This agreement is entered into by and between the Colorado Association of
Transit Agencies (CASTA), a Colorado nonprofit corporation and each of the members of
the Colorado Transit Coalition requesting 2005 appropriation for 5309 bus and bus
facilities funding, which members are listed on Exhibit A, attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference (referred to collectively as the "members').
Whereas, CASTA is a nonprofit trade association located in Denver, Colorado
and represents Colorado transit agencies, and
Whereas, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides capital funding to
transit agencies under the Capital Program (49 U.S.C. Section 5309) Transportation
Equity Act for the 21 sc Century (TEA-21), and
Whereas, a number of Colorado transit agencies are desirous of obtaining a
statewide authorization in the re-authorization of TEA-21 and congressional earmarked
funds, for the federal Fiscal Year 2005, under Section 5309 for bus and bus related capital
purchases, and
Whereas, those Colorado transit agencies seeking U.S.C. 49, Section 5309
funding have affiliated as a nonprofit unincorporated association, known as Colorado
Transit Coalition (Coalition), and have agreed that CASTA will act as a coordinator for
the Coalition in seeking U.S.C. 49, Section 5309 funding, and
Whereas, CASTA has entered into an agreement with a Washington D.C. based
public affairs and governmental relations consulting firm, to provide transportation
funding consulting services on behalf of the Coalition.
Now therefore, CASTA and each of the Coalition members agree as follows:
1. Term of Agreement. The term of this agreement shall be from January 1, 2004
through December 31, 2004.
2. Membership Membership in the Coalition will be open to any Colorado
transit agency that provides services which qualify for U.S.C. 49, Section 5309 funding.
While a multi-year effort is anticipated, members may participate on an annual basis
dependent on the individual member's capital needs. Members who do not request in a
particular year will pay a reduced fee outside of this agreement.
3. Members' Capital Requests The members' capital requests shall be handled as
Each member shall submit to CASTA by January 1, 2004 its capital request,
in a form acceptable to CASTA and consistent with the capital request amount
set forth on Exhibit A for that member. CASTA shall then compile the capital
requests into a statewide request document to be presented to Congress for
consideration. All capital requests (as listed on Exhibit A) must be supported
by accurate, current planning documents. The member must verify that
matching funds are available to support a grant in the fiscal year it is available.
The Colorado Department of Transportation and/or the Federal Transit
Administration, as appropriate, will review the planning documents for each
member to assure that projects are capable of being obligated within Fiscal
Year 2005, prior to submittal of the request to Congress in 2004.
b. If a member requests an addition or reduction to a capital request, the impact
on other members will be considered prior to any changes being approved by
the Coalition members. A member will not be required to decrease a request
that would place that member in the position of lacking sufficient funds to
obtain usable units of equipment. For purposes of this agreement a usable unit
of equipment will be as defined in the individual applicant's request (See
Exhibit A).
Exhibit A lists two groups. The first group requesting vehicles, equipment and
small facilities (under $1M federal) will divide 60% of the final U.S.C. 49,
Section 5309 bus allocation. Fifteen percent of 60% of the final allocation will
be distributed in equal portions to each agency. The remaining eighty-five
percent will then be distributed based on a calculated rate proportionate to
each member's capital request. No agency shall receive more than its original
federal request. The bus and bus related allocation amounts will then be
adjusted, as appropriate, to assure that each coalition member receives no
more than the agency request, but an amount sufficient to obtain usable units
of equipment by consensus of the Coalition members.
The second listed group requesting facilities (over $1M federal) will divide
40% of the final U.S.C. 49, Section 5309 bus allocation. One hundred percent
of that funding will be distributed based on a calculated rate proportionate to
each member's capital request. No agency shall receive more than its original
federal request. Members of the facilities group may remain in that portion of
the coalition for 2005 and 2006 to share in the allocation of 40% of the
funding according to the calculated rate.
For Example: Assuming that the allocation of funding is $14Mfor 2005. 15% of 60% of
the final allocation printed in the Federal Register will be divided by the number of
agencies in the vehicles, equipment, small facilities group signing the agreement e.g.
($8,400, 000 x. 15 = $1,260,000124 = $52,500 to each participant) If an agency requested
$50, 000 the remaining $2,500 goes back into the remaining funds to be redistributed to
those requesting more. For those requesting more than $52,500, the remaining funding is
redistributed according to the percentage of each agency's total requested as shown on
Exhibit A.
