TC Council Packet 03-21-2000A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session Meeting Date: March 21, 2000 Councilmembers Present: Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Bob McIlveen, Judy Yoder Absent: Buz Reynolds Fire District Update: Bill passed out a fact sheet. Mayor Yoder pointed out the wards on a map. She said the district has been divided into 5 wards with the exception of Beaver Creek. Mayor Yoder is running unopposed in Ward 3. Mayor Protein Mellveen is running for a ward. He has one person running against him. Wards 1, 3, 5 are running unopposed; Wards 2 and 4 have numerous candidates. Mayor Yoder, Mayor Protein McIlveen and Bill met with the firefighters to answer their questions. They had some good questions. We will continue to meet with them to dispel rumors. Mayor Yoder said mill levies will be reduced. There are three issues on the ballot: 1) should the district be formed; 2) should the district be approved; 3) election of the boardmembers. All three issues must pass to form a district. Councilor Buckley asked what the turn out of voters would be. Mayor Yoder said it will be a small turn out. Councilor Cuny asked what kind of press are we doing. Mayor Yoder said we will put something in the Avon Advocate. The people running are doing letters to the editor. We will wait to see the mood of the people, and if there are not a lot of people voicing opposition, we will keep a low profile as time gets closer. Councilor Benson asked which ward Beaver Creek would fall into if they decide to join. Mayor Yoder said Ward 3. People who can vote are registered voters of the district, or anyone owning property in the district but lives elsewhere in Colorado and is registered to vote there. Mayor Yoder said if anyone is going to be out of town on May 2, get an absentee ballot. Census: A census bus will be stopping at City Market on Thursday to drum up support for filling out the census. Bill said the Chamber of Commerce asked if any Councilmembers want to be there. The time is 9:30 -10 AM. Burt Levin will be there. Construction Fees and Rules: Mike Matzko said this topic was brought up last November, and now is coming to Council again. Mayor Yoder asked if Community Development talked with Councilor Reynolds about this issue. Mike said Ruth, and Commissioner Evans met with Councilor Reynolds. The memo in the packet reflects what was discussed. Fees were changed to decrease fees for single family, duplex, and triplex residential projects under 3,000 sq. ft. per unit. Mayor Yoder asked how this would affect the Village at Avon. Mike said they will have their own design review. They will have a fee for building permit. Mayor Yoder asked when would the fees change. Mike said if Council desires to move forward, it would come back to Council at the next meeting. Burt will check to see if it has to be by way of Ordinance or Resolution. Mike said some of these fees were established in the 80's. Council agreed to the new fee schedule with one change. The 3000 sq. ft. for single family will be changed to 3500 for single family residential design review. Construction Rules & Regulations Councilor McDevitt asked who monitors construction site management. Mike said Eric Johnson does it for the Town. Building inspectors also focus on those items. He asked if police department monitors at all. Mike said they monitor traffic and noise. He said Steve Hodges would most likely respond to those things now that he is working in the police department. Bill would like to remove the word "typically" under the TCO section so it does not look like we are encouraging TCOs. Another change will be to non-approved modification to design. Councilor Buckley asked what the turn around time is for an inspection. Mike said 24 hours. Sometimes we can inspect that same day. Sign Program Update: Avon Road: Bob Reed said we've never had an approved sign program in Avon. We've always used the Uniform Traffic Code (UTC) for signs but never had a standard for posts, and would like to get to that point. When we put in the roundabouts the UTC did not recognize them, they will recognize roundabouts in their 2001 code. We will look at that when it comes out. Bob discussed a handout of what they have done with Avon Road. We would like to establish a standard for anything new that comes into the Town. The existing poles are very expensive and labor intensive to replace. Bob showed Council a sample and discussed using poles versus wood posts. Bob got prices on the three types of posts used now on Avon Road. He would like to get Council's feedback and then replace all the poles to match. He would like to do the replacement over the next three years because of the cost. Bob said the staff and the public have recommended adding a sign saying "right lane must turn right". Council agreed. Bob would like direction from Council on the posts. Bob said staff recommends the 4x4 wood posts. Council agreed. Mayor Yoder confirmed that there will be an additional "right lane must turn right" sign and striping. Bob confirmed. Bill said Bob should work with Jacquie on press releases when he does this. Bob added that Harry Taylor designed a new bus stop schedule sign that will be hung under the bus stop signs. It will look more uniform. Wildridge Sign: Norm Wood said they have some new options for the Wildridge entry sign. Norm passed out some options for Council to review. He said staff proposes changing the existing bus shelter with one like the one at Walmart. Councilor McDevitt said he would like to see a sign with arrows distinguishing Wildridge and Wildwood. Council agreed. Norm said we can put anything on the