TC Agenda 01-13-2004STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD JANUARY 13, 2004, AT 2:00 PM TO BE HELD AT THE AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING LOCATED AT 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM 1) Council Committee Updates - Council members are assigned to several committees and update their progress. Water Leases (Councilor D. Buckley) Open Space Committee Update (Councilor Wolfe) Colorado 100 Session (Councilor Wolfe) 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM 2) Beaver Creek Resort Proposed Gondola Plan (John Garnsey) - Beaver Creek Resort, Inc. officials will discuss the proposed gondola & chairlifts plan that will take passengers from Avon & the base of Beaver Creek to the top of Beaver Creek. 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM 3) Lot 61 Development Proposal Review of Financial Analysis & PUD Development Plan & Development Agreement (Norm Wood, Tambi Katieb) - Staff will review the financial implication of Lot 61 development agreement located at 75 Benchmark Road 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM 4) Fly Vail Summer Program (Kent Myers) - A review of 2003 program, an update on 2004 program, and a request for funding. 4:00 PM - 5:20 PM 5) Comprehensive Plan Proposals (Ruth Borne) - Presentations from various selected firms regarding Avon's Comprehensive Plan "Request for Proposal" 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM a. RNL Design 4:20 PM - 4:40 PM b. EDAW 4:40 PM - 5:00 PM c. OTAK 5:00 PM - 5:20 PM d. Discussion 5:20 PM - 5:25 PM 6) Staff Updates - Consent Agenda Questions AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL. THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk Estimated times are shown for informational purposes only, subject to change without notice. POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON JANUARY 9, 2004: ✓ Avon Municipal Building, Main Lobby ✓ Alpine Bank, Main Lobby ✓ Avon Recreation Center, Main Lobby ✓ City Market, Main Lobby Town Clerk\COUI7cll\ngendas\2003\naon Council Mecting.04.01.13 TOWN OF AVON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - REVISED JANUARY 13, 2004 - 5:30 PM MEETING TO BE HELD AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, CO 1. Call to Order / Roll Call 2. Citizen Input a. Holiday Lighting Contest Awards Comprehensive Plan Proposals & Selection RNL Design OTAK 3. Ordinances a. Ordinance No. 04-01, Series of 2004, an Ordinance approving the Lot 61 planned Unit Development (PUD) for Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (Norm Wood / Tambi Katieb) The Owner & Avon Staff present a new PUD plan that establishes a reconfigured development site, a dedication of right-of-way to the Town, provisions for a Transportation Hub and development standards specifying new densities & permitted uses. 4. Resolutions Public Hearing a. Resolution No. 04-01, Series of 2004, a Resolution approving Preliminary Plat for Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark Beaver Creek, Avon, Eagle County, Colorado b. Resolution No. 03-55, Series of 2003, A Resolution ordering a Special Assessment Against Tract J, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (John Dunn) - tabled at 12/9/03 meeting 5. New Business a. Appeal of Planning & Zoning Decision on 12/16/03 to deny fence application (Ruth Borne) Applicant: Marjorie Marks Legal: Lot 28, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning: Duplex - PUD Address: 4491 Wildridge Road West b. Amended & Restated Water Lease (Norm Wood) - Lease of water rights to Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority for water consumed by Avon customers. 6. Other Business 7. Unfinished Business 8. Town Manager Report 9. Town Attorney Report 10. Mayor Report 11. Consent Agenda a. Approval of the December 9, 2003 Regular Council Meeting Minutes b. Resolution No. 04-02, Resolution approving posting locations for the Town of Avon (Patty McKenny) Identifies locations for posting agendas & public notices for Town of Avon as required by Colorado State Statutes c. Colorado Code Publishing Company - Agreement for Municipal Code Republication (Patty McKenny) Agreement outlining services for Avon Code republication. d. TV 8 Advertising Contract (Meryl Jacobs) - a contract outlining commercial and interview advertising for the Avon Recreation Center. 12. Adjournment "Down Clerk\COllnell\Agendas\2003\Avon Council Meet ing.04.01.13 Town Clerk\Council\Agendas\2003\Avon Council Meeting.04.01.13 TOWN OF AVON LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSE AUTHORITY AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2004 – 5:25 PM Call to Order / Roll Call 1. Renewal of Retail Liquor Store License a. Name: Bachelor Wine & Spirits, Inc. d/b/a Bachelor Wine & Spirits Address: 1060 W. Beaver Creek Blvd, Avon, CO Manager: Scott Seitz 2. Renewal of Hotel / Restaurant Liquor License b. Name: Bob’s Place, LLC d/b/a Bob’s Place Address: 100 W. Beaver Creek Blvd, Avon, CO Manager: Bob Doyle 3. Transfer of Ownership a. Name: Fiesta Jalisco Numero Tres, LLC d/b/a Fiesta Jalisco Address: 240 Chapel Place, B-12, Avon, CO Manager: Carlos Diaz 4. Other Business 5. Approval of the Local Liquor License Authority Minutes a. Approval of the December 9, 2003 Meeting Minutes 6. Adjournment