TC Council Packet 10-03-2000STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD OCTOBER 3, 2000, AT 4:15 PM IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 1.) Jim Lair, Director of ECO Transit 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 2.) Chapel Square Discussion 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 3.) Wildridge Undergrounding AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWNIq'F AVON, COLORADO BY: Ibis Nash Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON SEPTEMBER 29,2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Bill Efting, Town Manager Date: September 29, 2000 Re: Palmos Development Request Attached you will find the Palmo's Development Request and the draft response from Norm Wood. It is very clear that the staff recommendation is to deny this request. We had requested stamped copies of the building plans concerning the discrepancies, Mr. Palmos couldn't supply them. f 41 September 14, 2000 Town of Avon Bill Efting, Town Manager 500 Swift Gulch Road Avon, CO 81620 Re: Chapel Square Development Dear Mr. Efting: First of all, I would like to thank you, Mayor Yoder, the Town of Avon Council and the Town of Avon Staff for the civic professionalism and courtesy shown to Palmos Development and its contractors, homeowners and tenants throughout the Chapel Square development process. We hope that Chapel Square will be a source of civic pride, substantial tax revenue and continued employment for the Town of Avon and the Vail Valley. As we are nearing the completion of the Chapel Square Development, I would like to propose finalizing certain financial and construction issues related to the Town of Avon. Unfortunately, as you are aware, the Chapel Square project has faced significant challenges in building the largest retail center in the Vail Valley over the last three years, most of which were out of our control (i.e. two consecutive bad snow years, added competition in the market, the Wal-Mart delay, cost overruns, etc). However, we are exerting substantial efforts to complete the final construction "punchlist items" and leasing of Chapel Square. The proposed issues are as follows: Benchmark Road Improvements Contribution: Chapel Square, LLC requests that the requirement for a $50,000.00 contribution to the development of Benchmark Road be removed. Reduction of Letter of Credit for Chapel Place and Chapel Alley: The Subdivision Improvements Agreement dated May 7, 1999, between Chapel Square, LLC and the Town of Avon required a Letter of Credit for 110% of the estimated costs of the construction of Chapel Alley. Chapel Square, LLC requests that the Town of Avon accept the construction of Chapel Alley and accordingly reduce the outstanding Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit for $402,679.00 drawn on Bank One, Colorado, N.A. to 10% or $40,268.00 for one year from September 30, 2000. The $40,268.00 Letter of Credit should adequately cover any remaining construction costs for Chapel Alley or Chapel Place required by the Town of Avon. - `r Final Payment of $50,000.00 of the Total $200,000.00 Reimbursement by the Town of Avon Toward the Cost of the Dedication of Chapel Place: Chapel Square, LLC requests that the Town of Avon pay the final $50,000.00 of the total $200,000.00 reimbursement toward the cost of dedication of Chapel Place to Chapel Square, LLC by September 30, 2000. As stated above, the $40,268.00 Letter of Credit should adequately cover additional construction costs, if any, for Chapel Place and Chapel Alley. Building D Trash Enclosure: On August 16, 1999, the Town of Avon Planning Board approved the conceptual design for Chapel Square Building D. The construction drawings were completed on August 24, 1999, and submitted to Karen Griffith of the Town of Avon Community Development Staff on August 25, 1999. The Building Permit was issued thereafter based on the construction drawings submitted and attached hereto (see Construction Drawings for Chapel Square Building D dated August 24, 1999). Please note that the trash enclosure constructed to the east of Building D was noted in the Construction Drawings and the doors were designated to swing into the street. We hereby request that the trash enclosure be left intact. However, it will not be utilized until resolution with the Town of Avon is achieved. Also, note that the trash enclosure was approved by the various utility companies and was observed by Town of Avon officials continually during construction. Washers and Screws on the Green