sign that Council wants. He said the cost would be around $35,000 for everything including the bus stop. Norm said if this is the way Council wishes to proceed, he will continue with design. Forest Service Plan Discussion: Bill discussed the forest service plan map. He also passed out an Eagle County Public Hearing survey. Anyone who wants to make comments can do so. Deadline is 3/22. Bill attended the public hearing Thursday at Eagle County. The general consensus of the audience was about 90% against Alternative D; a lot of ranchers were for Alternative B, keep it status quo; the majority were for Alternative C or some type of balanced plan. The County is working on a plan Alternative Z, and Scott McInnis is also working on a plan. Bill said he also met with representatives of VA yesterday and asked what they would like to see the Town of Avon say/do. They said Alternative B would be easiest for them, but will probably not happen. They would just like us to say NO to Alternative D. they want something balanced. With alternative D, McCoy Park would be gone. We need that for gondola connection. Bill said the Forest Service says the forest us in better shape now than 25-50 years ago. Mayor Protem McIlveen said because people are buying up land and there is no public access so less people are using forest. He said the Forest Service does not even have the staff to keep up the patrol for some of the things Alternative D is proposing. Mayor Yoder likes the idea that we don't support Alternative D but want a balanced approach. Bill said it is important that Avon make a recommendation of some sort. Mayor Protein McIlveen said we absolutely don't support Alternative D but want some sort of balance and we should thank the County for all their efforts they have taken. Council agreed. Bill said we should have the County's recommendation within the next 2 weeks. Council requested Bill to write a letter to Commissioner Tom Stone from the Council showing our appreciation for all his efforts in this matter. Other: Bill will be in the office on Monday, 3/27. Merchants Meeting Bill said the Avon merchants had their third meeting today. They would like to see a separate Avon Merchant's map. They also like the idea of an informational map like the ones at the factory outlets. They feel there is not enough emphasis on Avon stores. They like the cross town shuttles, and would like to look using a trolley. Something identifiable with downtown. Bill said we are working with Harry Taylor on this. We will continue to attend the meetings even though the Chamber is taking charge of this. We talked with them about moving the Thunderbird Arts Festival to the east side of town. Mayor Protein McIlveen said one of their big concern is that people cannot walk, no sidewalks, or if there are, they are not continuous. He would like Norm to give an update on East Avon Pedestrian plan at the next meeting. Councilor McDevitt asked about visitors center. Bill said that issue came up this morning. He said they discussed what the Town discussed last week. Bill feels this is going in the right direction. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE TOWN OF AVON SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD MARCH 21, 2000, AT 3:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM 1.) Fire District Update 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM 2.) Construction Fees and Rules 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 3.) Sign Program Update a.) Avon Road (Bob Reed) b.) Wildridge Sign (Norm Wood) 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM 4.) Forest Service Plan Discussion AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOI OFhAVON, COLORADO BY: Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON MARCH 17, 2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town ManagerV From: Michael Matzko, Director of Community Development Date March 15, 2000 Re: Proposed Schedule of Development Review Fees. Summary Attached ds a proposed schedule of fees for development review. Included are application fees for Design Review, Zoning and Subdivision. Building Permit fees are addressed through the Uniform Building Code and not included in this fee schedule. Discussion During the November 16 work session, Council directed staff to explore a sliding scale approach to residential design review fees. In response to Council's direction on November 16, staff met with Councilman Reynolds and P&Z Chairman Chris Evans to discuss modifying the schedule. Based on their review and recommendation, the schedule now includes a lower fee for single family, duplex and triplex residential projects whose unit size is 3,000 square feet or less. Recommendation Staff requests Council review the proposed fee schedule for discussion at the March 21 work session. Town Manager Comments Attachments: A - Development Review Fee Schedule B - Development Review Fee Worksheet Memo to Town Council, November 11, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Re: Development Review Fee Schedule Town of Avon Mvelopment Review Application Fees Following is the schedule of fees for Design Review, Zoning and Subdivision applications in the Town of Avon. Design Review Residential 1 -3 Units Up to 3000 sf per unit $350 Over 3000 sf per unit 500 4 -9 Units 750 10 -20 Units 1,000 21 - 40 Units 1,500 41 -60 Units 2,000 61 -100 Units 2,500 Over 100 Units 3,000 (residential units within a mixed use project are assessed according to the Commercial fee schedule below) Commercial, Industrial, and Mixed Use Up to 1,000 square feet (sf) $ 200 1,000 - 2499 sf 500 2500 - 4599 sf 750 5000 - 9,999 sf 1,000 10,000 -19,999 