02-10-2009 Avon Public Works & Transportation Facility Design WorkMemo To: Avon Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Jennifer Strehler, P.E., Director of Public Works Date: February 10, 2009 Re: Avon Public Works & Transportation Facilities — Design Services Contract Amendment Summary: Council approval is requested to amend the professional services contract to CDM, Inc. to authorize work to proceed on the design development (DD) phase for the Swift Gulch site. This work will result in a DD deliverable and supporting documentation which is critically needed at this time to support state and federal grant funding requirements and is a necessary next step in this capital project, regardless of when it is constructed. This contract amendment and associated exhibits are attached. The original agreement plus these amendment documents have been reviewed by the Town Attorney. A commitment to contribute to planning and design of the project has been provided by Eagle County in the form of an Intergovern mental Agreement (IGA). Separate Council action is requested on the IGA. Previous Council Actions: • Presentation of Options for Use of Swift Gulch and Village Site from Master Plan Information (August 28, 2007) • Award of the Design Contract to Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. funding authorized for Conceptual Design Phase work only (April 8, 2008) • Staff update on the schematic design (June 10, 2008) • P&Z Meeting and Site Tour (June 17, 2008) • CIP Budget approved including $1,200,000 for design work (less $522,000 revenue from the County) for project #13009 in 2009 (November 2008) • Work session discussing grant funding (January 27, 2009) Discussion: Facilities are needed at the Swift Gulch Site to allow the town to continue to operate and maintain the existing and future transit service and public infrastructure for the next 20 years as development progresses toward the vision defined by the Comprehensive Plan. Co- sharing with ECO Transit of the transit facilities to be constructed during Phase 1 (aka, the "ECO /Avon Joint Regional Transit Operations Facility") is anticipated. The previously awarded professional services contract (April, 2008) provides for all engineering and design services through bidding of construction contract documents. However, the initial Notice to Proceed was limited to the schematic design, site surveying, geotechnical investigation, environmental permitting, solar power feasibility assessment, and LEED merit analysis for the conceptual phase. A conceptual design was produced which acts as a starting point for architectural and engineering design development (DD). The amended contract authorizes the following work by the consultant: • Production of a DD deliverable covering all facilities expected through full build -out of the Swift Gulch site • Presentations of the DD work at Town Council meeting and at the Planning and Zoning Commission • Estimate of Probable Construction Costs (based on the DD deliverable) • Development of a procurement plan and schedule for Phase 1 • Assistance with estimating costs for temporary facilities for town operations during construction of Phase 1 • Grant/contracting support for Phase 1 Meetings with FTA, CDOT and the County regarding Phase 1 This work is needed at this time so that the project remains eligible for state and federal grant funding. Note that the resulting deliverables will be valuable regardless of the timing for grant awards or project execution. It is important to note that the following services are not included in this contract amendment but may be needed in the future: • Production of construction drawings and specifications • Production of Request for Proposals or other bid -type documents • Planning, design, permitting, or site investigation activities which may be needed for the Village Site (current site of Stone Creek School) to support temporary facilities during construction of the Swift Gulch Site • Engineering assistance during bidding or construction The project has passed all environmental permitting hurdles with the Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency. A Categorical Exclusion is anticipated from FTA. The first phase of the project, Phase 1, is expected to receive a substantial grant award from FTA and possibly also from the state. To remain eligible for pending grant awards, the project must make substantial progress in DD and preparation of procurement documents in early 2009. If Economic Stimulus Funds are awarded to the project, it will probably be necessary to initiate construction work in 2009 (e.g., August) so that a federal 180 day grant obligation milestone requirement can be met. The bulk of the construction work is anticipated during the period April 2010 -July 2011. The Town Attorney has reviewed the original agreement plus these amendment documents. Amendment No. 1 acts as a supplement to the original agreement; it authorizes the additional work and clarifies the cost -plus -fixed fee billing methodology to be used. Financial Implications: The budget for the original Agreement and authorized initial phase of work was $613,610. The consultant expects to complete this originally authorized work about 14% under budget and has agreed to reduce the not -to- exceed cap on the original Agreement by $85,774.05. This professional services contract amendment brings the total authorization to CDM, Inc. to $868, 935.95, this is calculated as follows: Original Contract Amount $613,610.00 Less Cost Savings from Original Contract ($85,774.05) Plus Services for Amendment No. 1 $341,100.00 Total Amended Contract Value $868,935.95 • Page 2 Of this total contract value, $408,250.72 was spent in FY2008 and the remaining $460,685.23 is budgeted for expenditure in FY2009. The FY2009 CIP budget currently includes $1,200,000 for design development and production of construction drawings (CDs) with a County contribution of $522,000 (for a net town cost of $678,000 budgeted in FY2009). However, we are only authorizing DD at this time (and not production of CDs), so we have only asked the County to contribute $284,000 in FY2009 as their portion of the costs from planning through the DD phase. Thus the net town budget expenditure in FY2009 for this project through DD is expected to be $176,685.23 (calculated as $460,685.23 — $284,000 = $176,685.23). Note that all costs incurred under this contract to date (including the originally authorized services and those included in this Amendment No. 1) should be eligible for reimbursement from FTA as provided for in our Letter of No Prejudice dated 7/1/2008, once grant funds are actually awarded. Staff does not recommend amending the town's FY2009 CIP budget for this project at this time because additional project work will be necessary iftwhen grant funds are awarded to this project. If this happens in 2009, then additional professional services support will be needed and amendments would be necessary to both the consulting contract and to the IGA with the County. Thus, staff believes it would be better for the Council to wait until mid -year to amend the town's CIP budget as necessary for this project. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the professional services contract amendment to CDM, Inc. for additional services and revision of the total not -to -exceed contract value to $868,935.95. Proposed Motion: Move to approve Amendment No. 1 to the existing Design Services Contract for the Public Works and Transportation Facility to CDM, Inc. and the associated increase in the contract value to a new not -to- exceed cap of $868,935.95. Town Manager Comments: c Attachments: Contract Amendment No. 1 (including Exhibits A through D) • Page 3 Attachment 1 Contract Amendment No.1 for Professional Services for the Public Works & Transportation Facilities Exhibit A: Town of Avon Standard Provisions (Remains unchanged from Agreement except as stated in Amendment No. 1) FM A -1 TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit B Scope of Services — Design Development Introduction /Overview CDM, along with CDM's team member subconsultants, is in the process of completing Schematic Design (SD) for the Swift Gulch facilities for Transit and Public Works Improvements. CDM will provide technical services to complete he following detailed scope of work through Design Development (DD) for all Phases and through 100% Construction Documents for Phase I as described below. Additional services for subsequent work and /or phases can be provided by further amendment(s) to this agreement. Anticipated future amendments, and their timing, are provided on Page 2 of this Amendment. Based on direction from the Town of Avon regarding the results of Schematic Design, the Project Construction Phases include: Phase I: • Upper Yard and Middle Yard Improvements including development of the Swift Gulch site as a whole to prepare the site for acceptance of Transit and Public Works buildings • Transit and Public Works Administration Building including the underground parking garage • New Fuel Island • Bus Storage Facility (including bus wash and fluid top -off area) • Trash and Enclosure Phase II: • Upper Yard Large Equipment Storage Building • Cinder Storage (structural walls and cover) ■ Materials Bunkers Phase III: ■ Shops Building Phase IV: ■ Car Wash Proposed future amendments to this agreement follow the phasing and staging described above and as directed by Town of Avon staff. Following is an anticipated schedule of amendments as they relate to the aforementioned phasing: 0 B -1 TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary Project Contracting Plan* *Schedule is contingent on timing of grant funding awards. Anticipated NTP Contract # Description Date Original Schematic Design (All Phases) 4/8/2008 Agreement Amendment Design Development (All Phases) February 2009 #1 Amendment 100% Construction Documents (Phase 1); Bid assistance Summer 2009 #2 (future) (Phase 1); Contract Administration (Phase 1); Resident Meetings, Presentations and QA Schedule Engineer Services Phase 1 Amendment