TC Council Packet 06-13-2000A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session Meeting Date: June 13, 2000 Councilmembers Present: Jim Benson, Michael Brown, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Judy Yoder Councilmembers Absent: Buz Reynolds, Mac McDevitt Nottingham Road Conceptual Review: Town Engineer Norm Wood introduced Arnie Ullevig. He began discussion of traffic options along Nottingham Road. He said the design process has been initiated and they have worked on traffic volume studies to determine volume forecasts on the roadway. The spring survey showed that traffic counts are up. With these studies he feels they can understand the trip characteristics and can project possible future growth. He said traffic volumes are indicating roadway expansion and that the current roadway has more access points and greater congestion the closer to the eastern side you travel. He explained the differences in widths of the road that would be necessary for two lanes, three lanes, or a four lane roadway. He then suggested the possibility of a roundabout at the MountainStar road location and a potential cross-connection point from Swift Gulch Road to the MountainStar Road. Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks asked about left turn points along Nottingham Road, and also if they were considering changing the current Roundabout Number 1 into a "full" roundabout. Mr. Ullevig agreed that it would probably have to become a full roundabout. He explained that those trying to make left turns don't have enough gaps in traffic to enter the road. Councilor Cuny thought that it would be difficult for travelers to access the CMart gas station if cars had to travel down the road to the proposed roundabout first, and then come back to enter the driveway. Councilor Benson agreed and wanted to be sure people could not make a left turn by adding an island. Mr. Ullevig said that the Council needs to weigh the balances of inconveniencing people and making the area capable of handling increased traffic. Town Engineer Norm Wood said the total footage of the easement is 50 feet and that it is all located on the north side of the road. Mr. Ullevig added that this includes landscaping and sidewalks. Norm also said that the area between MountainStar and Swift Gulch is up for a PUD and would like Councils input on the crossover road before they go any further with the owner of the property. Discussion followed regarding this roadway, crossing the creek, how straight the road would be, etc. Town Manager Bill Efting thought that vacating the property might have to be brought up in the November election. Town Attorney Burt Levin said that because the town owns the property it would have to go to a vote of the people but he would look into it. Larry said that because they were relocating the roadway an election would not be necessary. Discussion followed regarding the cost of the project. Norm thought that it would cost about the same as Avon's other roundabouts, about one million dollars. He said that the biggest problem is from the I-70 interchange to MountainStar road and that this should be the focus first and that the west end does not have the urgency. Councilor Buckley liked the project as long as it does not blow the budget. Norm asked if Council was ready to consider the options. Mayor Yoder said that she likes the concept and would like them to continue on it. Other: Town Manager Bill Efting handed out copies of two letters received from citizens concerned about the new speed bump in Wildridge. The letters were against the speed bump. Town Attorney Burt Levin handed out a letter he had received from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District requesting that Council table tonight's second reading of the odor ordinance. Town Council Meetings Roll Call Check Sheet Date: 6/13/00 Jim Benson Michael Brown Debbie Buckley 1\ Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt of Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder A: Roll calls are called at start of meeting and for Ordinances. Do not call Mayor except for meeting roll call or to break a tie vote. Seating arrangements from west to east: Brown, Reynolds, Cuny, Yoder, McDevitt, Buckley, Benson Staff Present: Bill Efting ?D Larry Brooks Burt Levin Kris Nash Jacquie Halburnt Scott Wright Jeff Layman Charlie Moore Meryl Jacobs Norm Wood Bob Reed Harry Taylor Mike Matzko K4ren-Grfffith Other Staff: STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD JUNE 13, 2000, AT 4:15 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM 1.) Nottingham Road Conceptual Review 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 2.) Community Development Update Consent Agenda Questions Council Committee Updates 5:15 PM - 5:20 PM Break AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN F 4YON, COLORADO BY: Kris-Nash Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON JUNE 9,2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY TOWN OF AVON LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSE AUTHORITY AGENDA June 13, 2000 - 5:20 PM --_ 1. Call to Order / Roll Call I ? vi 1C -'/ ? 2. r--19, 2. Application for New OR Renewal Liquor License 3. Other Business a.) Modification of Premises Applicant: Lost Armadillo Bar & Grill, Inc. dba Coho Grill Address: 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. ~ Avon, CO 81620 Officers: Robert Prigmore, President 4. Approval of the Local Liquor License Authority Minutes K 6 t a.) Approval of the May 23, 2000 Meeting Minutes f' 5. Adjournment V? 11 DR 8442 (07/97) Page 1 C,QLORAD(31)EPARTMENT OF REVENUE LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 1375 SHERMAN STREET DENVER 00 80261 (303)205.2300 21 PERMIT APPLICATION & REPORT OF CHANGES CURRENT LICENSE NUMBER ALL ANSWERS MUST BE PRINTED IN BLACK INK OR TYPEWRITTEN LOCAL LICENSE FEE $ APPLICANT SHOULD OBTAIN A COLORADO LIQUOR & BEER CODE BOOK TO ORDER CALL (303) 321-4164 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 1. Applicant Is a PRESENT CLASS OF LICENSE Corporation ? Individual hl?rl' ) ' k k ? P hi t ? Li - ar ners p mited Liability Company PRESENT LICENSE NUMBER 2. Name of Applicant Lost--ed'I l l o g ?- G-?, I I mac 3. Trade Name o -?ss-s . LUSINESS TELEPHONE ?J ?Or ?Ta q -1 19 4. Address 9X_ G4 l 1?o za city County ZIP 5( Q :.. .. .- M SECTION A - DELIVERY PERMIT SECTION G 1) ? 2210-100 (999) Retail Warehouse Storage Permit (ea) ........ $ 75.00 • License Account No. 2) ? 2320-100 (999) Wholesale Branch House Permit (ea) ............ 50.00 3) ? 2320-100 (999) Change Corp or Trade Name Permit (ea) ....... 25.00 ? 3.2% On/Off Premises Only ................................ NO FEE 4) ? 2230-100 (999) Change Location Permit (ea) ........................ 100.00 ? Liquor Store or Drugstore NO FEE 5280-100 (999) Change, Alter or Modify Premises a $100.00 x I Total Fee I L • O SECTION B - MANAGER REG/CHANGE 6) ? 1980-100 (999) Addition of Optional Premises of Existing H/R $75.00 x Total Fee • License Account No. 7) ? 2340-100 (999) Bed and Breakfast Permit .............................. 25.00 SECTION D- DUPLICATE LICENSE- 1970-750 (999) ? Manager's Registration (Hotel & Restr.) ....... $75.00 • LIQUOR LICENSE No. ? Change of Manager (Other licenses)........ NO FEE 2330-100 (999) DUPLICATE LICENSE ................................. $ 25.00 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE - FOR DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE USE ONLY CATE UCC?J5E ISSUED LICEIdSEACCCLINT NUI,IPER PERIOD- -100 (999) TOTAL DR 8442 (07/97) Page 2 INSTRUCTION SHEET For all sections, complete questions 1-4 located on page 1 ? Section A For current 3.2% On/Off premises only a Retail Liquor Store or Drugstore licensees apply- ing to deliver alcohol, check the appropriate box in section A and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. ? Section B To Register or Change Managers, check the appropriate box in section B and complete question 9 on page 4. Proceed to the Oath of Applicant for signature (Please note: Hotel and Restaurant licensees are required to register their managers). ? Section C Check the appropriate box in section C and proceed below. 1) For a Retail Warehouse Storage Permit, go to page 3 complete question 5 (be sure to check the appropriate box). Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 2) For a Wholesale Branch House Permit, go to page 3 and complete question 5 (be sure to check the appropriate box). Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 3) To Change Trade Name or Corporation Name, go to page 3 and complete question 6 (be sure to check the appropriate box). Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for ath of Applicant signature. )4)o modify Premise, go to page 3 and complete question 7. Submit the necessary information Ind proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 5) For Optional Premises, go to page 3 and complete question 7. Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 6) To Change Location, go to page 3 and complete question 8. Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. 7) For a Bed and Breakfast Permit, go to page 4. Submit the necessary information and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. ? Section D For a Duplicate license, be sure to include the liquor license number in section D on page 1 and proceed to page 4 for Oath of Applicant signature. DR 8442 07/97) Page 9 p J f. 5. Retail Warehouse Storage Permit or a Wholesalers Branch House Permit ?` ? Retail Warehouse Permit [[ w : ? Wholesalers Branch House Permit (Does not require local licensing authority approval) o.-_. "U c7 1) Federal Basic Permit li a ` oc > 0" If granted, will the proposed warehouse or branch house be in com Nance with local building and zoning laws? ' . P Yes No El ? Name and title of Person in Charge of Premises LO i ? Attach a diagram of premises showing area of alcohol beverage storage a :i 6. Change of Trade Name or Corporation name o z ? Trade/DBA Name Change only LU ; ? Corporate Name Change (Attach a Certificate of Amendment from Colorado Secretary of State) o T c? Old Name New Name 7. Modification of Premises or Additi of an Opt n ional Premise to an existing Hotel/Restaurant Liquor License o (( ti (a) Describe change proposedt 1 ?r0?'? AIP?X 2 S4.r.T e + 'N r w.. U (b) Will the proposed change result in the licensed premises now being located within 500 feet of any public J or private school that meets compulsory education requirements of Colorado law, or the principal campus o to a. of any college, university or seminary? Yes No uj (if yes, explain in detail and describe any exemptions that should apply) ? Z' w -, a_ n. (c) When will the proposed change Start 11- i 61qq (mo/day/year) End (mo/day/year) : u u:. E O (d) Is the proposed change in compliance with local building and zoning laws? Yes No 0 Z' S 0, 91? o (e) If this modification is for an additional Hotel and Restaurant Optional Premises, has the local authority a authorized by resolution or ordinance the issuance of optional premises? Yes No (f) Are such changed premises owned or leased? ? Owned 10 Leased (Attach a signed copy of deed or lease in the name of the licensee only) (g) Attach a diagram of the premises showing the area where alcohol beverages will be stored, served, possessed or consumed. Include food preparation facilities for Hotel and Restaurants. 8. Change of Location ? (a) Address of current premises t -° city County ZIP (b) Address of proposed New Premises (Attach a copy of the deed or lease that establishes possession of the premises by the licensee) U;s r 0 Address ti O :' City County ZIP u) ,>?' 