TC Council Packet 03-07-2000A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session MeetingDate• March 7, 2000 Councilmembers Present: Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Bob McIlveen, Buz Reynolds, Mayor Judy Yoder. Councilmembers Absent: Jim Benson Buck Allen Judge Buck Allen gave an update on what is happening in the court. Buck gave statistics on number of traffic violations versus ordinance violations. Councilor Buckley asked if the volume has changed. Buck said there is not really a change in the volume, but change in the ratio of traffic violations versus ordinance violations. Councilor Cuny asked if he still uses the food program for payment. Buck said yes he did. Buck said the amount of interpreters needed has increased immensely. He said he uses Bert Jaramillo and Leroy Roybal quite a bit. Bill Efting said we need to compensate Leroy with a dinner for two, such as we just did for Bert. Buck said Leroy and Bert are doing a great job for us. He said we can use them for pre-trials, but if it goes to trial we have to hire an certified interpreter. Councilor Buckley asked who pays for the interpreter. Buck said the town pays. Buck said we are not only seeing a lot of Spanish people, but Russian, Chech, etc. Buck said we are seeing more large theft. Councilor Cuny asked if there are many breaking and enterings. Buck said those would go to district court, we would not see that at the municipal level. We are seeing a larger amount of juveniles. Buck says he really enjoys working for the town. He said Cait is doing really well. He feels the new desk arrangement is working out much better and helping her to be more efficient. He said Burt Levin is doing a really good job, as well as the police department. Judging from the number of cases in court, the police are awfully busy. He said working with Bill Efting and the staff is great. Buck endorsed Bill's efforts on the attention to the west end of the Town. There are some real issues in the west end of town. Mayor Protein McIlveen asked what is happening on the west side of town. Buck said the condo associations are concerned. He said working with them and giving them any reinforcements will be helpful. Bill said we are doing neighborhood watch at Sunridge, we've cleaned up the drinking problems and hanging out problems in the parking lots at West Lake Villas. Bill said the street improvements will help. Buck agreed. He said police patrol helps a lot. Visitor Information Council discussed a visitor information center. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE TOWN OF AVON SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD MARCH 7, 2000, AT 3:45 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM 1.) Personnel Matters (Executive Session) 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 2.) Visitor Information Discussion 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 3.) Buck Allen AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN.gF AVON, COLORADO BY: Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON MARCH 3, 2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY Memo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Bill Elting, Town Manager B r- Norm Wood, Town Engineer March 1, 2000 Application for Water Rights and Change of Water Rights Summary: The attached letter from Gary Greer, Town of Avon Water Attorney to Les Botham, Town of Avon Water Engineer is related to the Town's "APPLICATION FOR WATER RIGHTS AND CHANGE OF WATER RIGHTS" filed with the Colorado Water Court. The primary purpose of this Application was to formalize and clarify the Town's Water Rights and allowed uses subsequent to the Eagle Park Reservoir and related agreements. If approved, the application would authorize the Town to sell, lease, rent license or otherwise dispose of water to other water users on terms and conditions that are or may be approved by the town council. The comments in "REPORT OF THE DIVISION ENGINEER" attached to the letter are not unusual for this type of Application and do not represent anything unexpected. At this point it appears that the largest concession may be related to the requested uses. These may be cut back significantly from the Application, but will still allow the Town to accomplish it's primary goal of protecting it's water rights from abandonment. At this point it appears the worst case scenario may be that approved uses would be limited to municipal purposes within the Town Boundary. The good news is that the number of objectors is substantially fewer than expected and their concerns should be relatively easy to address. Town Manager Comments: G tC,u,r C:\Windows\TEMP\Water Rights Progressl.Doc Sherman & Howard Lix. GARY L. GREER Direct Diai Number: (303) 299-8322 E-Mail: GGreer@sah.com ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW 633 SEVENTEENTIf STRW SUrrE 3000 DENVER, COLORADO 80202 TEUMON& 303 297-2900 FAX 303 2984M OFFICES IN: COLORADO SPRINGS RENO • LAS VEGAS February 21, 2000 Mr. Les Botham Leonard Rice Consulting Water Engineers, Inc. 2000 Clay Street, Suite 300 Denver, Colorado 80211-5119 Re: Case No. 99CW 172 (Avon's Application for Change of Water Right) Dear Les: Enclosed is a copy of the Report of the Division Engineer and Summary of Consultation in this case. The Division Engineer raises a number of issues and requests the Water Court not to rule in the matter until the issues are addressed. The State Engineer and Division Engineer are not opposers in the case and did not file a statement of opposition, although the Colorado Water Conservation Board did oppose the application. The City of Colorado Springs in behalf of the Homestead Project filed a standard (for them) statement. We have a telephone status conference set in this case for March 16. The new Water Referee, Mr. Petre, suggested that we provide engineering information and a draft decree to the opposers prior to the March 16 status conference. I would like to prepare a draft decree pretty much along the lines of the application. To accompany the decree I would like to have a report, perhaps in the form of a letter