tenant rent to Landlord, then Tenant shall be obligated to pay said rent difference to Landlord as additional rent. (m) Notwithstanding any assignmcnt or sublease, Tenant shall remain fully liable on this Lease and shall not be released from performing any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease, tenant may assign this Lease or sublet the Leased Premises or any portion thereof, without Landlord's consent and without activating Landlord's option to terminate this Lease or forfeiting Tenant's option rights, to any corporation which controls, _ is controlled by,- or is under common control with Tenant, or to any corporation resulting from a merger or consolidation with Tenant, or to any person or entity which acquires substantially all of the assets of Tenant as a goinE concern (collectively, an "Affiliate"), provided that the Affiliate assumes. in_wn ng alt of:Tenant's obligations-Under 6. Terms er. Conditions. -Accept as herein modified all other terms and conditions of the above referenced Lease shall remain in full force and effect. (5)This LEASE EXTENSION AGREEMENT consists of pages one (1) through Five . 4 0 ' FROM STOLTZ MGMT, C. (WED)12. 6'00 16 ; 54/ST. 16 ; 52/NO. 4860788364 P 6 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements set forth above, the Landlord and Tenant hereby mutually agree to execute, for the purposes of being legally bound, this LEASE EXTENSION AGREEMENT, dated the 21st day of November, 2000. (SEAL) BY SEAL) Witness for Landlord K heeWoss, tant Yee Prey dent Mountain Owners(Bencbmark), L.P., by its agent Mountainaire Properties, Inc. DATE: r -i? I ylv? L` Yrmt Nance :. _ DATE: j 2. / lZe,,oc 0 5 I r C 4 9 i? I? 0 w O O 11 KXHISIT A-X r? i t - S I1 r. I I a 0 MINUTES OF THE LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 28, 2000 The Avon Town Council acting as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority for the Town of Avon, Colorado, convened at 5:20 PM in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. Boardmembers of the Authority present were Chairwoman Judy Yoder, Mike Brown, Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt and Buz Reynolds. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Human Resources Director Jacquie Halburnt, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Community Development Director Michael Matzko, Police Detective Mike Leake, Youth Recreation Coordinator Ron Moreno of the Recreation Department as well as members of the public. Application for Renewal Retail Liquor Store License for Avon Liquors, Inc. dba Avon Liquors. Mr. Don Marks, president of Avon Liquors, was present to represent the applicant. Town Clerk Nash stated everything is in order. Town Attorney Levin stated everything is in order. Police Detective Leake stated they have no concerns. Boardmember Cuny questioned if the Town has any authority to grant a special temporary local license for Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, and Christmas Day. Staff stated that they will look into this matter and get back to Mr. Cuny. Boardmember Cuny motioned approval of the application for renewal of the Retail Liquor Store License for Avon Liquors, Inc. dba Avon Liquors. Boardmember McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Application for Renewal Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License for Chimayo Grill, LLC dba Chimayo Grill. Mr. Kim Guerrero, assistant manager, was present to represent the applicant. Town Clerk Nash stated everything is in order. Town Attorney Levin stated everything is in order. Police Detective Leake stated they have no concerns. 0 Boardmember Debbie Buckley motioned approval of the application for renewal of the Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License for Chimayo Grill, LLC dba Chimayo Grill. Boardmember Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Guerrero questioned if the Town offered any TIPS programs. As the Town.does not offer any of the classes, he was referred to Police Chief Layman for further discussion. Mr. Layman will come back to Council with his findings. Manager Registration for NPC International, Inc. dba Pizza Hut #2801 registering David M. Shannon as the Operating Manager. Town Clerk Nash stated everything is in order. Town Attorney Levin stated everything is in order. Police Detective Leake stated they have no concerns. Boardmember Debbie Buckley motioned approval of the Manager Registration for NPC International, Inc. dba Pizza Hut #2801. Boardmember McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Modification of Premises Chimayo Grill, LLC dba Chimayo Grill. Mr. Kim Guerrero, assistant manager, was present to represent the applicant. Town Clerk Nash stated everything is in order. Town Attorney Levin stated everything is in order. Police Detective Leake stated they have no concerns. Boardmember Brown motioned approval of the Modification of Premises for Chimayo Grill, LLC dba Chimayo Grill. Boardmember Peter Buckley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Approval of the Local Liquor License Authority Minutes Boardmember Reynolds motioned approval of the November 14, 2000 meeting minutes. Boardmember McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. n Local Liquor Licensing Authority November 28, 2000 There being no further business to come before the Board, Boardmember Reynolds motioned to adjourn the meeting. Boardmember Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM. Y SUBMITTED: Krigten7Vash \ Secretary for the Local Liquor Licensing Authority APPROVED: Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley ® Rick Curly Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder n Local Liquor Licensing Authority November 28, 2000 0 TOWN OF Avon REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA December 12, 2000 - 5:30 PM 1. Call to Order / Roll Call /- 2. Citizen Input a.) Christmas Lighting Contest Awards 3. Ordinances a.) First Reading of Ordinance No. 00-14, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 61/ 8.31 of the Avon Municipal Code Relating to Odor Pollution 4. Resolutions 5. Unfinished Business 6 New Business V- de? 7. Town Manager Report 8. Town Attorney Report 9. Mayor Report 10. Other Business 11. Consent Agenda a.) Approval of the November 28, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Resolution No. 00-62, Series of 2000, A Resolution Canceling a Regular Town Council Meeting c.) Intergovernmental Agreement with Eagle River Fire Protection District ` d.) Eagle River Bikepath - W. Beaver Creek Blvd. to Confluence Inter-Mountain Engineering Proposal for Base Mapping E/ e.) Change Order No. 2 - Eagle River Recreation Path 12. Adjournment I r r J TOWN OF AVON HOLIDAY LIGHTING CONTEST WINNERS AVON COMMERCIAL First Place Chapel Square Second Place Cassidy's Hole in the Wall Third Place Calf-A-Coffee WILDRIDGE RESIDENTIAL First Place Mark and Joyce Morgan, 2403 Drawspur #1 Second Place John Eschenlohr, 4550 Flat Point Third Place Chris Evans, 2365 Fox Lane AVON CORE RESIDENTIAL First Place Kathy and Dave Martinez, 0901 West Beaver Creek Blvd, Aspen Mobile Homes, 106 Second Place Manula Aguirre, 0%1 West Beaver Creek Blvd Aspen Mobile Homes, 121 Third Place (Tie) &2 Ll ?I1 <'r , 5010 Eagle Bend Drive }3rCtC? `? C i? f c H-lj(-.t' ?600rNottingham Road Beacon Hill Town Homes, #13 SPECIAL NEIGHBORHOOD AWARD Shepherds Ridge and Ked Spur INNOVATIVE AWARD Casey Frehe, 2643 Bear Trap ORDINANCE NO. 00 - 14 0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8.31 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL -BODE RELATING TOODOR POLLUTION BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. Amendment. Section 8.31.030 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon is repealed and reenacted as follows: "8.31.030 Odor violations. It shall be deemed an unlawful public nuisance for any person to cause or permit the emission of odorous air contaminants or particulate air contaminants from any source such as to result in detectable odors and/or particulate emissions within the town which leave the premises upon which they originated - and which unreasonably interfere with the comfort and convenience of the general public within the town." Section 2. Amendment. Section 8.31.035 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon is repealed. Section 3. Amendment. Section 8.31.040 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon is repealed. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND __ORDERED POSTED, this day of , 200_, and a public hearing on this Ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado on the - day of , 2001, at 5:30 p.m., in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Judy Yoder, Mayor Attest: 0 Kris Nash, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, PASSED ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this day of , 2001. ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Judy Yoder, Mayor L' Burt Levin, Town Attorney 11 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER 28, 2000 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Mike Brown, Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt and Mayor Protem Buz Reynolds present. Also present were Town Manager Bill Elting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Human Resources Director Jacquie Halburnt, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Community Development Director Michael Matzko, Youth Recreation Coordinator Ron Moreno of the Recreation Department as well as members of the public. Citizen Input: Christmas in the Park Youth Recreation Coordinator Ron Moreno gave an update on Christmas in the Park. The event will take place on December 9, from 6-8 PM. Mr. Moreno gave a brief description of the events to take place. Ordinances: Second Reading of Ordinance No. 00-10, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.28 of the Town Code Concerning the Town Public Accommodations Tax; Ratifying Action Previously Taken an Appertaining Thereto; and Repealing All Ordinance in Conflict Herewith Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing. Assistant Town Manager stated that Ordinance No. 00-10 amends Chapter 3.28 of the Town Code to allow for a temporary credit in Accommodations Tax and Ordinance No. 00-13 amends Chapter 3.12 of the Town Code to allow for a temporary credit in Real Estate Transfer Tax.. There being no further comments, Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. Councilor Debbie Buckley motioned approval of Ordinance No. 00-10, Series of 2000 on second reading. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. 0 Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 00-13, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.12 of the Town Code Concerning the Town Real Estate Transfer Tax; Ratifying Action Previously Taken and Appertaining Thereto; and Repealing All Ordinance in Conflict Herewith Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing. There being no comments, Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. Mayor Protein Reynolds motioned approval of Ordinance No. 00-13, Series of 2000 on second reading. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. Resolutions: E Resolution No. 00-59, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Preliminary Plan, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, A Resubdivision of Lot C, A Final Plat and Resubdivision of Lots B and C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing. Town Engineer Norm Wood stated this resolution approves the preliminary plan, which is a combination of underground, surface and air rights subdivision. He stated that Staff has reviewed the plat and it does comply with the Town of Avon subdivision code and recommends approval. There being no comments from the public, Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. Mayor Protein Reynolds asked if this encompasses all the changes that have been made. Mr. Wood confirmed. Councilor Brown motioned approval of Resolution No. 00-59, Series of 2000. Mayor Protein Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. E Regular Council Meeting November 28, 2000 i' 0 Mayor Report: Mayor Yoder reminded everyone of Christmas in the Park on December 9, 6-8 PM. She also informed everyone of the holiday lighting contest to take place December 11. Also, Mayor Yoder invited everyone to the Christmas tree lighting at Chapel Square on December 1 at 6 PM. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the November 14, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes (5:30 PM) b.) Approval of the November 14, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes (5:45 PM) c.) Resolution No. 00-60, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, A Resubdivision of Lot C, A Final Plat and Resubdivision of Lots B and C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado d.) Resolution No. 00-61, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Third Supplemental Condominium Map of Vail Avon Commercial Park, A Resubdivision of Unit 1NA, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado e.) Change Order #18 - W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Street Improvements f.) g.) Service Agreement with Eagle County Ambulance District Transportation Agreement with Beaver Creek Metropolitan District h.) Financial Matters Councilor Debbie Buckley motioned approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Protem Reynolds motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:40 PM. PECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Nash, Town Clerk 11 Regular Council Meeting November 28, 2000 APPROVED: 0 Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley Rick Curly Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder • U Regular Council Meeting November 28, 2000 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 00-62 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION CANCELING A REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING WHEREAS, the second and fourth Tuesdays in each month are set aside for the regular meetings of the Town Council of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, the fourth Tuesday in December, 2000, is within the Holiday week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, that: The regular meeting of the Town Council scheduled for Tuesday, December 26, 2000 is hereby vacated and canceled. ADTOPTED this 12'h day of December, 2000. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kristen Nash, Town Clerk n ti ® MEMORANDUM FROM: Burt Levin TO: Hon. Mayor and Town Council CC: Bill Efting ?---- RE: Fire District Intergovernmental Agreement DATE: December 5, 2000 The attached IGA has been reviewed and approved by staff of the Town and the new district. The IGA accomplishes a transfer of the currently Town owned assets of the fire department to the new district, including a 99 year lease of the two Avon fire stations. The fire stations lease will terminate if the District stops using the stations for fire protection. Major equipment such as fire truckswill be paid- for and insured by the District. E EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT • AND TOWN OF AVON INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 2000, by and between the Town of Avon, a Colorado home-rule municipal corporation (the "Town"), and Eagle -River Fire Protection District, a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado (the "District") (collectively the "Parties"). RECITALS A. Section 18(2)(a), Article XIV of the Colorado Constitution, Section 29-1-203, C.R.S., Section 31-15-101, C.R.S., the Town Charter, and i Section 32-1-1001, C.R.S., empower the Town and the District to enter into contracts and agreements with one another to provide intergovernmental services and facilities, when so authorized by their governing bodies. B. The Town has in the past by contract been providing fire protection and emergency service to a number of municipal entities and private associations outside of the Town's geographical boundaries, thereby resulting in lower costs to the taxpaying public, by avoiding duplication E EagleRiverFire/Agreements IGA FRPRD TOA Revised 4 of similar services by the various municipal entities and private associations. C. The District was formed to provide emergency and fire protection services to the Town, the various municipal entities, the private associations, and to portions of unincorporated Eagle County which are outside the contracted areas, but which because of their locations relative to the contracted areas and the willingness of emergency service entities to provide fire protection and emergency services whenever needed, were receiving fire protection and emergency services without payment under contract or through taxation, thereby causing inequities to taxpayers 0 within the contracted areas. D. The Parties desire to transfer from the Town to the District all employees of the Town presently providing fire protection services, their pension benefit funds, their employee benefits, and when possible, the Town's equipment used in the provision of fire protection services, so as to transfer all the fire protection services provided by the Town to the District. E 2 Y AGREEMENT 1. Effective January 1, 2001, all employees of the Town then engaged in emergency and fire protection service (the "Firefighters"), approximately twenty (20) in number, will become employees of the District and no such employee shall be dismissed as an employee of the District prior to January 19 2002, except for cause. On or about December 20, 2000, the Town shall furnish the District with a list of Firefighters. Applicable personnel rules and regulations will be developed, approved by the Parties, and executed- as understood and accepted by each employee. 0 2. The Town is transferring and the District is accepting the transfer of, (effective January 1, 2001,) the Avon Firefighters Money Purchase Pension Plan (the "Plan"), administered by Wells Fargo Bank West, N.A.'s - Municipal Trust Group. The Town and the District agree to execute and adopt the necessary amendments to the Plan and resolutions and other actions to accomplish the transfer. 