0 ' (c) New mailing address if applicable d" Address U City County ZIP k, (d) Attach a diagram of the premises showing the area where alcohol beverages will be stored, served, possessed or consumed. Include food preparation facilities for Hotel and Restaurants. ? r ru a DR 8442 (07/97) Page 4 9. Change of Manager or register manager of a Hotel/Restr. liquor license (a) Change of Manager (attach Individual History DR 8404-1 H/R only) a Former manager's name New manager's name LL (b) Compensation of Mgr. Date of Emp. Exp. Date 0 w Has manager ever managed a Liquor licensed establishment? ? Yes ? No z Does manager have a financial interest in any other liquor licensed establishment? ? Yes ? No x If yes, give name and location of establishment U 10. Bed and Breakfast Permit • Attach a copy of a deed or lease in the exact name of the applicant only, reflecting possession of the permitted area for at least the minimum duration of this permit (1 year from date of issuance). • Attach a diagram of the premises which accurately reflects the area where alcoholic beverages will be stored, served, possessed or consumed. 1. Applicant is a: ? Corporation (attach DR 8177) ? Partnership El Individual (attach DR 8404-1) ? LTD Liability Company (attach DR 8177) U °- t- 2. Name of Applicant Cl) 3. Trade Name of Establishment (DBA) Y 4. Address of Premises (specify exact location) Q ul 5. State Sales Tax Number Business Phone m 0 Pursuant to 12-47.410, C.R.S., Applicant hereby states that it qualifies for a Bed and Breakfast Permit to serve complimentary z alcoholic beverages, and does certify to the State Licensing Authority: Q o That it has no more than 20 sleeping rooms, and w m That it provides at least 1 meal per day at no charge other than for overnight lodging, and That it does not sell alcoholic beverages by the drink or in sealed containers, and That it shall not serve alcoholic beverages for more than 4 hours in any one day, as follows: MONDAY HOURS TUESDAY HOURS WEDNESDAY HOURS THURSDAY HOURS FRIDAY HOURS SATURDAY HOURS SUNDAY HOURS From: m. From: m. From: m. From: m. From: M. From: M. From: M. To: M. To: M. To: M. To: M. To: M. To: M. To: M. OATH OF APPLICANT decl,we ur,.:er pcr?,lty of E'erjury in the sr cend ,' gree 'hlil 1 h,.l c ? ??d the Icr(lgoing arE?lic Lion and J1 utt' chments thereto, and that ??fcnr?_tion "IM, s true, cutlect, a??d ccmplete to the t,c si LJ,,,-y kno;vledge. Signatur Title Date REP T AND OVAL OF LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY (CITY I COUNTY) The foregoing appli< 'i is bee examined and the prr-,, do d,:cted and character of the -I cant iE ,s!a?t ry, acrd we Jo report that such rcr.,ut, f granted, will comply with the..-tF r .,_tfc r r_. Ei-ri.; of T ,Ic 12, Al"LIes 4e ..nd 47, C.R S , s an cr Jed. THEREFORE, THIS APPLICATION IS APPROVED. Local Licensing Authority (City or County) Date filed with Local Authority Signature Title Date REPORT OF STATE LICENSING AUTHORITY The foregoing has been examined and complies'.-,ith the filing requirements of Title 12, Article 47, C.R.S., ns -.n ended. Signature Title Date FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT Re: Lease Agreement dated June 26, 1992 between Mistral, Inc., as Successor Landlord to Wildwood Investment Company, and Lost Armadillo Bar & Grill, Inc., as Tenant for the rental of Unit 105, Benchmark Plaza Office and Retail Condominiums, Avon, Colorado. 1. PREVIOUS LEASE AGREEMENT: The verbal Lease Agreement between Mistral, Inc., as Landlord and Lost Armadillo Bar & Grill, Inc., as Tenant for the rental of Unit 108A, which was previously in existence, shall terminate on November 30, 1999. 2. LEASED PREMISES: Effective December 1, 1999, the Leased Premises shall be expanded to include Space 108A. The new expanded Leased Premises are shown on Exhibit 1-A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. SIZE: Effective December 1, 1999, the size of the Leased Premises shall increase by approximately 423 square feet to a new expanded total size of approximately 1,179 square feet. 4. BASE RENT: Effective December 1, 1999, the Base Rent (also known as ® Minimum Rent) shall increase to $1,677.75 per month. The portion of Base Rent applicable to Unit 105 shall be $1,008.00 per month and shall remain subject to escalation in accordance with the original terms of the Lease Agreement. The portion of Base Rent applicable to Unit 108A shall be $669.75 and shall be subject to annual CPI escalation. Commencing on December 1, 2000 and continuing thereafter on the same day of each subsequent year during the lease term (including any option or renewal terms through June 30, 2010), the Base Rent applicable to Unit 108A shall be adjusted by multiplying the Base Rent for the immediately preceding year by a fraction, the numerator of which is the most recently published Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers, Denver Average, All Items (1982-84 = 100) (the "Index"), as calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor, and the denominator of which is the Index for the period immediately preceding that date which is 12 months prior to the date of the adjustment; provided, however, that no such adjustment shall be made which results in a decrease in the Base Rent. This Base Rent adjustment is sometimes referred to as the "cost of living escalator". PRO RATA SHARE: Effective December 1, 1999, Tenant's pro rata share of the building, associated with Unit 105 shall be 3.8969%. Effective December 1, 1999, Tenant's pro rata share of the building, associated with Unit 108A shall be 2.1804%. These pro rata shares shall be used to calculate Tenant's pro rata share of the common area maintenance expenses and real estate taxes of the building. lostannadillo 1 discd 1 9. GARAGE PARKING: Effective December 1, 1999, Tenant shall have the right to park in reserved underground parking space number 22 at no additional rental cost. 10. BUILDING ENTRY DOORS: Landlord shall give reasonable consideration to Tenant's ideas for dressing up the entry doors to the building. 11 . TOWN OF AVON APPROVAL: The expansion of the Leased Premises and this First Amendment To Lease Agreement is conditional upon approval from the Town of Avon. Without such approval from the Town of Avon, this First Amendment To Lease Agreement shall become null and void and the Lease Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Tenant is solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining such approval from the Town of Avon. If Tenant is not able to obtain and maintain such approval, Tenant shall return Units 105 and 108A to the condition and configuration that they were in prior to Tenant's expansion into Unit 108A. 12. LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS: All leasehold improvements are the responsibility of Tenant and must be done in accordance with the building codes of the Town of Avon. 13. HOURS OF OPERATION: Tenant agrees that it will not operate its restaurant business between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. 14. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: All other terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement shall remain unchanged. 15. CONFLICT BETWEEN LEASE AND AMENDMENT: In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Lease Agreement, including all previous exhibits, and this First Amendment, the provisions of this First Amendment shall control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this First Amendment To Lease Agreement effective as of December 1, 1999. LANDLORD: Mistjrdl, Inc., a Colorado corporation By: Luc H. Me Y r, r dent V k TENANT: st Armadillo 4a4 Grill, Inc. By: Robert Pri o , President` lostannadillo l discd 1 ;o arc a F "s?4I 0 w y o? y r c: zo ,4 CA to N C C a a 0 n O C) C) M M I , V+ yv v r m z y V .G h n Q T R n m ?. d m ? m A D < om ? C7 T 0m r ?C3 A o? N Q > O go C D Z r 0O s o sz ? (n R I f ''? w 4 t./ w .n ..b N n n n N C N? ? rm N W In W 1 (n U R n ?? I ? C lJ ' L? i t t ?p o R j N I d VI V A /'11 ? N N A N W 4/ / 1 A 'G ^? ? n n , r- n r. O 2 N r I( i 1 r y co C) v? A 00 ? V W CN t' r a N rn ?z rn 0 0 n H 2 d7 0 O >H??+ s roa, ya b C/z y o m> co tri M r0 6 r K Or ENVY ?a- ENTRY EYw ? Vt I ?1 cl- x- U ua ? 54-1, 1 e,,o t+c &-P, I LL- 11 E E • TOWN OF AVON TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE - REFERRAL TO POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: May 31, 2000 Applicant: Robert Prigmore Date of Birth: 2/15/45 SSN: 569-58-3825 has made application at the Town Clerk's office for: Type of License: Modification of Premises Name of Business: Coho Grill Location of Business: 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Avon, CO 81620 • Comments: Hearing scAed#led for June 13, 2000. Town Clerk Signature Investigation by: Date: ?WOZ/00 Avon Police Department Investigation Comments: /?o FMJ o,? ?1-7 CFehs wl tti Co Wo 6-;, jj U, Avon Police Department Liquor License Applicant Name: Robert Prigmore DOB 02/15/45 Name of Business: Coho Grill Location of Business: 48 East Beaver Creek Blvd. Date Received: 05/31/00 Photographs/Fingerprints: On File Investigation by: Detective Michael R. Leake #611 Date: 06/02/00 Criminal Investigation: Throughout the course of my investigation I found no arrest record for Mr. Prigmore. Personal driving infractions consist of, as follows; 04/19/92 Speeding citation 08/21/94 Unsafe lane change citation Local history revealed calls for service for a one-year period at Coho Grill are as follows: 01/27/99 Harassment 12/02/98 Vandalism Comments: Background investigation conducted with no problems and or areas of concern with Coho Grill N C I C database not accessed on this applicant Coho Grill has an excellent reputation of reporting incidents and assisting investigations of the Avon Police Department. Investigation Time: 2 hours. Administration Time: ]hour. C • U MINUTES OF THE LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING HELD MAY 23, 2000 The Avon Town Council acting as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority for the Town of Avon, Colorado, convened at 5:22 PM in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. Boardmembers of the Authority present were Chairwoman Judy Yoder, Boardmembers Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, and Mac McDevitt. Boardmember Buz Reynolds was absent. Also present were Town Manager Bill Elting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Police Sergeant Mike Leake, Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Engineer Anne Martens, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs as well as members of the public. Application for Renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License for Dahlkis, Inc. dba The Brass Parrot. Mr. Brennan Martier, Vice President, was present for the applicant. There being no questions by the Authority, Boardmember Benson motioned to approve the Application for Renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License for Dahlkis, Inc. dba The Brass Parrot. Boardmember Buckley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Approval of the Local Liquor License Authority Minutes for February 23, 2000. Boardmember Benson motioned approval of the February 23, 2000 meeting minutes. Boardmember Buckley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Authority, Boardmember Benson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Boardmember McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:24 PM. 11 PECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Krik-Kash Secretary for the Local Liquor Licensing Authority APPROVED: Jim Benson Debbie Buckley Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder 11 n 1. Call to Order / Roll Call REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA June 13, 2000 - 5:30 PM • )Uf[( ''1 «* . 