11-22-2010 Nottingham Power Plant Stabilization Project Phase I AddendumTO Town of Awn ATTN : Matt Pielsficker DATE. November 22, 20:10 RE- Nottingham Power: Plant Stabilization/Restoration P`r ject: PRASE I (Addmduw� oj Tie Torn of Avon Au4 Wrad U ai College -(C Q­ag,* faxeVise..A' between th Town ,o eement b W 00W in ;gT N ing m -Po t(h of Avon and CMC, dated. September 8�. .2008 to: Stabilize and R. es ore the otti � wer . PI an j o Project) as f PHE I PART 8 S.cope of Work CW shall furnis h all of t7 e material arid' parf r�rm all of the Mr-k on, the Proj.*d,&t iii accordance with the scope desdribed herein and the ter*sof :I$ AgVeemewi L. Restore waterwheel; o CMC will r=ove the remaining parts of the waterwheel from, thasit.elo the woodshop oA the CMC Lead Timberlifte ca to &hablieliqstorAiion� 6 Gmc, will repair and restore :the cast .iron wheels and' axle of the watemheel. Q. The paddles will. be:reeqnstructed:us-ing-the specified woods and fitted to the vdieel after ,completion.of the: cast .irdn repairs, and restorati cr The: paddles will be removed in. order to - transport the wheel to- the site : when water lev ols allow m�. 2* 0*. ll 0 CK will have the restored waterwheel transported back, to the site, 0 CMC WiIre_=�tall the paddles : afterthe waterwhml has been placed' its reconstructed timber. carriage. " -2. CMC'�§ H ist Pte V 6 o* Program will, perform the Work ft. the Project danc h Th e �s in accor , e wi th rid 0 1 Secretary qfthe.JkI&iors Standardsforthe Trea4m4ntofRI'storic Properties, 3. Coti iA t B q . 1woun, for PfUS.E f PART is B.' $7 4. Copapldi6n of Work CW_ shall-have the Wheel and paddles ready .for ..fb tran ort to Avon.and to- . , installation 111 coordination with the owite reeoust m. work. on or before Sept=bpr 1, 201 5: CMC Nvill invoice -the. Town of 'Avon for, and. the Town of Ayoa shall pay; 50% of the contract amount upon completion of the restoration of the water wheel (wheel spokes re- attached to ante), reconstruction oftbe paddles anti pre - fitting of the paddies. to the wheels, Completed work will be verified with photographs.. The balance of the - contract sball be Invoic and paid upon teftirn ofthe waterwheel with paddles ready for reinstallation on the. reconstructed timber framewo& , - Ims addendum authorizes CMC to com mience Plasie 1, Raft: Thubatino CaWpUs.: 61.901 US HW 2-4 South ik Loo&flfe, 00: 8*0461 i 719-486,20-15 www,edt� domtn.edu The parties signify their agreement with this Addendum. by their signatures below., FOR: COL=OLLEGE BY: By S re WRTAptlfority) Stev!a Rqd .01 r,40- #A�VM contracts Manager TrME: DATE 2- TownseadR. Andetson, Director Historic Preservation Program Colorado'40untain College 901 8.14ighWay 24 Leadvillb, CO 80461 - 71.9-48642-30 tanderson@eoloradomtn...,edu, TrrLE DATE: 2