TC Council Packet 10-10-2000STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD OCTOBER 10, 2000, AT 7:30 AM IN THE MATISSE ROOM AT THE LODGE AT CORDILLERA, 2205 CORDILLERA WAY, EDWARDS, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 7:30 AM Continental breakfast will be served 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM 1.) 2001 Budget Discussion 12:00 PM Lunch will be served AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TO)" OF AVON, COLORADO BY: Nash n Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON OCTOBER 6,2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY Town Council Meetings Roll Call Check Sheet Dnta• I A/I ninn Roll calls are called at start of meeting and for Ordinances. Do not call Mayor except for meeting roll call or to break a tie vote. Seating arrangements from west to east: Brown, Reynolds, Cuny, Yoder, McDevitt, Buckley, Benson Staff Present: Bill Efting Larry Brooks t Burt Levin Kris Nash Jacquie Halburnt Scott Wright Jeff Layman Charlie Moore Meryl Jacobs Norm Wood Bob Reed Harry Taylor Mike Matzko Karen Griffith Other Staff: A ? TOWN OF AVON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA October 10, 2000 - 5:30 PM Call to Order / Roll Call 2. Citizen Input a.) Citizens for Colorado Mountain College (Doris Dewton) t_ V- 3. Ordinances 7 v ? 4 4. Resolutions ` a.) Resolution No. 00-45, Series of 2000, A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado Opposing "Taxcut 2000" on the November, 2000 Statewide Ballot a? (Scott Wright) 5. Unfinished Business 6. New Business 7. Town Manager Report W 8. Town Attorney Report 9. Mayor Report 10. Other Business 11. Consent Agenda a.) Approval of the September 26, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes ` v b.) Contract with Motorola, Inc. for Installation of Radio Site at Lower Dowd Site c.) West Beaver Creek Blvd. Change Orders Numbers 10, 11, and 12 d.) Nottingham Road Roundabout Design - Inter-Mountain Engineering Additional Services Agreement 12. Adjournment i? Vote on 4A De-Bruce Colorado Mountain College Colorado Mountain College (CMC) receives a portion of its funding from a mill levy included in the tax bills in all or part of the six county north-central Colorado area that it serves, some 12,000 square miles. These counties are: Eagle, Garfield, Lake, Pitkin, Routt and Summit, and include college campuses and/or other facilities in Glenwood Springs, Rifle, Leadville, Steamboat Springs, Aspen, Breckenridge and Silverthorne, along with Vail and Eagle in Eagle County. In these counties, there are 7 campuses in total (3 residential, 4 commuter) and a total of 14 sites. In addition to funds from these mill levies, which constitute 60% of total revenues, CMC also receives reimbursement from the state of Colorado (20%), and from tuition fees collected from students taking courses at the College (20%). For 1999, the total funding for CMC from these three sources was $27.5 million. Your latest Eagle County tax bill (1999 taxes due in 2000) shows a mill levy charge of 3.997 for Colorado Mountain College. This mill levy was set ten years ago. That is equivalent to $195 annually in taxes on an actual $500,000 property valuation ($500,000 assessed value X 9.74% residential assessment rate = $48700 valuation for tax X.003997 CMC mill levy = $194.65 CMC tax). On a monthly basis, that amounts to $16.22 in taxes to support CMC. Your tax bill based on 1999 also showed a property tax credit of 0.342 mills for CMC, equal to an annual amount of $16.66 on a $500,000 property, or $1.39 a month. Because of dramatic increases in property valuations in 2000, the College expects the rebate amount to increase to $42.50 per year on a $500,000 property, or $3.54 per month. That means without deBrucing, taxpayers are returning 20% of the taxes which were established ten years ago. That tax credit, which results from the Tabor legislation, currently requires CMC to refund back to the taxpayers any tax revenues that are greater than the Denver-Boulder growth rate (currently at 2.6%) plus 5% each year. The net result is that your actual annual taxes for CMC for the year 2000 will be at an effective rate of approximately 3.2 mills. This constitutes around 5% of your total Eagle County property tax bill. As you probably know, the rate of increase in real property values through the mountain resort region of north-central Colorado is far higher than the average increases in property assessments throughout Colorado. Along with property values, our cost of living in the mountain resort region is also substantially higher, along with the cost of operating and improving Colorado Mountain College. What Ballot Issue 4A would do if passed is to permit CMC to retain these excess revenues in the six counties which support it through mill levies. This is called Amendment 1/Tabor relief, or deBrucing. Passing this ballot issue would not actually increase the mill levy that goes to Colorado Mountain College; rather, it would eliminate the state-imposed revenue limitations that require a yearly refund to the taxpayers through a reduction in the CMC mill levy because of the 1992 Tabor amendment, also known as the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. 2 FACTS ABOUT COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE Colorado Mountain College resulted from a 1965 ballot initiative put before the voters in Garfield, Eagle, Pitkin, Summit and Lake counties to establish a college. Through special election, a college district was approved by a 2 to I margin and named Colorado Mountain College. The first campuses opened in Leadville and Spring Valley near Glenwood Springs in 1967. The Vail campus began operations in 1968, with the Eagle facility added to it in 1977. THE IMPACT OF 4A ON COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE CMC will receive an additional $4.3 million per year ($1.3 million per year from Eagle County) through relief from the Tabor amendment. These additional revenues are targeted for four designated programs which need an infusion of additional capital to bring CMC to necessary levels of service. These programs are: 1) cost-of-living assistance to educators; 2) modernization of college technology, to provide on-line registration, classroom equipment, train faculty; 3) improve academic achievement and student success; and 4) improve facilities, including more classroom space and smart classrooms. Based on the allocation formulae used by CMC, Eagle County would receive only $600,000 per year of these revenues back for its operations, because our tax assessments are far higher on a per capita basis than the CMC region overall. However, de-Brucing will indirectly bring us the much needed major capital infusion for the Vail/Eagle Valley college. THE IMPACT ON EAGLE COUNTY IF 4A DOES NOT PASS The Vail/Eagle Valley campus of CMC, its Eagle County presence, is at the top of the list for the entire CMC six-county masterplan for facilities to receive a major investment of capital for a new campus, with both land and buildings. If the College is not able to obtain the additional $4.3 million per year in cash flow from taxes to support the required improvement in ongoing operations through their system, then the funds in the capital account would be redirected to ongoing operations, and any funds for a new parcel of land and construction of much needed buildings would be deferred for a minimum of three to four years. THE NEED FOR A NEW CAMPUS In Eagle County, Colorado Mountain College is currently located in two inadequate facilities. The Vail facility, hidden in the Vail Cascade Hotel complex, is woefully inadequate for its purposes. It was designed as a condominium, and retrofitted into a 17000 square foot classroom building in 1983. There is insufficient classroom space (8 classrooms and 3 labs), and further investment in upgrading a hopeless situation is not warranted. The College shares parking with the hotel and the movie theater, which results in no available parking when the hotel or the movie 3 attract a large crowd. There are major problems with fumes, ventilation and heating. The Eagle facility, on Broadway, thirty miles west of Vail, holds two classrooms and one lab, which are also fully utilized. CMC leases or borrows other facilities to hold the overflow from its classes, such as the public K-12 school buildings. Since most CMC classes are held during school hours, such use is limited. With the new demographics of the population in the Vail/Eagle Valley region, a growing percentage of the student population resides in the mid-Valley region. The best location for a new CMC "bricks and mortar" campus would be in the mid-Valley region, between Avon and Wolcott, where easy access from I-70 would exist. Preliminary plans for the new campus include a 42,000 square foot instructional and administrative building, a high technology training center and college meeting facility, and a visual arts gallery and arts education complex. The projected requirement for space for new facilities is 16.5 acres. WHOM CMC ER ITES' In 1999, the Vail/Eagle Valley Campus of CMC served 4,710 individual students. This compares to 2,977 students in 1997, an incredible 58% increase over the two year period, and more than 22% of the total CMC systemwide student population. As an accredited community college, CMC offers a comprehensive two-year program. All courses that are part of the Colorado core transfer automatically to Colorado public higher education institutions such as CSU and CU, among others. CMC is much more than that here in Vail/Eagle Valley. Degree programs offered include: Associate in Arts; Associate in Arts - Business Emphasis; Associate in General Studies, Associate in Applied Science in Accounting, Business, Culinary Arts, Fire Science and Microcomputer Support Specialist. The college offers Certificates of Occupational Proficiency in Accounting, Business, Emergency Medical Technician, Microcomputer Specialist, and Real Estate Training. The college offers Certificates of Completion in E-Commerce, Web Design, and Wilderness Studies. In addition, the V/EVC offers coursework leading to industry certifications in: CISCO, Certified Networking Associate and Certified Academic Instructor; Microsoft, Office Users Specialist, and Certified Systems Engineer; and American Institute of Technology Professionals A+ certification. There are also non-credit classes offered for residents in a special Creative Life Forum, to add to the intellectual opportunities in the valley. CMC at Vail/Eagle Valley is currently exploring the possibility of bringing to Eagle County a Bachelors degree in Business Administration and an Executive Masters in Business Administration, both to be granted by Mesa State College but delivered here in Vail. The Vail/Eagle Valley branch of CMC is aggressively developing and implementing programs that bring to the County courses and degrees that best fit local higher education demands. To accomplish this infrastructure development, CMC works directly with local businesses, large and small, to set up specialized courses to meet their needs, taught by CMC faculty. The costs of these courses are underwritten by the business requesting their development. To meet the 4 requirements of the local work force, CMC also has an extensive and extremely popular English as a Second Language (ESL) program for non-native English speakers, with courses offered in Vail, Eagle, Edwards and Gypsum. The "penetration rate" of CMC at the Vail/Eagle Valley campus is 14%. That is defined as the relationship of the total population in the area legally of age to attend an institution of higher education and the number who in fact attend such an institution. This rate compares to 3% for the average Colorado community college. With projected population of 100,000 in 2025 in Eagle County, with 75,000 age 18 and over, a 14% penetration rate would lead to 10,500 students per year taking courses in higher education. What is new here is the "continuous learner." Our community college is not just the traditional two year program for high school graduates headed to a four year institution after two years here. The average age of the CMC student in Eagle County today is 34 for males and 38 for females. In large part, it is the information technology revolution that has created the demand for continuous learning. Here is the text of Ballot Issue 4A: 4A - Coloardo Mountain Junior College District SHALL COLORADO MOUNTAIN JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT BE AUTHORIZED, WITHOUT ANY INCREASE IN THE COLLEGE'S PROPERTY TAX MILL LEVY RATE, TO COLLECT, RETAIN, AND EXPEND THE FULL REVENUES GENERATED IN THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 AND EACH SUBSEQUENT FISCAL YEAR, WITHOUT REGARD TO ANY REVENUE, SPENDING, OR OTHER LIMITATIONS CONTAINED IN ARTICLE X, SECTION 20 OF THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION AND WITHOUT REGARD TO THE PROPERTY TAX REVENUE LIMITATIONS OF SECTION 29-1-301, COLORADO REVISED STATUTES? VOTE YES ON 4A! Prepared by: Doris Dewton, Eagle County Community Representative Citizens for Colorado Mountain College, Treasurer, Pete Rohan Last revision: 9/25/00 RESOLUTION NO. 00-45 Series of 2000 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AVON,COLORADO OPPOSING "TAXCUT 2000" ON THE NOVEMBER, 2000 STATEWIDE BALLOT (Amendment 21) WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, a home-rule municipality, wishes to officially oppose Colorado's "Taxcut 2000" Amendment, which will be before the voters of the state in the November 2000 as Amendment 21; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon firmly believes in representative democracy and citizen participation in all forms of government; and WHEREAS, the "Taxcut 2000" Amendment is a long and confusing document which will result in chaos in government and years of expensive lawsuits designed to unravel the misleading and poorly written language of the amendment; and WHEREAS, "Taxcut 2000" would significantly change the ability of the State and local governments to fund the cost of services provided to its citizens, especially those governments which are dependent on property tax or State revenues. By reducing each effected tax bill by $25 per bill, the amendment would essentially eliminate certain local government funding sources over time. In cases where local governments have little diversity in funding, loss or reduction of a significant revenue source could result in that government's inability to provide essential services; and WHEREAS, the Title Board estimates that the fiscal impact on property taxes in the State of Colorado of this tax cut is approximately $1144.4 million for tax bills due in 2002; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that the fiscal impact on sales tax from utility charges in Colorado is a decrease of approximately $39.1 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that the fiscal impact on sales and use taxes from motor vehicle sales in Colorado is a reduction of approximately $38.9 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the Office of State Planning estimates that the fiscal impact on sales tax on food in Colorado to be a reduction of approximately $142.9 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that the fiscal impact from reduction in specific ownership taxes in Colorado will be approximately $58.2 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that approximately $72 million of utility occupation and franchise tax in Colorado will be lost in 2001 as a result of "Taxcut 2000"; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon estimates a loss of revenue of approximately $225,000 in 2001, $225,000 in 2002, and $400,000 in 2003 from local sources if "Taxcut 2000" is approved; THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Town Council of the Town of Avon encourages the citizens of Avon to oppose the amendment known as "Taxcut 2000" Dated this Day of , 2000 Judy Yoder, Mayor I, Kristen Nash, duly appointed and Town Clerk do certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of that resolution adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, at a meeting held Kristen Nash, Town Clerk C To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Scott Wright, Finance Directorr? c Date: October 4, 2000 Re: Resolution Opposing "TAXCUT 2000" Attached for your review is a resolution opposing "TAXCUT 2000". This measure will appear on the November ballot as a statewide issue. The Colorado Municipal League and the Governor of Colorado have also opposed this issue as well as the majority of municipalities in Colorado. r? ?J r1 U RESOLUTION NO. 0 o - a ? Series of 2000 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AVON,COLORADO OPPOSING "TAXCUT 2000" ON THE NOVEMBER, 2000 STATEWIDE BALLOT WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, a home-rule municipality, wishes to officially oppose Colorado's "Taxcut 2000" Amendment, which will be before the voters of the state in the November 2000; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon firmly believes in representative democracy and citizen participation in all forms of government; and WHEREAS, the "Taxcut 2000" Amendment is a long and confusing document which will result in chaos in government and years of expensive lawsuits designed to unravel the misleading and poorly written language of the amendment; and C WHEREAS, "Taxcut 2000" would significantly change the ability of the State and local governments to fund the cost of services provided to its citizens, especially those governments which are dependent on property tax or State revenues. By reducing each effected tax bill by $25 per bill, the amendment would essentially eliminate certain local government funding sources over time. In cases where local governments have little diversity in funding, loss or reduction of a significant revenue source could result in that government's inability to provide essential services; and WHEREAS, the Title Board estimates that the fiscal impact on property taxes in the State of Colorado of this tax cut is approximately $1144.4 million for tax bills due in 2002; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that the fiscal impact on sales tax from utility charges in Colorado is a decrease of approximately $39.1 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that the fiscal impact on sales and use taxes from motor vehicle sales in Colorado is a reduction of approximately $38.9 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the Office of State Planning estimates that the fiscal impact on sales tax on food in Colorado to be a reduction of approximately $142.9 million in 2001; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that the fiscal impact from reduction in specific ownership taxes in Colorado will be approximately $58.2 million in 2001; and 0 WHEREAS, the State Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) estimates that approximately $72 million of utility occupation and franchise tax in Colorado will be lost in 2001 as a result of "Taxcut 2000"; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon estimates a loss of revenue of approximately $225,000 in 2001, $225,000 in 2002, and $400,000 in 2003 from local sources if "Taxcut 2000" is approved; THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Town Council of the Town of Avon encourages the citizens of Avon to oppose the amendment known as "Taxcut 2000" Dated this Day of , 2000 Judy Yoder, Mayor I, Kristen Nash, duly appointed and Town Clerk do certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of that resolution adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, at a meeting held C7 Kristen Nash, Town Clerk .7 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:27 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Michael Brown, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt and Mayor Protem Buz Reynolds present. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Community Development Director Michael Matzko, Assistant Director of Community Development Ruth Bome, as well as members of the public. Citizen Input: Mr. Al White, Candidate for the 56 House District, introduced himself to the Council. Town Manager Report: Town Manager Efting stated that he will be gone Thursday for a NWCOG meeting. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the September 12, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Financial Matters c.) Resolution No. 00-44, Series of 2000, A Resolution Declaring the East Avon Access and Circulation Improvements Project to be in Pursuance of a Public Purpose, and Authorizing all Steps Necessary and Proper for Acquisition of all Interests, Rights of Way, and/or Easements Needed to Perform Such Improvements d.) Communications Use Lease with US Department of Agriculture - Forest Service e.) Contract for Basketball Court Construction £) Contract for Eagle River Bike Path Construction g.) Intergovernmental Agreement with Eagle County for Animal Control Services Councilor Benson motioned approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Benson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:32 PNI. Y SUBMITTED: ash, Town Clerk APPROVED: Jim Benson Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Rick Curly Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder • Regular Council Meeting September 26, 2000 r • Memo TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: October 5, 2000 Re: West Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape Improvements Change Orders 10, 11 and 12 Summary: Attached Change Orders 10, 11 and 12 for the West Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape Project represent minor changes required to address clarification of the construction plans and actual conditions encountered in the field. Change Order Number 10 adds two (2) barrel adjustments to the line item quantity listed in the Contract Documents. Change Order Number 11 deletes previously approved Change Order Number 5. The Contractor was unable to obtain new guardrail for the installation. Subsequently, construction will revert back to the straightening and relocation of the existing guardrail at the southeasterly corner of the Eagle River Bridge as per original plan. Change Order Number 12 extends the Contract Completion Date by 15 calendar days. The primary purpose of the time extension is due to late delivery of light fixtures. This extension is conditioned upon vacation and clean up of the staging area by October 3, 2000, to allow construction of the basketball courts to proceed on schedule. The cost of these Change Orders is summarized as: Change Order No. 10 Add $ 3,308.00 Change Order No. 11 Delete <1,000.00> Change Order No. 12 Add -0- Total All Change Orders Add $ 2,308.00 The net effect of these Change Orders is to increase the Contract Amount from $ 650,695.70 to $ 653,003.70 and extend the completion date by 15 calendar days to October 18, 2000. These changes are typical for this type of construction and are provided for by the contingency item in the project budget as shown on attached Project Cost Schedule. 