3. Effective January 1, 2001, the District is assuming employee benefits of the Firefighters, including, but not limited to, accumulated vacation time and sick leave, which benefits are unfunded (the "Employee Benefits"). The Parties agree that the Town is not obligated to the District for such unfunded 0 3 { liabilities; but the Parties acknowledge that the Town and District are expected to have a surplus following the Town's annual audit of its fire expenditures vis-a-vis the revenue from districts and other sources not including the Town for the year 2000. Pursuant to Article III of existing Town contracts with each of the individual districts, the last paragraph provides, in part, that "if, after completion of the Town's annual audit of its budget a budget surplus remains, such surplus ...in the event of a successor district, shall be paid to the successor district." In acknowledgment of that provision, and of the potential liability of such unfunded benefits now accrued, the Town agrees to transfer such surplus in full settlement of any liability for unfunded benefit liabilities existing at the time of the transfer of 0 Town Firefighter employees to the District. Further, District recognizes that pension forfeitures, which may occur, shall belong to the Town, and, therefore, the District shall reimburse the Town for any pension forfeitures, which occur under the Pension Benefit Plan, which is assumed by the District. Finally, the Parties agree that District employees shall remain eligible to participate in the Town health insurance/self-insurance group on a year-to-year basis; provided, however, that should either party chose to terminate participation by District employees in the health plan of the Town, notification must be given by September 1 of a termination effective January 4 } i I of the following year. The District will be charged by the Town the amount of any insurance premiums paid by the Town to procure health insurance for the District employees; which the District shall pay to the Town as soon as possible following receipt of the billing. 4. Effective as of January 1, 2001, and for good and valuable consideration received and hereby acknowledged as adequate by the Parties, the Town leases for ninety-nine (99) years or for such shorter useful life as the property has, or upon exercise of the reverter described below, the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein 0 by reference (the "Avon Property"). The District assumes and agrees to pay all expenses connected with the existence and operation of the Avon Property during the term of the lease. Should the Avon Property be destroyed or damaged, the resulting insurance proceeds shall flow to the District if the District repairs or rebuilds the Avon Property, but to the Town if the District elects to terminate the lease and not repair or rebuild the Avon Property. L 5 { In the event the District no longer utilizes a portion of the Avon Property for its fire protection purpose, then the ninety-nine (99) year lease shall terminate, and all rights shall revert to the Town. Should substantial capital improvements have been made to the Avon Property by District, the value of such improvements to Town shall be determined and compensation paid to District by Town for improvements to the Avon Property; provided, however, should the improvements have no value to the Town, no compensation shall be due. During the term of the Lease, the District shall carry general liability and property insurance on the Avon Property in the estimated amount of the replacement value of the improvements thereon, and shall name Town as additional insured under such property and general 0 liability insurance. Town shall have the right to review and object to the value prescribed in such insurance. Any excess parking available at the Avon Property shall be made first available to the Town for its uses. Any maintenance provided by the Town to the buildings, parking lots, or other improvements, shall be subject to reimbursement from the District. 5. Effective January 1, 2001, and for good andvaluable consideration received and hereby acknowledged as adequate by the Parties, the Town shall transfer 6 to the District the personal property listed in Exhibit "B," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Owned Property"). 6. Effective January 1, 2001, and for good and valuable consideration received and hereby acknowledged as adequate by the Parties, the District, will pay or reimburse the Town for the lease/purchase (and other obligations, including insurance) of the personal property listed on Exhibit "C," attached hereto and incorporated herein-by reference (the "Leased Property"), and District will assume said leases as soon as it is possible for the District to do so. The intent of this provision is to allow the District to establish a creditworthiness that will allow the assumption of the existing leases of rolling stock; but to reflect the willingness of the Town to remain the named Lessor for so long as necessary. As such lease/purchases and other obligations described in Exhibit "C" are completed and terminated and the Town acquires title to the Leased Property free and clear, the Town shall convey the Leased Property to the District. r L 7 7. The Parties acknowledge that the Town has entered into an Agreement with the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners, dated March 11, 1997, wherein the Town provides Plan review and other services as reflected in the Agreement. Said Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit D. The District agrees to assume all responsibilities of the Town pursuant to that Agreement, including all liability, which may be associated therewith. 8. The Parties agree that they shall cooperate on matters of community development including review of new development- aryd--c-onstructiort -and execute such other documents as shall be necessary to effectuate the transfer of the fire protection services, the Firefighters, the Plan, the Employee Benefits, and the Owned and Leased Property and attendant liabilities, so as to effectuate the intent of this Agreement. EXECUTED as of the date first indicated above. FOR THE TOWN OF AVON: FOR THE EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT: E Mayor Judy Yoder-- - - - -- - Robert J. McIlveen, Chairman ATTEST: ATTEST: v Town Clerk Bruce Mielke, Secretary 8 0 LIST OF EXHIBITS 0 Exhibit A: Description of Property subject to ninety-nine (99) year Lease Exhibit B: Description of personal property to be conveyed to District Exhibit C: Description of Property which is subject to lease purchase obligations and detail of such lease purchase obligations Exhibit D: Intergovernmental Agreement of March 11 1997, between Eagle County and Town of Avon, to be assumed by District 1-1 E 9 A Exhibit A 1. The Avon Fire Station: that building, commonly known and referred to as the "Avon Fire Station", located on Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, and, including the area under roof overhangs, and, asphalt paved parking lots North and South of the building, which includes approximately 9 parking spaces to the North, and 7 parking spaces to the South and truck parking areas, as generally depicted on page A2: 2. The Wildridge_Fire Station: that building, commonly known and referred to as the "Wildridge Fire Station", located on Tract C, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, and, including the area under roof overhangs, sidewalks, and the asphalt paved parking lot. Al n E E ?i • i . i NOR P G a o 50? ANON `y n 'ATIO 1 ! I 1 I i ? 11, `I • 1--I F-? 4 ti 1 H?-i---+-i- + 1 1 F--I 1 1 ii y-?1 D R . 1 /, W \? JI Exhibit B Personal property to be conveyed to the District, described in the subsequent pages numbered 131 through B45 and includes rolling stock, firefighting equipment, office equipment and furniture and fixtures in fire stations. E 11 ENGINE 112 1- Avon Fire Mapboo] 1- Eagle Fire Mapboo I- Preplan Book -lipboard w/AFRs ,CBA Unit w/PASS 1- CMC Self-Rescue Rope l 1- Cell Phone I- Spot Light 1- Traffic Flashlight 1- Light Box I- Box Surgical Masks (6) 2- Boxes Medical Gloves 1- Binoculars 1- ICS Kit (4 vests) 1- Knox Box Key 1- Scott Radio Comm. Unit 1- Bay Door Opener 1- Edwards Gate Opener 1- Avon Gate Opener 1- Arrowhead Gate Card I - Beaver Creek Gate Open 1- Cordillera Gate Card 1- Fuel Card 1- DOT HazMat Handbook 1- NIOSH Chemical Guide 1- FF. Guide To HazMat 1- ICS 420-1 Field Ops Guide t-- First Responders Guide 'FT Pump Chart I- Cell Phone Battery I- VHF Radio/Spare Battery 4- "D" Batteries 1- Spare Spark Plug for Generator i- Eagle County Map 1- Language Card I- Insurance Card 3- Rolls Flagging Tape 1- Tool box* 1- 1-1/2" Double Male I- 1-1 /2" Double Female 2- 2-1/2" x 1-1/2" Reducer 2- 2-1/2" Double Male 2- 2-1/2" Double Female 1- 2-1/2" Gated Valve 1- 5" x 2-1/2" Reducer 1- 2 1/2" Cap 1- 5" x 2-1/2" Gated Wye I- Stack Tip Set (Brass) 1- Distributor Nozzle 1- Spanner Hammer 1- Hydrant Wrench 2- 5" Spanner Wrenches 2-1/2" Spanner Wrenches ,loll Fire Line 1- Roll Duct Tap 1- Hose Strap 1- 3- Metal Cutting Circ. Saw Blades 6- Traffic Flares (Minimum) I- Ice Melt (Winter) 1- Highrise Kit* i- Roll Plastic/Duct Tape/Kn 2- Bag "Green Stuff" Absorbent 1- Sager Splint 1- K.E.D. 1- Stevens Splint 1- Class B Foam Extinguisher I- C02 Extinguisher I- ABC Extinguisher i- MicroBlaze Extinguisher 1- Raytek Heat Detector I- AIM 600 Multi-Gas Detector 1- IC Light 1- HazMat Spill Kit* 1- Hose Clamp 50' 13/4" Hose (Dump I- Box Absorbent Pads 1- Bag w/3 Class II Harnesses w/1 Small Biner and 8 Plate Each 1- Lukas Hydraulic Power Unit 3- Sets Of Hydraulic Hose 1-Lukas Spreaders 1- Lukas Shears 2- Lukas Rams 4- Lukas Ram Extensions I- Air Chisel Kit 1- Resipercating Saw 1- Come-A-Lang w/Chains I- Lukas Mini Cutter I- Hallway Runner 1- Salvage Cover I- Sledge Hammer I - Pry Bar 1- Haligan Tool 1- Flat Head Axe 1- Akron Bar 1- Closet Hook 1- Pair Bolt Cutters 1- Piercing Nozzle w/5' 13/4" Hose I- Rye Rescue Kit* 1- Exhaust Fan I-Drinking Water 1- 5 Gallon Class A Foam 1- Salvage Bucket w/Lid (+ I - HazMat Bucket w/Lid 2- Extension Cords 1- 50' Tool Line 1- 200' Life Line 1- Thomas Pack* 1- Oxvwn Pack* 1- C-Collar Kit* 1- Bag BVM Adult, Child, Infant 1- Spare Oxygen Cylinder 2- Bottles Sterile Water 2- Blankets I - Suction Unit I- Sharps Container 1- OB Kit 50'l 3/4" Dempster w/VSVG & Reducer 2- 5" Hard Suction Hose 4- 5" Combo Spanner Wrenches 1- 500 Watt Tri-pod Light I- SCBA unit w/PASS 1- CMC Self-Rescue Rope Bag 1- Spare SCBA Bottle 2- Wheel Chocks I- Flat Head Axe 1- 24' Extension Ladder I- 14' Roof Ladder 1- 10' Attic Ladder 1- 10' Pike Pole 1- Pick Head Axe I- SCBA unit w/PASS 1- CMC Self-Rescue Rop 1- Traffic Flare Container 2- Spare SCBA Bottles 1- Hydrant Wrench 2- 2 1/2" Spanners 1- 500 Watt Tri-pod Light 2- 200' 1-3/4" Preconneets 1- 150' Foam Line w/95gpm Eductor & Foam Medium Expansion Nozzle 2- 200'2-1/2" Preconnects 550 5" Deadload w/ Adapter 600'2 1/2" Deadload w/Dbl Female 1- Hydrant Wrench 5- Traffic Cones I- I Gal. Gas Can/Funnel I- Scoop Shovel* (winter) I - Monitor Stand 1- Stokes Basket 1- Standard Screwdriver 1- Phillips Screwdriver 1- Mini Screwdriver Set 1- Claw Hammer 1- Utility Knife i- Tape Measure I - Standard Hex Wrench Set 1- Metric Hex Wrench Set I- Torx Hex Wrench Set 2- Channel Lock Pliers 1- Lineman Cutting Pliers 1- Needle Nose Pliers 1- Aviator Snips I - Tin Snips 1- Vise Grip Pliers 1- 12" Crescent Wrench_ 1- 8" Crescent Wrench 1- Hack Saw w/Blades 1- Center Punch 1- Roll Bailin Wire I - Otis Elevator K 1- Dover Elevator Key__ 1- K-Tool Set I - Roll Duct Ta I{az Mat 2- Absorbent Pillows 4- 5' Absorbent Booms 1- Plastic Haz Mat Batt 1- Circular Saw (Sthil) 1- 22 oz. Fuel Bottle/Pour Spout & 1 /2 oz. Oil 1- Extra 1/2 oz. Oil 1- Spark Plug & Scrench 100' 1 1/2" Single Jacket Hose 10' 2 1/2" Angus Pigtail 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Gated Wye 1- 1 1/2" TFT Dual Force Nozzle 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches 2- Hose Straps 1- Roll Flagging Tape I - Fire Phone 5- Door Straps 2- Rubber Sprinkler Stops 8- Wooden Sprinkler/Door tops i- Metal Sprinkler Stop I- Vise Grip Pliers I- Box Chalk 35t 12/06/2000 ENGINE 112 2- Nonrebreather Masks Adult 4- Combine Dressin s i- Nonrebreather Mask Pedi. 2- Nasal Cannulas 2- Rolls 1" Tape 6- Oral Airwa s 2- Rolls 3" Ta 3- Nasal Airwa s 2- Packets Lubricant 1- Hot Pack 1- Pocket Mask 1- Cold Pack : l- Oxygen Tub' I - Biohazard Bag 1- SAM Splint MMM= 1- Hand Suction Unit 2- Disposable Gowns I- Oxygen Bottle Wrench 1- Ba Medium Gloves _ .M. i 2- Head Vises 1- Bag Lar e Gloves 2- Adjustable C-Collars 1- Pediatric I - Stethoscope I - Bab no neck 1- Blood Pressure Cuff D-fib Kit 1- Pair Trauma Shears 1- Auto Defibrillator I - Pen Light (that works) 2- Patches Yellow Compartment " 1- Razor 4- Alcohol Preps 1- AED Re rt Form 2- Tubes Glucose y F 11 1- Thermometer I- Complete Spider Assembly 2- Packets Lubricant w/ 4 Small Biners & 4 Prusics 1- Bottle Bab As ' I- Bottle Eye Wash 1- Diagram for "Z" Rig 1- Brake Tube w/ Large biner 1- Load Release Hitch w/lar a bimr 4- Eye Pads 9- Large Carabiners 5- Knuckle & Regular Bandages 3- Pulleys 2- Containers 4x4 Dressings 3-Long Prusics (Green) I -Wire S lint IiJIMIN = 3- Short Prusics (Pink) 4- 5' Webbin s (Red 2- Rolls Kerlix 8- 10' Webbin s (Yellow 2- Rolls 6" Kling 3- 20' Webbin s (Blue 2- Rolls 2" Klin 1- 30' Webbin (White) I- 40'Webbing (White) 1- Ring Cutter 1- 50' Webbin to 1- Pair Tweezers 2- Triangular Bandages 2- Paper Masks I - Burn Sheet 1- Abdominal Pad 1- Trauma Dress* I - Patient Info Clipboard/Pens I- Bottle Hand Sanitizer I- Ladder Splint Tria e Tags ?? 12/06/2000 Engine 114 1- Cli board/AFRs + 1- Thomas Pack* 2- 50' 13/4" Angus Hose 1- Box medical loves 1- Oxygen Pack* 1- Dum ster Line Nozzle 4- Combine Dressings 1- Box surgical masks 6 1- C-Collar Kit* 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Reducer `a book 1-Medical Fanny Pack* ? 2- Rolls 1" Tape g ht box I- Neck Vise I- Box medical loves 1-Pair trauma shears 2- Rolls 3" Ta 1- Insurance card 1- Language card I- Box surgical masks (6 + 1-Pen light (that works I- Hot Pack I- Cold Pack 1- DOT ER Guidebook 1- 12' Extension Ladder 2- Pair medical loves 1- Biohazard Ba I- Roll flagging tae 1200' 1" hose I- Box AA Batteries 4- 50'2 1/2" hose 1- Container 4x4 dressings 1- Stethoscope 200' 1 1/2" reconnect hose 2- Combine dressings 1- Blood Pressure Cuff 1- Swam per Kit* ' 200' booster line w/nozzle 2- Triangular bandages 1- Pair Trauma Shears I- Wheel chock 5- Traffic cones 4- Eye ads 1- Pen Light (that works) 1- Chainsaw 2- 10' 2 1/2" suction hose 5- Knuckle bandages Yellow Compartment 2- Shovels 1- Backboard 1- Roll 6" Min 4- Alcohol Preps 2- Polaskis 1- Roll 3" klin 2- Tubes Glucose 1- P bar tool I- Foam Pro ortioner 1- Thermometer 1- Mo u wand w/1 "x3/4"reducer 4- 50' Rolls of 2-1/2" Hose I- Pocket mask 2- Packets Lubricant 2- 10' Rolls of 2-1/2" Hose 1- Wires lint 1- Bottle Bab As rin 1- Tool box * 2- 5 Gallon Pails of Class A Foam 1- Tube glucose 1- Traffic flashlight 2- Packets lubricant 1- Bottle Eye Wash 1- 2 1/2" suction strainer 1- 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1" gated tee 1- Bottle eye wash 4- Eye Pads 6- Traffic flares minimum 1- 1 1/2" x 1" reducer I- Bottle hand sanitizes 5- Knuckle & Regular Bandages 1- 50' tool line 1- 1" x 3/4" reducer 1- Roll 1" tae 2- Containers 4x4 Dressings 1- Roll fire line tae 1- 3/4" gated a 3- Nasal airways I- Wire Splint 2- 2 1/2" Spanner wrenches 1- 3/4" in line ate 3- Oral airway s I- Hose strap 1- 3/4" adjustable nozzle 1- BP cuff/stethosco a 2- Rolls Kerlix 2- 1" Lexon nozzles 1- 3/4" solid bore nozzle 2- Rolls 6" Kling " forestry nozzle 1- I" x 1" x 3/4" Tee 1-Head Vise 2- Rolls 2" Kling i- s/4" fores nozzle 1- Spanner Wrench 1-Bab no neck 1-1 1/2" gated a w/ reducers 8W 0 fi . - Kit 1- Ring Cutter I- Wildland Hose clam 2- Felling Wedges I- Re ular 1- Pair Tweezers 1- 1" x 3/4" reducer 2- Boxes of Ear Plus 1- No neck 2- Triangular Bandages 1- 2 1/2" double female 1- Pair Chas 1- Short 2- Paper Masks l- 2 1/2" double male 1- 22 oz. Fuel Bottie/Pour S ou t I- Tall 2- Pair Medical Gloves" 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" reducer & 1/2 oz. Oil 1- Burn Sheet 1- 1 1/2" double female 1- Extra 1/2 oz. Oil 2- Nonrebreather Masks Adult 1- Abdominal Pad 1- 1 1/2" double male 3- 100' x 3/4" garden hose I- S ark Plu & Scrench 0i , _ 1- Nonrebreather Mask Pedi. FIM 2- Nasal Cannulas 1- Trauma Dressing u ba * 1-1 erson m 1- Claw Hammer 6- Oral Airways ient Info Clipboard/Pens a 1- utility Knife 3- Nasal Airways ttle Hand Sanitizer 71- 1- Salva a cover 1- 10" Cresent Wrench 2- Packets Lubricant dder S lint 1- AFFF Extin uisher 1- Sli Joint Pliers 1- Pocket Mask Triage Tags I- Drinking Water Cooler & Cu ps 1- Tape Measure 1- Oxygen Tubin 2- Water back packs 1- Standard Screwdriver 1- SAM Splint UM M 1- Phillips Screwdriver I- Hand Suction Unit 3- Fire shelters 1- Vise Grip Pliers _ 1- _ Oxygen Bottle Wrench 3- Headlamps 1- Needle Nose Piers 6- Water Bottles I- Roll Duct Tape 1 I- Web Gear W/Shelter 1- Roll Bailin Wire 12/06/2000 ENGINE 115 1- Avon Fire Map Book I- Preplan Book i- Cell Phone 1- Scott Radio Com. Unit I- Fuel Card 1- Forest Service Man I- Clipboard w/AFRs 1- Box Surgical Mask (6) 2- Boxes Medical Gloves 1- DOT Hazmat Handbook I- N10SH Chemical Guide 1- FF. Guide To HazMat 1- ICS 420-1 Field Ops Gui 1- First Responders Guide 1- Language Card I- Insurance Card 1- Roll flagging Tape 1- Current Phone Book I- ICS Kit (4 vests) 1- Binoculars 1- B.C. Gate OpE 1- Edwards Gate 1- 5" x 2 1/2" Gated 1- Tool box* 1- 1 1/2" Double Male 1- 1 1/2" Double Female 2- 2 1/2" Double Male 2- 2 1/2" Double Female 2- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Reducer 1- 2 1/2" Gated Valve 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Wye I- Distributor Nozzle 1- Hydrant Wrench 1- Spanner Hammer 1- Hose Strap ur 6- Traffic Flares (Minim 1- Roll Fire Line Tape 1- Ice Melt (Winter) 1- Wheel Chock 1- Class B Foam I- C02 Extingui I- ABC Extingui 1- MicroBlaze E 1- Thermo Spy I- AIM 600 Mul SCBA's w/PASS CMC Self-Rescue- Snare SCBA Cylit 1- High Rise Kit* 1- HazMat Spill Kit-* 1- Dumpster Line Kit* i- Circular Saw Kit* 1- Rope Rescue Kit* 1- Sager Splint I- Stevens Splint I- KED 1- Haligan Tool I- Pry Bar 1- Closet Hook 1- Round Point Shovel 1- Hose Clamp I- Bolt Cutters 1- Roll Plastic/Duct Tape /I I- Salvage Cover I- Hallway Runner 1- 1 Gal. Gas Can/Funnel I- Exhaust Fan w/Hanger 1- Extension Cord 1- 200' Lifeline I- 50' Tool Line I- Salvage Can w/Lid (Gra 1- Hazmat Can w/Lid (Red 1- Drinkine Water Cooler/ 1- Thomas Pack* 1- Oxygen Pack* 1- C-Collar Kit* I- Bag BVM Adult, Child, Infant 1- Suction Unit I- Spare Oxygen Cylinder 2- Bottles Sterile Water 2- Blankets 1- Sharps Container 1- OB kit 1- Bag Stuffed Animals 1- Box Absorbant Pads 1- Pick Head Axe 2- 5" Spanner Wrenches 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches 1- SCBA w/PASS 1- CMC Self-Rescue Rope I I- Flat Head Axe 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wt 1- 24' Extension Ladi I- 14' Roof Ladder I- 10' Attic Ladder 1- 8' Pike Pole 1- SCBA w/PASS I- CMC Self-Rescue 1- Wheel Chock 2- 5" Spanner Wrenches 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches I- Hydrant Wrench 2- 200' 13/4" Preconnects 550'5" Deadload/Quick Conn. 550'2 1/2" Deadload/dbl Female 2- 2 1/2" Preconnects 1- Scoop Shovel* (winter) 5- Traffic Cones I- Standard Screwdriver I- Phillips Screwdriver 1- Mini Screwdriver Set 1- Claw Hammer I- Utility Knife 1- Tape Measure 1- Standard Hex Wrench Set I- Metric Hex Wrench Set I- Torx Wrench Set 2- Channel Lock Pliers I- Lineman Pliers 1- Needle Nose Pliers 1- Vise Grip Pliers I- Aviator Snips I- Tin Snips 1- 8" Cresent Wrench 1- 12" Cresent Wrench 1- Hacksaw w/Blades 1- Center Punch 1- Roll Bailing Wire 1- Otis Elevator Key ?- "VYG1 L VIV 1- K-Tool Set 1- Roll Duct I 2- 50' 13/4" Angus Hose I- Dumpster Line Nozzle 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Reducer 100' 1 1/2" Single Jacket Hose 10' 2 1/2" Angus Pigtail 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Gated Wye 1- 1 1/2" TFT Dual Force Nozzle 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches 2- Hose Straps I- Roll Flagging Tape 1- Fire Phone 5- Door Straps 2- Rubber Sprinkler Stops 8- Wooden Sprinkler/Door Stops 1- Metal Sprinkler Stop 1- Vise Grip Pliers i- Box Chalk Circular Sava Kf#s.::. 'w_ 1- Circular Saw 5- Metal Cutting Blades 1- 22 oz. Fuel Bottle/Pour & 1/2 oz. Oil I- Extra 1/2 oz. Oil 1- Extra Belt, Air Filter 1- Spark Plug & Scrench 2- Head Vises 2- Adjustable C-Collars 1- Pediatric 1- Baby no neck 4- Combine Rolls V Rolls 3" I- Hot Pack 1- Cold Pack 1- Stethoscope I- Blood Pressure Cuff 1- Pair Trauma Shears 1- Pen Light (that work Yellow Compartment 4- Alcohol Preps 2- Tubes Glucose I- Thermometer 2- Packets Lubricant I- Bottle Baby Asprin 1- Bottle Eye Wash 4- Eye Pads 5- Knuckle & Regu 2-Containers 4x4 I I- Wire Snlint 2- Rolls Kerlix 2- Rolls 6" Klii 2- Rolls 2" Klij 1- Ring Cutter I- Pair Tweezers 2- Paper Masks 2- Pair Medical Gloves 1- Burn Sheet I- Abdominal Pad 1- Trauma Dressing I- Patient Info 1- Bottle Hand I- Ladder SDIn 2- Nonrebreather Masks Spout 1- Nonrebreather Masks Nasal I- Pocket 1- Oxygei I- SAM c 1- Oxygen Bottle Wrench D-fib Kit I- Auto Defibrillator 2- Patches 1- Razor 1- AED Report Form 12/06/2000 t'A Ir T--Y- ENGINE 115 12M/2000 ENGINE 116 Cab lConipirrtnient #3 I- Avon Fire Ma book I- Water Cooler w/cu s 4-0 2- 50 1-3/4" Angus Hose 1- Clipboard w/AFR's 1- 5 Gallon Water Cube 1- Dum ster Line Nozzle 1- Pair Gloves I- Box Surgical Mask 6 4- Can "Take-Up" 1- 2-1/2" x 1-1/2" Reducer ' 1- Box Medical Gloves I- Haligan Bar a3j iisiti s<; 1- Pair Gloves I- Spare 02 Cylinder 3- Headlamps (check batteries 1- Chainsaw I- Binoculars I- Hallway Runner I-Pair Chas 16- 4 x4's 1- Lightbox I- Wildland Pack 1- 22 oz. Fuel BottleJPour Spout & 1- 611 Kling 1- Traffic Light 2- Fire Shelters 1/2 oz. Oil 1- 2" Kling 1- Avon Gate Opener 4- 100'- V Hose Rolls I- Extra Oil 4- Eye Pads I- Arrowhead Gate Card 1- 100' x 1" Hose Pack I- Spark Plug & Scrench 2- Triangular Bandages 1- Cordillera Gate Card I- Bolt Cutters 1- 6 Point Hex Wrench 10- Knuckle Bandages 1- Cell Phone 1- Fuel Card 1- 200' Life Line 1- Extra Chain 1- Chain File 3- Combine Dressings Back Compartment i 2- SCBNs w/Masks 1- Bar Oil 3- Nasal Airway; I- DOT HazMat Handbook 2- CMC Self-Rescue Bas 3- Oral Airways 1- ICS 420-1 Field O s Guide I- Salvage Cover 1- Standard Screwdriver 1- Pocket Mask I- Box of AA Batteries I- Flat Head Axe 1- Phillips Screwdriver I- I" Tape 1- Hand Cleaner 8- Water Bottles 1- Claw Hammer 1- Glucose 4 -Rolls Flagging Tape 5- Coyote Meals 1- Utility Knife 4- Lubricants 1- Insurance Report Form 1- Tape Measure 1- Wire Splint 1- Thomas Pack * 1- Standard Hex Set 1- Bottle Eye Wash i - Chainsaw Kit * >## 1- Oxygen Pack* 1- Vise Grip Pliers 1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer 1- Dwnpster Line Mt* 1- C-Collar Kit* 1- Slip Joint Pliers 1- Flood Light I- Medical Fanny Pack * 1- Needle Nose Pliers 1- Extension Cord I -Bag BVM Adult,Child,Infant 1- 10" Cresent Wrench 4- Combine Dressings 2- Wheel Chocks I- Sager Splint 4- Flat Files 8- Wedges (2 Pink, 2 Blue, 1- Stevens Splint 2- File Handles 2-Rolls 1" T. 2 Yellow, 2 Yellow/Brown 1- K.E.D. 1- Pack Of Nails 2- Rolls 3" Tape 1- Class A Extinguisher 1- Suction Unit 1- Roll Duct Tae 1- ABC Extinguisher 1- OB Kit I- Roll Bailing Wire 1-Hot Pack 1- CO2 Extinguisher 2- Blankets Cold Pack 1- 2.5 Gallon Gas/Oil Can I- Bag Stuffed Animals 2- Bottles Sterile Water 2- Water Rescue Helmets 2- Water Rescue Throw Bags 1- Biohazard Bag Black Compartment 1-Tool Boz* 1- Water Rescue Kit * 1-Sharps Container 2- PFD's 1- Stethosco e 1-Blood Pressure Cuff 1- Mop U Kit * 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches Hose 2- 50' 3/4 Forestry 1-Pair Trauma Sheets - 11/2" Double Male 1 2- 1 1/2 x 1 I/2 x 3/4 Tee 1-Pen Light (that works) 1- 1 1/2" Double Female 2-2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches 1- 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" Tea eltita otpa3#ijt ys 2- 2 1/2" Double Male 2- 3/4" Inline Valve 2- 2 1/2" Double Female 2- 200' 1 3/4" Preconnects 4- 1" x 3/4" Reducer 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Reducers 550'2 1/2" Deadload 1- 1 1/2" x I Reducer 2- 3" x 2 1/2" Reducers 1- 2 1/2" Double Female 1- 3/4" Wye LPackets L 1- 3" to 5" Reducer 1- Hydrant Wrench 1- V Nozzle Asprin 1- 2 1/2" x 3" Expander 5- Traffic Cone s 1- 3/4" Nozzle 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Gated Wye 1- F re Float Pump 1- 3/4" Foam Nozzle 1- Bottle Eye Wash 1- 1 1/2" Wye w/ 1 1/2" x 1", 1- Fuel Can w/ Funnel I- Forestry Hose Clam 4- Eye Pads w/ 1" x 3/4" Reducer 1- Foam Pro ortioner I- Forestry Spanner Wrench 5- Knuckle & Regular Bandages 1- 2 1/2" Ca w/ 3/4 Reducer 1- 5 Gallon Class A Foam 2- Containers 4x4 Dressings 1- 3" Suction Tube Strainer 1- 2 1/2" Pigtail 2- Nonrebreather Masks Adult 1- Wire Splint 1- 1 1/2" Foam Nozzle 1- 13/4" Pigtail I- Nonrebreather Mask Pedi. I- 1 1/2 Red Nozzle 3- Wildland Water Packs 2- Nasal Cannulas 2- Rolls Kerlix 1- 1 1/2 Brass No 2- Round Point Shovels 6- Oral Airways 2- Rolls 6" Kling I - Spanner Hammer 2- Pulaskis 3- Nasal Airways 2- Rolls 2" Kling I- Utility Rope 1- Hose Clam 2- Packets Lubricant 1- Hose Strap 2- 10' Plastic Suction Hoses I- Pocket Mask 1- Ring Cutter 1- Pick Head Axe I- 12' Extension Ladder 1- Oxygen Tubing 1- Pair Tweezers I- Splitting Axe 1- 8' Pike Pole 1- SAM Splint 2- Triangular Bandages 1- Hydrant Wrench 1- Backboard w/Straps 1- Hand Suction Unit 2- Paper Masks I- Roll Fla gin Tae I- Oxygen Bottle Wrench 2- Pair Medical Gloves 1- Rogers Roe 1- Hydrant Wrench 1- Burn Sheet 2- SCBA Cylinders 2- Head Vises 1- Abdominal Pad 6- (min) Traffic Flares 2- Adjustable C-Collars 1- Trauma Dressing 1- Duct Tape I- Pediatric I- Roll Fire Tae 1- Bab no neck 1- Patient Info Clipboard/Pens 1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer I- Ladder Splint Triage Tags Tz/n 12106/2000 ENGINE 117 1- Avon Fire Ma book 3- SCBA Unit w/Pass 1 - Bolt Cutter 1- Preplan Book 3- CMC Self-Rescue Ro Ba 1 - Halligan 4- Combine Dressings I- Clipboard w/AFRs 1- Spare SCBA Bottle 1- Closet Hook ,,,ht boxes 1- Foam Eductor U 2- Rolls 1" Tape ox Surgical Masks (6) 1- Dum ster Line Kit * 1- Push Broom 2- Rolls 3" Ta e 2- Boxes Medical Gloves 1- High Rise Kit 1-Sledge Hammer ; 1- Aim Gas Detector I- Micro Blaze Extinguisher 1- P Bar 1- Hot Pack 1- Spot Light i w/5'of 1- Piercing Nozzle ose 1- Cold Pack 1-Scott Radio Comm. Unit 1- Kinman Set VOTM_, 1- Biohazard Bag 1- Pair Binoculars 1- Hallway Runner 1- Hazmat Kit 1- ICS Kit (4 vests) 1- Salvage Cover 1- Circular Saw 1- Stethosco e 1-Knox Box K 2- 200' 1-3/4" Pre 1-Blood Pressure Cuff I- Ba Door ever 5-Traffic Cones 2- 200' 2-1/2" Preconnects 1-Pair Trauma Shears 1- Edwards Gate Opener 1- Fan 550' 2-1/2" Deadload/dbl female 1- Pen Light (that works) 1-Avon Gate Opener _ I-.Tool Line 750'5" Deadload/Quick Conn. T' of : kriti e t < z ;>< `» > > > " ift "'O'c 1- Arrowhead Gate Opener 2- Extension Cords 1- Hydrant Ba w/Wrench 4- Alcohol Preps I- Beaver Creek Gate Opener 1- K.E.D. 1- Scoop Shovel (Winter) 2- Tubes Glucose 1- Cordillera Gate Card 1- Sager Splint 1- Stokes Basket 1- Thermometer 1- Fuel Card 1- Salvage Can w/Lid (gray) 1- Backboard/Straps 2- Packets Lubricant i 1- Drinking Water Cooler 1- Monitor Base 1- Bottle Bab As rin 1- DOT Hazmat Handbook 1 4- Water Rescue Helmets 1- NIOSH Chemical Guide 1- Thomas Pack * 4- Water Rescue Vests 1- Bottle Eye Wash 1- FF. Guide to Hazmat 1- Oxygen Pack * 4- Water Rescue Throw Bas 4- Eye Pads 1- First Responders Guide 1- C- Collar Kit* 1- Hose Clam 5- Knuckle & Regular Bandages 1- ICS 420-1 Field s Guide 1- Bag BVM Adult,Child,infant 1- 5 Gallon Class B Foam 2- Containers 4x4 Dressings 1- TFT Pump Chart 1- Spare Oxygen Bottle 1- Fuel Can I- Wire Splint 1- Cell Phone Battery 2- Bottles Sterile Water 1- Box of Cribbing 1- Eagle County Ma 2- Blankets 2-Rolls Kerlix 1- Tnsurance Card 1- Suction Unit 1- Standard Screwdriver 2- Rolls 6" Kling n ua e Card 1- Sharps Container I- Phillips Screwdriver 2- Rolls 2" Klin 3- &oll Flagging Tae 1- O.B. Kit 1- Mini Screwdriver Set 1-Bag Stuffed Animals 1- Claw Hammer 1- Ring Cutter 1- Tool Box * 1- Utility Knife 1- Pair Tweezers 1- 1-1/2" Double Male 1- Wheel Chock 1- Tape Measure 2- Triangular Banda es 1- 1-1/2" Double Female 1- Pick Head Axe 1- Standard Hex Wrench Set 2- Paper Masks 2- 2-1/2" Double Male 2- 5" Spanner Wrenches 1- Metric Hex Wrench Set 2- Pair Medical Gloves 2- 2-1/2" Double Female 1- Torx Hex Wrench Set 1- Bum Sheet 1- 2-1/2" X 1-1/2" Reducer 2- 2-1/2" Spanner Wrenches 2- Channel Lock Pliers 1- Abdominal Pad 1- 2 1/2" Gated Valve 1- 26' Extension Ladder 1- Lineman Cutting Pliers 1- Trauma Dressing 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Gated Wye 1- 12' Roof Ladder 1- Needle Nose Pliers 1- 5" x 2 1/2" Gated Wye 1- IO' Pike Pole 1- Aviator Snips 1- Patient Info Cli board/Pens 1- 6" to 5" Adapter 1- Flat Head Axe 1- Tin Snips 1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer 2- 2-1/2" Spanner Wrenches ' • 1- Vise Grip Pliers 1- Ladder Splint 1- Distributor Nozzle 2- 5" Spanner Wrenches 1- 12" Crescent Wrench Triage Ta s 1- Spanner Hammer 2- 2-1/2" Spanner Wrenches 1- 8" Crescent Wrench 1- Ro er's Roe 1- H Brant Wrench 1- Hack Saw wBlades 2- Head Vises I- Hose Strap 1- Center Punch 2- Adjustable C-Collars I- Roll Fire Line Tape 1- Roll Bail' Wire 1- Pediatric I- Transfer Valve Wrench 1- Otis Elevator Key 1- Bab no neck 6- Traffic Flares (minimum) 1- Dover Elevator Key 1- Wheel Chock 1- K-Tool Set #2 1- Roll Duct Ta e Compartment 1- Class B Foam Extinguisher p 1- ABC Extinguisher )are SCBA Bottle BA With Mask 1- Self Rescue Bag t? 12/06/2000 T,t • ?'?::.F\IHY•:%?{r 1f}i'$ r i i? } v s?}i$::ti :'•'i r{%{:,:{ :}}: 100' 1 1/2" Single Jacket Hose 10' 2 1/2" Angus Pigtail 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Gated Wye 1- 1 1/2" TFT Dual Force Nozzle 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches 2- Hose Straps 1- Roll Flagging Tape 1- Fire Phone 5- Door Straps 2- Rubber Sp er Stops 8- Wooden Sprinkler/Door Stops I - Metal Sprinkler Stop I- Vise Grip Pliers 1- Box Chalk 1- Bag Absorbent 1- Box Absorbent Pads 4- 5' Absorbent Booms 2- Absorbent Pillows 1- Plastic Ba =1 s 2- 50' 1-3/4" Angus Hose 1- Dum ster Line Nozzle 1- 2-1/2" x 1-1/2" Reducer 1- Circular Saw 1- Fuel Kit 2- Containers 2 cycle oil 1- Spare Cutting Blade Belt 1- Spare Air Filter 4- Bi Metal Cutting Blades 2- Wood Cutting Blades Assorted Tools ENGINE 117 Dn 12/06/2000 SQUAD 121 1- Avon Fire Ma book 1- Tall I- Cli board/AFRs ings 1- Short 1-Binoculars M 1-Re ular 1- Box Sur ical Rollsl I- No neck 1- Box Medical Gloves I- Pediatric 2- Traffic Flashlights 11, + + 1- Cell hone extension cord 1- Hot Pack 1- Cold Pack 1- Baby No Neck 6 - Pencils 1-Insurance card 1- Biohazard Bag 4- Pens 1- Roll flagging tape t + I- DOT ER Guidebook I- Stethoscope 1- NIOSH Pocket Guide 1- Thomas pack* 1- Blood Pressure Cuff 1- Clipboard/Note ad 1- Oxygen Pack* 1- Pair Trauma Shears Evaluation Card 1- IC Briefcase" 1- Pen Light (that works) 1- Roll Scotch Tape I- Bag BVM,Adult,Child,Infant 1 .Iluw hn?j+ ++ ti iclt 1- Pad Note Paper I - Stevens splint 4- Alcohol Props 1- Black Marker I-_Sager_s int. 2- Tubes Glucose ICS Forms 1- Suction unit I- Thermometer 1- Sharps container 2- Packets Lubricant I- Blanket 1- Bottle Baby Asprin 2- Wheel chocks 6- Traffic Flares minimum I- Bottle Eye Wash 1- Roll duct tape 2- Nonrebreather Masks Adult 4- Eye Pads s 5- Knuckle & Regular Bandage 2- Containers 4x4 Dressings 1- Nonrebreather Mask Pedi. I- Wire Splint 2- Nasal Cannulas --------------- 6- Oral Airways 2- Rolls Kerlix 3- Nasal Airways t 2- Rolls 6" Min 2- Packets Lubricant 2- Rolls 2" Kling I- Pocket Mask Inside Compartment I -Oxygen Tubing 1- Ring Cutter 1- SAM Splint I- Pair Tweezers 1- Hand Suction Unit 2- Triangular Bandages I- Oxygen Bottle Wrench 2- Paper Masks 2- Pair Medical Gloves 1- Bum Sheet 1- Abdominal Pad 1- Trauma Dressing 1- Patient Info Clipboard/Pens I - Bottle Hand Sanitizer I- Ladder Splint Triage Tags DO, L) 1 12/06/2000 ENGINE 124 1- IC Briefcase* 1- Distributor Nozzle 2- Backboards w/Stra s 2- Spare SCBA Bottles 1- Avon Fire Ma book 1- Brass Nozzle 1- Scoop Stretcher 1- 1500 Watt Tripod Light 1- Preplan Book 1- Piercing Nozzle/5' 1 3/4" Hose 2- Traffic Signs 4- 5" Spanner Wrenches 1- Clipboard w/AFRs 1- Telephone Directory 1- Chimney Flare 1- Spanner Hammer 1- Stokes Basket Compartment #9 2- 2-1/2" Spanner Wrenches Right Side 5- SCBA Units w/PASS 1- Hydrant Wrench 1- Attic Ladder 2- 2-1/2" Spanner Wrenches 5- CMC Self-Rescue Bag 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches 1- 12' Roof Ladder 1- 1500 Watt Tripod Light 1- Gas Trac 11-2 1/2" Air Adaptor 1- 10' Pike Pole 2- Spare SC BA Bottles 1- Cell Phone I- Hose Clam 1- 8' Pike Pole " 1- Spot Light 1- Vise Grip Gas Clam 1- 24' Extension Ladder 1/2" Spanner Wrenches 2-2- 2- Traffic Flashlights 1- Roll Fire Line Tae 1-Cro4 Bar 3- Boxes Medical Gloves 1- Hydrant Lock 1- 200' 1 3/4" Foam Preconnect 1- Box Surgical Masks 6 1- Roll Duct Tae 1- PIuQ a Leak Kit* 2- 200' 1-3/4" S eedloads 1- Box Antimicrobial Packets 1- Pair Chas 1- HazMat Spill Kit * 1- 150' 1 3/4" Foam Line w/Edu ctor 1- ICS Kit (4 Vests 6- Flares in Red Tube + + , FIRT911 9; 1- 200'2-1/2" Preconnect 1- Handle for Raisin Cab 2- Wheel Chock 1- Drinking Water Cooler 650' S" Deadload/ uiek Conn. 1- Cu Holder and Cups 1- 1 Gal. Gas Can/Funnel 1- Fan w/Extension Cord 550' 2-1/2" Deadload w/Dbl Female 1- Knox Box Key + + ; 1- Fan Hanger I - Hydrant Wrench 1- Scott Radio Comm. Unit 1- Tool Box 1- MicroBlaze Extinguisher 1- Master Stream Stand 1- Bay Door Opener 2- Light Boxes 2- Traffic Sin Stands 1- Electrical Cord Reel 1- Edwards Gate Opener 1- AIM 600 Gas Detector 5- Traffic Cones 1- Square Head Shovel 1- Avon Gate Opener 1- RayTek Heat Gun + 1- 5 Gallon AFFF 1- Beaver Creek Gate O ener 2- Extension Cord Reels 1- C-Collar Kit* 1- Haz-Mat Broom 1- Arrowhead Gate Card 1- Portable Floor Lam 1- K.E.D. 1- Haz-Mat Can w/Lid red 1- Cordillera Gate Card 1- ICS Light 1- Stevens Splint 1- Scoop Shovel* winter 1- Insurance Card + 1- Sager S lint 1- HazMat Shovel red 1- Fuel Card 1- CO2 Extinguisher 1- OB Kit 1- Ash Can w/Lid (gray) + : 1- ABC Extinguisher 7 1- Bag Backboard Straps 3 1- 5 Gal of Class A Foam 1- DOT HazMat Handbook 1- Halon Extinguisher 1- Burn Sheet : ?. 1- NIOSH Chemical Guide 1- Class B Extin uisher 4- Blankets 1- Fire Line Handbook 1- FF Guide To Ha7Mat + ; w1j' • # t - Rnciv Rna ? - r1C1T FR ri1;'1A1 1- i 1- First Responders Guide 1- Rope Rescue Kit* 1- Bag Stuffed Animals 1- NIOSH Pocket Guide 1- TFT Pump Chart 1- Bag w/4 Class II Harnesses + 1- Hazmat Handbook 2- Cell Phone Batteries m case w/1 Carabiner Each ??:?3e;1.Y...;:.::r.::•;:•f<.::.