02-04-2003 GREAT RACE CONTRACT• Memo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Larry Brooks, Town Manager Fraidy Aber, Meryl Jacobs ' ' 1 2-4-03 Great Race Contract Summary: The Great Race is America's oldest, longest running vintage automobile event. The race changes its route each year. In 2004, it is slated to run from Florida to Monterrey, California, from June 19 - July P. On Monday, June 28`h the Race will travel from Breckenridge to Steamboat Springs, stopping for a pit stop in Avon. The attached contract has been reviewed by Town Attorney John Dunn - and necessary modifications were made. It outlines the agreement for the town to host this visiting event. Financial Implications: The Great Race requires a $1000 fee for Pit Stops. This fee includes ad space in their promotional magazine. Town Manger Comments: \ v Attachments: Contract Requested Action: Great Race contract is attached for council/town manager approval and signature. 0 THE GREAT RACE 2004 PIT STOP CITY HOST AGREEMENT This agreement is between RALLY PARTNERS, INC., a Nevada Corporation (hereinafter "RPI GREAT RACE'), and Town OF Avon (hereinafter "TOA") in regard to "TOA" sponsoring a Pit Stop promotion of The Great Race 2004 (hereinafter "TGR') and related festivities in Avon, Colorado on June 28, 2004. A. "RPI GREAT RACE" and "TOA" Agree to the Following: 1. the name of the event is The Great Race 2004. The official start City is Jacksonville, Florida, and the official finish city is Monterey, California. "TOA" further agrees this wording and corresponding logos as provided and/or approved by "RPI GREAT RACE" will be used by "TOA" in promoting and advertising the event. "RPI GREAT RACE" reserves the right to incorporate the name of a title sponsor into the event name. "TOA" agrees to use the revised event name at the request of "RPI GREAT RACE". 2. any duplication of the event logo and the name of the event must be approved by "RPI GREAT RACE" in writing prior to use. 3. this Agreement is not assignable by either of the parties hereto without the prior written consent of the other party. B. "TOA" AGREES TO: provide a Pit Stop promotion for all "RPI GREAT RACE" staff and participants on June 28, 2004. Number of "RPI GREAT RACE" attendees will not exceed 275. "RPI GREAT RACE" retains the right of final approval for the location and activities of the promotion. 2. submit all media and promotional materials to "RPI GREAT RACE" pertaining to "TGR" for approval in writing prior to use. 3. local event sponsorship and signage will not include alcohol, tobacco and/or sponsors which conflict with "TGR" sponsors. 70A" will secure approval in writing from "RPI GREAT RACE" for host event sponsorship and signage. Pouring rights which are not advertised or recognized as a sponsor are allowed and do not violate this provision. 4. secure approval of local sponsors in writing by "RPI GREAT RACE" prior to their signing. 7 Pit Stop City Host Agreement Avon, Colorado Page 2 of 4 • 5. event venue must be approved by "RPI GREAT RACE." 6. pay "RPI GREAT RACE" a partnership fee of $1,000. The partnership fee will be paid in two installments: • First payment of $500 due February 15, 2004; • Second payment of $500 due May 1, 2004. 7. obtain written approval from "RPI GREAT RACE" for all planned festivities which relate to "TGR" and its participants. Said approval will not be withheld in an unreasonable or untimely manner. 8. promote "TGR" as the major attraction of any and all scheduled festivities on June 28, 2004. 9. provide -the-event-venue~ the-equivalent of-two-,city blocks.-Qn a secured, hard surfac-a-afea -preferably-.in-ere-centinuous-rea Provide-necessary street closures.;--process-and--pay--any -relevant-street-or-c-ity-fnit~;-afd-provide-tr-affic cont-rot-fog t-he-designated-P+t Stop-toca-t` ri and e~-vent venue o e 2$ 2-004;._Tr-afffe-contr ~'~ary, ng-tile 3-hour-time-period-of-th-e- r~l • 10. "RPI GREAT RACE" will make available to "TOA" videotape and photographic material for use in promotional and marketing tools by "TOA". "RPI GREAT RACE" retains the right of approval of any materials containing "RPI GREAT RACE" images. Said approval will not be withheld in an unreasonable or untimely manner. 70A" may use its own photographer for "TGR". 11. provide contact names, addresses, phone and e-mail and arrange meetings for "RPI GREAT RACE" promotional solicitation of local media, which includes primary newspapers, local radio stations, and television affiliates. 12. distribute "RPI GREAT RACE" supplied event posters at appropriate local businesses and locations. 13. distribute media releases to local media and provide assistance in developing media coverage using local interest angles. "TOA" will perform this function at the direction of "RPI GREAT RACE". 14. provide color separations for one-quarter-page 4-color ad in the 2004 edition of The Great Race Souvenir Program no later than April 1, 2004. If separations are not received by that date, "RPI GREAT RACE" will not guarantee publication of "TOA's" ad. • 15. provide refreshments (beverages and snacks) for a maximum of 275 "RPI GREAT RACE" staff and event participants. All "RPI GREAT RACE" staff and event participants are identified by event badges. Pit Stop City Host Agreement Avon, Colorado Page 3 of 4 16. provide public address system for use by local announcers. . 17, indemnify, hold harmless and -defend "RPI GREAT RACE:' and--its_or_their directors, officers, employees; agents, affilsates, prin-cipals,-partrr:Ly-r`s, members, sponsors and shareholders from-any and-atl-toss-"s; dafnaglaimms,, expenses, and-habits es-af ult-ing-rom-any_act,-omission or ngg. gen reeve-nt-conducted in whole-or_in_part by "TOA Rot used-la nce of arAm T(lAnripr tI1P tormC of is Imo' ~q /cam C. IN CONSIDERATION FOR THE ABOVE, "RPI GREAT RACE" WILL: 1. organize and conduct The Great Race 2004 which will start in Jacksonville, Florida on Saturday, June 19, 2004 and finish in Monterey, California on Saturday, July 3, 2004. 2. conduct activities for the June 28, 2004 Pit Stop in Avon, Colorado. 3. identify Avon, Colorado as a Pit Stop in the "TGR" venue list and www.greatrace.com website, and include Avon, Colorado in the 2004 "RPI is GREAT RACE" in-house publicity campaign. 4. provide VIP recognition and photo/speaking opportunities for up to 7 local sponsors and officials during ceremonial medallion presentation in the Event Venue prior to the arrival of the cars. 5. provide a static display of event vehicles accessible to the public in the event venue on June 28, 2004. 6. identify Avon, Colorado as a Pit Stop location on 2004 Great Race printed materials including but not limited to: selected event merchandise, national press releases and media materials, the quarterly Greatracer newsletter, and mentions from Great Race radio promotion partners. 7. allow "TOA" non-conflicting signage rights in the event venue; allow 70A" sampling and/or sales rights in the pit area. The space required for this must be in addition to the required space of the event venue. "RPI GREAT RACE" will conduct sales of Great Race Souvenir Programs and event merchandise in the venue. 8. name 70A" and its major sponsors as an "additional insured" on a $5,000,000 • event liability insurance policy carried by "RPI GREAT RACE". Additional insured wording to be furnished to "RPI GREAT RACE" by May 1, 2004. Pit Stop City Host Agreement Avon, Colorado Page 4 of 4 • 9. indemnify, hold harmless and defend "TOA" and its or their directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, principals, partners, members, sponsors and shareholders from any and all losses, damages, claims, expenses, and liabilities of any kind arising out of or resulting from any act, omission or negligence of "RPI GREAT RACE", its agents and employees, relating an event conducted in whole or in part by "RPI GREAT RACE" and not caused by the act, omission or negligence of any person seeking indemnification from "RPI GREAT RACE" under the terms of this paragraph. 10. cooperate fully with "TOA" and use its best efforts in promoting and publicizing the Pit Stop promotion and related festivities of "TGR" in Avon, Colorado. 11. provide one quarter-page 4-color ad in the 2004 edition of The Great Race Souvenir Program. If color separations for the ad are not received by April 1, 2004, "RPI GREAT RACE" will not guarantee publication of "'TOA's" ad. 12. Avon, Colorado will be eligible to compete for the Great American City Award, a $2,500 monetary gift to the Avon, Colorado city library. For City of Avon, Colorado: n Name Title For RALLY PARTNERS, INC.: Wayne Stanfield Chief Operating Officer • Date Date 4