1:\Fngine=ing\CIP\W Bvr CK B1vdA.0 Const Docs\4.5 Change OrdmWemo 10 1hru 12.Doc 1 Orders 10, 11 and 12 to the Meldor Construction, Inc. contract for Approval of Change construction of the West Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape Improvements is recommended, increasing the Contract amount $ 2,308.00 from $ 650,695.70 to $ 653,003.70 and extending the contract completion date 15 calendar days to October 18, 2000. Recommendations: Approve Change Orders 10, 11 and 12 to the Meldor Construction, Inc. contract for construction of the West Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape Improvements, increasing the Contract amount $ 2,308.00 from $ 650,695.70 4 to $ 653,003.70 and extending the contract completion date 15 calendar days to October 18, 2000. Town Manager Comments: C I;\Engineering\CIP\W Bvr CK BIWAO Const Do s\4.5 Change Orders\Memo 10 Thm 12.Doe 2 Y E E Change to CONTRACT PRICE: $ 3,308.00 CHANGE ORDER Order No.: 10 Date: 9-29-00 Agreement Date: NAME OF PROJECT: West Beaver Creek Boulevard Street Improvements OWNER: Town of Avon CONTRACTOR: Meldor Construction Inc. The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Add two (2) barrel adjustments to the quantity listed in Line Item No. 1 IA. This will cover adjustment of the electric vault right of Sta 0+50 and the sanitary sewer manhole left of 6+25. Justification: Barrel/body adjustments required due to limitations on number and height of grade rings allowed. Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ 627,914.50 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER 650,695.70 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be increased by $ 3,308.00 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $_654,003.70 Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased)(decreased) by 0_ calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be -October 3, 2000 APPROVALS REQUIRED: Approved by Engineer: Accepted by Contractor: (Date). Accepted and Approved by Owner: Federal Agency Approval (where applicable): rn-1 CHANGE ORDER Order No.: 11 Date: 9-29-00 Agreement Date: NAME OF PROJECT: West Beaver Creek Boulevard Street Improvements OWNER: Town of Avon CONTRACTOR: Meldor Construction Inc. The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Delete Change Order No. 5. Justification: Contractor unable to obtain new rail. Change to CONTRACT PRICE: $ -1,000.00 Original CONTRACT PRICE: $ 627,914.50 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER 654,003.70 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be increased by $ -1,000.00 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $_653,003.70 Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased)(decreased) by 0_ calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be -October 3, 2000 APPROVALS REQUIRED: Approved by Engineer: (Date). Accepted by Contractor: `? Accepted and Approved by Owner: Federal Agency Approval (where applicable): C n CO-1 9 v 12 Order No Date: v 0 Accepted and Approved by Owner: 9-29-00 Agreement Date: _ NAME OF PROJECT: -West Beaver Creek Boulevard Street Improvements OWNER: Town of Avon CONTRACTOR: Meldor Construction Inc. The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Extend contract completion date by fifteen (15) calendar days. Contractor must clean up and vacate staging area on or before October 3, 2000. Justification: The time needed to order and receive light poles exceeded contract time allowance. Change to CONTRACT PRICE: Original CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE ORDER $ 0.00 $ 627,914.50 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER _653,003.70 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be increased by The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $_653,003.70 Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will b increased decreased) by calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be -October 18, 2000 (Date). APPROVALS REQUIRED: Approved by Engineer: Accepted by Contractor: Federal Agency Approval (where applicable): CO-1 t West Beaver Creek Boulevard Project Cost Schedule Revised October 5, 2000 Budget Changes Revised Construction Contract $ 627,915 $ 815 $ $ 627,915 815 1) CO #1 - 8" PVC with Cleanout ' $ 560 1 $ 1,560 2) CO #2 - 4" PVC Conduit - Add 120 $ , 450 $ 450 3) CO #3 - 6" Bus Shelter Pads $ 149 $ 149 4) CO #4 - Pavement Crack Treatment $ 1,000 $ 1,000 5) CO #5 - Replace Guardrail $ 100 1 $ 1,100 6) CO #6 - Water Tap for Basketball Court $ , 630 $ 7,630 7) CO #7 - Revised Grading - Sunridge II $ , g 528 $ 9 528 8) CO #8 - Replace Entrance & Sidewalk WP $ 550 $ 550 g) CO #9 - Remove & Replace Additional Tree 308 3 $ 3,308 10) CO #10 - Adjust Manhole & Electric Vault $ , (1,000) $ (1,000) 11) CO #11 - Delete CO #5 $ - $ _ 12) CO #12 - Increase Contract Time 15 Days $ 9 596 $ g 596 Engineering (Design) $ 1 825 $ 1,825 1) Construction Control Staking $ 2 474 $ 2,474 2) Pavement Design 550 $ 23 $ 23,550 Easement Documentation , $ 4,700 $ 4,700 Sunridge II Appraisal $ 82,733 $ 82,733 Easement Acquisition $ 7 790 $ 7,790 Sunridge II - Over Appraisal $ 27 840 $ 27 840 Contract Administration $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Construction Testing $ 80,866 $ 41,879 $ 38,987 Contingencies Total Estimated Cost $ 882,500 $ 882,500 • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Th ru: Bill Efting, Town Manager f From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: October 5, 2000 R@: Nottingham Road / Mountain Star Drive - Roundabout Design Inter-Mountain Engineering Additional Services Proposal • S u m m a rY: Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd., has submitted the attached Proposal for additional design services for a new Roundabout at Mountain Star Drive and revisions to Roundabout Number 1 in conjunction with the Nottingham Road Improvements Project. The additional design services include 1) wetlands delineation and application for Corps of Engineers Permit, 2) preliminary and final design for new roundabout at Mountain Star Drive, and 3) final design for modifications to Roundabout Number 1. The roundabout design will be based upon design criteria and layout as provided by Ourston Roundabout Interchanges as shown in attached Roundabout Feasibility Study prepared by Lief Ourston. Preliminary and final designs will include structural, electrical and landscape designs consistent with the original Agreement for Services. Total estimated cost for these services is $40,905.25, which is broken down as follows: Phase I - Information Gathering $ 2,910.00 Phase U - Final Design and Construction Documents 17,250.00 Reimbursables 227.50 Landscape Architect 13,600.00 Wetlands Consultant 2,200.00 Electrical & Lighting Consultant 1,000.00 Contingency (10 %) 3,718.75 Total Cost - Not to Exceed $40,906.25 The cost of these services is within the current Nottingham Road design budget. Approval of this Proposal for additional services by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd., for design of new roundabout at Mountain Star Drive and revisions to existing Roundabout No. 1 at a cost not to exceed $ 40,906.25 is recommended. I:\Fngneering\CIP\Nottingbam Rd`2.0 Contrad Serviocs\2.2 Designengr\2.2.2RFP\MemoaddsavI Doc Recommendations: Approve Proposal from Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. for additional services for design of a new roundabout at Mountain Star Drive and revisions to existing Roundabout No. 1, in conjunction with the Nottingham Road Improvement Project, at a cost not to exceed $ 40,906.25. Town Manager Comments: y Ca >n " u Ll E n U BFngineeringTIModingham Rd\2.0 Contract Services\2.2 Design®gr12.2.2RFP\Mctnoaddgavl.Doc 2 t • Inter-Mountain Engineering lAa. August 31, 2000 Mr. Norman Wood, Town Engineer Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 500 Swift Gulch Road Avon, CO 81620 Hand Deliver - 500 Swift Gulch Road Re: Proposal for Nottingham Road Extra Design Services Revisions to Round-a-bout 1 and New Round-a-bout at Mountainstar Drive C. Dear Norman, Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. (IME) is pleased to present this proposal for extra design services for the above referenced improvements. Team Description and Profile We have added the skills of Bob Magnuson of Western Bionomics to the team we have in place for the Nottingham Road Improvements project. Western Bionomics will perform wetlands delineation and complete the application for a Corps of Engineers permit (under nationwide permit # 14) for work in and adjacent to Buck Creek associated with the round-a-bout at Mountainstar Drive. Statement of Work Phase I - Information Gathering The horizontal alignment provided by Ourston Roundabout Consultants will be inserted into the design for Nottingham Road. This alignment will serve as a baseline for obtaining additional data and existing ground cross sections. Western Bionomics will formally delineate and traverse jurisdictional wetlands per Corps of Engineers protocol and prepare a report describing the site, soils, 8392 Continental Divide Road, Suite #1.07 Littleton, Colorado 80127 • Phone: 303/948-6220 • Fax: 303/948-6526 Page 2 of 4 Nottingham Road Streetscape & Street Improvements Proposal August 31, 2000 hydrology, vegetation and development plans for the round-a-bout at Mountainstar Drive. They will also prepare a map that displays topographical and wetland features and arrange a field review of the site with a Corps representative to confirm the location of the jurisdictional wetlands. IME will gather available data, plans, right-of-way documents, and utility company as-built drawings for the area surrounding the round-a-bouts to supplement our earlier work and the topographic map and control provided by the Town. IME will generate additional cross sectional information at 50-foot intervals along the horizontal alignment and at intersections and driveways. Cross-sectional information will extend beyond the right-of-way, as necessary. Existing property corners, wetland boundaries, drainage improvements and other surface features will be field located during the survey, as necessary. The base map prepared earlier will be supplemented using the above information. Duke Fehringer will oversee the field survey. No team meetings are scheduled during this phase of the work. Phase II - Concept and Preliminary Design Terrasan will prepare up to two conceptual