Hardy Board Paneling on the Exterior of Buildings A, B and C: Chapel Square, LLC hereby requests that the washers and screws located on the green hardy board exterior of Buildings A, B and C remain unpainted. Although the washers and screws were noted in the construction drawings approved, there was no mention of the color by Oz Architecture and Kelly Davis of OZ Architecture does not recall the Town of Avon asking about the color of the washers and screws. Kelly Davis believes it is a detail that is reasonable and is a detail that is beyond the scope of the Town of Avon conceptual review and approval. Island between Buildings D and C: Chapel Square, LLC requests that the unbuilt parking lot island between Buildings D and C be painted only. Wal-Mart requested that the island not be built due to trucks requiring additional space to turn if proceeding west from Chapel Alley along Chapel Place and the then turning north out of Chapel Square (behind City Market). It will also enhance potential bus ingress and egress (see "Alteration of Bus Route through Chapel Square" below). City Market Permanent Wall: Please keep us informed of the status of a permanent wall that the Town of Avon is requiring be constructed behind City Market by City Market to hide the dumpsters and trucks located in the rear of the building. We request that the Town of Avon consider requiring that the fence be permanent in nature and painted to match the color of Chapel Square. e Alteration of Bus Route through Chapel Square: Chapel Square, LLC requests that the Town of Avon bus route that travels east and north along East Beaver Creek Blvd. and stops at the bus stop northwest of Wal-Mart proceed east on Chapel Place and stop on the north side of Building D before proceeding north behind City Market and out of Chapel Square. Again, we appreciate the continued professionalism and cooperation demonstrated by the Town of Avon and look forward to your response to the requests noted above. Thank you. Sincerely, Leonidas Palmos President chaptown.le4 September 20, 2000 Palmos Development Leonidas Palmos, President 2775 his Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 Re: Chapel Square Development Dear Mr. Palmos: This is response to your letter of September 14, 2000 regarding obligations and responsibilities related to completion of the Chapel Square Development Project. The related responses are as follows: Benchmark Road Improvements Contribution: This $ 50,000 contribution was agreed upon in lieu of a requirement that Chapel Square construct the improvements to Benchmark Road required to assure adequate access and circulation to the Avon Market Center / Chapel Square Development. This commitment represents a substantial saving to the Chapel Square Development and at substantial cost to the Town of Avon. These improvements are currently budgeted at over $2,000,000 for construction during 2001 and this $ 50,000 is a critical part of the available funds for this Project. Reduction of Letter of Credit for Chapel Place and Chapel Alley: A final walk through for acceptance of Chapel Place and Chapel Alley improvements was scheduled for June 8, 2000. A very quick review of the site revealed that the improvements were not complete and that some major issues and questions needed to be resolved and/or corrected prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the Town. Some of the major issues identified that must be addressed prior to release of any portion of the letter of credit include: 1) Completion of all work in the Chapel Place and Chapel Alley rights-of- way per approved plans 2) Expansion of the retaining wall at southeasterly corner of City Market parking lot and repair of resultant damage to City Market parking lot and drainage structure, 3) Submittal of as-built information prepared by a licensed land surveyor showing Chapel Place and building entrance grades near Stolport property line (building entrance and grades in Chapel Place appear to have been unacceptably modified from the approved grading plans) C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Completion Response-I.Doc 4) Trash enclosure at northeasterly corner of Building D must be removed from Chapel Place right-of-way and installed at a location that does not create a potential safety hazard for traffic on Chapel Place 5) Asphalt core sample reports indicate that asphalt did not meet project specifications and that some resolution is required to address this issue 6) Submittal of Certification by Registered Professional