<:•:<;;.::>::::.;:;::.::•; :.: _ :.:::.::.: 1 ICS 420_1 Field O s Guide 1- Weather Kit 1- Roll Plastic/Duct Tape/Knife 1- Thomas Pack 1- IC Tag System 1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer 1- 50' Tool Line 1- Oxygen Pack * 12- Pencils 2- D, AA, 9v Batteries 2- 200' Life Lines Suction Unit 4- Pens - 1- Can WD-40 + Bottles Sterile Water I- Clipboard/Note ad 1- Binoculars 1- High Rise Kit t Multi Size BP Cuff Set 1- Box Pa ercli s 1- Roll Fla in Tae 1- Box Cribbin Sha s Container 3" x 5" Cards 1- National Forest Ma + Spare Oxygen Cylinder i 1- Single En Air Drop Evaluation 1- Language Card 2-Air Cushion Kits `>» : I- Bag BVM Adult, Child, Infant 1- Roll Scotch Tape 1- ThermoS y/Instrue. Sheet 1-Water Rescue Kit* + 1- Pad note paper + + + 1- Salvage Cover 1- Lukas Hydraulic Power Unit 1- Black marker 1- Dum ster Line Kit + 1- Lukas Spreader 1- Chain Saw Kit * =: 1- Pair Bolt Cutters 1- Lukas Shears 4- Water Rescue Helmets 1- 1-1/2" Double Male 1- Flat Head Axe 2- Lukas Rams 4- Water Rescue Throw Bags 1- 1-1/2" Double Female 1- Crow Bar (small) 3- Set Of Hydraulic Hose 4- Water Rescue Vests 3- 2-1/2" Double Males 1- Pick Head Axe 1- Lukas Mini Cutter & 3- 2-1/2" Double Females 1- Sledge Hammer 1- Spreader Chains Set 2- 50' 1-3/4" Angus Hose 1- 5" Double Female 1- Akron Bar 1- Air Chisel Set 1- Dum ster Line Nozzle 2- 2-1/2" X 1-1/2" Reducers 1- Hali an Tool 2- Kicker Plates 1- 2-1/2" x 1-1/2" Reducer Z- 2-1/2" Caps 1- Ctuet's Axe 1- 2 1/2" X 1 1/2" Gated Wye 1-Closet Hook 1- 5" x 2 1/2" Wye 1- Flat Shovel 1- 2 1/2" Gated Valve 1- P Bar 1- Stack Tip Set 1- Glass Master/Center Punch 1- Come-A-Long w/Chains `) 1 o 12/06/2000 ENGINE 124 1- Standard Screwdriver 2- 20" Cushions ` I -Phillips Screwdriver 1- 21" Cushion ne Dressings 7 ' Mini Screwdriver Set 1- 15" Cushion Compartment law Hamm er 4- Air Hoses 2- Rolls 1" Tape 1- Utility Knife 4- Control Valves w/ Gauges 2- Rolls 3" Ta e 1- Tape Measure 1- Pressure Regulator 1- Standard Hex Wrench Set 5- Cushion Tethers 1- Hot Pack 1- Metric Hex Wrench Set 2- Storage Bags (oran e) 1- Cold Pack 1- Torx Hex Wrench Set s• ti 1- Biohazard Ba 2- Channel Lock Pliers I- Brake Tube Compartment 04 1- Lineman Cutting Pliers 1- Complete Spider Assembly 2- Disposable Gowns 1- Needle Nose Pliers I- Load Release Hitch w/lar e biner 1- Aviator Snips 3- Protected Anchor Webbing 1- Bag Medium Gloves 1- Tin Snips 15- Large Carabiners 1- Ba Lar e Gloves 1- Vise Grip Pliers 8- Small Carabiners Black Compartment M 1- 12" Cresent Wrench 4- Rescue 8's steel I- Stethoscope 1- 8" Cresent Wrench 4- Rescue 8's aluminum 1- Blood Pressure Cuff 1- Hack Saw/Blades 7- 4"X5/8" Pulleys 1- Pair Trauma Shears 1- Center Punch 1- Knot Passing Pull 1- Pen Light (that works 1- Roll Bailin Wire 16- Lon Prusics ory;oxr? ar#xxxet?t <'? MM i- Otis Elevator K 6- Short Prusics 4-Alcohol Preps 1- Dover Elevator K 5- 5' Webbin Loops (red) 2- Tubes Glucose 1- K-Tool Set 15- 10' Webbin Loos yellow 1- Thermometer 1- Roll Duct Tape 6- 20' Webbin Loos lue 2- Packets Lubricant 4- Pi Wrenches 1- 30' Webbin Loo white 1- Bottle Baby As rm 1- Glass Master Blade 1- 40' Webbin Loo (white) "'"` 1- 50 Webbin Loo white 1- Bottle Eye Wash 2- Absorbent Pillows 1- 60' Webbin Loo (white) 4- Eye Pads 5' Absorbent Booms S- Knuckle & Re lar Ban 3a -of Absorbent 1- Wood Mallet in 2- Containers 4x4 Dress 1- Plastic Bag 1- Rubber Mallet 1- Wire S lint Absorbent Pads 1- Non-Sparking Drum Tool e 1- Roll Electrical Tae 2- Rolls Kerlix I- Chainsaw 1- Roll Duct Tape 2- Rolls 6" Kling 1- Pair Chas 1-- Roll Teflon Thread Tae 2- Rolls 2" Kling 1- 22 oz. Fuel Bottle/Pour Spout & 1- Roll Flagging Tape Inside Compartment 1/2 oz. Oil 1- Standard Utility Knife 1- Ring Cutter 1- Extra 1/2 oz. Oil Rubber Stoppers 1- Pair Tweezers 1- Spark Plug & Scrench Cork Pieces 2- Triangular Bandages ..:....:..::......:::::...... r : rr 8- Pol -Threaded Plus 2- Paper Masks 100' 1 1/2" Single Jacket Hose Poly Thread Plus 1- Bum Sheet 10' 2 1/2" Angus Pigtail 1- Lead Wool 1- Abdominal Pad 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Gated Wye 3- Sheets Nitrile Rubber 1- Trauma Dress' 1- 1 1/2" TFT Dual Force Nozzle 1- Felt Strip 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches 6- Felt Sheets 1- Patient Info Cli board/F 2- Hose Straps Tubes Epoxy Putty 1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer I- Roll Flagging Tae 1- Rubber Plug Kit 6 cs 1- Ladder Splint 5- Door Straps Wooden Shims Triage Tags 2- Rubber Sprinkler Stops 3- 2" Steel Drum Caps 8- Wooden Sprinkler/Door Stop s 3- 3/4" Steel Drum Caps 1- Metal Sprinkler Stop Golf Tees 6 min 1- Vise Grip Pliers Wooden Plugs 1- Box Chalk 5- LPG Container Screw Plugs 5- 2" Poly Drum Caps 5- 3/4" Poly Drum Caps 1-Standard Screwdriver I - Phillips Screwdriver 1- Square Point Utility Knife 1- Groove Joint Pliers 2- Nonrebreather Masks Adult 1- Nomebreather Mask Pedi. 2- Nasal Cannulas 6- Oral Airways 3- Nasal Airways 2- Packets Lubricant 1- Pocket Mask 1- Oxygen Tubing 1- SAM Splint 1- Hand Suction Unit en Bottle Wrench 1- Ox WY 2- Head Vises 2- Adjustable C-Collars 1- Pediatric 1- Baby no neck )- ..................................... 1- Auto Defibrillator 2- Patches 1- Razor 1- AED Report Form En 12/06/2000 TENDER 125 1- AFD Mapbook 1- DOT Response Book 1- ICS 410 Field Ops. Guide I - Clipboard AFR's 1- White River Ntl. Forest M 1- Belt Weather Kit 1- TFT Pump Chart 1- Roll Flagging Tape 1- Bay Door Opener 1- Edwards Gate Opener 1- Beaver Creek Gate Opene 1- Fuel Card 1- Hydrant Wrench 1- Spanner Hammer 1- Manual Dump Valve Har 2- Air Aspirating Nozzles 2- Hose Straps 1- Hose Clamp 1- 2 1/2" Female to 3" Male 1- 3" Female to 2 1/2" Male 2- 2 1/2" Double Females 2- 2 1/2" Double Males 2-2 1/2" to 1 1/2" Reducers 2-1 1/2" Double Males 2-1 1/2" Double Female 2-2 1/2" Gate Valves 1- 2 1/2" to 1 1/2" gated wyE 1- Bolt Cutters 1- 2 1/2" Jet Siphon 1- 2 1/2" Cylinder Strainer 1- 5" Jet Siphon 1- 2 1/2" Square Strainer 1- Gas Can w/ Funnel 6- Flares 1- Soccer Ball 1- Medium Expansion Foam Nozzle with Eductor 1- 50' Section of 3" Angus 4- 5 Gallons AFFF 1- Medium Expansion Foam Tip 1- Foam Eductor 1%-6% 60 GPM 1- Salvage Cover Thomas Pack C-Collars* Oxygen Pack 1- Water Cooler w/Cups 2- 5" Combination Spanners 1- Ring Cutter 2- Wheel Chocks 1- Pair Tweezers I 2- Triangular Bandaae; 2- 5" Combination Spanners 1- 2100 Gal. Porta Tank IwIt 1- Hydrant Wrench 6- 2 1/2" Hard Suction Hose 2- 2-, 5bina= ap nners , 2- Float Pumps 4- Combine Dressings 2- Rolls 1" Tape 2-Rolls 3" Tape I- Hot Pack 1- Cold Pack 1- Biohazard Bag I c4 Compatji*t 1- Stethoscope 1- Blood Pressure Cuff 1- Pair Trauma Shears 1- Pen Light (that works) 2- Paper Masks 2- Pair Medical Gloves 1- Burn Sheet 1- Abdominal Pad 1- Trauma Dressing 1- Patient Info Clipboar? 1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer 1- Ladder Splint 2- Nonrebreather Masks Adult 1- Nonrebreather Mask Pedi. 2- Nasal Cannulas 6- Oral Airways 3- Nasal Airways 2- Packets Lubricant 1- Pocket Mask 1- Oxygen Tubing 1- SAM Splint 1- Hand Suction Unit 1- Oxvaen Bottle Wrench Yellow _i'«m artii!irix€<€»':< '<>?<?:: 1- Tall 4- Alcohol Preps 1- Regular 2- Tubes Glucose 1- No neck 1- Thermometer 1- Short 2- Packets Lubricant 1- Pediatric 1- Bottle Babv ASDnn 1- Baby no neck 1- Bottle Eye Wash 4- Eye Pads 5- Knuckle & Regu 2- Containers 4x4 I 1- Wire Splint 2- Rolls Kerlix 2- Rolls 6" Klii 2- Rolls 2" Klii b12- 12/06/2000 ENGINE 126 - SUMMER Cob 1- Avon Fire Ma book 2- Sets Of Web Gear Extra Bla3es(2 min.) 1- Clipboard w/AFR's 1- Water Cube 1- Helmet w/Ear & Eye Protection 4- Combine Dressings 2- Boxes Medical Gloves 1- Salvage Cover I- Pair Chas Compartment #2 1- Box Masks I- Hose Pack 200'x 1" hose I- Harness 2- Rolls 1" Ta 1- S of Li ht + 1- Small Flat Head Screw Driver 2- Rolls 3" Tape 1- Binoculars w/Case 1- Thomas Pack * 1- Scrench I- Belt Weather Kit 1- Oxygen Pack * 1- String Trimmer Head 1- Hot Pack 1-Cell Phone w/Cord 1- C-Collar Kit* 1- Cold Pack 1- Bay Door Opener 1- Medical Farm Pack * 1- Pair of Chas I- Biohazard Bag 1- Avon Gate Opener I- Bag BVM Adult, Child, Infant 2- Blue Wedges t I- Arrowhead Gate Card I- Suction Unit 2- Pink Wedge I- Stethoscope I- Cordillera Gate Card 2- Blankets 1- Si Fuel Bottle I- Blood Pressure Cuff 1- Insurance Card 1- 5 Gallon Water Jug 1- Bottle 2 Cycle Oil I- Pair Trauma Shears 1- Fuel Card Center Console 2- VHF Portable Radios Paper Cups Compartment #5 1- Weedeater Kit * 1- Angle Guide w/File 1- File Guide 2- Flat Files 1- Pen Light (that works) e}vt11t aYft#f##;<z>%?zz 4- Alcohol Preps ^`>` 2- Traffic Flashlights 2- Swam per Kits * u 2- 13/64" Round File 2- Tubes Glucose 1- DOT HazMat Handbook 2- 044 Stihl Chainsaws 1- Scrench 1- Thermometer 1- ICS 410-1 Field O s Guide 1- Short Handle Axe 2- Spark Plus 2- Packets Lubricant I- Pbonebook 1- Splitting Axe 3- Set Ear Plus I- Bottle Baby Asprin 1- National Forest Map I- Bolt Cutters 1- Brush For Air Filter i , 4- Yellow Wedges 1- Small Flat Head Screw Driver I- Bottle Eye Wash E 1- Box AA Batteries + 1- Torx Wrench 4- Eye Pads 6- Pairs of Ear Plus 16- 100' x I" Cotton Jacket + 5- Knuckle & Regular Bandages 3- Spark Plus 3- 50'x 1 1/2" Cotton Jacket ON 2- Containers 4x4 Dressings I- Owners Manual 12- Flares 1- Pair Trauma Scissors 1- Wire Splint 1- Insurance Card/Re istration 4- Traffic Vests 1- Pen Light That Works 1- Touch Up Paint 1- Red Webbing Strap , + ' + Medical Gloves 2- Rolls Kerlix 2- Rolls 6" Kling I- Jack 1-Weedeater 1 2- Rolls 2" Kling I- Booster Reel Rewind Cord . 3- Pulaski's 16- 4x4 Dressings Inside Compartment 2- McCloud 3- Combine Dressings I- Ring Cutter 1- Mop U Kit * 2- Shovels 2- Triangular Bandages 1- Pair Tweezers 1- 1 1/2" Double Male I- Combi Tool 4- Eye Patches 2- Triangular Bandages 1- 1 1/2" Double Female 13- Knuckle Bandages 2- Paper Masks 2- 2 1/2" Double Males 1- 5 Gal. Drip Torch Mix 1- 6"Klin 2- Pair Medical Gloves 2- 2 1/2" Double Females 1- 5 Gallon Gas Can 1- 3" Kling 1- Burn Sheet 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Reducer 2- Drip Torchs 1- BioHazard Bag 1- Abdominal Pad 1- 1 1/2" x 1" Reducer 1- 1.5 Gallon Gas/.5 Bar Oil IRTM + 1- Trauma Dressing 1- V x 3/4" Reducer 2- 10' 2 1/2" Hard Suction 1- Pocket Mask 1- 3/4" x V Expander 1- Wire Splint 1- Patient Info Clipboard/Pens 1- V Ca 3- Sin a Person Kits * 1- Tube of Glucose 1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer 1- 1 1/2" Suction Strainer 6- 100'x 3/4" Forest Hose 4- Packets of Lubricant 1- Ladder Splint 1- 2 1/2" Suction Strainer 3- 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1" Gated Tee 1- Bottle of Eye Wash Triage Tags 1- 1 1/2" Foam Nozzle 3- 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1" Tee 1- Bottle of Hand Wash 1- 1 1/2" Hose Clam with 1 1/2" x 1" Reducer 1- Roll 1" Tae 1- 2 1/2" Spanner 2- 1" x V x 3/4" Tee 3- Nasal Airways 1- 1 1/2" Spanner with V x 3/4" Reducer 3- Oral Airways _ 1- 3/4" Spanner 1- 1 1/2" Gated Wye 1-Stethoscope 1- Hydrant Wrench with 1 1/2" x V Reducer 1- Blood Pressure Cuff 1- Hose Stra 1- 1 1/2" Gated Wye with 1- Bag of Rubber Gaskets 1 1/2" x V & I" x 3/4" Reducer 2- Nonrebreather Masks Adult I- Crank for Booster Reel 1- 1" Gated Wye with 1- Nonrebreather Mask Pedi. 2- 5 Gallon Class "A" Foam 1" x 3/4" Reducer 2- Nasal Cannulas 2- Wheel Chocks 2- 1 1/2" Hose Clams 6- Oral Airways 4- Backpack Pumps 3- 3/4" Brass Adjustable Nozzle 3- Nasal Airways 4- Rolls of Toilet Paper 2- 1" Red Adjustable Nozzle 2- Packets Lubricant 1- Roll Fire Line Tae 3- 3/4" Foam Nozzle I - Pocket Mask 1- Roll Duct Ta :,- 1- O en Tubing I- Box Flagging Tape(10) 1- V x 1" x 3/4" Tee 1- SAM Splint 1- V x 3/4" Reducer I- Hand Suction Unit 12- Water Bottles w/Cases 1- 3/4" Gated e 1- Oxygen Bottle Wrench 12- Coyote Meals I- 3/4" In Line Valve REVIRINT 2- Cans Take U 1- 3/4" Brass Adjustable Nozzle 2- Head Vises 2- Fire Shelters 1- 3/4" Solid Stream Nozzle 2- Adjustable C-Collars 6- Headlamps 1- 3/4" Spanner Wrench 1- Pediatric 2- Packages of Moleskin I - Bab no neck 2- Cans Bu Spray 3- Tubes Of Hand Cleaner ` r r 12/06/2000 ) I ? j SQUAD 127 1- Avon Fire Ma Book 201 - Incident Briefing Forms MSDS 1- Preplan Book 202 - Incident Objectives List ;4?C.-b 's l l- Pi Mats 1- Cli board w/AFR's 203 - Or anization Assi n. List 15- Socks 1- Tele hone Directo 204 - Division Assi nment List 3- Pillows I- DOT HazMat Handbook 205 - Incident Radio Comm. Pla 2- Pi Pans I- NIOSH Chem ical Guide 206 - Medical Plan 10 M =U r, 17 TIW"A 1- Tube Putty 1- FF. Guide To HazMat 207 - Organizational Chart 1- Hot Pack 1- Pack Rags I- First Responders Guide 209 - Incident Status Summary 1- Cold Pack I- Bag Green Stuff Absorbent I- ICS 410-I Field O s Guide 211 -Incident Check-In List 1- Biohazard Ba I- HazMat Ba I- Forest Service Ma 213 - General Message Form Compartment #4 1- Knox Box Key 214 - Unit Lo Form 2- Disposable Gowns I- Fuel Bottle Mixed 20:1 1- Box Medical Gloves 215 - Operational Plan Work Sht. 1- Funnel 1- Binoculars 215a - I.A.P. Safe Analysis 1- Bag Medium Gloves 1- Eye Protection 1- Traffic Flash Light 216 - Radio Worksheet 1- Ba Large Gloves 1- S ark Plu Wrench size 8/10 I- Spot Light 218 - Support Veh. Invento c , 1- Philli s Screw Tool 1- ICS Vest Bag 220 - Air O erations Surnmary 1- Stethosco 1- Extra Spark Plug 1- Bay Door Opener 221 - Demobilization Checkout 1- Blood Pressure Cuff Extra Blades 1- Edwards Gate Opener 224 - Crew Performance Rating I- Pair Trauma Shears 1-Avon Gate Opener 225 -Personnel Performance 1-Pen Li ht at works 4- Standard Screwdriver 1-Beaver Creek Gate Opener IRSS Check In Form 5 rlln.?'(;4. al fttettt;;: >_ ;;::: 4- Philli s Screwdriver 7 1- Arrowhead Gate Card Incident Manage. Team List 4- Alcohol Preps 1- Claw Hammer I- Cordillera Gate Card 2- Tubes Glucose 1- Utili Knife 1- Insurance Card Foldout I- Thermometer I- Tape Measure . 1- Fuel Card Assigned Headers 2- Packets Lubricant I- Standard Hex Wrench Set Glove Box -Rehab 1- Bottle Bab As mn 1- Metric Hex Wrench Set 1- Owners Manuel - Staging I- Slip Joint Pliers 2- Rolls Flagging Tae - Divisions 1-3 1- Bottle E e Wash 1- Needle Nose Pliers - Hot Zone 4- Eye Pads I- Vise Grip Pliers 1- HAZMAT Spill Kit - Exposure 5- Knuckle & Regular Bandage 1- 10 Crescent Wrench i- T-Card Accountabili S stem - Decon 2- Containers 4x4 Dressings 1- Fire Line Tape 1- Reci rocs Saw -Divisions A-D - Interior - Logistics 1- Wire S lint 2- Rolls Kerfix 1- Auto Lock Pick Set - Planning 2- Rolls 6" Kling 1- ICS Command Forms - Operations 2- Rolls 2" Kling Extra 9V, AA, AAA Batteries - Incident Command . - Safe Officer 1- Ring Cutter 1- Tool Boa - PIO 1- Pair Tweezers 1- Tool Line Assigned Handcrews -7 2- Triangular Bandages 1- Jumper Cables Assigned Apparatus -18 2- Paper Masks 1- Power Inverter Assigned Personnel -50 1- Bum Sheet 2- Pencils 1- Abdominal Pad 2- Bags Green Stuff Absorbent 15- Flares 2- Pens 1- Sharpie I- D Erase Marker 1- Trauma Dressing 1- Patient Info Clipboard/Pens 2- Traffic Sign Stands 1- Box Large Binders 1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer 2- Traffic Signs 2- Box Small Binders 1- Ladder Splint 2- Traffic Flashlights Extra Cards Triage Tags I- HAZMAT Broom 2- Packs Blue I- HAZMAT Shovel 1- Pack Pink 2- Nonrebreather Masks Adult I- Sager Splint 2- Packs Green 1- Nonrebreather Mask Pedi. i- Stevens Splint 2- Packs Tan 2- Nasal Cannulas MOTHIT17n ft-11911 • . 2- Packs Yellow 6- Oral Airways 1- Thomas Pack 3- Packs White 3-Nasal Airways 1- Oxygen Pack 2- Packs Orange 2- Packets Lubricant 1- C-Collar Kit 1- Pack Gra 1- Pocket Mask 1- Bag BVM Adult, Child Infant 1- Oxygen Tubing I- Sager Splint 1- SAM Splint I- Suction Unit _ 1- Hand Suction Unit I - Blanket I - Oxygen Bottle Wrench rench 6 1- Thermoscan Thermometer c 1 2- Head Vises 16- Traffic Cones 2- Adjustable C-Collars 1- Pediatric 1- Bab no neck F3?i 12/06/2000 TRU Avon Fire Mapbook 1- SCBA Unit w/PASS C K 130 ; 1- SCBA Unit w/PASS 3- Standard Screwdrivers Clipboard/AFRs/Truck Cks 7 1 1- CMC Self-Rescue Rope Bag I- CMC Self-Rescue Rope Bag 3- Phillips Screwdrivers Knox Box Key ;1 2- Spare SCBA Bottles I- PSI Air Cylinder 2- 6" Crescent Wrenches Edwards Gate Opener 1 1- Class B Extinguisher 1- Combo Wrench Set 1- Avon Gate Opener + 2- 6' Pike Poles 1- Pair Slip Joint Pliers I- Beaver Creek Gate Opener I- Positive Pressure Fan 2- 8' Pike Poles I- Lineman Cutting Pliers I- Arrowhead Gate Card , 2- 12' Pike Poles 1- Aviation Snip I- Cordillera Gate Card I- Chainsaw 2- 2-1/2" Spanner Wrenches 1- Tape Measure I- Fuel Card I- Flat Head Axe 4- 5" Spanner Wrenches 1- Utility Knife e 1- Traffic Flashlight t]rim + 1- Pick Head Axe 1- Sledge Hammer 1- Hydrant Wrench 1- Tile Knife 1-Chalk Line 1- DOT HazMat Handbook 1- Claw Tool 2- SCBA Masks 1- ICS 420-1 Field Ops Guide I- Haligan 2- 750 GPM Nozzles Cmpartment #1 o I- TFT Pump Chart 1- Cable Shears 1- Pick Head Axe 4- Combine Dressings 1- Box Surgical Masks 1- Hydrant Wrench I- 10'XI-1/2" Hose w/Nozzle + 1- Scott Radio Comm. Unit - Closet Hook 1 1- 50'X1-1/2" Hose w/Nozzle 2- Rolls I" Tape I- Insurance Report Card 1- Roll Flagging Tape - Pipe Wrenches 12" & 24" 2 + 1- Attic Ladder 1- 8' Pike Pole 2- Rolls 3" Tape + 1- 1-1/2" Double Male I- Positive Pressure Fan + 2- 2-1/2" Spanner Wrenches I- Hot Pack 1- Cold Pack 1- 1-1/2" Double Female 1-Thomas Pack* 1- 40' Extension Ladder 1- Biohazard Bag 1- 2-1/2" Double Male 1-Oxygen Pack* 1- 35' Extension Ladder Myrml 1- 2-1/2" Double Female I- SCBA Unit w/PASS 1- 30' Extension Ladder 1-.Stethoscope I- 2-1/2" X 1-1/2" Reducer 1-CMC Self-Rescue Rope Bag 1-18' Roof Ladder 1- Blood Pressure Cuff 2- Hose Straps 2- Spare SCBA Bottles 1- 16' Roof Ladder 1- Pair Trauma Shears 1- Hydrant Wrench Compartment =Combination Combination Ladder Light (that works) I- Spanner Hammer arnesses w/Carabiner 2- Class I H ;::::.j;:::.;A:. +Ct?m I- Craftsman Socket Set 3- Class 2 Harnesses w/Carabis 1- 22 oz. Fuel Bottle/Pour Spout & hol Preps E 1- Roll Flagging Tape 2- Class 3 Harnesses 1/2 oz. Oi es Glucose I- Roll Fire Line Tape 2- 200' Life Lines 1- Extra 1/2 oz. Oil rmometer 1- Roll Duct Tape 1- 50' Tool Line 1- Bar Oil 2- Packets Lubricant 6- Traffic Flares (minimum) I- Pick Head Axe I- Spark Plug & Scrench 1- Bottle Baby Aspirin 1- Pair Of Chaps 1- Flat Head Axe ..... ..; :# < ;' >> > %'.>> > >r `s» 1- Piercing Nozzle 1001 1/2" Single Jacket Hose I- Bottle Eye Wash 1- High Rise Kit * « I -Salvage Can w/Lid (gray) 10' 2 1/2" Angus Pigtail 4- Eye Pads I- Hose Roller 1- Short Handle Round Shovel 1- 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" Gated Wye 5- Knuckle & Regular Bandages 3- Long Handle Sq. Shovels 1-1 1/2" TFT Dual Force Nozzl e 2- Containers 4x4 Dressings I- Tool Belt * 1- Reciprocating/Drill Kit 2- Scoop Shovels 2- 2 1/2" Spanner Wrenches 2- Hose Straps 1- Wire Splint 2-Carpenter Saws 1- 150' Cord Reel/Juction Box 1-Roll Flagging Tape 2- Rolls Kerlix 1- Hack Saw w/Blades 2- Extension Cords I- Fire Phone - Ro lls 6" Kling I -Keyhole Saw Is, 5- Door Straps - Rolls 2" Kling 2 2- Claw Hammers 1- Generator 2- Rubber Sprinkler Stops + 1- Ballpeen Hammer + 8- Wooden Sprinkler/Door Stops I- Ring Cutter 1-Can Nails 1- Chainsaw Kit* ?s 1- Metal Sprinkler Stop 1- Pair Tweezers 1- Nail Puller 2- Extension Cords 1- Vise Grip Pliers 2- Triangular Bandages 1- Staple Hammer w/ 1/2" Stapl es 2- Flood Lights I- Box Chalk 2- Paper Masks 1- Hex Key Set of Three 1- 2 1/2 Gal. Gas Can/Funnel 2- Pair Medical Gloves 1- 12" Crescent Wrench + Uads i -Nonrebreather Masks Adult I- Burn Sheet 1- 10" Crescent Wrench 2- 200' 1-1/2" Preconncts - Nonrebreather Mask Pedi. 1- Abdominal Pad 1- Roll Duct Tape 3- Wood Sprinkler Stops 1550'5" Deadload/Conn./Wrench irqmn? 2- Nasal Cannulas 6- Oral Airways 1- Trauma Dressing 6- Wedges I- SCBA Unit w/PASS 3- Nasal Airways I- Patient Info Clipboard/Pens 1- Flat Head Axe 1- CMC Self-Rescue Rope Bag 2- Packets Lubricant 1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer 2- Pry Bars 1- C02 Extinguisher I- Pocket Mask I- Ladder Splint 1- Roll Plastic/Duct Tape/Knife 1- ABC Extinguisher 1- Oxygen Tubing Triage Tags 2- Salvage Covers 2- 2-1/2" Spanner Wrenches 1- SAM Splint 2- 5" Spanner Wrenches 1- Hand Suction Unit 5- Traffic Cones 1- Oxygen Bottle Wrench 2- Wheel Chocks bV5 12/06/2000 Airpack seriel Numbers Item Serial Number Air pack Number Scott Air Pack 50 79210134 148 Scott Air Pack 50 79210137 149 Scott Air Pack 50 79210141 150 Scott Air Pack 50 79210194 151 ScottAir Pack 50 79210173 152 Scott Air Pack 50 7921084 153 Scott Air Pack 50 79210126 154 Scott Air Pack 50 79210170 155 Scott Air Pack 50 79210172 156 Scott Air Pack 50 79210195 157 Scott Air Pack 50 79210143 158 Scott Air Pack 50 79210174 159 Scott Air Pack 50 79210138 160 Scott Air Pack 50 79210151 161 Scott Air Pack 50 79210188 162 Scott Air Pack 50 79210153 163 Scott Air Pack 50 79210196 164 Scott Air Pack 50 79210155 165 Scott Air Pack 50 79210159 166 Scott Air Pack 50 79210140 167 Scott Air Pack 50 79210189 168 Scott Air Pack 50 79210132 169 Scott Air Pack 50 79210099 170 Scott Air Pack 50 79210158 171 Scott Air Pack 50 79210193 172 Scott Air Pack 50 79210142 173 Scott Air Pack 50 79210119 174 C7 ?71 11 PVO 2216 PSI AIR CYLINDER INFORMATION SERIAL NUMBER TYPE OF BOTTLE OLD BOTTLE NUMBER NEW BOTTLE NUMBER HYROSTATIC TEST DATE DOT-SP6498-2216 (T18016 ) ALUMINUM # 7 # 36 Mar 03 DOT-SP6498-2216 ( T24067 ) ALUMINUM # 13 # 37 Apr-98 CTC/DOT-E6498-2216 ( T210455) ALUMINUM # 17 # 38 Aug-96 CTC/DOT-E6498-2216 ( T301661) ALUMINUM # 24 # 39 Mar-03 CTC/DOT-3AL-2216 (T216460) LUXFE ALUMINUM RP6 # 100 Feb-03 CTC/DOT-3AL-2216 ( T244316 ) LUXFE ALUMINUM RP3 # 101 Feb-03 CTC/DOT-E7235-2216 (WK29792 ) COMPOSITE RP1 #102 Jan-94 CTC/DOT-3AL•2216 ( T244218 ) LUXFE ALUMINUM RP8 # 103 Apr-98 CTC/DOT-E7235.2216 ( WK282775) COMPOSITE ? # 104 Feb-03 CTC/DOT-E7235.2216 ( WK296565) COMPOSITE RP13 # 105 Feb-03 CTC/DOT-E7235-2216 ( WK299186) COMPOSITE RP12 #.106 Jul-97 CTC/DOT-3AL-2216 ( T244334 ) LUXFE ALUMINUM RP1 # 107 Apr-98 CTC/DOT-3AL-2216 ( T216455 ) LUXFE ALUMINUM RP7 # 108 Jul-99 CTC/DOT-3AL-2216 ( T216469 ) LUXFE CTC/DOT-3AL-2216 ( T243354 ) LUXFE ALUMINUM ALUMINUM RP2 RP4 # 109 # 110 Apr-98 Jan-95 CTC/DOT-E7235-2216 ( WK296978) COMPOSITE RP 14 # 112 Mar-00 DOT-E7235-2216 ( WK387196 ) COMPOSITE NEW 4-30-94 # 113 Jan-97 DOT-E7235-2216 ( WK387123 ) COMPOSITE NEW 4-30.94 # 114 Jan-97 DOT-E7235-2216 ( WK387087 ) COMPOSITE NEW 4-30.94 # 115 Jan-97 DOT-E7235.2216 (WK387060 ) COMPOSITE NEW 4-30-94 # 116 Feb-03 DOT-E7235-2216 ( WK387172 ) COMPOSITE NEW 6.23-94 # 117 Jan-97 DOT-E7235.2216 ( WK387389 ) COMPOSITE NEW 6-23-94 # 118 Mar-00 DOT-E7235.2216 ( WK387388 ) COMPOSITE NEW 6.23.94 # 119 Jan-97 DOT-E7235.2216 ( WK387387 ) COMPOSITE NEW 6-23.94 # 120 Jan-97 DOT-E7235-2216 ( WK388356 ) DOT-E7235-2216 ( WK388257 ) COMPOSITE COMPOSITE NEW 7-11-94 NEW 7-11-94 J # 121 # 122 May-97 Feb-03 DOT-E7235.2216 (WK388740 ) COMPOSITE NEW 7.11-94 # 123 May-97 DOT-E7235.2216 ( WK388251 ) COMPOSITE NEW-7-11.94 - # 124 Feb-03 DOT-E7235-2216 ( WK413235 ) COMPOSITE NEW 4-11.95 # 125 Mar-01 DOT-E7235.2216 ( WK413245 ) COMPOSITE NEW 4.11.95 # 126 Apr-98 DOT-E7235.2216 WK413251 ) COMPOSITE NEW 4-11.95 # 127 Mar-01 0 0 0 v 2216 PSI AIR CYLINDER INFORMATION SERIAL NUMBER TYPE OF BOTTLE OLD BOTTLE NUMBER NEW BOTTLE NUMBER HYDOSTATIC TEST DATE CTC/DOT E6498-2216 (T292246) ALUMINUM # 25 # 2 Aug-98 DOT-SP6498-2216 ( T25384 ) ALUMINUM # 4 # 3 Jan-97 CTC/DOT-E-7235-2216 (WK99534) COMPOSITE # 37 # 4 Feb-03 CTC/DOT-3AL-2216 ( T28268 ) LUXFER ALUMINUM # 30 # 5 Aug-96 CTC/DOT-E6498-2216 ( T292153) ALUMINUM # 22 # 6 Jul-97 CTC/DOT-E7285-2216 ( WK96153) COMPOSITE # 32 # 7 Apr-98 CTC/DOT-E6498.2216 (T288322) ALUMINUM # 29 # 9 Aug-96 DOT-SP6498-2216 ( T18058 ) / ALUMINUM # 2 # 10 Feb-97 CTC/DOT-E7235.2216 (WK99202) COMPOSITE # 35 # 11 Jul-95 CTC/DOT-E7235-2216 (WK299165) COMPOSITE # 33 # 12 Jul-97 DOT-E6498.2216 ( T168540 ) ALUMINUM # 14 # 13 Feb-97 DOT-SP6498-2216 (T96544 ) ALUMINUM # 8 # 14 Apr-00 DOT-SP6498-2216 (T25262 ) ALUMINUM # 3 # 17 Feb-97 CTC/DOT-E6498.2216 (T270254) ALUMINUM # 26 # 19 Mar-03 CTC/DOT-E6498-2216 (T265846) ALUMINUM # 19 # 20 Jun-97 DOT-SP6498-2216 ( T84888 ) ALUMINUM # 10 # 21 Aug-98 DOT-SP6498-2216 (T24299 ) ALUMINUM # 11 # 22 Nov-O1 CTC/DOT-E7235-2216 (WK99397) COMPOSITE # 36 # 23 Apr-98 CTC/DOT-E7235.2216 (WK99597) COMPOSITE # 38 # 24 Feb-03 CTC/DOT-E7235.2216 (WK96864) COMPOSITE # 31 # 25 Apr-98 CTC/DOT-E7235.2216 (WK296946 ) COMPOSITE # 43 # 26 Jan-94 CTC/DOT-E7235-2216 (WK96873 ) COMPOSITE # 33 # 27 Feb-03 CTC/DOT-E7235.2216 (WK96868 ) COMPOSITE # 34 # 28 Aug-96 CTC/DOT-E6498-2216 T262107 ) ALUMINUM # 21 # 29 Aug-96 CTC/DOT-E7235-2216 (WK296571 ) COMPOSITE # 12 # 31 Mar-00 CTC/DOT-E6498.2216 ( T260230 ) ALUMINUM # 20 # 32 Aug-96 CTC/DOT-E6498.2216 ( T284587 ) ALUMINUM # 23 # 33 Mar-03 DOT-SP6498.2216 ( T84878 ) ALUMINUM # 5 # 34 Mar-02 CTC/DOT- E6498.2216 T219660 ALUMINUM # 18 # 35 Jun-97 2216 PSI AIR CYLINDER INFORMATION y DOT-E7235-2216 (WK413232 COMPOSITE NEW 4.11.95 # 128 Apr-98 # 129 DOT-E7235-2216 (WK391919 COMPOSITE NEW 2-25.95 # 130 Feb-98 DOT-E7235-2216 (WK406096 COMPOSITE NEW 2-25.95 # 131 Feb-98 # 132 DOT-E7235.2216 ( WK390885 COMPOSITE NEW 2.25-95 # 133 Feb-98 DOT-E7235.2216 (WK391896 COMPOSITE NEW 2.25.95 # 134 Feb-98 r- s L ra.~_ .ad 4,500 SCBA CYLINDER INFORMATION SERIAL NUMBER TYPE OF BOTTLE OLD BOTTLE NUMBER NEW BOTTLE NUMBER HYDROSTATIC TEST DATE CTC/DOT-8059.4500 ( SD6846) COMPOSITE 4=1 200 Feb-03 CTC/DOT-8059.4500 ( SD6595) COMPOSITE 4=2 201 Feb-03 CTC/DOT-8059-4500 ( SD6750) COMPOSITE 4=3 202 Aug-94 CTC/DOT-8059.4500 ( SD6824) COMPOSITE 4=4 203 Feb-6-3 DOT-E8059.4500 ( SBP8293 ) COMPOSITE NEW 8.18.94 204 01-Au DOT-E8059-4500 ( SBP8287 ) COMPOSITE NEW 8.18.94 205 Aug-97 DOT-E8059-4500 ( SBP8314) COMPOSITE NEW 8-18-94 206 Feb-03 DOT-E8059.4500 ( SBP8324) COMPOSITE NEW 8.18.94 207 Aug-97 DOT-E10905.4500 ( 25948) KEVLAR NEW 09.21-96 208 Mar-03 DOT-E10905.4500 ( 25944) KEVLAR NEW 09-21-96 209 Mar-03 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 25977) KEVLAR NEW 09.21-96 210 Mar-03 DOT-E10905.4500 ( 25887) KEVLAR NEW 09.21-96 211 Mar-03 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 25995) KEVLAR NEW 09-21-96 212 Jun-96 DOT-E10905.4500 ( 25980) KEVLAR NEW 09.21.96 213 Feb 03 DOT-E10905.4500 ( V 1404) KEVLAR NEW 09.21-96 214 Mar-03 DOT-E10905.4500 (V 1411) KEVLAR NEW 09.21.96 215 Mar-03 DOT-E10905.4500 ( 14430 ) KEVLAR NEW 09.21-96 216 Mar-03 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 18007 ) KEVLAR NEW 09.21.96 217 Mar-01 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 13059 ) KEVLAR NEW 09-21-96 218 May-95 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 14397 ) KEVLAR NEW 09-21-96 219 Jun-95 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 13195 ) KEVLAR NEW 09-21-96 220 Mar-03 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 14510 ) KEVLAR NEW 09-21-96 221 Mar-03 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 14375 ) KEVLAR NEW 09-21-96 222 Mar-03 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 14458 ) KEVLAR NEW 09-21-96 223 Mar-03 DOT-E10905.4500 ( 14500 ) KEVLAR NEW 09-21-96 224 Mar-01 DOT-E10905-4500 ( 31697 ) KEVLAR NEW 03-18-97 225 Mar-03- DOT-E10905-4500 (31001) KEVLAR NEW 03-18-97 226 Mar-03 DOT-E10905.4500 (31705) KEVLAR NEW 03.18-97 227 Feb-00 DOT-E10905.4500 (31681) KEVLAR NEW 03.18-97 228, Jan-00 DOT-E10905.4500 (30995) KEVLAR NEW 03-18-97 229 Mar-03 DOT-E10905.4500 (31674) KEVLAR NEW 03.18.97 230 ',-A: rFeb-03 DOT-E10905.4500 (31683) KEVLAR NEW 03-18.97' 231 Wsc>: ''F.e603 DOT-E10905-4500 (30993) KEVLAR NEW 03-18-97 232 Feb'03 DOT-E10905-4500 (31687) KEVLAR NEW 03.18.97 ~#233 3 ac 03 DOT-E10905.4500 31018 KEVLAR NEW 03.18.97 77475',Z, ~y234 Marr03 sr.oy z r. 4500 SCBA CYLINDER INFORMATION 10983 CARBON 1998 235 Mar-01 10943 CARBON 1998 236 10965 CARBON 1998 237 01-Mar 10970 CARBON 1998 238 01-Mar 10980 CARBON 1998 239 01-Mar 10483 CARBON 1998 240 10803 CARBON 1998 241 01-Mar 10855 CARBON 1998 242 01-Feb 10748 CARBON 1998 243 01-Mar 10446 CARBON 1998 244 9621 CARBON 1998 245 10558 CARBON 1998 246 01 -Feb 10174 CARBON 1998 247 01-Feb 10806 CARBON 1998 248 01-Mar 10807 CARBON 1998 249 01-Mar 10222 CARBON 1998 250 01-Mar 10563 CARBON 1998 251 01 -Feb 10812 CARBON 1998 252 01-Mar 10471 CARBON 1998 253 01 Feb' 10523 CARBON { 1998 254 10541 CARBON 1998 255 01 -Feb 10790 CARBON 1998 256 01-Mar 10751 CARBON 1998 257 01 -Mar 10078 CARBON 1998 258 01-Mar 9798 CARBON 1998 259 01-Feb 10474 CARBON 1998 260 01-Feb 9895 CARBON 1998 261 01-Feb 10837 CARBON 1998 262 01-Mar 9758 CARBON 1998 263 8373 CARBON 1998 264 01-Jan 10477 CARBON 1998 265 01-Feb 10440 ;a. CARBON 1998 266 10968 `a CARBON', ' 1998 267 - 01-Mar 10962 . • CARBON;: 1998 268 01-Mar 10981 CARBON S 1998 269 10971 CARBON,; 270 r~,,.:a3 t,~v~ Ol Mar s rk 4500 SCBA CYLINDER INFORMATION 10872 CARBON 1998 271 01-Mar 9860 CARBON 1998 272 01 -Feb 10982 CARBON 1998 273 01 -Mar 10987 CARBON 1998 274 01-Mar 10941 CARBON 1998 275 10939 CARBON 1998 276 00-Mar 10945 CARBON 1998 277 01-Mar 10950 CARBON 1998 278 01-Mar 10963 CARBON 1998 279 01-Mar 10993 CARBON 1998 280 01-Mar 10880 CARBON 1998 281 10920 CARBON 1998 282 01 -Mar 10973 CARBON 1998 283 01-Mar 10951 CARBON 1998 284 01-Mar 10949 CARBON 1998 285 01-Mar 10887 CARBON 1998 286 01-Mar 10960 CARBON 1998 287 01-Mar 10990 CARBON 1998 288, 01-Mar .fir J- F ` t r y+ yi Pager Numbers 970-748-7105 80865052AX E0098379 970-748-7115 80865105AX E0098432 970-748-7116 ": - 80865113AX E0098440 970-748-71291 80865109AX E0098436 970-748-7131x{Y . 80865051AX E0098378 970-748-7135« 56802236AX E1715352 970-Z48=7146="' 80865034AX E0098361 487 970-7 80865059AX E0098386 , 970-748 7149Pt 64801599AX E0086957 9Z0=7487152 80865025AX E0098352 ?` 9Z0;4871?53'%txr 80865043AX E0098370 970-'48"71'54 V' - 7 80865101AX E0098428 4., 97WA84 7155`< . 80865062AX E0098389 '., 9?OR?T48=7156* 80865102AX E0098429 9701748=7157 80865117AX E0098444 ?? 970-17,484158,' 80865029AX E0098356 r w 9'LQ?748-7159"v 80865092AX E0098419 970-'74&7160 80865049AX E0098376 9,74=7.4&7161 80865048AX E0098375 =F 970=748-7162 80865099AX E0098426 97cP748-`1163 80865093AX E0098420 : 970=748-7167 80865121AX E0098448 590,:748-7182 80865063AX E0098390 970=748-7183 80865115AX E0098442 F 974748-7184 " 80865100AX E0098427 ` 97x74817185 80865103AX E0098430 r 97;748-7186 = 80865060AX E1014866 9"x'74$=7187 80865107AX E0098434 x : ' s 48-7188 , 80865082AX E0098409 : W . ,7190 y 72834892AX E0089092 ?48.7191.E 80865079AX E0098406 9MUtVl92 V.`.. 80865071AX E0098398 9748x=-7193 80865091AX E0098418 97W93 9 7194 80865070AX E0098397 970-747195 80865058AX E0098385 f 970-,748-7196 80865081AX E0098408 97U 7.48-7197 80865118AX E0098445 970748=7198 1 80865127AX E0098449 970-748-7199, 80865053AX E0098380 6/36/002:06 PM---_. C:/Jennifer's Documents/Office/Pagers/Pagers ?3 Pager Numbers 970-748-7200 - E 865094AX 80 E0098421 r - 0-748-7202 :: 80865073AX E0098400 ?a ;tir i?i}n be 3` " ` ' y ' 1911, S< real Itiru i?b rL 'x a =c?c r 970-748-7203 80865088AX E0098415 970-748-7208 80865104AX E0098431 970-748-7209 80865086AX E0098413 970=748-7213 80865084AX E0098411 970-748-7244 80865069AX E0098396 970-748-8358 970-748-8363 970-748-8368 970-748-8382 64835790AX E0088930 970-748-8383 64835790AX E0088929 ' 970-748-8384 64835788AX E0088947 970-748-8385 64835787AX E0088927 970-748-8386 64835786AX E0088926 970-748-8387 64835785AX E0088937 970-748-8388 64835784AX E0088924 970-748-8389 64835783AX E0088923 970-748-8390 64835782AX E0088922 970-748-8391 64835781AX E0331113 970-748-8392 64835780AX E0088920 970-748-8393 64835779AX E0088944 970-748-8394 - 64835778AX E0088918 970-748-8395 64835777AX E0088917 970-748-8396 64835776AX E0088916 970-949-8213 64835799AX E0088939 970-949-8214 64835796AX E0088936 970-949-8220 64835794AX E0088934 970-949-8221 64835806AX 970-949-8224 80865084AX E0098411 970-949-8225 64835775AX E0088915 - 970-949-8227 64835774AX E0088914 970-949-8228 64835773AX E0088913 970-949-8231 64835772AX E0088912 970-949-8233 64835771AX E0088911 970-949-8234 64835810AX E0088950 970-949-8237 64835795AX E0088935 970-949-8240 64835800AX E0088940 6/30/002:06 PM CAennifer's Documents/Office/Pagers/Pagers 1; 9 .4 Pager Numbers • • 970-949-8244 64835798AX E0088938 970-949-8245 64835809AX E0088949 970-748-8344 E0086925 6/30/002:06 PM C:/Jennifer's Documents/Office/Pagers/Pagers r? Ric - General Station Equipment Station 1 30 Gallons Micro-blaze 35 Gallons of AFFF 35 Gallons of Class A 35 Gallons of Class B 1 Pressure Washer Station 2 Sanyo T.V. Panasonic VCR 1 Metal storage cabinet 2 plastic storage cabinets Pressure Washer Bunker Gear Washer Air Compressor Cylinder Refill System 3 Wet Vacuums Craftsman Tool Cabinet Tockle Charger Bench Grinder , Station Generator Skil Drill Gear Racks Safe Serial Number 157182 V8370433636780 18SD12788 34F316W44852 MO998134185 R2245272 63781001 2Z973D WA SE-60 606400361 WA DJ-262126 WA WA 11 E, 11 I7,i(c Station 3 T.V. 719420838 VCR 56534548 Craftsman Air Compressor 9802146475 40 Pressure Washer 157555-10982449 Toro Snow Blower 4000119 Genie Jet Vac 400PB Sunbeam Gas Grill 54129 Craftsman Tool Set WA Trickle Charger SE-1252MA Station 4 1 File Cabinet 1 Air Compressor U0415042 Station 5 Weber Gas Grill EE 104428 Air Compressor T0125112 Pressure Washer 157555-0198 261 Craftsman Tool Set - WA Trickle Charge SE-1252MA Cordless Drill DJ262126 Generator K816229 T.V. V5240789105215 VCR 56514589 Tread Mill 907108 Lawn Mower 21775X928 Snow Blower _ 7908725 11 6?n Administrative Equipment Station 1 Monitor Gateway VX700 CPU Gateway Essential 500 Station 2 Gateway VX900 Gateway Performance 600 Gateway VX700 Gateway Essentials 500 Gateway VX700 Gateway Essentials 500 Gateway 2000 Gateway 2000 E-3110 Gateway 2000 Gateway 2000 E-3110 Gateway VX700 Gateway Essentials 500 Gateway 2000 G"y 2p00 E-3110 Gateway VX 900 Gateway E-4200 MAG Innovision Silicon Valley Pentium Labtop 1 Nec Versa V/50 Labtop 2 Compaq Presario 1810 Labtop 3 Gateway Solo 2150 Portable Printer Digital Camera 1 Kodak DC260 Digital Camera 2 Kodak DC50 Hp Scanjet 4200c Hp Scanjet 6200c Sharp SF-2025 copier Duty Fax Panasonic Sharp FO 2600 Fax Station 3 Gateway VX700 Gateway Essentials 500 Gateway VX700 Gateway Essentials 500 Hewlett Packard Scan Jet 62000 Canon PC 920 copier Sharp UX Fax Machine Aims gas detector Calibration kit Station 4 Gateway VX700 Gateway Essential 500 Sharp SF-7370 Copier Station 5 Gateway VX900 Gateway E-5200 Gateway VX900 Gateway Essential 500 HP Scan Jet 62000 Sharp FO-1460 Fax Cannon PC745 Copier Printer HP Laser Jet 5000 GN Hp Laser Jet 5000 GN Hp Laser Jet III Hp Laser Jet III - Hp Desk Jet1120C Hp Office Jet 600 3 in 1 Hp Desk Jet 8500 Hp Laser Jet 4M Hp Laser Jet 6 Hp Laser Jet 4M Plus HP Desk Jet 850c HP Desk Jet 895cxi HP Desk Jet 850c HP Desk Jet 895cxi HP Laser Jet 1100 Serial Number 16269289 16260904 16269292 16269291 9053212 9701105 16269295 8974873 /1288010 9712SVC34 5X014737 1V8ABZB3H159 16263348 EKH83601052 EKA61400114 6660437X 1940700618 78119518 1629293 1820780 SG96617203 TVBO4689 9811894Y N/A 12492715 16205200 12492715 16269294 SG8A5110T5 87108894 ZTC70831 • Training Inventory Video Types/CDs FFI Series Videos Essentials FFI Videos FFI Interactive LibraryArdeos FFI Interactive Library/CDs Essentials FFII Videos FFII Interactive LibraryArdeos FFII Interactive Library/CDs American Heat Videos Onguard Videos Pumping Apparatus Series Videos Other Missalaneus Videros FF Safety and Survival Lesson Plan FF Strategy and Tactics Lesson Plan CD Power Point Training Supplies Smoke Generators Rope Projector Screen Rescue Dummies A Frame Flip Charts/ Dry Erase Books/ Lesson Plans 1992 FFI & FFII Lesson Plan 1997 FFI & FFII Lesson Plan IFSTA Manual Library IFSTA Study Guide Library FPP Manual Library Fire Dept. Company Officer Curriculum Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Student Application Set Fire Officer 1& 2 Essentials Fourth Edition FFII Applications Guide Fire Sup. Ref. Guide Fireline Handbook DOT ERG LCD Projector Peripheal Peripheal CS PRO Copier Quantity Serial # 11 N/A 9 N/A 23 36144 23 36233 9 N/A 23 36168 23 36244 5 N/A 6 N/A 4 N/A 67 N/A 400 slides AVA17299KKOO 400 slides B.Smith 1 36048 2 1298-0855 & 0792-0054 400' 3/8"-5/8" 1 N/A 2 175# & 145# 2 N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 29 manuals 36033 14 study Guides 35491 10 manuals 35392 1 36327 1 36326 appox. 12 36046 1 36350 appox. 6 36041 appox. 4 N/A 25 NFES 1256 50 NFES 0065 30 NFES 2150 B920920010C 14689020 898338 31740443 b2-q Hazmat Equipment Trailor Serial # Quanity 55 Gallon Over pack Drum LS 41219 1 5 Gallon Plastic Red HazMat Can LS 25997R 2 Pig Repair Putty Pig 17`x21"x2" Pillow PPTY201 1 case of 12 Pig 42" Absorbent Booms PPIL201 PPIG212 1 case of 16 2 boxes of 75 Green Stuff Absorbent N/A 11 Bags Devon Manifold DE912 1 Yellow CJ Devon Garden Hose WA 6 Devon Pools RMC 55500 4 HazMat Backboards N/A 2 Saw Horses N/A 4 Kappler Level A Entry Suit LS 41580XL 4 Kappler Level B Entryy Suit LS 31552XL 4 MarMac Commander Ex Level A XL 10000XRB-XL 2 Lakeland/Tychem 7500 Level B Entry Suit 94635-XL 6 Tingly Work Boots/Rubbers Large 9 1/2 -11 LS 40136L 4 Tingly Work Boots/Rubbers X-Large 11-13 LS 40136XL 4 Hazproof Boot Size 11 82330-11 2 Hazproof Boot Size 12 93245-11 2 Hazproof Boot Size 13 93245-12 4 Tingley PVC Boots Size 12 (Devon) 93245-12 4 Nitrile 15mil Exterior Gloves " A15F-11 5 boxes 14 PVC Non-Slip Heavy Exterior Gloves 6414 12 Pair Hard Hats 14024 10 Cartridge Face Peace Assembly LS 9933M 8 AIM 3 Gas Detectors CO, Combustible Gas, Oxygen Model 600 3 AIM CO Detectors Model 450 3 E t?() Avon Fire Department Station 2 Avon n LJ 1 " Floor - Appox. 5500 Square Feet 2 Large Bays With Doors on Either End 2 Small Bays 3 Administrative Offices Workbench/Equipment-Storage Room Air Bottle/ Bunker Gear washing Machine Laundry Room 1 Washer 1 Dryer Duty Office Area 4 Bedrooms 4 Beds Kitchen Area 2 Full Bathrooms 2°d Floor Kitchen 3 Refrigerators 1 Kitchen Table 1 Stove 1 Microwave 1 Dishwasher Living Room 2 Couches 2 Chairs 1 Coffee Table 1 TV/ VCR Duty Quarters/ Resident Quarters 8 Bedrooms 9 Beds 4 Full Restrooms 1 Half Restroom Equipment Storage Closet Fire Marshals Office 1 Large Meeting Table TV/VCR 2 Small Offices 1`J J3:N Avon Fire Department Station 4 Wildridge n Appox. 