alternatives for landscape (including sculpture location), lighting and streetscape design in the new round-a-bout at Mountainstar Drive and Nottingham Road. Based on comments received from Town staff, Town Council and the general public, Terrasan will develop a preliminary plan for streetscape enhancements at both round-a-bouts and compile preliminary cost estimates for streetscape improvements associated with them. Terrasan will meet with Town staff up to four times during this stage of the work and will attend one meeting of the Town Council to present and review the plans. IME has not included attendance at these meetings within the scope of our services (in the interest of cost control); however, if you feel our presence is necessary, we will attend the meetings and bill you at the hourly rates shown in the enclosed fee schedule. Such extra charges, if warranted, may be billed against the 10% contingency indicated. The information provided by Ourston Roundabout Consultants will serve as concept and preliminary design and will be used by IME and AEC (formerly 08/31/00, 6:55 PM Page 3 of 4 Nottingham Road Streetscape & Street Improvements Proposal August 31, 2000 ELEC) as the basis for incorporating final design and construction documents for the round-a-bouts into the final design and construction documents for the remainder of the Nottingham Road project. Phase III - Final Design IME has scheduled up to four, periodic team meetings with Town staff to discuss the design as the project progresses. Team members from Terrasan and Monroe & Newell will attend these meetings as appropriate to convey advancement on their plans and address design and coordination issues on the project. IME will produce and distribute minutes from these meetings to project team members, including the Town staff. IME will conduct coordination with all team members throughout the course of the project to ensure continuous communication and input; however, AEC's and Western Bionomic's proposals do not include attendance at progress meetings during this phase of the work. IME will compile final designs for the round-a-bouts into the final plan sets from the remainder of the project. Our documents and those of Terrasan, ELEC and Monroe & Newell will be integrated. The final design plans (95%) and cost estimates will be presented to the Town Council and to the public. During the final design stage, Western Bionomics will conclude permit coordination with the Corps of Engineers, including preparing the required pre- construction notification, compensatory mitigation plans and description of impacts. Upon approval of the final design, IME's team will begin preparing up to three separate, phased, sets of Construction Drawings and Documents (100%) for Nottingham Road Improvements incorporating the round-a-bout designs. The Construction Documents will include the following: • Up to three complete sets of plans, 1 each for Construction Phases I, II & III • Up to three complete Project Manuals. 1 each for Construction Phases I, II & III, with Technical Specifications, Bid Tabulation Sheets, and Front End Contract Documents 08/31/00, 6:55 PM Page 4 of .4 Nottingham Road Streetscape & Street Improvements Proposal August 31, 2000 During final design any additional right-of-way requirements will be identified. IME will prepare the required legal descriptions for right-of-way acquisition and/or temporary construction easements; however, the number, and thus the cost, is not fixed at this time. The fees for this additional service will be negotiated with the Town following the final design stage of the work. Contingency We have included a 10% contingency in our project estimate to cover the cost of coordinating work with our sub-consultants and unforeseen expenses such as minor changes to the plans resulting from Town staff, Council or public input, attendance of project team members at meetings that were not included in their original proposals, and minor changes to the scope of work. Charges will not be billed against contingencies unless work under this line item is required during the course of the contract. Thank you for your consideration, Sandra E. Mendonca, P.E. Project Manager :Jery M. Spanel, P.E. Vice President C Enclosures 08/31/00, 6:55 PM nInterMo 0 ~EngineermWLbL ESTIMATED FEE SCHEDULE - ROUNDABOUTS PROJECT MANAGER TASK / TITLE ($"MOUR) PROJECT ENGINEER DESIGN ENGINEER CADD TECHNICIAN ($751HOUR) ($651HOUR) (S601HOUR) SURVEYOR ($751HOUR) SURVEY CREW TOTALS ($100.00/HOUR) IASE 1 - INFORMATION GATHERING td Surveying / Utility Locates 3 ~ 16 $1,825.00 se Map preparation 2 14 1 $1,085.00 PHASE I TOTAI-1 1 52,910.00 'i [ASE it - FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS al Design 16 30 30 $5,410.00 dnage Design 8 12 $1,580.00 al Cost Estimate 2 4 8 $990.00 3m Meetings (4) 12 20 $2,520.00 uncil Meetings (1) 3 5 $630.00 blic Meetings (1) 3 5 $630.00 nstruction Drawings 8 10 10 $2,030.00 Istrucdon Cost Estimate 2 4 $470.00 Documents and Specifications 2 8 8 $1,290.00 ity Meetings 3 9 $930.00 party Owner Meetings 2 8 $770.00 tats & ROW Aquslstion TBN TBN TON TBN TBN TBN TBN PHASE 11 TOTAL] $17,250.00 0 r M ►1lnteountain AEngineeringu& IMBURSABLE CHARGES ap Sprints tocopies BCONSULTANT CHARGES dscape Architect lands Consultant chiral Engineer tical & Lighting Consultants n RATE $0.40/mile $3.00/sheet $0.15/sheet ESTIMATE 100 50 250 SERVICE Landscaping and Irrigation Plans Wetland Delineation & Corps Permit Headwall/Bridge Design Street Lighting Design COST $40.00 $150.00 $37.50 COST $13,600.00 $2,200.00 TBN $1,000.00 v ESTIMATED FEE SCHEDULE - ROUNDABOUTS Total Relmbumabie Total Subconsultant Contingoncy (1 TOTAL PROD $227.50 $16,800.00 $3,718.75 $40,906.25 • Western Bionomics, LLC 315 Old Fish Creek Falls Road #2 Natural Resource Management Services P. O. Box 882046 Cteambnat 4nrinvc C'nlnradn SOUR Inter Mountain Engineering 077 Metcalf Road, POB 978 Avon, Colorado 81620 Attention: Sandi Mendonca '-RE:" Wetlands Assessment - City of Avon I reviewed the photograph of the proposed project site with the intent of making a jurisdictional wetlands determination, and to identify the scope of the work necessary to ensure that proposed site development remains in compliance with the Clean Water Act, specifically Section 404 pertaining to wetlands. Although the stream that courses through the tract is obvious, it is somewhat difficult discern the actual extent of the wetlands and riparian zone associated with it. I suspect that there is contiguous hydric vegetation within 10 to 20 yards along the entire reach of the stream through the project area. The wetland area(s) are obviously associated with a natural watercourse and are not isolated. Protocol requires that the wetlands in the project area be delineated, and that the Corps of Engineers (COE) be notified to verify the delineation. Necessary work would include: Formally delineate (flag/ stake) and traverse jurisdictional wetlands on the ground as per COE protocol. ? Prepare a report which would include a description of the site including soils, hydrology, vegetation, and a general discussion of development plans. Draft a map of the parcel, which displays topographical and wetland features. Arrange a field review of the site with the COE representative to confirm the location of jurisdictional wetlands. Estimated cost for this work is - $1,800. The preliminary site plan that you have provided indicates that the wetlands on the tract will be impacted by road realignment/ construction. I believe that the project will be covered under Nation Wide Permit (NWP) # 14 (Linear Transportation Crossings). However, the COE must be notified with a `Pre- Construction Notification' (PCN) as soon as possible. The PCN should include a report and map which describes the proposed development, and a request for written verification that the activity meets the conditions and requirements of the NWP. Terms of the NWP include compensatory mitigation (creating or enhancing wetlands of like kind on site) at a minimum of one to one. Necessary work would include drafting a figure which displays proposed development, existing and created wetlands, and drafting a letter complete with photos, and a description of impacts. Cost for this work would be $400. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at anytime (970) 879-8545. Bob Date Magnuson 11 EXHIBIT A MOUNTAIN STAR DRIVE ROUNDABOUT STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CONSULTANT'S SCOPE OF WORK Revised 8/24/00 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.01 Project Area The project study area includes a new roundabout for the intersection of Mountain Star Drive and Nottingham Road. 1.02 Terrasan's Scope of Work Terrasan will provide landscape architectural and irrigation design services. Terrasan will be responsible for streetscape enhancements including landscape and irrigation. Terrasan will coordinate with other members of the consultant team on streetscape and engineering design issues. It is anticipated that the landscape design will incorporate a new sculpture selected by the Avon Arts Council. PHASE ONE. INFORMATION GATHERING 1.01 Project Startup Review existing plans, surveys and assemble base information. Meet with Town staff and consultant team to review project goals, objectives, schedule and budget. 1.02 Project Coordination Terrasan will meet with other members of the consultant team to review project coordination, scope of work and project schedule. f PHASE TWO: PRELIMINARY DESIGN 2.01 Conceptual Alternatives Prepare up to two conceptual design alternatives for the roundabout and present to Town staff and design team members. The conceptual alternatives will address the following design issues: landscape, streetscape features, lighting, sculpture location and safety. 2.02 Preliminary Plan Based upon comments received on the conceptual alternatives from town staff, Town Council, and general public, prepare a preliminary plan for the roundabout. 2.03 Preliminary Cost Estimate Prepare a preliminary cost estimate based upon the preliminary plan for streetscape enhancements. 2.04 Preliminary Plan Review and Comment Attend one (1) meeting with the design team to present and review the preliminary plan with the town staff and Town Council. 2.05 Project Coordination Up to four (4) project coordination meetings with members of the consultant team and or Town staff are included in this phase. PHASE THREE: FINAL DESIGN 3.01 Final Plan Based upon comments received on the conceptual alternatives from town staff, Town Council and general public, prepare a final plan for the streetscape enhancements for the project area. 3.02 Final Plan Review and Comment Attend one (1) meeting with the design team to present and review the final plan with the town staff and Town Council. 3.03 Construction Documents and Specifications Based upon the final plan, prepare construction documents and specifications for construction which include, at a minimum, the following. The construction documents will be drawn per Town standards. 