sf 1,500 20,000 - 49,999 sf 2,000 Over 50,000 sf 2,500 Miscellaneous Minor Project or Modification to Final Design $ 75 Modification to Final Design prior to approval 3 X fee Extension of Final Design Approval 1/2 fee Signs Individual signs $ 50 Master sign program 200 (Final Design application fees for commercial projects include Master Sign Program fee) Town of Avon Development Review Application Fees Page 1 of 2 Ilfinancelcd-publiclformslfee scheduleldesign review fees.doc W Zoning Special Review Use Residential $ 25 Non-residential 100 Variance Request 250 Zone Change Request 500 Planned Unit Development 1 -3 Units residential $ 500 Any commercial, multi-family, or mixed 1,000 use development Subdivision 3 or fewer lots 50 4 or more lots 200 + $ 10 per lot Final Plat 50 + $10 per lot (`Does not include Eagle County recording fees, currently: $10 per Mylar and $5 per page) Condominium Plat (Includes townhomes) 1 -10 Units 250 + $30 per unit 11 -20 Units 350 + $20 per unit 21 - 40 units 400 + $15 per unit Over 40 Units 650 + $10 per unit Exemption $ 50 Variance Request 50 Sketch Plan 3 or fewer lots 50 4 or more lots 50 Preliminary Plan Miscellaneous Annexation Special Consultant Services Appeal to Council $ 2000 + costs Cost plus 20% $ 50 Town of Avon Development Review Application Fees Page 2 of 2 Ilfinancelcd-publiclformslfee scheduleldesign review fees.doc Town of Avon Development Review Fee Worksheet March 16, 2000 Design Review Current Proposed Vail* Eagle County Breckenridge Residential * 1 -3 Units $100 + $10/unit $500 $200 to $500 n/a $850 * 4 - 9 Units 130 + 9/unit > 3 units 750 500 n/a $3,000 + $50/unit * 10 - 20 Units 211 + 8/unit > 12 units 1,000 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/unit * 21 - 40 Units 275 + 7/unit > 20 units 1,500 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/unit * 41 - 60 Units 415 + 6/unit > 40 units 2,000 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/unit * 61 -100 Units 535 + 5/unit > 60 units 2,500 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/unit * Over 100 Units 735 + 4/unit > 100 units 3,000 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/unit Commercial and Mixed-use * Up to 1,000 square feet (sf $100 + $10/100sf $200 $200 n/a $1,550 * 1,000 - 2499 sf 200 + 8/100sf > 1,000sf 500 400 n/a $3,000 + $50/1000sf * 2500 - 4599 sf 200 + 8/100sf > 1000sf 750 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf * 5000 - 9,999 sf 520 + 6/100sf > 5,000sf 1,000 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf * 10,000 -19,999 sf 820 +4/100sf > 10,000sf 1,500 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf * 20,000 - 49,999 sf 1,220 +2/100sf > 20,000sf 2,000 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf * Over 50,000 sf 1,820 + 1/100sf > 50,000sf 2,500 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf Industrial, Warehouse, Light Mfg * Up to 1,000 sf $50 + $5/100sf $200 $200 n/a $1,550 * 1,000 - 2499 sf 100 + 4/100sf > 1,000sf 500 200 n/a $3,000 + $50/1000sf * 2500 - 4599 sf 100 + 4/100sf > 1000sf 750 400 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf * 5000 - 9,999 sf 260 + 3/100sf > 5,000sf 1,000 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf * 10,000 - 19,999 sf 410 +2/100sf > 10,000sf 1,500 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf * 20,000 - 49,999 sf 610 +1 /100sf > 20,000sf 2,000 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf * Over 50,000 sf 910 +.5/100sf > 50,000sf 2,500 500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf Miscellaneous Remodel or Renovation Minor Project/Modification to Final Design Modification Prior to Approval Extension of Final Design Approval Landscape only Signs Individual signs Master sign program $100 + $10 per $10,000 val. > $100,000 25 n/a 1/2 original fee $50 + $10/$10,000 of valuation 25 200 n/a $20 to $200* $75 3 X fee n/a 1/2 fee n/a n/a n/a 50 200 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20 + $1/sf n/a $100 25 n/a Minor. 25 Major 425 25 100 Development Review Fee Schedule Worksheet 3116100 Page l of 2 Zoning Current Proposed Vail Eagle County Breckenridge Special Review Use • Residential $50 $25 $200 Minor - $550 n/a • Non-residential 50 100 200 Major - 1000 n/a Variance Request 100 250 250 400 n/a Zone Change Request • Major 100 500 200 800 • Minor 100 500 200 400 Planned Unit Development Minor: $600 + $20/unit or Minor: $1,500 + $50/unit or • 1 - 3 Units Residential $100 $500 $1,500 1000sf 1000sf Major: 1,000 + 201unit or Major: 3,000 + 50/unit or *Commercial, mufti-family, or mixed use 100 1,000 1500 1,000sf 1000sf Subdivision Exemption $50 no change n/a $200 Variance Request 50 no change 250 400 Sketch Plan • 3 or fewer lots 50 no change n/a Included with preliminary plan Included with preliminary plan • 4 or more lots 50 + $311ot no change n/a Included with preliminary plan Included with preliminary plan Preliminary Plan 20 or fewer: $500 + $20/unit • 3 or fewer lots $50 no change 250 or 1000sf $850 - $1,500 + $50/lot >20 units: $1,000 + $20/unit • 4 or more lots $200 + $ 10 per lot no change $1,000 or 1000sf $1,500 - $3,000 + $50/lot Final Plat 50 + 10 per lot no change 500 + 75/unit Included with preliminary plan Minor Subdivision n/a n/a 250 $625 850 Condominium Plat • 1 -10 Units $250 + $30 per unit no change $500 $500 + $20/unit $3,000 + $50/unit • 11 -20 Units 350 + 20 per unit no change 500 500 + 20/unit 3,000 + 50/unft • 21 - 40 units 400 + 15 per unit no change 500 1,000 + 20 unit 3,000 + 50/unit • Over 40 Units 650 + 10 per unit no change 500 1,000 + 20 unit 3,000 + 50/unit Miscellaneous Annexation $ 2000 + costs n/a n/a Cost Special Consultant Services Cost + 10% Cost + 20% n/a Cost Cost Appeal to Council 50 $50 n/a n/a n/a *Note: Vail charges design review fees based on valuation. Assumptions for this worksheet: residential construction is $150/sf; commercial is $200/sf, and warehouse/industrial is $100/sf Development Review Fee Schedule Worksheet 3116100 Page 2of 2 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Michael Matzko, Director of Community Development Date March 15, 2000 Re: Construction Rules and Regulations Summary In response to the growing concern for regulating construction activities within the Town of Avon, staff has prepared the following Construction Rules and Regulations ("Rules"). The rules are designed to summarize in a basic format the procedures for all construction activities within the Town. All contractors will be provided with a copy of these rules and consent to the contents upon receipt of a building permit. Discussion Staff has worked with Commissioner Reynolds and provided copies to the Eagle Valley Home Builders Association in preparing these rules. The Planning and Zoning Commission endorsed these Rules in November 1999. The Rules are a compilation of existing procedures, ordinances, and the Uniform Building Code to create a document for contractors and homeowners developing real estate within our community. Recommendation Staff requests Council review the proposed Construction rules and Regulations for discussion at the March 21 Work Session. Please feel free to contact staff with any questions regarding this proposal. Town Manager Comments Attachments: A - Development Review Fee Schedule B - Development Review Fee Worksheet Memo to Town Council, November 11, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Re: Construction Rules and Regulations Construction Rules for the Town of Avon Introduction Construction is a necessary and vital part of a healthy community. New construction in Avon is proceeding at a rapid pace as the remaining land within the Town develops, and will continue as older buildings are renovated. Whether the project is a large new commercial building or a minor addition to an existing house, construction sites today have more neighbors than they did in the past. As a result, the associated noise, dust, trash, erosion and traffic affects more people. These rules are intended to clearly define what is expected of construction sites within Avon, both to help the contractor and to minimize the impacts of construction activity on property owners and residents. These rules are not intended to replace the current Uniform Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical Code as adopted by the Town of Avon, other Avon Municipal Code and Ordinances. Any contractor registered in the Town of Avon is responsible for having read, understood, and agreed to following these rules and all applicable regulations as a condition of receiving a Building Permit. The rules are, in summary: 1. Before you apply for a building permit, you must have received Final Design approval for your project from the Planning & Zoning Commission; 2. Have a valid permit for all construction activity; 3. Keep your site neat, control dust and erosion, and keep the adjacent street free of mud and materials; 4. Work only during the permitted hours of construction; 5. When requesting inspections, give us the information we ask for, and call for an inspection only when you're sure you are ready; 6. If you want to change the approved design (site, landscaping, architectural or structural), approval by the Town, in writing, is needed before making the change. For your reference we've also attached the following materials: 1. Key names and numbers. 2. Design Review and Development Process Outline. 3. Final Design Submittal Checklist. 4. Minimum Submittal Requirements for Minor Projects. 5. Minimum Requirements for Building Permit Submittals. 6. Minimum Inspections required by the Building Department. 7. Inspection Fax Request Form Applying for a Building Permit Before you start any construction activity within the Town of Avon, you must first obtain Final Design Approval from the Planning & Zoning Commission, then apply for a Building Permit. Construction activity means any construction or alteration to a lot, single family residence, multifamily residence, commercial building or other building; including but not limited to remodeling or adding to an existing residence or commercial building; tenant finish in a commercial building; or building a shed. The Town will issue a Building Permit only to a Contractor registered with the Town. We do this in part to ensure that you have adequate liability insurance and workman's compensation. In very limited cases a property owner can register as an Owner-Builder. In most cases, applying for a Building Permit requires the following: 1. Final Design approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission; 2. Complete Building Permit application, Construction Documents, and fees; 3. Construction Sign application and Construction Staging Plan including parking, erosion control and revegetation (if required). 4. A completed Right-of-Way Permit application (when required). 