3000 Two Bays 1 Office 2 Kitchens 2 Refrigerators 2 Microwaves 2 Dishwashers 2 Kitchen Tables 2 Couches 2 Coffee Tables 2 TV / VCRs Laundry Room 1 Washer 1 Dryer Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms 4 Beds Restrooms 2 Full Restrooms 1 Half Restroom 1 Public Restroom on Exterior 11 Fire Apparatus Year Make/Model Unit Number VIN Number Estimated Cost to Replace 2000 Pierce Quantum 110 4P 1 CT0250YA000935 $315,000 2000 Piece Quantum 111 4P 1 CT0250YA00093 6 $3159000 1988 Pierce Dash 112 IP9CTOID2JA040331 $260,000 ;Q QQQ -U IL ~1 g 1985 Ford F350 116 IFDKF3818FPB50360 $110,000 1985 Ford 4000 117 IFDYD8OU76VA03933 $2201000 1993 Chevy Suburban 121 IGNGK26K2PJ3671, 2 $28,000 1998 Chevy Blazer 122 IGNDT13W85K260 $235000 1995 Chevy Blazer 123 IGNDT13WK224749 $2300 1990 Pierce Dash 124 4P I CT02DSMA000152 $26000 1998 Freightliner FL 112 125 IFV6TIVIDB6XHA41448 $19000 1995 GMC 3500 126 IGDHK33F3SF007695 $329000 1998 Chevy 3500 127 IGBHK33FIWFO62189 $321000 1981 Sutphan TS 1004 130 44113 $695,000 1997 Haul Mark HAZ-MAT TRAILER 16HPB 1424WUO 1142 $7,500 we Avon Fire Department Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records Station: 01 Station 1 Eqpt No Description Serial No. Repl Cost 6020A 1-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 60003A 1-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 RP38 1-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6010A 1-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6005A 1-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 1037A 1-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3003C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7034C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7035C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3005C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1008C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7018C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3018C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7009C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3011C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7039C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7010C 1-3/4 inch hose 7049B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0. 6003B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6025B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 60208 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 RP14 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 7043B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 7034B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6008B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6036B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 7030B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 2006B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 1044B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 7002B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 1009E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 2006E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 RP26 5 inch fire hose 0.00 E112 Engine 112 0.00 E114 Engine 114 0.00 003G------- ---Pig Tails----------- -- -----------------------------------------------0.00 SUBTOTALS FOR STATION Item Count: 36 0.00 0 12/05/2000 14:43 ?;,A! Page Avon Fire Department U Station: 02 Station 2 Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records Eqpt No Description Serial No Repl Cost 3003A 1 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 1031A inch fre hose 1 1/2 0.00 1027A _ _ . 1 1 /2 inch fire hose 0.00 1018A inch fire hose 1/2 1 0.00 6014A _ . 1 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6006A 1 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 1006C 1 1/2" X 50' Angus 0.00 7022C 1 1/2" X 50' Angus 0.00 RP30 1 1/2" X 50' CJ 0.00 2002C 1 1/2" X 50' CJ 0.00 7044C 1 3/4 inch Angus fire hose 0.00 RP40 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1004C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3002C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 6016A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 37 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7 46C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7032C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7040C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7030C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 6001A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1003C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3010C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3013C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7015C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7041 C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7048C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7043C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7047C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7037C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3017C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7031 C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1010C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7021 C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7013C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3001 C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7023C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 6 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 29 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 12/05/2000 14:43 6 Y:?) Page 2 Avon Fire Department Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records RP33 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 RP34 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 003H 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 004H 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1009A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1012A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1017A 1 314 inch fire hose 0.00 1019A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1020A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 2002A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 2004A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 2009A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3004A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 6019A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 2001 C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3015C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3020C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7000C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7011C 1 3/4 inch fire hose U0 7038C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 1 7042C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0 FO 7045C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 2008C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 2011A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 2007C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 RP1213 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7012C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3004C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7014C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 00056 1 3/4" Maroon Imperial 100' 0.00 00057 1 3/4" Maroon Imperial 100' 0.00 00052 1 3/4" Orange Imperial 100' 0.00 00053 1 3/4" Orange Imperial 100' 0.00 00054 1 3/4" Yellow Imperial 100' 0.00 00055 1 3/4" Yellow Imperial 100' 0.00 00009 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 0.00 00010 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 0.00 00011 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 0.00 00012 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 0.00 00013 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 0.00 00014 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 0.00 00015 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield W 00016 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield o 12/05/2000 14:43 ?? Page 3 Avon Fire Department • 00017 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00018 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00019 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00020 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00021 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00022 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00023 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00024 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00025 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00026 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00027 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 00028 1 3/4" Yellow Utra-Shield 0011 1 inch fire hose 0005 1 inch fire hose 5000 1 inch fire hose NA 1 inch fire hose 0006 1 inch fire hose 0004 1 inch fire hose 0 08 1 inch fire hose 1 inch fire hose 1 inch fire hose 0009 1 inch fire hose NA3 1 inch fire hose 0007 1" Fire Hose BOOSTER 1" Rubber Booster Hose 1011A 1.5" Fire Hose 1015A 1.5" Fire Hose 1016A 1.5" Fire Hose 1023A 1.5" Fire Hose 1032A 1.5" Fire Hose 3002A 1.5" Fire Hose 7019C 1.5" Fire Hose 70300 1.75" Fire Hose 2002B 2 1/2 inch CJ 1021B 2 1/2 inch CJ 1024B 2 1/2 inch CJ- ----- 1013B 2 1/2 inch CJ 3031 B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 3028B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7039B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 6029B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1 B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0713 2 1/2 inch fire hose Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12/05/2000 14:43 ?'?/7 Page 4 Avon Fire Department 3034B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7036B 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP11 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7031 B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 6027B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7042B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7035B 2 1/2 inch fire hose -RP21 -2 1/2-inch fire hose 7046B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7037B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7032B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7050B 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP19 2 1/2 inch fire hose 6016B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7038B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 3030B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0026 2 1/2 inch fire hose 7047B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0016 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1022B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 3022B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 3006B 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP01 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP02 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP04 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP05 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP07 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP08 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1003B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1009B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1018B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1023B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1025B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1032B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1053B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1038B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1042B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1043B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1047B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1051 B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 1054B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 2003B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 2004B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 12/05/2000 14:43 Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *0 P ?X Page 5 Avon Fire Department Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records 2005B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 2007B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 2008B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 2009B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 2010B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3001 B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3003B 21/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3007B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3008B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3011 B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3014B 2 1 /2 inch fire hose 0.00 30158 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3016B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3023B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3025B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3026B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3020B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 1015B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 OB 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 2013B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6035B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 7048B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3029B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 60058 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 7045B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 RP12 2 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 00044 2 1/2" Blue Imperial 0.00 00045 2 1/2" Blue Imperial 0.00 00046 2 1/2" Blue Imperial 0.00 00047 2 1/2" Blue Imperial 0.00 00048 2 1/2" Blue Imperial 0.00 00049 2 1/2" Blue Imperial 0.00 00050 2 1/2" Blue Imperial 0.00 00051 2 1/2" Blue Imperial 0.00 00029 2 1/2" Blue Ultra-Shield -0.00 00030 2 1/2" Blue Ultra-Shield 0.00 00031 2 1/2" Blue Ultra-Shield 0.00 00032 2 1/2" Blue Ultra-Shield 0.00 7003B 2 1/2" X 10' Angus 0.00 1 02B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 2B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 OB 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 12/05/2000 14:43 ?°? Page 6 Avon Fire Department Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records 1034B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 1046B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 1055B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 3004B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 3012B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 3013B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 3019B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 ---3024B--- - Fire Hose 0.00 3032B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 6009B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 6010B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 6011C 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 6023B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 6028B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 6030B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 6033B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 7015B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 7040B 2.5" Fire Hose 0.00 RP06 2.5" Fire Hose q& RP15 2.5" Fire Hose 1011B 2.5" fire Hose 0.00 3007D 3 inch fire hose 0.00 3008D 3 inch fire hose 0.00 00033 3" White Imperial 0.00 00034 3" White Imperial 0.00 00035 3" White Imperial 0.00 00036 3" White Imperial 0.00 00037 3" White Imperial 0.00 00038 3" White Imperial 0.00 00039 3" White Imperial 0.00 00040 3" White Imperial 0.00 00041 3" White Imperial 0.00 00042 3" White Imperial 0.00 00043 3" White Imperial 0.00 7036E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 3003E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 7003E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 7034E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 7035E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 7005E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 7004E 5 inch fire hose 0 00 6007E 5 inch fire hose 7002E 5 inch fire hose 0 12/05/2000 14:43 94-A Page 7 Avon Fire Department • 2007E 5 inch fire hose RP24 5 inch fire hose 7030E 5 inch fire hose 1002E 5 inch fire hose 7031 E 5 inch fire hose 3005E 5 inch fire hose 7037E 5 inch fire hose 7001 E 5 inch fire hose RP44 5 inch fire hose 2001 E 5 inch fire hose 1010E 5 inch fire hose 3006E 5 inch fire hose RP4 5 inch fire hose 2002E 5 inch fire hose 7032E 5 inch fire hose 2010E 5 inch fire hose RP23 5 inch fire hose RP27 5 inch fire hose 3 1 E 5 inch fire hose E 5 inch fire hose 6E T0 5 inch fire hose 6001 E 5 inch fire hose 3002E 5 inch fire hose 1007E 5 inch fire hose RP43 5 inch fire hose 1005E 5 inch hose 3004E 5 inch hose 2003E 5" Fire Hose 00001 5" Large Diameter Hose 00002 5" Large Diameter Hose 00003 5" Large Diameter Hose 00004 5" Large Diameter Hose 00005 5" Large Diameter Hose 00006 5" Large Diameter Hose 00007 5" Large Diameter Hose 00008 5" Large Diameter Hose RP35 CJ 1 1/2 inch fire hose 2006A CJ 1 1/2 inch fire hose 1022A CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose 2003A CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose RP28 CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose I 6C CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose 13C CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12/05/2000 14:43 F,4 / Page 8 Avon Fire Department Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records 2004C CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 2005C CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 RP32 CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 67X13 CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 2001A CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1033A CJ 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 E124 Engine 124 4P1CT02D5MA000152 0.00 110-0001 Smoke Ejector 6545 0.00 S120 Staff Vehicle 120 0.00 S121 Staff Vehicle 121 1 GNGK26K2PJ367152 0.00 S122 Staff Vehicle 122 1 GNDT13WBSK260319 0.00 S123 Staff Vehicle 123 1 GNDT13WXWK224749 0.00 S126 Staff Vehicle 126 0.00 S127 Staff Vehicle 127 1gbhk33f1wf062189 