0 RFP/Mountain Star Drbe Roundabout Streetscape Improvements Project Page 2 C? a. Terrasan's drawings and specifications will be incorporated into the prime consultant's bid documents. b. Layout plans and site details for streetscape improvements including decorative paving and sculpture location. C. Irrigation plans and details. d. Planting plans and details. e. Technical Specifications (CSI format). 3.04 Prepare a final statement of probable construction costs. 3.05 Bid Administration Services a. Attend (1) pre-bid meeting. b. Answer bidder questions to clarify intent of construction drawings and technical specifications and assist Town staff with the preparation of any necessary addenda. C. Provide revised construction drawings and technical specifications resulting from any necessary addenda. 3.06 Project Coordination a. Up to four (4) project coordination meetings with members of the consultant team and or Town staff are included in this phase. WORK NOT INCLUDED A. Surveying and/or Base Mapping Surveying or base mapping services are not included in this proposal. B. Geotechnical Soils Investigations Geotechnical soils investigations are not included in this proposal. C. Engineering Services Structural, civil, or electrical engineering services are not included in this proposal. D. Construction Observation Services Construction observation services are not included in the proposal. RFP/Mountain Star Drive Roundabout Streetscape Improvements Project Page 3 11 MOUNTAIN STAR DRIVE ROUNDABOUT STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS BASIS OF COMPENSATION Compensation for the professional services described in this proposal shall not exceed Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred ($13,600) including reimbursable expenses. Terrasan will bill monthly based upon the time and materials spent on the project. Listed below are estimated allowances for the phases of the design process. Terrasan will require written approval from the Client to exceed the allowances listed if changes in the time or amount of services occur during the design or construction process. Phase 1: Information Gathering $600 Phase 2: Preliminary Design $4,000 Phase 3: Final Design $7,000 Reimbursable Expenses $2,000 TOTAL $131600 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Professional services requested by the Client which are in addition to those listed in the scope of work above shall be billed at the following hourly rates. All additional services will require written authorization. TERRASAN Principal $95.00/hour CADD Operator $50.00/hour Landscape Architect $50.00/hour Clerical $30.00/hour Subconsultant: Cost plus 15% u RFP/Mountain Star Drive Roundabout Streetscape Improvements Project Page 4 ® REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable expenses are billed in addition to professional services at cost. Reimbursable expenses include reproductions, copies, postage, faxes, and courier services. Automobile mileage is billed at.33 cents per mile. Copies $0.15 ea. Blueline Prints $0.20 sf. Mylar Sepia $2.10 sf. Double Matt Mylar $2.50 sf. CADD Plots Vellum $15.00 ea. CADD Plots Bond $12.00 ea. Mylar Plots $25.00 ea. Kroy Tape $1.00 ft. Faxes $1.00 page Postage/Delivery at cost Long Distance Phone at cost Automobile Mileage $0.33/mile AGREEMENT In accordance with the attached Terms and Conditions this agreement is made between: • and Date George M. Pierce Date President for and on behalf of TERRASAN, Planning and Landscape Architecture, Inc. 11 RFP/Mountain Star Drive Roundabout Streetscape Improvements Project Page 5 Ourston Roundabout Interchanges September 15, 2000 Norman Wood, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Avon 500 Swift Gulch Road Avon, CO 81620 ROUNDABOUT FEASIBILITY STUDY: NOTTINGHAM ROAD AND MOUNTAIN STAR DRIVE I am pleased to present the enclosed feasibility study of a roundabout proposed for the intersection of Nottingham Road and Mountain Star Drive in Avon, Colorado. The roundabout is feasible. It has been a pleasure working with you on this study. I look forward to helping you with the preparation of the contract plans. Sincerely yours, Leif Ourston, P.E. 3 West Carrillo Street, Suite 208 805 564-2482 www.OURSTON.com Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Fax 564-2040 mail@OURSTON.com NOTTINGHAM ROAD AND MOUNTAIN STAR DRIVE i SUMMARY 410 Avon's sixth roundabout will extend the town's main business artery to the 4 north side of the freeway with a feeling of visual continuity. By facilitating a 40 right-turn/U-turn traffic system, it will allow increased future traffic to pass without interruption over Nottingham Road within a narrow four-lane cross section that preserves abutting properties as much as possible. It will be a beautiful, safe intersection, capable of handling future traffic. THE NOTTINGHAM ROAD PROJECT To accommodate traffic growth with minimal road widening, it is proposed to widen Nottingham Road between Mountain Star Drive and Avon Road with a pair of two-lane roadways separated by a slim four-foot-wide raised median. The roadway in each direction of traffic will have two 11-foot lanes and a two- foot gutter on its low side, providing a width of 24 feet between curb faces. i The continuous raised median on Mountain Star Road will prevent left-turns. This will prevent congestion and crashes that would otherwise result from 10 motorists' pausing to turn left. rA A new roundabout will be built at MerniRg Star Drive and Nottingham Road. On the other end of the four-lane section of Nottingham Road, an opening will - be cut into the central island of the present raindrop-type roundabout at Avon Road, converting it into a full-circle roundabout. The two roundabouts will permit U-turns at both ends of the four-lane section of Nottingham Road. Drivers will turn right onto the widened section Nottingham Road from driveways and from Swift Gulch Road. If their destination is to their left, they will first make a U-turn at a roundabout. Similarly, when turning off Nottingham Road, drivers wishing to turn left into a driveway or into Swift 1410 1. NOTTINGHAM ROAD AND MOUNTAIN STAR DRIVE Gulch Road will first make a U-turn at a roundabout and will then come back and turn right into a driveway or road. In addition to facilitating U-turns, the new. roundabout will create a safe and efficient intersection capable of handling future traffic demand. It will visually extend the attractive format of Avon Road to the north side of I-70. HORIZONTAL -LAYOUT The roundabout will have a 145-foot inscribed-circle diameter. It will be five feet smaller than four of Avon's present roundabouts, whose diameters are 150 feet. The roundabout's 24-foot-wide circulatory roadway will be slightly narrower than the circulatory roadways of Avon's present roundabouts. A five-foot wide truck apron bordering the central island will be raised two inches above the .? riding surface. The rear wheels of large trucks will mount this apron, but drivers of smaller vehicles will be discouraged from using it. The truck apron will help slow vehicles entering the roundabout by deflecting them further to the right. i The roundabout will have four legs. Its southwest leg will be a lightly-used driveway which carries traffic one-way from the condo parking lot into the .? roundabout. Geometrically it is not possible to build a large enough curb return to permit safe right turns from the roundabout into the condo driveway. For this reason •? eastbound movement on the driveway will be prohibited. Instead, the condo parking lot will be entered from Nottingham Road 125 feet oagff the roundabout. Vj ? The entries to the roundabout from Mountain Star Drive and from the west leg of Nottingham Road will each have one lane. The entry from the east leg of Nottingham Road will have two lanes. The Mountain Star Drive entry to the roundabout will closely follow its present alignment, as can be seen on the attached plate titled "Present Pavement and 2 NOTTINGHAM ROAD AND MOUNTAIN STAR DRIVE Buildings. The west leg of Nottingham Road will angle north so that motorists entering the roundabout are deflected and slowed by the central island. The east 411 leg of Nottingham Road will closely follow the present alignment of its south 4 edge in the vicinity of Golden Eagle Tire, thus maintaining a good connection vertically with the two commercial driveways. VERTICAL DESIGN The attached plate titled "Clear-view Areas" shows which areas in the roundabout and around it will be landscaped with low plants and hard surfaces in order to maintain safe sight distances. An unseen 45-foot-wide cylinder in the 19 central island will available for trees, public art, or other tall objects. Note that 9 most of the area north of the present condo parking lot will become available for 9 walls, shrubs, or parked vehicles. The attached plate titled "Profiles" presents the general vertical alignment of Mountain Star Drive, Nottingham Road, and the circulatory roadway of the roundabout. The project will conform to existing pavement on Mountain Star Drive 115 feet north of the roundabout. Drivers entering the roundabout from 19 this leg will follow the present 5.62-percent grade, which will transition to a less 9 steep slope of 2.50 percent as it approaches the roundabout. Entering the roundabout from the west leg of Nottingham Road, the present 5.02-percent downgrade will transition to a less steep 3.11-percent gradient. Entering from the east leg of Nottingham Road, drivers will follow the present 3.11-percent upgrade, which will be filled to 0.6 foot above the present pavement surface. i? { The cross section of the circulatory roadway will have a parabolic crown. In general, its highest line will be the stationline of the circulatory roadway, which will be 16 feet out from the truck apron and 8 feet in from the inscribed circle. The circulatory roadway will slope down at about two percent in both directions from the stationline. Drivers on the outer third of the circulatory roadway will be assisted by the slope of the cross section as they turn right to enter and leave the 3 NOTTINGHAM ROAD AND MOUNTAIN STAR DRIVE roundabout. Drivers on the inner two-thirds of the circulatory roadway will be assisted by the cross slope as they circle the central island. 12 The exception to this is on the high end of the roundabout, where the cross slope 2 will be a straight two-percent upgrade from the central island out to the edge of 2 the roundabout. This will facilitate joining Nottingham Road, which also slopes 10 up toward the northwest. The roundabout will lie in a disk inclined at 4.00 percent along a southeasterly axis. Circling the roundabout, drivers will feel a gently changing gradient. Driving parallel to the axis of slope drivers will pass the maximum 4-percent upgrade at one point on the northeast side of the roundabout. Circling around to a the opposite side, drivers will pass the maximum 4-percent down slope. In between these two points of maximum steepness, drivers will cross a low point and a high point where the gradient is perfectly level. 