TC Council Packet 03-28-2000A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session Meeting Date: March 28, 2000 Councilmembers Present: Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Mac McDevitt, Bob McIlveen, Buz Reynolds, Judy Yoder Councilmembers Absent: Rick Cuny Nottingham Road Desi n Proposal: Norm Wood informed Council that Staff advertised for bid proposals for Nottingham Road. He said we received seven good proposals with a wide range of costs and services. Norm's recommendation is Inter-Mountain Engineering. They provide the best proposal for expertise and services combined. An alternate recommendation would be Schmueser, Gordon, Meyer. Bill said we interviewed both companies today. Larry and Bill concur with Norm's recommendation. Larry said the dollar range apples to apples is not the same. Bill said Nottingham Road has a bigger potential of causing problems (traffic) than the roundabouts caused. Councilor Benson was concerned about the amount of money being spent on the design services if we find out is going to costs of more than the $2 million budgeted. Councilor Reynolds said we need to do this project because of the potential increase in traffic. Mayor Yoder said she is concerned about the pedestrians and agrees that we need to do it sooner or later. Councilor Buckley felt it needed t be done, she too is concerned about the pedestrians. Councilor McDevitt said the priorities are more for the pedestrians than the vehicles. Councilor Reynolds felt with the development coming up, there will be more and more pedestrians. Bill felt the turn lanes in the first part of Nottingham Road will be much needed. Mayor Protein McIlveen said there is not a lot of choice, it needs to be done. You can't make a decision unless you do the engineering. Bill said we could phase it. Norm said the 5 year budget is set up for 3 phases of construction. Norm said traffic is going up 7% per year. year was 15,000 per day at the roundabout. back to Swift Gulch Road. Norm said Nottingham Road numbers last It is 40,000 per day from the roundabout Councilor Benson said that he could not vote in favor of this recommendation. Mayor Yoder stated Item f would be pulled from the Consent Agenda and moved to Other Business to be voted on separately. The rest of the Council agreed with Staff s recommendation to hire Inter-Mountain.Engineering. Fire District Update Mayor Yoder stated that she, Bob McIlveen, and Bruce (running for Eagle Vail ward) met with Bill, Charlie and 2 firefighters today. Had a good meeting. They are going to help distributing handouts. Other: Bill asked who would be at Ciao for dinner Thursday. 6 Councilmembers stated they would be there. Bill said press releases will be going out on staffing of the Beaver Creek fire station, and speeders. Also, working on speed bumps in Wildridge and Hurd Lane. Before doing anything with speed bumps, Staff will bring back their recommendations to Council. Councilor Buckley asked why Council did not get press releases in their boxes any more. Bill said he will have Jacquie email all press releases to Council. P&Z vacancies are coming up the first week in May. Mayor Yoder met with Mike Matzko and Chris Evans this morning, and they would like more Council involvement with the interviews. Interviews will be scheduled at 4:30 PM April 18th. Mayor Yoder told them that three Councilmembers will be there for interviews. Mayor Yoder, Councilor Buckley, Councilor McDevitt, and Mayor Protein McIlveen volunteered to do the interviews. Bill said no worksession on April 4 Bill said he may have to go to Denver Thursday for a CML growth bill. Mayor Yoder said that she and Bill attended CAST legislative meetings in Denver last week. It was very successful. Bill confirmed that we sent a letter to Tom Stone stating we do not support Alternative D. Mayor Protein McIlveen asked if we sent a copy to the Forest Service. Bill will confirm with Jacquie that a copy gets to them. Community Development Update: Mike Matzko stated that P&Z held a hearing on rezoning a duplex lot on W. Beaver Creek Blvd. to PUD. The applicant wants to do a resident's club. This would be a half duplex owned by numerous people. By our code this is a timeshare. Staff did not support it. P&Z was divided. First P&Z dried to pass a resolution against, but it was defeated. Then they came up with a resolution approving it and it tied (one P&Z member was absent). P&Z wanted to pass it on to Council. The Town Code says P&Z has to make some sort of decision. Mayor Yoder said Councilmembers may be getting calls on this one. Bill said the other half of the duplex is a Bed & Breakfast. Burt said Council should not make any comments because that would be exparte communication. Councilor Reynolds added if this gets approved, then every other duplex has the right to do this. Bill said he met with the owner yesterday. He said a lot of places are allowing this and that we need to look at this to see if this is feasible. Councilor Reynolds asked if anyone owning just a unit would be able to do this. Mike said they would have to apply for it, it would be a PUD. Burt said the decision is in the discretion of the Council on a case by case basis. Mike also informed Council that the Chateau St. Clare parties never closed on the property and backed out so it still "ain't there". Councilor Reynolds met with Mike and Staff and he had one concern on the building summary resolution. He said it must be documented that the culvert goes in before equipment is brought onto a site, and also allow stripping of the lot to get stakes in to see where the building is going to be, but developer can't go any further until they receive their inspection. Councilor Reynolds also questioned the screening of the temporary toilet. He did not see the point of this. Council agreed that screening the toilet would be removed. Council decided to approve the resolution tonight with amendments. Town Council Meetings Roll Call Check Sheet Roll calls are called at start of meeting and for Ordinances. Do not call Mayor except for meeting roll call or to break a tie vote. Seating arrangements from west to east: McIlveen, Reynolds, Cuny, Yoder, McDevitt, Buckley, Benson Staff Present: L/ Bill Efting _,,-/Larry Brooks /Burt Levin Kris Nash Jacquie Halburnt Scott Wright Jeff Layman _ Charlie Moore Meryl Jacobs __LZ Norm Wood Bob Reed t/ Harry Taylor Mike Matzko _ Karen Griffith Other Staff: 12 ® STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE TOWN OF AVON SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD MARCH 28, 2000, AT 4:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM 1.) 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 2.) 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 3.) U Nottingham Road Design Proposal Fire District Update Community Development Update Consent Agenda Questions Council Committee Updates AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AVON,COLORADO BY: Nash Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON MARCH 24,2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY 11 TOWN OF AVON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA March 28, 2000 - 5:30 PM f 1. Call to Order / Roll Call '9` 2. Citizen Input a.) Community Office for Resource Efficiency (John Dillon) 3. Ordinances a.) First Reading of Ordinance No. 00-03, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Setting Development Review Application Fees _.- o ?jL> ,f e r i.c ?:2. l 4. Resolutions a.) Resolution No. 00-17, Series of 2000, A Resolution Summarizing Construction Procedures in the Town of Avon J ' 5. Unfinished Business 6. New Businessy ?`- . ? 7. ? ?= t• z,A Town Manager Report r ?, r 8. Town Attorney Report t ty. 9. Mayor Report `A V- 11 41 - ? ` V?- 10. Other Business 1. Consent Agenda a.) Approval of the March 14, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Resolution No. 00-15, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 43, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado c.) Resolution No. 00-16, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 8, Block 3, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado d.) Fire Station Remodel - Contract Change Order No. 1 e Award of Construction Contract for 2000 Street Repair and Improvements ?? f) Design Services Agreement for Nottingham Road g.) Contract with Hazel Miller Band for September Concert h.) Financial Matters 12. Adjournment t ?, I FROM : JOHN DILLON a0 CORE FAX NO. : 970-328-2673 Mar. 20 2000 05:16PM P1 i P,O. Box 2054 Eagle, CO 81631 (970) 328-2673 March 20, 2000 FAX Town Council Members Town of Avon Avon, CO Dear Council Members: As our coinmunity continues to grow, a challenge is to build with the earth and its resources in mind. To help meet this challenge, CORE, a local non-profit organization, invites you to its April 6 evening event, `Building Earth-Friendly Homes with Style." Attached is a press release and flyer. ® I am confident the evening will be both fun and useful. It would be great if you could help publicize it to interested parties. If you have any questions about CORE and/or this upcoming event, please call me. 's'hank you very much! "taking the long view..." FROM : JOHN DILLON a CORE FAX NO. : 970-328-2673 Mar. 20 2000 05:16PM P2 CORE Community Office for Resource Efficiency P.O. Box 2054 Eagle, CO 81631 (970) 328-2673 March 20, 2000 Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE) in Eagle announces its upcoming public event: "Building Earth-Friendly Homes with Style" As our community continues to grow, our challenge is to to create buildings with the earth in mind. To help meet this challenge, Colorado designer and builder Jim Logan will present slides of his national award-winning work for the Eagle Valley community. Logan's homes are acclaimed not only for their beauty but also their resource efficiency and health. Logan believes a building should be as good for the earth as it is for the people inside. His homes are built to last with inert, non-toxic and natural materials. "Whereas you don't have a deep psychological connection with vinyl or plastic, you do connect with a piece of wood," Logan says. Logan's homes are also recognized for echoing the contours of their landscapes. "I love that sense that when you're in a building, you're still connected with your surroundings", he says, "I try to fit buildings into the landscape in a gentle way." Architects, builders, policy makers and everyone in the community is invited to participate and see di,;plays of sustainable building products and local environmental projects. CORE Director Randy Udall will kick off the event with insights on energy issues facing us today and for the nest 100 years. National Earth Day 2000 is celebrating Clean Energy Now. The Towns of Vail and Eagle and many other communities in Colorado have already made a commitment to green power. Come celebrate - Refreshments will be served. Thursday, April 6 The Beaver Creek Room at The Christie Lodge Avon, Colorado Everyone is invited to this free event Reception: 6-6:45pm Presentations: 6:45-8pm For more information, call John Dillon @ 970-328-2673 0 "taking the long view..." i FROM : JOHN DILLON a CORE 6 'T Y 9?,•,rM i d ." 1, 4 . . "'BUILDING E 19NDI-Y HOMES WITH STYLE"' $v 71M LOURN NWARD WINNING nL"IT6 fir 5L11LDE9 THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 6TH AT THE CHRISTIE LODGE in AVON Reception at 6PM -Free Refreshments Presentations 6:45PM-8PM DISPLAYS OF GREEN BUILDING PRODUCTS & LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS CELEBRATE EARTH DAY 2000 & WIND POWER FOR THE TOWNS OF VAIL & EAGLE RANDY UDALL -CORE DIRECTOR- on ENERGY for Beyond 2000 •:.•,,;.:•:?•. .?...•>.:.->.• - emu,, .. ? ?•: _:,?:;, " '. ?. •:?:. ..i.: ih?._. _^:.:•. •.?.., ?i?i.•1w•??:'?. ?Ni ... ? .;ilPai r??::??r EVERY 0 0 FRE N N FAX NO. : 970-328-2673 Mar. 20 2000 05:17PM P3 FOR MORE INFO CALL: 328 CORE w r 'Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Michael Matzko, Director of Community Develo Date March 23, 2000 Re: Ordinance 03-00, An Ordinance Setting Development Review Application Fees. Summary Attached is a proposed schedule of fees for development review. Included are application fees for Design Review, Zoning and Subdivision. Building Permit fees are addressed through the Uniform Building Code and not included in this fee schedule. Discussion During the November 16 work session, Council directed staff to explore a sliding scale approach to residential design review fees. In response to Council's direction on November 16, staff met with Councilman Reynolds and P&Z Chairman Chris Evans to discuss modifying the schedule. Based on their review and recommendation, the schedule now includes a lower fee for single family, duplex and triplex residential projects whose unit size is 3,000 square feet or less. Council reviewed the revised fee schedule at their March 22, 2000, work session, and suggested several revisions. Based on those comments, staff is forwarding the revised Fee Schedule to Council for adoption by Ordinance at the March 28 Council Meeting. Recommendabon Staff recommends Council approve Ordinance 03-00 on First Reading. Town Manager Comments Attachments: A - Development Review Fee Schedule B - Development Review Fee Worksheet E Memo to Town Council, November 11, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Re: Development Review Fee Schedule t ORDINANCE NO. 00 - 03 0 AN ORDINANCE SETTING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION FEES BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. From and after the effective date of this ordinance, the following are established as the development review application fees for Design Review, Zoning, Subdivision, and Miscellaneous applications in the Town of Avon. Design Review Residential: 1 -3 Units Up to 3500 sf $350 Over 3500 sf 500 4 -9 Units 750 10 -20 Units 1,000 21 - 40 Units 1,500 41-60 Units 2,000 61 -100 Units 2,500 Over 100 Units 3,000 (residential units within a mixed use project are assessed according to the Commercial fee schedule below) Commercial, Industrial, Multifamily and Mixed Use: Up to 1,000 square feet (sf) $ 200 1,000 - 2499 sf 500 2500 - 4599 sf 750 5000 - 9,999 sf 1,000 10,000 - 19,999 sf 1,500 20,000 - 49,999 sf 2,000 Over 50,000 sf 2,500 Miscellaneous Minor Project or Modification to Final Design $ 75 Non-approved Modification to Final Design 3 X fee Extension of Final Design Approval 1/z fee Signs: Individual signs $ 50 Master sign program 200 (Final Design application fees for commercial projects include Master Sign Program fee) + Zonin ® Special Review Use Residential $ 25 Non-residential 100 Variance Request 250 Zone Change Request 500 Planned Unit Development 1 -3 Units residential $ 500 Any commercial, multi-family, or mixed use development 1,000 Subdivision Exemption $ 50 Variance Request 50 Sketch Plan 3 or fewer lots 50 4 or more lots 50 Preliminary Plan 3 or fewer lots 50 4 or more lots 200 + $ 10 per lot Final Plat 50 + $10 per lot (*Does not include Eagle County recording fees, currently: $10 per Mylar and $5 per page) Condominium Plat (Includes townhomes) 1 -10 Units 250 + $30 per unit 11 -20 Units 350 + $20 per unit 21 - 40 units 400 + $15 per unit Over 40 Units 650 + $10 per unit Miscellaneous Annexation $ 2000 + costs Special Consultant Services Cost plus 20% Appeal to Council $ 50 Ordinance 03-00, An Ordinance Setting Development Review Application Fees Page 2 of 3 Adopted t C INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this day of , 2000, and a public hearing on this Ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado on the - day of , 2000, at 5:30 p.m., in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Judy Yoder, Mayor Attest: Kris Nash, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, PASSED ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this day of 11999. 0 Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Burt Levin, Town Attorney C Ordinance 03-00, An Ordinance Setting Development Review Application Fees Page 3 of 3 Adopted I` Nemo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Elting, Town Manager From: Michael Matzko, Director of Community Development Date March 23, 2000 Re: Council Resolution 17-00 Summarizing Construction Procedures for the Town of Avon, Avon, Colorado. Summary In response to the growing concern for regulating construction activities within the Town of Avon, staff has prepared the following Construction Procedures ("Procedures"). The Procedures are designed to summarize in a basic format the rules and regulations for all construction activities within the Town. All contractors will be provided with a copy of these procedures and consent to the contents upon receipt of a building permit. Discussion The proposed Procedures are a compilation of existing procedures, ordinances, and portions of the Uniform Building Code. The intent is to provide a readable summary document to contractors and homeowners developing real estate within our community. In preparing these Procedures, staff reviewed them with Councilman Buz Reynolds and P&Z Chairman Evans, and provided copies to the Eagle Valley Horne Builders Association. The Planning and Zoning Commission endorsed these Rules in November 1999. Council discussed the Procedures at the March 22°d Work Session. Per Council's direction, staff is forwarding the Procedures for formal adoption. Recommendation Staff recommends that Council approve Resolution 17-00, approving the Town of Avon Construction Procedures. Town Manager Comments Attachments: A - Resolution No. 17 11 Memo to Town Council, March 23, 2000 Page 1 of 1 Re: Construction Procedures RESOLUTION NO. 17 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES IN THE TOWN OF AVON WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to summarize the procedures for construction activities within the Town of Avon, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. The construction procedures for the Town of Avon are summarized as follows: Introduction 11 Construction is a necessary and vital part of a healthy community. New construction in Avon is proceeding at a rapid pace as the remaining land within the Town develops, and will continue as older buildings are renovated. Whether the project is a large new commercial building or a minor addition to an existing house, construction sites today have more neighbors than they did in the past. As a result, the associated noise, dust, trash, erosion and traffic affects more people. These rules are intended to clearly define what is expected of construction sites within Avon, both to help the contractor and to minimize the impacts of construction activity on property owners and residents. These rules are not intended to replace the current Uniform Building, Fire, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical Code as adopted by the Town of Avon, other Avon Municipal Code and Ordinances. Any contractor registered in the Town of Avon is responsible for having read, understood, and agreed to following these rules and all applicable regulations as a condition of receiving a Building Permit. The rules are, in summary: 1. Before you apply for a building permit, you must have received Final Design approval for your project from the Planning & Zoning Commission; 2. Have a valid permit for all construction activity; Keep your site neat, control dust and erosion, and keep the adjacent street free of mud and materials; 4. Work only during the permitted hours of construction; 5. When requesting inspections, give us the information we ask for, and call for an inspection only when you're sure you are ready; 6. If you want to change the approved design (site, landscaping, architectural or structural), approval by the Town, in writing, is needed before making the change. For your reference we've also attached the following materials: 1. Key names and numbers. 2. Design Review and Development Process Outline. 3. Final Design Submittal Checklist. 4. Minimum Submittal Requirements for Minor Projects. 5. Minimum Requirements for Building Permit Submittals. 6. Right of Way Permit application, General Conditions and Standard Entrance and culvert detail. 7. Minimum Inspections required by the Building, Fire, and Public Works Departments. 8. Inspection Fax Request Form. Applying for a Building Permit Before you start any construction activity within the Town of Avon, you must first obtain Final Design Approval from the Planning & Zoning Commission, then apply for a Building Permit. Construction activity means any construction or alteration to a lot, single family residence, multifamily residence, commercial building or other building; including but not limited to remodeling or adding to an existing residence or commercial building; tenant finish in a commercial building; or building a shed. The Town will issue a Building Permit only to a Contractor registered with the Town. We do this in part to ensure that you have adequate liability insurance and workman's compensation. In very limited cases a property owner can register as an Owner-Builder. In most cases, applying for a Building Permit requires the following: 1. Final Design approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission; 2. Complete Building Permit application, Construction Documents, and fees; 3. Construction Sign application and Construction Staging Plan including parking, erosion control and revegetation (if required). 4. A meeting with Community Development staff to discuss construction staging, required inspections, and any concerns with respect to a particular site. You may not apply for a Building Permit plan prior to receiving Final Design Approval from Planning & Zoning Commission, or submit building permit plans to the Building Division that differ from the approved Final Design, without specific prior approval of the Director of Community Development. Site Preparation After you apply for a Building Permit and the Building Division completes an initial review of the plans, we will notify you that the Construction Staging Plan and Right-of-Way Permit are complete. Once notified, the Contractor must: 2 1. Install the construction sign; 2. Clearly identify the property lines and delineate the limits of construction with appropriate stakes and rope, flagging or fencing; 3. Install and screen portable toilet(s), if required; 4. Install construction trailer, if required; 5. Entrance should be established; 6. Call in a site inspection and right-of-way inspection request to the Community Development Inspection Line. If the site passes inspection, the Inspector will issue written approval and notice to proceed with construction, to the Contractor. If the site does not pass inspection, the Inspector will issue a written rejection with a list of corrections to be made, to the Contractor. Once the Contractor makes the required corrections, he or she should call the Inspection Line for a follow-up site inspection. If you call for a reinspection and the site still doesn't pass, the next reinspection will cost you an additional fee. Once released for construction, site grubbing or clearing may begin. Once the area is cleared in accordance with the construction staging plan, the Contractor must install erosion control measures, if required, and stake the building footprint. Construction Site Management The Town expects the Contractor to maintain an orderly construction site. This section explains the standard we expect the Contractor to maintain. If an Inspector determines that the site and adjacent street are not being maintained to this standard, then he or she will notify the Contractor and give a deadline for correcting the situation. If the Contractor does not make the correction within the deadline, the Inspector may, without further notice, issue a Stop Work Order. All other work will cease on the site until the correction is made and approved by the Inspector. A Stop Work Order remains in place at least one full day. If it becomes necessary for the Town to clean or remove debris from the site or adjacent street after reasonable notice, we will first issue a Stop Work Order, complete the work, then bill the actual costs including administrative fees to the permit holder. The Contractor must reimburse the Town for these costs prior to receiving a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Construction Debris The job site must be kept clean and orderly at all times. Construction debris must be stored in an approved enclosure on the site, and if not contained within a dumpster, removed at least weekly. Road Maintenance No road cuts or other work within a public road shall be made without a Right-of-Way Permit. The street adjacent to the site must be kept free of mud, debris, and construction materials. Parking and storage of materials are not allowed on the paved surface of the street. A Contractor must repair any damage to roads caused by their construction activity within thirty (30) days of the occurrence. 3 Site Entrance and Work within Public Ways A Right of Way permit must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit. The general condition and standard entrance and culvert specification sheets attached to the Right of Way should be followed. There are several inspections required during the construction process. Inspection requests should be faxed or called into the Community Development Inspection Line. The following inspections should be requested: 1. Inspection prior to backfill of culvert. 2. Inspection prior to paving when the subgrade is established. 3. Inspection after paving is in place. Erosion Control An Erosion Control and Site Stabilization Plan is required with each building permit application. This plan should show the type and location of temporary measures to retain all eroded soil material on site during construction. On smaller projects this may be combined with the Construction Staging Plan. A detailed permanent Erosion Control and Revegetation Plan is also required with the building permit application. This plan includes details about the proposed measures to control both ground water and surface water runoff and measures to permanently stabilize all disturbed slopes and drainage features after completion of construction. • Slopes of 2:1 or greater are required to be sodded, hydromulched, or have erosion-control netting installed. • Plants should be watered with a temporary irrigation system until established. • Dust should be controlled by sprinkling or other approved method, and should continue until revegetation and site stabilization are complete. • Existing trees, plants and lawns shall be protected from disturbance or damage during construction activity. • Surplus soil and other excavated debris are promptly removed from the site • All driveways, parking and laydown areas are covered with at least two inches of three/quarter-inch screened rock. Noise During normal construction hours, Contractors must use all reasonable efforts to minimize noise resulting from Construction Activity, including excavation. Construction Activity which produces audible noise at the property line is allowed only: • Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Sundays and national holidays 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Any construction activity producing audible noise at times other than these hours is prohibited and will be deemed a public nuisance. Protection of Property Construction Activity shall be limited to its Construction Site, unless the Town authorizes otherwise. Any Contractor who damages any property, adjacent lots or roads during its Construction Activity must restore the property within 30 days of the date the damage occurs. Dogs on Construction Sites Dogs must be confined to a vehicle or approved enclosure on Construction Sites. 4 Temporary Structures Temporary Structures such as an office or storage trailer may be maintained on a Construction Site. Temporary living quarters are not permitted. The placement of the temporary structure must be identified in the staging plan and approved at the Pre- Construction Inspection. Water Connections and Toilets A temporary water connection and on-site enclosed chemical toilets must be available during Construction Activity. Chemical toilets must be screened from view and located so as to minimize any adverse impacts on adjacent sites. Blasting Restrictions No blasting shall be performed on any Construction Site without the Building Division's prior consent. Blasting may be subject to certain restrictions, which may vary from site to site, and which shall be determined by the Fire Department. Construction Signs one construction sign is permitted for each project. The construction sign must be approved as part of the building permit application. The sign should be no more than (TO" x 3'0") 6 square feet overall. If the construction sign exceeds 6 square feet, then an additional sign application is required. The construction sign must be installed a minimum of 3 feet above grade from the bottom of the sign, and located within the project boundary, visible from an adjacent roadway or entry to the project. The sign must conform to the layout shown below. All parties listed must be shown in uniform type style, size and color. Handwritten and spray painted construction signs are prohibited. Project Logo and/or Name Lot _, Block _, Subdivision Street Address Permit No: Contractor Name/Address/Phone * Developer Name/Address/Phone *Architect Name/Address/Phone (*This information is not required, but may be included on the construction sign). Deliveries The Town of Avon may restrict the use of roads by construction vehicles whenever a special event, festival, convention or similar activity presents the possibility of significant traffic congestion within the Town. Access and Parking. • Construction Vehicles are allowed to access Construction Sites only from existing streets adjacent to the Construction Sites. • The Construction Staging Plan shall describe how and where Construction Vehicles will be parked at the Construction Site during the Construction Activity. The Building Division may require modifications to designated construction vehicle parking areas, and/or limit the number of construction vehicles parked adjacent to a Construction Site. 5 Completion of Construction Unless otherwise approved by Community Development, each Owner shall ensure that each Construction Activity it performs: • Commences within two years after final design approval; • Is substantially complete within 12 months for single family and duplex residences after commencement thereof and is fully and finally complete within 18 months after commencement thereof; within 18 months for any commercial project or projects consisting of three units or more; and is fully and finally complete, including all required landscaping, within twenty-four months after commencement thereof. Construction Inspections The Contractor is responsible for knowing what inspections are required, when they are required, and for requesting those inspections. Contractors request inspections by either calling the Community Development Inspection Line (970) 748-4094, or by faxing the request to (970) 949-5749. When you call in on the Inspection Line, please speak clearly; leave your name, phone number where we can actually call you, your permit number, the type of inspection, the street address, and whether you need the inspection in the morning or in the afternoon. If you fax your inspection request, please use the form we provide and fill it out clearly. If we don't have all of this information, or it is not accurate, we may not be able to schedule your inspection. Requests for inspections by other agencies, such as the Eagle County Health Department are to be made directly to those agencies. Certificates of Occupancy, Temporary and Otherwise No one may occupy or otherwise use any building or other improvement until it has received either a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) Typically, the Town will issue a TCO for a project that is substantially complete except for landscaping (and for small residential projects, paving). A signed TCO agreement and deposit to cover 125% of the estimated cost of completing the project is required. TCO Expiration There are two types of TCO: 1. Issued between May 1 and August 31; valid for 60 days. Because this is the `normal' building season, the Town assumes that you can complete the project within 60 days. 2. Issued between September 1 and April 30; valid until July 1. This takes into account fall and winter weather, where planting and paving aren't always possible. You must apply for and receive a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) before the TCO expires. If anyone occupies a unit having an expired TCO, the Town may assess a fee of $100 per day for each and every day the structure is occupied. The Town may also hire a licensed contractor to complete the work necessary to issue a CO. All costs incurred in completing the work will be charged against the TCO cash deposit. If the cost exceeds the deposit, the Town will file a lien against the property with the Eagle 6 County Tax Assessor. This lien is considered an ad valorem tax, which takes priority over mortgages. Substantial Completion The Contractor may request a TCO inspection once the project is substantially complete, which means: ? The exterior of the building is complete. ? The interior shell is complete with all required inspections approved, including smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinklers. ? Driveway culvert(s) are installed and approved ? In commercial occupancies, there are at least two operative bathrooms on each floor being occupied; in residential occupancies, there is at least one operative bathroom in each unit. ? All required parking is in place. ? All life safety systems must be operational. ? Commercial projects require positive drainage away from the buildings in all directions at 2% for a minimum of 5 feet. ? Sufficient roadway access for emergency vehicles ? Submittal and approval of a properly executed TCO Agreement and a deposit to cover completion of landscaping, cleanup, grading, drainage, paving, lighting, and irrigation system. Requesting a TCO Inspection A TCO inspection request triggers a series of inspections. The Contractor has only to make one request, but since several departments are involved, the turnaround time is longer than normal inspections. We will make our best effort to complete the TCO inspections within 24 hours after receiving a request. If the project passes all of the TCO inspections, Community Development Staff will contact the Contractor to arrange delivery of the actual Certificate. If the project fails one or more of the TCO inspections, the Inspector will leave written notice at the site with a list of corrections. The Contractor is responsible for making those corrections and calling for a reinspection. Once issued, the TCO must be posted on the front of the residence in a location visible from the street and maintained until the issuance of a CO. Certificate of Occupancy When the Contractor has completed the project consistent with its approved final plans, the Building Division will issue a CO. To receive a CO, the Contractor must call the Inspection Line or Fax the request. The Building Division will perform a final inspection within 24 hours of the call. If the Inspector determines that the project is complete, the Building Official will issue a CO and refund any TCO deposit to the Owner. If the Inspector determines that the project does not comply with its approved final plans, he or she will issue a written notice of rejection including a list of corrections. Once the Contractor makes the corrections, they should then call or fax a reinspection request. E 7 ® Contractor Registration All Owner Representatives and other contractors shall obtain a Contractor's License for performing work within the Town of Avon in accordance with Avon Municipal Code 15.08.050, Section 107.7. Class I General Contractor $125.00 Class H * Plumbing Contractor $ 35.00 Mechanical Contractor HVAC Contractor Fire Alarm Contractor Fire Sprinkler Contractor *Electrical contractors licensed by the State of Colorado are exempt from this licensing requirement). Compliance with Laws and Regulations Each Owner shall, at its own expense, comply with all terms and conditions of this Regulation and all other regulations promulgated from time to time by the Avon Town Council which are applicable to its Construction Activities. Each Owner shall, at its own expense, comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, orders, rules, regulations and other governmental requirements relating to its Construction Activities. Each Owner shall, at its own expense, ensure that its Owner Representatives comply with the terms and conditions of subparagraphs 6.13(a) and (b) above. Enforcement These rules are a summary of ordinances and regulations adopted by the Town of Avon. Failure to comply with these rules may result in fine, stop work order or other penalties described in Titles 15, 16 and 17 of the Avon Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code. The Town of Avon has all rights and remedies available to it at law or in equity. ADOPTED this _ day of 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor E ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk 8 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL 0 HELD MARCH 14, 2000 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Buz Reynolds, and Mayor Protein Bob McIlveen present. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Director of Community Development Mike Matzko, Assistant Director of Community Development Ruth Borne, Finance Director Scott Wright, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Police Sergeant Greg Williams, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Executive Assistant Jacquie Halbumt as well as members of the public. Citizen Input: Town Manager Efting stated Sergeant Greg Williams has resigned from the police department effective next week. He stated that Greg has done a tremendous job and will be dearly missed. Mayor Yoder presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams stated he is looking forward to his new challenge, and that it has been a pleasure working for the Town over the past three years. Resolutions: Resolution No. 00-13, Series of 2000, A Resolution to Amend the 2000 Town of Avon Budget Finance Director Wright stated this Resolution amends the General Fund, Water Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and the Fleet Maintenance Fund. Councilor Benson motioned to approve Resolution No. 00-13, Series of 2000. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Town Manager Report: Town Manager Efting stated that the Beaver Creek Fire Agreement will be added to the Consent Agenda. 0 Town Attorney Report: Town Attorney Levin stated that Resolution No. 00-14, Series of 2000, A Resolution Authorizing a Modification of the Terms of the Town of Avon's Offer to Enter into a Contract with John H. Laeri, Jr. to Purchase Sherwood Meadows Condominium Units IA, 1C, 1D, 2B, 2C, 2E, 2F, 3A, 3B, 4B, and 4D, Avon, Colorado will be added to the Consent Agenda. This Resolution authorizes new provisions in the Town's offer to Mr. Laeri for the purchase of the Sherwood Meadows properties. Other Business: Mayor Yoder stated that item e of the Consent Agenda, the Amendment to Planning and Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules and Regulations to Adopt Regulations for the Screening of Mechanical Equipment, Flues and Vents, will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed under Other Business. Community Development Director Matzko discussed the amendment. He noted that the memorandum to Council states that the amendment will include commercial and residential projects. He stated that "and residential" will be removed. The language would be changed to reflect that this amendment is strictly for commercial projects. Councilor Benson motioned to approve the Amendment to Planning and Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules and Regulations to Adopt Regulations for the Screening of Mechanical Equipment, Flues and Vents as amended. Mayor Protem McIlveen seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda: Mayor Yoder stated the Consent Agenda is amended to include the Beaver Creek Fire Contract and Resolution No. 00-14, Series of 2000 concerning the Sherwood Meadows contract. a.) Approval of the February 22, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Mapping Proposal with Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. for Nottingham Road c.) Appraisal Services Proposal with Valuation Consultants, Inc. for Eagle River Trail d.) Contract with Western Enterprise for Fireworks Production at Salute to the USA e.) Amendment to Planning and Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules and Regulations to Adopt Regulations for the Screening of Mechanical Equipment, Flues and Vents f.) Financial Matters Town of Avon Regular Council Meeting March 14, 2000 Mayor Protem McIlveen motioned approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Benson motioned to adjourn. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 5:37 PM. APPROVED: Jim Benson Debbie Buckley Rick Curly Mac McDevitt Bob McIlveen Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder • Town of Avon Regular Council Meeting March 14, 2000 n A lie J To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer%?V Anne Martens, Engineer I Date: March 15, 2000 Re: Resolution No. 00 -15, Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 43, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (2350 Saddle Ridge Loop) Summary: Warren and Wendy Van Wyke, owner's of Lot 43, Block 1, Wildridge, have submitted a Final Plat to resubdivide Lot 43, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. This is a Duplex Subdivision of a developed lot, creating Duplex lots 43 A and 43 B. The Subdivision is in conformance with the Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code, Subdivisions. • Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 00 - 15, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, a Resubdivision of Lot 43, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, subject to completion of technical corrections to be approved by staff. Town Manager Comments: C7 \\PW\SHARED\Engineering\Subdivision\Wildddge\L43B1 WR.doc TOWN OF AVON 0 RESOLUTION NO. 00 -15 Series of 2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 43, BLOCK 1, WILDRIDGE, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, Warren and Wendy Van Wyke have submitted a Final Plat for a Resubdivision of Lot 43, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat has been reviewed by the Town Staff; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat was found to be substantially in conformance with Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements for consideration as a Final Plat. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that the Final Plat for A Resubdivision of Lot 43, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, is hereby approved by the Town of Avon subject to: The completion of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2000. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash Town Clerk \\PW\SHARED\Engineering\Subdivision\Wildridge\L43B 1 WRres0015.doc C Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engine Anne Martens, Engineer I Date: March 15, 2000 Re: Resolution No. 00 -16, Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 8, Block 3, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (5015 Wildridge Road East) Summary: Wildridge 1, LLC, owner's of Lot 8, Block 3, Wildridge, have submitted a Final Plat to resubdivide Lot 8, Block 3, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. This is a Duplex Subdivision of a developed lot, creating Duplex lots 8 A and 8 B. The Subdivision is in conformance with the Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code, Subdivisions. ® Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 00 - 16, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, a Resubdivision of Lot 8, Block 3, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, subject to completion of technical corrections to be approved by staff. Town Manager Comments: \\PW\SHARED\Engineedng\Subdivision\W ildridge\L8B3W R.doc TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 00 -16 Series of 2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 3, WILDRIDGE, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, Wildridge 1, LLC has submitted a Final Plat for a Resubdivision of Lot 8, Block 3, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat has been reviewed by the Town Staff; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat was found to be substantially in conformance with Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements for consideration as a Final Plat. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that the Final Plat for A Resubdivision of Lot 8, Block 3, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, is hereby approved by the Town of Avon subject to: The completion of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2000. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash Town Clerk I:\Engineering\Subdivision\Wildridge\L8B3WRres0016.doc 0 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Manager Thru: Bill Efting From:Anne Martens, Engineer Norman Wood, Town Engineer Date: 03110/00 Re: Avon Fire Station Remodel Contract Change Order Number One Summary: The attached Avon Fire Station Remodel Change Order Number One submitted by Harney - Naill, Inc. is for electrical work excluded from the Contractor's Base Bid. These items include demolition and relocation of the large motor control center and switchgear, permanent connection of the generator to operate the whole fire station, and the necessary electrical work to connect the entire fire station together. The net impact of the change is to increase the Total Contract Cost by $16,962.00 from $169,021.00 to $185,983.00. Discussion: The changes addressed by Change Order Number One is summarized as follows: The change is necessary to address the outstanding electrical items not included in the Base Bid Contract. The electrical work associated with the project is difficult due to the two power sources to the building, and the complicated existing conditions. There are three options that will reduce the proposed change order of $21,040.00 to $16,962.00. The first option is to not install an automatic transfer switch, but instead to install a manual transfer switch. This would allow the generator to function similar to its current installation. The cost saving of installing the manual transfer switch instead of the automatic transfer switch is $1078.00. Another option is an alternate in the wiring system that ties the entire fire station together on one power source. This reduces the proposed change order by $3,000.00. The remainder of the change order is for the demolition and removal of the motor control center and switchgear and converting the remaining items connected to the motor control center. This is the least expensive method to configure the electrical work necessary to complete the remodel. With the addition of the Change Order of $16,962.00 to the base bid electrical amount of $22,260.00 the total cost for electrical is $39,222.00. The Architects estimate for the project was $186,858.00, of which $31,948.00 was estimated to be electrical costs. The total cost of the Change Order and the Base Bid is $185,983.00. The total for the electrical \\P\MSHARED\Engineering\CIP\Fire Station RemodeNConstruction Contract\Change Order la.doc work and the total contract is comparable to the Architect's Estimate. This change order will not require a change in the Contract Time. A Budget amendment will not be required due to anticipated savings in other Capital Improvement Projects. i Financial Implication: The financial implication from Change Order Number One is to increase the Contract Amount to $16,962.00 from $169,021.00 to $185,983.00. Recommendations: Approve Avon Fire Station Remodel Change Order Number One for the additional electrical work in the amount of $16,962.00 increasing the contract amount from $169,021.00 to $185,983.00. Town Manager Comments: 0 C CNDocumentsTump House Muni 98\Pump1CO #1 & #2.Doc CHANGE ORDER Order No.: 1 Date: March 14, 2000 Agreement Date: March 14, 2000 n NAME OF PROJECT: Avon Fire Station Remodel OWNER: Town of Avon CONTRACTOR: Harney - Naill, Inc. The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Justification: This Change Order is for completion of all electrical work excluded by Attachment to Bid. The cost basis for this work is identified in the attached letter from Harney - Naill, Inc. dated March 9, 2000. The work authorized by this Change Order includes a manual transfer switch, Alternate option Note 10 from Sheet E2. Change to CONTRACT PRICE: $ 16 62.0 Original CONTRACT PRICE: $__169,,021.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be (increased)(decreased) by 0185,983.00 . The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $_I 85 983.00 . Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased)(decreased) by 0 calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be Jul 13 2000 (Date). APPROVALS REQUIRED: Approved by Engineer: Accepted by Contractor Accepted and Approved by Owner: Federal Agency Approval (where applicable): CO-1 k E HARNEY-NAILL, INC. 3/9/00 Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Avon Fire Station Remodel Dear Anne, In response to your March 7"' 2000 letter please be advised of the following pricing to complete the electrical requirements for the above project. The increase in the base bid totals $21,040.00 bring the overall bid amount to $190,061.00. As requested the cost of the auto transfer switch supplied and installed is $2,500.00. If you choose to go with the manual transfer switch you may deduct $1078.00 from the base price increase. Alternative Option Note 10 Sheet E2 results in a deduct of $3,000.00 with a further deduct of $1,000.00 if no new transformer is provided. We look forward to starting the project at the beginning of next week. If we can provide any additional information or assistance please call. Sincerely, Harney-Na Richard N. P.O. BOX 6429, AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE 970-748-9750 FAX 970-949-6842 • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer .11,41 Anne Martens, Engineer Date: March 21, 2000 Re: 2000 Street Repair and Improvements Award of Construction Contract Summary: Bids for 2000 Street Repair and Improvements were received March 17, 2000. B&B Excavating, Inc. submitted the Low Bid of $67,200.00. This compares with the Engineer's Estimate of $78,880.00. It is recommended that the contract be awarded to B & B Excavating, Inc. based upon their Bid of $67,200.00. Discussion: Three Bids were submitted in response to the Advertisement for Bids for 2000 Street Repair and Improvements. B & B Excavating, Inc. submitted the Low Bid of $67,200.00. The Engineer's Estimate was $78,880.00. Street Repairs and Improvements for 2000 consist of a 2-inch asphalt overlay on West Wildwood Road in Wildridge. Other bids were received from Elam Construction, Inc. and Grand River Construction. Elam Construction, Inc. bid was $67,854.50 and Grand River Construction bid was $71,903.50 for the 2000 Street Repair and Improvements. Attached is a Tabulation of the Engineer's Estimate and Bids Received. It is anticipated that the full amount of the 2000 Street Repair and Improvements Budget will not be expended and the final project cost will be determined with final quantities used. It is recommended the Contract for the 2000 Street Repair and Improvements be awarded to B & B Excavating, Inc. Project Budget Construction $67,854.50 Testing $ 2,000.00 Available Contingencies $20,145.50 Total Budgeted $90,000.00 Financial Implications: The B & B Excavating, Inc. Bid of $67,200.00 is within the 2000 Budget for this work. Recommendations: It is recommended that a contract for 2000 Street Repair and Improvements be awarded to B & B Excavating, Inc., based upon their Total Bid of $67,200.00. Town Manager Comments: E \\o\nn1 lee a\n An.F..nn\C4.c,e,?Im..n..v.,w,.,..io\'N1nM n..--4 off --+ -+A-- 2000 STREET REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENTS TOWN OF AVON BID OPENING March 17, 2000 - 11:00 AM MST Contractor No. 1 Contractor No. 2 Contractor No. 3 Engineer's Estimate Elam Construction B & B Excavating Grand River Construction ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL A. Mobilization 1 $2,000.00 $2,800.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 B. Traffic Control 1 $2,700.00 $2,400.00 $4,000.00 $5,000.00 C. Hot Bituminous Pavement Overlay 1520 $39.00 $59,280.00 $37.50 $57,000.00 $39.40 $59,888.00 $42.00 $63,840.00 D. Manhole Adjustments 10 $100.00 $1,000.00 $90.00 $900.00 $70.00 $700.00 $95.00 $950.00 E. Valve Box Adjustments 1 $50.00 $50.00 $65.00 $65.00 $70.00 $70.00 $55.00 $55.00 F. Shoulder Reconditioning 8070 $0.35 $2,824.50 $0.50 $4,035.00 $0.65 $5,245.50 $0.50 $4,035.00 1 1 TOTAL BID $67,854.50 $67,200.00 $71,903.50 $78,880.00 0 0 003/2000 y rt Memo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: n Honorable Mayor and Town Council Bill Elting, Town Manager Norm Wood, Town Engineer March 23, 2000 Nottingham Road Streetscape and Street Improvements Design Services Proposal Summary: We received seven proposals for engineering design services in response to the attached Request for Proposals for Nottingham Road Streetscape and Street Improvements / Design Services dated March 3, 2000. The proposals received were in general conformance with Request for Proposals and are summarized as follows: Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc. $ 82,380 Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. $ 88,400 High Country Engineering, Inc. $ 105,472 Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. $ 117,000 Martm/Martm, Inc. $ 152,000 Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. $ 165,363 Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation $ 186,881 * This Fee includes a 10% ($15,033) Contingency Item not included in other proposals, leaving a comparable fee of $150,030. Complete copies of these Proposals are available in the Town Clerk's Office for those that are interested in reviewing them. While all Proposals are in general conformance with the Request for Proposals, there is a wide range in the services covered by the proposed Base Fees. In general, the higher base fees include more complete services and more extensive use of specialized consultants for portions of the design. Special Consultants typically include Traffic Engineering, Structural Engineering, Electrical/Lighting Engineering and Landscape Architecture. All proposals included a geotechnical/soils engineering firm as a special consultant. v \\PW\SHAREDTmWee mg\CWNottingham Rd\2ACartrad Servioes\2.2designeng\2.2.2RFP\Reoommndation Mano.Dx In order to evaluate these proposals with the wide variation in base fee for services and the variety of services included in that fee, the content of the proposals was divided into three separate categories. These categories were Design Team Qualifications, Quality of Proposal and Proposed Fee for Services. By evaluating the proposals in each of these categories and then recombining these into an overall evaluation, the two best proposals appears to be those submitted by Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc. and Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. The services proposed by Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc. are expected to be somewhat less expensive due to use of in-house electrical/lighting engineering, structural engineering, landscape architecture and traffic engineering. The Proposal submitted by Inter-Mountain Engineering was rated slightly higher due to the amount of additional services included in the Base Fee and the level of expertise provided by the proposed subconsultants in the areas of landscape architecture (Terrasan), traffic engineering (Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig), electricalAighting engineering (ELEC) and structural engineering (Monroe and Newell). Based on this analysis, the initial recommendation is approval of the Proposal submitted by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd., for Design Services for Nottingham Road Streetscape and Street Improvement Project. Staff interviews with both Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc. and Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd., have been scheduled prior to the council work session. Pending the results of these interviews, the final recommendation may be revised. Financial Implications: The proposed base fee is within the 2000 project budget of $ 395,000.00 and is very close to the original 1998 cost estimate for design and surveying services of $165,000. Recommendations: Approve the Proposal submitted by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. in response to the Town's Request for Proposals, dated March 3, 2000, for Nottingham Road Streetscape and Street Improvements / Design Services with a Base Services Fee not to exceed $ 165,363. Alternatives: Approve the Proposal submitted by Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc. in response to the Town's Request for Proposals, dated March 3, 2000, for Nottingham Road Streetscape and Street Improvements / Design Services with a Base Service Fee not to exceed $ 82,380. Town Manager Comments: n \\PW\SHARED\FnO=ing\CIP\Nadingham Rd\2.OContrad Se vicm\2.2desipaig \2.2.2RFP\R=mm®dation Mmo.Doc 2 0 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROJECT: Nottingham Road Streetscape and Street Improvements / Design Services CLIENT: Town of Avon c/o Norman Wood, Town Engineer P.O. Box 975 500 Swift Gulch Road Avon, CO 81620 DATE: March 3, 2000 PART ONE: INFORMATION FOR PROPOSERS 1.01 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL Proposals will be received until 3:00 PK MST, March 17, 2000 at: Town of Avon Public Works Office Attn: Norm Wood, Town Engineer PO Box 975 500 Swift Gulch Road Avon, CO 81620 Proposals must be sealed and labeled "Proposals - Nottingham Road Streetscape and Street Improvements - Design Services". Ten copies of the proposal are required. Any proposal not received at the Public Works Office prior to the time set in this request shall be disqualified. 1.02 OPENING OF PROPOSALS AND SELECTION Proposals will be opened and evaluated by the Town after the final date set for receipt. The Town may require selected proposers considered for award to make oral presentation to the Avon Town Council. The successful proposer (also referred to herein as Contractor) will explore options with the Town, that will enhance vehicle, pedestrian and alternative modalities along Nottingham Road from I-70 to the cul-de-sac at the end. The final products to be delivered to the Town will include conceptual, preliminary and final designs for streetscape, street and related storm drainage improvements; construction cost estimates and construction plans, specifications and bid documents complete with special conditions and unit price bid forms. The Proposal shall also address preparation of property descriptions for additional rights-of-way and easements required for construction of the designed improvements, provision of contract administration services during the I:\Enginee"\ClPWottingham RdCoContract Ser ices\2.2DesgnEngr12.2.2RFP\2.2.2RFP.doc 1 construction period, coordination of project with impacted utilities and coordination of project impacts on I-70 right-of-way with Colorado Department of Transportation. 1.03 1.04 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. It also reserves the right to waive any informalities in connection with the proposals. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL/PROPOSED THAETABLE Within sixty (60) days after the final submission date for proposals, the Town will act upon them. The successful Proposer will be requested to enter into negotiations to produce a contract for services. This Request for Proposal will be attached and incorporated into the contract. The Town reserves the right to terminate negotiations in the event it deems progress toward a contract and timely completion of work to be insufficient. Criteria for selection will include, but not necessarily be limited to, costs for services, the Proposer's approach or proposed method to complete the work, education and experience of all professional personnel assigned to the project, previous experience with similar projects, ability to perform work on schedule and within budget, and geographic proximity (or ability to serve this project from Proposer's office/service location). Tentative Proposal and Project Timetable A AA-+; Utility Relocation & R/W Acquisition October 15, 2000 - December 31, 2000 Construction Phase I - 1-70 to Mountain Star Drive April 1, 2001 - October 31, 2001 Construction Phase II - Limits to be Determined April 1, 2002 - October 31, 2002 Construction Phase in - Limits to be Determined April 1, 2003 - October 31, 2003 RFP Issue Date March 3, 2000 Pre-Proposal Meeting - Public Works Facility -1:30 PM March 9, 2000 Proposals Due by 3:00 PM March 17, 2000 Town Council Awards Contract for Design Services March 28, 2000 Pre-Design Public Input Meeting April 12, 2000 Preliminary Mapping & Conceptual Design Complete April 28, 2000 Town Council Review - Conceptual Design May 9, 2000 Public Presentation - Conceptual Design May 10, 2000 Final Mapping & Preliminary Design Complete June 16, 2000 Town Council Review - Preliminary Plan June 27, 2000 Public Presentation - Preliminary Plan June 28, 2000 Final Design Complete August 11, 2000 Town Council Review Final Design August 22, 2000 Public Presentation - Final Design August 23, 2000 Construction Plans & Documents Complete September 29, 2000 hts-of-Way & Easement Descriptions Complete l Ri dd ' October 13, 2000 g a I:\Engineering\CIPWottingham Rd\2.0Contract Services\22DesgnEngr\2.22RFP\2.22RFP.doc 2 0 1.05 INCURRING COST STATEMENT The Town is not liable for costs incurred by proposers prior to the award of the contract, or at any time after the award of the contract for any costs related to the preparation or response requirements of the RFP. 1.06 PAYMENT Payment will be made as set out in Part Two, on the basis of invoices submitted to the Town. Payment shall be only for work satisfactorily completed. 1.07 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The contract shall consist of the contract instrument as negotiated and this Request for Proposal and Proposer shall be governed by the terms of this Request for Proposal as fully as if those terms were expressly set forth in the contract instrument. 1.08 LMTATIONS ON CONTRACT TYPE The Town will not accept proposals for the purchase of service based upon a cost plus percentage of cost formula. Lump sums and cost plus fixed fee not to exceed are allowed. This rule will not be waived. 1.09 INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED Failure to submit any required data item may be cause for rejection. Proposers may submit such other data as they deem appropriate, however, voluminous or overly elaborate proposals are discouraged. PROPOSAL INFORMATION SHALL INCLUDE: A. ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION Provide a short resume of the organization. Include types of similar services/products performed/provided by the firm. B. REFERENCES Provide a list of references and phone numbers that may be contacted regarding firm performance. 