0.00 T1-30 - - - - - - - ---- - - - Truck-130 --------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------ 0.0 ----- SUBTOTALS FOR STATION Item Count: 313 0.00 Station: 03 Station 3 Eqpt No Description Serial No. Repl Cost 6034B 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 RP09 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6011A 1 1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6007A 1 1 /2 inch fire hose 0.00 7007C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7070C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7017C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7006C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3109C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3007C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3008C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1002C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 99C027 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 99CO12 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 70190 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 6023A 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 3019C 1 3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 B0005 1.75" HOSE 0.00 B0006 1.75" HOSE 0.00 B0007 1.75" HOSE QwQn B0008 1.75" HOSE 12/05/2000 14:43 F1472 1 Page 9 Avon Fire Department O BC011 1.75" HOSE BC012 1.75" HOSE BC013 1.75" HOSE BC014 1.75" HOSE BC015 1.75" HOSE BC016 1.75" HOSE 60216 1 /2 inch fire hose 3033B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 6019B 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP20 2 1/2 inch fire hose 6017B 2 1/2 inch fire hose RP17 2 1/2 inchfire hose RP13 2 1/2 inch fire hose 6015B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 6012B 2 1/2 inch fire hose 6013B 2 1/2 inch fire hose B0009 2" HOSE BC010 2" HOSE 03 2.5" HOSE 004 2.5" HOSE B0001 2.5" Hose B0002 2.5" Hose 6022B 3 inch fire hose RP16 3 inch fire hose 6026B 3 inch fire hose 6001 B 3 inch fire hose 6022R 3 inch fire hose 6031 B 3 inch fire hose 2014B 3 inch fire hose 2011 B 3 inch fire hose 6031 B 3 inch fire hose RP09 3 inch fire hose BC017 3" HOSE BC018 3" HOSE BC019 3" HOSE BC020 3" HOSE BC021 3" HOSE BC022 3" HOSE BC023 3" HOSE BC024 3" HOSE BC025 3" HOSE P26 3" HOSE 027 3" HOSE Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12/05/2000 14:43 pz,?;5 Page 10 Avon Fire Department Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records 6004E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 E113 Engine 113 1fdxf47f3xeb37439 0.00 E115----------Engine 115-------------------------- -- -----------------------0.00 SUBTOTALS FOR STATION Item Count: 67 0.00 Station: 04 -----Station 4 Eqpt No. Description Serial No. Repl Cost E110----------Engine 110 ------------------------------- 1HTSEAAROSH241433------- 187000.00 SUBTOTALS FOR STATION Item Count: 1 187000.00 Station: 05 Station 5 Eqpt No. Description Serial No. Repl Cost 6004A 1-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 7001C 1-3/4 inch fire hose (]?0 7004C 1-3/4 inch fire hose ?j 6019C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 RP41 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 RP42 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7003C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 1001C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 RP39 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0*00 3014C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 6015C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 7036C 1-3/4 inch fire hose 0.00 6024B 2-1/2 fire hose 0.00 RP10 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6002B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 7033B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6006B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 6014B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 1056B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 1004B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0:00 1016B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 3002B 2-1/2 inch fire hose 0.00 10056 2-1/2 inch hose 0.00 1001E 5 Inch Fire Hose 0 00 6006E 5 inch fire hose P 0 1004E 5 inch fire hose 0 0 12/05/2000 14:43 P4+ Page 11 Avon Fire Department Inventory Summary Report by Station All Applicable Records RP25 5 inch fire hose 0.00 6002E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 6005E 5 inch fire hose 0.00 E116 Engine 116 0.00 E117 Engine 117 0.00 125 Tender125 1FY6TMDB6XHA41448 ------ ------- 0.00 SUBTOTALS FOR STATION Item Count: 32 0.00 • 11 12/05/2000 14:43 P4415 Page 12 r Exhibit C :7 Exhibit C Leased Equipment 2001 2002 2003 2004 299 800 MHz Radios - mobile and hand held $39,390.49 $39,390.49 - - - 1998 Chevy Blazer $2,946.67 - - - - 1998 Chevy K3500 Crew Cab $2,946.67 - - - - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus $6,800.01 - - - - Water Tanker $29,210.92 $29,210.92 $29,210.92 $29,210.92 $7,302.73 Pierce Quantum #110 $56,248.08 $56,248.08 $56,248.08 $56,248.08 $56,248.08 Pierce Quantum #111 $56,248.08 $56,248.08 $56,248.08 $56,248.08 $56,248.08 New Pumper Equipment $8,510.52 $8,510.52 $8,510.52 $8,510.52 $8,510.52 Total of All Leases 0 $202,301.44 $189,608.09 $150,217.60 $150,217.60 $128,309.41 GI. 0 • Exhibit D E n INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of this 1 l`h day of March, 1997, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO, a body politic and corporate ("the County") and the TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation ("the Town"). WHEREAS, the County has adopted, effective as of June 23, 1992, the Uniform Building Code, 1991 Edition, together with appendices and amendments thereto as set forth in County Resolution No. 92-44 ("Building Code"); and WHEREAS, the County has adopted, effective as of S7;n4ff4y ,3?, 19A7, the Uniform Fire Code, 1991 Edition, together with amendments thereto as sei forth in County Resolution No. 96-157 ("Fire Code"); and WHEREAS, the Town provides and administers fire protection services within the boundaries of various Metropolitan Districts according to Ingergovernmental Agreements between the Town and the Metropolitan Districts; and WHEREAS, portions of the Metropolitan Districts for which the Town provides services are under the jurisdiction of the County's Building and Fire Codes ("Fire Protection Area"); and WHEREAS, the County has established and filled the position of County Building Inspector, pursuant to Section 30-28-114, C.R.S.; and WHEREAS, the Town conducts Fire Code inspections and reviews for the Metropolitan Districts through the position of the Town's Fire Chief; and WHEREAS, the County will name the Fire Chief a County Deputy Building Inspector only for the purposes set forth herein; and WHEREAS, in performing duties pursuant hereto the Fi.re.Chief shall remain an employee of the Town, and the Town, acting through the Fire Chief, and Fire Chief will have the status of independent contractors as to the County; and WHEREAS, the County has the power to issue and withhold building permits pursuant to Sections 30-28-205 and 32-1-1002(1)(d), C.R.S.; and WHEREAS, Section 29-1-103, C.R.S. authorizes governments to cooperate or contract with one another to provide any function, service or facility lawfully authorized to each of the cooperating or contracting units; and WHEREAS, the purposes of this Intergovernmental Agreement are to provide plan review, fire code inspection and fire code enforcement as set forth herein within the Fire Protection Area. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed to as follows: The County shall provide the Town all building plans for all occupancies except Group M and Group R-3, as defined by the Building Code, to be constructed or located within the Fire Protection Area. The Town shall, through the Fire Chief, provide plan review, inspections and code enforcement as to the fire prevention and suppression portions of the plans and construction for all such occupancies. Code enforcement (beyond stop work orders) will be done jointly with the County. 2. The County shall not issue a building permit for any structure unless such building plans demonstrate compliance with the County's Building Code and Fire Code and shall not issue a certificate of occupancy, whether temporary or final, for any structure, except Group M and Group R-3 occupancies, located within the Fire Protection Area until after approved final inspection and signature by the Fire Chief. 3. The County shall provide the Fire Chief all subdivision, planned unit development and zoning applications within the Fire Protection Area. The Town, acting through the Fire Chief shall provide application review, inspections and enforcement as to the fire prevention and suppression portions of the applications and supporting plans. Enforcement will be done jointly with the County. 4. The Town shall timely submit comments on subdivision, planned unit development and zoning applications within the Fire Protection Area. 5. The Town shall issue permits for the installation of fire alarms and fire sprinklers and collect and retain such fees as stipulated in the Eagle County Building Code Resolution. 6. The Fire Chief shall at all times have and maintain all licenses, certificates, credentials and education as are required under the laws of the State of Colorado, the Building Code and Fire Code to perform plan review and issue building permits and certificates of occupancy, and inspect structures relative to fire safety (including fire sprinkler) and Fire Code compliance. 7. The Town agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County, its respective agents, officers, servants, and employees of and from any and all loss, costs, damage, injury, liability, claims, liens, demands, actions and causes of actions whatsoever, arising out of or related to the Town's intentional or negligent acts, errors or omissions or that of its agents, officers, servants and employees, whether contractual or otherwise. This indemnity provision specifically includes all general building .7 s inspection services performed by, or on behalf of the Town prior to the effective date of this Agreement. 8. In performing any acts or duties included within this Agreement, the Fire Chief will remain an employee of the Town for all purposes, including but not limited to all employment related laws and regulations including payment of Worker's Compensation and compliance with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, and shall not be considered an employee of the County. 9. Each party of this Agreement shall provide its own public liability and property damage insurance coverage as it may deem necessary for any potential liability arising from this Agreement. 10. This Agreement shall automatically be renewed on the first day of January of each year hereafter unless earlier terminated by either party, with or without. cause, by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other parry. EXECUTED as of the date first written above. r ? L? ATTEST: n Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners 0 A, George ates Commissioner A I COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: hnette Phillips TOWN OF AVON By: By: Patty Lambert, wn Clerk Jack F weett Mayo 11 • • r-i LJ * Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: December 7, 2000 -Re: Eagle River Bikepath - W. Beaver Creek Blvd. to Confluence Inter-Mountain Engineering Proposal for Base Mapping S u m m a rY: Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. has submitted the attached Proposal for mapping the area between the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way, the Eagle River, the Confluence and West Beaver Creek Blvd. This mapping is needed to evaluate potential alternate bikepath-routes through this area in order to complete a preliminary design for the project. The proposed fee for this work is not to exceed $11,200 and the work is to be completed within four weeks. Topography will be based on 1998 aerial photography and fieldwork will be provided to identify and adjust for changes which may have occurred subsequent to the photography. We-anticipate receiving Proposals for Preliminary Design Services in January and with this schedule mapping will be available for the selected design firm at that time. Approval of the Proposal for Preparing Base Map for the Eagle River Bikepath between West Beaver Creek Blvd. and the Confluence for a Fee not to exceed $11,200 is recommended. Discussion: We recently received notice from the Union Pacific Railroad that the request for approval to construct a bikepath on their right-of-way between West Beaver Creek Blvd. and the Confluence was denied. Subsequently, we must look at alternate and more expensive routes between the-end-points. -The-informatien-Pr-ovided by this mapping is needed to evaluate the various options and to develop realistic cost estimates for each option. We have met with Dennis Gelvin, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Administrator, and he has indicated that the Sanitation District will split the costs for the mapping and preliminary design. This is based on the District's commitment to construct a bikepath across their property, which is a significant portion of the project. \TW\SHARED\Engineemg\CIP\Bikepath-Confluance\2.5.2 RFP & Pto"Is%lapping Mean n.Doc Financial Implications: The 2000 Capital Improvements Fund Budget includes $55,000 for design of the Bikepath. The Proposed $11,200 Fee for base mapping is well within the adopted budget. Recommendations: Approve December 7, 2000, Proposal as submitted by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd., for preparing a base map for Eagle River Bikepath between West Beaver Creek Blvd. and the Confluence for a Fee not to exceed $11,200. Town Manager Comments: _)?7 6,6,1 Cud' E \\PWVSHARED\Engineering\CIP\Bikepath-Confluence\2.5.2 RFP & Proposals\Mapping Memo 1.Doc 2 1's'/ V I/ ZUICU IV: 54 7 / F?-747-y 3 37 IN I tK-M I N tM3. r'HVC r!1 I 2 I low- AF;F=U4. December 7, 2000 Norman Wood Tc-mm of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 8 620 Via Fax: 970.748-1958 1 __Re:__pioposal for base maps for bike path Dear No=at: "s reg:e ed We a-rP s,,,bmittmg a proposal for preparina the base mans for the design and construction of the hike path ?om West Heaver Creek Boulevard to the existing bike path west of Avon Road and between the railroad a?d the Eagle River. Our scope of services will include: 1. Co4di:n,ate the topographic mapping of the area with 1 ft contours. Aero Metric Inc. will prepare the topographic mapping from the aerial photography taken 10-21-98. The mapping will bF produced. according to procedures that have been demonstrated to comply with the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) for horizontal and vertical accuracy. 2. perform field surveys to verify the photography of 10-21-98. Will also locate several property com'trs for ;rap orientation. I 3. Up& topographic m.ap from Aero Metric, depicting changes since 10-21-98. The topography will iso depict right of way and property lines along the railroad and adjacent properties. SCREDULZ We propose to initiate the mapping immediately after we receive written authorization to proceed and will haveThe topography map completed within 3 weeks, and base maps completed within 4 weeks thereafter. This schedule may wary somewhat due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control. l~ JEE The estimated fee for the proposed scope of services is $11,200.00. We will not exceed this fee without prior approval. Our fees are detailed as follows: I. Dapping - Aero Metric, Inc. 2.400.00 2. Field Survey 2,710.00 3_ Prepare Maps 6,090.00 $11,200.00 COMPENSATION You will be billed monthly for services to-date. Invoices are due upon receipt. If invoices remain unpaid after 30 days,', you will be chzrged a service charge of 1.75% per month. If it should become necessary to enforce collection, Inter-Mountain Engineering will be entitled to recover its costs of collection,, including attemey's fees. WARRANTY • 8392 Continental UMCie Road, Suite #107 • Uttieton, Coiorado 80127 • Phone: 303/948-6220 • Fax: 303/948-6526 77 Metcalf Road, 020Q • Box 978 # Avon, Coiorado 81620 • Ftxxie: 970/949-5072 • From Denver Direct. 693-1531 12/ U //'2UUU lb: 54 `J /b-J 4`J-J:JJJ 1N I tK-MIN tNta. YHUt nt r r services The only warranty or guarantee made by inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. in connection wife tut; performed hereunder ?s that we will use that degree of cart and AM utwu+ui,y exercises; :na cr similar conditions by reputable membtrs ui dit: rnglAtering and surveying profession practicing in this area. Approval by ?vvcrrriug egen6e3 of maps, plans, designs or reports prepared by Inter-Motntain. Rngineering al,all constitute complianac with this standard. No other warranty, expregc or implied, is made or intended by this proposal for consulting services Or by furnisbing oral or written report. Y these items imeet with your approval, please acknowledge your consent to our proposal by signing and dating the document an the spaces provided below and returning the original to us. Thank you for considering u? foi'these engineering and surveying services. We look forward to working with you on this project sin ly,J Duane D. Feloin_ger, P.E. & P.L.S • L. ie Memo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: • Honorable Mayor and Town Council Bill Efting, Town Manager Norm Wood, Town Engineer All) Anne Martens, Engineer December 7, 2000 Eagle River Recreation Path - Change Order 2 Summary: Attached Change Order 2 for the Eagle River Recreation Path Project represents minor changes required to address actual conditions encountered in the field. Change Order Number 2 is to extend a section of 18" culvert at the east entrance to the path to allow for a suitable transition, an increase in keystone block retaining wall due to existing grade conditions, installation of a 100 linear feet of 2' boulder wall due to existing gradeconditions and deletion of a 4' x 4' x 6' concrete box which was not necessary. The cost of this Change Order is summarized as follows: Change Order No. 2 Eliminate 4' x 4' x 6' Concrete Box <$ 3,300.00> Add 144 SF of Keystone Block Wall $ 3,600.00 Add 100 LF of 2' High Boulder Wall $ 3,500.00 Add 18" culvert extension and Rip Rap 1,130.00 Total of Change Order 2 Add $ 4,930.00 The net effect of these Change Order is to increase the Contract Amount from $ 261,530.00 to $ 266,460.00. These changes are typical for this type of construction and are provided for by the contingency item in the project budget. It should also be noted that the ECO Trails Committee approved an additional grant for $72,000.00 for this project and is-recommending approval of thisgrant at-the-next ECO Board Meeting. Approval of Change Order 2 to the Site Resources Management, Inc. contract for construction of the Eagle River Recreation Path is recommended, increasing the Contract amount $ 4,930.00 from $ 261,530.00 to $ 266,460.00. E \\PW\SHARED\Engineering\CIP\Eagle River Bike Path\4.0 Construction Docs\4.5 Change Orders\CO Memo 2.Doc Recommendations: Approve Change Order 2 to the Site Resources Management, Inc. contract for construction of the Eagle River Recreation Path, increasing the Contract amount $ 4,930.00 from $ 261,530.00 to $ 266,460.00. Town Manager Comments: n C: \\PW\SHARED\EngineeringACIP\Eagic River Bike PathW.O Construction Docs\4.5 Change Orders\CO Memo 2.Doc 2 t ' CHANGE ORDER ' Order No.: 7 Date: ' Agreement Date: NAME OF PROJECT: ??t? 1???c-rL ? ' OWNER: AycNf CONTRACTOR: ' The following-changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Justification: ISEYytoir. 