7 y, TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE AND SAFETY i Traffic levels of service are estimated by use of RODEL at the 85-percent AS confidence level for a.m. and p.m. peak hours with projected traffic flows. During both a.m. and p.m. peak hours, Level of Service A is estimated for both roundabout alternatives. Level of Service A corresponds to an average stopped delay of less than ten seconds per vehicle. Average stopped delay is estimated at four seconds per vehicle during the a.m. peak hour and at six seconds per vehicle during the p.m. peak hour. CONCLUSION i The roundabout will provide the safety and ease of movement which Avon has come to expect of its roundabouts. It will permit U-turns which will be required by the continuous raised median of the widened portion of Nottingham Road. With creative landscaping, it will become a beautiful point of interest on Avon's north side. E 11 C] 4 1? 7 EXHIBIT A Roundabout Designs I? I Ik I , log !* I? Lie lie f I? AS s S. AS AS AS I Is AOM,` I? •Od \ ?J f? c? s CO > .'--1 m Cy) c c p -p L m co O U) k m O OQ Jrj w 0 d fl? r N w 0 o _. D C 0 co i C C CO Co -4-' C F -' :D C O N Z E N Co > O CO rr E +-' Co c -C N CO CD) C N •? L i-' O Z O cc L- 0 r-- O U C O Q m m m N ('•) tu d E N CL N cn (n O Z O Z m = O Q U F- O rr Cn Z LLJ Cr O F- O O Z O Cc F- i r= O U Z co N O I? I? I? I? \ rr0 ?J r C- ? Cu o co ?3s -cz .? Q.) _ E V rb Qa w Q.) w o ro R co ? rt) W Q) y r ti ." ? ? i E rrb a Q Qr: z) V O j C 1? o, 41 (b ? -I-- U) 4? +- 4) r O QQi L') E v? -- s?!l? O Q i c;l r -- a ?-- I (a) m L CC) O -" d L m CO v, (I) Cif C O CO .--4 CL) CO (C) L O Q ---I O 3 0 v > "O C I CO O L c Q CO O E-= --' CO U L `` CD) r; 1 L N = O C n Z cn U) LLJ CD O Z O Z m = O a 1- O cr M Z w cc O O Z O CC - E 0 U 2 O i P '? (? ?? ?? ?? ?? t'10/05/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEM ENT FUND 0ION CRITERIA : tran sact.check_no between 170402' and 170539' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 70402 10/06/00 AIRGASIN AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN, INC 520 BULK CO2 249.29 11101 70403 10/06/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 91.10 11101 70403 10/06/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 415 COFFEE SUPPLIES 69.40 11101 70403 10/06/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 311 COFFEE SUPPLIES 19.20 11101 70403 10/06/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 311 COFFEE SUPPLIES 15.65 TOTAL CHECK 195.35 11101 70404 10/06/00 ALPINELS ALPINE LOCK AND SAFE 313 UNLOCK SAFE 125.00 11101 70404 10/06/00 ALPINELS ALPINE LOCK AND SAFE 321 REKEY 3 LOCKS,INSTALLBOLT 109.00 TOTAL CHECK 234.00 11101 70405 10/06/00 ALPINEME ALPINE MEADOW MASONRY, IN 800 PROF SVC/WR ENTRY SIGN 12,123.00 11101 70406 10/06/00 ALPINEPA ALPINE PAINTING & CUSTOM 414 POWERWASH,STAIN,SEAL 1,300.00 11101 70406 10/06/00 ALPINEPA ALPINE PAINTING & CUSTOM 414 POWERWASH,STAIN,SEAL/CABN 1,900.00 TOTAL CHECK 3,200.00 11101 70407 10/06/00 AMERBARA AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION 321 GUIDE TO WORKPLACE LAW/BK 27.55 11101 70408 10/06/00 AMERHOTE AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER C 520 KEY TAGS 63.43 70409 10/06/00 APEXSECU APEX SECURITY GROUP 520 SECURITY/4TH QTR 309.84 70409 10/06/00 APEXSECU APEX SECURITY GROUP 520 SECURITY/4TH QTR 588.42 TOTAL CHECK 898.26 11101 70410 10/06/00 ATTWIREL AT&T WIRELESS 311 DATA LINE SVC/POLICE 98.00 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 113 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 5.99 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 131 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 165.91 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 514 DEDUCT CREDIT -23.51 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 141 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 49.78 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 412 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 40.87 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 211 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 225.63 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 212 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 88.80 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 213 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 411.97 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 315 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 33.64 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 411 CELL SVC 8/16-9-15 68.50 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 413 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 95.73 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 415 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 60.77 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 431 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 15.47 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 432 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 160.30 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 433 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 4.54 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 434 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 22.13 11101 70411 10/06/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 514 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 33.52 TOTAL CHECK 1,460.04 11101 70412 10/06/00 AVONSELF AVON SELF STORAGE 431 STORAGE/OCT 240.00 11101 70413 10/06/00 BCMETROP BEAVER CREEK METROPOLITAN 322 CROSS TRAINING 1,2,3RDQTR 95,362.50 0 RUN DATE 10/OS/00 TIME 16:35:55 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 10/05/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD : 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND &ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between '70402' and '70539' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 70414 10/06/00 BOOKPUBL BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY 115 CUSTOM GREEN BINDERS 257. 24 11101 70415 10/06/00 BOULDER BOULDER POLICE DEPT 312 FTO PROGRAM/2 OFFICERS 350. 00 11101 70416 10/06/00 BOUNDTRE BOUND TREE 322 THERMOMETER,SAGER BILATER 350. 40 11101 70417 10/06/00 BRECKS BRECK'S 415 FALL PLANTING BULBS 1,171. 33 11101 70418 10/06/00 CASCOIND CASCO INDUSTRIES 322 LETTER PATCH 210. 00 11101 70418 10/06/00 CASCOIND CASCO INDUSTRIES 322 6 HELMUTS 961. 00 TOTAL CHECK 1,171. 00 11101 70419 10/06/00 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE 9/14-10/14 14. 40 11101 70419 10/06/00 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE 9/14-10/14 41. 66 11101 70419 10/06/00 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE 9/14-10/14 164. 09 TOTAL CHECK 220. 15 11101 70420 10/06/00 CHIEFSUP CHIEF SUPPLY CORPORATION 322 SPOT LAMPS 110. 94 11101 70421 10/06/00 CITYMARK CITY MARKET 10 RESTITUTION 158. 84 11101 70422 10/06/00 COLODBPT CO DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 311 DRUG TESTING 15. 00 is 70423 10/06/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 CREDIT FOR DRUM RETURN -25. 00 11101 70423 10/06/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 9,460. 06- 11101 70423 10/06/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 1,381. 85 11101 70423 10/06/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WASHER FLUID 86. 65 TOTAL CHECK 10,903. 56 11101 70424 10/06/00 COLONIAL COLONIAL RESEARCH CORP. 414 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 1,055. 27 11101 70425 10/06/00 COLOBARR COLORADO BARRICADE COMPAN 513 PORT LIGHT TOWERS,MSG BRD 5,700. 00 11101 70425 10/06/00 COLOBARR COLORADO BARRICADE COMPAN 513 CHAIN LINK FENCE 12,000. 00 TOTAL CHECK 17,700. 00 11101 70426 10/06/00 CODEPTPU COLORADO DEPT. OF PUBLIC 132 POLICE CHECKS 137. 50 11101 70426 10/06/00 CODEPTPU COLORADO DEPT. OF PUBLIC 324 FIREFIGHTER CERTS 40. 00 TOTAL CHECK 177. 50 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 CARTRIDGE KIT, CORE 46. 60 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 SPRING ASSY, ROLLER BRAKE 55. 12 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 FIRE EXT,AIR FILTER,BATTR 176. 71 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 STROBE LAMP 161. 02 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 REPAIR & PAINT/#849 2,385. 56 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 ROLLER BRAKES 32. 58 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 MISC PARTS 302. 52 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 MISC PARTS 490. 75 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 LIGHT BAR FOR NEW #801 89. 07 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -89. 07 11101 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 LIGHT BAR FOR NEW #801 80. 76 0 70427 10/06/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 ROLLER BRAKE 10.86 RUN DATE 10/05/00 TIME 16:35:57 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER ,10/05/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEM ENT FUND *ION C RITERIA: tran sact.check_no between '70402' and 170539' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT TOTAL CHECK 3,742 .48 11101 70428 10/06/00 COPARKSA COLORADO PARKS & RECREATI 514 PRINTING/2001 NRPA CONGRE 200 .00 11101 70429 10/06/00 COSTATE COLORADO STATE PATROL 513 BAL DUE AVON TRIATHLON 161 .86 11101 70430 10/06/00 COPELCOC COPELCO CAPITAL, INC. 431 PROPERTY TAX ON COPIER 71 .23 11101 70431 10/06/00 COPYCOPY COPY COPY 513 RACE SIGNS 601 .58 11101 70432 10/06/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 53 .90 11101 70432 10/06/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 211 TAPE,DISPENSER,CALENDAR 8 .84 11101 70432 10/06/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 COPIER PAPER 129 .50 11101 70432 10/06/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 MISC OFFICE SUPP 175 .44 11101 70432 10/06/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 132 MISC OFFICE SUPP 25 .42 11101 70432 10/06/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 131 MISC OFFICE SUPP 25 .42 TOTAL CHECK 418 .52 11101 70433 10/06/00 COTTRELL COTTRELL PRINTING & COPY 149 ENVELOPES 133 .92 11101 70433 10/06/00 COTTRELL COTTRELL PRINTING & COPY 311 ENVELOPES, LETTERHEAD 277 .92 TOTAL CHECK 411 .84 70434 10/06/00 CRYSTALC CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDSHIELD 434 WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENT 237 .73 70434 10/06/00 CRYSTALC CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDSHIELD 434 WINDSHIELD REPAIR 40 .00 TOTAL CHECK 277 .73 11101 70435 10/06/00 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 MISC PARTS 1,627 .66 11101 70436 10/06/00 DAYTIMER DAY-TIMERS, INC. 413 DAYTIMER REFILL/PADILLA 29 .98 11101 70437 10/06/00 DENCOSAL DENCO SALES 413 VINYLS FOR SIGN MACHINE 104 .41 11101 70438 10/06/00 DENVERBO DENVER BOOKBINDING 115 5 BOOKS BOUND 260 .35 11101 70439 10/06/00 DENVER DENVER POLICE ACADEMY 312 DRIVING INSTRUCTOR FROG 450 .00 11101 70440 10/06/00 DODGECON DODGE CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC 800 CONST NOTICE/BASKETBL CRT 348 .60 11101 70440 10/06/00 DODGECON DODGE CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC 800 CONST NOTICE/REC PATH 398 .40 TOTAL CHECK 747 .00 11101 70441 10/06/00 DOWLINGS DOWLING'S PROFESSIONAL 520 CLEAN CARPET, DEODERIZE 75 .00 11101 70442 10106100 DRIVETRA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES 434 RELINE SHOES,ARC SHOCS 643 .75 11101 70442 10/06/00 DRIVETRA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES 61 AD9 