11 1AEngineering\CIPWot ingham Rd\2.0C011t1 Services\2.2DesignEngr\22.2RFP\2.2.2RFP.doc 3 C. PROJECT HISTORY Provide a description of experience your firm has had with projects similar to the one described herein. Include contact person name and phone number, other than members of your firm that can be contacted regarding this project. D. ORGANIZATION PROFILE Provide a personnel summary of those individuals you would expect to be assisting during this project, and the percentage of project for which each will be responsible. Team proposals are encouraged (civil, soils, electrical and land surveyor). The inclusion of a land planner or landscape architect as a member of the team may be advantageous during the early public input portions of the project. E. STATEMENT OF WORK AND PRODUCT C An outline delineating the specific tasks to be performed indicating what will be done, in what sequence, and by whom. The statement of work should include a schedule which indicates how long each task will require, and when client meetings will be held. Provide a clear statement of the final product. S F. LIST OF SERVICE COSTS The firms shall provide a current rate schedule for all those elements that will be involved in this project. These rates shall remain in effect for the duration of this project. The cost proposal must be sealed and separately labeled from the rest of the proposal, and include costs on completion of the project, including professional fees, subconsultants, reimbursable and all other costs incidental to the project. 1.10 STANDARDS AND EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD A contract will be awarded only to responsible prospective proposer. In order to qualify, a proposer must meet the following standards as they relate to this Request for Proposal. Have an established record of performance in: A. Involvement Process This design is expected to be the culmination of input from the General Public, Town Staff, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council. 1:1Engineering\C1PWottingham RdCOConhad SerAcesV.2DesignEngr12.2.2RFP\2.2.2RFP.doc 4 B. Design and Cost Estimating 1. Municipal, street, utilities and drainage design 2. Construction cost estimating. 3. Construction plans, specifications, contract documents and bid forms. 4. Construction contract administration. C. Be an equal opportunity employer. D. Offer registered professional services directly applicable to the scope of work required in this RFP. E. Be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations. The Town intends to negotiate a contract with the Proposer whose firm, qualifications, approach and proposed cost instill the highest confidence level. PART TWO: GENERAL INFORMATION 2.01 SCOPE OF WORK The work to be performed under this contract consists of the furnishing of all labor, equipment, materials, expertise, tools, supplies, insurance, and providing all engineering and related design services for development of conceptual, preliminary and final design through a public input process, and preparation of cost estimates, construction drawings, specifications and bid documents, and administrative assistance through the bid and construction process for the Nottingham Road Streetscape and Street Improvements Project. 2.02 DUTIES OF PROPOSER Proposer shall diligently undertake and perform all work required by the contract. Proposer agrees to devote the number of persons and level of effort necessary to perform and complete the work in a timely manner. All work done will be performed to the highest professional standards and will reflect the thoroughness, attention to detail, and application of knowledge expected of professional contractors in the field. 2.03 OBTAINING DATA It shall be the Proposer's sole responsibility to obtain all data necessary to complete the work in a timely manner. Town shall make any data in its possession that is relevant to Proposer's activity, available to Proposer upon request. Requests shall specify the type of information sought, and the period for which the data is required; however, the Proposer may not require Town to seek reports from other agencies or to prepare original research. It shall be the Proposer's duty to discover and obtain data, research and reports prepared I:\Engineering\ClPWoWMham Rd\2AConbad Services\2.2DesignEngr\2.2.2RFP\2.2.2RFP.doc 5 by Public or private sources other than Town from the custodian. Town does not vouch for the accuracy of any data other than its own. Data furnished by Town shall be considered accurate only for the purpose for which it was originally gathered. Proposer shall be solely responsible for any conclusions drawn from the data. 2.04 CHANGES The Town reserves the right to order changes in the work within the general scope of the project. The project manager or his designee shall order changes in writing. In the event Proposer encounters circumstances which it believes warrants a change in the price, quality, quantity or method of performing work, it shall notify the project manager of the circumstances in writing. No change in work shall be undertaken until authorized in writing by the Town. Either party shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment in the contract price for changed work. It shall be Proposer's sole responsibility to notify the project manager in advance, in writing, of any work that it considers to be changed or extra. Failure to do so, and to provide and to receive approval before processing, shall waive any claim for additional payment. 2.05 CARE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY Proposer shall obtain any permission required prior to entering upon private property to perform any task required. In the event Proposer is denied access to private property, Proposer shall immediately notify the project manager and give the location to which access was denied, the name of the person who denied access, the reason access was denied, the reasons access was sought and any alternative site that may be used for the same purpose. Town shall thereupon endeavor to assist Proposer in gaining any required access. Proposer shall at his expense carefully protect from injury trees, shrubs, buildings, fences, utilities, structures, pipes, conduits and personal property, public or private, which may be affected by the work. Proposer shall be liable for any damage done through its fault or that of its subcontractors and shall restore any damaged property to the same or better condition as it was prior to Proposer's interference. 2.06 PAYMENTS Proposer shall invoice Town monthly for all work done. Invoices shall itemize the work accomplished during the payment period by hours of classification and subcontractor charges to date of invoice. Approved invoices are paid within thirty days of presentation. 2.07 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE The Town shall have the right to terminate this contract for convenience at any time prior to completion. Written notice of such termination shall be mailed to Proposer at its address on file with the Town. Termination shall be effective ten (10) days from the date I:\EngineeringVPWot ingham Rd12.0C0ntract SoVK)esQ2DesignEngri22.2RFP\2.2.2RFP.doc 6 notice is mailed. Upon receipt of notice of termination, Proposer shall immediately stop work and terminate all subcontracts. Upon either termination for convenience or curtailment, Proposer shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to the cost of work performed to date, including the cost of terminated subcontracts provided that in no case shall the amount allowed exceed the maximum contract price plus authorized change orders. 2.08 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT Upon failure of the Proposer to make satisfactory progress or failure to abide by the terms of the contract the Town shall have the right to terminate the contract for default. Written notice of termination shall be mailed to the Proposer at its address upon the records of the Town. Notice shall be effective when mailed. Upon receipt of notice, Proposer shall immediately stop work and relinquish all project files to the Town. The Town may thereafter pursue the work or hire another contractor to do so and charge the excess cost thereof to Proposer. 2.09 DISPUTES In the event a dispute arises concerning any matter under the contract, the party wishing resolution of the dispute shall submit a request in writing to the Town Manager. The is Town shall consider the request and respond in writing within ten (10) days giving findings and the reasons for them. Any person dissatisfied with the findings of the Town Manager may appeal to the Avon Town Council in writing within ten (10) days. Failure to do so waives any objection. The Town Council shall consider any matter appealed at a hearing within thirty (30) days. The decision of the Town shall be final upon matters of fact unless clearly erroneous or procured by fraud. 2.10 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT Proposer shall not assign this contract or any moneys to become due hereunder, without prior written approval of the Town of Avon. 2.11 SUBCONTRACTORS Specialty subcontractors or subconsultants may be used to perform such work as is customary in Proposer's profession; however, reports required shall be presented by the Proposer who shall be liable for any faulty data, errors or omissions contained therein. 2.12 PROPOSER'S REPRESENTATIVE Proposer shall designate a member of its staff who is knowledgeable concerning this project and who has authority to act for the Proposer upon all matters pertaining to this agreement. Proposer's representative or his designee shall be available by telephone to the 1:1Engim'ering\CIPWattingham Rd12AContract ServicesV.2DesignErgr\2.2.2RFP12.2.2RFP.doc 7 normal business hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday) for Town during the duration of the work set forth in this proposal. 2.13 INSURANCE A. In addition to such other insurance that may be required under this contract, the Proposer shall provide adequate Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all employees employed under this contract on this project who may come within the protection of workmen's compensation law; and shall provide, where practicable, employer's general liability insurance for the benefit of his employees not protected by such compensation laws, and proof of such insurance shall be given to the Town. B. The Proposer will be charged with the responsibility for proper and adequate workman's compensation coverage for all his subcontract operations and in the event Proposer's insurance does not cover each and every subcontractor, certificates of insurance issued on policies by companies that may be acceptable to the Town covering each and every subcontractor shall be filed with the Town prior to the commencement of such subcontract operations. C. Public Liability & Property Damage Insurance: 0 The Proposer shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such Public Liability and Property Damage insurance as shall protect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by this contract, from claims for damages for personal damages, which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. Insurance shall be in the minimum amounts required by the State of Colorado and local applicable authority. 2.14 EEO PROVISIONS The Proposer shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Regulations of the U. S. Department of Commerce (Part 8 of Subtitle 15 of the Code of Federal Regulations) issued pursuant to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, in regard to nondiscrimination in employment because of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, or national origin. The Proposer shall comply with applicable Federal, State and Local laws, rules and regulations concerning Equal Employment Opportunity. 2.15 TIME OF COMPLETION OF WORK AND EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT The work to be done under this contract shall be completed in its entirety on or before the date specified, provided however, that the owner may in its discretion extend the time for I:\Engineering\CJPWottingham Rd\2.0C0nh"-XA Services\2.2DesignEnWV.2.2RFP12.2.2RFP.doc 8 the completion of the work without invalidating any of the provisions herein contained and without releasing any surety. Extension of time as provided above will be considered by the Town only upon receipt of written request from the Proposer, accompanied by written consent of the surety. Each request shall state the date to which the extension is desired and shall describe the conditions that have operated to prevent completion of the work within the specified time. 2.16 COMPENSATION WHEN CONTRACT TERMINATED FOR CONVENIENCE In the event of termination of a contract for convenience of the Town, provisions shall be made for the payment of compensation to the Proposer. In addition to a reasonable amount of compensation for preparatory work and for all costs and expenses arising out of termination, the amount to be paid to the Proposer: A. Shall be determined on the basis of the contract price in the case of any full- completed separate item or portion of the work for which there is a separate or unit contract price; and B. May, with respect to any other work, be a percent of the contract price equal to the percentage of the work completed. • C. Shall be based upon the approved schedule of values. 2.17 INSPECTION OF RECORDS The Proposer agrees that: A. The Town, or any of it's duly authorized representatives shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of Proposer which are directly pertinent to this specific contract. All required records must be appropriately maintained by the contractor/vendor for three years after final payment, and all other pending matters are closed. 2.18 AMOUNT OF RETAINAGE The Town shall retain an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the contract price until final completion and acceptance of all work to be performed under this contract. 2.19 COSTS AND FEES In the event that any suit or action is commenced or arises from this agreement, each party shall bear its own costs and fees including attorney fees regardless of the outcome. This provision shall apply to the original action and any appeals. 1AEngineeringUMottingham M2.0Contract Services\2.2DesignEngr12.2.2RFP\2.2.2RFP.doc 9 THE WORK STATEMENT PART THREE. 3.01 NEEDS ASSESSMENT Nottingham Road extends westerly approximately 5600 feet from Roundabout Number 1 at the I-70 Interchange to a cul-de-sac. Streets connected to and served by Nottingham Road include Mountain Star Drive, Metcalf Road and Swift Gulch Road. Mountain Star Drive provides access to Mountain Star, a gated subdivision with approximately 100 large single-family lots. Metcalf Road provides access to commercial/light industrial development along its length and to Wildridge, a subdivision with approximately 750 residential units at buildout. Mountain Star Drive and Metcalf Road are connected by Wildwood Road. Swift Gulch Road provides access to the Town's Public Works and Transit Operation and Maintenance Facilities and will provide access to residential development in the recently annexed Village at Avon. Development along Nottingham Road includes commercial uses from the I-70 Interchange to Mountain Star Drive, multi- family residential from Mountain Star Drive to just east of Metcalf Road. The remainder of development along Nottingham Road is commercial/ fight industrial. Some of the conditions encountered on Nottingham Road include, relatively heavy traffic from the Mountain Star and Wildridge residential areas in the morning and relatively heavy traffic to these areas in the evening. This traffic is met with relatively heavy traffic to the commercial areas in the morning and from these areas in the evening. Nottingham Road also carries a significant amount of construction and delivery traffic throughout the day. This combination of development has resulted in significant traffic throughout the day with a mix of slow speed large vehicles and passenger vehicles. There are currently no provisions for pedestrians, bicyclists or public transportation along this road. Anticipated improvements required to correct this situation include addition of turn lanes in the easterly commercial area, defining driveway locations, construction of curb, gutter, sidewalks, designated bicycle lanes, streetscape features, pedestrian oriented crosswalks and public transit facilities complete with shelters and furniture. It is also anticipated that it may be desirable to incorporate some type of traffic calming features into the design. 3.02 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS The primary purpose of this Contract is for the Town to develop a design for a safe and enhanced environment for pedestrian, bicyclist and public transit opportunities while maintaining vehicular traffic flow with minimal conflicts that is consistent and compatible with the Town of Avon Master Plan and Design Guidelines. The improvements required to achieve this purpose are expected to consist of the construction of storm drainage, curb, gutter, sidewalk, streetscape lights, bus stop pullouts, crosswalks, turn lanes, designated bicycle lanes, and asphalt pavement overlay on existing Nottingham Road. The design shall incorporate recommendations developed through a public meeting and review process. Final design, construction cost estimates, construction plans and contract documents shall include design details and construction I:\Fngimering\CIPWoWm1ham Rd\2.0Conhad Services\2.2DesipEWV.22RFP\2.22RFP.doc 10 ® to, utility relocation, traffic control, right-of-way and easement acquisition and coordination with impacted businesses and property owners. F. Coordination and facilitation of all utility relocation and modification as necessary for construction of the project. G. Incorporation of traffic control plan in construction plans and bid documents to minimize impacts during construction. H. Provision of detailed project cost estimates at completion of Preliminary Design, Final Design, and Construction Plans, Specifications & Bid Documents. 1. Evaluation of construction bids and recommendations for award of construction contract. J. Minimum services to be provided during construction will include periodic field review of construction progress, clarification of questions regarding plans and specifications and review of requested changes and corrections proposed during construction. Capability for providing full contract administration services during construction should be addressed in the Proposal. ® 3.05 RESPONSE REQUESTED BY TOWN The Proposer's role is viewed in distinct phases. Phase I - Information gathering. This is a function of, a) input sessions with the Town Council and Staff, designated interest groups and from advertised public meetings, and b) initial data collection. Phase II - Development and public presentation of at least three alternate conceptual plans based on input received at initial meetings. These alternate plans should include brief evaluation of anticipated impacts on adjacent properties and project costs. Phase III - Development and public presentation of a preliminary plan based on input received during presentations of alternate conceptual plans. Preliminary plan should include horizontal layout, typical cross-sections, identify general areas of encroachment on adjoining properties, a proposed phasing plan for construction and preliminary cost estimates per phase. Phase W - Development and public presentation of construction level drawings including a traffic control plan for each proposed phase of construction, and identifying easements and rights-of-way required for construction, plus detailed construction cost estimates for each phase of construction. E hEngineering%C1"O Ingham RdQoContract Services\2.2DesgnEngr\2.2.2RFP\2.2.2RFP.doc 12 Phase V - Development of final construction drawings, right-of-way map, construction contract, bid documents, engineers cost estimate for each phase of the project and applications for any required permits. Phase IV - Basic services during construction as described in 3.04 7, including coordination of construction with all applicable utility companies and Colorado Department of Transportation, with construction anticipated in the summers of 2001, 2002 and 2003. The Proposal should address the phases as outlined above with the fee and scope of services for each phase clearly shown in accordance with Section 1.09 F. Optional services, which should be included separately in the Proposal, include the provision of legal surveys and descriptions of additional rights-of-way or easements as required for construction and the provision of full contract administration services during construction. 