Construction Documents (Phase ll) including Bid Assistance Spring 2011 #3 (future) and Contract Administration Amendment Construction Documents (Phase III) including Bid Assistance Spring 2012 #4 (future) and Contract Administration Amendment Construction Documents (Phase IV) including Bid Assistance TBD #5 future and Contract Administration Task O.a - Genera! Project Management Construction Plan Summary Construction Work Content Period Phase Task 0.b- Project K6* Plan and Quality Management Plan I ECO /Avon Joint Regional Transit Facilities Au '09 to Oct'12 II Large Equipment and Cinder Storage Apr "13 to Oct " III Shops Building Apr'14 to Oct'14 IV Car Wash April 3 to Aug '13 *Schedule is contingent on timing of grant funding awards. L] TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK � Project Task Summary including Deliverables, o 1 s m Meetings, Presentations and QA Schedule .2 g H r o $ y ° Deliverables Task 0 - DD Project Management Task O.a - Genera! Project Management Task 0.b- Project K6* Plan and Quality Management Plan QMP Project Work Plan Task Ox - Project Meetings Contained witten TasWSubtasks Task 5 - Design Development (DD) Task 5a - Prepare Facility DD documents 1 1 Design Development Plans Preliminary Site dimension plan (see task S.b) Deep utility plan with schematic routes (see task 8.b) Grading plan with general drainage (see taste 6.b) Bldg floor plans, elevations, sections and renderings Systems Diagrams Material sample boards Guide Specifications for intent Improved OPC Task 5.b- DD Submittal Reduction 1 11 1 Revised Final DD plans and documents as detail in Task 2b Task 5.0- Revise DO submittal and Submit for Approval 1 Revised Final DD plans and documents as detail in Task 2c Revised Cost Estimate (all phases) Task 12 - Project Facilitiation, Funding and Budgeting Budgets, RFP documents and strategic phasing plans Meet with FTA Task 13 - Civil /Site Engineering and Surveying Task 13.a- Civil ite (Preliminary Design - DD) 1 v v Concept Grading plans (SD) Preliminary Skedimension plan Deep utility plan with schematic routes Grading plan with general drainage Outline Civil Specs at SD Grade CMI Specs at Design Development L] TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary Description of Tasks Note: Task numbers are consistent with those original eleven tasks which were specified in the Agreement. New tasks are identified and have been numbered "0" for project management and "12" and later numbers for newly identified tasks. Task 0 - Project Management (This task was previously distributed across all of the tasks in the Agreement. The Town has requested project management activities be listed as a definitive task.) Purpose and Approach For this DD Phase, this task will provide project administration, budget control, progress meetings and workshops, resource management and coordination of all project activities to properly manage the design budget from beginning to end. This effort will also include quality assurance /quality control (QA/QC) procedures and technical reviews. Although described separately here for clarity, the general design services activities will be performed under the subsequent Tasks 2 through 6. Task O.a — General Project Management CDM will provide overall project direction as well as daily project administration, hard copy and electronic file management. Day -to -day responsibilities include resource management, subconsultant contract management, monitoring, and management of costs, development, and submittal of invoices and monthly progress reports as well as schedule management. Task O.b — Project Work Plan and Quality Management Plan Quality management will be assured through direct application of CDM's project delivery system, QMP - 1, which encompasses quality, budget, and schedule parameters, and provides the basis from which a project can be continually monitored. At the start of the project, CDM will prepare a Project Work Plan (PMP) and Quality Management Plan (QMP) that outlines how the work will be completed. The project work plan will include a project description, team organization and communication protocols, the project QMP, the project scope of work and schedule along with any comment response forms. Additional items in the PMP would include CDM's project filing index (paper and electronic), CAD document layering protocol, and any standardized drawing mark -up or text editing procedures to be used by the team when reviewing work products. The project work plan will also discuss the monthly progress reports that CDM will submit to the Town. The QMP for this project will pervade every aspect of the project and includes the establishment of a Technical Review Committee (TRC), which will include CDM Team members as well as key members of Town staff. Several different types and levels of quality management will be applied to the various components of the project through the design phase. The plan will include checking and review procedures, calculations, and communication. In the event that an FTA compliant