CARDTRIDGE, CORE 363 .80 TOTAL CHECK 1,007 .55 11101 70443 10/06/00 DUOSAFET DUO-SAFETY LADDER CORP 322 HEAT SENSOR LABELS 105 .75 11101 70444 10/06/00 EAGLEPEA EAGLE PEAK PHOTO 513 FRAMES FOR TRIATHLON 700 .25 0 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 321 WATER 8/7-9/13 152.41 RUN DATE 10/05/00 TIME 16:35:58 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER ,10/05/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 4 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DIS BURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA : tran sact.check_no between 1 70402' and '70539' FUND - 99 - D ISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------- -----VENDOR--------- ----- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER 8/9-9/21 464.47 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 321 WATER 8/9-9/20 437.80 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 413 WATER 6/10-9/19 51.50 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER 8/7-9/13 323.84 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 520 WATER 8/7-9/13 861.15 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 415 WATER 8/7-9/13 2,170.74 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 520 WATER 8/7-9/13 705.87 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER 8/21-9/25 26.68 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 415 WATER 8/7-9/13 63.32 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 435 WATER 8/7-9/13 472.91 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 415 WATER 8/7-9/14 232.76 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER 8/7-9/13 318.78 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER 8/7-9/13 66.41 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 415 WATER 8/7-9/13 541.42 11101 70446 10/06/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER 8/7-9/13 715.54 TOTAL CHECK 7,605.60 11101 70447 10/06/00 EAVALENT EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE 800 ADVERTISING 120.00 11101 70447 10/06/00 EAVALENT EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE 800 ADVERTISING 288.00 TOTAL CHECK 408.00 1 01 70448 10/06/00 EDMLTD VERGREE EDM, LTD EVERGREEN SPECIALTY COMPA 213 415 SUBSCRIPTION XMAS LIGHTS 74.78 10,020.00 70449 10/06/00 E 11101 70450 10/06/00 F&SMANUF F & S MANUFACTURING, INC 415 CHEMICAL APPLICATOR 24.56 11101 70451 10/06/00 FOREMOST FOREMOST PROMOTIONS 323 JR FIREFIGHTER BADGE 359.68 11101 70451 10/06/00 FOREMOST FOREMOST PROMOTIONS 323 CUSTOM PENCIL POUCH'S 184.88 TOTAL CHECK 544.56 11101 70452 10/06/00 FRONTRAN FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATU 322 ROOF LADDER 196.25 11101 70453 10/06/00 FUNKESKA FUNKE SKATE & HOCKEY SUPP 515 SKATE RENTAL COMMISSION 1,795.50 11101 70454 10/06/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 143.44 11101 70455 10/06/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 322 15 NYLON GLOVE CASES 115.84 11101 70455 10/06/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 322 NAMETAGS 166.77 11101 70455 10/06/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 312 PISTOL BOX 88.97 TOTAL CHECK 371.58 11101 70456 10/06/00 T0000424 GARY PADILLA 413 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 64.27 11101 70457 10/06/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 ORCO-TRAC SIPED RECAPS 600.00 11101 70457 10/06/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -120.00 11101 70457 10/06/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 878.01 11101 70457 10/06/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 385.56 11101 70457 10/06/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 842.78 1 O1 70457 10/06/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 500.00 TOTAL CHECK 3,086.35 RUN DATE 10/05/00 TIME 16:36:00 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER y10/05/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 170402' and '70539' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 70458 10/06/00 GENESISD GENESIS DIRECT 312 FLASHLIGHT HOLDER 19. 95 11101 70458 10/06/00 GENESISD GENESIS DIRECT 311 UNIFORM SHIRT 44. 95 TOTAL CHECK 64. 90 11101 70459 10/06/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 CREDIT FOR RETURN -55. 25 11101 70459 10/06/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 MISC PARTS 529. 33 11101 70459 10/06/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 MISC PARTS 120. 74 11101 70459 10/06/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 HI FLOW NYLON FAN 328. 12 TOTAL CHECK 922. 94 11101 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 IDLER PULLEY 14. 82 11101 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 TENSIONER ASSY 47. 06 11101 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 CONTROL ROD 3. 45 11101 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 CORE CREDIT -1,000. 00 11101 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 VALVE ASSY, GASKET 54. 72 11101 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 CORE RETURN -1,000. 00 11101 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 61 MASTER CYL 120. 05 11101 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 61 TURN SIGNAL 187. 14 11101 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 CAP ASSY 5. 07 11 1 0 11 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 TRANS ASSY 2,546. 66 111 ? ??0 1 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 MISC PARTS 82. 62 70460 10/06/00 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 CORE CREDIT -1,000. 00 TOTAL CHECK 61. 59 11101 70461 10/06/00 GRAINGER GRAINGER PARTS 434 CONVEX MIRROR 218. 26 11101 70462 10/06/00 GRANDRIV GRAND RIVER CONSTRUCTION 413 PAVEMENT ADDITION TO CIND 2,035. 00 11101 70463 10/06/00 GREATERE GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTEC 324 TRAINING 1,376. 00 11101 70464 10/06/00 HAWKEYES HAWKEYE SERVICES, INC 414 BACKFLOW SERVICE 75. 00 11101 70465 10/06/00 HAYNESME HAYNES MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 520 MAINT. CONTRACT/4TH QTR 898. 00 11101 70465 10/06/00 HAYNESME HAYNES MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 520 REPAIR OVERLOAD BLOCK 939. 21 TOTAL CHECK 1,837. 21 11101 70466 10/06/00 HEPWORTH HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNI 800 PROF SVC/W BC STREET IMPR 4,374. 75 11101 70467 10/06/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 513 TRIATHLON SHIRTS 2,032. 50 11101 70467 10/06/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 322 FIRE ACADEMY SHIRTS 310. 00 11101 70467 10/06/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 322 FIRE ACADEMY SHIRTS 657. 50 11101 70467 10/06/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 322 FIRE ADADEMY SHIRTS 630. 00 TOTAL CHECK 3,630. 00 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC 8/9-9/13 63. 29 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC 8/9-9/13 15. 58 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 663. 20 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC 8/9-9/13 16. 37 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC 8/10-9/14 17. 71 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/9-9/13 9. 00 RUN DATE 10/05/00 TIME 16:36:02 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER .10/05/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEM ENT FUND *ION C RITERIA : tran sact.check_no between 1 70402 ' and '70539' FUND - 99 - D ISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------- ----- VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 415 ELECTRIC 8/9-9/13 2. 37 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/18-9/22 22. 42 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 1,254. 62 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 2. 37 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 2. 37 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 78. 83 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 313. 02 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 133. 13 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 417 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 88. 47 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 39. 13 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/16-9/20 193. 14 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 520 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 4,955. 74 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 10. 94 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 82. 71 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 566. 79 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 103. 40 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/22-9/26 4. 32 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 220. 09 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 187. 15 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 166. 87 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 752. 21 11101 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 434 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 2,169 .08 70470 10/06/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 8/21-9/25 2 .37 12,136 .69 TOTAL CHECK 11101 70471 10/06/00 ICBO ICBO 213 2000 IBC SPEC EDITION 83 .50 11101 70471 10/06/00 ICBO ICBO 213 2000 CODE BOOKS 405 .00 488 .50 - TOTAL CHECK 11101 70472 10/06/00 T0000174 JANICE BUCKELEW 141 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 192 .31 11101 70473 10/06/00 PEREZJIM JIM PEREZ 311 FOOD FOR JUVE IN HOLDING 6 .45 11101 70474 10/06/00 T0000751 JOHN CURUTCHET 516 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 72 .38 11101 70475 10/06/00 MCCAULLE JOHN MCCAULLEY 324 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 22 .17 11101 70476 10/06/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 520 CREDIT FOR RETURN -80 .10 11101 70476 10/06/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 325 .18 11101 70476 10/06/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 341 .88 586 .96 TOTAL CHECK 11101 70477 10/06/00 T0000752 KARA BRECI 311 REIMB FOR BATTERY PURCHAS 7 .77 11101 70478 10/06/00 KEISERCO KEIS ER CORPORATION 324 FORCE MACHINE 2,171 .70 11101 70479 10/06/00 KEMP&COM KEMP & COMPANY INC. 322 TANK HOUSING 49 .00 11101 70479 10/06/00 KEMP&COM KEMP & COMPANY INC. 322 PARTNER SAW MAINTENANCE 25 .64 11101 70479 10/06/00 KEMP&COM KEMP & COMPANY INC. 322 AIR FILTERS 316 .12 11101 70479 10/06/00 KEMP&COM KEMP & COMPANY INC. 322 CHAINSAW MAINTENANCE 80 .49 0 TOTAL CHECK 471 .25 RUN DATE 10/05/00 TIME 16:36:03 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 0/05/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 170402' and 170539' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 11101 11101 70480 10/06/00 NASHKRIS KRIS NASH 115 10/06/00 LABSAFET LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. 415 10/06/00 LABSAFET LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. 