2 TOWN OF AVON 2. Citizen Input G!C?'? a.) Swearing in of newly appointed Councilmember Michael Brown 3. Ordinances a.) Second Reading of Ordinance No. 00-06, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Amending Chapters 8.31 and 8.32 of the Avon Municipal Code Relating to Odor Pollution; and Providing Penalties for the Violation Thereof PUBLIC HEARING 4. Resolutions 5. Unfinished Business 6. New Business 7. Town Manager Report 8. Town Attorney Report 9. Mayor Report 10. Other Business 11. Consent Agenda a.) Approval of the May 23, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes d V v _ b.) Resolution No. 00-28, Series of 2000, A Resolution Authorizing an Assignment to the Town of Avon Finance Authority of the Town of Avon's Interest in the March 15, 2000 Contract Between the Town of Avon and John H. Laeri, Jr c.) Resolution No. 00-29, Series of 2000, A Resolution Appointing the Town of Avon's Representatives to the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority d.) Resolution No. 00-30, Series of 2000, A Resolution Declaring the West Avon Bike and Pedestrian Trail to be in Pursuance of a Public Purpose, and Authorizing All Steps Necessary and Proper for Acquisition of all Interests, Rights of Way, and/or Easements Needed to Construct Such Improvement e.) Approval of Contract with Fire Tours Inc. and Fire Fall for BobSummerFest _AM 12. Adjournment -I . C 1] E STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AT 5:30 P.M. ON THE 13th DAY OF JUNE, 2000, AT THE TOWN OF AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 00-06, SERIES OF 2000: An Ordinance Amending Chapters 8.31 and 8.32 of the Avon Municipal Code Relating to Odor Pollution; and Providing Penalties for the Violation Thereof A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto, and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk, and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. 0 This notice is given and posted by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado Dated this 24th day of May, 2000. TO"/OF AVON, COLORADO BY: Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON MAY 26, 2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY i ORDINANCE NO. 00 - 06 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 8.31 AND 8.32 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ODOR POLLUTION; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. Amendment. Section 8.31.030(B) of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon is hereby deleted. Section 2. Amendment. Section 8.31.035 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon is added to provide as follows: "8.31.035 Curative Action and Notice to Town. A. If a violation of Section 8.31.030 hereof occurs, the person responsible for such violation shall take immediate action to correct the problem that caused the violation. B. Within eight hours of a violation of Section 8.31.030 hereof, the person responsible for such violation shall verbally notify the Town Manager of the specific reason that the violation occurred. Within three working days after such violation, such responsible person shall provide to the Town Manager a written statement detailing the reason for the violation and a plan for making certain that the problem will not recur." Section 3. Amendment. The second sentence of Section 8.32.010(A) of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon is amended as follows, so as to increase the permissible fine: "Any person who violates any provisions of this title shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for a period of not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; provided, no person under the age of eighteen years shall be punished by imprisonment." INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this 23 day of May , 2000, and a public hearing on this Ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado on the 13 day of June , 2000, at 5:30 p.m., in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. E 1-1 dy Yo r, ayor INTRODUCED, PASSED ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this day of , 2000. Judy Yoder, Mayor 0 ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Burt Levin, Town Attorney MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD MAY 23, 2000 0 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, and Mac McDevitt present. Councilor Buz Reynolds was absent. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Finance Director Scott Wright, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Police Sergeant Mike Leake, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Engineer Anne Martens, Transportation Director Harry Taylor as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input: Mayor Yoder read in full and presented a plaque to former Mayor Protem Bob McIlveen in appreciation of his years of service on the Avon Town Council. Ordinances: First Reading of Ordinance No. 00-06, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Amending Chapters 8.31 and 8.32 of the Avon Municipal Code Relating to Odor Pollution; and Providing Penalties for the Violation Thereof Town Attorney Burt Levin presented this Ordinance on First Reading. Mayor Yoder confirmed that this Ordinance would come before Council at the next meeting. After discussion by the Council, Councilor McDevitt motioned approval of Ordinance No. 00-06, Series of 2000 on first reading. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. Resolutions: Resolution No. 00-23, Series of 2000, A Resolution to Amend the 2000 Town of Avon Budget Finance Director Wright stated this Resolution increases appropriations to the Capital Improvements Fund budget by $230,000. This pertains to the W. Beaver Creek Blvd. streetscape improvement project. This increases the project from $655,000 to $885,000 for the year 2000. Councilor Buckley motioned approval of Resolution No. 00-23, Series of 2000. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. New Business: Selection of New Council Member Mayor Yoder stated that the Council interviewed seven applicants for the council seat vacated by Bob McIlveen. Council voted for the new member by secret ballot. After tallying the ballots, Town Clerk Nash announced that Michael Brown is the new council member. Mayor Yoder congratulated Michael Brown and stated that he will be sworn in at the next Council meeting. Mayor Yoder thanked all those who applied for the position and encouraged them to run for Avon Town Council in the November election. Town Manager Report: Town Manager Efting stated he will be out of town Memorial Day weekend and that :Larry Brooks will be Acting Town Manager. E Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the May 9, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Resolution No. 00-21, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 103, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado c.) Resolution No. 00-22, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, The Residences at Brookside Park, Buildings 2 and 3, A Resubdivision of Lot 3, Brookside Park Amendment II, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado d.) Resolution No. 00-24, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving Modification of Appendix A to the Water Service Rules and Regulations for the Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado e.) Resolution No. 00-25, Series of 2000, A Resolution Authorizing the Use of a Previously Approved Governmental Lease-Purchase Master Agreement Dated May 19, 1999 and Approving a Supplement Thereto and Related Documents and Certificates £) Resolution No. 00-26, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Master Deed Restriction Agreement for Grandview, Lot 42, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado g.) Resolution No. 00-27, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Temporary Easement for Grandview, Lot 42, Block 1, Benchmark at Town of Avon Regular Council Meeting May 23, 2000 2 h.) Approval of Contract with Metro Fire Training Center i.) W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Street Improvements - Meldor Construction, Inc.- Construction Contract j.) W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Street Improvements - HP Geotech Material Testing Proposal k.) W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Street Improvements Proposal/Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. Construction Contract Administration Services 1.) Contract with NationTax Online, Inc. for Electronic Filing of Sales Taxes m.) Contract with Funke Skate & Hockey Supply for Rollerblade Concessions n.) Lot C - Storm Water Detention Facility Agreement o.) Financial Matters Councilor Buckley motioned approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilor Benson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Cuny motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Benson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:40 PNV . Y SUBMITTED: Town Clerk APPROVED: Jim Benson Debbie Buckley Rick Curly Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder Note: The tape recorder malfunctioned at the beginning of this meeting; therefore, the tape is not fully transcribable until the end of the Ordinance section of the Agenda. Town of Avon Regular Council Meeting May 23, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Hon. Mayor and Town Council FROM: Burt Levin CC: Bill Efting; Larry Brooks; Scott Wright RE: Resolution re Sherwood Meadows Contract DATE: 05/25/00 Attached is a resolution authorizing an assignment of the Town's contract to purchase the 11 Sherwood Meadows units. For financial reasons the purchaser and owner of the units will be the Town of Avon Finance Authority. The assignment was prepared by bond counsel (Dee Wisor, Esq.) and has been consented to by the seller, John H. Laeri 11 RESOLUTION NO. 28 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ASSIGNMENT TO THE TOWN OF AVON FINANCE AUTHORITY OF THE TOWN OF AVON'S INTEREST IN THE MARCH 15, 2000 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND JOHN H. LAERI, JR. WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to authorize an assignment to the Town of Avon Finance Authority of the Town's interest in the contract dated March 15, 2000 by and between the Town and John H. Laeri, Jr., and WHEREAS, John H. Laeri, Jr. has previously consented to such assignment (as per the attached consent). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. The Mayor is authorized to execute the attached Assignment of Contract. ADOPTED this _ day of , 2000. 0 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Burt Levin, Town Attorney Ll 1 CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT Pursuant to ¶ 17 of the contract of sale dated March 15, 2000, by and between John H. Laeri, Jr. (seller) and Town of Avon (buyer), seller hereby consents to an assignment of the contract from the Town of Avon to the Town of Avon Finance Authority. DATE: HN H. LAERI, JR. :7 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT i This Assignment of Contract (this "Assignment") is by and between the Town of Avon, Colorado ("Assignor") and The Town of Avon Finance Authority ("Assignee") and is dated as of August _, 2000. Assignor, as buyer, entered into that certain Residential Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate dated March 15, 2000 (the "Contract"), with John H. Laeri, Jr. ("Seller"), as seller, for the purchase and sale of 11 condominium units in the Sherwood Meadows Condominiums, as more completely described in the Contract (the "Property"). Assignor desires to assign, and Assignee desires to accept the assignment of, all of the right, title, and interest of Assignor under the Contract, and Assignee agrees to assume all obligations of Assignor under the Contract. In consideration of the preceding recitals, Assignor and Assignee agree as follows: 1. In consideration of $10.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Assignor hereby assigns to Assignee, all of the Assignor's right, title, and interest in the Contract and in and to the Earnest Money Deposit as described in paragraph 4a of the Contract. Assignee shall pay to Assignor an amount equal to the Earnest Money Deposit at closing on the acquisiton of the Property. 2. Assignee accepts such assignment and, for the benefit of Assignor and Seller, agrees to assume and strictly perform all obligations of Assignor, as buyer, under the Contract. Such assumption shall not release Assignor from any obligation to Seller. 3. In consideration of the Assignee's acceptance of this assignment and agreement to assume and perform all of Assignor's obligations under the Contract and Assignee's leasing of the Property to Assignor, Assignor hereby agrees to waive and relinquish any right to collect any real estate transfer taxes in connection with the Assignee's purchase of the Property pursuant to the Contract. 4. To the extent permitted by law, Assignor and Assignee indemnify and hold Seller harmless from any cost, claim, or liability on account of this Assignment. 5. This Assignment constitutes the entire understanding of Assignor and Assignee with respect to its subject matter. This Assignment may not be modified except by the written agreement of Assignor and Assignee which is consented to by Seller. This Assignment, including the Consent which follows, may be executed in separate counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same document. AHNANCMUSEMBLEVMHERWOOD MEADOWS\ASSIGNMENT.DOC 5/19/00 2:18 PM This Assignment has been executed to be effective as of the date first stated above. ASSIGNOR: ASSIGNEE: TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO TOWN OF AVON FINANCE AUTHORITY Mayor President 0 HABLEVMHERWOOD MEADOWS?ASSIGNMENT.DOC 5/25/00 10:16 AM RESOLUTION NO. 29 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE TOWN OF AVON'S REPRESENTATIVES TO THE UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to appoint the Town of Avon's representatives to the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. The Town of Avon's designated principal member of the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority shall be Buz Reynolds, Jr. Section 2. The Town of Avon's designated alternate members of the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority shall be Norm Wood and Bill Efting. Section 3. The above named persons shall serve as the Town of Avon's designees until further written notice from the Town of Avon. i ADOPTED this _ day of , 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Burt Levin, Town Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 30 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE WEST AVON BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN TRAIL TO BE IN PURSUANCE OF A PUBLIC PURPOSE, AND AUTHORIZING ALL STEPS NECESSARY AND PROPER FOR ACQUISITION OF ALL INTERESTS, RIGHTS OF WAY, AND/OR EASEMENTS NEEDED TO CONSTURCT SUCH IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, the Town Council has previously directed, authorized, and budgeted for construction of the West Avon Trail (a bike and pedestrian trail) (see Res. No. 99-60), and WHEREAS, the West Avon Trail improvements will be made in pursuance of the public interest in health, safety, and welfare, and WHEREAS, the construction of such improvements will require the Town of Avon to obtain, through negotiation or exercise of the power of eminent domain, certain interests, rights of way, and/or easements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. The Town of Avon Council hereby declares the West Avon Trail improvements to be in pursuance of the public interest and for a public purpose. Section 2. The Town of Avon staff is authorized to engage the services of an appraiser and a title company, and to take all other actions necessary and proper for acquisition of all interests, rights of way, and/or easements needed to perform such improvements, including, but not limited to, acquisition by negotiation or the power of eminent domain. ADOPTED this _ day of , 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk Memo June 8, 2000 To: Meryl From: 5arah I, E: 13ob5ummerFe5t Band Contract Summary Attached please find the contract between Firel ours Inc and FireFall and the Town of Avon for performance 5ervice5 by FireFall at 13ob5ummerFe6t. FireFall ie a traditional folk and rock band. Recommendation I recommend that Council approve and Sign the attached contract for performance 5ervicee at Bob5ummerFect in the amount of $5,500. 0 Town of Avon • P.O. Box 975 • Avon, CO 81620 • 970-748-4032 H BEFALL/FI PETOUkS INC. JOCK BARTLEY %2171 W. 131 st Way Westminster, Colo. 80234 Agreement this date, 3/30/00, between FIREFALL (hereinafter referred to as "PRODUCER") and TOWN OF AVON, (hereinafter referred to as "PURCHASER). It is mutually agreed to between the parties as follows: The PURCHASER hereby engages PRODUCER and the PRODUCER hereby agrees to furnish the entertainment presentation hereinafter described, upon all terms and conditions set forth herin, including those entitled "Artist Rider" and "Technical Rider." For the presentation thereof by PURCHASER: (a) Place of Engagement: Nottingham Park, 400 Benchmark Rd., Avon, Colo. (b) Date of Engagement: Saturday, August 12, 2000 (c) At the following time: app. 7:00 P.M.; one 90+ minute performance (d) Billing: Artist will receive 100% sole headline billing and close show. (e) Compensation Agreed Upon: $5500.00 to be paid as follows: A $1000 deposit and signed contracts due FIRETOURS IN by4/30/6with the balance of $4500.00 due in CASH day of show prior to the per#or nce.----- (f) PURCHASER will provide and pay for: a first class concert sound and lighting system per Technical Rider, 7 (seven) single hotel rooms, dressing room facilities, dinner for eight after soudcheck, Artist Rider requirements. PURCHASER shall first apply any and all receipts derived from the entertainment presentation to the payments required hereunder. All payments shall be made in full without any deductions whatsoever, rain, snow or shine. The attached Artist Rider is part of the contract and must be signed by all parties concerned. No advertisment shall occur before FIRETOURS receives back signed contract and deposit unless okay'd by PRODUCER. Capacity: Ticket Price: Merchandising: 0% due PURCHASER X ---------------- ---------- PURCHASER Maryl Jacobs Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colo. 81620 (John Waldman/Great Knight Prod. (719) 879-7180 _ Fed. ID# 84-1456019 %Jock Bartley 2171 W. 131 st Way Westminster, Colo., 80234 (303) 255-0360, FAX: 255-0361 .06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69072 06/16/00 A&HGRAPH A&H GRAPHICS, INC. 111 PLAQUE, ENGRAVING 108.55 11101 69073 06/16/00 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 24 VOLT STARTER 229.94 11101 69073 06/16/00 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 ALTERNATOR 792.25 11101 69073 06/16/00 A-IAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 61 REGULATOR 195.40 11101 69073 06/16/00 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 ALTERNATOR 775.25 11101 69073 06/16/00 A-IAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 ALTERNATOR 748.00 TOTAL CHECK 2,740.84 11101 69074 06/16/00 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 FILTER KIT 36.98 11101 69074 06/16/00 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -27.66 11101 69074 06/16/00 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 PIN & BUSHING 5.61 11101 69074 06/16/00 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 BULB 2.53 11101 69074 06/16/00 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 TURN ROTOR 18.00 11101 69074 06/16/00 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 CLAMP, ADAPTERS 14.47 11101 69074 06116100 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 PEDAL PAD 5.16 11101 69074 06/16/00 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 STARTER 71.50 11101 69074 06/16/00 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 CLUTCH SLAVE CYLINDER 55.06 TOTAL CHECK 181.65 11101 69075 06/16/00 ADOLPHKI ADOLPH KIEFER & ASSOCIATE 516 HEAD IMMOBILIZER REPLACE 67.80 69076 06/16/00 ADVANCEE ADVANCED EXERCISE EQUIPME 518 CURL BAR, DUMBBELLS 181.99 69076 06/16/00 ADVANCES ADVANCED EXERCISE EQUIPME 518 LIFE FITNESS ELLIPTICAL 3,424.00 TOTAL CHECK 3,605.99 11101 69077 06/16/00 AIRGASIN AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN, INC 520 CO2 CARBOMIZER 2,500.00 11101 69078 06/16/00 T0000526 ALAN C WILSON 10 BACKOUT TRAVEL ADV -175.00 11101 69078 06/16/00 T0000526 ALAN C WILSON 312 REIMB TRAVEL EXP 175.92 TOTAL CHECK .92 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 17.70 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 51.97 11101 69079 06116100 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 17.33 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 5.90 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 4.03 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 312 COFFEE SUPPLIES 12.80 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 12.02 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 312 COFFEE SUPPLIES 20.45 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 211 SUGAR, CREAMER 5.60 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 7.84 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 23.51 11101 69079 06/16/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 39.00 TOTAL CHECK 218.15 11101 69080 06/16/00 ALPINEEN ALPINE ENGINEERING 800 PROF SVC/REC PATH EASEMNT 1,402.50 11101 69080 06/16/00 ALPINEEN ALPINE ENGINEERING 800 PROF SVC/REC PATH 4,143.75 TOTAL CHECK 5,546.25 69081 06/16/00 ALPINEP ALPINE PARTY RENTALS 513 HELIUM TANK 105.00 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:05 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER r 06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69082 06/16/00 ALPINETR ALPINE TROPHIES 432 END OF SEASON AWARDS 326.50 11101 69083 06/16/00 AMERBARA AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION 113 ABA MEMBERSHIP 236.25 11101 69084 06/16/00 AMERICAN AMERICAN RED CROSS 516 PROVIDER FEES 15.00 11101 69085 06/16/00 APPLIEDC APPLIED CONCEPTS, INC. 312 RADAR REPAIR 113.78 11101 69086 06/16/00 ARBITRAG ARBITRAGE COMPLIANCE SPEC 141 PROF SVC 1,000.00 11101 69086 06/16/00 ARBITRAG ARBITRAGE COMPLIANCE SPEC 141 PROF SVC 3,700.00 11101 69086 06/16/00 ARBITRAG ARBITRAGE COMPLIANCE SPEC 141 PROF SVC 3,700.00 11101 69086 06/16/00 ARBITRAG ARBITRAGE COMPLIANCE SPEC 141 PROF SVC 2,700.00 TOTAL CHECK 11,100.00 11101 69087 06/16/00 ARCHCOMM ARCH COMMUNICATIONS 322 PAGING SVC 2ND QTR 2,192.26 11101 69087 06/16/00 ARCHCOMM ARCH COMMUNICATIONS 321 REPLACEMENT PAGER 50.00 TOTAL CHECK 2,242.26 11101 69086 06/16/00 ARMADILO ARMADILLO TRUCK VAULT, IN 434 TRUCKVAULT #9 1,195.25 1 01 69089 06/16/00 ATTWIREL AT&T WIRELESS 311 DATA SERVICES 98.00 69090 06/16/00 ATDAMERI ATD-AMERICAN CC 311 FILE CABINET 246.77 11101 69091 06/16/00 BANKONEI BANK ONE 913 ADMIN FEES 150.00 11101 69092 06/16/00 BLOCKAND BLOCK AND COMPANY, INC 323 OVAL KEY TAGS 117.26 11101 69093 06/16/00 BOUNDTRE BOUND TREE 322 GLUTOSE 26.70 11101 69093 