0 E I:\Engineering\CIPWottingham Rd\2.oContract SerAces\2.2DesignEngr%2.2.2RFP12.2.2RFP.doc 13 • Memo March 10, 2000 To: Meryl From: Sarah b ?"1 RE: 5eptember Concert Band Contract Summary Attached please find a contract between Miller Music and the Town of Avon for performance services by Hazel Miller at the September 5ummerConcert. The Hazel Miller Band has a huge following in this area and they put on an incredibly entertaining show. Recommendation I recommend that Council approve and sign the attached contracts for performance services at the September 5ummer Concert in the amount of $3,000. • Town of Avon . P.O. Box 975 . Avon, CO 81620 . 970-748-4032 Miller Music Entertainment _Agreement c/o Mel Gibson, 1020 15th Street, #33D, Denver, CO 80202, 303-629-3333 Town OF HAZEL MILLER EMRTAINMENT AGREEMENT: between Hazel Miller (ARTIST) and, Avr; -- (PURCHASER). It is understood that the parties do agree, and are committed to the following terms and conditions, including: 1 ^'W.v Date of Performance: SU y SP_'}Z?.{'VI ? (Q 2.000 " Il,, Place of Performance: N ? n#am Pik, A-VM ( Time of Performance: 4 Pm _ -7 PM C ) Y Length of Performyice: ((Z) 75 min Provided by Purchaser: S Q sod `(?) Artist Fee: 43, 000 Payment. Terms: Deposit equaling 50% of total ARTIST, fee due upon signing of contract, remaining balance due just prior to performance. Send deposit, in form of uehiaels check or money order made out to; HAZEL MILLER, c lo Mel Gibson, 1020 15th Street #33D, Denver, CO .80202. Artist's Representatives: Mel Gibson 303- 571, lig'F Merchandising: Artist retains sole 8t exclusive right, but not the obligation, to sell souvenirs, T-shirts, hats, CD's, and all, other mezchandise directly pertaining to and/or bearing the likeness of Artist, and to retain 10019 of the receipts therefrom, subject only to my financial agreements that the PURCHASER may have with concessionaires for the handling and/or sale of this merchandise. If any agreement is made, no more than 10% of the total receipts of the merchandise may be requested, and only upon written consent of Artist or Artist's rte. PURCHASER will not permit any recording or broadcasting, audio or video, or any part of this performance without the written consent of Artist or Artist's representative. NOTE All press releases must be approved by Artist or Artist's Representative prior to distribution. Still photography is acceptable, no flash please. Artist must approve any photography from the pit or the stage. This contract is a final and binding agreement between the undersigned parties, even in the event of business closing or loss, unless notified in writing ten (10) days prior to above stated starting date. In this event, PURCHASER forfeits entire deposit. Should PURCHASER elect to cancel this contract within thirty (30) days of the Performance Date, Purchaser forfeits one-half of the deposit. ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO: Purchaser Booking Agent Da 1 M 0 L Artist Hazel MillerC(mtract. naps Contacts: Mel Gibson 303-571-1188 phone, 303-571-1292 tax c? r FINANCIAL MATTERS March 28, 2000 1. Cash Account Balances-February 2000 2. Revenues & Expenditures-February 2000 3. Detail-Real Estate Transfer Taxes-2000 4. Detail-Sales Tax Update 5. Detail-Accomodations Tax Update 6. Accounts Payable Listing 7. Manual Check Lisiting RECOMMENDED ACTION RECEIVE Items 1 through 5 APPROVE Items 6 and 7 TOWN OF AVON CASH ACCOUNT BALANCES February 29, 2000 INVESTMENTS INTEREST MATURITY AMOUNT GENERALFUND: 1ST BANK OF AVON - CONCENTRATION 5.24 ---- 1,882,078.32 COLOTRUST PLUS 5.94 ---- 2,825,599.67 COLOTRUST PRIME 5.47 ---- 463,676.25 FEDERATED INVESTORS-PRIME OBLIG 5.19 ---- 1,856,543.15 FEDERATED INVESTORS-TREAS OBLIG 5.65 ---- 1,658,566.53 C SAFE 5.66 ---- 1,093,925.60 FIRST BANK OF AVON - CD (6 months) 4.88 5/15/00 250,000.00 ALPINE BANK - CD (12 months) 4.50 5/18/00 250,000.00 10,280,389.52 WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FUND: 1ST BANK AVON - C.D. LIQUID 3.75 ---- 45,022.86 TOTAL CASH BALANCE ALL FUNDS $ 10,325,412.38 03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNT ING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTI ON CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND FUNCTION - 10 - GENERAL FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 51101 PROPERTY TAX - CURRENT 1,298,616.00 61,987.38 .00 61,987.38 1,236,628.62 .05 51201 SPECIFIC OWNERSHIP TAXES 150,000.00 17,626.70 .00 17,626.70 132,373.30 .12 51301 GENERAL SALES TAX 5,018,128.00 359,721.88 .00 359,721.88 4,658,406.12 .07 51302 UTILITY TAX 65,000.00 6,884.31 .00 6,884.31 58,115.69 .11 51304 PENALTIES & INTEREST 10,000.00 140.89 .00 140.89 9,859.11 .01 51402 FRANCHISE FEE 190,000.00 4,266.00 .00 4,266.00 185,734.00 .02 TOTAL TAXES 6,731,744.00 450,627.16 .00 450,627.16 6,281,116.84 .07 52101 LIQUOR LICENSES 2,500.00 647.50 .00 2,471.25 28.75 .99 52102 BUSINESS LICENSES 17,500.00 1,250.00 .00 3,175.00 14,325.00 .18 52103 CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES 9,000.00 745.00 .00 1,245.00 7,755.00 .14 52201 BUILDING PERMITS 185,000.00 38,798.67 .00 41,204.43 143,795.57 .22 52202 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 20,000.00 239.80 .00 1,312.26 18,687.74 .07 52203 PLUMBING PERMITS 25,000.00 105.70 .00 418.36 24,581.64 .02 52204 MECHANICAL PERMITS 25,000.00 446.23 .00 1,359.28 23,640.72 .05 52205 ROAD CUT PERMITS 2,500.00 .00 .00 365.00 2,135.00 .15 52206 OTHER PERMITS 7,500.00 869.44 .00 969.44 6,530.56 .13 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 294,000.00 43,102.34 .00 52,520.02 241,479.98 .18 53299 OTHER STATE GRANTS .00 1,100.00 .00 3,100.00 -3,100.00 .00 53301 CONSERVATION TRUST 25,000.00 .00 .00 .00 25,000.00 .00 53302 MOTOR VEHICLE REG FEES 20,000.00 1,416.69 .00 1,416.69 18,583.31 .07 53303 HIGHWAY USERS TAX 152,498.00 15,810.45 .00 15,810.45 136,687.55 .10 53304 CIGARETTE TAX 55,000.00 .00 .00 .00 55,000.00 .00 53305 EAGLE COUNTY SALES TAX 225,000.00 19,135.98 .00 19,135.98 205,864.02 .09 53306 EAGLE COUNTY ROAD & BRIDG 95,000.00 .00 .00 .00 95,000.00 .00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 572,498.00 37,463.12 .00 39,463.12 533,034.88 .07 54101 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIO 1,500.00 15.00 .00 35.00 1,465.00 .02 54102 PHOTOCOPYING CHARGES 500.00 48.50 .00 231.00 269.00 .46 54103 LICENSE HEARING FEES 100.00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .00 54104 OTHER FEES & CHARGES 1,500.00 .00 .00 .00 1,500.00 .00 54201 PLAN CHECK FEES 140,000.00 1,047.99 .00 1,592.07 138,407.93 .01 54202 SUBDIVISION REVIEW FEES 8,000.00 70.00 .00 370.00 7,630.00 .05 54203 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 12,500.00 530.00 .00 900.00 11,600.00 .07 54204 ANIMAL CONTROL FEES 1,000.00 60.00 .00 170.00 830.00 .17 54301 POLICE REPORTS 250.00 87.00 .00 125.00 125.00 .50 54302 OFF-DUTY POLICE EMPLOYMNT 2,500.00 200.07 .00 614.07 1,885.93 .25 54303 FINGERPRINTING FEES 1,000.00 166.00 .00 280.00 720.00 .28 54304 V.I.N. INSPECTION FEES 10,000.00 726.00 .00 1,766.00 8,234.00 .18 54601 AVON REC CTR ADMISSIONS 920,000.00 72,645.63 .00 144,372.51 775,627.49 .16 54602 AVON REC CTR PROGRAM FEES 40,000.00 3,618.50 .00 7,921.50 32,078.50 .20 54603 AVON REC CTR FACILITY REN 6,500.00 150.00 .00 300.00 6,200.00 .05 54604 SALES OF MERCHANDISE 6,000.00 840.00 .00 1,897.00 4,103.00 .32 54605 BABYSITTING 8,500.00 819.75 .00 1,784.50 6,715.50 .21 54606 OTHER SERVICES 18,000.00 1,012.58 .00 2,953.29 15,046.71 .16 54607 FITNESS PROGRAM REVENUES 11,378.00 313.75 .00 1,698.75 9,679.25 .15 54651 ADULT PROGRAM FEES 36,016.00 877.00 .00 6,729.00 29,287.00 .19 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:56:59 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND FUNCTION - 10 - GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 54652 CABIN EQUIPMENT RENTALS 54653 RENTALS - ATHLETIC FIELD 54654 CABIN CONCESSIONS 54655 YOUTH PROGRAM REVENUES 54676 SPONSORSHIPS 54677 ADVERTISING SALES 54678 SPECIAL EVENT FEES TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 55101 COURT FINES - TRAFFIC 55102 COURT FINES - CRIMINAL 55103 COURT FINES - PARKING 55104 COURT FINES - GENERAL 55105 COURT COSTS 55106 JURY FEES 55107 COURT RESTITUTION 55108 FOOD FINES TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 58101 RECREATIONAL AMENITY FEES 58201 LEASE OF TOWN OWNED PROP 58202 CASH SHORT & OVER 58204 RETURNED CHECK FEE 58206 TELEPHONE RECEIPTS 58207 MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS 58998 PETTY CASH CHECK REIMBURS 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 59101 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 41,000.00 465.50 .00 2,854.00 38,146.00 .07 3,500.00 420.00 .00 420.00 3,080.00 .12 7,880.00 97.00 .00 341.16 7,538.84 .04 86,872.00 2,973.75 .00 6,413.75 80,458.25 .07 25,050.00 50.00 .00 400.00 24,650.00 .02 3,600.00 .00 .00 350.00 3,250.00 .10 12,950.00 905.50 .00 935.50 12,014.50 .07 1,406,096.00 88,141.52 .00 185,454.10 1,220,641.90 .13 9,000.00 402.00 .00 986.00 8,014.00 .11 32,000.00 2,261.39 .00 6,026.89 25,973.11 .19 5,000.00 526.00 .00 846.00 4,154.00 .17 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .00 3,500.00 281.00 .00 465.00 3,035.00 .13 350.00 .00 .00 35.00 315.00 .10 1,750.00 .00 .00 .00 1,750.00 .00 25.00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 .00 52,125.00 3,470.39 .00 8,358.89 43,766.11 .16 375,000.00 56,201.25 .00 61,114.34 313,885.66 .16 375,000.00 56,201.25 .00 61,114.34 313,885.66 .16 160,000.00 47,203.76 .00 47,203.76 112,796.24 .30 162,105.00 1,237.41 .00 1,237.41 160,867.59 .01 .00 -26.10 .00 457.36 -457.36 .00 .00 .00 .00 7.00 -7.00 .00 .00 209.20 .00 394.55 -394.55 .00 .00 860.10 .00 899.71 -899.71 .00 .00 50.00 .00 50.00 -50.00 .00 100,000.00 18,807.37 .00 31,077.15 68,922.85 .31 422,105.00 68,341.74 .00 81,326.94 340,778.06 .19 25,000.00 .00 .00 .00 25,000.00 .00 97,537.00 .00 .00 .00 97,537.00 .00 122,537.00 .00 .00 .00 122,537.00 .00 9,976,105.00 747,347.52 .00 878,864.57 9,097,240.43 .09 9,976,105.00 747,347.52 .00 878,864.57 9,097,240.43 .09 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:56:59 PENTA14ATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER X03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 111 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL 94,768.00 17,830.91 .00 26,311.43 68,456.57 .28 112 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 18,927.00 572.39 .00 1,176.29 17,750.71 .06 113 TOWN ATTORNEY 112,524.00 7,585.65 .00 12,439.40 100,084.60 .11 114 PUBLIC RELATIONS 294,500.00 384.18 .00 65,384.18 229,115.82 .22 115 TOWN CLERK 68,198.00 5,152.35 .00 8,401.55 59,796.45 .12 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE 588,917.00 31,525.48 .00 113,712.85 475,204.15 .19 121 MUNICIPAL COURT 54,107.00 3,613.63 .00 5,919.47 48,187.53 .11 TOTAL JUDICIAL 54,107.00 3,613.83 .00 5,919.47 48,187.53 .11 131 TOWN MANAGER 224,122.00 16,312.67 .00 26,971.94 197,150.06 .12 132 HUMAN RESOURCES 176,717.00 16,620.58 .00 22,472.60 154,244.40 .13 TOTAL TOWN MANAGER 400,839.00 32,933.25 .00 49,444.54 351,394.46 .12 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,043,863.00 68,072.56 .00 169,076.86 874,786.14 .16 141 FINANCE 416,905.00 32,959.29 .00 47,711.85 369,193.15 .11 143 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 104,899.00 13,279.50 .00 14,395.87 90,503.13 .14 149 NONDEPARTMENTAL 228,954.00 6,691.30 .00 88,884.11 140,069.89 .39 TOTAL FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIO 750,758.00 52,930.09 .00 150,991.83 599,766.17 .20 TOTAL FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIO 750,758.00 52,930.09 .00 150,991.83 599,766.17 .20 211 ADIMINSTRATION 226,653.00 15,446.97 .00 24,934.30 201,718.70 .11 212 PLANNING 134,456.00 8,090.75 .00 13,157.39 121,298.61 .10 213 BUILDING INSPECTION 246,339.00 16,816.80 .00 26,356.81 219,982.19 .11 214 COMMUNITY SERVICE 79,902.00 5,275.19 .00 9,514.10 70,387.90 .12 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOP DEPT 687,350.00 45,629.71 .00 73,962.60 613,387.40 .11 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 687,350.00 45,629.71 .00 73,962.60 613,387.40 .11 311 ADMINISTRATION 407,058.00 19,801.12 .00 34,571.37 372,486.63 .08 312 PATROL 926,909.00 90,874.23 .00 148,386.03 778,522.97 .16 313 INVESTIGATION 78,688.00 3,397.86 .00 5,288.05 73,399.95 .07 314 COMMUNITY POLICING 83,144.00 1,413.98 .00 4,145.07 78,998.93 .05 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,495,799.00 115,487.19 .00 192,390.52 1,303,408.48 .13 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 1,495,799.00 115,487.19 .00 192,390.52 1,303,408.48 .13 411 ADMINISTRATION 178,680.00 13,743.69 .00 25,580.55 153,099.45 .14 412 ENGINEERING 164,769.00 11,288.63 .00 20,586.61 144,182.39 .12 413 ROADS AND STREETS 909,833.00 52,320.20 .00 107,429.81 802,403.19 .12 414 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 290,659.00 19,129.18 .00 25,497.00 265,162.00 .09 415 PARKS 930,277.00 61,272.94 .00 125,580.26 804,696.74 .13 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2,474,218.00 157,754.64 .00 304,674.23 2,169,543.77 .12 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 2,474,218.00 157,754.64 .00 304,674.23 2,169,543.77 .12 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:39 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 513 SPECIAL EVENTS 514 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 515 RECREATION ADULT PROGRAMS 516 AQUATICS 517 RECREATION CHILDCARE 518 FITNESS 519 RECREATION FRONT DESK 520 RECREATION MAINTENANCE 521 RECREATION YOUTH PROGRAMS TOTAL RECREATION DEPARTMENT TOTAL RECREATION AND CULTURE 600 OTHER USES & CONTINGENCY TOTAL OTHER USES & CONTINGENCY TOTAL OTHER USES & CONTINGENCY TOTAL GENERAL FUND TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 289,726. 00 4,341.48 .00 13,242.39 276,483.61 .05 380,035. 00 33,512.74 .00 67,801.08 312,233.92 .18 110,783. 00 11,482.49 .00 19,093.22 91,689.78 .17 351,347. 00 27,786.30 .00 45,116.34 306,230.66 .13 71,684. 00 5,857.49 .00 9,193.25 62,490.75 .13 129,455. 00 9,763.02 .00 19,024.21 110,430.79 .15 232,181. 00 19,399.67 .00 31,513.83 200,667.17 .14 554,981. 00 31,879.72 .00 51,416.62 503,564.38 .09 93,556. 00 5,317.79 .00 12,377.28 81,178.72 .13 2,213,748. 00 149,504.56 .00 268,942.08 1,944,805.92 .12 2,213,748. 00 149,504.56 .00 268,942.08 1,944,805.92 .12 1,518,994. 00 .00 .00 .00 1,518,994.00 .00 1,518,994. 00 .00 .00 .00 1,518,994.00 .00 1,518,994. 00 .00 .00 .00 1,518,994.00 .00 10,184,730. 00 589,378.75 .00 1,160,038.12 9,024,691.88 .11 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:42 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND FUNCTION - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE 3 PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 58105 MALL MAINTENANCE FEES 33,491.00 .00 .00 .00 33,491.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 33,491.00 .00 .00 .00 33,491.00 .00 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 35,000.00 .00 .00 .00 35,000.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 35,000.00 .00 .00 .00 35,000.00 .00 TOTAL MALL MAINTENANCE FUND 68,491.00 .00 .00 .00 68,491.00 .00 TOTAL MALL MAINTENANCE FUND 68,491.00 .00 .00 .00 68,491.00 .00 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:56:59 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 417 MALL MAINTENANCE TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL MALL MAINTENANCE FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 3 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 82,649.00 4,002.65 .00 7,703.23 74,945.77 .09 82,649.00 4,002.65 .00 7,703.23 74,945.77 .09 82,649.00 4,002.65 .00 7,703.23 74,945.77 .09 82,649.00 4,002.65 .00 7,703.23 74,945.77 .09 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:42 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS FUNCTION - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 53501 CONTRACTED FIRE OPERATION 53502 NON-DISTRICT FIRE PROTECT 53503 OTHER FIRE REVENUE TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 58201 LEASE OF TOWN OWNED PROP 58205 INSURANCE CLAIM REIMBURSE 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS TOWN OF AVON PAGE 4 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 1,581,721.00 387,216.02 .00 387,216.02 1,194,504.98 .24 20,000.00 18,025.40 .00 18,025.40 1,974.60 .90 5,000.00 1,255.67 .00 2,331.52 2,668.48 .47 1,606,721.00 406,497.09 .00 407,572.94 1,199,148.06 .25 .00 .00 .00 75.00 -75.00 .00 .00 2,476.24 .00 2,476.24 -2,476.24 .00 .00 39.99 .00 39.99 -39.99 .00 .00 2,516.23 .00 2,591.23 -2,591.23 .00 294,333.00 .00 .00 .00 294,333.00 .00 426,300.00 .00 .00 .00 426,300.00 .00 720,633.00 .00 .00 .00 720,633.00 .00 2,327,354.00 409,013.32 .00 410,164.17 1,917,189.83 .18 2,327,354.00 409,013.32 .00 410,164.17 1,917,189.83 .18 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:00 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 321 ADMINISTRATION 322 EMERGENCY RESPONSE 323 FIRE PREVENTION/PUBLIC ED 324 TRAINING TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET 382,014.00 1,630,983.00 168,054.00 146,303.00 2,327,354.00 2,327,354.00 2,327,354.00 PAGE 4 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 22,833.94 .00 82,899.77 299,114.23 .22 70,677.08 .00 142,307.66 1,488,675.34 .09 12,071.40 .00 21,502.08 146,551.92 .13 8,175.60 .00 15,112.43 131,190.57 .10 113,758.02 .00 261,821.94 2,065,532.06 .11 113,758.02 .00 261,821.94 2,065,532.06 .11 113,758.02 .00 261,821.94 2,065,532.06 .11 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND FUNCTION - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 54551 RENTAL REVENUES-EMPLOYEES 59,508. 00 .00 .00 1,242.00 58,266.00 .02 54552 RENTAL SUBSIDIES 6,612. 00 .00 .00 .00 6,612.00 .00 54553 EMPLOYEE HOUSING MTC . 00 .00 .00 150.00 -150.00 .00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 66,120. 00 .00 .00 1,392.00 64,728.00 .02 TOTAL EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND 66,120. 00 .00 .00 1,392.00 64,728.00 .02 TOTAL EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND 66,120. 00 .00 .00 1,392.00 64,728.00 .02 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:00 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 436 EMPLOYEE HOUSING TOTAL TRANSPORTATION TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 5 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 66,120.00 10,880.00 .00 16,320.00 49,800.00 .25 66,120.00 10,880.00 .00 16,320.00 49,800.00 .25 66,120.00 10,880.00 .00 16,320.00 49,800.00 .25 66,120.00 10,880.00 .00 16,320.00 49,800.00 .25 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 24 - WATER FUND FUNCTION - 24 - WATER FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 54401 WATER USAGE CHARGES 54402 TAP FEES - GENERAL 54403 TAP FEES - BROOKSIDE 54404 TAP FEES - MOUNTAIN STAR TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 59101 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL WATER FUND TOTAL WATER FUND TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 110,370.00 8,793.35 .00 8,793.35 101,576.65 .08 120,000.00 5,120.00 .00 21,294.00 98,706.00 .18 .00 .00 .00 16,000.00 -16,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 11,064.00 8,936.00 .55 250,370.00 13,913.35 .00 57,151.35 193,218.65 .23 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 4,500.00 .00 .00 .00 4,500.00 .00 4,500.00 .00 .00 .00 4,500.00 .00 22,000.00 .00 .00 .00 22,000.00 .00 22,000.00 .00 .00 .00 22,000.00 .00 326,870.00 13,913.35 .00 57,151.35 269,718.65 .17 326,870.00 13,913.35 .00 57,151.35 269,718.65 .17 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:00 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 24 - WATER FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 424 WATER UTILITIES TOTAL UTILITIES TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL WATER FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 6 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 146,527.00 38,492.67 .00 39,911.72 106,615.28 .27 146,527.00 38,492.67 .00 39,911.72 106,615.28 .27 146,527.00 38,492.67 .00 39,911.72 106,615.28 .27 146,527.00 38,492.67 .00 39,911.72 106,615.28 .27 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 7 -ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND FUNCTION - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 51101 PROPERTY TAX - CURRENT 774,104. 00 37,286.57 .00 37,286.57 736,817.43 .05 TOTAL TAXES 774,104. 00 37,286.57 .00 37,286.57 736,817.43 .05 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 399,890. 00 .00 .00 .00 399,890.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 399,890. 00 .00 .00 .00 399,890.00 .00 TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND 1,173,994. 00 37,286.57 .00 37,286.57 1,136,707.43 .03 TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND 1,173,994. 00 37,286.57 .00 37,286.57 1,136,707.43 .03 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:00 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 7 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 911 BOND REDEMPTION 25,798.00 745.73 .00 745.73 25,052.27 .03 TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION 25,798.00 745.73 .00 745.73 25,052.27 .03 916 1996 G.O. REFUNDING BONDS 540,728.00 .00 .00 .00 540,728.00 .00 TOTAL 1996 G.O. REFUNDING BONDS 540,728.00 .00 .00 .00 540,728.00 .00 917 1997 G.O. BONDS 217,578.00 .00 .00 .00 217,578.00 .00 TOTAL 1997 G.O. BONDS 217,578.00 .00 .00 .00 217,578.00 .00 919 1999 SALES TAX REFUND ISS 489,890.00 .00 .00 .00 489,890.00 .00 TOTAL 1999 SALES TAX REFUND ISS 489,890.00 .00 .00 .00 489,890.00 .00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 1,273,994.00 745.73 .00 745.73 1,273,248.27 .00 TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND 1,273,994.00 745.73 .00 745.73 1,273,248.27 .00 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 8 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 32 - WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM FUNCTION - 32 - WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 56101 SPECIAL ASSESSMNTS - PRIN 35,000. 