Engineer verifying that storm drainage facilities were installed in conformance with approved plans When these items have been satisfactorily addressed, we can recommend the town council approve your request to reduce the letter of credit to $ 40,268. This should then be adequate to assure completion of the outstanding minor items to be corrected and provide for the stipulated 1-year warranty period from the official date of acceptance. Final Payment of $50,000 of the Total $200,000 Reimbursement by the Town of Avon Toward the Cost of the Dedication of Chapel Place: The previous payment of $150,000 was made even though Chapel Square had not met their obligations under the Reimbursement Agreement. The final payment of $50,000 will be recommended for release when these obligations, including satisfactorily addressing the above items, have been met by Chapel Square. Building D Trash Enclosure: This enclosure appears to encroach into the Chapel Place right-of-way and is a potentially serious safety hazard to traffic on Chapel Place. This must be corrected. Revised plans should be submitted to the Department of Community Development for approval of a satisfactory location for this facility. Washers and Screws on the Green Hardy Board Paneling on the Exterior of Buildings A, B, and C: This is a design review / building permit issue and should be dealt with through the Department of Community Development and their conditions for issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Island between Buildings D and C: These islands were included in the approved design to provide positive directional traffic flow control between parking lots and Chapel Place. These islands should be constructed per approved plan to avoid undue safety hazards. City Market Permanent Wall: This is a design review issue and should be discussed with the Department of Community Development. C:\WINDDWS\TEMP\Completion Response-l.Doc 2 Alteration of Bus Route Through Chapel Square: The requested Bus Route would be partially on private property even after Town acceptance of Chapel Place. Current policies limit bus routes to public streets and rights-of-way because of liability issues. If you have any further questions concerning this issue, they should be addressed to Harry Taylor, Director of Transportation. We look forward to the satisfactory resolution of these issues and the success of your project. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Completion Response-I.Doc MEMORANDUM To: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: September 26, 2000 Re: Wildridge - Underground electric Cost Estimates SUMMARY: The following is a brief summary of information related to Wildridge, Preliminary Cost Estimates to place overhead electric transmission lines underground and approximate financing costs and cost per residential development right: Wildridge: Area 685 Acres Residential Lots and Dwelling Units (Residential Development Rights) Platted and Zoned: Development Type Number of Lots Development Rights Single Family 9 9 Duplex (2) 267 534 Triplex (3) 4 12 Four-Plex (4) 36 144 Fiveplex (5) 3 15 4- Units 1 4 6-Units 11 66 7-Units 1 7 8-Units 2 16 10-Units 3 30 12-Units 1 12 Totals 338 Lots 849 Units Wildridge Block 5 11 Lots 75 Units \\PWVSHARED\Enginec ing\Administration\N iscellaneous\Wildridge Elec-2.Doc 1 Alternate Number 1- All of Wildridge Note: Excludes Metcalf Road Overhead Lines Estimated Costs: Construction 7000 LF @ $380 Design, Administration, Etc. Contingencies Total Estimated Construction Cost Bond Issuance Cost Total Estimated Project Cost Approximate Annual Cost: 20 Year Bond Issue @ 5.5 % $ 292,888 30 Year Bond Issue @ 6.0 % $ 254,271 $ 2,660,000 266,000 439,000 $ 3,365,000 135,000 $ 3,500,000 Approximate Cost per Zoned Residential Unit: 20 Year Bond Issue $ 292,888 / 849 Units = $ 345 / Year 30 Year Bond Issue $ 254,271 / 849 Units = $ 300 / Year Alternate Number 2 - Wildridge Excluding Block 5 Overhead Lines Estimated Costs: Construction 5500 LF @ $380 $ 2,090,000 Design, Administration, Etc. 209,000 Contingencies 345,000 Total Estimated Construction Cost $ 2,644,000 Bond Issuance Cost 106,000 Total Estimated Project Cost $ 2,750,000 Approximate Annual Cost: 20 Year Bond Issue @ 5.5 % $ 230,118 30 Year Bond Issue @ 6.0 % $ 199,785 Approximate Cost per Zoned Residential Unit - Excluding Block 5: 20 Year Bond Issue $ 230,118 / 774 Units = $ 297 / Year 30 Year Bond Issue $ 199,785 / 774 Units = $ 258 / Year \\PW\.SHARED\Engineering\Administration\Miscellaneous\Wildridge Elec-2.Doc 2