06/16/00 BOUNDTRE BOUND TREE 322 BLOOD PRESSURE KIT 49.90 TOTAL CHECK 76.60 11101 69094 06/16/00 BRIANHOU BRIAN HOULIHAN 213 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES 297.13 11101 69095 06/16/00 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 TRASH COLLECTION/APRIL 517.39 11101 69095 06/16/00 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 TRASH COLLECTION/APRIL 70.07 11101 69095 06/16/00 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 TRASH COLLECTION/MAY 257.33 11101 69095 06/16/00 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 TRASH COLLECTION/JUNE 70.07 TOTAL CHECK 914.86 11101 69096 06/16/00 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 431 OFFICE CLEANING/APRIL 1,360.00 11101 69096 06/16/00 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 414 OFFICE CLEANING/APRIL 1,700.00 11101 69096 06/16/00 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 434 OFFICE CLEANING/APRIL 340.00 TOTAL CHECK 3,400.00 11101 69097 06/16/00 CANEPAWO CANEPA WOODWORKS 812 REBUILDING SAUNA BENCH 1,100.00 11101 69096 06/16/00 CARDIOTH CARDIO THEATER 518 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 60.00 11101 69098 06/16/00 CARDIOTH CARDIO THEATER 518 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 377.00 0 TOTAL CHECK 437.00 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:08 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER -06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69099 06/16/00 CASCOIND CASCO INDUSTRIES 322 FOAM JET 359.00 11101 69100 06/16/00 T0000671 CECELIA FENTON 211 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 7.80 11101 69101 06/16/00 CHANNELS CHANNEL 5 114 1ST QTR FRANSCHISE FEES 3,765.17 11101 69102 06/16/00 CHEROKEE CHEROKEE EPOXY, INC 812 REC CTR IMPROVEMENTS 1,870.00 11101 69103 06/16/00 CIRSA CIRSA 321 DEDUCTIBLE 1,863.00 11101 69103 06/16/00 CIRSA CIRSA 411 DEDUCTIBLE 153.55 11101 69103 06/16/00 CIRSA CIRSA 312 DEDUCTIBLE 875.38 11101 69103 06/16/00 CIRSA CIRSA 431 DEDUCTIBLE 1,000.00 11101 69103 06/16/00 CIRSA CIRSA 434 FLEET MTC PAC INS 6,232.00 TOTAL CHECK 10,123.93 11101 69104 06/16/00 CITYMARK CITY MARKET 213 FOOD 15.94 11101 69105 06/16/00 CLIMATEC CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GLE 321 GAS PILOT REPAIR/STAT 1 158.69 11101 69105 06/16/00 CLIMATEC CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GLE 321 MAINT TO GAS PILOT STAT 5 150.00 TOTAL CHECK 308.65 6910E 06/16/00 COLODEPT CO DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 312 DRUG TESTING 75.0C 69106 06/16/00 COLODEPT CO DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 312 MARCH BLOODTESTS 48.25 TOTAL CHECK 123.25 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 8,243.58 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 OIL 6 LUBE 743.05 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MISC PARTS 248.05 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 916.00 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 AUTO GREASE 496.00 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 HOSE REPAIR 250.45 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 UNLEADED FUEL 5,243.45 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 7,486.78 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 679.25 11101 69107 06/16/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 UNLEADED FUEL 5,138.92 TOTAL CHECK 29,445.53 11101 69108 06/16/00 COLOROPT COLOR OPTIC LITERATURE DI 323 LITERATURE DISPLAY 145.55 11101 69109 06/16/00 T0000553 COLORADO BAR ASSOCIATION 113 MEMBERSHIP 180.00 11101 69110 06/16/00 CODEPTRE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF RE 432 CDL TESTING LIC RENEW 300.00 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 FILTER KITS 188.72 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 MULTI RIB BELT 75.48 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 MISC PARTS 11.00 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 AIR COMPRESSOR 649.89 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 MISC PARTS 257.52 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 AIR 14.16 0 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 RIBBED BELTS 75.48 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:09 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER -06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 4 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 CORE CREDIT -46.15 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 HUBOMETER 37.45 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 SAFETY VALVE KIT 88.68 11101 69111 06/16/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 SEALS 183.00 TOTAL CHECK 1,535.23 11101 69112 06/16/00 CPPA COLORADO POLICE PROTECTIV 311 2000 SOURCE BOOK 166.00 11101 69113 06/16/00 COPRINTI COLORADO PRINTING COMPANY 513 SALUTE POSTERS 1,037.48 11101 6911E 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 415 COIL FOR STREET LIGHTS 345.75 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 STREET LIGHT MAINT PARTS 33.50 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 415 STREET LIGHT MAINT PARTS 790.31 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 ELECTRICAL PARTS 61.80 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 BALLAST FOR STREET LIGHTS 525.00 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 415 LIGHT FIXTURES 58.77 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 415 CONTACT CLEANER,TESTER 163.76 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 LIGHT FIXTURE 225.00 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 413 COILS FOR STREET LIGHTS 115.25 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 415 STREET LIGHT MAINT PARTS 416.25 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 STREET LIGHT MAINT PARTS 253.39 11101 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 415 MUNI PARKING LOT BALLAST 92.00 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 415 ELECTRICAL PARTS 856.74 69115 06/16/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 415 ELECTRICAL PARTS 194.03 TOTAL CHECK 4,131.55 11101 6911E 06/16/00 CONSOLID CONSOLIDATED PLASTICS COM 520 CARPET 322.95 11101 69117 06/16/00 CONSTRUC CONSTRUCTION BOOK EXPRESS 213 ESTIMATOR 2000 81.65 11101 6911E 06/16/00 CONTRAEN CONTRA ENGINEERING, INC 800 PROF SVC/W BVR CRK STREET 7,500.00 11101 69119 06/16/00 COPYCOPY COPY COPY 321 COPIES 21.80 11101 69119 06/16/00 COPYCOPY COPY COPY 521 CAMP FLYERS 156.29 11101 69119 06/16/00 COPYCOPY COPY COPY 311 COPIES 48.30 TOTAL CHECK 226.39 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 131 PRINTER CARTRIDGE 24.69 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 PRINTER PAPER 27.60 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 321 FORM HOLDER 402.60 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 431 OFFICE SUPPLIES 27.14 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 OFFICE SUPPLIES 252.76 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 132 PRINTER CARTRIDGE 24.69 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 141 COPY PAPER, TONER 433.60 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 311 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 135.08 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 143 UTILITY DRAWER 18.56 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 143 TILT CHAIR 275.00 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 321 MISC OFFICE SUPP 123.43 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 324 FRAMES 11.36 11101 69120 06/16/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 33.38 0 TOTAL CHECK 1,789.89 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:11 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER •06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69121 06/16/00 CRYSTALC CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDSHIELD 434 REPLACED WINDSHIELD 234.71 11101 69121 06/16/00 CRYSTALC CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDSHIELD 434 WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENT 270.28 11101 69121 06/16/00 CRYSTALC CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDSHIELD 434 WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENT 270.28 TOTAL CHECK 775.27 11101 69122 06/16/00 CYBEX CYBEX INTERNATIONAL, INC. 520 MISC PARTS 142.70 11101 69123 06/16/00 T0000442 DALE FOSTER 213 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 102.70 11101 69124 06/16/00 MAURERDA DANA MAURER 514 TRIATHLON CONSULT FEE 40.00 11101 69125 06/16/00 DAVEYCOA DAVEY COACH SALES, INC. 434 UFL DOOR FOR BVR CRK BUS 788.40 11101 69126 06/16/00 DELARUEC DE LA RUE CASH SYSTEMS, I 431 COIN MACHINE MAINT 763.57 11101 69127 06/16/00 DEEPROCK DEEP ROCK WEST 432 DRINKING WATER/MAY 168.75 11102 69127 06/16/00 DEEPROCK DEEP ROCK WEST 432 DRINKING WATER/APRIL 190.29 TOTAL CHECK 359.04 11101 6912E 06/16/00 DOCTORSO DOCTORS ON CALL 432 DRUG SCREENS 120.00 11101 6912E 06/16/00 DOCTORSO DOCTORS ON CALL 432 DRUG SCREENS 340.00 6912E 06/16/00 DOCTORSO DOCTORS ON CALL 311 MEDICAL EXAMS/BRECI 115.06 TOTAL CHECK 575.00 11101 69129 06/16/00 DODGECON DODGE CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC 800 ADVERTISING/W BVR CRKBLV 498.00 11101 69130 06/16/00 T0000087 DOMINICK ZAPPIA 324 PROCTOR SVC 175.00 11101 69131 06/16/00 DOUBLETR DOUBLETREE HOTEL 312 LODGING/DOBBS 396.00 11101 69132 06/16/00 DRIVETRA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES 434 SPRING BRAKE 42.00 11101 69133 06/16/00 DYNOAPP DYNOAPPS, INC 431 RECRUITING SOFTWARE 906.66 11101 69134 06/16/00 EACOCLER EAGLE COUNTY CLERK 141 APRIL SALES BOOK 7.50 11101 69135 06/16/00 EAGLEBEN EAGLEBEND AFFORDABLE HOUS 436 JUNE RENT 5,440.00 11101 69136 06/16/00 EATONSAL EATON SALES 4 SERVICE 434 FUEL CARDS 12.75 11101 69137, 06/16/00 EDWARDSM EDWARDS METROPOLITAN DIST 321 PROF SVC/EAGLE RIV FIRE 6,826.34 11101 6913E 06/16/00 EVERETTE EVERETTE ROSSBACH 324 PROCTOR SVC 175.00 11101 69139 06/16/00 EXCHANGE EXCHANGE OUTLOOK 143 SUBSCRIPTION/ROUNDS 19.99 11101 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 141 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 20.80 11101 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 412 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 5.05 11101 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 211 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 5.50 0 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 411 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 5.50 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:12 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER -06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 800 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 16.30 11101 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 433 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 12.20 11101 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 431 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 7.05 11101 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 434 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 11.20 11101 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 141 OVERNIGHT DELIVERY 15.65 11101 69140 06/16/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 113 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 7.15 TOTAL CHECK 106.40 11101 69141 06/16/00 FIDELITY FIDELITY 800 CORR ROLL FILE 25 TUBES 522.46 11101 69142 06/16/00 FIREPROT FIRE PROTECTION PUBLICATI 324 ESSENTIALS 4TH EDITION 200.00 11101 69143 06/16/00 FIRESPRI FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES 520 FIRE SPRINKLERS IN MECHRM 450.00 11101 69144 06/16/00 T0000075 FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE T 800 OWNERS POLICY/LOT 