19uwie- 1A4 SF a Z5 'c 3: svpo $ouLvbs, W^u,_ 1 ' Ica AX E 35 S_ 1, ' 1$" Qxveff t Z•t Z_r I LS G 0SO DCAAWC 4'x4'vf_' Too, q,93C= Change to CONTRACT PRICE: $ 4-930 = Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ .59 41Z1,a ' Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER _?Z.4 I -5 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased)(decrease4) by $ 4 930= w The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $ Zug 41•? Change to CONTRACT TIME: t?o CAP"u G The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased)(decreased) by _ calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be (Date). APPROVALS REQUIRED: -Approved by-Engineer: Accepted by Contractor: Accepted and Approved by Owner: Federal Agency Approval (where applicable): CO-1 I n • Uec•IZ• ZHU 3:UyF14 G`ALINJ LU1 iv1tL , G'Lt N0.0441 N- Z/3 COLLINS COCKREL & COLE A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION PAUL R. COCKREL JAMES P. COLLJNS ATTORNEYS AT LAW ROBERT G COLE 380 UNION BOULEVARD. SUITE 400 PAUL C. RUMEN DENVER. COLORADO 8022a-1SSS TIMOTHY J. FLYNN EVAN D. ELA December 12, 2000 Councilman Mac McDevitt c/o Facsimile No. 970/845-7662 RE: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Issues Dear Mac: TELEPHONE 303-M-1551 800.354-5941 TELEFAX 309-956-1736 E-MAIL C0rdCPC®9d.C0M . As you may know, Rick Sackbauer is extremely involved with the opening and running of two restaurants on Vail Mountain. He has asked that I attempt to get everyone back on track regarding the communication with you, and the transmittal of the consulting reports. Being delivered to you tomorrow, are two reports that are in Final draft stage. These are Status Report - Comprehensive Odor Control Evaluation At The Avon & Edwards. Wastewater Treatment Plants, dated November 28, and DRAFT REPORT - Ozone Systems Review and Evaluation, dated December 8. X understand that you are concerned that working drafts of consultant reports are not being made available to you. We are sorry that you are of the belief that they should. I know it was never the intent of the District Board that working drafts be released. As you well know, working drafts have factual and technical errors that, when corrected, can completely change the content of the report. The Board does not wish for you to have to wait for Final reports, but at least intends that the reports be Final Drafts before distribution to other than District personnel. Similarly, we believe it inappropriate to contact District consultants prior to the issuance of that Final Draft. We are reasonably confident that the Town of Avon would feel similarly about consultants with which they may be engaged. Uwe Riva W&Saximl, DMAwitc-)MW" ISPANAX Uec-1(1. Zuuu v:uarh1 UJLL I N a 1VVvN\ tL ?i putt 110.044! r- JIJ COLUNS COCKREL & COLE Councilman Mac McDevitt December 12, 2000 Page 2 Nonetheless, we do agree that you should have open access to Roger Hartman, who, as you know, is coordinating the consultant activity. Roger's telephone number is 303/494-5280. If you find -that process is not working, you may contact me or Board member, Kent Rose, at 970/328-2179. Also, regular meetings of at least staff' would seem to help avoid miscommunication. As concerns the level of cooperation and communication, we believe the District has acted cooperatively in this effort. The District did immediately arrange for the engagement of an odor consultant and an ozone consultant, and has attempted to move diligently towards the engagement of an operations consultant. The ozone and odor consultants visited the sites immediately to determine if any critical problems existed, and now are in the process of preparing a more detailed report. Other than working drafts, the reports of the consultants have been made available to you, and Avon representatives have met with the consultants. The District remains committed to comprehensive analysis of its operations, and will continue to make available Final reports and Final Draft reports to you for your review and comment. Please let me, Dennis Gelvin, Roger Hartman or Kent Rose know of any questions. COCKREL & COLE JPC/th 01 cc: The District Dr, Roger Hartman (via facsimile # 3031494-3094) Mayor Judy Yoder (via facsimile # 9701949-6395) Councilman Buz Reynolds, Jr. (via facsimile # 9701748-1102) Mr. Bill Efting (via facsimile #9701748-4078) Mr. Larry Brooks (via facsimile # 9701748-4078) Sincerely, EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 Forest Road • Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 • FAX (970) 476-4089 December 12, 2000 Avon Town Council 400 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Ordinance No. 00»14 Dear Town Council: This letter provides written comments of Eagle River Water and Sanitation District regarding the proposed Ordinance No. 00-14, which is designed to further amend the Avon Municipal Code relating to odor pollution. It is clear to District that this Ordinance is part of the Town's continuing effort to target District, and to make it easier for the Town to issue unreasonable citations. There can be no other purpose served by eliminating the few objective requirements that remained in this Code Chapter. The proposed amendment makes odor violations virtually completely subjective, and substitutes the "eye of the beholder" for an unbiased investigation. Because of the timing of the proposed Ordinance, District concludes that the amendment is in direct response to the Municipal Court's recent dismissal of a citation against District. We believe this reaction is inconsistent with the spirit of discussions that are ongoing between District and Town, and is directly contrary to the admonitions of the Court. If you have any questions regarding the recent Court proceedings, I will be at the December 12, 2000 Council meeting, and would be happy to answer those questions. On both November 15, 2000 and December 6, 2000, the Judge urged the Town and District to work together as two government entities serving the same constituents. Both entities were implored to act proactively rather than reactively in this matter. In response, the District has requested, in writing on three occasions between November 15th and December 6th, a meeting between our staffs and legal AV WATER, WASTEWATER, OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES 4\\ Avon Town Council December 12, 2000 Page 2 counsel. Those requests were consistent with a written statement I made in October 2000. To date, the Town has ignored District's overtures for a meeting. As the Judge recognized and emphasized, when focus is placed on serving our constituents, any problems can be quickly and effectively addressed. When the Town and citizens communicate promptly with District, there are recent examples of quick and effective odor mitigation. We must cooperatively move toward a formal policy between the Town and District that implements a proactive means of addressing odor issues. District is not asking for elimination of the odor Ordinance. District adamantly believes, however, that Chapter 8.31 must be amended, but in a fashion so as to create a Code that is realistically and uniformly applicable, as well as practically enforceable. For that to occur, the Town and District must work closely together. For these reasons, District asks the Council to not adopt Ordinance No. 00-14, and to proceed with discussions with District to cooperatively and proactively address this issue. Sincerely, e, Dennis Gelvin General Manager EAGLE RIVER /? WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 Forest Road • Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 • FAX (970) 476-4089 December 12, 2000 Avon Town Council 400 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Ordinance No. 00-14 Dear Town Council: This letter provides written comments of Eagle River Water and Sanitation District regarding the proposed Ordinance No. 00-14, which is designed to further amend the Avon Municipal Code relating to odor pollution. It is clear to District that this Ordinance is part of the Town's continuing effort to target District, and to make it easier for the Town to issue unreasonable citations. There can be no other purpose served by eliminating the few objective requirements that remained in this Code Chapter. The proposed amendment makes odor violations virtually completely subjective, and substitutes the "eye of the beholder" for an unbiased investigation. Because of the timing of the proposed Ordinance, District concludes that the amendment is in direct response to the Municipal Court's recent dismissal of a citation against District. We believe this reaction is inconsistent with the spirit of discussions that are ongoing between District and Town, and is directly contrary to the admonitions of the Court. If you have any questions regarding the recent Court proceedings, I will be at the December 12, 2000 Council meeting, and would be happy to answer those questions. On both November 15, 2000 and December 6, 2000, the Judge urged the Town and District to work together as two government entities serving the same constituents. Both entities were implored to act proactively rather than reactively in this matter. In response, the District has requested, in writing on three occasions between November 15th and December 6th, a meeting between our staffs and legal AV WATER, WASTEWATER, OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES 4\\ Avon Town Council December 12, 2000 Page 2 counsel. Those requests were consistent with a written statement I made in October 2000. To date, the Town has ignored District's overtures for a meeting. As the Judge recognized and emphasized, when focus is placed on serving our constituents, any problems can be quickly and effectively addressed. When the Town and citizens communicate promptly with District, there are recent examples of quick and effective odor mitigation. We must cooperatively move toward a formal policy between the Town and District that implements a proactive means of addressing odor issues. District is not asking for elimination of the odor Ordinance. District adamantly believes, however, that Chapter 8.31 must be amended, but in a fashion so as to create a Code that is realistically and uniformly applicable, as well as practically enforceable. For that to occur, the Town and District must work closely together. For these reasons, District asks the Council to not adopt Ordinance No. 00-14, and to proceed with discussions with District to cooperatively and proactively address this issue. Sincerely, Dennis Gelvin General Manager EAGLE RIVER A, WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 Forest Road • Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 • FAX (970) 476-4089 December 12, 2000 Avon Town Council 400 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Ordinance No. 00-14 Dear Town Council: This letter provides written comments of Eagle River Water and Sanitation District regarding the proposed Ordinance No. 00-14, which is designed to further amend the Avon Municipal Code relating to odor pollution. It is clear to District that this Ordinance is part of the Town's continuing effort to target District, and to make it easier for the Town to issue unreasonable citations. There can be no other purpose served by eliminating the few objective requirements that remained in this Code Chapter. - The proposed amendment makes odor violations virtually completely subjective, and substitutes the "eye of the beholder" for an unbiased investigation. Because of the timing of the proposed Ordinance, District concludes that the amendment is in direct response to the Municipal Court's recent dismissal of a citation against District. We believe this reaction is inconsistent with the spirit of discussions that are ongoing between District and Town, and is directly contrary to the admonitions of the Court. If you have any questions regarding the recent Court proceedings, I will be at the December 12, 2000 Council meeting, and would be happy to answer those questions. On both November 15, 2000 and December 6, 2000, the Judge urged the Town and District to work together as two government entities serving the same constituents. Both entities were implored to act proactively rather than reactively in this matter. In response, the District has requested, in writing on three occasions between November 15th and December 6th, a meeting between our staffs and legal AV WATER, WASTEWATER, OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES 4\\ Avon Town Council December 12, 2000 Page 2 counsel. Those requests were consistent with a written statement I made in October 2000. To date, the Town has ignored District's overtures for a meeting. As the Judge recognized and emphasized, when focus is placed on serving our constituents, any problems can be quickly and effectively addressed. When the Town and citizens communicate promptly with District, there are recent examples of quick and effective odor mitigation. We must cooperatively move toward a formal policy between the Town and District that implements a proactive means of addressing odor issues. District is not asking for elimination of the odor Ordinance. District adamantly believes, however, that Chapter 8.31 must be amended, but in a fashion so as to create a Code that is realistically and uniformly applicable, as well as practically enforceable. For that to occur, the Town and District must work closely together. For these reasons, District asks the Council to not adopt Ordinance No. 00-14, and to proceed with discussions with District to cooperatively and proactively address this issue. Sincerely, Dennis Gelvin General Manager EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 Forest Road • Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 - FAX (970) 476-4089 December 12, 2000 Avon Town Council 400 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Ordinance No. 00-14 Dear Town Council: This letter provides written comments of Eagle River Water and Sanitation District regarding the proposed Ordinance No. 00-14, which is designed to further amend the Avon Municipal Code relating to odor pollution. It is clear to District that this Ordinance is part of the Town's continuing effort to target District, and to make it easier for the Town to issue unreasonable citations. There can be no other purpose served by eliminating the few objective requirements that remained in this Code Chapter. The proposed amendment makes odor violations virtually completely subjective, and substitutes the "eye of the beholder" for an unbiased investigation. Because of the timing of the proposed Ordinance, District concludes that the amendment is in direct response to the Municipal Court's recent dismissal of a citation against District. We believe this reaction is inconsistent with the spirit of discussions that are ongoing between District and Town, and is directly contrary to the admonitions of the Court. If you have any questions regarding the recent Court proceedings, I will be at the December 12, 2000 Council meeting, and would be happy to answer those questions. On both November 15, 2000 and December 6, 2000, the Judge urged the Town and District to work together as two government entities serving the same constituents. Both entities were implored to act proactively rather than reactively in this matter. In response, the District has requested, in writing on three occasions between November 15th and December 6th, a meeting between our staffs and legal AV WATER, WASTEWATER, OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT SERVICES 4\\ Avon Town Council December 12, 2000 Page 2 counsel. Those requests were consistent with a written statement I made in October 2000. To date, the Town has ignored District's overtures for a meeting. As the Judge recognized and emphasized, when focus is placed on serving our constituents, any problems can be quickly and effectively addressed. When the Town and citizens communicate promptly with District, there are recent examples of quick and effective odor mitigation. We must cooperatively move toward a formal policy between the Town and District that implements a proactive means of addressing odor issues. District is not asking for elimination of the odor Ordinance. District adamantly believes, however, that Chapter 8.31 must be amended, but in a fashion so as to create a Code that is realistically and uniformly applicable, as well as practically enforceable. For that to occur, the Town and District must work closely together. For these reasons, District asks the Council to not adopt Ordinance No. 00-14, and to proceed with discussions with District to cooperatively and proactively address this issue. Sincerely, Dennis Gelvin General Manager