Project Management Plan is required, CDM will provide this plan in the appropriate format for the Town of Avon's incorporation. Im Am TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary Task O.c — Project Meetings CDM will organize, direct, and facilitate project meetings during the programming and design process. It is CDM's responsibility to provide adequate notice to the Town for meeting space arrangements. In an effort to streamline meetings and project communications, the project management team has included an allowance for and will investigate the use of video conferencing equipment. Progress Meetings CDM will facilitate progress meetings with team members, including designated Town staff for purposes of coordinating the project criteria, budgets and schedule. Progress meetings are intended as interim meetings so that the team maintains a common purpose during the design process. Design Presentation Meetings The CDM Team will prepare design presentations at the direction of the Town for the purpose of conveying the project intent to interested Town parties. Presentations will be made on behalf of the project to the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Board and the Town Council. One presentation during both the Design Development and Construction Documents phases of design are included subject to the direction of Town staff. The CDM Architecture team will prepare the presentation agendas and materials. The Design Presentation Meetings will be held at a Town location. Task 12 — Project Facilitation, Funding and Budgeting (new task) During the course of the Design Development Phase, CDM's project manager under direction from town staff will assist with strategic phasing and budgeting, evaluation of funding and grant alternatives along with maintaining the project cycle for either the minimal implementation or for the ultimate implementation dependent on participation by local, state and federal agencies. Under direction from town staff, CDM will identify procurement processes and assist with scheduling on an "as needed" basis so far as budget allows. Deliverables • One hard copy, one original file format copy, and one PDF copy of the Project Work Plan • One hard copy, one original file format copy, and one PDF copy of the Quality Management Plan • Facilitation of an electronic file room for file exchange • Coordination and facilitation of an invoicing format template To be provided by Town of Avon • Coordination and arrangements for workshop and meeting locations • Coordination for scheduling Review Authority and Council and Town staff meetings • Two -week review period from deliverable received date and provision of comments on submittals Task 5 — Design Development (DD) (this description replaces that stated for Task 5 in the Agreement) I 0C MI. TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary Purpose and Approach CDM will provide DD services that encompass general project refinement and definition for both site and facilities. The DD phase is a common architectural description for the resulting project definition; this level of design is approximately equivalent to a 25 -30% engineering level. The concepts developed in SD will be "made real" with dimensionality, programmatic refinements, architectural renderings and other specifics. The DD will: • Fix and describe the size, character and configuration of site and facilities • Develop detailed system descriptions • Provide a refined Opinion of Probable Construction Cost • Validate project schedule, phases, and implementation • Prepare "Special' visualization (i.e. renderings) deliverables as directed Task 5.a Prepare Facility DD Documents Based on the approved SD (included in the Program Design Report), CDM will incorporate Town comments on the SD submittal and prepare the following for the facility: ■ DD Drawings illustrating, in expanded detail, site and floor plans, elevations, sections, architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, fire /life safety, and security requirements. CDM will prepare additional drawings as required to illustrate interior and exterior treatments. ■ Develop project guide specifications arranged in the traditional 16 division Construction Specification Institute (CSI) format. ■ Architectural Rendering of Building (Exterior): CDM will prepare a computer - generated Architectural Perspective Rendering of the site and facilities. ■ Material Sample Boards: CDM will prepare preliminary sample boards for major exterior and interior materials. Samples will be of adequate size to indicate texture and color. ■ Sustainability Merit Analysis (LEED checklist). The project will be registered with the USGBC (US Green Building Council). At this time, an evaluation of all projected points (LEED) will be confirmed. Incorporation of all projected and achievable points to reach LEED Silver rating for the Administration Building will be studied and sought out. This will require multiple discipline interaction and, upon this onset, will need to be strictly adhered