00 742.84 .00 742.84 34,257.16 .02 56201 SPECIAL ASSESSMNTS - INT 22,000. 00 468.02 .00 468.02 21,531.98 .02 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 57,000. 00 1,210.86 .00 1,210.86 55,789.14 .02 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS 2,000. 00 131.94 .00 270.73 1,729.27 .14 TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 2,000. 00 131.94 .00 270.73 1,729.27 .14 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 15,211. 00 .00 .00 .00 15,211.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 15,211. 00 .00 .00 .00 15,211.00 .00 TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM 74,211. 00 1,342.80 .00 1,481.59 72,729.41 .02 TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM 74,211. 00 1,342.80 .00 1,481.59 72,729.41 .02 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:00 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 32 - WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 912 WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 8 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 94,200.00 36.33 .00 36.33 94,163.67 .00 94,200.00 36.33 .00 36.33 94,163.67 .00 94,200.00 36.33 .00 36.33 94,163.67 .00 94,200.00 36.33 .00 36.33 94,163.67 .00 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 33 - AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND FUNCTION - 33 - AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE 9 PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 51101 PROPERTY TAX - CURRENT 565,628.00 23,687.88 .00 23,687.88 541,940.12 _04 TOTAL TAXES 565,628.00 23,687.88 .00 23,687.88 541,940.12 .04 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 TOTAL AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND 566,628.00 23,687.88 .00 23,687.88 542,940.12 .04 TOTAL AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND 566,628.00 23,687.88 .00 23,687.88 542,940.12 .04 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:00 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 33 - AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 913 AVON METROPOLITAN FUND TOTAL AVON METROPOLITAN FUND TOTAL AVON METROPOLITAN FUND TOTAL AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 9 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 566,628.00 740.64 .00 740.64 565,887.36 .00 566,628.00 740.64 .00 740.64 565,887.36 .00 566,628.00 740.64 .00 740.64 565,887.36 .00 566,628.00 740.64 .00 740.64 565,887.36 .00 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 10 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 34 - FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND FUNCTION - 34 - FINANCE AUTHO RITY DS FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS 28,000.00 .00 .00 .00 28,000.00 .00 TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 28,000.00 .00 .00 .00 28,000.00 .00 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 536,570.00 .00 .00 .00 536,570.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 536,570.00 .00 .00 .00 536,570.00 .00 TOTAL FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND 564,570.00 .00 .00 .00 564,570.00 .00 TOTAL FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND 564,570.00 .00 .00 .00 564,570.00 .00 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:01 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 34 - FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 920 FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND TOTAL FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 10 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 564,570.00 .00 .00 .00 564,570.00 .00 564,570.00 .00 .00 .00 564,570.00 .00 564,570.00 .00 .00 .00 564,570.00 .00 564,570.00 .00 .00 .00 564,570.00 .00 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 11 'ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FUNCTION - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 51401 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX 1,050,000.00 137,018.40 .00 231,711.80 818,288.20 .22 TOTAL TAXES 1,050,000.00 137,018.40 .00 231,711.80 818,288.20 .22 53201 CDOT GRANT 80,000.00 .00 .00 .00 80,000.00 .00 53401 LOCAL INTERGOV PARTICIPAT 490,000.00 .00 .00 .00 490,000.00 .00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 570,000.00 .00 .00 .00 570,000.00 .00 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS 68,131.00 2,159.27 .00 2,159.27 65,971.73 .03 TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 68,131.00 2,159.27 .00 2,159.27 65,971.73 .03 58102 UTILITY CAPITAL PAC FEE 2,000.00 182.54 .00 182.54 1,817.46 .09 58104 FIREPLACE FEES 9,000.00 .00 .00 1,500.00 7,500.00 .17 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU .00 48.39 .00 48.39 -48.39 .00 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 11,000.00 230.93 .00 1,730.93 9,269.07 .16 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1,699,131.00 139,408.60 .00 235,602.00 1,463,529.00 .14 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1,699,131.00 139,408.60 .00 235,602.00 1,463,529.00 .14 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:01 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 800 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 11 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 2,298,802.00 473.31 .00 307,276.92 1,991,525.08 .13 2,298,802.00 473.31 .00 307,276.92 1,991,525.08 .13 2,298,802.00 473.31 .00 307,276.92 1,991,525.08 .13 2.298.802.00 473.31 .00 307,276.92 1,991,525.08 .13 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:45 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER ,03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 12 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND FUNCTION - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 51303 ACCOMODATIONS TAX 261,763.00 24,753.92 .00 24,753.92 237,009.08 .09 TOTAL TAXES 261,763.00 24,753.92 .00 24,753.92 237,009.08 .09 54501 BEAVER CREEK 920,374.00 102,253.63 .00 102,253.63 818,120.37 .11 54502 CHARTER 112,980.00 1,687.50 .00 3,952.50 109,027.50 .03 54503 REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORIT 1,534,464.00 194,350.83 .00 194,350.83 1,340,113.17 .13 54504 OTHER BUS REVENUES 10,000.00 45.00 .00 165.00 9,835.00 .02 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,577,818.00 298,336.96 .00 300,721.96 2,277,096.04 .12 58207 MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS .00 .00 .00 93.43 -93.43 .00 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU .00 23.80 .00 23.80 -23.80 .00 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES .00 23.80 .00 117.23 -117.23 .00 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 366,227.00 .00 .00 .00 366,227.00 .00 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS 92,048.00 .00 .00 .00 92,048.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 458,275.00 .00 .00 .00 458,275.00 .00 TOTAL TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND 3,297,856.00 323,114.68 .00 325,593.11 2,972,262.89 .10 TOTAL TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND 3,297,856.00 323,114.68 .00 325,593.11 2,972,262.89 .10 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:01 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 431 ADMINISTRATION 432 OPERATIONS 433 MARKETING TOTAL TRANSPORTATION TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 12 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 586,285.00 40,116.26 .00 189,712.04 396,572.96 .32 2,620,504.00 310,902.10 .00 468,844.21 2,151,659.79 .18 91,067.00 6,136.63 .00 8,937.26 82,129.74 .10 3,297,856.00 357,154.99 .00 667,493.51 2,630,362.49 .20 3,297,856.00 357,154.99 .00 667,493.51 2,630,362.49 .20 3,297,856.00 357,154.99 .00 667,493.51 2,630,362.49 .20 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:46 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER _03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 13 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU FUNCTION - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 54901 FLEET MTC 0&M SERVICES 1,332,693 .00 169,989.07 .00 169,989.07 1,162,703.93 .13 54903 SALES OF FUEL 32,500 .00 8,709.20 .00 8,709.20 23,790.80 .27 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,365,193 .00 178,698.27 .00 178,698.27 1,186,494.73 .13 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU 41,530 .00 20.00 .00 20.00 41,510.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 41,530 .00 20.00 .00 20.00 41,510.00 .00 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS 28,000. 00 .00 .00 .00 28,000.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 28,000. 00 .00 .00 .00 28,000.00 .00 TOTAL FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU 1,434,723. 00 178,718.27 .00 178,718.27 1,256,004.73 .12 TOTAL FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU 1,434,723. 00 178,718.27 .00 178,718.27 1,256,004.73 .12 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:01 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 434 FLEET MTC (NON-TRANSIT) TOTAL TRANSPORTATION TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 13 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 1,415,185.00 81,723. 92 .00 147,441.00 1,267,744.00 .10 1,415,185.00 81,723. 92 .00 147,441.00 1,267,744.00 .10 1,415,185.00 81,723. 92 .00 147,441.00 1,267,744.00 .10 1,415,185.00 81,723. 92 .00 147,441.00 1,267,744.00 .10 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:46 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER ,03/15/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND FUNCTION - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE 14 PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 54904 EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHARGES 463,894.00 38,657.74 .00 77,315.48 386,578.52 .17 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 463,894.00 38,657.74 .00 77,315.48 386,578.52 .17 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 100,000.00 .00 .00 .00 100,000.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 100,000.00 .00 .00 .00 100,000.00 .00 TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND 563,894.00 38,657.74 .00 77,315.48 486,578.52 .14 TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND 563,894.00 38,657.74 .00 77,315.48 486,578.52 .14 TOTAL RE PORT 22,139,947.00 1,912,490.73 .00 2,227,256.99 19,912,690.01 .10 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:01 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/15/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 14 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 2/00 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 811 FLEET & HEAVY EQUIPMENT 230,900.00 6,621.15 .00 6,621.15 224,278.85 .03 TOTAL FLEET & HEAVY EQUIPMENT 230,900.00 6,621.15 .00 6,621.15 224,278.85 .03 812 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 43,400.00 .00 .00 .00 43,400.00 .00 TOTAL RECREATION EQUIPMENT 43,400.00 .00 .00 .00 43,400.00 .00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 274,300.00 6,621.15 .00 6,621.15 267,678.85 .02 TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND 274,300.00 6,621.15 .00 6,621.15 267,678.85 .02 TOTAL RE PORT 22,592,915.00 1,204,008.16 .00 2,616,150.29 19,976,764.71 .12 RUN DATE 03/15/00 TIME 07:57:46 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax Transactions Calendar Year 2000 Purchaser Name Property Amount of RETT Received $94,693.40 TCL Avon LLC Mountain Star Tract Y 23,400.00 Sommers Avon Lake Villas #2 $1,240.00 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares $889.80 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares 519.90 Yellin Lot 66A Blk 4 9,200.00 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares 2,140.60 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares 1,089.90 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares 1,199.90 Tebo Chapel Squre #BR319 6,150.00 Jenkins Chapel Square #BR302 6,850.00 Grzywinski Chapel Square #BR333 800.00 Frank Avon Center #602 5,600.00 Haltman Avon Center #407 5,000.00 Land Title Guarantee Co Falcon Pointe Timeshares 3,344.40 Mays Sunridge #C204 1,900.00 Anderson Chapel Square #BR211 5,024.60 Cladny Chapel Square #BR317 2,100.00 Mach Lot 45 Blk 2 2,800.00 Thayer Falcon Pointe Timeshares 290.00 Eagle County Title Corp Lakeside Terrace Timeshares 11,091.00 Colburn Avon Lake Villas #S2 4,480.00 Palavicini Greenbrier #C23 5,700.00 Land Title Guarantee Falcon Pointe Timeshares 360.00 1 Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax Transactions Calendar Year 2000 Purchaser Amount of RETT Name Property Received Land Title Guaratnee Falcon Pointe Timeshares 1,889.20 May Brookside #111 5,750.00 Stuut Lot 81 Blk 4 13,500.00 Eagle County Title Corp Lakeside Terrace Timeshares 1,729.70 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares 1,441.40 Ungar Chapel Square #BR321 6,606.00 LanharnNarney Chapel Square #BR315 $4,932.00 Total Through February $231,711.80 2 TOWN OF AVON SALES TAX BY MONTH 1996 95'-96'% 1997 96'-97'% 1998 97'-98'% Change Change Change January 332,198.39 6.07% 377,597.32 13.67% 379,424.41 0.48% February 327,012.10 10.25% 362,516.58 10.86% 378,112.00 4.30% March 407,980.62 9.10% 468,675.51 14.88% 460,191.56 -1.81% April 252,927.51 11.46% 265,356.48 4.91% 310,197.72 16.90% May 222,069.74 10.58% 241,012.56 8.53% 249,079.90 3.35% June 298,113.41 1131% 313,116.79 5.03% 337,562.03 7.81% July 335,119.67 17.15% 353,101.99 5.37% 370,086.73 4.81% August 324,451.49 13.80% 338,134.48 4.22% 363,110.96 7.39% September 302,523.86 12.68% 319,410.91 5.58% 333,508.38 4.41% October 266,050.77 19.56% 263,685.99 -0.89% 305,035.11 15.68% November 285,178.12 9.28% 339,200.41 18.94% 335,073.59 -1.22% December 509,177,82 14.39% 533,904.08 4.86% 550,077.22 3.03% 1999 981-991% 2000 991-00'% Total5-Yr Change Change % Increase 384,939.69 1.45% 359,721.88 -6.55% 8.29% 397,32316 5.08% - -100.00% -100.00% 474,933.06 3.20% -100.00% -100.00% 302,864.19 -2.36% -100.00% -100.00% 265,405.35 6.55% -100.00% -100.00% 395,755.68 17.24% - -100.00% -100.00% 395,954.38 6.99% -100.00% -100.00% 366,648.94 0.97% -100.00% -100.00% 364,432.54 9.27% -100.00% -100.00% 295,541.62 -3.11% - -100.00% -100.00% 320,335.28 -4.40% - -100.00% -100.00% 564,813.35 2.68% - -100.00% -100.00% YTD Total 3,862,803.50 12.04% 4,175,713.10 8.10% 4,371,459.61 4.69% 4,528,947.24 3.60% 359,721.88 -6.55% N/A YTD Through January Collections 1996-2000 390,000.00 380,000.00 370,000.00 360,000.00 350,000.00 340,000.00 330,000.00 320,000.00 310,000.00 300,000.00 Year 1996 1997 1998 TOWN OF AVON ACCOMODATIONS TAX BY MONTH 1996 95'-96'% 1997 96'-97% 1998 97'-98% 1999 981-99% 2000 991-00% Total 5-Yr Change Change Change Change Change % Increase January 37,787.01 -6.65% 39,958.27 5.75% 39,35721 -1.50% 41,102.99 4.44% 24,753.92 -39.78% 1.54% February 42,386.61 10.86% 45,305.47 6.89% 42,769.24 -5.60% 36,985.03 -13,52% - -100.00% -3.27% March 55,88213 5.26% 63,054.38 12.83% 51,035.34 -19.06% 42,018.24 -17.67% - -100.00% -20.86% April 11,890.97 8.18% 11,850.40 -0.34% 13,556.94 14.40% 11,60915 -14.37% -100.00% 5.61% May 6,70177 23.14% 8,759.53 30.67% 5,762.93 -34.21% 6,117.50 6.15% -100.00% 12.37% June 12,633.34 -1.61% 13,982.39 10.68% 12,609.03 -9.82% 14,958.28 18.63% -100.00% 16.50% July 19,949.49 18.21% 21,298.64 6.76% 20,845.64 -2.13% 21,120.57 1.32% -100.00% 25.14% August 20.391 A0 32.67% 22,365.12 9.68% 22,875.39 2.28% 16,452.89 -28.08% -100.00% 7.05% September 13,093.39 -2.35% 11,173.41 -14.66% 11,262.18 0.79% 10,300.61 -8.54% -100.00% -23.18% October 10,832.98 13.95% 8,819.05 -18.59% 8,315.76 -5.71% 7,258.18 -12.72% -100.00% -23.65% November 12,824.84 -12.55% 12,112.05 -5.56% 10,813.22 -10.72% 7,889.97 -27.03% -100.00% 46.20% December 33,623,20 6.25% 40,000.05 18.97% 32,602.89 -18.49% 25,60629 -21.46% -100.00% -19.09% YTD Total 277,999.23 5.88% 298,678.76 7.44% 271,805.77 -9.00% 241,419.70 -11.18% 24,753.92 -39.78% -8.05% YTD Through January Collections 1996-2000 45,000.00 - L 71 P4 1999 2000 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 168207' and '68397' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68211 03/28/00 ADOLPHKI ADOLPH KIEFER & ASSOCIATE 516 WHISTLE, LANYARDS 40.98 11101 68211 03/28/00 ADOLPHKI ADOLPH KIEFER & ASSOCIATE 516 FINIS HYDRO HIP 25.00 TOTAL CHECK 65.98 11101 68213 03/28/00 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 311 CELL SVC 2/4-3/3 281.19 11101 68213 03/28/00 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 312 CELL SVC 2/4-3/3 994.72 11101 68213 03/28/00 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 10 CELL SVC 2/6-3/5 .55 TOTAL CHECK 1,276.46 11101 68214 03/28/00 AIRGASIN AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN, INC 520 BULK C02 121.60 11101 68215 03/28/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 33.05 11101 68215 03/28/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 8.77 11101 68215 03/28/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 514 COFFEE SUPP 26.95 11101 68215 03/28/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 29.95 11101 68215 03/28/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 312 COFFEE SUPPLIES 19.45 TOTAL CHECK 118.17 11101 68217 03/28/00 ALPINEP ALPINE PARTY RENTALS 513 HELIUM TANK NOZZLE 105.00 11101 68218 03/28/00 AMERHOTE AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER C 520 TIME CARDS 59.84 11101 68219 03/28/00 AMERPUBL AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASS 411 MEMBERSHIP/REED,PADILLA 165.00 11101 68220 03/28/00 AMERICAN AMERICAN RED CROSS 516 PROVIDER FEES/REC 9.90 11101 68222 03/28/00 APPLEWOO APPLEWOOD SEED COMPANY 415 SEEDS FOR PARKS 671.50 11101 68223 03/28/00 ASHLANDD ASHLAND DISTRIBUTION CO 413 DEICER/PW 9,172.80 11101 68225 03/28/00 AT&TLONG AT&T 10 CELL PHONE LONG DIST/NOTT 9.33 11101 68225 03/28/00 AT&TLONG AT&T 10 CELL LONG DIST/NOTTINGHAM 10.42 TOTAL CHECK 19.75 11101 68228 03/28/00 BEARAIDI BEAR-AIDE, INC 313 TEMPLATE SETS/POLICE 85.65 11101 68229 03/28/00 BOULDERP BOULDER PUBLISHING, INC 311 ADVERTISING/JANUARY 68.76 11101 68230 03/28/00 BRATTONE BRATTON ENTERPRISES, INC 413 GRAVEL 2,574.16 11101 68231 03/28/00 BRIANHOU BRIAN HOULIHAN 213 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 631.92 11101 68231 03/28/00 BRIANHOU BRIAN HOULIHAN 10 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP -300.00 TOTAL CHECK 331.92 11101 68232 03/28/00 SIPESBRI BRIAN SIPES 10 PASS REFUND 230.00 11101 68234 03/28/00 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 TRASH COLLECTION/FEB 390.71 11101 68234 03/28/00 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 TRASH PICKUP/FEB 780.57 TOTAL CHECK 1,171.28 11101 68235 03/28/00 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 414 JANITORIAL SVC/FEB 1,650.00 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:46 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68239 03/28/00 CHARITYA CHARITY ARNOLD 10 FIRE RESIDENT DEPOSIT REF 250.00 11101 68241 03/28/00 CHIEFSUP CHIEF SUPPLY, INC. 312 MISC POLICE SUPP 1,250.11 11101 68242 03/28/00 T0000473 CHRIS DUDASCH 10 FIRE RESIDENT DEPOSIT REF 250.00 11101 68243 03/28/00 CHRISPEC CHRIS PECK 312 REIMB FOR TRAVEL 151.34 11101 68244 03/28/00 CHRISTIE CHRISTIE LODGE 312 CONFERENCE RM 2/17/00 50.00 11101 68246 03/28/00 COLODEPT CO DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 311 DRUG TEST 15.00 11101 68248 03/28/00 CODEPTPU COLORADO DEPT. OF PUBLIC 132 POLICE CHECKS/HR 176.00 11101 68251 03/28/00 COLOMUNI COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 132 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 45.00 11101 68252 03/28/00 COWESTME COLORADO WEST MENTAL HEAL 10 EMPLOYEE ASSIST/FEE 120.00 11101 68254 03/28/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 413 4 LIGHT POLES 17,480.00 11101 68256 03/28/00 COPYCOPY COPY COPY 311 COPIES 40.70 11101 68257 03/28/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 BINDER, CARD FILE 21.52 11101 68257 03/28/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 MISC OFFICE SUPP 91.45 11101 68257 03/28/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 CREDIT FOR RETURN -106.66 11101 66257 03/28/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 CREDIT FOR RETURN -47.98 11101 68257 03/28/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 MISC OFFICES SUPP 23.94 11101 68257 03/28/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 TAPE 1.67 11101 68257 03/28/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 141 MISC OFFICE SUPP 135.80 11101 68257 03/28/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 MISC OFFICE SUPP 38.54 11101 68257 03/28/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 207.99 TOTAL CHECK 366.27 11101 68258 03/28/00 COTTRELL COTTRELL PRINTING & COPY 149 LETTERHEAD 480.23 11101 68262 03/28/00 T0000442 DALE FOSTER 213 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 180.35 11101 68262 03/28/00 T0000442 DALE FOSTER 213 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP -300.00 