5. A meeting with Community Development staff to discuss construction staging, required inspections, and any concerns with respect to a particular site. You may not apply for a Building Permit plan prior to receiving Final Design Approval from Planning & Zoning Commission, or submit building permit plans to the Building Division that differ from the approved Final Design, without specific prior approval of the Director of Community Development. Site Preparation After you apply for a Building Permit and the Building Division completes an initial review of the plans, we will notify you that the Construction Staging Plan and Right-of-Way Permit are complete. Once notified, the Contractor must: 1. Install the construction sign; 2. Clearly identify the property lines and delineate the limits of construction with appropriate stakes and rope, flagging or fencing; 3. Install and screen portable toilet(s), if required; 4. Install construction trailer, if required; 5. Call in a site inspection request to the Community Development Inspection Line. If the site passes inspection, the Inspector will issue written approval and notice to proceed with construction, to the Contractor. If the site does not pass inspection, the Inspector will issue a written rejection with a list of corrections to be made, to the Contractor. Once the Contractor makes the required corrections, he or she should call the Inspection Line for a follow-up site inspection. Rules for Construction Activity Within the Town of Avon [March 1, 2000 DRAFT] Page 2 of 9 If you call for a reinspection and the site still doesn't pass, the next reinspection will cost you an additional fee. Once released for construction, site grubbing or clearing may begin. Once the area is cleared in accordance with the construction staging plan, the Contractor must install erosion control measures, if required, and stake the building footprint. Construction Site Management The Town expects the Contractor to maintain an orderly construction site. This section explains the standard we expect the Contractor to maintain. If an Inspector determines that the site and adjacent street are not being maintained to this standard, then he or she will notify the Contractor and give a deadline for correcting the situation. If the Contractor does not make the correction within the deadline, the Inspector may, without further notice, issue a Stop Work Order. All other work will cease on the site until the correction is made and approved by the Inspector. A Stop Work Order remains in place at least one full day. If it becomes necessary for the Town to clean or remove debris from the site or adjacent street after reasonable notice, we will first issue a Stop Work Order, complete the work, then bill the actual costs including administrative fees to the permit holder. The Contractor must reimburse the Town for these costs prior to receiving a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Construction Debris The job site must be kept clean and orderly at all times. Construction debris must be stored in an approved enclosure on the site, and if not contained within a dumpster, removed at least weekly. Road Maintenance No road cuts, deletions or additions shall be made without a Right-of-Way Permit. The street adjacent to the site must be kept free of mud, debris, and construction materials. Parking and storage of materials are not allowed on the paved surface of the street. A Contractor must repair any damage to roads caused by their construction activity within thirty (30) days of the occurrence. Erosion Control An Erosion Control and Site Stabilization Plan is required with each building permit application. This plan should show the type and location of temporary measures to retain all eroded soil material on site during construction. On smaller projects this may be combined with the Construction Staging Plan. A detailed permanent Erosion Control and Revegetation Plan is also required with the building permit application. This plan includes details about the proposed measures to control both ground water and surface water runoff and measures to permanently stabilize all disturbed slopes and drainage features after completion of construction. • Slopes of 2:1 or greater are required to be sodded, hydromulched, or have erosion-control netting installed. • Plants should be watered with a temporary irrigation system until established. • Dust should be controlled by sprinkling or other approved method, and should continue until revegetation and site stabilization are complete. Rules for Construction Activity Within the Town of Avon [March 1, 2000 DRAFT] Page 3 of 9 • Existing trees, plants and lawns shall be protected from disturbance or damage during construction activity. • Surplus soil and other excavated debris are promptly removed from the site • All driveways, parking and laydown areas are covered with at least two inches of three/quarter-inch screened rock. Noise During normal construction hours, Contractors must use all reasonable efforts to minimize noise resulting from Construction Activity, including excavation. Construction Activity which produces audible noise at the property line is allowed only: • Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Sundays and national holidays 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Any construction activity producing audible noise at times other than these hours is prohibited and will be deemed a public nuisance. Protection of Property Construction Activity shall be limited to its Construction Site, unless the Town authorizes otherwise. Any Contractor who damages any property, adjacent lots or roads during its Construction Activity must restore the property within 30 days of the date the damage occurs. Dogs on Construction Sites Dogs must be confined to a vehicle or approved enclosure on Construction Sites. Temporary Structures Temporary Structures such as an office or storage trailer may be maintained on a Construction Site. Temporary living quarters are not permitted. The placement of the temporary structure must be identified in the staging plan and approved at the Pre-Construction Inspection. Water Connections