1 SUNRG 175.00 11101 69145 06/16/00 T0000672 FLASH & THE KIDS, INC 513 BALANCE DUE FOR SALUTE 5,000.00 11101 69146 06/16/00 FLINTTRA FLINT TRADING, INC 413 SPRAYABLE STREET PAINT 182.90 11101 6919; 06/16/00 FORCEAME FORCE AMERICA, INC 434 HEAD LIGHT CIRCUIT 39.05 0 6914E 06/16/00 FOREFRON FOREFRONT SMARTFORCE, INC 143 SOFTWARE 1,552.50 11101 69145 06/16/00 FOTOFINI FOTO FINISH 313 FILM PROCESSING 8.04 11101 69145 06/16/00 FOTOFINI FOTO FINISH 313 PHOTO PROCESSING 11.44 TOTAL CHECK 19.48 11101 69150 06/16/00 FRONTRAN FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATU 322 TOOL PARTS 1,152.03 11101 69151 06/16/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 130.02 11101 69151 06/16/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 130.02 11101 69151 06/16/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 130.02 11101 69151 06/16/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 181.29 11101 69151 06/16/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 130.02 TOTAL CHECK 701.37 11101 69152 06/16/00 GHDANIEL G.H. DANIELS III & ASSOC 415 CLEAR DRAINAGE DITCH 140.00 11101 69153 06/16/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 312 SHOULDER HOLSTER 62.21 11101 69153 06/16/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 312 SHOULDER HOLSTER 140.98 TOTAL CHECK 203.15 11101 69154 06/16/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 124.76 11101 69154 06/16/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 96.00 11101 69154 06116100 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 280.00 11101 69154 06/16/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 385.56 11101 69154 06/16/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 RECAP 480.00 11101 69154 06/16/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 RECAP, VALVE STEMS 992.40 11101 69154 06/16/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 378.26 0 69154 06/16/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 1,525.28 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:14 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER -06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 7 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: transact.check_ no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69154 06/16/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 171.90 TOTAL CHECK 4,434.16 11101 69155 06/16/00 GEMINIGA GEMINI GARDENS 520 APRIL PLANT MAINT 110.00 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 LIMIT SWITCH, RELAY 51.52 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 HI FLOW NYLON FAN 76.67 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 MODULE 110.27 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 FAN SOLENOID VALVE 214.32 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 MISC PARTS 203.74 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 HI FLOW NYLON FAN 230.01 11101 69151 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 HI FLOW NYLON FAN 76.67 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 ALUM RIVET 5.04 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 FLASHER 77.36 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 SHOCK ABSORBER 262.14 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 COOLANT WARNING SENSOR 47.74 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 ALUM RIVETS 23.46 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 OIL PRESSURE SENDER 120.36 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MODULE 220.54 11101 69157, 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 CHARGE AIR COOLER 894.8E 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 98.5E 11101 69157 06/16/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 OIL RES ELEMENT 23.6E 0 TOTAL CHECK 2,736.9E 11101 6915E 06/16/OC GLENWDEN GLENWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC 434 TOWING #847 200.00 11101 69155 06/16/00 GLENSHOE GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE 322 18 PAIR WILDLAND BOOTS 2,610.00 11101 69160 06/16/00 GOLFENVI GOLF ENVIRO SYSTEMS, INC. 415 FERTILIZER 487.50 11101 69160 06/16/00 GOLFENVI GOLF ENVIRO SYSTEMS, INC. 417 FERTILIZER 487.50 TOTAL CHECK 975.00 11101 69161 06/16/00 GRAINGER GRAINGER PARTS 800 SHELVING FOR FILE STORAGE 3,103.50 11101 69161 06/16/00 GRAINGER GRAINGER PARTS 415 SINGLE SHEAVE 7.27 11101 69161 06/16/00 GRAINGER GRAINGER PARTS 414 CIRC FAN INMUNI 92.22 TOTAL CHECK 3,202.99 11101 69162 06/16/00 GRANDJUN GRAND JUNCTION PIPE & SUP 415 IRRIGATION PARTS 4,337.84 11101 69162 06/16/00 GRANDJUN GRAND JUNCTION PIPE & SUP 415 COPPER WIRE 22.50 TOTAL CHECK 4,360.34 11101 69163 06/16/00 GREATADV GREAT ADVENTURE 434 BIKE RACKS 600.00 11101 69164 06/16/00 GREATDIV GREAT DIVIDE CONSTRUCTION 434 REPAIRS ON OLD MAINT FAC 15,751.92 11101 69165 06/16/00 GREENSMA GREEN'S MACHINES, INC. 432 LAUNDERING/PARKAS, SKIBIB 243.20 11101 69165 06/16/00 GREENSMA GREEN'S MACHINES, INC. 432 LAUNDERING/PARKAS 304.00 11101 69165 06/16/00 GREENSMA GREEN'S MACHINES, INC. 520 LAUNDRY/APRIL 481.80 TOTAL CHECK 1,029.00 0 69166 06/16/00 HARNEYNA HARNEY-NAILL, INC 800 PAYMENT 3/FIRE STAT REMDL 78,312.94 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:16 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 8 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6100 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69167 06/16/00 HAWKEYES HAWKEYE SERVICES, INC 520 CARPET CLEANING/REC 1,450.00 11101 69167 06/16/00 HAWKEYES HAWKEYE SERVICES, INC 520 CARPET CLEANING/REC CTR 1,250.00 TOTAL CHECK 2,700.00 11101 69168 06/16/00 HEARTSMA HEARTSMART, INC 323 CPR BOOK, CARDS 137.25 11101 69169 06/16/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 432 EMBROIDERY ON T-SHIRTS 195.00 11101 69165 06/16/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 4322 EMBROIDERY ON T-SHIRTS 93.00 TOTAL CHECK 288.00 11101 69170 06/16/00 HOGANMFG HOGAN MFG., INC. 434 SENSITIVE EDGE ASSY 97.01 11101 69171 06/16/00 HOLINNGR HOLIDAY INN 312 LODGING/DOBBS 550.00 11101 69172 06/16/00 HOLINN HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS 4322 LODGING/WETZEL,HUFF,PALM 534.00 11101 69173 06/16/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 4/26-5/31 146.93 11101 69173 06/16/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 4/27-6/2 13.21 TOTAL CHECK 160.14 11101 69174 06/16/00 IAPMO IAPMO 213 BOOK 18.95 0 69175 06/16/00 ICBO ICBO 213 BOORS/IMC/TABS 3 1 4.25 11101 69176 06/16/00 INTERNAT ICBO 213 MEMBERSHIP DUES/FOSTER 35.00 11101 69177 06/16/00 INTERMTN INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERIN 800 PROF SVC/NOTTINGHAM STSCP 27,595.05 11101 6917E 06/16/00 INTERCAR INTERCARE HEALTH PLANS 10 DENTAL INS PREM 7,427.50 11101 6917E 06/16/00 INTERCAR INTERCARE HEALTH PLANS 10 HEALTH INS PREM 63,037.95 1110: 6917E 06/16/00 INTERCAR INTERCARE HEALTH PLANS 10 LIFE INS PREM 2,700.88 TOTAL CHECK 73,166.33 11101 69175 06/16/00 INTLCHIE INTL ASSOC OF CHIEFS OF P 311 2000 DUES 100.00 11101 69180 06/16/00 J.J.KELL J.J. KELLER & ASSOCIATES, 431 DRUG & ALCOHOL BOOKS 215.31 11101 69180 06/16/00 J.J.KELL J.J. KELLER & ASSOCIATES, 431 MOTOR COACH BUS POKT BOOK 316.40 TOTAL CHECK 531.71 11101 69181 06/16/00 WETZELJE JEFF WETZEL 10 TRAVEL ADVANCE 145.00 11101 69182 06/16/00 T0000673 JOE SHERRY 10 RESIDENT DEPOSIT REFUND 250.00 11101 69183 06/16/00 T0000674 JOHN LAZARINE 10 TRAVEL ADVANCE 150.00 11101 69184 06/16/00 MCCAULLE JOHN MCCAULLEY 321 REIMS FOR LUNCH 24.93 11101 69185 06/16/00 JOHNSONK JOHNSON, KUNKEL & ASSOCIA 212 ZONING MAP 1,817.50 0 69186 06/16/00 T0000176 JULIE KESSENICH 141 REIMB FOR TRAINING EXP 18.40 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:17 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER -06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 9 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND 9ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 169072' and '69316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 6918E 06/16/00 T0000176 JULIE KESSENICH 141 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 117.65 TOTAL CHECK 136.05 11101 69187 06/16/00 BREWERJW JW BREWER TIRE CO., INC 434 TIRE DISPOSAL CHARGE 10.00 11101 69187 06/16/00 BREWERJW JW BREWER TIRE CO., INC 434 TIRES 415.90 TOTAL CHECK 425.90 11101 69186 06/16/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 253.50 11101 6918E 06/16/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 225.12 11101 69188 06/16/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 520 NEW ACCT CREDIT -500.00 11101 69186 06/16/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 520 SHEET METAL SCREW 56.78 11101 6918E 06/16/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 520 MISC PARTS 977.73 11101 6918E 06/16/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 317.44 11101 6918E 06/16/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 317.96 11101 6918E 06/16/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 227.83 TOTAL CHECK 1,876.36 11101 69185 06/16/00 WILLK.ELL KELLEY WILLIAMS 10 TRAVEL ADVANCE 145.00 11101 69190 06/16/00 KOALACOR KOALA CORPORATION 517 CARPET FOR CHILDCARE 207.00 11101 69191 06/16/00 NASHKRIS KRIS NASH 115 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 8.77 69191, 06/16/00 LLJOHNSO L. L. JOHNSON DISTRIBUTIN 434 BLADE,BLADE RECYCLER 83.97 11101 69192 06/16/00 LLJOHNSO L. L. JOHNSON DISTRIBUTIN 415 IRRITROL TIMER 709.2E TOTAL CHECK 792.75 11101 69193 06/16/00 LABSAFET LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. 415 WASTE BAGS 520.31 11101 69193 06/16/00 LABSAFET LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. 415 CAUTION SIGN 94.86 TOTAL CHECK 615.17 11101 69199 06/16/00 LABELMAS LABELMASTER 322 TRAINING POSTER 8.99 11101 69195 06/16/00 LAWSONPR LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC 434 BRAKE CLEANER 41.23 11101 6919E 06/16/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 RADIO REPAIR 37.50 11101 6919E 06/16/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 MOUNTING SCREW SETS 24.00 11101 6919E 06/16/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 MOBILE MICS 210.00 11101 69196 06/16/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 RADIO REPAIR, SWITCHBOARD 167.50 TOTAL CHECK 439.00 11102 69197 06/16/00 LEGACYCO LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS, IN 312 RECONNECT MIC TO AVD CONT 25.00 11101 69196 06/16/00 LEONARDR LEONARD RICE CONSULTING W 424 PROF SVC/WATER PLANNING 447.00 11101 69199 06116100 LEWAN&AS LEWAN & ASSOCIATES, INC 431 COPY PAPER 151.00 11101 69199 06/16/00 LEWAN&AS LEWAN & ASSOCIATES, INC 311 COPY PAPER, COMPUTER PAPR 207.25 TOTAL CHECK 358.25 11101 69200 06/16/00 LIGHTBUL LIGHT BULB SUPPLY COMPANY 520 MISC BULBS 389.60 0 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:20 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER .06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 11 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND 9ION CRITERIA: traneact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 54.60 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 OIL FILTER, AIR FILTER 53.88 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 SEAT COVER 32.75 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 108.63 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 V BELT 16.56 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 CREDIT FOR RETURN -5.52 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 OIL FILTER, BRAKE PADS 64.85 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 33.00 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 CORED CREDIT -20.00 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 DEGREASER 23.34 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 SENDER 