For the Facilities group signing the agreement, 40% of the final allocation printed in the
Federal Register, will be divided among the agencies in the facilities group according to
the calculated rate proportionate to each member's capital request. (e.g.10% of
$5,600, 000 = $560, 000) The amount of funds remaining for each member of the facilities
group has been increased by. 015% from the 2004 allocation because it is expected that
funding will be decreased by that much due to the FTA oversight set asid& and an
anticipated rescission in 2004 appropriations. Their funding, unlike that of the vehicles
group, is dependent upon the total amount of funding needed for the facility. Any overage
of funding in the facilities group will be redistributed to the vehicles etc. group.
d. Each coalition member in the 2005 annual request agrees to pay to CASTA,
an equal amount of fifteen percent of the $145,000 administrative and consultant fees
(e.g. 1/27 of $21,750 = $806) plus a calculated rate on the remaining eighty-five percent
of fees ($123,328) based on the percentage of the total Statewide Request attributable to
that member's capital request as set forth in Exhibit A. The payments shall be made to
CASTA in no more than four equal installments, upon execution of this Agreement or
after February 1St, April 1St, July 1St and October 1St
4. Services of CASTA. During the term of this agreement, CASTA will provide
the following services:
a. Act as the representative of the Coalition as it seeks U.S.C. 49, Section
5309 Bus Discretionary funding. The Executive Director of CASTA will serve as
coordinator of the project for the Statewide Request.
b. Retain a Washington D.C. based consultant familiar with the congressional
process of determining Federal Transit Administration allocations for the total cost not to
exceed $85,000 for the 5309 bus and bus facilities Colorado Transit Coalition work,
including expenses.
c. Provide monthly written reports to each Coalition member.
5. Payment to CASTA for Services. For its services during the term of this
agreement, CASTA will retain from the payments received from the 2005 CTC 5309 bus
and bus facilities members a total of $60,000 which amount includes all expenses to be
incurred by CASTA.
6. Termination. Any party may withdraw from this agreement upon the giving
of at least 30 days advance written notice to the other participants.
7. Appropriation of funds. The financial obligations of any participant in this
Agreement which is a governmental entity subject to the direct or indirect financial
obligation restrictions of the Colorado Constitution, Article X, Section 20(4)(b), or that
government's local restrictions on contract appropriations, shall be subject to the
appropriation and availability of funds in accord with Colorado and local law.
8. Addresses and Telephone Numbers. The name, address, and telephone
number of each member is listed on Exhibit A. The name, address, and telephone number
of CASTA is:
Colorado Association of Transit Agencies (CASTA)
Attn: Jeanne J. Erickson, Executive Director
225 East 16`h Avenue, Suite 475
Denver, CO 80203
Tel: (303) 839-5197
Email: casta@coloradotransit.com
9. Signatures. The parties agree that this Agreement may be signed in
counterparts with CASTA to retain the original signatures of all parties.
Dated: January 15, 2004.
Colorado Association of Transit Agencies,
a Colorado nonprofit corporation
Ralph Power
Organization: Avt5v -
Title: ~a y c7~ Pe. t.
Date: 1 d~ I C,4
Sig rm ~d C r-Q)e-vctt
2005 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities
Colorado Transit Coalition
Appropriation Request
2005 % Cost Cost Total Cost
Transit Agency Request Req. Equal 15% by % 2005
1 City of Loveland $ 48,000 0.1% $ 806 $ 143 $ 949
318 Garfield Ave.
Loveland, CO 80537
Tel: 970-962-2427
2 NE Colo Cncl of LocalGov $ 87,360 0.2% $ 806 $ 260 $ 1,066
231 Main St.,STE 211
Ft. Morgan, CO 80701
Tel: 970-867-9409
3 Seniors Resource Ctr $ 108,800 0.3% $ 806 $ 323 $ 1,129
3227 Chase St.
Denver, CO 80212-7033
Tel: 303-235-6970
4 City of Glenwood Sprgs $ 216,000 0.5% $ 806 $ 642 $ 1,448
101 East 8th St.
Glenwd Sprgs, CO 81601
Tel: 970-384-6437
5 Greeley-The Bus $ 225,600 0.5% $ 806 $ 671 $ 1,477
1000 Tenth St.
Greeley, CO 80631
Tel: 970-350-9751
6 Berthoud Trans Ser
P.O. Box 1074
Berthoud, CO 80513
Tel: 970-532-2730
7 Flatiron Imp Dist
1 W. Flatlron Cir.,ste377
Broomfield CO 90027
Tel: 720-887-9583
8 Town of Snowmas Vil
P.O. Box 5010
SnowmasVil, CO 81615
Tel: 970-923-2543
9 Black Hawk Trans
PO Box 17
Black Hawk 80422
Tel: 303-582-2237
10 Summit Stage $ 852,180 2.1% $ 806 $ 2,531 $ 3,337
P.O. Box 2179
Frisco, CO 80443
Tel: 970-668-4161
2005 5309
Bus and Bus Facilities
Colorado Transit Coalition
Appropriation Request
Cost T
otal Cost
Transit Agency
Req. Equal 15%
by %
11 Mountain Express
$ 960,000
2.3% $
806 $
2,851 $
P.O. Box 39
Crested Butte 81224
Tel: 970-349-5615
12 Durango Lift
$ 967,200
2.3% $
2,873 $
949 East Second Avenue
Durango, CO 81301
Tel: 970-385-2889
13 Special Transit
$ 1,040,000
2.5% $
806 $
3,089 $
4880 Pearl
Boulder, CO
Tel: 303-447-2848
14 Grand Valley Transit
$ 1,104,000
2.7% $
806 $
3,279 $
201 South Ave.
Grand Junction, CO
Tel: 970-255-7188
15 ECO Trans
$ 1,080,000
2.6% $
806 $
3,208 $
P.O. Box 1070
Gypsum, CO 81637
Tel: 970-328-3524
16 Town of Avon
$ 1,204,000
2.9% $
806 $
3,576 $
P.O. Box 1726
Avon, CO 81620
Tel: 970-748-4120
17 Pueblo Transit
$ 1,350,400
3% $
806 $
4,011 $
350 S. Grand Ave.
Pueblo, CO 81003
Tel: 719-553-2725
18 Southeast Transp Auth
$ 1,760,000
4.2% $
806 $
5,228 $
30 South Raritan St.
Denver, CO 80223
Tel: 303-744-6806
19 Town of Vail
$ 2,768,000
7% $
806 $
8,222 $
75 S. Frontage Rd.
Vail, CO 81657
Tel: 970-479-2178
20 Steamboat Springs Trans
$ 3,096,000
7.5% $
806 $
9,196 $
P.O. Box 775088
Steamboat Springs, CO 80477
Tel: 970-879-3717
2005 5309 Bus and Bus Facilities
Colorado Transit Coalition
Appropriation Request
2005 % Cost Cost Total Cost
Transit Agency Request Req. Equal 15% by % 2005
21 City of Colorado Sprgs
$ 3,392,000
$ 10,075
1015 Transit Dr, P01 575
Colo. Sprgs, CO 80901
22 Town of Mtn Village
$ 3,644,000
$ 10,824
113 Lost Crk Ln SteA
Mtn Village CO 81435
Tel: 970-369-8204
$ 4,535,200
51 Service Center Drive
Aspen, CO 81611
Tel:970-920-1905 Ex204
24 RTD
$ 5,000,000
1600 Blake St.
Denver, CO 80202
Tel: 303-299-2415
Total Request Vehicles
$ 35,645,948
$ 105,879
25 Town of Telluride
$ 1,043,936
P.O. Box 397
Telluride, CO 81435
Tel: 970-728-2177
26 Town of Breckenridge
$ 6,941
P.O. Box 168
Breckenridge CO 80424
Tel: 970-547-3153
27 City of Ft. Collins
6570 Portner Rd.
Ft. Collins, CO 80525
Tel: 970-224-6032
Total Request Facilities
For Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Capital Program for Bus
(U.S.C. 49, Section 5309) FY 2005 Request for Authorization
Agency: Town of Avon
Contact: Name: Bob Reed
Tel: 970-748-4120 Fax: 970-845-8589
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1726
Avon, CO 81620
Responsible Government Entity_ Funds must be received by a government entity. If your transit
agency is a private non-profit, a city or county must receive and disburse funds. Therefore, they
must agree to this request. Name of responsible official(s).
Town of Avon, Mayor
Project Description: Must be "ready to go" - Obligated Under Signed Contract Fiscal Year 2005
(Between October 1, 2004 and September 30, 2005)
Project Supported by. Current Transportation Development Plan (TDP)? YES
State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP)? YES
FY 2005 Transit Capital Request: (Federal and Local Dollars) $1,505,000
Vehicles: (Attach a sheet listing description, age and mileage of vehicles to be replaced.)
Description: 35 ft. Transit Coach, 24 ft. People Mover
Number: One (1) Coach, Two (2) People Movers
Unit Cost: $275,000 each per Coach, $100,000 each per People Mover
Replacement: 2 Expansion: 1
Description: GPS Information System
Number: 10 Stations with Start-up
Unit Cost: $5000.00
Replacement: Expansion: X
Description: Transit Center Phase II, and Bus Shelters
Number: One (1) Transit Center, Two (2) Bus Shelters
Unit Cost: $960,000.00 and 2 @ $10,000.00 each
Replacement: Expansion: X
Estimated Cost by Funding Source:
Federal: 80% $1,204,000.00 Local: 20% $301,000.00
Source of Local Funds: Town of Avon General Fund
FY 2006 Transit Capital Request: (Federal and Local Dollars) $320,000
Vehicles: (Attach a sheet listing description, age and mileage of vehicles to be replaced.)
Description: 35 ft. Transit Coach
Number: One (1) Coach
Unit Cost: $300,000.00
Replacement: X Expansion:
Unit Cost:
Replacement: Expansion:
Description: Bus Shelters
Number: Two (2)
Unit Cost: 2 @ $10,000.00 each
Replacement: Expansion: X
Estimated Cost by Funding Source:
Federal: 80% $256,000.00 Local: 20% $64,000.00
Source of Local Funds: Town of Avon General Fund
FY 2007 Transit Capital Request: (Federal and Local Dollars) $224,000
Vehicles: (Attach a sheet listing description, age and mileage of vehicles to be replaced.)
Description: 24 ft. People Mover
Number: Two (2) People Movers
Unit Cost: $100,000.00
Replacement: X Expansion:
Unit Cost:
Replacement: Expansion:
FY2007 Continued
Description: Bus Shelters
Number: Two (2) Bus Shelters
Unit Cost: 2 @ $12,000.00 each
Replacement: Expansion: X
Estimated Cost by Funding Source:
Federal: 80% _$179,200.00 Local: 20% $44,800.00
Source of Local Funds: Town of Avon General Fund
FY 2008 Transit Capital Request: (Federal and Local Dollars) $524,000
Vehicles: (Attach a sheet listing description, age and mileage of vehicles to be replaced.)
35 ft. Transit Coach, 24 ft. People Mover
One (1) Coach, Two (2) People Movers
Unit Cost:
$300,000 each per Coach, $100,000 each per People Mover
(1) Coach Expansion:
(2) People Movers
Unit Cost:
Bus Shelters
Two (2) Bus Shelters
Unit Cost:
2 @ $12,000.00 each
Expansion: X
Estimated Cost by Funding Source:
Federal: 80% $419,200.00 Local: 20% $104,800.00
Source of Local Funds: Town of Avon General Fund
Organization: Town of Avon
Name: Bob Reed
Title: Director of Public Works & Transportation
Date: July 29, 2003
Name of Agency: Town of Avon
P. O. Box 1726
400 Benchmark Road
Avon, CO 81620
Service Description: The Avon Transit System serves a community of 6,000 as the community's
lifeline to the shopping, employment, and recreational areas. This small rural community is serviced
by 37 passenger coaches and 24 passenger people movers. The Town of Avon has provided
paratransit service to the community since 1990 and will continue to do so in the future. All existing
services are linked to the Regional Transportation System and the Beaver Creek Transit System.
Private sector providers link the town to the Eagle County Airport as well as Denver, DIA and
Glenwood Springs. The system operates 365 days a year, 19 hours per day in the winter and 15
hours per day in the summer.
Fleet Size: (6) 37 passenger Transit Coaches.
(6) 24 passenger People Movers.
Number of Employees: 25 FTE
Annual miles traveled: 247,459
Annual passenger trips: 433,453
2003 Budget: Operating: $1,231,592
Primary funding sources: Town of Avon General Fund
(Sales Tax and Accommodation Tax)
Proiect Type Section 5309
Vehicle Replacement
2005 - $200,000
2005 - (2) 24 ft. People Movers
2006 - $275,000
2006 - (1) 35 ft Transit Coach
2007 - $200,000
2007 - (2) 24 ft People Movers
2008 - $500,000
2008 - (1) Transit Coach (2) People Movers
Vehicle Expansion
2005 - $275,000 2008- None
2005 - (1) 35 ft Transit Coach 2008 - None
2006 - None
2006- None
2007 - None
2007 - None
Other Capital Equipment and Facilities
2005 - $1,030,000
2005 - (2) Bus Shelters, Phase H of Transit Center
2006 - $20,000
2006 - (2) Bus Shelters
2007 - $24,000
2007 - (2) Bus Shelters
2008 - $24,000
2008 - (2) Bus Shelters
Organization: Town of Avon
Name: Bob Reed
Title: Director of Public Works & Transportation
Date: October 3, 2002
Intermountain TRP #11 concurs that this organization's submittal requesting FTA funding is
consistent with the Regional Plan.
Mick Ireland, STAC Representative
Sect ion 5309 Bus Discretionary 2005 Appropriations Request
$1,204,000 - Federal
$301,000 - Local Match
The Town of Avon began the operation of its transit service in 1983 with
limited local service. This intercity bus service was created to provide a
link between Beaver Creek Resort and the Town of Avon. The Intercity
Shuttle connected the downtown businesses, hotels, lodges and residents
with the Beaver Creek Ski area for both employment and recreational
opportunities. In the late 80's, the Town of Avon began to operate a Town
Shuttle within its boundaries to better accommodate the needs of its
residents and guests. Today, the Town Shuttle operates both in the
summer and winter with a fleet of 12 transit coaches and people movers in
response to the raped growth experience by the town.
This small rural community is served through three routes with 32
passenger coaches and 24 passenger people movers. The Town of Avon
has provided paratransit service to the community since 1990 and will
continue to do so in the future. All existing services are linked with the
Regional Transportation System and the Beaver Creek Transit System.
Private sector Providers link the town to the Eagle County Airport as well
as Denver, DIA, and Glenwood Springs.
The Avon Transit System serves a community of 6,000 as their lifeline to
the employment, shopping and recreational areas. This system will
provide approximately 18,000 hour of service in 2004 and carry over
600,000 passengers. The system operates 19 per hours a day in the winter
and 15 hours per day in the summer over a 365 day period. The system
travels 300,000 service miles annually with 25 full time bus operators.
This transit system has proven to be convenient, efficient, affordable (fare
free system), and practical.
Project Description
The Town of Avon will replace the one 40-ft. bus with a low floor 35-ft. bus for
use in the Town of Avon roundabouts on Town Shuttle and Skier Shuttle routes.
The two people movers will be used for expanded service to the Village of Avon
project. This expanded service will include a GPS Information System. The Town
will begin construction of a multi-modal Transit Center. The total projected costs
for.replacement vehicles, expansion vehicles, and small facilities is $1,505,000.
The Town of Avon is requesting $1,204,000 in Section 5309 funds.
Benefits of New Equipment
• Continuation of the two in town shuttle routes connecting residents
to transfer points for employment, shopping and recreational uses.
• Lower maintenance costs and less downtime with the newer
• Lower particulate emissions from new clean-burning electronic
diesel engines.
• Reduction of congestion and more efficient scheduling of our fleet
as our town grows.
How will the money be spent:
The Town of Avon's request for $1,204,000 plus the $301,000 local match
from the town's general fund would provide the funds to purchase one 35-
ft. coach, two 24- ft people movers, phase II of a transportation center, two
bus shelters, and a GPS information system.
The Town of Avon will purchase one 35-ft. coach and two 24-ft. people
movers to enhance and expand our existing service provided to the local
community. The construction of a transportation center in the heart of
Avon will provide a safe transition area for passengers to transfer to other
bus systems and modes of travel. It will replace a vehicle turnaround that
was built to hold two vehicles but is often crowded with up to six vehicles.
The purchase of two bus shelters will provide a safe and protected place
from the weather for our riders while also drawing attention to the system.
The GPS system will provide on time information for our riders,
Local Contribution:
The Town of Avon's local contribution for this application will come from
the general fund revenues. The largest portion of general fund revenues is
derived from sales tax collections from local businesses.
Current Fleet Size:
The Town of Avon has a current fleet size of six 35-ft. coaches and six 24-
ft. people movers to provide transit service within the community. Within
the fleet, four coaches and six people movers are ADA accessible.
Growth in the Area:
The Town of Avon community has experience an influx of new residents,
and increase in housing starts, an annexation that doubled the geographic
size of the town and a steady increase in both summer and winter visitors
to the area. In addition, recent studies have suggested that Avon would
become the future down valley transportation hub for the Vail Valley.
This area is proposed to be central to the rail corridor service (linking
Eagle County Airport and Avon) and service as the future site to be served
by the gondola service between Beaver Creek and Avon.