to through this stage an final design. ■ Opinion of Probable Construction Cost refined to indicating quantities and unit cost by CSI divisions and in the format approved by the Town. ■ Conduct a constructability review of the plans prior to Task 3.b and offer value engineering suggestions for inclusion during the future preparation of CDs. Task 5.b DD Submittal Production CDM will prepare Plans and Guide Specifications in compliance with the approved Schematic Documents as determined and approved by the Town. Preliminary specifications will be standard format guide specifications including only that information required to convey the intent for the project. L- TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary See Deliverables section for detailed list of DD deliverables. Task 5.c Revise DD Submittal and Submit for Approval CDM will revise and submit the documents as approved by the Town. Upon approval from the Town CDM will proceed with development of Construction Documents. CDM assumes that no more than one cycle of comments and revisions will be necessary for approvals. The commenting and review period will be limited to a two -week window upon reception of the DD submittal to maintain our aggressive timetable. Deliverables The following deliverables and design documents will be included in the DD phase for review, comment, and approval by the Town: ■ One full size set of the DD drawings including site development and facilities. ■ Twenty 8 -1/2" x 11" copy of preliminary specifications for the project ■ Twenty half -size (11"x 17 ") plan sets ■ A complete List of Drawings and Table of Contents for specifications (This deliverable will included a list of drawings and specifications which will be needed in the future full Construction Documents set but all of these drawings may not be included within the Design Development deliverable). ■ One 8 -1/2" x 11" copy of the Construction Cost Estimate ■ One 8 -1/2" x 11" copy of the written documentation and design summary describing all energy efficiency systems and sustainability issues addressed in the DD documents, including an updated LEED checklist ■ Samples of all major interior and exterior materials mounted on illustration board. Material samples shall be of adequate size to indicate texture and color ■ Architectural perspective rendering of site and key buildings (Administration, Shops, and Bus Storage) ■ Copies of the project plans, reports and specifications in electronic format — One copy in PDF format — One copy in original file format The Town will provide consolidated comments within 2 weeks. Meetings Up to three progress meetings will be conducted during the DD phase. At the direction of the Town, up to one presentation is included during the DD phase. Assumptions ■ Assumptions from the Original Agreement apply IV TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary • Costs are budgetary only • Systems diagrams during DD are to convey intent for detailed coordination in later design phases • Structural design during DD includes simple structural analysis to address cost and constructability considerations for planned buildings • Final design for solar power interconnects for Phase I buildings is not included • Efforts for Final Design will be addressed within future contract amendments ■ All buildings except for the Administration Building will be pre- engineered building construction. ■ FF &E is limited to administrative furnishings and does not include industrial and maintenance equipment. FF &E will be included in the cost estimates as an allowance. During the DD phase, CDM will assist the Town of Avon in identifying additional industrial and maintenance equipment that may be required as a result of construction or phasing. ■ International Building Code (2006 edition) will remain as the basis for construction documents for Phase 1 buildings. Task 13 — Civil /Site Preliminary Engineering (new task) The general scope of work includes: ■ DD documents for the Swift Gulch site (Phases I through IV) Task 13.a — Preliminary Design for the Swift Gulch Site CDM's civil /site engineering consultant will complete a preliminary set of civil documents. These documents will include: • Preliminary Grading Plan with proposed contours, spot elevations at critical • locations, plan and profile of main access road, and proposed drainage structure • locations • Preliminary Erosion and Sediment Control (or SWMP) Plan with general • locations of proposed erosion controls • Preliminary Site dimension plan • Preliminary Utility Plan with vertical and horizontal information (no profiles at • Preliminary stage). • Preliminary Striping and Marking Plan • Preliminary Drainage Report • Preliminary Stormwater Management Report • Preliminary outline civil specifications • Details as necessary to understand the preliminary design intent (such as proposed pavement section(s)). This task includes up to ten grading and site plan iterations at the beginning of the DD Phase in an effort to achieve the most effective site /earthwork