and Toilets A temporary water connection and on-site enclosed chemical toilets must be available during Construction Activity. Chemical toilets must be screened from view and located so as to minimize any adverse impacts on adjacent sites. Blasting Restrictions No blasting shall be performed on any Construction Site without the Building Division's prior consent. Blasting may be subject to certain restrictions, which may vary from Site to Site, and which shall be determined by the Building Division. Construction Signs. One construction sign is permitted for each project. The construction sign must be approved as part of the building permit application. The sign should be no more than (2'0" x 3'0") 6 square feet overall: If the construction sign exceeds 6 square feet, then an additional sign application is required. The construction sign must be installed a minimum of 3 feet above grade from the bottom of the sign, and located within the project boundary, visible from an adjacent roadway or entry to the project. The sign must conform to the layout shown below. All parties listed must be shown in uniform type style, size and color. Handwritten and spray painted construction signs are prohibited. Rules for Construction Activity Within the Town of Avon [March 1, 2000 DRAFT] Page 4 of 9 Project Logo and/or Name Street Address Permit No: Contractor Name/Address/Phone * Developer Name/Address/Phone *Architect Name/Address/Phone (*This information is not required, but may be included on the construction sign). Deliveries The Town of Avon may restrict the use of roads by construction vehicles whenever a special event, festival, convention or similar activity presents the possibility of significant traffic congestion within the Town. Access and Parking. • Construction Vehicles are allowed to access Construction Sites only from existing streets adjacent to the Construction Sites. • The Construction Staging Plan shall describe how and where Construction Vehicles will be parked at the Construction Site during the Construction Activity. The Building Division may require modifications to designated construction vehicle parking areas, and/or limit the number of construction vehicles parked adjacent to a Construction Site. Completion of Construction Unless otherwise approved by Community Development, each Owner shall ensure that each Construction Activity it performs: • Commences within two years after final design approval; Is substantially complete within 12 months for single family and duplex residences after commencement thereof and is fully and finally complete within 18 months after commencement thereof; within 18 months for any commercial project or projects consisting of three units or more; and is fully and finally complete, including all required landscaping, within twenty-four months after commencement thereof. Construction Inspections The Contractor is responsible for knowing what inspections are required, when they are required, and for requesting those inspections. Contractors request inspections by either calling the Community Development Inspection Line (970) 748-4094, or by faxing the request to (970) 949-5749. When you call in on the Inspection Line, please speak clearly; leave your name, phone number where we can actually call you, your permit number, the type of inspection, the street address, and whether you need the inspection in the morning or in the afternoon. If you fax your Rules for Construction Activity Within the Town of Avon [March 1, 2000 DRAFT] Page 5 of 9 inspection request, please use the form we provide and fill it out clearly. If we don't have all of this information, or it is not accurate, we may not be able to schedule your inspection. Requests for inspections by other agencies, such as the Eagle County Health Department are to be made directly to those agencies. Certificates of Occupancy, Temporary and Otherwise No one may occupy or otherwise use any building or other improvement until it has received either a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) Typically, the Town will issue a TCO for a project that is substantially complete except for landscaping (and for small residential projects, paving). A signed TCO agreement and deposit to cover 125% of the estimated cost of completing the project is required. TCO Expiration There are two types of TCO: 1. Issued between May 1 and August 31; valid for 60 days. Because this is the `normal' building season, the Town assumes that you can complete the project within 60 days. 2. Issued between September 1 and April 30; valid until July 1. This takes into account fall and winter weather, where planting and paving aren't always possible. You must apply for and receive a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) before the TCO expires. If anyone occupies a unit having an expired TCO, the Town may assess a fee of $100 per day for each and every day the structure is occupied. The Town may also hire a licensed contractor to complete the work necessary to issue a CO. All costs incurred in completing the work will be charged against the TCO cash deposit. If the cost exceeds the deposit, the Town will file a lien against the property with the Eagle County Tax Assessor. This lien is considered an ad valorem tax, which takes priority over mortgages. Substantial Completion The Contractor may request a TCO inspection once the project is substantially complete, which means: ? The exterior of the building is complete. ? The interior shell is complete with all required inspections approved, including smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinklers. ? Driveway culvert(s) are installed and approved ? In commercial occupancies, there are at least two operative bathrooms on each floor being occupied; in residential occupancies, there is at least one operative bathroom in each unit. ? All required parking is in place. ? Commercial projects require positive drainage away from the buildings in all directions at 2% for a minimum of 5 feet. ? Sufficient roadway access for emergency vehicles Rules for Construction Activity Within the Town of Avon [March 1, 2000 DRAFT] Page 6 of 9 ? Submittal and approval of a properly executed TCO Agreement and a deposit to cover completion of landscaping, cleanup, grading, drainage, paving, lighting, and irrigation system. Requesting a TCO Inspection A TCO inspection request triggers a series of inspections. The Contractor has only to make one request, but since several departments are involved, the turnaround time is longer than normal inspections. We will make our best effort to complete the TCO inspections within 24 hours after receiving a request. If the project passes all of the TCO inspections, Community Development Staff will contact the Contractor to arrange delivery of the actual Certificate. If the project fails one or more of the TCO inspections, the Inspector will leave written notice at the site with a list of corrections. The Contractor is responsible for making those corrections and calling for a reinspection. Once issued, the TCO must be posted on the front of the residence in a location visible from the street and maintained until the issuance of a CO. Certificate of Occupancy When the Contractor has completed the project consistent with its approved final plans, the Building Division will issue a CO. To receive a CO, the Contractor must call the Inspection Line or Fax the request. The Building Division will perform a final inspection within 24 hours of the call. If the Inspector determines that the project is complete, the Building Official will issue a CO and refund any TCO deposit to the Owner. If the Inspector determines that the project does not comply with its approved final plans, he or she will issue a written notice of rejection including a list of corrections. Once the Contractor makes the corrections, they should then call or fax a reinspection request. Contractor Registration All Owner Representatives and other contractors shall obtain a Contractor's License for performing work within the Town of Avon in accordance with Avon Municipal Code 15.08.050, Section 107.7. Class I General Contractor $125.00 Class Il * Plumbing Contractor $ 35.00 Mechanical Contractor HVAC Contractor Fire Sprinkler Contractor *Electrical contractors licensed by the State of Colorado are exempt from this licensing requirement). Rules for Construction Activity Within the Town of Avon [March 1, 2000 DRAFT] Page 7 of 9 Compliance with Laws and Regulations Each Owner shall, at its own expense, comply with all terms and conditions of this Regulation and all other regulations promulgated from time to time by the Avon Town Council which are applicable to its Construction Activities. Each Owner shall, at its own expense, comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, orders, rules, regulations and other governmental requirements relating to its Construction Activities. Each Owner shall, at its own expense, ensure that its Owner Representatives comply with the terms and conditions of subparagraphs 6.13(a) and (b) above. Enforcement These rules are a summary of ordinances and regulations adopted by the Town of Avon. Failure to comply with these rules may result in fine, stop work order or other penalties described in Titles15, 16 and 17 of the Avon Municipal Code and the Uniform Building Code. The Town of Avon has all rights and remedies available to it at law or in equity. HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE FOREGOING, I HEREBY AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL THE RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION IN THE TOWN OF AVON, INCLUDING THE UNIFORM BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF AVON AS WELL AS THE TOWN OF AVON MUNICIPAL CODE AND ORDINANCES. Building permit holder: Date: Name: Address: Phone: Rules for Construction Activity Within the Town of Avon [March 1, 2000 DRAFT] Page 8 of 9 Key Names and Numbers 1. Community Development (General Information) P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620 Fax Number: (970) 949-5749 Phone: (970) 748-4030 (a) Design Review: (970) 748-4009 (b) Town Planner: (970) 748-4002 (c) Contractor's Registration: (970) 748-4030 (d) Building Official: (970) 748-4011 (e) Inspection Hotline: (970) 748-4094 2. Avon Police Department: (970) 748-4040 3. Avon Fire Department: (970) 748-4050 4. Public Works Department (Road Cuts, Safety Systems) P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620 Fax: 748-1959 Phone: 748-4100 Transportation: (970) 748-4120 5. TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (Cable Television Service) P.O. Box 439, Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 949-5530 6. Holy Cross Electric Association (Electrical Service) P.O. Box 972, Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 949-5892 7. Public Service Company of Colorado (Natural Gas Service) P.O. Box 430, Minturn, Colorado 81645 (970) 262-4056 8. Eagle River Consolidated Sanitation District (Sanitary Sewer and Water Taps) 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-7480 9. KN Energy (Natural Gas Service) 0369 Sawatch Road, Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 563-0012 Rules for Construction Activity Within the Town of Avon [March 1, 2000 DRAFT] Page 9 of 9 Proposed sign changes March 3, 2000 