03-22-2011 MEMO RE IGA SPECIAL OPERATIONSA • Memo To: Thru: Legal Review: Approved by: From: Date: Re: Summary: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Initials Larry Brooks, Town Manager Eric Heil, Town Attorney 81� Robert L. Ticer, Chief of Police Robert L. Ticer, Chief of Police March 22, 2011 IGA for Eagle County Special Operations Unit (SOU) The Avon Police Department is a law enforcement partnering agency in the Eagle County Special Operations Unit (SOU). The Police Department partners with the Eagle County Sheriffs Office, Vail Police Department, and Eagle Police Department to combine resources for the make -up of this part-time tactical team. Prior to the Avon Police Department joining this team nearly four -years ago, the team consisted of only members from the Sheriffs Office and Vail Police Department. Currently, the Avon Police Department contributes four employees to the team, which now • has over thirty part-time members. Avon Police contribution includes the Team Commander -Lt. Daly, Special Operations Operator -Sgt. Jonathan Lovins, and Negotiators - Detective Hassinger and Officer Lundblade. Law Enforcement Agencies is Eagle County have limited personnel and maintaining singular tactical teams is impractical. Combining and sharing resources as demonstrated by the SOU Team, contributes positively to public safety, and is fiscally responsible The Eagle County Special Operations Unit's mission is to service all parts of Eagle County when the need for tactical response is called for. Previous Council Action: There has been no council action on this item. This is the first complete and ready to approve IGA. Background: The SOU Team has been in existence since 1991. The mission of the unit is to provide highly trained personnel to respond to serious incidents such as active shooters, barricaded subjects, hostage rescue, and fugitive apprehension to name a few. The team was previously a Sheriffs Operation Unit until the Vail Police Department joined in 2005. Avon Police joined the team in 2007. The SOU Team is now a regional team and provides services to all communities in Eagle County and occasionally to other communities when mutual aid is requested. t Discussion: • Tactical Response is very relevant to today's law enforcement mission. Tactical Operators and Negotiators receive training above and beyond that of the uniformed police officer, deputy sheriff, or state trooper. This training is needed for team operations and response to major incidents. The Eagle County SOU Team has been called upon in recent years for fugitive details, hostage situations, dignitary protection, and active - shooter incidents. Combining personnel from multiple law enforcement agencies to comprise a team of highly trained operators and negotiators is operationally and fiscally sound. Current involvement in this team by Avon Police has been on a mutual assistance basis. This IGA formalizes this partnership and strengthens duties and responsibilities of the partnering agencies. The Police Chiefs of Avon, Vail, Eagle, and The Eagle County Sheriff earlier this year named Lt. Daly as the Team Commander for this SOU Team furthering our commitment to public safety. Financial Implications: The two Avon Police Department Operators that participate on the SOU Team train with the team twice a month. The two Negotiators trained four times per year. Other than ammunition, and gas supplies, there are relatively few costs other than salary. Lt. Daly is an exempt employee and Sgt. Lovins and Detective Hassinger are assigned to the Criminal Investigations Bureau. Officer Lundblade is the only one of the four assigned to shift work and his shifts are adjusted to minimize overtime costs to the department. The Police Department budgets for these operations. • All four SOU Members are equipped for current operations, with no additional equipment needed in the near future. Participation in this SOU Team brings both operational support to the Town and reduces fiscal impact. As an example, if a need for tactical support is needed to augment Avon Police Operations, the Eagle County Team is summonsed and responds. This response brings team members, regardless of the participating departments to the Town to suppress the situation. There is no cost to bring in these members from other agencies. This multi - agency model is imperative for response to dangerous situations in the town requiring a SOU action. Recommendation: I recommend that the Town Council support the IGA for continuing Special Operations partnership with the Eagle County Sheriffs Office, Vail Police Department, and Eagle Police Department. Alternatives: The Police Department has served as a member of the Eagle County SOU Team for over three years. This partnership has brought resources to the Town of Avon to suppress dangerous situations requiring a tactical response. By not partnering in this Team, response • • Page 2 it • • • to tactical situations would still occur, but not with members of the Avon Police Department. This was the case prior to Avon Police participation on the SOU Team. Proposed Motion: "I move to approve the Inter Agency Agreement between the Town of Avon, Town of Vail, Town of Eagle, and Eagle County on behalf of the Eagle County Sheriffs Office for the continued operation of a Joint Special Operations Unit. Town Manager Comments: Attachments: J /),X- IGA between the Town of Avon, Town of Vail, Town of Eagle, and Eagle County on behalf of the Eagle County Sheriffs Office for the continued operation of a Joint Special Operations Unit. • Page AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON, TOWN OF VAIL, TOWN OF EAGLE, AND EAGLE COUNTY ON BEHALF OF THE • EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FOR THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF A JOINT SPECIAL OPERATIONS UNIT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into between the Town of Avon, Town of Vail, Town of Eagle, and Eagle County on behalf of the Eagle County Sheriff's Department, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties" and