TC Agenda 01-08-2008TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO WORK SESSION FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2008 ? MEETING BEGINS AT 2:00 PM ® AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD PRESIDING OFFICIALS MAYOR RON WOLFE MAYOR PRO TEM BRIAN SIPES COUNCILORS RICHARD CARROLL, DAVE DANTAS, KRISTI FERRARO AMY PHILLIPS, TAMRA NOTTINGHAM UNDERWOOD TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN DUNN TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY ALL WORK SESSION MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT EXECUTIVE SESSIONS COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME; PLEASE TELL THE MAYOR YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK UNDER NO. 2 BELOW ESTIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND AVON LIBRARY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to CRS 24-6-402 (4)(b) conference with Town Attorney for the purposed of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions regarding pending issues related to the Village 2. INQUIRY OF THE PUBLIC FOR COMMENT AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM 3. ELECTION 2008 TOPICS AND DISCUSSION (John Dunn, Town Attorney, Larry Brooks, Town Manager) Review of proposed ballot topics and special election timeline ® 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 4. EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL SITE LOCATION DISCUSSION (Phillip Onofrio, CFO, ECSD, Denny Hill, Strategic Resources) 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 5. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND STAFF UPDATES a. Financial Matters Updates 5:15 PM 6. ADJOURNMENT E Avon Council Meeting.08.01.08 Page 1 of 4 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2008 AVON MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD PRESIDING OFFICIALS MAYOR RON WOLFE MAYOR PRO TEM BRIAN SIPES COUNCILORS RICHARD CARROLL, DAVE DANTAS, KRISTI FERRARO AMY PHILLIPS, TAMRA NOTTINGHAM UNDERWOOD TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN DUNN TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY ALL REGULAR MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT EXECUTIVE SESSIONS COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME DURING CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY INPUT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND AVON LIBRARY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4. COMMUNITY INPUT a. Citizen and Public Input b. Holiday Lighting Contest Awards (Ron Wolfe, Mayor) 5. APPEALS FROM OR RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION a. Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 07-18, Series of 2007, First Reading, An Ordinance Approving A Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment Application For Lot C, Avon Center At Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town Of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. (Eric Heidemann, Community Development Director) The Amendment Request Would Eliminate The 125 Room Hotel, Increase The Number Of Time-Share Units, Lower The Amount Of Retail/Commercial Space, And Relocate The Restaurant Space To Main Street. The Developed Portion Of The Project Includes 81 Two- Bedroom Timeshare Units, 20 Employee-Housing Units, And Ground Level Office/Retail Space / This item was continued from the 12/11/07 meeting; Staff update as to status of application and further request to table application 6. ORDINANCES 7. RESOLUTIONS a. Resolution No. 08-01, Series of 2008, Resolution Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 6, Block 5, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (Shane Pegram, Engineer 1) b. Resolution No. 08-02, Series of 2007, Resolution Approving Extension Of A Milestone Event For Completion Of Construction Of The Gates, Formerly The Chateau St. Claire Planned Unit Development (John Dunn, Town Attorney) 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. UNFINISHED/ OLD BUSINESS a. Victor Mark Donaldson Proposal for Town of Avon Recreation Center Remodel design and construction documents (Shane Pegram, Engineer 1) 10. OTHER BUSINESS Avon Council Meeting.08.01.08 Page 3 of 4 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2008 MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD 11. TOWN MANAGER REPORT 12. TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT a. Acknowledge Oldcastle SW Group, Inc. dba B&B Excavating for work on the historic waterwheel (Larry Brooks, Town Manager) 13. MAYOR REPORT 14. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: January 22, 2008: Ordinance No. 07-10 Village at Avon PUD Amendment (Second Reading & Public Hearing), Public Hearing on new hotel and restaurant liquor license for Sheraton Mountain Vista, Joint P&Z and Council meeting to review snowmelt and climate action plans 15. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes from December 11, 2007 b. Resolution. No. 08-03, Resolution approving the locations for posting the notices of public meetings (Patty McKenny, Director Admin Services) c. Change Order 001, Eaglebend/Stonebridge Streetscape Project Final Quantities Adjustment (Shane Pegram, Engineer 1) d. Intermountain Engineering - Fee Proposal for redesign of Wildridge Road West to include a pedestrian lane (Shane Pegram, Engineer 1) e. Avon Station (Transportation Center) Change Order 01 (Jeff Schneider, Engineer 11) f. Avon Station (Transportation Center), Design Workshop Add Service #5) - Additional Design Services During Construction for Redesign of Center Island Landscape Feature (Jeff Schneider, Engineer 11) g. Riverfront Plaza Management Services - Indemnification Agreement with Confluence Metro District regarding Lower Plaza Management Services (John Dunn, Town Attorney) 16. ADJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting.08.01.08 Page 4 of 4