with tables addressing the concerns of the Division Engineer as to Comments 1, 2, 3 and 5, and his Recommendations numbered 1, 2, and perhaps 4. That is, the other comments and recommendations seem to be legal in nature. The report of the Division Engineer was signed by Alan Martellaro. I do not know Mr. Martellaro. If you have a good working relationship with him, perhaps we can work 1 , . Sherman & Howard >< L.c. W. Les Botham February 21, 2000 Page 2 through you to discuss his concerns and determine the extent to which the Division Engineer is truly opposed to the application. I expect that we will need to address these concerns. Please review the Division Engineer's report and call me when you are ready to talk about it. Yours very truly, Gary L. Greer GLG/dmc Enclosure cc: (w/ encl.) Burton Levin, Town Attorney Mr. Norman Wood STATE OF COLORADO DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER DIVISION FIVE Office of the State Engineer Department of Natural Resources 50633 U.S. Hwy. 6 & 24 P.O. Box 396 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 Phone: (970) 945-5665 FAX: (970) 945-8741 (call first) h"pV/water.state.co.us/default.htm Case No: 99CW172 REPORT OF THE DIVISION ENGINEER SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION Applicant(s): Town of Avon Structure(s) Applied For: Avon Municipal Water System, and Benchmark Lake Application For: Change of Water Right, Change of Place of Use COMMENTS # 1876 Bill Owens Governor Greg E. Walcher Executive Director Hal 0. Simpson, P.E. State Engineer Orlyn 1.8ell Division Engineer 1. Benchmark Lake is an off-channel reservoir. The applicant must also describe the feeder ditch, the Metcalf Ditch that will divert the water from a natural stream. 2. The diversion of this previously quantified consumptive use is limited to the irrigation season, defined in W-3664 as May 13 through October 10. Diversion of this water is also limited by month as shown in Table 1 of the application. The application appears to request an expansion of use of this decreed consumptive use to include use during the non-irrigation season (see Items 3 and 3(ii) of page 3 of the application). 3. The application does not cite the source nor provide a table of the evaporation figures for Benchmark Lake. The total evaporation in 84CW225 appears to be 38.338AF. 4. By this plan the applicant intends to change a portion of its consumptive use to cover evaporation on Benchmark Lake that was formerly attributed to the interest owned by Eagle-Vail, or 14.58AF. The Town of Avon claims to be successor to this share. 5. The applicants for W-3664 and 84CW225 are Benchmark at Beaver Creek and the Avon Metropolitan District (the Avon Metro Municipal Water System or AMMWS). In•84CW225 AMMWS owns 63.8% of Benchmark Lake and Eagle-Vail Metro District owns 36.2%. Adminis- tration of the evaporation on Benchmark Lake is very cloudy. For example, the application uses the term "Avon's share." Is Avon the Town of Avon, or the Avon Metropolitan District, or the Avon Metro Municipal Water System? Previous coverage of evaporation by augmentation has been moved to Eagle Park Reservoir, and it appears the subject 14.48AF is all that is available to cover the 38.338AF. 6. Application proposes to expand place of use to "include any and all locations on the Colorado River and its tributaries whether or not they are served with water by the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority and whether or not such locations are or were within the historic service areas of the Avon Metropolitan District, the Eagle-Vail Metropolitan District or the Town of Avon." Report of the Division Engineer - Summary of Consultation - Case No. 99CW 172 - Page 2 RECOMMENDATIONS 1) The nature of the change requested must be clearly defined. Therefore, a table with surface area and monthly schedule of evaporation losses, including total evaporation for the entire reservoir, with those to be replaced by this decree as well as others, must be submitted to the court. This table should include a monthly schedule of diversions at the Metcalf Ditch and transit losses to Benchmark Lake. 2) Evaporation during the non-irrigation season can be covered by this consumptive use if stored and subsequently released as replacement from another reservoir. Alternatively, the level of Benchmark Lake must be lowered at the rate of non-irrigation season losses and storage replaced the following irrigation season from the subject consumptive use. The previously decreed consumptive use cannot be changed to outside the May 13 through October 10 irrigation season. 3) No use outside the historic service areas of the Avon Metropolitan District or the Eagle-Vail Metropolitan Districts without a detailed description of the use and contracts for the use can be granted. Otherwise, any use outside these service areas is speculation. 4) The claim for "all other beneficial uses" is vague and speculative and must be deleted. The uses fish and wildlife, fish propagation and fish culture, snowmaking, and golf course irrigation, by exchange, replacement, and augmentation are unsupported and must be deleted. The Division Engineer respectfully requests the Water Court not rule in this matter until the above issues are addressed. DATE: February 14.2000 SIGNED: 61- C• 2?h,? Alan C. Martell a&, P.E., Assistant Division Engineer CRS 1973, Section 37-92-302(4), signed into law May 17, 1988, provides that the applicant or his attorney shall mail or deliver a copy of this consultation to all parties of record who filed a Statement of Opposition to this application, if any, and the statute also requires that the applicant or his attorney shall file a certification of mailing with the Water Clerk of Water Division No. 5 if this consultation is mailed to opposing parties. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that on this day of .? , 2000, a true and correct copy of this REPORT OF THE DIVISION ENGINEER - SUMMARY OF CONSUL ATION was mailed to: SHERMAN & HOWARD LLC GARY L GREER, ESQ ATTORNEYS FOR APPLICANT 633 SEVENTEENTH ST, #3000 DENVER CO 80202 G?'C?C