11101 68262 03/28/00 T0000442 DALE FOSTER 213 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 672.67 11101 68262 03/28/00 T0000442 DALE FOSTER 10 REVERSE TRAVEL ADVANCE -50.00 TOTAL CHECK 503.02 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 412 LONG DIST/FEB 29.40 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 149 LONG DIST/FEB 251.30 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 413 LONG DIST/FEB 7.42 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 415 LONG DIST/FEB 27.20 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 113 LONG DIST/FEB 24.73 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 514 LONG DIST/FEB 51.70 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 411 LONG DIST/FEB 9.42 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 131 LONG DIST/FEB 47.41 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 132 LONG DIST/FEB 2.61 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:47 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 3 'ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 141 LONG DIST/FEB 72,78 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 211 LONG DIST/FEB 33.64 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 115 LONG DIST/FEB 4,40 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 212 LONG DIST/FEB 11.38 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 213 LONG DIST/FEB 5.43 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 214 LONG DIST/FEB 1.52 11101 68263 03/26/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 311 LONG DIST/FEB 83.45 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 312 LONG DIST/FEB 29.31 TOTAL CHECK 693.10 11101 68266 03/28/00 DIANEDIK DIANE DIKE 516 REIMB FOR PROGRAM SUPP 100.34 11101 68268 03/28/00 DOWLINGS DOWLING'S PROFESSIONAL 10 CONTRACTOR LIC REFUND 35.00 11101 68270 03/28/00 EACOCLER EAGLE COUNTY CLERK 141 FEBRUARY SALES BOOK 7.50 11101 68271 03/28/00 EACOHEAL EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH & HUM 149 FLU SHOTS 7.00 11101 68274 03/28/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 115 LEGAL NOTICE 9.50 11101 68274 03/28/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 132 HR CLASSIFIEDS 2,891.40 11101 68274 03/28/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 132 HR ADVERTISEMENTS 2,498.46 TOTAL CHECK 5,399.36 11101 68277 03/28/00 EDWARDSB EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER 211 COMPUTER SUPP 15.37 11101 68277 03/28/00 EDWARDSB EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER 211 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 16.72 TOTAL CHECK 32.09 11101 68280 03/28/00 FOTOFINI FOTO FINISH 313 PHOTO PROCESS 26.35 11101 68280 03/28/00 FOTOFINI FOTO FINISH 313 PHOTO PROCESS 12.32 TOTAL CHECK 38.67 11101 68285 03/28/00 GATEWAY2 GATEWAY 2000 131 COMPUTER 2,576.00 11101 68285 03/28/00 GATEWAY2 GATEWAY 2000 143 COMPUTER 3,522.00 11101 68285 03/28/00 GATEWAY2 GATEWAY 2000 520 COMPUTER 4,674.00 TOTAL CHECK 10,772.00 11101 68287 03/28/00 GEMINIGA GEMINI GARDENS 520 FEB PLANT MAINT 110.00 11101 68289 03/28/00 GOLDENRU GOLDEN RULE CREATIONS 312 AVON POLICE EMBLEMS 316.58 11101 68290 03/28/00 GOVTFINO GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICE 141 MEMBERSHIPS/MCCOY,WRIGHT 245.00 11101 68291 03/28/00 GRANDJUN GRAND JUNCTION PIPE & SUP 415 HUNTER ROTOR 598.80 11101 68296 03/28/00 HAWKEYES HAWKEYE SERVICES 414 TILE, VINYL BASE INSTALLD 2,300.00 11101 68299 03/28/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/28-2/24 13.75 11101 68299 03/28/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC SVC 2/10-3/9 39.40 11101 68299 03/28/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 2/9-3/8 8.06 11101 68299 03/28/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 415 ELECTRIC SVC 2/9-3/8 2,37 TOTAL CHECK 63.58 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:47 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 4 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68300 03/28/00 HORTICUL HORTICULTURAL PRINTERS 415 GARDEN SIGNAGE 175.43 11101 68301 03/28/00 INTERCAR INTERCARE HEALTH PLANS 10 DENTAL INS PREM 7,215.50 11101 68301 03/28/00 INTERCAR INTERCARE HEALTH PLANS 10 LIFE INS PREM 2,552.20 11101 68301 03/28/00 INTERCAR INTERCARE HEALTH PLANS 10 HEALTH INS PREM 61,342.72 TOTAL CHECK 71,110.42 11101 68302 03/28/00 JRAYCONT J. RAY CONTRACTING, INC 10 PLAN CHECK FEE REFUND 236.00 11101 68302 03/28/00 JRAYCONT J. RAY CONTRACTING, INC 10 BUILDING PERMIT REFUND 86.46 TOTAL CHECK 322.46 11101 68304 03/28/00 JAMINCOO JAMIN COOK 10 FIRE RESIDENT DEP REFUND 250.00 11101 68306 03/28/00 JTAFACTO JTA FACTORS, INC 141 CHECK STOCK W/NEW LOGO 620.00 11101 68307 03/28/00 T0000176 JULIE KESSENICH 141 MILEAGE REIMB 33.15 11101 68311 03/28/00 LABSAFET LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. 414 JANITORIAL SUPP 670.54 11101 68312 03/28/00 LAWENFO LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSOCIATE 312 BATTERY CHARGER 102.50 11101 68315 03/28/00 LEWAN&AS LEWAN & ASSOCIATES, INC 514 MAGENTA TONER 168.04 11101 68316 03/28/00 LIL'JOHN LIL'JOHN'S WATER TREATMEN 149 DRINKING WATER 80.00 11101 68317 03/28/00 LINDPHOT LINDBLOOM PHOTOGRAPHY 111 SCAN COUNCIL PHOTOS 700.00 11101 68318 03/28/00 LOUISSAN LOUIS SANCHEZ 411 MILEAGE REIMB 13.33 11101 68320 03/28/00 MAXIMUMC MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SP 520 POOL CHEMICALS 144.32 11101 68320 03/28/00 MAXIMUMC MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SP 520 POOL CHEMICALS 405.45 TOTAL CHECK 549.77 11101 68322 03/28/00 MICROWAR MICROWAREHOUSE 143 COMPUTER SUPP 103.97 11101 68322 03/28/00 MICROWAR MICROWAREHOUSE 143 COMPUTER SUPP 571.87 TOTAL CHECK 675.84 11101 68323 03/28/00 MOCEAN MOCEAN 312 POLICE UNIFORM JACKETS 903.61 11101 68324 03/28/00 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 311 PAGING/POLICE 62.50 11101 68325 03/28/00 MTNMAX MOUNTAINMAX 143 INTERNET/MAR, CANCELLATIO 612.41 11101 68339 03/28/00 NORTHERN NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT 415 HOSE PARTS FOR PWR WASHR 124.02 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 212 MISC OFFICE SUPP 33.93 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 411 BOXES 2.68 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 211 MISC OFFICE SUPP 121.85 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 211 FILE POCKETS 50.92 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 412 BOXES 2.68 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:48 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 415 CHAIR MAT 62.40 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 MISC OFFICE SUPP 19.54 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 211 HANGING FILE TABS 1.83 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 MISC OFFICE SUPP 84.76 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 BANKERS LAMP 29.99 TOTAL CHECK 410.58 11101 68343 03/28/00 ORIENTAL ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY, 513 EASTER SUPPLIES 898.05 11101 68345 03/28/00 PARADIGM PARADIGM SERVICES, LLC 520 DIF BETW EST & ACT/NOV 776.77 11101 68347 03/28/00 PERFORME PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 143 COMPUTER SVC/FEB 3,230.25 11101 68348 03/28/00 PETTYCAS PETTY CASH 313 TSU FUNDS/POLICE 700.00 11101 68349 03/28/00 PIONEERR PIONEER RESEARCH CORPORAT 414 HIGH TRACTION/MUNI STEPS 633.77 11101 68350 03/28/00 PITNEYBO PITNEY BOWES 149 EQUIP MAINT/5/1-4/30/01 281.00 11101 68350 03/28/00 PITNEYBO PITNEY BOWES 149 EQUIP MAINT 5/1-4/30/01 244.00 TOTAL CHECK 525.00 11101 68351 03/28/00 PROFDEVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 312 SEMINAR REG/DOBBS 150.00 11101 68352 03/28/00 PROFEQUI PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT 213 LASER RANGE FINDER 279.74 11101 68352 03/28/00 PROFEQUI PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT 213 METALLISCANNER 134.71 11101 68352 03/28/00 PROFEQUI PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT 213 CIRCUIT ANALYZER, CASE 151.65 11101 68352 03/28/00 PROFEQUI PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT 213 ETCON GFI TESTER 23.79 TOTAL CHECK 589.89 11101 68353 03/28/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 GAS SVC 1/31-3/1 347.26 11101 68353 03/28/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 GAS SVC 1/28-3/2 686.57 11101 68353 03/28/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 GAS SVC 1/29-3/2 575.41 TOTAL CHECK 1,609.24 11101 68354 03/28/00 QUARTERM QUARTERMASTER UNIFORMS & 314 UNIFORM & ACCESS/POLICE 225.45 11101 68356 03/28/00 REDTAILC REDTAIL CONTRACTING, INC 414 REC CTR REMODEL PROG PMNT 5,000.00 11101 68358 03/28/00 ROBINMEC ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPA 414 VENT IN PHONE ROOM 3,785.00 11101 68359 03/28/00 SCULLYSI SCULLYSS, INC. 311 DUAL SURFACE PAPER 26.23 11101 68361 03/28/00 STARTRAC STAR TRAC BY UNISEN, INC 520 MOTOR CONTROL BOARD 350.05 11101 68361 03/28/00 STARTRAC STAR TRAC BY UNISEN, INC 520 MOTOR CONTROL BOARD 272.55 TOTAL CHECK 622.60 11101 68362 03/28/00 SUMMITSP SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR 518 SWEATSHIRTS 98.71 11101 68362 03/28/00 SUMMITSP SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR 514 SWEATSHIRTS 98.71 11101 68362 03/28/00 SUMMITSP SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR 516 SWEATSHIRTS 98.71 11101 68362 03/28/00 SUMMITSP SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR 520 SWEATSHIRTS 98.71 11101 68362 03/28/00 SUMMITSP SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR 515 SWEATSHIRTS 98.71 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:48 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68362 03/28/00 SUMMITSP SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR 521 SWEATSHIRTS 98.70 11101 68362 03/28/00 SUMMITSP SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR 519 SWEATSHIRTS 98.71 11101 68362 03/28/00 SUMMITSP SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR 517 SWEATSHIRTS 98.71 TOTAL CHECK 789.67 11101 68363 03/28/00 TASHADOB TASHA DOBBS 10 TRAVEL ADVANCE 35.00 11101 68364 03/28/00 TELECOOF TELENETWORKS, INC 211 PHONE EQUIP 266.00 11101 68364 03/28/00 TELECOOF TELENETWORKS, INC 514 PHONE EQUIP 422.00 11101 68364 03/28/00 TELECOOF TELENETWORKS, INC 149 PHONE EQUIP 12.00 TOTAL CHECK 700.00 11101 68365 03/28/00 TERRAMED TERRAMED INTERNATIONAL, I 311 CLASS REGISTRATION/POLICE 500.00 11101 68367 03/28/00 TERRYROU TERRY ROUNDS 141 MILEAGE REIMB 91.00 11101 68368 03/28/00 THECAMER THE CAMERA SHOP 313 CAMERA EQUIP/POLICE 70.00 11101 68369 03/28/00 THECERTE THE CERTEX COMPANY, INC. 141 SUPPORT 3/2/00-3/2/01 345.00 11101 68371 03/28/00 VAILTRAI THE VAIL TRAIL 132 ADVERTISING/HR 64.80 11101 68372 03/28/00 THYSSEND THYSSEN DOVER ELEVATOR CO 414 ELEVATOR SVC/MAR 81.27 11101 68373 03/28/00 TRISTATE TRI-STATE POTTERY 415 PLANTERS 233.86 11101 68374 03/28/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 UNIFORMS 759.00 11101 68374 03/28/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 UNIFORMS/MCDONNELL 11.00 11101 68374 03/28/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 BODY ARMOR/LACEY 529.95 11101 68374 03/28/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 BODY ARMOR/DOBBS 519.95 11101 68374 03/28/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 UNIFORMS 85.90 11101 68374 03/28/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 SEAT ORGANIZER 159.75 11101 68374 03/28/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 UNIFORMS/POLICE 392.17 11101 68374 03/28/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 UNIFORMS 150.60 11101 68374 03/28/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 POLICE SUPP 379.30 TOTAL CHECK 2,987.62 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 CLEANING SUPP 441.41 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 MOP 5.50 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 TRASH CAN LINERS 28.34 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 CLEANING SUPP 451.15 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 PAPER TOWELS 66.97 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 TRASH CAN LINERS 80.48 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 GARGAGE BAGS, MOPS 135.86 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 CLEANING SUPP 197.45 TOTAL CHECK 1,407.16 11101 68376 03/28/00 UNITEDPO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV 114 AVON ADVOCATE MAILING 780.00 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 3/13-4/12 1,434.59 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 411 PHONE SVC 03/13-4/12 45.10 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:49 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 7 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION C RITERIA: transact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 412 PHONE SVC 03/13-4/12 45.10 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 311 PHONE SVC 3/13-4/12 91.33 TOTAL CHECK 1,616.12 11101 68379 03/28/00 VAIL66ST VAIL 66 STATION 312 CAR WASHES/FEB 25.00 11101 68380 03/28/00 VAILHONE VAIL HONEYWAGON 414 TRASH COLLECTION/FEB 461.40 11101 68381 03/28/00 VAILRESO VAIL RESORTS MANAGEMENT C 514 TV ADVERTISING/FEB 400.00 11101 68381 03/28/00 VAILRESO VAIL RESORTS MANAGEMENT C 143 LODGING PACKAGE/EKER 180.00 TOTAL CHECK 580.00 11101 68382 03/28/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 415 ZIP FRONT OVERALLS 316.95 11101 68382 03/28/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 414 ZIP FRONT OVERALLS 65.71 11101 68382 03/28/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 415 ZIP FRON OVERALLS 262.84 11101 68382 03/28/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 413 ZIP FRONT OVERALLS 328.55 TOTAL CHECK 974.05 11101 68383 03/28/00 VAILNET VAILNET 143 INTERNET CONNECTION SVC 150.00 11101 68384 03/28/00 WAL-MART WAL-MART STORES, INC 314 STAPLES, GUN TACKER 43.80 11101 68386 03/28/00 WEARPART WEAR PARTS & EQUIPMENT 413 BASE FOR NEX SYSTEM 26.16 11101 68387 03/28/00 WEARGUAR WEARGUARD 312 BRUSHED COTTON CAPS 27.93 11101 68388 03/28/00 WEBERAMM WEBER AMMUNITION 312 AMMUNITION 2,713.00 11101 68389 03/28/00 WESTERNE WESTERN ENTERPRISES, INC 513 FIREWORKS FOR THE 4TH 45,000.00 11101 68392 03/28/00 T0000506 WESTERN SLOPE BRANCH APWA 413 CONF REG/REED,PADILLA,TRU 70.00 11101 68393 03/28/00 WHITERIV WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC 414 ELECT SVC/PW BLDG 1,171.84 11101 68393 03/28/00 WHITERIV WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC 415 MISC REPAIRS 2,754.14 TOTAL CHECK 3,925.98 11101 68396 03/28/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 COPIER CHARGES/11/29-3/1 343.72 11101 68396 03/28/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 COPIER LEASE PMT #14 442.30 TOTAL CHECK 786.02 11101 68397 03/28/00 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 415 RESTOCK 1ST AID KIT 86.93 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 220,723.08 TOTAL FUND 220,723.08 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:49 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 68382 03/28/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 417 ZIP FRONT OVERALLS TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 8 AMOUNT 65.79 65.79 65.79 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:49 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 9 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68209 03/28/00 AARDVAC AARDVAC 321 REPAIR TO VACUUM CLEANER 126.02 11101 68210 03/28/00 ACTIVECO ACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS 321 INTERNET 2000/FIRE 520.00 11101 68221 03/28/00 AMERVANE AMERICAN VAN EQUIPMENT, I 321 DESK/ENGINEERS OFFICE 107.31 11101 68226 03/28/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 323 CELL SVC 2/7-3/6 27.79 11101 68226 03/28/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 322 CELL SVC 2/7-3/6 33.09 11101 68226 03/28/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 321 CELL SVC 2/7-3/6 22.94 TOTAL CHECK 83.82 11101 68227 03/28/00 AURORAMA AURORA MARKETING COMPANY 322 BATTERIES 69.85 11101 68233 03/28/00 BRITTMAC BRITT MACTAVISH 321 ADMIN SVC/FIRE' 348.00 11101 68236 03/28/00 GILLMULS CAROL GILL-MULSON 323 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 715.00 11101 68238 03/28/00 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE SVC 3/14-4/14 39.93 11101 68238 03/28/00 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE SVC 3/14-4/14 131.00 11101 68238 03/28/00 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE SVC 3/14-4/14 10.31 TOTAL CHECK 181.24 11101 68240 03/28/00 MOORECHA CHARLES MOORE 321 REIMB FOR BREAKFAST MEETI 27.90 11101 68245 03/28/00 CITYMARK CITY MARKET 321 GROCERIES/FIRE 17.43 11101 68245 03/28/00 CITYMARK CITY MARKET 321 GROCERIES/FIRE 29.39 11101 68245 03/28/00 CITYMARK CITY MARKET 321 GROCERIES/FIRE 15.77 11101 68245 03/28/00 CITYMARK CITY MARKET 321 GROCERIES/FIRE 16.26 TOTAL CHECK 78.85 11101 68248 03/28/00 CODEPTPU COLORADO DEPT. OF PUBLIC 324 CERTIFICATION RENEWALS 20.00 11101 68250 03/28/00 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 PHYSICAL/BOURGAULT 100.00 11101 68250 03/28/00 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 PHYSICAL/TAFOYA 100.00 TOTAL CHECK 200.00 11101 68261 03/28/00 CYGNUSPU CYGNUS PUBLISHING, INC 321 FIREHOUSE ADVERTISING 367.00 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 324 LONG DIST/FEB .49 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 323 LONG DIST/FEB 27.10 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 321 LONG DIST/FEB 11.70 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 322 LONG DIST/FEB 9.38 TOTAL CHECK 48.67 11101 68273 03/28/00 EAVALENT EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE 321 JOB ADVERTISEMENT 248.00 11101 68274 03/28/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 321 FIRE CLASSIFIEDS 774.42 11101 68278 03/28/00 EDWARDSM EDWARDS METROPOLITAN DIST 321 CONSOLIDATED DIST FEES 7,336.85 11101 68278 03/26/00 EDWARDSM EDWARDS METROPOLITAN DIST 321 CONSOLIDATED DIST FEES 9,128.43 TOTAL CHECK 16,465.28 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:50 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 10 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 22 - FIRE OPE RATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68279 03/28/00 FALCONAS FALCON ASSOCIATES, INC 321 GOVTJOBS.COM LISTING 45.00 11101 68281 03/28/00 FRONTRAN FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATU 322 RED PAINT 32.60 11101 68284 03/28/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 322 TROPICAL SHIRTS 102.97 11101 68284 03/28/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 322 NAMETAGS,GLOVECASE,BATTER 309.68 TOTAL CHECK 412.65 11101 68292 03/28/00 GUESTSER GUEST SERVICES, INC. 324 MEAL TICKET/LONG 180.00 11101 68292 03/28/00 GUESTSER GUEST SERVICES, INC. 324 MEAL TICKET/FIRE 180.00 TOTAL CHECK 360.00 11101 68293 03/28/00 GYPSUMFI GYPSUM FIRE PROTECTION DI 324 LUNCHEON COST SHARE 31.75 11101 68298 03/28/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 322 FIRE DEPT SHIRTS 302.50 11101 68299 03/28/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 2/8-3/7 317.37 11101 68299 03/28/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 2/8-3/7 45.08 11101 68299 03/28/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 2/8-3/7 56.17 TOTAL CHECK 418.62 11101 68310 03/28/00 KEMP&COM KEMP & COMPANY INC. 322 EQUIP REPAIR 27.62 11101 68314 03/28/00 LEGACYCO LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS, IN 321 RADIO REPAIR 109.76 11101 68319 03/28/00 MANAPPLI MAN APPLIANCE 321 REPAIR TO MICROWAVE 200.08 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 322 MISC PARTS 14.42 11101 68336 03/28/00 NASCOLLC NASCO, LLC 321 HYRO STATIC TESTS 180.00 11101 68337 03/28/00 NATLTECH NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORM 324 TACT OPER INSTRUCT PKG 445.00 11101 68338 03/28/00 NORTHCOF NORTHERN COLORADO FIRE CO 324 SEMINAR REG/MOORE,MCCAULL 60.00 11101 68340 03/28/00 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 322 STORAGE CRATE, FASTENERS 10.83 11101 68340 03/28/00 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 322 VISQUINE 60.00 TOTAL CHECK 70.83 11101 68344 03/28/00 ORKINPES ORKIN PEST CONTROL 321 PEST CONTROL/FEB 50.00 11101 68344 03/28/00 ORKINPES ORKIN PEST CONTROL 321 PEST CONTROL/MAR 50.00 TOTAL CHECK 100.00 11101 68346 03/28/00 PENGUINP PENGUIN PRESS 321 RESIDENT BROCH/FIRE 386.00 11101 68353 03/28/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 321 GAS SVC 1/28-3/2 186.36 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 3/4-4/3 44.18 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 3/4-4/3 88.26 TOTAL CHECK 132.44 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:50 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 11 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168207' and 168397, FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR--------- ---- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68390 03/28/00 WESTFIDE WESTERN FIRE DEPT. SUPPLY 322 SAFETY KIT 88.35 11101 68394 03/28/00 WORKRITE WORKRITE 322 UNIFORM PANTS 860.89 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 24,846.23 TOTAL FUND 24,846.23 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:50 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED ----- - -------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 68275 03/28/00 EAGLEBEN EAGLEBEND AFFORDABLE HOUS 436 EMPLOYEE HSING RENT/APRIL TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 12 AMOUNT 5,440.00 5,440.00 5,440.00 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:50 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER "03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168207' and 168397, FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 68255 03/28/00 CONTRAEN CONTRA ENGINEERING, INC 800 PROF SVC/W BVR CRK BLVD 11101 68256 03/28/00 COPYCOPY COPY COPY 800 COPIES 11101 68321 03/28/00 MCDA MCMENAMIN DAVIS ARCHITECT 800 PROF SVC/FIRE REMODEL 11101 68357 03/28/00 ROBINSON ROBINSON & SCHEURER P.C. 800 PROF SVC/CONFLUENCE DEV 11101 68360 03/28/00 BERNSTEI STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCI 800 PROF SVC/TRACT C/FEB 11101 68366 03/28/00 TERRASAN TERRASAN 800 PROF SVC/E AVON/FEB 11101 68385 03/28/00 WASTEENG WASTE ENGINEERING, INC 800 PROF SVC/SHRWD MEDOWS/JAN TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 13 AMOUNT 4,000.00 77.90 212.50 5,626.95 1,450.29 811.23 1,254.89 13,433.76 13,433.76 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:50 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 14 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY F UND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran eact.check_no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68215 03/28/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 99.15 11101 68215 03/28/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 26.33 TOTAL CHECK 125.48 11101 68216 03/28/00 ALPINELO ALPINE LOCKSMITH 431 REKEYING/TRANSIT 116.00 11101 68224 03/28/00 ASSOCCOM ASSOCIATED COMMUNICATIONS 431 PRINTER/TRANSIT 1,495.00 11101 68235 03/28/00 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 431 JANITORIAL SVC/FEB 1,320.00 11101 68237 03/28/00 CARTER&A CARTER & ALTERMAN 431 LEGAL FEES/LABOR CERT 1,580.00 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 431 LONG DIST/FEB 21.02 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 432 LONG DIST/FEB 45.06 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 433 LONG DIST/FEB 2.34 TOTAL CHECK 68.42 11101 68264 03/28/00 DELARUBC DE LA RUE CASH SYSTEMS, I 431 MAINT FOR CASH COUNTER 474.55 11101 68265 03/28/00 DEEPROCK DEEP ROCK WEST 432 DRINKING WATER/FEB 159.65 11101 68267 03/28/00 DOCTORSO DOCTORS ON CALL 432 DRUG SCREENS/FEB 825.00 11101 68274 03/28/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 431 TRANSIT CLASSIFIEDS 1,972.35 11101 68274 03/28/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 433 TRANSIT CLASSIFIEDS 617.40 11101 68274 03/28/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 433 TRANSIT CLASSIFIEDS 3,368.54 TOTAL CHECK 5,958.29 11101 68295 03/28/00 HARRYTAY HARRY TAYLOR 431 REIMB FOR PARKING 10.00 11101 68303 03/28/00 HALBURNJ JACQUIE HALBURNT 431 REIMB FOR AIRLINE TICKETS 1,529.05 11101 68313 03/28/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 432 RADIO REPAIR 121.25 11101 68313 03/28/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 432 CELL CAR CHARGRS, CASES 86.00 TOTAL CHECK 207.25 11101 68355 03/28/00 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 431 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 114.81 11101 68370 03/28/00 THEECONO THE ECONOMICS PRESS, INC. 432 SUBSCRIPTION/WETZEL 26.99 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 432 CRYSTAL AEROSOL 18.00 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 PHONE SVC 3/13-4/12 90.17 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 433 PHONE SVC 3/13-4/12 45.10 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 PHONE SVC 3/13-4/12 44.64 TOTAL CHECK 179.91 11101 68397 03/28/00 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 432 1ST AID SUPPLY 85.92 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 14,294.32 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:51 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 15 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT TOTAL FUND 14.294.32 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:51 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 16 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: trans act.check_no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68207 03/28/00 A&ETIREI A&E TIRE INC. 434 TIRES 115.50 11101 68208 03/28/00 A-IAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 ALTERNATOR 128.00 11101 68208 03/28/00 A-IAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 SHAFT NUT 39.58 TOTAL CHECK 167.58 11101 68212 03/28/00 AGENCYAU AGENCY AUTO GLASS 434 WINDSHIELD 230.00 11101 68212 03/28/00 AGENCYAU AGENCY AUTO GLASS 434 WINDSHEELD 224.25 TOTAL CHECK 454.25 11101 68234 03/28/00 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 434 TRASH COLLECTION/MAR 61.60 11101 68235 03/28/00 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 434 JANITORIAL SVC/FEB 330.00 11101 68247 03/28/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 679.25 11101 68247 03/28/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 8,249.30 11101 68247 03/28/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 8,111.52 11101 68247 03/28/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 UNLEADED FUEL 4,404.04 11101 68247 03/28/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WASHER FLUID 86.65 11101 68247 03/28/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -50.00 11101 68247 03/28/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WASHER FLUID 56.65 11101 68247 03/28/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 1,192.95 11101 68247 03/28/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WASHER FLUID 56.65 TOTAL CHECK 22,787.01 11101 68249 03/28/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 MISC PARTS 562.24 11101 68249 03/28/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 MISC PARTS 651.04 11101 68249 03/28/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 REPAIR BODY DAMAGE/#836 4,259.43 11101 68249 03/28/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 MODULATOR ASSY 116.00 11101 68249 03/28/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 MISC PARTS 151.96 11101 68249 03/28/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 SHIPPING 25.00 11101 68249 03/28/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 MISC PARTS 198.80 TOTAL CHECK 5,964.47 11101 68253 03/28/00 COMPLETE COMPLETE DOOR SYSTEMS, IN 434 R&M WASH BAY 1,477.00 11101 68259 03/28/00 CRYSTALC CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDSHIELD 434 WINDSHIELD/#747 270.28 11101 68259 03/28/00 CRYSTALC CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDSHIELD 434 WINDSHIELD 264.50 11101 68259 03/28/00 CRYSTALC CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDSHIELD 434 WINDSHIELD 270.28 TOTAL CHECK 805.06 11101 68260 03/28/00 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 SELECTOR BUTTONS 16.85 11101 68260 03/28/00 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 SELECTOR BUTTONS 53.40 TOTAL CHECK 70.25 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 434 LONG DIST/FEB 20.88 11101 68263 03/28/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 435 LONG DIST/FEB 6.37 TOTAL CHECK 27.25 11101 68269 03/28/00 DRIVETRA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES 434 MISC PARTS 136.29 11101 68269 03/28/00 DRIVETRA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES 434 MISC PARTS 1,909.63 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:52 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 17 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: trane act.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT TOTAL CHECK 2,045.92 11101 68272 03/28/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 434 WATER & SEWER 1/6-2/7 2,464.29 11101 68276 03/28/00 EATONSAL EATON SALES & SERVICE 434 CARD ENCODING 11.00 11101 68282 03/28/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 118.65 11101 68282 03/28/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 134.81 11101 68282 03/28/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 125.81 TOTAL CHECK 379.27 11101 68283 03/28/00 G&KTEAMW G&K TEAMWEAR 434 UNIFORMS/TRANSIT 292.05 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 312.00 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 578.34 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 SIPED RECAP 720.00 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 SIPED RECAP 480.00 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 SIPES 220.00 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 1,712.78 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES & ACCESS. 643.30 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 1,993.04 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 300.00 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 REV LUG SIPE 165.00 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 SIPED RECAP 720.00 11101 68286 03/28/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 378.26 TOTAL CHECK 8,222.72 11101 68288 03/28/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 151.89 11101 68288 03/28/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 SPLASH GUARD BRKT 699.30 11101 68288 03/28/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 LOCK 45.15 11101 68288 03/28/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 352.45 11101 68288 03/28/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 258.20 11101 68288 03/28/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 MISC PARTS 442.32 TOTAL CHECK 1,949.31 11101 68294 03/28/00 HANSONEQ HANSON EQUIPMENT INC 434 WIPER ARM 40.87 11101 68294 03/28/00 HANSONEQ HANSON EQUIPMENT INC 434 HANDLE 21.76 TOTAL CHECK 62.63 11101 68297 03/28/00 HENSLEYB HENSLEY BATTERY & ELECTRI 61 BATTERIES 546.65 11101 68305 03/28/00 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 F-BAR, EXTENSION 436.15 11101 68305 03/28/00 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 SWITCH 8.96 TOTAL CHECK 445.11 11101 68308 03/28/00 BREWERJW JW BREWER TIRE CO., INC 434 HVY TRUCK REFINISH, HRDWR 171.50 11101 68308 03/28/00 BREWERJW JW BREWER TIRE CO., INC 434 HEAVY TRUCK REFINISHING 138.00 11101 68308 03/28/00 BREWERJW JW BREWER TIRE CO., INC 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -35.00 TOTAL CHECK 274.50 11101 68309 03/28/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 356.72 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:52 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 18 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168207' and '68397' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68313 03/28/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 RADIO REPAIR 86.25 11101 68313 03/28/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 RADIO REPAIRS 177.50 TOTAL CHECK 263.75 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 OIL FILTER 17.77 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 FUEL FILTER 5.33 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 1.28 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 20.17 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 19.86 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 107.83 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 140.78 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 207.91 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 GREASE 7.09 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CLEANER 48.72 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPA-AUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BRUSH, CLEANER 50.31 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BRUSH 12.49 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 40.80 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -57.61 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -12.99 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 27.78 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 15.38 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH 26.59 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -45.60 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 12.28 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 6.98 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 33.77 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 31.71 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SOLENOID 11.61 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 52.84 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 42.87 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 30.76 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 8.10 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 OIL FILTER 32.80 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE PADS 94.23 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE PADS 94.23 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SOLENOID 11.61 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 119.33 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE PADS, AIR FILTER 131.71 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 AIR FILTER 37.48 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 V-BELT 11.93 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 V-BELT 35.80 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 2.87 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 30.26 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 365.38 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 41.14 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 62.38 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 20.51 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 16.28 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -16.28 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 37.53 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:53 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 103/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 19 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 66335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 55.31 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 15.60 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 18.59 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 29.20 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SPEEDOMETER 25.02 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 4.32 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 12.68 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 LAMP 7.30 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 LAMP 7.30 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 3.41 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 34.17 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 18.83 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 18.90 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 119.52 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 3.09 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 ALTERNATOR 124.81 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 79.99 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 17.16 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 17.48 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 22.02 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 WASHER 1.73 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 75.76 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 2.41 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 17.10 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BEARING 4.36 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPA-AUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 25.86 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 3.40 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 66.67 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 55.40 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 88.54 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 14.86 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -66.67 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 AIR FILTER 40.99 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 73.64 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FUEL PUMP 27.46 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 34.20 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 TIRE STITCHER 12.64 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 6.48 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 60.04 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 17.12 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPA-AUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 1.02 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 23.23 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 3.51 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 23.61 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 20.84 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 87.10 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 80.70 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 55.40 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 12.66 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 O-RINGS 3.96 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 20.54 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:54 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 20 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY F UND SELECTION CRITERIA: trans act.check_no between 168207' and 168397, FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED ------------ -VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 4.52 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 367.82 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CLEANER 74.64 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 WHEEL 109.90 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 TRIANGLE 27.85 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 ADAPTOR 4.05 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 LAMP 6.10 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BULB 66.24 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 ADAPTOR 4.05 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BULB 33.12 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH 20.60 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 10.35 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 V-BELT 19.45 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 ROTOR, BRAKE PADS 124.27 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPA-AUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 ROTOR 108.47 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 STARTER 175.61 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 51.75 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 38.90 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SPARK PLUGS 50.90 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 11.00 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SEAL 5.90 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 8.89 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BRAKE PADS 37.80 11101 68335 03/28/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FLASHER 26.87 TOTAL CHECK 4,912.31 11101 68341 03/28/00 NOVUSWIN NOVUS AUTOGLASS 434 WINDSHIELD REPAIRS 465.00 11101 68342 03/28/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 434 MISC OFFICE SUPP 167.20 11101 68353 03/28/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 1/29-3/2 1,717.47 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 LOTION 10.00 11101 68375 03/28/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 TRASH CAN LINERS 60.00 TOTAL CHECK 70.00 11101 68377 03/28/00 USWELDIN UNITED STATES WELDING, IN 434 CYLINDER RENTAL/FEB 85.04 11101 68378 03/28/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 435 PHONE SVC 3/13-4/12 45.10 11101 68391 03/28/00 WESTERNR WESTERN RETARDER COMPANY 434 DASH CONTROLS 185.84 11101 68395 03/28/00 WYLACOSU WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 434 BOX TUBING, ANGLE 135.46 11101 68395 03/28/00 WYLACOSU WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 434 POWER PANEL,TAP SCREWS 176.82 11101 68395 03/28/00 WYLACOSU WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 434 SNOW BLADES,NUTS,BOLTS 608.88 11101 68395 03/28/00 WYLACOSU WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 434 LOCK WASHER 30.00 11101 68395 03/28/00 WYLACOSU WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 61 CREDIT FOR RETURN -522.50 11101 68395 03/28/00 WYLACOSU WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY 434 SPAS 20.80 TOTAL CHECK 449.46 11101 68397 03/28/00 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 434 1ST AID SUPPLY 359.94 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:55 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER ,03/24/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168207' and 168397' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND TOTAL REPORT PAGE 21 AMOUNT 58,031.25 58,031.25 336,834.43 RUN DATE 03/24/00 TIME 10:56:55 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER MANUAL CHECKS PROCESSED BETWEEN MEETINGS March 28, 2000 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT The Container Store Office Furniture $3,098.52 TOTAL MANUAL CHECKS $3,098.52