TC Agenda 04-24-2007TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2007 AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD A..........._.______.......... PRESIDING OFFICIALS MAYOR RON WOLFE MAYOR PRO TEM BRIAN SIPES COUNCILORS RICHARD CARROLL DAVE DANTAS KRISTI FERRARO AMY PHILLIPS TAMRA NOTTINGHAM UNDERWOOD TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN DUNN TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME ESTIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND COUNCIL MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND CITY MARKET THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH WORK SESSION AGENDA MEETING BEGINS AT 2:45 PM 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM 1. APPROVAL OF WORK SESSION AGENDA & COUNCIL ASSIGNMENT UPDATES A. Updates on the Eagle County BoCC/Mayors/Manager's Meeting, Eagle County Open Space Committee, Eagle River Preserve Plans (Ron Wolfe, Mayor) 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM 2. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REAPPOINTMENT UPDATE (Eric Heidemann, Community Development Director) Recommendation to reappoint three current members to the Commission for two years/follow-up action at Regular Meeting 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM 3. ECO TRAILS "MISSING LINK" (Ellie Caryl, ECO Trails Program Manager) Review of current status of ECO trails system through Avon 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM 4. PRELIMINARY URBAN RENEWAL FINANCING PLAN FOR PROPOSED SERIES 2008 URA TAX INCREMENT REVENUE BONDS (Scott Wright, Assistant Town Manager Finance) Review of proposed financing plan that is based on tax increment property tax revenues generated from the Westin Riverfront PUD 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM 5. TOWN COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MODEL (Scott Wright, Assistant Town Manager Finance) Review of financial model drafted by Stan Bernstein & Associates for use in determining town's future financial health when considering development and services 5:15 PM 6. STAFF UPDATES a. Establish an Avon Committee on Disposition of Forfeited Property (Brian Kozak, Police Chief) Formation of committee that will approve the use of forfeited money b. Financial Matters Report / Memo only c. Project Status & Summary Reports / Memo only d. Business Registration Update / Memo only 5:20 PM 7. ADJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting. 07.04.24 Page 1 of 4 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2007 AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4. CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY INPUT a. Avon Business Association Final Walking Map Presentation (Mike Bennett, ABA) b. Eagle River Watershed Council - Community Pride Highway Cleanup (Saturday, April 28, 2007) Request for Funds (Joe Macy, President) c. Vail Valley Foundation 2013 FIS World Alpine Ski Championships / Vail / Beaver Creek (Cell Folz, VVF) Request for Avon's support of the VVF to proceed with the 2013 bid 5. UPDATE ON WHITEWATER RODEO RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONIES & SERIES (Meryl Jacobs, Recreation Director, Danita Chirichillo, Special Events Coordinator, Joe Blair, Mountain Games, LLC) Review of Opening Ceremonies and Rodeo Series for Whitewater Park 6. APPEALS FROM OR RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION a. Planning and Zoning Commission Final Design Approval Review Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, 5178 Longsun Lane (Eric Heidemann, Community Development Director) Review of P&Z decision to allow a single family home to convert to a duplex 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Planning & Zoning Commission Reappointments (Eric Heidemann, Community Development Director) Recommendation to reappoint three current members to the Planning & Zoning Commission for two years b. Avon Transportation Center Update & Construction Bid Recommendation (Norm Wood, Town Engineer) Review of recent bid opening for construction of transportation center and recommendation for further negotiations 8. ORDINANCES a. Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 07-03, Series of 2007, Second Reading, Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon Relating to General Penalties to Set Forth the Procedures for Prosecution of Civil Infractions; to Identify Penalties for Civil Infractions; to Identify Violations of The Municipal Code to be Designated as Civil Infractions; and Providing Details in Connection Therewith (John Dunn, Town Attorney) Revisions to Avon Municipal Code related to procedural requirements for charging and proving civil infractions b. Ordinance No. 07-04, Series of 2007, First Reading, Ordinance Amending Title 9 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon Relating to Criminal Injury to Property (Brian Kozak, Police Chief) 9. RESOLUTIONS a. Resolution No. 07-10, Series of 2007, Resolution to amend the 2007 Town of Avon Budget (Scott Wright, Asst. Town Manager Finance) Revisions to budget related to transit & miscellaneous expenditures b. Resolution No. 07-15, Series of 2007, Resolution Approving the Amended Final Plat, the Village (at Avon), Filing 3, A Reconfiguration of Tracts B and F, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (Norm Wood, Town Engineer) A reconfiguration of Tracts B & F parcels to be conveyed to the Eagle County Health Services District for construction of an ambulance site Avon Council Meeting. 07.04.24 Page 3 of 4 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2007 AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM RESOLUTIONS - CONTINUED c. Resolution No. 07-16, Series of 2007, Resolution in Support of the 2007 Ballot Issue Known As "Referendum 1A Whether the Proposed Eagle County Home Rule Charter, as revised by the Eagle County Home Rule Charter Commission, Shall Be Approved" that will change the Eagle County Form Of Government from Statutory to Home Rule (Ron Wolfe, Mayor) Consideration of supporting resolution for Referendum 1A 10. UNFINISHED/ OLD BUSINESS 11. OTHER BUSINESS 12. TOWN MANAGER REPORT 13. TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT 14. MAYOR REPORT 15. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Award Contract for Transportation Center Construction, Draft Audit Report 16. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes from March 27, 2007 b. Ground Engineering Consultants - Approve Proposal for Geotechnical Services for 2007 Street Improvements (Norm Wood, Town Engineer) c. Ground Engineering Consultants - Approve Proposal for Geotechnical Services for Avon Road / Benchmark Road Roundabout (Norm Wood, Town Engineer) ✓ d. Agreement with Restruction Corporation for Temporary Park Access to Falcon Point (Bob Reed, Public Works/Transit Director) Agreement to allow access to Falcon Point in order to demolish pool & deck area of the property ✓ e. Western Enterprises, Inc. Contract (Meryl Jacobs, Recreation Director) Contract to facilitate the 2007 fireworks display scheduled for Tuesday, July 3rd f. Climate Action Plan Budget Amendment 2007 (Eric Heidemann, Community Development Director) Proposal from Shmueser/cordon/Meyer for professional service to establish Climate Action Plan, plan that would quantify, track and begin reducing greenhouse gas emissions / included with Resolution No. 17. ADJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting. 07.04.24 Page 4 of 4