58.41 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 19.48 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 9.14 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 HOSE 4.66 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE PADS 28.97 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BUSHINGS -74.56 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BATTERY 17.60 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 24.97 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 15.92 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 GREASE GUN, GREASE 43.92 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 586.94 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 DEGREASER 23.34 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SOCKET 4.03 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 109.72 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 HOSE CLAMP 7.40 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FITTING 13.77 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SCREW .25 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 DUCT TAPE 12.98 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 30.47 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 STRAP 47.88 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BULBS 18.30 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 141.96 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 35.91 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BULB, LAMP .54 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 18.32 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 15.42 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FILTER 22.81 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 3.99 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE SET, CORE DEPOSIT 43.68 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 OIL FILTERS,BRAKE PADS 66.65 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -1.92 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 69.56 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 DEGREASER 23.34 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 28.15 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 415 DEGREASER 35.01 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CLEANER 24.36 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -3.55 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 22.40 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 92.33 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 14.77 0 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BATTERY 10.56 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:22 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER S 06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 12 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_ no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -10.56 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 10.23 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FILTER KIT 20.89 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BATTERY, CORE DEPOSIT 74.31 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 WATER PUMP 52.59 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 THERMOSTAT, GASKET 5.14 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 PULLEY 10.71 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 17.69 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BATTERY 64.99 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 OIL FILTER 3.07 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH 8.55 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC SUPPLIES 55.03 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FILTER KIT 22.81 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BINDER CHAIN 36.31 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 OIL SEAL 6.01 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 45.03 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CAP SCREW 1.42 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 4.19 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 18.50 11101 69221 06/16/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 520 MISC PARTS 37.45 TOTAL CHECK 2,698.3E 69222 06/16/00 NATLFIRE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 323 BINDERS 55.95 11101 69223 06/16/00 NATLSIGN NATIONAL SIGN COMPANY, IN 413 SIGNS FOR AVON RD PROJECT 1,135.97 11101 69224 06/16/00 NEVESUNI NEVE'S UNIFORMS, INC. 312 HOLSTER 58.50 11101 69225 06/16/00 NICOLETT NICOLETTI-FLATER ASSOC 311 PRE-EMPLOYMENT/BRECI 120.00 11101 69226 06/16/00 NOBULLRE NO BULL REPAIR & REMODELS 812 RE-GROUT & SEAL/REC CTR 1,442.54 11101 69227, 06/16/00 NORTHERN NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT 415 CREDIT FOR RETURN -34.96 11101 69227 06/16/00 NORTHERN NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT 413 HONDA GENERATOR 1,747.79 TOTAL CHECK 1,712.81 11101 6922E 06/16/00 NOVUSWIN NOVUS AUTOGLASS 434 WINDSHIELS REPAIR 40.00 11101 69225 06/16/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 213 COPY PAPER, CARTRIDGE 78.36 11101 69229 06/16/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -122.76 11101 69225 06/16/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 412 TONER 108.27 11101 69229 06/16/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 212 FLAIR PEN 4.68 11101 69225 06/16/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 ENVELOPES,HANGING FOLDERS 29.02 11101 69229 06/16/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 PENS 13.20 11101 69225 06/16/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 413 CREDIT FOR RETURN -34.12 11101 69229 06116100 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 211 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 135.92 11101 69229 06/16/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 HANGING FOLDERS 38.20 TOTAL CHECK 250.77 11101 69230 06/16/00 PALINEQU PALIN EQUIPMENT CORP 435 SOAP, ACID 2,829.00 0 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:24 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER -06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 13 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND 0ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 169072' and '69316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69231 06/16/00 PANCHASC PANCRA'S CLEANING SERVICE 414 OFFICE CLEANING/JUNE 1,666.67 11101 69231 06/16/00 PANCHASC PANCRA'S CLEANING SERVICE 434 OFFICE CLEANING/JUNE 333.33 11101 69231 06116100 PANCHASC PANCRA'S CLEANING SERVICE 431 OFFICE CLEANING/JUNE 1,333.33 TOTAL CHECK 3,333.33 11101 69232 06/16/00 PAPERDIR PAPERDIRECT, INC. 521 CARDS 104.85 11101 69233 06/16/00 PARADIGM PARADIGM SERVICES, LLC 520 GAS SVC/APRIL 3,023.73 11101 69234 06/16/00 T0000675 PATTI BRONN 10 PASS REFUND 393.00 11101 69235 06/16/00 T0000676 PAUL LOWE 414 REIMS FOR MILEAGE 5.20 11101 6923E 06/16/00 PEREGRIN PEREGRINE PRESS 521 DAY CAMP BOOKLETS 79.80 11101 6923E 06/16/00 PEREGRIN PEREGRINE PRESS 515 BOAT STICKERS 83.00 11101 6923E 06/16/00 PEREGRIN PEREGRINE PRESS 515 PASS REGISTRATION FORMS 95.80 11101 6923E 06/16/00 PEREGRIN PEREGRINE PRESS 311 POLICE OPERATIONS MANUAL 151.50 TOTAL CHECK 410.10 11101 69237, 06/16/00 PERFORMT PERFORMANCE TRAINING SYST 324 SOFTWARE UPGRADES 1,456.00 11101 6923E 06/16/00 PETERSEN PETERSEN MFG. CO., INC 415 BUTTON ASSEMBLY 111.71 • 69235 06/16/00 PETTYCAS PETTY CASH 515 MDSE FOR RESALE/CABIN 44.53 11101 69240 06/16/00 T0000622 PHILLIP HUFF 10 TRAVEL ADVANCE 150.00 11101 69241 06/16/00 PIONEERR PIONEER RESEARCH CORPORAT 414 NON-SLIP PAINT 1,262.54 11101 69242 06/16/00 PREMIUMW PREMIUMWEAR, INC 432 POLO SHIRTS 231.09 11101 69242 06/16/00 PREMIUMW PREMIUMWEAR, INC 432 POLO SHIRTS 22.80 11101 69242 06/16/00 PREMIUMW PREMIUMWEAR, INC 432 SUMMER UNIFORM SHIRTS 1,998.15 TOTAL CHECK 2,252.04 11101 69243 06/16/00 PROFORMA PROFORMA 149 PURCHASE ORDERS 286.71 11101 69244 06/16/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 321 GAS SVC 4/29-5/25 32.62 11101 69244 06/16/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 GAS SVC 4/29-5/29 218.17 11101 69244 06/16/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 4/29-5/25 184.58 11101 69244 06/16/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 GAS SVC 4/27-5/26 12.44 11101 69244 06/16/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 GAS SVC 4/27-5/26 198.45 TOTAL CHECK 646.26 11101 69245 06/16/00 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 431 HIGHLIGHTER, CORR FLUID 48.40 11101 69245 06/16/00 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 431 CORRECTION FLUID 14.76 11101 69245 06/16/00 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 431 DRAFTING STOOL 134.77 11101 69245 06/16/00 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 431 CREDIT FOR RETURN -19.96 11101 69245 06/16/00 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 431 MISC OFFICE SUPP 196.63 TOTAL CHECK 374.60 0 69246 06/16/00 RACKATTA RACK ATTACK USA 811 VAN ACCESSORIES 1,164.00 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:24 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER -06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND 0ION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 69247, 06/16/00 RADWORKS RADWORKS 521 11101 69246 06/16/00 REEDPHOT REED PHOTO-IMAGING 433 11101 69249 06/16/00 RIVENDEL RIVENDELL SOD FARM 415 11101 69249 06/16/00 RIVENDEL RIVENDELL SOD FARM 415 TOTAL CHECK 11101 69250 06/16/00 RIVERVIE RIVERVIEW PARK ASSOCIATES 424 11101 69252 06/16/00 ROBINMEC ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPA 414 11101 6925; 06/16/00 ROCKYMTC ROCKY MOUNTAIN CARPET CLE 520 11101 69253 06/16/00 ROCKYMTF ROCKY MOUNTAIN FIRE ACADE 324 11101 69254 06/16/00 RCKYMTNR ROCKY MTN REPROGRAPHICS 800 11101 69254 06/16/00 RCKYMTNR ROCKY MTN REPROGRAPHICS 800 TOTAL CHECK 11101 69255 06/16/00 S&ESUPPL S & E SUPPLY 434 0 6925E 06/16/00 SAFETYKL SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION 434 11101 6925E 06/16/00 SAFETYKL SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION 434 TOTAL CHECK 11101 69255 06/16/00 SCULLYSI SCULLY'S, INC. 311 11101 69257 06/16/00 SCULLYSI SCULLY'S, INC. 313 TOTAL CHECK 11101 6925E 06/16/00 SERCKSER SERCK SERVICES 434 11101 6925E 06/16/00 SERCKSER SERCK SERVICES 434 TOTAL CHECK 11101 69255 06/16/00 SETCOMCO SETCOM CORPORATION 322 11101 69255 06/16/00 SETCOMCO SETCOM CORPORATION 322 TOTAL CHECK 11101 69260 06/16/00 SHERMANA SHERMAN AND HOWARD 424 11101 69260 06/16/00 SHERMANA SHERMAN AND HOWARD 424 TOTAL CHECK 11101 69261 06/16/00 SIGNONDE SIGN-ON DESIGN & GRAPHICS 312 11101 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 313 11101 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 434 11101 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 434 11101 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 312 11101 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 434 0 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 434 CAMP SUPPLIES SUMMER SIGNS BLUEGRASS SOD BLUEGRASS SOD TAP FEE REIMB PER AGREE AC FILTER CLEANED CARPET/FURN OFFICER DEV PROGRAM BLUELINES BLUELINES TRASH BAGS PU DRAINED USED OIL FILT OIL SORBENT MICROFICHE TRAY PLANNER AIR COOLER AIR COOLER REPAIR HEADSETS,WINDSCREEN MICS 2 HEADSETS REPAIRED PROF SVC/WATER PLANNING PROF SVC/WATER PLANNING MAGNETICS WITH LOGO FLASHLIGHT POLICE VEHICLE ACCESS POLICE VEHICLE ACCESS BLACK CHROME EATON VAN SCREEN W/SLIDE CENTER SMART SIREN PAGE 14 AMOUNT 182.70 2,545.02 303.75 313.75 617.50 8,000.00 192.62 204.00 450.00 172.64 117.74 290.3E 449.8; 257.09 135.00 392.09 96.25 59.00 155.25 790.00 188.10 978.10 2,197.71 290.13 2,487.84 1,750.00 365.22 2,115.22 135.00 124.90 934.53 38.50 65.32 1,216.50 1,779.90 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:27 PENTA14ATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER .06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 15 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: transact.check_ no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 312 UNIFORM SHIRTS 119.85 11101 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 312 EQUIP BAG,FORMS HOLDER 408.80 11101 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 312 UNIFORM PANTS, BELTS 178.75 11101 69262, 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 312 UNIFORM PANTS,CUFF CASE 108.80 11101 69262 06/16/00 SKAGGSTE SKAGGS TELECOMMUNICAITON 312 FLASHLIGHTS,STREAMLIGHT 1,492.69 TOTAL CHECK 6,468.54 11101 69263 06/16/00 SNAPONTO SNAP ON TOOLS CORPORATION 434 REPAIR TORQUE WRENCH 43.50 11101 69264 06/16/00 SNOWBRID SNOWBRIDGE, INC. 321 CLEAR MAIN SEWER LINE 285.00 11101 69264 06/16/00 SNOWBRID SNOWBRIDGE, INC. 435 PUMP MAIN WASH BAY 864.00 TOTAL CHECK 1,149.00 11101 69265 06/16/00 SNYDEREQ SNYDER EQUIPMENT, INC 80C WIRE/ENCL FOR ARCHIVES 1,079.00 11101 69266 06/16/00 SOSSTAFF SOS STAFFING SERVICES 211 CLERICAL TEMP 795.84 11101 69267 06/16/00 SPECIALE SPECIAL EVENTS 149 FLOWERS/CONY 54.00 11101 69267 06/16/00 SPECIALE SPECIAL EVENTS 415 FLOWERS/PHILLIPS 39.00 TOTAL CHECK 93.00 11101 69266 06/16/00 SPECIALI SPECIALIZED POOL 6 SPA, I 812 POOL REPAIR 258.40 is 69269 06/16/00 SPRINGVA SPRING VALLEY GREENHOUSE 415 PLANTING FLOWERS 880.00 11101 69265 06/16/00 SPRINGVA SPRING VALLEY GREENHOUSE 415 PLANTING FLOWERS 3,178.00 TOTAL CHECK 4,058.00 11101 69270 06/16/00 STAIRMAS STAIRMASTER SPORTS/MEDICA 520 CARDIO EQUIP PARTS 1,354.10 11101 69271 06/16/00 STANDARD STANDARD INSURANCE 10 DISABILITY INS PREM/JUNE 3,010.77 11101 69272 06/16/00 STEWART6 STEWART 6 STEVENSON POWER 434 COUPLING 8.58 11101 69272 06/16/00 STEWART6 STEWART 6 STEVENSON POWER 61 COUPLING 111.42 11101 69272 06/16/00 STEWART6 STEWART 6 STEVENSON POWER 434 CORE CREDIT -330.00 11101 69272 06/16/00 STEWART6 STEWART 6 STEVENSON POWER 434 TURBO ASSY 1,114.09 TOTAL CHECK 904.09 11101 69273 06/16/00 STRAWBER STRAWBERRY PATCH 149 FLOWERS/BROOKS 54.50 11101 69274 06/16/00 SUMMITSP SUMMIT SPORTSWEAF 515 EMPLOYEE SHIRTS 310.00 11101 69275 06/16/00 SUTPHENC SUTPHEN CORPORATION 434 SEAL KIT 410.00 11101 69275 06/16/00 SUTPHENC SUTPHEN CORPORATION 434 SEAL KIT 790.00 11101 69275 06/16/00 SUTPHENC SUTPHEN CORPORATION 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -790.00 11101 69275 06/16/00 SUTPHENC SUTPHEN CORPORATION 434 SEAL KIT 326.88 TOTAL CHECK 736.88 11101 69276 06/16/00 THI T.H.I. WASTE 415 RESTROOMS/BASEBALL FIELD 287.50 11101 69276 06/16/00 THI T.H.I. WASTE 415 TOILET RENTAL/JUNE 115.00 TOTAL CHECK 402.50 u RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:29 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER .06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 16 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_ no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69277 06/16/00 TASHADOB TASHA DOBBS 10 TRAVEL ADVANCE 105.00 11101 69276 06/16/00 TDACOLOR TDA COLORADO, INC 412 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 3,312.50 11101 69275 06/16/00 TEAGUEEQ TEAGUE EQUIPMENT CO. 434 ANNUAL INSPECTION 552.50 11101 69280 06/16/00 TEMPESTT TEMPEST TECHNOLOGY CORP 322 SMOKER REPAIR 98.90 11101 69281 06/16/00 TERRASAN TERRASAN 80C PROF SVC/E.AVON STREETS 522.79 11101 69282 06/16/00 THEARTWO THE ARTWORKS 434 DECALS/IN CASE OF FIRE 25.00 11101 69283 06/16/00 THESUPPL THE SUPPLY CACHE, INC. 322 EMERGENCY FOOD 148.25 11101 69284 06/16/00 VAILTRAI THE VAIL TRAIL 141 WILDRIDGE SPEC ASSESS NOT 20.50 11101 69285 06/16/00 T0000356 THOMAS LEAKE 312 HOLSTER 100.00 11101 6928E 06/16/00 THYSSEND THYSSEN DOVER ELEVATOR CO 414 ELEVATOR SVC/JUNE 81.27 11101 6928E 06/16/00 THYSSEND THYSSEN DOVER ELEVATOR CO 414 ELEVATOR SVC/MAY 81.2^ TOTAL CHECK 162.54 69287 06/16/00 TOOLSUNL TOOLS UNLIMITED 41E RECREATION 6 IRRIG TOOLS 54.0( 11101 69286 06/16/00 TREATMEN TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY INC. 520 HYDROCHLORIC ACID 135.00 11101 6928E 06/16/00 TREATMEN TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY INC. 52C SODIUM THIOSULFATE 36.00 TOTAL CHECK 171.00 11101 69289 06/16/00 TRICOUNT TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUIS 434 BUNGEE BRACKETS 192.00 11101 69285 06/16/00 TRICOUNT TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUIS 434 ANNUAL INSPECTION/FIRE EX 285.00 TOTAL CHECK 477.00 11101 69290 06/16/00 U.S.FLAG U.S. FLAG ETIQUETTE ADVIS 145 ONE YEAR REGISTRATION 60.00 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 COTTON MOP HEAD 5.49 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 52C MISC CUSTODIAL SUPP 354.00 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 CLEANER 90.00 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 MILDEW REMOVER 30.00 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 FIRST TIME STRIP 52.00 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 52C MISC CUSTODIAL SUPP 107.55 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 321 PAPER TOWELS 62.70 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 MISC CUSTODIAL SUPP 80.00 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 SWIVEL SNAP FRAME 10.50 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 MISC CUSTODIAL SUPF 118.50 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 MISC CUSTODIAL SUPP 79.80 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 432 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 138.00 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 CREDIT FOR RETURN -21.60 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 OUTDOOR ASHTRAYS 40.00 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 FIRST TIME STRIP 52.00 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 MOP HEAD, PAPER TOWELS 150.66 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 FLOOR CLEANER, MOP HEAD 47.69 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:30 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 17 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND *ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 169072' and 169316, FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 FLOOR CLEANER 31.19 11101 69292 06/16/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 228.85 TOTAL CHECK 1,657.33 11101 69293 06/16/00 USWELDIN UNITED STATES WELDING, IN 434 CYLINDER RENTAL/MAY 90.56 11101 69294 06/16/00 UNIVBOUL UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT 413 CLASS REGIST/PADILLA 40.00 11101 69295 06/16/00 UNIVCOLO UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT 115 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 705.00 11101 6929E 06/16/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 143 PHONE 5/22-6/21 52.56 11101 6929E 06/16/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 5/22-6/21 222.70 11101 6929E 06/16/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 6/4-7/3 132.75 11101 6929E 06/16/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 5/22-6/21 52.32 11101 6929E 06/16/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 6/4-7/3 44.11 11101 6929E 06/16/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 5/22-6/21 16.54 11101 69296 06/16/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 5/22-6/21 50.08 11101 6929E 06/16/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE 5/22-6/21 56.05 11101 6929E 06/16/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE 5/22-6/21 278.68 TOTAL CHECK 905.79 11101 69297, 06/16/00 UTECOUNT UTE COUNTRY HVAR & CONTRO 414 INSTALL NEW DUCT RUNS 332.96 6929% 06/16/00 UTECOUNT UTE COUNTRY RVAR 6 CONTRO 414 TEST 4 INSPECT HVAC 180.00 .. 6929% 06/16/00 UTECOUNT UTE COUNTRY HVAR 6 CONTRO 414 REPAIR AC/SWIFT GULCH 404.97 TOTAL CHECK 917.93 11101 6929E 06/16/00 VAIL66ST VAIL 66 STATION 312 MAY CAR WASHES 25.00 11101 69295 06/16/00 VAILHONE VAIL HONEYWAGON 520 DUMPSTER CHGS/2ND QTR 578.81 11101 69295 06/16/00 VAILHONE VAIL HONEYWAGON 414 TRASH COLLECTION/MAY 484.47 TOTAL CHECK 1,063.26 11101 69300 06/16/00 VAILLOCK VAIL LOCK AND KEY 312 DUPLICATE KEYS 40.50 11101 69301 06/16/00 VAILRESO VAIL RESORTS MANAGEMENT C 4322 CALL ACCOUNTING CHGS 1,153.26 11101 69302 06/16/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 MISC TOOLS 227.66 11101 69302 06/16/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 CLEANING SUPPLIES 167.36 TOTAL CHECK 395.02 11101 69303 06/16/00 MCCOYVAL VALERIE MCCOY 141 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 218.40 11101 69304 06/16/00 VALIANT VALIANT 520 BATH TOWELS 284.88 11101 69305 06/16/00 VALUATIO VALUATION CONSULTANTS, IN 800 APPRAISAL/SUNRIDGE 3,500.00 11101 69306 .06/16/00 VANDIEST VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY 415 RODENT PESTICIDE 230.40 11101 69306 06/16/00 VANDIEST VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY 415 WEED KILLER 116.24 TOTAL CHECK 346.64 0 69307 06/16/00 VERIZONW VERIZON WIRELESS 10 CELL SVC 4/15-5/14 1.77 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:32 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 06/16/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 6/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND 0ION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 169072' and 169316' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 6930E 11101 69309 11101 69310 11101 69311 11101 6931 TOTAL CHECK 11101 69312 11101 69312 11101 69312 TOTAL CHECK 11101 69313 11101 69313 TOTAL CHECK 11101 69314 11101 69314 6931, TOTAL CHECK 11101 69315 11101 69315 11101 6931E 11101 69315 11101 69315 TOTAL CHECK 11101 6931E 11101 6931E 11101 6931E TOTAL CHECK TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND TOTAL REPORT 0 06/16/00 VERMONTS VERMONT SYSTEMS, INC. 514 06/16/00 VULTRON VULTRON 434 06/16/00 WAL-MART WAL-MART STORES, INC 10 06/16/00 WESTCANY WEST CANYON TREE FARM, IN 415 06/16/00 WESTCANY WEST CANYON TREE FARM, IN 417 06/16/00 WESTGROU WEST GROUP 113 06/16/00 WESTGROU WEST GROUP 113 06/16/00 WESTGROU WEST GROUP 113 06/16/00 WHEATLAN WHEATLAND FIRE EQUIPMENT 322 06/16/00 WHEATLAN WHEATLAND FIRE EQUIPMENT 322 06/16/00 WHITERIV WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC 06/16/00 WHITERIV WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC 06/16/OC WHITERIV WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC 06/16/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 06/16/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 06/16/OC XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 06/16/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 06/16/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 06/16/00 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC 06/16/00 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC 06/16/00 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC 414 414 321 RECTRAC UPGRADE, TRAINING DESTINATION SIGN/TRAMS RESTITUTION SPRUCE & ASPEN TREES SPRUCE & ASPEN TREES LEGAL RESEARCH BOOK LEGAL RESEARCH MISC SUPPLIES RUBBER RANGER ELEC REPAIRS/REC MISC ELECT REPAIRS ELECTRICAL REPAIRS/FIRE 2 311 COPIER BASE CHARGE/APRIL 431 COPIER CHARGE/APRIL 211 COPIER BASE CHG/APRIL 431 COPIER CHARGE/MAY 311 COPIER LEASE/POLICE 432 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 434 FIRST AID KIT SUPPLIES 432 MEDICAL SUPPLIES PAGE 16 AMOUNT 3,895.01 323.75 11.00 200.50 200.50 401.00 740.83 120.25 2,359.17 3,220.25 1,930.00 95.72 2,025.72 5,006.7 565.50 68.65 5,640.91 77.25 276.04 103.00 141.00 442.30 1,039.59 50.89 35.97 120.83 207.69 473,522.41 473,522.41 473,522.41 RUN DATE 06/16/00 TIME 08:11:34 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER