TC Agenda 09-12-1989TOWN OF AVON REGULAR MEETING AGENDA 0 SEPTEMBER 12, 1989 - 7:30 p.M. 1. Call to order roll call a. Appointment of New Councilmember/Sworn in by Town Attorney 2. Citizen Input a. Jo Brown/President of Vail Valley Board of Realtors/Contribution to the Town of Avon to plant a tree in Nottingham Park for Nova Dostal b. Rick Marcus/Northwest Cololorado Council of Governments(NWCCOG) Discuss the restructing of COG 3. Ordinances a. First reading of Ordinance No. 89-12, Series of 1989, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3.12 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON TO PROVIDE FOR AN ADDITIONAL EXEMPTION FROM THE REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX(this ordinance was tabled at the August 22nd Council Meeting-a copy of the original ordinance and the second draft is included in your packet) (Bill James) b. First reading of Ordinance No. 89-13, Series of 1989, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A GASEOUS FUEL FRANCHISE GRANTED BY THE TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS(John Dunn) 4. Resolutions 5. Unfinished Business a. Update report on Annual Business License Fee(Bill James) b. Update report on the Peregrine Project(Clifford Kendall) c. Update report on the Abondoned Foundation/Lot 18, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision(Norm Wood) d. Benchmark Proposal/the purchase of the Warehouse Space(Bill James) 6. New Business a. Security Fence at Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority(Jerry Bender b. Appointment of Councilmember to represent the Town of Avon on the Colorado West Professional Counseling Center's Board(Bill James) C. Transportation(Bill James) 7. Town Attorney Report a. Update report on the T.V. Translators 8. Mayor Report a. Proclamation "National Family Week" b. Proclamation "Red Ribbon Week - Drug Free" 9. Financial Matters 10. Approval of the August 22, 1989 Council Meeting Minutes 11. Other Business a. If time allows - Affordable Housing/Transfer Tax Exemption 12. Adjournment U STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD SEPTEMBER 12, 1989, AT 12:00 NOON IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 12:00 noon 1) Dee Wisor/Bond Financing for the Proposed Railroad Crossing/Housing Authority 2) Arnie Ray/John Caldwell/City Market Expansion Lunch will be served 4:00 p.m. 1) Interviews for Councilmember: a. Frank Doll b. James E. Edwards c. David Garton, Jr. d. Scott Raecker 5:30 p.m. 2) B&B Development Corporation/Lodge at Avon Site - Discuss Development Plans 6:30 p.m. 3) Richard Vandusen/Ken Shapiro/Discuss Church Site in Avon If time allows 4) Transfer Tax Exemption/Affordable Housing AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Sandwiches will be served POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES OF AVON ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1989: AVON POST OFFICE IN THE MAIN LOBBY THE CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON C-MART, INC.; and THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY