TC Agenda 10-06-1992STATE-OF COLORADO ) COUNTY.OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD OCTOBER 6, 1992, AT 3:00-? P.M: IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,'400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR-THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 3:00 P.M. 1.) Budget Issues (Bill James) 4:30 P.M: 2.) Greg Kraft Dinner Will Be Served AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN'TO THE PUBLIC TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR BY: Pa ty Ney art, Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON OCTOBER 5, 1992: AVON POST-OFFICE IN THE'MAIN LOBBY CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN-LOBBY COASTAL MART, INC,:; and AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY The ABC Times P.O Box 5210, Avon, CO 81620 303-949-4402 Serving Avon, Beaver Creek, the Vail Valley and all of Eagle County 10/7/92 Patricia Neyhart Town Clerk Town of Avon Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Ms. Neyhart: This is notification that the ABC Times now has fulfilled the obligations required of it to publish legal and public notices. It has a second class postal permit and has been published consecutively for longer than 52 weeks. When you use the ABC Times for your public notices, they will also be published for free in the Avon-Beaver Creek Times. The combined publications have a circulation of 7,300, and are distributed from East Vail to Gypsum. The circulation jumps to a high of 11,300 during peak winter periods. The Times also is direct mailed once each month to out-of-area property owners in Beaver Creek. Arrowhead and Singletree(twice monthly in winter and summer season). The Times will print your public notices for 384 per line for the first insertion and 264 per line for subsequent insertions (until the new state rates take effect, Jan. 1, '93). This rate is for the standard 10 pica line, 6 point type. Deadline for legal advertising will be 5 p.m. the Thursday prior to the Wednesday of publication. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, pson eklb er FAX 303-845-7204 IOd Nd zv:co Z6-90-0I U.S• p051AL SEAVt AYFfO.otiXTION FOR SECOND-CUk MAIL PRIVILEG .M111 770N: This record Must ltt retained In your rmanent riles. U..S. posts! 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Dahl Anita is Bizzotto 000021 Managar Rates and CIaM&Adop Cents tsar ~ •d S a t J a s 00ZXUJNUS 0000 LZ : bT E6, 9 *400 SENT BY:Xe'rox Teleco ier.%21 ;10- 7-82 2;06PM ;GOSQR1FUUNNA5PLANALP-► 303 949139;# 1 ir~yv Tix@rox ie eCO~ier, ,1 ;10- 7°02 1 91PPN ; ITT ECMoCCSGRIFCUNNABPLANALP;w j , I i . I 8(bCSINIIE 6R9vioQjBSISAX4N of nals (inoluding corner pave) Please call to at (903) 944-43$0 It you.. experience any problems witA your r eption John 1.) ABC Tunes second Cles to publish legal notices with th C1i s . Let me know our tho"htsi T=K _YO!!1' ~~.r •a ~.w~riw~ur i %MY Of AVON PAX #(303) 949-9139