The signs will start at Roundabout # 1. All southbound signs will be on the right hand side of Avon Road. General Recommendations Paint back side of all signs green. Lower all Chevron signs to 3 feet at each roundabout. The green informational signs blend in with the green light post, landscape etc. "Nottingham Road", "West Beaver Creek" etc. Town of Vail went to an all-reflective sign at their roundabouts and are all temporary signs. Their signs at the main roundabout are all lit signs and they will eventually be the same in West Vail. If we go to all green posts, they will blend in as well. Recommend a different color post (white) so that they stand out. Mark "Avon Road" on the off ramps and "Highway 6". Add "Right Lane Must Turn Right" to all blue informational signs. Roundabout # 1 These are all recommendations: 1. Remove "No Parking" sign - not necessary at this location 2. Move "Speed Limit 25" to the west in front of C-Mart, add to "No Parking" sign 3. Move informational sign (blue) and combine with "Yield Ahead" I-70 sign is on a 6 x 6 post ( leave post), will not look good on the Nex System post Sun Road/Roundabout # 3 4. Remove "Prohibited Commercial Vehicle" sign. 5. Combine blue informational sign and "Tourist Info" to same post and move West Beaver Creek 6. Try to move blue informational sign before the "Yield Ahead" sign closer to Avon Center driveway. Roundabout # 4 7. Bigger "Avon Municipal Complex" sign; move closer to the roundabout. 8. Remove "Fire Station" sign and leave the sign with the fire truck picture and combine the informational blue sign on the 40' light pole. Between Roundabout # 4 and # 5 9. "Junction 6" is on a wood post. Move sign to the 40' light pole by entrance to West Hurd Lane. North Bound Roundabout # 5 10. Move "Speed Limit 30" and "Prohibited Commercial Vehicles" to the path light pole. Roundabout # 4 11. Move blue informational sign to 40' light pole. 12. "Speed Limit 25" sign underneath bigger "Avon Municipal Complex" sign. Roundabout # 3 and # 2 13. Do away with blue informational sign and add "Right Lane Must Turn Right" sign. 14. Add "Single Lane Ahead". 15. Add "Single Lane Traffic" below the warning sign at the entrance to Roundabout #2. 16. Move I-70 sign to the 40' light pole. Proposed sign changes for Avon Road. General Recommendation Remove all informational signs (arrow) altogether and go to pavement markings. If the council chooses to keep them, move the sign further back away from the roundabout entrance to give them an advance warning and add all "Right Lane Must Turn Right" signs to them. Just a reminder that most of the "Yield" signs are placed in the sidewalks, therefore if any other sign post will be replacing existing posts, the concrete will need to be broken up and repaired after new post is installed. All signs should be lit in the future. Roundabout # 1 13 telspar posts to be replaced Roundabout # 2 10 telspar posts to be replaced Roundabout # 3 30 telspar posts to be replaced Roundabout # 4 19 telspar posts to be replaced "Avon Municipal Complex" signs need to be bigger Between Roundabout # 4 and # 5 18 telspar posts to be replaced Roundabout # 5 19 telspar posts to be replaced A total of 109 telspar posts will need to be replaced and we will need approximately 140 posts so we have extra in stock. These are a few options and prices on replacing the telspar posts. Option # 1 Replace all telspar post to 4x4 wood post Price per 4x4xl2 wood post is $17.84 each 140 x 17.84= $2497.60 Option # 2 Replace all telspar posts to the Nex System (Power Coated) Price per post is $45.45 each 140 x $45.45= $6363.00 Price per base is $12.33 each 140 x $12.33= $1726.20 Price per face bracket is $1.50 each 255x$1.50= $ 382.50 Price per side bracket is $1.50 each 81x1.50= $ 121.50 Price per Nex System Wedge is $0.75 each 140x.075 $ 105.00 Price per Plastic Cap is $.075 each 140x.075= $ 105.00 Total $8803.20 Option # 3 Keep using the telspar posts that we use now. Price per telspar post is $31.94 Price for rivots are $0.99 each 14001.94= $4471.16 420x$0.99= $ 415.80 Total= $4886.96 These prices do not include the delivery charge. Z 30b1J v ivi ilJ1JIVVJ 1/?? --ii 'c"Y" 1.d.Jd1S QNb 3AOH38 3AOH3H 3TV0S 0,- T) M2iQ 080038 1bINN31 3AOH3d e3 H3 NOISIA38 311V 0 I ON co (do1s) ?0C 3AOH3H ,V,33d5 - ? ?? 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IlStl3J OY OZ 0 oz rvdalsvn rvoai 3AOrv38 r4dVISVw w083 3AOw38 tLf 2 rH _ 1 4•l `LLJ I JII"?°I?INOI I I?UI L11 2L. ? 341 w X'J .rc?l 3 ?" ' 4j444 r Yellow f I f .Splitter Island Figure 3-26. Typical Marking for Roundabouts. 0 ? r..._.----- a t m t 07 w •? o vm 3A e?j ! El: L az ?a 00 3 v I t D ? 3 o + 0 a 0 I(( W i i 1 i ? I f W 0 4- 0 0 0 C O U i 0 a1 V) -?c a f Crt 3 4 j5 a) k O C q1 E CD 0 ? v d N 4?j ?_ 0 Hi' .3rd c1') Y 1 C a? tQ 6r? (2 ) ^ q L f!? 0 .4r? (3') E M C I a ?- cu > Hli 4 Q 1.2M (4') ty v ? I Q .... 4 CIL .L? Vl I I E f- -? o I.Sr?1 (5'j cD Uj ?I 1.8T (6') ro o """4"" _ .?.., Hhii n i "177 2.4m (8') w E FIGURE 3-29. Advance Warning Markings for Speed Humps 0 0 E d M 3 6 f Roadway of Roadway 1.8m (12) Center of -I lyp. Travel (_ 1.am 1.8m i.8m ar7 r I E- a Cross ?- ? . . --- -.._?aik ~ r o: C?-oss? alk or - Speed? Tabu E o .? "? Ar'eo* Peed, Table o }- A+a E T`x EE! d?- .3MO ' 300mm (12") White 3m 300mm (12") Markings White Markings Leading Edge Symmetric Lead In 9 (a) and Trailing Edges ?- of Roadway 3 (b) .6m .am .22m Q 2') 5 yp, T cQ a Clrossv a:lk or Asymmetric peed ' T hlh E 01. ° Leading A ra* ZD °- 'and Trail ing Center of Edges :!tb?? Travel Lone ! ( •3m-,. 300mm (12'•) White Markings (C) Direction of Travel FIGURE 3-28. Pavement Markings for Speed Humps with Crosswalks