415 10/06/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 10/06/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 10/06/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 10/06/00 LEGACYCO LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS, IN 321 10/06/00 T0000608 LYN MERRICK 432 10/06/00 MAXIMUMC MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SP 520 10/06/00 MELDORCO MELDOR CONSTRUCTION, INC 800 10/06/00 MICROWAR MICROWAREHOUSE 143 10/06/00 T0000392 MIKE LONG 324 10/06/00 NEOPART NEOPART 434 10/06/00 NICOLETT NICOLETTI-FLATER ASSOC 311 10/06/00 NORTHCOL NORTHERN COLORADO PAPER, 521 10/06/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 10/06/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 211 10/06/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 211 10/06/00 ORKINPES ORKIN PEST CONTROL 321 10/06/00 ORKINPES ORKIN PEST CONTROL 414 10/06/00 ORKINPES ORKIN PEST CONTROL 414 MILEAGE REIMB BROOMS STEEL SAK LINERS 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 0 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 70481 70481 TOTAL CHECK 70482 70482 70482 TOTAL CHECK 70483 70484 70485 70486 70487 70488 70489 70490 70491 70492 70492 70492 TOTAL CHECK 70493 70493 70493 TOTAL CHECK 70494 70495 70495 70495 TOTAL CHECK 70496 70497 CELL PHONE ANTENNA RADIO PARTS RADIO REPAIR MOVE BASE STATION REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP POOL CHEMICALS PAY REQ#5/W BC BLVD LAPTOP SURGE PROTECTOR REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP MOTOR FAN PRE EMPL EXAM/#3 PAPER COLD CUPS MISC OFFICE SUPP PRINTER RIBBON,FILES FILES PEST CONTROL/BC FIRE STAT PEST CONTROL/SWIFT GULCH PEST CONTROL/CABIN 10/06/00 OVERLAND OVERLAND & EXPRESS COMPAN 22 AIRFARE, CAR/MCCAULLEY 10/06/00 PANCHASC PANCHA'S CLEANING SERVICE 434 CLEANING SERV/OCT 10/06/00 PANCHASC PANCRA'S CLEANING SERVICE 414 CLEANING SERV/OCT 10/06/00 PANCHASC PANCRA'S CLEANING SERVICE 431 CLEANING SERV/OCT 10/06/00 PARADIGM PARADIGM SERVICES, LLC 520 GAS USED IN AUG/REC 10/06/00 PEREGRIN PEREGRINE PRESS 114 FALL ADVOCATE PAGE 7 AMOUNT 17.87 229.05 319.99 549.04 50.00 18.50 168.75 237.25 176.96 219.64 546.30 133,823.25 34.05 78.50 234.16 360.00 159.76 333.47 17.74 7.32 358.53 50.00 66.00 38.50 154.50 678.00 333.33 1,666.67 1,333.33 3,333.33 2,066.80 1.128.50 RUN DATE 10/05/00 TIME 16:36:05 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER I r10/05/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 8 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEM ENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran eact.check_no between 170402' and '70539'. FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 70498 10/06/00 T0000753 PETER FONTANESE 10 REFUND FOR DAY CAMP 341. 00 11101 70499 10/06/00 PIONEERR PIONEER RESEARCH CORPORAT 413 CONCRETE PATCH 1,572. 30 11101 70500 10/06/00 PRECINCT PRECINCT POLICE PRODUCTS, 312 NECK DICKIE, GLOVES 30. 90 11101 70501 10/06/00 PRINTTEC PRINT TECH 513 BIBS, RACE NUMBERS, PINS 278. 26 11101 70502 10/06/00 PROTECTO PROTECTORS, LTD 311 POLYGRAPH SVC 75. 00 11101 70503 10/06/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS 8/26-9/26 173 .58 11101 70503 10/06/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 GAS 8/29-9/26 50 .35 11101 70503 10/06/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 GAS 8/28-9/26 49 .84 11101 70503 10/06/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 GAS 8/26-9/26 54 .40 TOTAL CHECK 328 .17 11101 70504 10/06/00 QUICKBEA QUICKBEAM SYSTEMS 513 STAGE,LIGHT,SOUND/FINAL 5,555 .00 11101 70505 10/06/00 READYCAR READY CARE INDUSTRIES 520 SEA TONE SHAMPOO 159 .32 11101 70506 10/06/00 RECPLUS RECREATION PLUS, LTD 415 SAFETY SURFACING TILES 387 .00 0 70507 10/06/00 RELOCATI RELOCATING IN KANSAS CITY 514 RECREATION AD 1,255 .00 11101 70508 10/06/00 ROCKHURS ROCKHURST COLLEGE CONTINU 321 SEMINAR REG/HAYES 574 .99 11101 70509 10/06/00 SEARSCOM SEARS COMMERCIAL CREDIT C 321 REFRIGERATOR 549 .99 11101 70509 10/06/00 SEARSCOM SEARS COMMERCIAL CREDIT C 520 MISC TOOLS,TOOL STORAGE 299 .96 11101 70509 10/06/00 SEARSCOM SEARS COMMERCIAL CREDIT C 520 MISC TOOLS 149 .99 TOTAL CHECK 999 .94 11101 70510 10/06/00 SHELVING SHELVING RACK & LOCKERS, 520 LOCKS 100 .72 11101 70511 10/06/00 SHERMANA SHERMAN AND HOWARD 424 PROF SVC/WATER PLANNING 1,384 .26 11101 70512 10/06/00 STANDARD STANDARD INSURANCE 10 LONG-TERM DISABILITY/OCT 3,102 .71 11101 70513 10/06/00 STARTRAC STAR TRAC BY UNISEN, INC 520 RIGHT, LEFT ENDCAPS 37 .68 11101 70514 10/06/00 STEVENSH STEVENS HOMECARE, INC 415 STRAW FOR TRIATHLON 600 .00 11101 70515 10/06/00 STEWART& STEWART & STEVENSON POWER 434 PLATE 548 .20 11101 70515 10/06/00 STEWART& STEWART & STEVENSON POWER 434 PLATE 26 .25 11101 70515 10/06/00 STEWART& STEWART & STEVENSON POWER 434 SWITCH 38 .51 TOTAL CHECK 612 .96 11101 70516 10/06/00 SUNGUARD SUNGUARD PENTAMATION, INC 143 DATA LINE CHARGES/AUG 17 .86 11101 70517 10/06/00 THI T.H.I. WASTE 513 TOILET DELIVERY/TRIATHLON 150 .00 11101 70517 10/06/00 THI T.H.I. WASTE 415 TOILET RENTAL/OCT 115 .00 0 TOTAL CHECK 265.00 RUN DATE 10/05/00 TIME 16:36:06 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER I 10/05/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 9 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEM ENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 170402' and 170539' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOU NT 11101 70518 10/06/00 THOMASAN THOMAS AND MEANS, LLP 312 SEMINAR REGIST/PECK 425. 00 11101 70519 10/06/00 THOMPSON THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP 132 FAM & MED LEAVE HANDBOOK 275. 00 11101 70520 10/06/00 TWORIVER TWO RIVERS CHEVROLET 434 WEATHER STRIPPING 34. 66 11101 70520 10/06/00 TWORIVER TWO RIVERS CHEVROLET 434 VALVE ASSY 39. 54 TOTAL CHECK 74. 20 11101 70521 10/06/00 UNDERGRO UNDERGROUND LOCATORS, LLC 415 PRIVATE LOCATE 90 .00 11101 70522 10/06/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 415 TOILET PAPER,PAPER TOWELS 151 .58 11101 70522 10/06/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 321 CLEANING SUPP 366 .30 11101 70522 10/06/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 415 TRASH CAN LINERS 49 .76 TOTAL CHECK 567 .64 11101 70523 10/06/00 UNITELIN UNITEL INC 149 COMPUTER SERVICE 150 .00 11101 70523 10/06/00 UNITELIN UNITEL INC 143 COMPUTER SVC 455 .00 11101 70523 10106100 UNITELIN UNITEL INC 149 COMPUTER SVC 261 .58 TOTAL CHECK 866 .58 11101 70524 10/06/00 UNIVFL00 UNIVERSAL FLOOR MACHINE C 520 SHOP VAC MOTORS 9(2) 91 .00 0 70525 10/06/00 USWEST US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 9/22-10/21 29 .56 11101 70525 10/06/00 USWEST US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 9/22-10/21 25 .42 TOTAL CHECK 54 .98 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 514 PHONE 9/22-10/21 173 .89 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 9/22-10/21 47 .22 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 9/22-10/21 266 .46 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 9/22-10/21 44 .32 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 514 PHONE 9/22-10/21 47 .24 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 311 PHONE 9/22-10/21 188 .96 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 9/22-10/21 141 .80 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 141 PHONE 9/22-10/21 47 .24 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 211 PHONE 9/22-10/21 94 .48 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 PHONE 9/22-10/21 47 .24 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 9/22-10/231 48 .39 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 9/22-10/21 50 .08 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 9/22-10/21 56 .05 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 9/22-10/21 16 .54 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 9/22-10/21 61 .37 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 9/22-10/21 52 .32 11101 70527 10106100 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 9/4-10/3 45 .20 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 9/22-10/21 278 .65 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 9/22-10/21 222 .70 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 143 PHONE 9/22-10/21 52 .56 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 311 PHONE 9/13-10/12 90 .71 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 411 PHONE 9/13-10/12 271 .38 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 PHONE 9/13-10/12 44 .77 0 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 9/13-10/12 1,486 .18 RUN DATE 10/05/00 TIME 16:36:08 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 110/05/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 10 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 10/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEM ENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 170402' and '70539' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 70527 10/06/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 9/4-10/3 132. 56 TOTAL CHECK 4,008. 31 11101 70528 10/06/00 VAILHONE VAIL HONEYWAGON 414 TRASH COLLECTION/AUG 484. 47 11101 70529 10/06/00 VAILSIGN VAIL SIGN CO 311 PLAQUE/SIMON 90. 00 11101 70530 10/06/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 414 MISC SUPPLIES 20. 77 11101 70531 10/06/00 MCCOYVAL VALERIE BARRY 141 MILEAGE REIMB 88. 40 11101 70532 10/06/00 VERIZONW VERIZON WIRELESS 10 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 12 .94 11101 70532 10/06/00 VERIZONW VERIZON WIRELESS 10 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 14 .41 11101 70532 10/06/00 VERIZONW VERIZON WIRELESS 10 CELL SVC 8/16-9/15 36 .96 TOTAL CHECK 64 .31 11101 70533 10/06/00 WEARPART WEAR PARTS S EQUIPMENT 413 ALUMINUM RIVETS, REFLECTR 103 .00 11101 70534 10/06/00 WHEATLAN WHEATLAND FIRE EQUIPMENT 322 HELMET CHINSTRAPS 179 .70 11101 70534 10/06/00 WHEATLAN WHEATLAND FIRE EQUIPMENT 322 WASHERS,SCREWS,FRAME SLID 46 .66 11101 70534 10/06/00 WHEATLAN WHEATLAND FIRE EQUIPMENT 322 REPLACEMENT BLADE 238 .00 TOTAL CHECK 464 .36 0 WHITERIV WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC 321 STATION REPAIRS/EDWARDS 207 76 70535 10/06/0 . 11101 70536 10/06/00 WORKRITE WORKRITE 322 UNIFORMS 2,075 .41 11101 70537 10/06/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 COPIER LEASE PMT #2 97 .00 11101 70537 10/06/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 149 COPIER BASE CHG/MUNI MAIN 457 .50 11101 70537 10/06/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 COPIER CHARGES/JULY 369 .75 11101 70537 10/06/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 813 COPIER LEASE PMT #2 367 .26 11101 70537 10/06/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 COPIER CHARGES/POLICE 97 .00 TOTAL CHECK 1,388 .51 11101 70538 10/06/00 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 61 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 191 .80 11101 70538 10/06/00 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 434 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 73 .40 TOTAL CHECK 265 .20 11101 70539 10/06/00 ZEPMANUF ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY 434 Z-GREEN 209 .00 11101 70539 10/06/00 ZEPMANUF ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY 322 ZEPCINCH 49 .83 11101 70539 10/06/00 ZEPMANUF ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY 434 SHIPPING 5 .02 TOTAL CHECK 263 .85 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 387,675.82 TOTAL FUND 387,675.82 TOTAL REPORT 387,675.82 0 RUN DATE 10/05/00 TIME 16:36:09 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER