01-07-1987 Eaglewood Subdiv Sketch Plan Resolution No.87-1MEMO TO: Bill James, Town Manager FROM: Norm Wood, Director of Engineering and Community Development DATE: January 7, 1987 RE: Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Resolution No. 87 -1 A Sketch Plan for the subdivision of Parcel Number Ranch Annexation has been submitted for review and located immediately West of Sunridge II and is bout South, and the D & RGW Railroad on the North. The to Arrowhead. Parcel Number 2 contains 11.4 acres north of the Eagle River, 3.27 acres is within the is located between Highway 6 and the Eagle River. 2 as shown on the Meyer's approval. This property is ided by Highway 6 on the property extends westerly of which 0.72 acres is located Eagle River and 7.41 acres The proposed subdivision divides the property into two lots. Lot 1 is the easterly lot and contains a total of 6.81 acres. Lot 2 is the westerly lot and contains a total of 4.59 acres. The 140 Residential 'Development Rights assigned to the property by Ordinance No. 81 -29 has been divided between Lot 1 and Lot 2. Lot 1 is shown with 84 development rights and Lot 2 with 56 development rights. Access to each of the two lots is from Highway 6 and would be subject to approval by the State Highway Department. Supplemental information submitted with the Sketch Plan indicates utilities are available to the site and no particular hazards exist which would preclude development on either Lot 1 or Lot 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Eaglewood Subdivision Sketch Plan at the January 6, 1987 meeting. The Commission reviewed the Sketch Plan for: A. Conformance with the master plan, policies, guidelines, zoning and other applicable regulations; B. Suitability'of the land for subdivision; C. Reports and studies of significant hazards, areas, or activities of local interest. Following the review, the Commission adopted Resolution No. 87 -1 which recommends the Town Council determine the Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision is acceptable and direct that the Preliminary Plan be developed in accordance with the following guidelines and conditions: 1. A detailed drainage study addressing off -site flows be developed for the site and all appropriate drainage related easements and setbacks be clearly defined; 2. The area located between the 30 foot setback line from the southerly mean annual high water line of the Eagle River and the northerly property line be defined as a separate Tract from Lot 1 and Lot 2, and the allowed uses be stipulated as public open space, parks and drainage. Provisions for dedicating this area to the Town of Avon for parkland should be considered; Memo to Bill James January 7, 1987 Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Resolution No. 87 -1 Page 2 of 2 3. The 140 residential development rights assigned to the subdivision be divided between Lot 1 and Lot 2 such that density does not exceed 25 development rights per acre as allowed in the RHDC Zone District; 4. Access to Lot 1 and Lot 2 is subject to approval by the Colorado State Highway Department and any related information submitted with the Sketch Plan is not a part of-this approval; 5. Conformance with all applicable Rules and Regulations regarding Preliminary Plan and Final Plat. If the Town Council concurs with the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the appropriate action can be accomplished by the adoption of Resolution No. 87 -1. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 87-1. NW /mml e —R TOWN OF AVON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 87 -1 SERIES OF 1987 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THE TOWN COUNCIL DETERMINE THE SKETCH PLAN FOR EAGLEWOOD SUBDIVISION IS ACCEPTABLE AND RECOMMENDING GUIDELINES AND CONDITIONS FOR PROCEEDING TO PRELIMINARY PLAN WHEREAS, Republic Investment Corporation has submitted a Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision, a subdivision of Parcel 2 of the Meyer's Ranch Annexation; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision for conformance with Subdivision Regulations, Zoning Regulations, and the Master Plan of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds the Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision is in general conformance with Subdivision Regulations, Zoning Regulations and the Master Plan of the Town of Avon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado recommends the Town Council of the Town of Avon determine the Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision is acceptable and direct the applicant to proceed to Preliminary Plan in accordance with the following guidelines and conditions: 1. A detailed drainage study addressing off -site flows be developed for the site and all appropriate drainage related easements and setbacks be clearly defined; 2. The area located between the 30 foot setback line from the southerly mean annual high water line of the Eagle River and the northerly property line be defined as a separate Tract from Lot 1 and Lot 2, and the allowed uses be stipulated as public open space, parks and drainage. Provisions for dedicating this area to the Town of Avon for parkland should be considered; r=� 3. The 140 residential development rights assigned to the subdivision be divided between Lot 1 and Lot 2 such that density does not exceed 25 development rights per acre as allowed in the RHDC Zone District; 4. Access to Lot 1 and Lot 2 is subject to approval by the Colorado State Highway Department and any related information submitted with the Sketch Plan is not a part of this approval; 5. Conformance with all applicable rules and regulations regarding preliminary plan and final plat. APPROVED THIS DAY OF 6�T,t6�e� Patricia Cuny, Secr ry IW-a 1987. JS-, ,4,,:,- Michael S. Blair, Chairman STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION - 1/6/87 Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Meyers Ranch Annexation Review & Recommendations to Town Council INTRODUCTION: Republic Investment Corporation has submitted a Sketch Plan for the subdivision of Parcel Number 2, of the Meyer's Ranch Annexation. This property is located immediately West of Sunridge and is bounded by Highway 6 on the South, and the D & RGW Railroad on the North. Parcel Number 2 contains approximately 11.4 acres of which a substantial portion is located within the Eagle River. The Sketch Plan shows the property being divided into two lots. Lot 1 encompasses the eastern portion of the property and Lot 2 the western portion of the property. The Eaglewood Condominium Project which was previously presented to the Commission for conceptual review would be located on Lot 1. Access to each of the two lots is from Highway 6 and would be subject to approval by the State Highway Department. Supplemental information submitted with the Sketch Plan indicates water and sewer service will be provided by the local districts and electric service by Holy Cross Electric Association. Soils, geology and radiation reports do not indicate any particular hazards on the site or conditions which would preclude development on either Lot 1 or Lot 2. A drainage report was not included with the submittal, but a letter from Contra Ltd., engineers for the project, states that they feel that off -site and on -site drainage can be adequately controlled. In accordance with Section 16.16.030 of the Avon Municipal Code, the following factors should be considered in the review of a Sketch Plan: A. Conformance with the master plan, policies, guidelines, zoning, and other applicable requlations; B. Suitability of the land for subdivision; C. Reports and studies of significant hazards, areas, or activities of local interest. Following the review, a determination should be made regarding the suitability of the sketch plan. Guidelines and conditions for proceeding to preliminary plan should then be established or reasons provided for not proceeding to preliminary plan. Planning and Zoning Commission action should be in the form of a recommendation to the Town Council regarding action on the Sketch Plan. Final action on all subdivision matters is by the Town Council. STAFF COMMENTS: The Sketch Plan application for Eaglewood generally conforms with minimum submittal requirements as outlined in Chapter 16.16 of the Avon Municipal Code. The following comments are in regard to the above listed factors which should be considered in the review of a Sketch Plan: r- Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 1/6/87 Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Meyers Ranch Annexation Review & Recommendations to Town Council Page 2 of 4 A. Conformance with the master plan, policies, guidelines, zoning and other applicable regulations; 1. The proposed subdivision as located in the RHDC zone district as established by Ordinance No. 81 -29. This Ordinance assigned 140 Residential Development Rights to the property and limited commercial development to a maximum of 5,000 sq. ft. of which not more than 4,000 sq. ft. would be allowed as restaurant. The area north of the Eagle River was limited to parkland or open space use with the exception of water wells or water storage by Avon Metropolitan District. 2. The adopted Development Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town of Avon states as a policy for Development District 5, "Promote the creation of a Riverfront Park that provides for a variety of acquatic sports, passive recreational activities, public access by means of continuous paths and bikeways, the protection of streambank vegetation, adjacent floodplains, wildlife habitat historical buildings, and residential privacy ". 3. Section 16.40.360 of the Avon Municipal Code states: "The Town Council may require the'reservation or dedication of lands or sites for parks when such are reasonably necessary to serve the proposed subdivision and future residents thereof. The Town may require the costs of the park and park improvements to be shared by the subdivider. 4. Section 16.40.370 of the Avon Municipal Code states: "The Town Council may require that each proposed subdivision include a park plan consisting of park sites suitable for active recreation use and walkways or riding trails for access to recreation sites. Location of sites shall be based on topography, vegetation, circulation patterns and the size of the subdivision. Wherever possible, consistent with the foregoing locational criteria, such park sites should be located in such a fashion to permit expansion through creation of similar facilities in future subdivisions on adjacent undeveloped land. B. Suitability of the land for subdivision; I. Supplemantal information submitted with the Sketch Plan indicates required utilities will be available to each of the two lots and that each lot is accessible from Highway 6. 2. Soils, geology, and radiation reports submitted with the Sketch Plan do not indicate any conditions which would preclude development of the site. C. Reports and studies of significant hazards, areas or activites of local interest. r Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 1/6/87 Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Meyers Ranch Annexation Review & Recommendations to Town Council Page 3 of 4 1. Drainage Report has not been included but a letter from project engineer states that they feel off -site and on -site drainage can be adequately controlled. 2. The Arrowhead Preliminary Circulation Plan, Trails and Paths dated March 3, 1983, shows a bikepath which could be connected to a bikepath through Eaglewood along the Eagle River. In summary, the information submitted does not reveal any unusual conditions or hazards which would preclude either lot from development. Letters from the water and sanitation districts and Holy Cross Electric Association indicate utilities are available at the site to serve the proposed densities. A drainage report has not been submitted but available information indicates development can occur around constraints which may result from the completion of a detailed drainage study. The proposed subdivision does-not include provisions for the creation of riverfront park or provision of walkways or riding trails for access to recreation sites. This could be accomplished by the designation of that portion of the site located between the southerly setback from the Eagle River Mean annual high water line and the northerly property line as public parkland. This would allow future development of riverfront park in the area as well as providing a critical location for possible connection of the Avon and Arrowhead bikepath systems. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Commission determine the Sketch Plan is acceptable and recommend the following guidelines and conditions for proceeding to Preliminary Plan: 1. A detailed drainage plan addressing all off -site flows be developed for the site and all appropriate drainage related easements and setbacks be clearly defined. 2. The area between the 30 foot setback line from the southerly mean annual high water line of the Eagle River and the northerly property line be defined as a separate tract from Lots 1 and 2 and the allowed uses be identified as public open space, parks and drainage. Consid- eration should be given to dedicating this area to the Town as parkland. 3. The assignment of'the-140 residential development rights to Lots 1 and 2 such that density does not exceed 25 development rights per acre as allowed in the RHDC Zone District. 4. Access to Lot 1 and Lot 2 is subject to approval by the Colorado Highway Department and any related information submitted with the Sketch Plan is solely for the applicants information and not a part of any approval by the Town. Staff-Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 1/6/87 - Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Meyers Ranch Annexation Review & Recommendations to Town Council Page 4 of 4 RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Introduce Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subivision; 2. Presentation by appliciant; . 3. Commission review and comment; 4. Commission Action - Adopt Resolution 87 -1 with appropriate modifications. Respectfully Submitted, 6orm Wood Director of Engineering and Community Development Planning & Zoning Action Approved as Submitted ( ) Approved with Recommended Conditions ( ) Approved with Modified Conditions ( ) Continued ( ) Denied ( ) Withdrawn Date 11 iv l-P z Patricia Cuny, Secretary NW/ j e rte, C o Ltr a - . community designers e ngineering surveying prompt effective service December 29, 1986 Mr. Norm Wood Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Dept. P.O. Box D Avon, CO Dear Mr. Wood: 8044 Kipling Street Arvada, Colorado 80005 (303) 431 -0505 P.O. Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 81632 (303) 949-4640 Enclosed please find four copies each of the following material being submitted for sketch plan review of the Eaglewood Subdivision (Meyers Ranch). We would like to be scheduled for the January 6, 1987 Planning and Zoning meeting. 1. Sketch Plan Map 2. Letter from Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District concerning availability of domestic water and sewage services for the site. 3. Letter from the Holy Cross Electric Association concerning availability of electric services for the site. 4. Letter from the District Ranger, White River National Forest, regarding wildfire hazards. 5. Report on radiation survey and mineral resources. 6. Soils and Foundation investigation report. 7. Bedrock geology report. 8. Proposed alignment and grading for the access road to the western portion. Some of this material was prepared for an earlier design plan under the name of Cottonwood. While the proposed design has changed, the basic information has remained essentially unchanged. Contra has been in contact with the Colorado Dept. of Highways concerning the access to the site from U.S. Highway 6. There are two proposed access points, one at the east end and one at the west end of the project. The east access appears to be the only one which may require accel /decel lanes. Construction of these lanes does not appear to pose significant difficulties at this time. We are waiting on comments regarding the sketch plan before applying for access approach permits for these driveways. Permanent structures will be kept out of the Eagle River 100 year flood plain. Offsite drainage from the south side of Highway 6 impacts the site by means of an exiting 6' diameter stock tunnel constructed under the highway. The Ford irrigation ditch crosses the site from the east to the west. We feel that this and onsite drainage can be adequately controlled. If you have any questions, need additional materials, or wish to discuss any item concerning this project, please give me a call. Sincerely, Glenn Palmer, PE encl. C Q Lt"dd' a -- community designers • engineering • surveying prompt effective service December 29, 1986 Avon Town Council Avon, Colorado Dear Sirs and Madams: 8044 Kipling Street Arvada, Colorado 80005 (303) 431 -0505 P.O. Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 81632 (303) 949 -4640 We would like to request a sketch plan review for the Council meeting of January 13, 1987. The proposed subdivision is called Eaglewood and is located on the west side of Avon, between the Eagle River and U.S. Highway 6. Domestic water and sewage disposal shall be provided by the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District. Solid waste shall be handled by B.F.I. or another private collection company. Power will be provided by the Holy Cross Electric Association. Sincerely, Glenn Palmer, PE UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAD • VAIL. COLORADO 81657 (303) 476 -7480 December 22, 1986 Mr. Ken Newbacker Post Office Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 81632 RE: MEYERS RANCH PROPERTY - Construction of 220 Units Dear Mr. Newbacker: The Avon Metropolitan District and Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District will provide domestic water service and sewer service to the above- referenced development. The Districts have excess capacity to process domestic water at the present time to its constituents. Accordingly, upon compliance with the Rules and Regulations and the payment of appropriate tap fees, the Districts will provide domestic water service and sewer service. Construction of all main line extensions is the responsibility of the developer. Any additional fire service, i.e., fire hydrants that need to be added to those already existing, will be at the expense of those requesting the service. The addition of Backflow Prevention Devices on the Fire Service and on the Domestic Water Service, where required, are necessary. DK:das FLE.17 /16 Sincerely, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSO IDATED SANITATION DISTRICT David Krenek, P.E. Operations Director PARTICIPATING DISTRICTS - ARROWHEAD METRO WATER A AVON METRO WATER • BEAVER CREEK METRO WATER • BERRY CREEK METRO WATER CLEAN EAGLE -VAIL METRO WATER • EDWARDS METRO WATER • LAKE CREEK MEADOWS WATER • UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER • VAIL WATER AND SANITATION Dec. 22, 1986 Mr. Ken Neubecker Contra Engineering P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Marrs Ranch Property Dear Mr. Neubecker: The above mentioned development is within the certificated service area of Holy Cross Electric Associaiton, Inc. Holy Cross Eelctric Association, Inc. has adequate resources to provide electric power to the development, subject to the tariffs,"rules and.regulations on file with Public Utilities Commission of the State of.Colorado.`,.Any power line enlargements, relocations, and new extensions necessary to deliver adequate power to . and within the development will be undertaken by Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. upon completion of appropriate. contractual agreements. Please advise when you wish to proceed with the development of the electric system for this project. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Ted Huskey Engineering Services Supervisor TH: lw CC: Marrs Ranch Property File CC: HCEA Vail i HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 799 HIGHWAY 82 AREA CODE '. O. DRAWER 2150 303 ;LENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 81602 945 -5491 Dec. 22, 1986 Mr. Ken Neubecker Contra Engineering P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Marrs Ranch Property Dear Mr. Neubecker: The above mentioned development is within the certificated service area of Holy Cross Electric Associaiton, Inc. Holy Cross Eelctric Association, Inc. has adequate resources to provide electric power to the development, subject to the tariffs,"rules and.regulations on file with Public Utilities Commission of the State of.Colorado.`,.Any power line enlargements, relocations, and new extensions necessary to deliver adequate power to . and within the development will be undertaken by Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. upon completion of appropriate. contractual agreements. Please advise when you wish to proceed with the development of the electric system for this project. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Ted Huskey Engineering Services Supervisor TH: lw CC: Marrs Ranch Property File CC: HCEA Vail i Hoty Cnobd Randers D.r.6tAic:,, P.O. Box 190 Gf.i.ntWcn, CO 81645 Town os Avon ATTN: 14otun wood P. O. Box D Avon, CO 81620 Dea& No&m: 5100 lash 10, 1982 This Petters .i6 in nes pons a to an .i.n2u,iny by Jim I.fonten o � MoA teA, Fiz he/L and Annotd, Anchitect6 in Vait, CotoiLa.do. P.tease be adv.ibed that the Cotttomvood Condominium (otd Meyeu l Ranch) devetopment does not present a w.itdSi&e concmi Son the U.S. Fo,%ut SeAvice. IS you beUeve that theAe might be an impact on 4aheAie.s due to phoximi ty to the Fagte P -iven, I augge6.t -that Sitt Andnee be eonsufted. UU is the tocae 'Vi6.tAiet Witd.U4e. IfanageA Son .the State Division o� (Vitd,i6e, phone 949 -5481. S.ineenety, 1. FRNFST R. 141114,14 D.i.6t i.at Ranger cc: Jim 1fontc�n 143 F. Meadow Drs Vail, CO 81657 B. POOLF:.Lmc '1� chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 96 SOUTH ZUNI STREET • DENVER. COLORADO 60223 • 3031711.7105 1(b 1(S February 26, 1982 .�t MAR 1982 R EC;---iV1 =D Z Subject: Radiation Survey and Review N MORTER FISHER Z:7 of Potential Mineral Resources, ARNOLD c Proposed Meyer's Ranch Condominium � AfA �'L O Development, U.S. Highway 6 & `f, 24, Eagle County, Colorado. Job No. 23,306A Morter /Fisher /Arnold 143 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Jim Morter: Gentlemen: As requested, we have conducted a radiation survey and reviewed the Potential for mineral resources at the subject site. We have previously made a soil and foundation investigation for the project under our Job No. 23,306, dated January 4, 1982. The findings of our radiation survey and minerals review are as follows: Radiation Survey: The radiation survey was made using a Ludlum 12S scintillation counter. The location of survey stations and radiation readings are shown on the attached Figs. 1 and 2. Readings were made on an approximate 45 -foot square grid pattern. Radiation readings, at the ground surface, were between 14 and 20 micro R /hr. (micro Roentgens per hour) which is considered to be within the normal background radiation for the area. The Instrument used to make the radiation survey was calibrated with a radium source'at the Colorado State Health Department. Since the readings obtained during this survey are not above the normal background levels for the area, It does not appear that a radiation hazard exists at the site. Mineral Resources: Based on our understanding of the regional and site geo ogy, we a eve that aggregate is the only potential mineral resource present at the site. The subsoils encountered during test hole OFFICES: CASPER • COLORADO SPRINGS • GLENWOOD SPRINGS • SALT LAKE CITY Morter /Fisher /Arnold February 26, 1982 Page 2 drilling indicate that more than 47 feet of sand, gravel and cobble size material, with minor amounts of silt and clay, underlies the site. This material, when processed, could be marketed, providing sufficient demand for such materials exists in the area. Aggregate is currently being produced from similar deposits in the area. An analysis of the economic feasibility of aggregate production, at the site, should Include estimates of production costs, projected market conditions and availability of similar material from other sites in the area. If we can be of further service, please let us know. Sincerely, CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. By - Rog L. Barker Engineering Geologist RLB /jah Rev. By: RGM Enclosures ! o O 1p t irl O 49 12 12 o Oil C4 (T 'bTJ aaaS) auy, LpaeW _ N T gg� / o o / a z — /n o o .0 u v re ri I v O O / O N N e o O O O / N N / N N N I e O O O jry'� W y i N G N N b1 M p �CCUH ri fn N M E M 0 TO: Bill James, Town Manager FROM: Norm Wood, Director of Engineering and Community Development DATE: January 7, 1987 RE: Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Resolution No. 87 -1 A Sketch Plan for the subdivision of Parcel Number 2 as shown on the Meyer's Ranch Annexation has been submitted for review and approval. This property is located immediately West of Sunridge II and is bounded by Highway 6 on the South, and the D & RGW Railroad on the North. The property extends westerly to Arrowhead. Parcel Number 2 contains 11.4 acres of which 0.72 acres is located north of the Eagle River, 3.27 acres is within the Eagle River and 7.41 acres is located between Highway 6 and the Eagle River. The proposed subdivision divides the property into two lots. Lot 1 is the easterly lot and contains a total of 6.81 acres. Lot 2 is the westerly lot and contains a total of 4.59 acres. The 140 Residential Development Rights assigned to the property by Ordinance No. 81 -29 has been divided between Lot 1 and Lot 2. Lot 1 is shown with 84 development rights and Lot 2 with 56 development rights. Access to each of the two lots is from Highway 6 and would be subject to approval by the State Highway Department. Supplemental information submitted with the Sketch Plan indicates utilities are available to the site and no particular hazards exist which would preclude development on either Lot 1 or Lot 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Eaglewood Subdivision Sketch Plan at the January 6, 1987 meeting. The Commission reviewed the Sketch Plan for: A. Conformance with the master plan, policies, guidelines, zoning and other applicable regulations; B. Suitability'of the land for subdivision; C. Reports and studies of significant hazards, areas, or activities of local interest. Following the review, the Commission adopted Resolution No. 87 -1 which recommends the Town Council determine the Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision is acceptable and direct that the Preliminary Plan be developed in accordance with the following guidelines and conditions: 1. A detailed drainage study addressing off -site flows be developed for the site and all appropriate drainage related easements and setbacks be clearly defined; 2. The area located between the 30 foot setback line from the southerly mean annual high water line of the Eagle River and the northerly property line be defined as a separate Tract from Lot 1 and Lot 2, and the allowed uses be stipulated as public open space, parks and drainage. Provisions for dedicating this area to the Town of Avon for parkland should be considered; Memo to Bill James January 7, 1987 Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Resolution No. 87 -1 Page 2 of 2 3. The 140 residential development rights assigned to the subdivision be divided between Lot 1 and Lot 2 such that density does not exceed 25 development rights per acre as allowed in the RHDC Zone District; 4. Access to Lot 1 and Lot 2 is subject to approval by the Colorado State Highway Department and any related information submitted with the Sketch Plan is not a part of-this approval; 5. Conformance with all applicable Rules and Regulations regarding Preliminary Plan and Final Plat. If the Town Council concurs with the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the appropriate action can be accomplished by the adoption of Resolution No. 87 -1. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 87 -1. NW /mml TOWN OF AVON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 87 -1 SERIES OF 1987 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THE TOWN COUNCIL DETERMINE THE SKETCH PLAN FOR EAGLEWOOD SUBDIVISION IS ACCEPTABLE AND RECOMMENDING GUIDELINES AND CONDITIONS FOR PROCEEDING TO PRELIMINARY PLAN WHEREAS, Republic Investment Corporation has submitted a Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision, a subdivision of Parcel 2 of the Meyer's Ranch Annexation; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision for conformance with Subdivision Regulations, Zoning Regulations, and the Master Plan of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds the Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision is in general conformance with Subdivision Regulations, Zoning Regulations and the Master Plan of the Town of Avon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado recommends the Town Council of the Town of Avon determine the Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subdivision is acceptable and direct the applicant to proceed to Preliminary Plan in accordance with the following guidelines and conditions: 1. A detailed drainage study addressing off -site flows be developed for the site and all appropriate drainage related easements and setbacks be clearly defined; 2. The area located between the 30 foot setback line from the southerly mean annual high water line of the Eagle River and the northerly property line be defined as a separate Tract from Lot 1 and Lot 2, and the allowed uses be stipulated as public open space, parks and drainage. Provisions for dedicating this area to the Town of Avon for parkland should be considered; 3. The 140 residential development rights assigned to the subdivision be divided between Lot 1 and Lot 2 such that density does not exceed 25 development rights per acre as allowed in the RHDC Zone District; 4. Access to Lot 1 and Lot 2 is subject to approval by the Colorado State Highway Department and any related information submitted with the Sketch Plan is not a part of this approval; 5. Conformance with all applicable rules and regulations regarding preliminary plan and final plat. I Li- APPROVED THIS DAY OF Patricia Cuny, Secr ry -2- Michael S. Blair, Chairman STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION - 1/6/87 Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Meyers Ranch Annexation Review & Recommendations to Town Council INTRODUCTION: Republic Investment Corporation has submitted a Sketch Plan for the subdivision of Parcel Number 2, of the Meyer's Ranch Annexation. This property is located immediately West of Sunridge and is bounded by Highway 6 on the South, and the D & RGW Railroad on the North. Parcel Number 2 contains approximately 11.4 acres of which a substantial portion is located within the Eagle River. The Sketch Plan shows the property being divided into two lots. Lot 1 encompasses the eastern portion of the property and Lot 2 the western portion of the property. The Eaglewood Condominium Project which was previously presented to the Commission for conceptual review would be located on Lot 1. Access to each of the two lots is from Highway 6 and would be subject to approval by the State Highway Department. Supplemental information submitted with the Sketch Plan indicates water and sewer service will be provided by the local districts and electric service by Holy Cross Electric Association. Soils, geology and radiation reports do not indicate any particular hazards on the site or conditions which would preclude development on either Lot 1 or Lot 2. A drainage report was not included with the submittal, but a letter from Contra Ltd., engineers for the project, states that they feel that off -site and on -site drainage can be adequately controlled. In accordance with Section 16.16.030 of the Avon Municipal Code, the following factors should be considered in the review of a Sketch Plan: A. Conformance with the master plan, policies, guidelines, zoning, and other applicable regulations; B. Suitability of the land for subdivision; C. Reports and studies of significant hazards, areas, or activities of local interest. Following the review, a determination should be made regarding the suitability of the sketch plan. Guidelines and conditions for proceeding to preliminary plan should then be established or reasons provided for not proceeding to preliminary plan. Planning and Zoning Commission action should be in the form of a recommendation to the Town Council regarding action on the Sketch Plan. Final action on all subdivision matters is by the Town Council. STAFF COMMENTS: The Sketch Plan application for Eaglewood generally conforms with minimum submittal requirements as outlined in Chapter 16.16 of the Avon Municipal Code. The following comments are in regard to the above listed factors which should be considered in the review of a Sketch Plan: Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 1/6/87 Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Meyers Ranch Annexation Review & Recommendations to Town Council Page 2 of 4 A. Conformance with the master plan, policies, guidelines, zoning and other applicable regulations; 1. The proposed subdivision as located in the RHDC zone district as established by Ordinance No. 81 -29. This Ordinance assigned 140 Residential Development Rights to the property and limited commercial development to a maximum of 5,000 sq. ft. of which not more than 4,000 sq. ft. would be allowed as restaurant. The area north of the Eagle River was limited to parkland or open space use with the exception of water wells or water storage by Avon Metropolitan District. 2. The adopted Development Goals, Policies, and Programs for the Town of Avon states as a policy for Development District 5, "Promote the creation of a Riverfront Park that provides for a variety of acquatic sports, passive recreational activities, public access by means of continuous paths and bikeways, the protection of streambank vegetation, adjacent floodplains, wildlife habitat historical buildings, and residential privacy ". 3. Section 16.40.360 of the Avon Municipal Code states: "The Town Council may require the'reservation or dedication of lands or sites for parks when such are reasonably necessary to serve the proposed subdivision and future residents thereof. The Town may require the costs of the park and park improvements to be shared by the subdivider. 4. Section 16.40.370 of the Avon Municipal Code states: "The Town Council may require that each proposed subdivision include a park plan consisting of park sites suitable for active recreation use and walkways or riding trails for access to recreation sites. Location of sites shall be based on topography, vegetation, circulation patterns and the size of the subdivision. Wherever possible, consistent with the foregoing locational criteria, such park sites should be located in such a fashion to permit expansion through creation of similar facilities in future subdivisions on adjacent undeveloped land. B. Suitability of the land for subdivision; 1. Supplemantal information submitted with the Sketch Plan indicates required utilities will be available to each of the two lots and that each lot is accessible from Highway 6. 2. Soils, geology, and radiation reports submitted with the Sketch Plan do not indicate any conditions which would preclude development of the site. C. Reports and studies of significant hazards, areas or activites of local interest. Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 1/6/87 Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Meyers Ranch Annexation Review & Recommendations to Town Council Page 3 of 4 1. Drainage Report has not been included but a letter from project engineer states that they feel off -site and on -site drainage can be adequately controlled. 2. The Arrowhead Preliminary Circulation Plan, Trails and Paths dated March 3, 1983, shows a bikepath which could be connected to a bikepath through Eaglewood along the Eagle River. In summary, the information submitted does not reveal any unusual conditions or hazards which would preclude either lot from development. Letters from the water and sanitation districts and Holy Cross Electric Association indicate utilities are available at the site to serve the proposed densities. A drainage report has not been submitted but available information indicates development can occur around constraints which may result from the completion of a detailed drainage study. The proposed subdivision does-not include provisions for the creation of riverfront park or provision of walkways or riding trails for access to recreation sites. This could be accomplished by the designation of that portion of the site located between the southerly setback from the Eagle River Mean annual high water line and the northerly property line as public parkland. This would allow future development of riverfront park in the area as well as providing a critical location for possible connection of the Avon and Arrowhead bikepath systems. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Commission determine the Sketch Plan is acceptable and recommend the following guidelines and conditions for proceeding to Preliminary Plan: 1. A detailed drainage plan addressing all off -site flows be developed for the site and all appropriate drainage related easements and setbacks be clearly defined. 2. The area between the 30 foot setback line from the southerly mean annual high water line of the Eagle River and the northerly property line be defined as a separate tract from Lots 1 and 2 and the allowed uses be identified as public open space, parks and drainage. Consid- eration should be given to dedicating this area to the Town as parkland. 3. The assignment of'the 140 residential development rights to Lots 1 and 2 such that density does not exceed 25 development rights per acre as allowed in the RHDC Zone District. 4. Access to Lot 1 and Lot 2 is subject to approval by the Colorado Highway Department and any related information submitted with the Sketch Plan is solely for the applicants information and not a part of any approval by the Town. Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 1/6/87 - Eaglewood Subdivision - Sketch Plan Meyers Ranch Annexation Review & Recommendations to Town Council Page 4 of 4 RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Introduce Sketch Plan of Eaglewood Subivision; 2. Presentation by appliciant; 3. Commission review and comment; 4. Commission Action - Adopt Resolution 87 -1 with appropriate modifications. Respectfully Submitted, Z/ Norm Wood Director of Engineering and Community Development Planning & Zoning Action Approved as Submitted ( ) Approved with Recommended Conditions ( ) Approved with Modified Conditions ( ) Continued ( ) Denied ( ) Withdrawn ( ) Date 116121? z Patricia Cuny, Secretary 17 / NW/ j e C Lttd • \ TT a - • community designers e ngineering surveying prompt effective service December 29, 1986 Mr. Norm Wood Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Dept. P.O. Box D Avon, CO Dear Mr. Wood: 8044 Kipling Street Arvada, Colorado 80005 (303) 431 -0505 P.O. Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 81632 (303) 949 -4640 Enclosed please find four copies each of the following material being submitted for sketch plan review of the Eaglewood Subdivision (Meyers Ranch). We would like to be scheduled for the January 6, 1987 Planning and Zoning meeting. 1. Sketch Plan Map 2. Letter from Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District concerning availability of domestic water and sewage services for the site. 3. Letter from the Holy Cross Electric Association concerning availability of electric services for the site. 4. Letter from the District Ranger, White River National Forest, regarding wildfire hazards. 5. Report on radiation survey and mineral resources. 6. Soils and Foundation investigation report. 7. Bedrock geology report. 8. Proposed alignment and grading for the access road to the western portion. Some of this material was prepared for an earlier design plan under the name of Cottonwood. While the proposed design has changed, the basic information has remained essentially unchanged. Contra has been in contact with the Colorado Dept. of Highways concerning the access to the site from U.S. Highway 6. There are two proposed access points, one at the east end and one at the west end of the project. The east access appears to be the only one which may require accel /decel lanes. Construction of these lanes does not appear to pose significant difficulties at this time. We are waiting on comments regarding the sketch plan before applying for access approach permits for these driveways. Permanent structures will be kept out of the Eagle River 100 year flood plain. Offsite drainage from the south side of Highway 6 impacts the site by means of an exitiing 6' diameter stock tunnel constructed under the highway. The Ford irrigation ditch crosses the site from the east to the west. We feel that this and onsite drainage can be adequately controlled. If you have any questions, need additional materials, or wish to discuss any item concerning this project, please give me a call. Sincerely, Glenn Palmer, PE encl. CO LtEd' a — community designers • engineering 7P� • surveying prompt effective service December 29, 1986 Avon Town Council Avon{, Colorado Dear Sirs and Madams: 8044 Kipling Street Arvada, Colorado 80005 (303) 431 -0505 P.O. Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 81632 (303) 949 -4640 We would like to request a sketch plan review for the Council meeting of January 13, 1987. The proposed subdivision is called Eaglewood and is located on the west side of Avon, between the Eagle River and U.S. Highway 6. Domestic water and sewage disposal shall be provided by the Upper Eagle Valley dater and Sanitation District. Solid waste shall be handled by B.F.I. or another private collection company. Power will be provided by the Holy Cross Electric Association. Sincerely, l� Jay. wV� 1 �JL "V.�S ✓ Glenn Palmer, PE l Owl" AUPPER EAGLE VALLEY �/ WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS $46 FOREST ROAD . VAIL. COLORADO $1657 (303) 476.7100 December 22, 1986 Mr. Ken Newbacker Post Office Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 81632 RE: MEYERS RANCH PROPERTY - Construction of 220 Units Dear Mr. Newbacker: The Avon Metropolitan District and Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District will provide domestic water service and sewer service to the above - referenced development. The Districts have excess capacity to process domestic water at the present time to its constituents. Accordingly, upon compliance with the Rules and Regulations and the payment of appropriate tap fees, the Districts will provide domestic water service and sewer service. Construction of all main line extensions is the responsibility of the developer. Any additional fire service, i.e., fire hydrants that need to be added to those already existing, will be at the expense of those requesting the service. The addition of Backf low Prevention Devices on the Fire Service and on the Domestic Water Service, where required, are necessary. Sincerely, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSO IDATED SANITATION DISTRICT David Krenek, P.E. Operations Director DK:das FLE.17 /16 PARTICIPATING DISTRICTS - ARROWHEAD METRO WATER • AVON METRO WATER • BEAVER CREEK METRO WATER A BERRY CREEK METRO WATER CLlAN � \1 EAGLE -VAIL METRO WATER • EDWARDS METRO WATER • LAKE CREEK MEADOWS WATER • UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION VAIL VALLEY CONSOUDATED N WATER A VAIL WATER AND SANITATION -IOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 99 HIGHWAY 82 AREA CODE O. DRAWER 2150 303 .ENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602 945.5491 Dec. 22, 1986 Mr. Ken Neubecker Contra Engineering P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Marrs Ranch Property Dear Mr. Neubecker: The above mentioned development is within the certificated service area of Holy Cross Electric Associaiton, Inc. , Holy Cross Eelctric Association, Inc. has adequate resources to provide electric power to the development, subject to the tariffs, rules and regulations on file with Public Utilities Commission of the State of.Colorado. Any power line enlargements, relocations, and new extensions necessary to deliver adequate power to . and within the development will be undertaken by Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. upon completion of appropriate_. contractual agreements. Please advise when you wish to proceed with the development of the electric system for this project. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. �l Ted Huskey Engineering Services Supervisor TH: lw • CC: Marrs Ranch Property File CC: HCEA Vail Hoty Cnoas Ranger Vi6t4.i.._ P.O. Box 190 ffifltulcn, CO 81645 Torun os Avon ATTN: Norm wood P. 0. Box D Avon, CO 81620 Dean Nohm: 5100 Makch 10, 1982 Thin t etten i6 in tea po n6 a to an inquiky by Jim Morten o s MoA teA, F.i,6 hen and Anno.td, Anchitect6 in Vait, Coto, ado . Pteaa e be adv.i6 ed that the Co.ttomwod Condominium (o.td Meyena' Ranch) devetorment doe6 not pneaent a w,i.tdSi�e eoncmi Son the U.S. Forrest Senviee. 16 you beUeve that .there m.ig {it be an impact on Kizhenie6 due to proximity to the Eaclte R,iveA, I suggest that git t Andnee be eonactted. Britt .c.6 the toeat L' .6tYie t Witdt i k Manage& Soh the State D.iv.i6 ion os (JcQ LUle, phone 949 -5481. Sineenety, ERNEST R. N((N,N D.i.atA i.c t Ranger cc: Jim VoA ten 143 E. Aleadow D,40*1*0� Va.it, CO 81657 B. POOLE:.tme %a chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS N SOUTH ZUNI STREET • DENVER, COLORADO 60273 • 30717"•7105 9�p 1112�� February 26, 1982 h MAR 1982 Subject: Radiation Survey and Review REC;L:iVED �- y (V MORTER FISHER u of Potential Mineral Resources, r ARNOLD h Proposed Meyer's Ranch Condominium AIA f,L,v'L 2evelopment, U.S. Highway 6 b �8�1z9Z5Zh�c , Eagle County, Colorado. Job No. 23,306A Morter /Fisher /Arnold 143 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Jim Morter: Gentlemen: As requested, we have conducted a radiation survey and reviewed the Potential for mineral resources at the subject site. We have previously made a soil and foundation investigation for the project under our Job No. 23,306, dated January 4, 1982. The findings of our radiation survey and minerals review are as follows: Radiation Survey: The radiation survey was made using a Ludlum 12S scintillation counter. The location of survey stations and radiation readings are shown on the attached Figs. 1 and 2. Readings were made on an approximate 45 -foot square grid pattern. Radiation readings, at the ground surface, were between 14 and 20 micro R /hr. (micro Roentgens per hour) which is considered to be within the normal background radiation for the area. The Instrument used to make the radiation survey was calibrated with a radium source'at the Colorado State Health Department. Since the readings obtained during this survey are not above the normal background levels for the area, it does not appear that a radiation hazard exists at the site. Mineral Resources: Based on our understanding of the regional and site geology, we a eve that aggregate is the only potential mineral resource present at the site. The subsoils encountered during test hole OFFICES: GASPER • COLORADO SPRINGS • GLENWOOD SPRINGS • SALT LAKE CITY Mortar /Fisher /Arnold February 26, 1982 Page 2 drilling indicate that more than 47 feet of sand, gravel and cobble size material, with minor amounts of silt and clay, underlies the site. This material, when processed, could be marketed, providing sufficient demand for such materials exists in the area. Aggregate is currently being produced from similar deposits in the area. An analysis of the economic feasibility of aggregate production, at the site, should include estimates of production costs, projected market conditions and availability of similar material from other sites in the area. If we can be of further service, please let us know. Sincerely, CHEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. By - Rog L. Barker Engineering Geologist RLB /jah Rev. By: RGM Enclosures O j — tlJ E a 1 1 a � N m ° ° I m h m _ � i e � I y� N � • e I • o ° V � ' �I • o ° 1 h N � • I ° e i • ( I II I j 4 • ° e i (Z '6T3 easl -M 1pww .a o H p a a vi N (T *f)U DODO OUT, P:I w z— Q N N ;V N � b i o N ry b 0 •„ N N m y r n n N ti r r r .N f 1 I f N ry• N N N �� N H M p N1 PI N N Or a Town of Avon P. O. Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 (303) 949 -4280 January 14, 1987 Republic Investment Corporation P.O. Box 127 Parker, Colorado 80134 Attention: Mr. John Werner Dear Mr. Werner: At its regular meeting of January 13, 1987, the Avon Town Council tabled Resolution No. 87 -1, Series of 1987, approving a sketch plan for Eaglewood Subdivision and establishing guidelines and conditions for preceeding to preliminary plan until Republic Investment Corporation can show the Town Council that Republic Investment Corporation intends to take advantage of placing the project in the Town of Avon, and that they indicate so in the brochures that are being presented to the perspective buyers. It was also requested that Republic Investment Corporation provide the Town Council with the new material. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Town Offices. Sincerely, Patricia:J. Doyle— Town Cleric cc: File A LPINE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. January 2, 1987 Town of Avon Avon Town Council P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Town Council; As President of the Sunridge Phase 2 condominium owner behalf of all the Eaglewood at Vail in the project, I owners in Sunridge project. FOR YOUR 12 COLORADO SKI RESERVATIONS DRAWER 5240, AVON, CO 81620 BRECKENRIDGE PHONE: 303/453 -9613 AVON PHONE: 303/949 -0229 Homeowners' Association and as a am writing at this time on the Phase 2 regarding the proposed I have read the brochure on the proposed project, read all the current articles in the local newspapers and discussed the situation with many of our homeowners and local residents to obtain a general opinion on the project. Although we certainly can't prohibit the building of the Eaglewood we do have several concerns which we want the Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Board to be aware of. These concerns are as follows listed in no particular order of concern: 1. Sunridge Phase 2 is situated on approximately 11 acres of land and contains 198 units in total. The acreage of the new project is approximately 6 acres, yet the developer has proposed building between 185 to 210 units -This would indicate that the ratio of units to acerage would be double what we already have in Sunridge Phase 2. From our first hand experience in the past 5 years, we feel that Sunridge is already at the maximum reasonable density for a housing project of this type. When you consider such problems as parking, trash accumulation and removal, snow removal, noise, available open space, fireplace emissions and privacy for residents, allowing approximately 200 units on a six acre parcel of land which is substantially lower than the roadbed of Highway 6 to the south and is located directly across the Eagle River from the Rio Grand Railroad tracks and a very high cliff will cause dissatisfaction among future tenants and homeowners. 2. Although no specific sales price have been published to date, we have heard that a proposed price for a two bedroom unit would be approximately $85,000. We feel that this price is incredibly unrealistic and if the developer needs this price to make an adequete profit, then Eaglewood will become one additional unfinished eyesore in the Town of Avon. Do to the initial sales prices and high financing rates, we have suffered through nearly 50 foreclosures or 25% of the entire project in Sunridge 2 over the past five _years. These foreclosure sales have created a buyers market and dropped the effective current sales price of a furnished 2 bedroom unit by nearly 50% during this time period. Prices currently range from as low as the high 40's to the low 60's with the average being approximately $55,000. It is obvious that the developer requires the additional densities to make the Eaglewood project work financially, however, we can't understand how they can expect to sell the proposed units for $30,000 more than a comparable Sunridge unit especially considering their inferior location. 3. Based on the floorplans and renderings contained in the Eaglewood brochures, the most complimentary comment which I have heard to date is that the project looks like a Motel 6 with dormers. As a developer myself, I must say that the floorplans strongly suggest the use of pre- fabricated modules to cut construction costs. Although this type of construction doesn't necessarily have to look unattractive, it is imperative that the Planning and Zoning Board be especially attentive to detail on this type of project. The Sunridge 2 homeowners are quite concerned about the aesthetics and quality of construction of the Eaglewood project adversely affecting the marketability and value of their units. 4.Our fourth concern is that the proposed platting to be acted upon by the Town Council will allow the Eaglewood developer to mass their buildings as close as 7.5' from the east common lot line with Sunridge Phase 2. This is probably necessary to allow the developer to accomodate 200 units on the available land, however, we can't see how sufficient landscaping can be placed on such a small amount of land to insure privacy for both Sunridge 2 and Eaglewood residents. These are our primary concerns and if either the Town Council or the Planning and Zoning Board would feel that our further involvement would be helpful in the matter, I would be more than happy to attend any meeting concerning this matter. Sin rely, Gregory K aft, President Sunridge Phase 2 Homeowners Association JANUARY 20, 1987 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: You are hereby notified pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.20.070 of the Avon Municipal Code, that a public hearing on a preliminary and final plat for the following will be held and considered at the meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, on 1/27/87 at 7:30 p.m., in the Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to be present and be heard. PROPERTY OWNER: APPLICANT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Avon Ranch Company A Colorado General Partnership Drawer 1048 Vail, CO 81658 Republic Investment Corp. Box 127 Parker, CO 80134 A Parcel of land situated in the E 1/2 NW 1/4 and S 1/2 NE 1/4, Section 11, T 5 S, R 82 W, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner Lot 1, Block 3 Amendment No. 11, Benchmark At Beaver Creek, recorded in Book 300 at Page 129 Map Case 2, Eagle County Clerk and Recorders Office; thence westerly along the north right -of -way line of U.S. Highway No. 6 & 24 the following courses: N 84 °15'33" W, 569.71 feet; thence along an arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 2815.00 feet and an interior angle of 10° 01'57 ", a distance of 492.90 feet; thence N 74 °13'36" W, a distance of 603.50 feet; thence along an arc of a non - tangent curve to the left having a radius of 1005.00 feet, an arc of 48.74 feet, and whose chord bears N 70 °23'06" W, 48.74 feet to the SGT corner of Parcel No. 2 said corner being the intersection of the west line of the NE 1/4 NW 1/4 section 11 and the north R.O.W. of U.S. 6 & 24, and is also the SE corner of Arrowhead at Vail, Filing No. 6 recorded in Book 253 at Page 641; thence northerly along said sixteenth line and easterly line of Filing No. 6, N 00 °16'26" E 260.92 feet to a point on the south R.O.W. line of the D &RGW RR R.O.W., thence easterly along said south R.O.W. line the following courses: S 70 056'28" E, a distance of 531.97 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1055.37 feet and an interior angle of 33 °09151" a distance of 610.88 feet; thence N 75 °53141" E, a distance of 254.45 feet to a point on the easterly line of this described Parcel and the westerly line of Benchmark at Beaver Creek descibed in Title Policy No. 06 005 04- 02597, said corner also being a point on the south R.O.W. line of the D &RGW RR; thence southerly along said property line S 00 °03'43" W, a distance of 85.64 feet; thence along said line S 86 °32'41" E, a distance of 100.17 feet; continuing along said line N 73 °28'17" E a distance of 234.76 feet; thence southerly along said line S 00 °03'43" W a distance of 427.58 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 11.40 acres, more or less. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY Not Applicable DEADLINE: If you wish to be heard on this matter, you may appear personally or by designated agent at the public hearing on 1/27/87 OR you may file a written statement with the Town Clerk, Town of Avon, P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado, 81620. In order to be considered by the Town Council, such written statement must be recieved in the Town Offices no later than 4:00 p.m., Tuesday 1/27/87. OTHER: Applicant is represented by Mr. Jon Werner Republic Investment Corp P.O. Box 1788 jiai1, co 81657 atricial J. D/§,§le, flown /C"ler LIST OF ADJACENT LAND OWNERS LOT 1 ENTERPRISES III BLOCK 2 BOX 937 (TRAILER PARK) AVON, CO 81620 LOT 1 BLOCK 2 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK (TRAILER PARK) BOX 5070 AVON, CO 81620 ARROWHEAD CABLEVISION ASSOCIATES VI 2195 INGERSOLE DES MOINES, IA 50312 ARROWHEAD VICKERY, R.L. & A.L.- HORTON, J.J. & N.L. (SOUTH HOUSE) KUDSON, B.O. - SULLIVAN, TIMOTHY 4728 CHICAGO ROAD MINOOKA, IL 60447 ARROWHEAD MAIZE, EUGENE F. DEMUTH, ALAN C. 718 17TH STRRET SUITE 1600 DENVER, CO 80202 VAIL ASSOCIATES BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 ARROWHEAD AT VAIL 1000 S. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST SUITE 203 VAIL, CO 81657 Colt'd ra • community designers en gineering • surveying prompt effective service January 22, 1987 Mr. Norm Wood Town of Avon Engineer Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Wood: FOR YOUR ITIF MATION 8044 Kipling Street Arvada, Colorado 80005 (303) 431 -0505 P.O. Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 81632 (303) 949 -4640 The Eaglewood Plat (sketch, preliminary, and final plats) was scheduled to be heard by the Town of Avon Council on Tuesday, January 27, 1987 . We would like to postpone this submittal by 2 weeks to be heard by Town Council on Tuesday, Febuary 10, 1987. Glenn Palmer, PE GL:ljf cc: Jon Werner Tim Garton