is effective April 12, 2011. WITHNESSETH: WHEREAS, intergovernmental agreements to provide functions or services, including the sharing of cost of such services or functions by political subdivisions of the State of Colorado are specifically authorized by §29 -1 -203 and §30 -11 -101, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, and Article XIV, Section 18, of the Colorado Constitution; and, WHEREAS, the Parties hereto are each authorized to lawfully provide, establish, maintain and operate law enforcement and other emergency services; and, WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Parties to maintain uniform equipment, training, policies and procedures, and personnel standards, pertaining to each other's tactical and negotiations team so that each may have the service of the other Parties to aid, and assist it in exceptional instances when other than standard police procedures and weapons are required; and, WHEREAS, the Parties desire to continue a multi agency Eagle County Sheriff's • Department Special Weapons, Tactics and Negotiations Team, hereinafter referred to as Eagle County Special Operations Unit ( "SOU Team "); and, WHEREAS, continuation of a joint SOU Team through this Intergovernmental Agreement ( "Agreement') provides a public purpose and will promote the safety, security, and general welfare of the inhabitants of Avon, other municipalities and Eagle County. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises and covenants of the Parties set forth herein, it is mutually agreed by and between each of the Parties as follows: Article 5, Title 29, of the Colorado Revised Statues, as amended, is incorporated herein by this reference. Article 5, Title 29, shall control in the event of a conflict between it and this Agreement. 2. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement provides for the joint exercise by the Parties of the function of service provided herein, but does not establish a separate legal entity to do so, nor does this Agreement establish any employee of any Party as an agent of any other Party for any purpose whatsoever. This Agreement shall provide only for sharing in in -kind services and costs by the Parties toward the establishment of a common mutual goal, said goal being the continued development of the SOU Team, to be utilized 2011 Intergovernmental Agreement for SOU Page 1 of 6 v in exceptional instances when other than standard police procedures and weapons are required. 3. Each Party agrees, subject to the limitations herein set forth, to aid and assist the other, by causing and permitting its law enforcement personnel and its equipment to be used in responding to emergencies and exceptional instances which occur in the jurisdiction of the other such as but not limited to: barricaded armed individuals: hostage situations; execution of high risk warrant service; riotous crowd control; threat of potential sniper activities; terrorist incidents; or other exceptional instances when other than standard police procedures and weapons are needed, in the jurisdiction serviced by one Party which are beyond the control of the police or sheriff's department of that Party. The need for rush aid and assistance shall be determined by the Chiefs of Police and the Sheriff (or their designees) requesting assistance, and upon such request the Parties agree that the Party receiving such a request must respond as timely as possible. It is understood and agreed that each Party shall maintain appropriate personnel and funding in support of their Agreement. All Parties shall, however, be excused from making its equipment and services available to the other in the event of the need of such equipment or personnel in its jurisdiction. A Party's decision as to the availability or equipment or services shall be conclusive. 4. It is understood and agreed that each Party specifically authorizes the Chief of Police and the Sheriff of its law enforcement agency to establish, maintain and implement, mutually agreed upon policies and procedures governing uniform equipment, training and • personnel standards required to operationalize this Agreement, subject to the following: a) It is understood and agreed that such mutually agreed upon policies and procedures shall require that each Party shall maintain a level of personnel and equipment necessary to safely and effectively deploy the SOU Team during exceptional instances when other than standard police procedures and weapons are required to meet its obligations under this Agreement. b) Officers assigned or appointed to the tactical team portion of the SOU Team shall successfully pass and maintain mutually agreed upon performance standards such as firearm qualifications and physical fitness standards. Officers assigned or appointed to the negotiating team portion of the SOU Team shall be required to complete physical fitness standards as well as maintain the performance standards for firearm qualifications set by the Parties respective law enforcement agency. c) An officer who has passed the performance standards is not eligible for appointment to the SOU Team unless the Chiefs of Police and the Sheriff agree to such assignment. Any officer assigned to the SOU Team may be removed from the SOU Team at any time, with or without cause, at the request of their respective Chief of Police or Sheriff. • 2011 Intergovernmental Agreement for SOU Page 2 of 6 d) Officers assigned to the SOU Team shall be subject to the supervision of the supervisor and command personnel assigned to the SOU Team regardless of which Parties assigned the supervisor or officer to the SOU Team. 0 e) The Chief Executives (or their designees) from the participating agencies shall establish uniform policies, rules, procedures, and promulgate such, establish an annual operating budget for each participating agency to provide funds for equipment, weapons, ammunitions, uniforms, and training and personnel costs and oversee operational and administrative matters of concern to the SOU Team. The Chief Executives shall give operational authority for implementation of policies, rules, and procedures to the SOU Team command officers, to include team commander and team leaders. The operating budget shall be the responsibility of the individual participating agencies with collective responsibility for agreed upon liabilities and expenditures. f) It is understood and agreed that should significant disciplinary action be required as direct result of an officer's involvement or participation in the SOU Team, disciplinary action shall be the responsibility of their respective Chief of Police or Sheriff and not the SOU Team command officers. The SOU Team command officers may coach and counsel a team member on minor team related violations. SOU Team command officers may recommend more significant discipline or request the removal of the officer from the SOU Team. The officer's continued involvement in the joint SOU Team, however, shall be subject to the unanimous approval of the Chiefs of Police and the Sheriff. • g) It is understood and agreed that should an exceptional instance arise requiring the response of the joint SOU Team, the requesting Party shall be in command of the incident. Tactical operations involving the SOU Team shall remain the responsibility of supervisory and command personnel assigned to the SOU Team and shall follow the SOU Team chain of command. h) The Chief Executives shall meet on a quarterly annual basis with the SOU Team Commander to review current operations. 5. Each Party shall, at all times, be responsible for its own costs incurred in the performance of this Agreement. 6. Any claims against any Party, their Boards, Councils, employees or agents, incurred as a result of any act or omission by that Party or its employees and agents pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, and the provisions of §29 -5 -103, §29 -5 -104 and §29 -5 -108, Colorado Revised Statutes, shall follow the provisions of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Article 10, Title 24, Colorado Revised Statutes. 2011 Intergovernmental Agreement for SOU Page 3 of 6 • .✓ 7. Each Party agrees not to allow any other Sheriff s Department or Municipal Police • Department to join in this Agreement except with approval of the agency Chief Executives. 8. Each Party shall provide the other Parties written evidence of general liability and police professional liability coverage for an amount not less than the amount of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Article 10, Title 24, Colorado Revised Statutes, for protection from claims for bodily injury, death, property damage or personal injury which may arise through the execution of this Agreement. Receipt of such evidence shall be acknowledged by each Party prior to the commencement of this Agreement. 9. It is understood and agreed by the Parties hereto that if any part, term or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or in conflict with any law of the State of Colorado, the validity of the remaining portions or provision shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be, construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular part, term or provision held to be invalid 10. Each and every term, provision or condition herein is subject to and shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of Colorado law, the Charters of all Parties, and the ordinances and regulations enacted pursuant thereto. 11. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of each of the Parties • hereto, except that no Party may assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other Parties. 12. It is expressly understood and agreed that enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and all rights of action relating to such enforcement, shall be strictly reserved to the named Parties hereto, and nothing contained in this Agreement shall give or allow any such claim or right of action by any third person. It is the expressed intention of the named Parties that any person other than the named Parties receiving services or benefits under this Agreement shall be deemed to be an incidental beneficiary only. 13. The Parties enter into this Agreement as separate, independent governmental entities and shall maintain such status throughout. 14. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement of the parties. The Parties shall not be bound by or liable for any statement, representation, promise, inducement or understanding of any kind or nature not set forth herein. No changes, amendments or modifications of any kind or nature not set forth herein. No changes, amendments or modifications of any kind of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be valid unless reduced to writing and singed by all Parties. • 2011 Intergovernmental Agreement for SOU Page 4 of 6 NL 15. Any Party hereto may terminate this Agreement with or without cause upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other Party. This Agreement shall remain in force and • effect until terminated by one of the Parties. 16. Obligations of each Party, respectively, after the current fiscal year are contingent upon funds for the purpose set forth in this Agreement being appropriated, budgeted and otherwise made available. 17. This Agreement shall be executed by all Parties with separate signature pages. [signature page follows] 2011 Intergovernmental Agreement for SOU Page 5 of 6 • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Avon has executed this Agreement on this day of , 2011. 4 _ TOWN OF AVON Rich Carroll, Mayor IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Vail has executed this Agreement on this day of '2011. TOWN OF VAIL Richard Cleveland, Mayor IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Eagle has executed this Agreement on this day of , 2011. TOWN OF EAGLE 3 Edward Woodland, Mayor IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Eagle County has executed this Agreement on this day of , 2011. EAGLE COUNTY Joe Hoy, Sheriff 40 2011 Intergovernmental Agreement for SOU Page 6 of 6