balance. During this stage, CDM's civil /site engineering subconsultant will begin coordination with utility providers as needed to accommodate the preliminary design. Task 13.b - Site Phasing Plan and Overlot Grading Plan 11'3 MIN TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary CDM's civil /site engineering subconsultant has included allowances to prepare Site Phasing Plans and Overlot grading plans in the event that funding or scheduling requirements of the Town dictate that site development and grading work need to be constructed separately from building construction. Task 13.c - Meetings The budget assumes that the civil /site engineer will be required to attend regular project meetings throughout the design sequence. The budget presented represents approximately four meetings for the Design Development phase. END EXHIBIT B M. [ TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary Amended Contract Amount a. Original Contract Amount - $613,610.00 b. Less Cost Savings from Original Contract - ($85,774.05) c. Additional Services amount - $341,100.00 d. Total Amended Contract Amount - $868,935.95 Project Billings All tasks will be billed to the Town of Avon at cost plus a pro -rated portion of the total fixed profit ($31,100, which is included in the summary budget for line items above). Invoices will pro -rate the fee over the course of the work based on progress to date using an invoice format and profit calculation method that is acceptable to both the Town and CDM. In the event that scope is increased, budgets and fixed profit will be increased accordingly by amendment. The numbers indicated are round figures based on detailed estimates for the work to be provided. The project budget will be managed at the task and project level. CDM labor costs will be invoiced based on salary costs for professionals working on the project times the annual audited breakeven multiplier (see tables herein for example list of project staff and current rates). The current breakeven multiplier is 2.82. Escalation for hourly rates is not included. At the option of the Town of Avon, any expenses in excess of $500.00 will require pre approval by Town of Avon Staff. The project duration is anticipated to be about ten months from mid- February 2009 through December 2009 such that costs will be billed monthly as incurred. C C -1 TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Task Description Budget Additional Services ® 5 Design Development $ 267,400.00 ® 12 Project Facilitation, Funding & Budgeting $ 25,300.00 ® 13 Preliminary Engineering - Civil $ 48,400.00 Total $341,100.00 Amended Contract Amount a. Original Contract Amount - $613,610.00 b. Less Cost Savings from Original Contract - ($85,774.05) c. Additional Services amount - $341,100.00 d. Total Amended Contract Amount - $868,935.95 Project Billings All tasks will be billed to the Town of Avon at cost plus a pro -rated portion of the total fixed profit ($31,100, which is included in the summary budget for line items above). Invoices will pro -rate the fee over the course of the work based on progress to date using an invoice format and profit calculation method that is acceptable to both the Town and CDM. In the event that scope is increased, budgets and fixed profit will be increased accordingly by amendment. The numbers indicated are round figures based on detailed estimates for the work to be provided. The project budget will be managed at the task and project level. CDM labor costs will be invoiced based on salary costs for professionals working on the project times the annual audited breakeven multiplier (see tables herein for example list of project staff and current rates). The current breakeven multiplier is 2.82. Escalation for hourly rates is not included. At the option of the Town of Avon, any expenses in excess of $500.00 will require pre approval by Town of Avon Staff. The project duration is anticipated to be about ten months from mid- February 2009 through December 2009 such that costs will be billed monthly as incurred. C C -1 TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary CDM Direct Labor Raw Rate by EmWovee* " Employees Description Raw Rate Markup (2.82) Armstrong, R Principal in Charge $ 79.63 $224.56 Galindo, E Lead Architect $ 75.77 $213.67 O'Donnell, W Regional Quality Manager $ 68.30 $192.61 Aviles, R Sr. Elec. Engineer $ 66.19 $186.66 Britt, G Sr. PM $ 60.24 $169.88 Blomberg, P Sr. Structural Engineer $ 57.70 $162.71 Squibb, B Sr. Structural Engineer $ 57.70 $162.71 Swaidan, G Sr. Mechanical Engineer $ 52.89 $149.15 Roethlein, E Sr. Architect $ 50.84 $143.37 King, T Sr. Architect $ 50.44 $142.24 McKee, B Sr. Structural Engineer $ 45.56 $128.48 Borsi, C Contract Administrator $ 41.48 $116.97 Primo, A Project Engineer $ 37.60 $106.03 Sautter, N Staff Engineer $ 37.06 $104.51 Reed, P Sr. Scientist $ 36.17 $102.00 Donovan, D Contract Administrator $ 32.78 $ 92.44 Russini, E. Project Architect $ 32.70 $ 92.21 Salerno, P Graphics Designer $ 32.46 $ 91.54 Salerno, P Graphics Designer $ 32.46 $ 91.54 Sunyoger, R Project Architect $ 30.63 $ 86.38 Sautter, N Project Structural Engineer $ 29.40 $ 82.91 Blomberg, P Project Engineer $ 26.87 $ 75.77 Crowley, J Project Engineer $ 26.87 $ 75.77 Simpson, K Designer $ 25.53 $ 71.99 Hartz, J Administration $ 25.49 $ 71.88 Graves, J AES Clerical $ 24.76 $ 69.82 Schuetz, L Project Architect $ 24.06 $ 67.85 Marlovits, J Architectural Designer $ 22.88 $ 64.52 Schaaf, A Architectural Designer $ 21.66 $ 61.08 Malone, W Administration $ 19.75 $ 55.70 Barnes, M Administration $ 18.63 $ 52.54 Manweiler, B Administration $ 18.44 $ 52.00 Dreese, R Architectural Designer $ 18.27 $ 51.52 Joos, M Administration $ 17.00 $ 47.94 Smith, S Clerical $ 16.50 $ 46.53 Mackay III, J Junior Architect $ 11.16 $ 31.47 *CDMrates are to be invoiced based on the raw labor rate of the individual performing the work times the breakeven multiplier of 2.82. ** Billing Rates are subject to annual increase as appropriate to remain market - competitive. C C -2 TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit C Cost Budget Summary Inter Mountain Engineering Billing Rates * ' ** Principal Engineer $140.00/hr Project Manager $120.00/hr Senior Engineer $105.00/hr Project Engineer $95.00/hr Design Engineer $85.00/hr Field Engineer $75.00 /hr Surveyor $105.00/hr Survey Crew without GPS $135.00/hr Survey Crew (2 -man) with GPS $155.00/hr Survey Crew (1 -man) with GPS $130.00/hr Senior Technician $85.00 /hr Technician $75.00/hr Technical Typist $40.00 /hr * Billing rates for Intermountain Engineering and other sub consultants are included here for information only. Costs incurred by sub consultants are invoiced through CDMas an outside direct cost to the project. ** Billing Rates are subject to annual increase as appropriate to remain market - competitive. I=1ki 117 *:1:11:1k1b] C C -3 TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK Exhibit D Exclusions and Additional Services Following are services that are not included within this Scope of Services. This list is in addition to that previously specified in Exhibit D of the Agreement. CDM is available to provide these services in the event that they become needed by written amendment or other written authorization: ■ Redesign after 50% CD's ■ Grant support other than that specified ■ Geotechnical engineering services ■ Any work not specifically described above U D -1 TOWN OF AVON SCOPE OF WORK AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER This Amendment No. 1 ( "Amendment No. 1") is made and entered into this 10th day of February, 2009 to the Agreement between Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. ( "ENGINEER ") and Town of Avon ( "OWNER ") dated April 15` 2008 (the "Agreement "). WHEREAS, ENGINEER and OWNER entered into the Agreement for the Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation Facilities Project (the "Project) and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement so as to amend the scope of work, time periods of performance and payment, and/or responsibilities of OWNER; and WHEREAS, the Agreement provides that any amendments shall be valid only when expressed in writing and signed by the parties. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual understandings and Agreements contained herein, the parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. The amount of compensation is hereby amended as set forth in the attached Exhibit C: Cost Budget Summary, which shall replace the Exhibit C of the original Agreement in its entirety. 2. The Basic Services of ENGINEER as described in the Agreement are amended and supplemented to include Task #0, Task #5, Task #12, and Task #13 on the attached Exhibit A, Exhibit B and Exhibit C. 3. The responsibilities of OWNER as described in the Agreement are amended and supplemented as specifically described within this Amendment as may be included within attached Exhibit A, Exhibit B and Exhibit C. 4. Task #1 through Task #4 and Task #9 of the scope of work in the original Agreement are completed and are closed to charges. Activities remain to be conducted for Task #6 (LEED) and Task #10 (Solar) and thus Task #6 and Task #10 remain open to charges. 5. Paragraph 5.3 of the Agreement is hereby deleted and Paragraphs 2.10 and 2.11 of Exhibit A: Town of Avon Standard Provisions shall govern and control termination. 6. Paragraph 2.18 of Exhibit A: Town of Avon Standard Provisions of the Agreement is amended to read, "2.18 TERM. The Term of this Agreement shall end on December 31, 2009, unless an extension is requested by either parry and mutually approved in writing by the parties." Except as herein modified, all terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this amendment on the date indicated above for the purpose herein expressed. c gy: Ronald C. Wolfe, ME Date: a /logo`► �lN OF 9 0� ENGINEER: By: Robert G. Armstrong, PE Title: Vice President Address for giving notices: Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, CO 81620 Date: 9 Address for giving notices: 555 17` Street Suite 1100 Denver, CO 80202