TC Agenda 09-26-1978a N TOWN OF AVON REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 26th September, 1978 7:30p.m. 1. Call to order. Roll call. 2. Reading of Minutes. 3. John Eberly of Town of Vail, regarding transportation. 4. A -95 Review. 5. -Report on C.E.T.A. by Town Clerk. 6. Second reading of the Model Traffic Ordinance. 7. Second reading on Uniform,Building Code. 8. Second reading on Dog Control Ordinance. 9. First reading on proposed sales tax ordinance. 10. First reading on real estate transfer tax. 11. Set public hearing on budget for October 3, 1978. 12. - Beaver .Creek preliminary plat. 13. other business. - Pomirol comm`; A'rej,