PZC Packet 120611Staff Report �V0 N To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner Date: December 6, 2011 Re: Resolution 11-11, Recommending Approval of Certain Amendments to the Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan — PUBLIC HEARING Summary This is a public hearing before the Avon Planning and Zoning Commission to consider Resolution 11-11: Recommending Approval of Certain Amendments to the Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan (the Trails Plan). Background The Trails Plan was adopted by the Town Council in 2009. During the Land Exchange hearings, interested residents expressed concern with the proposed improvements to the Beaver Creek Point Trail (the Trail). This Trail is located on the West Avon parcel, which will be conveyed to the Town as part of the USFS Land Exchange. Based on public comments received during the Land Exchange discussions this past summer, the Town Council agreed to initiate a formal review of the Trails Plan to consider changes to the Beaver Point Trail system and to include a new trail alignment on the West Avon Parcel connecting the Wildridge community to Nottingham Rd. The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) reviewed the Beaver Point Trail plan at a work session on October 18`h and conducted a site visit with the staff on October 20`h The Beaver Creek Lookout Trail This Trail includes several unimproved, interconnected trails that connect a trail access point on Saddleridge Loop, Beaver Creek Point Road, and "the point"- an area approximately %2 mile due south of the Beaver Creek Point cul-de-sac. The Lookout Trail appears to be an abandoned service road. The Trails Plan recommends a centralized, asphalt parking area for 3 to 5 cars at the midway point of Beaver Creek Point on the west side of the road. The location and design of this parking area was approved by an agreement between the USFS, Town of Avon, Singletree Homeowners Association, and the Berry Creek Metro District. New Proposed Trail Alignment During the review of the USFS Land Exchange project this past summer, the Council agreed to depict a paved trail alignment on the West Avon Parcel connecting the O'Neal Spur pocket park with Nottingham Road and the ECO Trail. The trail would become an exception to the conservation easement that will encumber the property when it is conveyed to the town. December 6, 2011 PZC Meeting Page 1 Trails Plan Amendments PUBLIC HEARING Community Input The Community Development Department held a community meeting on August 10`h at the Wildridge Fire Station to solicit input on the planned improvements to the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail. Fourteen people attended the open house; and some of their comments are summarized below: Parking o Parking should be placed behind a berm to screen the view from neighboring residences. Parking spaces should be located at 45 degree angles midway between residences on Beaver Creek Point. o Move parking to the loop access point, and some on Beaver Creek Point. o The trail area looks natural today and does not need a parking lot. Trails and Planned Improvements o Do not decommission any of the trails in this area. The trails planned for decommissioning are valuable loop options for trail users. o The pavilion planned at the end of Beaver Creek Point Trail is unnecessary. Proposed Amendments Parking The current (April, 2007) agreement with the USFS includes a parking area for 3-5 cars, to be constructed and maintained by the Town of Avon. A demand for parking adjacent to the Beaver Point trail system has been demonstrated with increased use in recent years. Therefore staff recommends that the on-site parking area remain on the Plan. In order to address the neighboring concerns with the visibility, the location of the parking lot has been moved further south from the existing location, and opposite the Town of Avon Open Space Tract (Exhibit B). Parking along Saddle Ridge Loop presents challenges due to a 10'-12' slope differential between the edge of the road and where the elevated trail begins. Staff does not recommend parking on Saddle Ridge Loop due to the increased capital cost for roadside parking in this location as well as an increased impact on the Town's snow plowing operations related to snow storage. Other Planned Improvements. In addition to moving the location of the parking area, the other planned improvements to the trail (e.g. shade shelter and vaulted toilets) have been removed. In order to address the concerns with decommissioning social trails, the "Recommended Trail Closure" Map has been removed entirely from the Appendix. The language related to decommissioning has also been struck from the narrative portion of the Trails Plan. New Paved Trail Alignment. One substantial change proposed to the Trails Plan is an amendment that was discussed during Land Exchange meetings, and includes the possibility of a paved path from the O'Neal Spur Park down to Nottingham Road. In order to align the Town's long range vision for connecting the Wildridge Subdivision to the Town Core, and to ensure that Land Exchange easements are consistent with the December 6, 2011 PZC Meeting Page 2 Trails Plan Amendments PUBLIC HEARING vision of the Town, this trail has been added to the attached draft. This connector, named the Wildridge Community Path, would likely be a phased project. Comprehensive Plan Amendment — Review Criteria Pursuant to Avon Development Code (ADC) Section 7.16.030, Comprehensive plan amendments, the PZC and Town Council shall use the following review criteria as the basis for recommendations and decisions on applications to amend the Avon Comprehensive Development Plan: (1) The surrounding area is compatible with the land use proposed in the plan amendment or the proposed land use provides an essential public benefit and other locations are not feasible or practical; Staff Response: The surrounding area is zoned Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage (OLD) and compatible with trail use. Parking has been moved south on Beaver Creek Point to an area that is less intrusive to the neighboring single-fmaily residences. (2) Transportation services and infrastructure have adequate current capacity, or planned capacity, to serve potential traffic demands of the land use proposed in the plan amendment; Staff Response: The transportation infrastructure is adequate for trail users. (3) Public services and facilities have adequate current capacity, or planned capacity, to serve the land use proposed in the plan amendment; Staff Response: The paved parking area has adequate capacity to serve the demands of the trail system. If additional parking is required in the future the parking area can either be expanded or on -street parking options can be explored. (4) The proposed land use in the plan amendment will result in a better location or form of development for the Town, even if the current plan designation is still considered appropriate; Staff Response: The public has commented on the negative impacts of vaulted toilets and a shade structure on the Point. By removing these items from the Trails Plan, this amendment results in a better "form" of development, by limiting above ground improvements. (5) Strict adherence to the current plan would result in a situation neither intended nor in keeping with other key elements and policies of the plan; Staff Response: The Trails Plan is based on sustainability principles related to environmental preservation. The Plan also recognizes that a limited budget exists for December 6, 2011 PZC Meeting Page 3 Trails Plan Amendments PUBLIC HEARING the Town's planned capital projects; removing some of the planned capital improvements should not result in un -intended consequences. (6) The proposed plan amendment will promote the purposes stated in this Development Code; and, Staff Response: The Development Code promotes the provision of open space, parks, recreation, and open space opportunities. The Development Code also promotes the enhancement of pedestrian opportunities such as trails for recreation. The amendments are consistent with these purposes stated in the Development Code. ('n The proposed plan amendment will promote the health, safety or welfare of the Avon Community and will be consistent with the general goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Staff Response: The proposed amendments will promote the health, safety and welfare of the Avon Community, consistent with the general goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of Resolution 11-11, Recommending Approval of Certain Amendments to the Avon Recreational Trails Plan to the Town Council. Exhibits A: Red line/Strikethrough Trails Plan excerpts B: Revised Trails Plan Map C: Resolution 11-11 December 6, 2011 PZC Meeting Page 4 Trails Plan Amendments PUBLIC HEARING Exhibit A AVON .. on kniaWeual Dail: lrinaci l'I, Beaver Creek Lookout Trait Project Current Status: Existing Trails; Proposed New Trailhead Trailhead/Access Point: There are three access points for this existing trail located in Wildridge Subdivision off Beaver Creek Point. The Saddle Ridge access point also provides indirect entry to the trail. Trail Surface: Natural Tread Width: Varies from single-track to double track (18 to 56 inches) Length: 0.5 miles Existing Conditions The Beaver Creek Lookout Trail primarily runs north and south and has an undefined connecting trail to the Saddle Ridge Trail. Much of the trail appears to be aligned on an old service road. Several social trails connect this trail ett4-to surrounding points of interest and other trails in the area. Although eeeh .., aeeess point has a no parking sign and „ Pet o'..i, .._ .»...:.,.. Tthe trail currently has three informal access points off Beaver Creek Point. The trail is also accessible from the Saddle Ridge Trail access point off Saddle Ridge Loop in the Wildridge Subdivision. The Saddle Ridge Loop access point was improved with stairs in the summer of 2011. The Beaver Creek Overlook Trail is open to pedestrian, equestrian, and mountain bicycle users year around. Dogs must be on a leash between December 15 and April 14 to protect deer and elk from harassment while on their winter range. Overall the trail is in good to fair condition with a couple of small sections of marginally sustainable trail. Looking seaNrat northern LcumentLBeaver Creek Lookout Trail access point and proposed new !head leeetien Page 30 Exhibit A Looking southwest at *4ddlethe -approximate location of the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail aeeess pointHead and trail in the background Page 31 Exhibit A Am Looking southwest at southern Beaver Creek Lookout Trail access point off Beaver Creek Point Looking south along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail from northern access point - middle access point seen adjacent to the road Page 32 Exhibit A AVON Looking north along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail and at access points off Beaver Creek Point The current improvements stairway improvements constructed by the Town at ds Saddle Ridge Trail Access Point on Saddle Ridge Loop Page 33 Exhibit A III Looking south along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail at its terminus on the point in the middle at the photograph Looking southeast from the Saddle Ridge Trail highpoint at Beaver Creek Lookout Trail on the ridge line. Page 34 M r I Recommendations 1_R'�-d econstmctianrow-f,.-fine the terminus and connector to the Saddle Ridge Trail -Trail using the specifications and Principles for sustainable shared -use trail construction and maintenance and the minimum criteria for designated tmilsj •sea; ;:---a�"r2;: Sewie. 2. Construct F...._.. _:__s __v f__ __......_t:__ _f -a new trailhead on Forest e ,.--'- at the midway point of Beaver Creek Point_ --�.%efeded fe Include a oarkine area for three to five cars, surfaced, and signed for no overnight parking. nc c.,..., -t c,.... :ee Peei-:-_ "n,....,, "_.' onnc) 3. Maintain the trails and surrounding lands in a natural state with no imorovements. Genstwetien ef.._ oyeF ......shelter should be considered for the wail's t.._..'.. _ said -.._ w 'd_ _ . s,t'.._ B._ ..oustfue ie ueonsten ofthe new mi head and overleek terminus, appFwkima4ely _ils ._f in Appendix T when NqsnstmetiRg ma and and ......... eta .. the Saddle Ridge T-Fail ,,..d a.,....:..:._..._, ,._:t__:- f__ d,._:__..._d .__a- a._ a b.. implemented.—Consider reconstructing a Porof ion the trail "ca._,. .---..:d,.__.: _., 6._ this4.."..._.dd bs _____w.._..Ifor accessible use by mobility -impaired users eeeestain accordance with the American Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines. Typically, ikis inveh,es ...._f .sing the t__:: with e_ sh__a___ _spliek .._ Page 35 Exhibit A t�ru Am -24. Table 5 -Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Capital Improvement Project Cost Estimate Trail Name: Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Project Type: —D ^'-_.-„R„_L,....a,_., "- New Trailhead and Overlook Geastnueften Project Description: Construct new trailhead and terminus w ....L...L'.. ese and Feelaim reeeasEwetiea Approximate Length: 0.50 miles Trailheads/Access Points: Construct new [railhead off Beaver Creek Point Item 4=efa1-Gest @*e/0n�ntity UffitOest Unit ROE8Hsh=ae!iefi (by and) $2,850.00 60 $4.75 �en$8,600.00 ,6 0P.00 rJY+ �OO.gor.JO , =*Heff Feet 6UMP gum subtotal 7836-. Mob 1:__t:_.. , s -2,04;.1z Administration (3%) &-q4-7& Estimated Total mtW1479,iv C-8H..._....t CSHe�emtv�•,eFele Red t $32,,400..00 $366,00000.000 4-100 + qm0squaFelz96t $36,099:90 Lump gem InteFpre!ive-Display S8,50(\ 4 $191;350\x&0\0\ Lump Sum lyer4eak .\ table.Aigas e A.f ..L Ar OOONM �\�V $4,5o( o P" !,028.00 + $4,900.00 Lump Sam A�ehiteetwe and PagineeFing (I Sal W 1;89.09 Estimated Tota Ol l'f 110 nn New Trailhead Construction - Beaver Creek Point Item Total Cost Quantity Unit Cost Unit FlensfFeneils $3;3000o 4 $3;399-98 Dnp Sum Erosion Control BMPs $4,500.00 1 $4,500.00 Lump Sum Base/Subgmde Preparation $10,000.00 1 $10,000.00 Lump Sum Curb and Gutter $13,000.00 200 $65.00 Linear Foot Asphalt Paving $420.00 2 $210.00 Ton Drainage Construction $12,000.00 1 $12,000.00 Lump Sum New Trailhead Amenities (signs, curb $9,500.00 1 $9,500.00 Lump Sum stops, etc.) 4'eilets 4. $2¢59099 Lamp -sum Subtotal $43;4300049,420 Mobilization (12%) $9905 930.40 Architecture and Engineering $++;6-}34 942.00 (4310"/0) Pfojeet Management Page 36 Estimated Total $106;065:40 60.292.40 PROJECT ESTIMATE SUBTOTAL °va'—°„^ 63-..360292.40 CONTINGENCY (10%) $x;,5645.36,029.24 TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE$^`�-�^ ° 66 21.64 Assumptions Construct one (1) 50' x 100' asphalt trailhead/parking area (3-5 car) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan preparation Base/Subgrade preparation includes clearing and grabbing Gensteuetone _ L_I_ _anerete vaulted toilet / - Does not include any utility relocations No water or utilities anticipated Page 37 Exhibit A Exhibit A VUN 11"Untrirtge CommutritV Pott - - j Formatted: Font: 11 pt Current Status: Proposed New Trail — West Avon Parcel Trailhead/Access Point: Trailhead to be located at O'Neal Spur Park Frail Surface: Paved Trail Width: TBD — Two -Way Travel Formatted: Jusfdled Length: 2.25 miles (approximate) Formatted: Font: Br • Gnr.neXuA. 1e,aieA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Font mbr: Red Formatted: Normal, Justified, Indent: Left: 0" Existing Conditions Subdivision to the ECO -path on Nottingham Rd. A conceptual trail alignment is shown on Mao Formatted: Justified The 470 -acre L-shaped parcel of US Forest Service land known as the Wes[ Avon Parcel js flanked by'-_-_ Formatted: Font color: Red Formatted: Font: Not Bold the Wildridge subdivision to the north. Metcalf Rd development to the East, Interstate 70 to the South _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _Construct a [railhead at the O'Neal Spur Dp at the intersection of ocket ark, located. ' Formatted: Font: Tmes New Roman and the Sinuletree residential subdivision (in Eagle County) to the West The parcel is characterized by Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Font mbr: Red Formatted: Font: Times New Roman very rugged and mountainous terrain with slopes in excess of40 percent The exception is an Loper bench • -Alba; two-way trail is recomtnended with varying widths depending on "'•-,.,�-x:,..,-t' -- -mdes and•- - - Formatted: Font: Tmes New Roman near Beaver Creek Point in W ildridge and a lower bench iust north of Interstate 70. The Beaver Point Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" Formatted: Font: Times New Roman trails are located on West Avon Parcel and accessible from several points in the W ildridge Subdivision ;; ( see: Bever Creek Lookout Trail Proiect). The parcel is zoned "Open Space, Landscaping and Drainage" Formatted: Pont: 10 p4 Font color: Red Formatted: Font: Tmes New Roman (OLD), which is intended to protect and preserve land areas of special or unusual geological or " Formatted: Font: Tmes New Roman geographic interest. ' Formatted: Fent: Not Bald, Font color: Auto Formatted: Font color: Red Formatted: Font color: Red. Suoersvim Formatted: List Paragraph -- This Federal parcel has been previously approved for affordable housing on the lower portion of panel Formatted: Font: Bold near Nottingham Rd. it has also been considered by other interested private parties for residential Formatted: Justified on the upper ridge adjacent to the Wildridge subdivision Today, the area isenjoyed by both" Avon and Singletree residents as passive recreational open space and the Town is eager to have this ' , %�; ,° Formatted: Justified, Bulleted+Level: l+ Aligned Indent Parcel preserved from future development so that it can remain significant recreational amenity for the ,' ; � „", at: 0.25" + at: 0.5" region , , , Formatted: Font: 10 pt _________________________________________ Formatted: Justified Recommendations_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ��� Formatted: Justified, Bulleted+ level: 1+ • The Town should protect and preserve the West Avon Parcel for publicly accessible open space= - Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" and recreation. Formatted: Font color: Accent 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Font mbr: Red • Construct a W ildridge Community Trail that would run north to south connecting the Wildridge'' Subdivision to the ECO -path on Nottingham Rd. A conceptual trail alignment is shown on Mao Formatted: Justified #1- Appendix A. Formatted: Font color: Red .. Formatted: Justified, Bulleted + Level: 1 + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _Construct a [railhead at the O'Neal Spur Dp at the intersection of ocket ark, located. ' Aligned at: 0.25"+Indent at: as" _;'_a O'Neal Sour and Old Trail Roads.. Formatted: Font: 10 pt, Font mbr: Red _________ ___________ __.._ _ __ _ _ _�._ Formatted: Justified • -Alba; two-way trail is recomtnended with varying widths depending on "'•-,.,�-x:,..,-t' -- -mdes and•- - - Formatted: Justified, Bulkted + Level: 1 + topographic constraints. Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" _ __ ___ _ _ ___________ _______ _____ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ` Formatted: Font color: Red • This trail should be open to pedestrians and bicycle users year round— Dogs should be required to be on a leash between December 15a' -and Anril 10 to protect wildlife from harassment while on Formatted: Pont: 10 p4 Font color: Red their winter range. Temporary seasonal closures weald—mav be needed iven the `., Formatted: Justified wildlife habitat in the area - Formatted: Font color: Red Formatted: Font mbr: Red, Superscript Formatted: Font color: Red Formatted: Font color: Red. Suoersvim Page 38 U _..._.., _..._._..._..._. / X u .ITj� `1 � %1 l ff „ v 3A a 11 fr a man j t a j iI ao�'Rroaa�ane a /1 ba v C�\\ II • „ 1 1 f, I 1 4 P e I v I i 1 8 I ]1f 4! n,A Te.mvnn+ ! Avan/Singletrae maCWean'umeaaae Tray 1 j 1 \�-• �w, Nn1nM 4MPMPR w tY' •w. �J �a ;. ^' DRAFT Avon Trails Master Plan 'Va. ®nn... m a •_a_...N�. *•-•.•w• ..-........ Recommended Program - West ®^=••n•n••a J( m ...... _ MAP 1 ” Exhibit C TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 11-11 SERIES OF 2011 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE AVON RECREATIONAL TRAILS MASTER PLAN WHEREAS, the Town Council initiated an amendment to the text of the Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan ("Trails Plan") in accordance with Section 7.16.030, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Avon Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon held a public hearing on December 6, 2011 after posting notice of such hearing in accordance with the requirements of the Avon Municipal Code, and considered all comments provided before taking action to make a recommendation to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, it is the Planning and Zoning Commission's opinion that the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town of Avon would be enhanced and promoted by the adoption of these amendments to the Trails Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the changes to the Trails Plan text and map comply with the criteria set forth in Section 7.16.030(c) of the Avon Development Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends that the Town Council of the Town of Avon approve the attached amendments ("Exhibit A to Resolution 11-11") to the Trails Plan, citing the following Findings of Fact: (1) The modifications to the Beaver Point Trial Plan and the addition of the connector trail through the Avon West Parcel, are appropriate and compatible with the surrounding community and provide an essential public benefit; (2) The public services, infrastructure and traffic demands are adequate to serve the Beaver Point Trail system and the connector trail; (3) The re -location of the parking lot, removal of the planned improvements, and addition of a paved path, will reduce the impacts of the parking lot on surrounding properties and will result in a better recreation opportunity for the community; (4) Strict adherence to the current plan would result in a situation neither intended nor in keeping with other key elements of the Beaver Point Trail plan; (5) The proposed plan amendment will promote the purposes stated in the Development Code; and, (6) The proposed plan amendment will promote the health, safety or welfare of the Avon Community and will be consistent with the general goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. ADOPTED THIS 6'h DAY OF DECEMBER, 2011 Signed: Chris Green, Chair Attest: Scott Prince, Secretary 2 Staff Report - Sign Program n °,!'. December 6, 2011 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Report date December 2, 2011 Project type New Sign Program — Commercial Building Legal description Lot 67, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Address 20 Nottingham Road Prepared By Jared Barnes, Planner I Summary of Requests The Applicant, Craig Snowdon, representing Mills More LLC (the Owner), has submitted a Sign Program application for the new multi -tenant Commercial Building on 20 Nottingham Road, also described as Lot 67, Block 1 of the Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (the Property). The proposed Sign Program consists of four (4) double -sided blade signs and one (1) flushed - mounted building sign. The Applicant has also provided specific design details for two Tenant Signs and three Product Signs. Property Description The Property is located on the north side of Nottingham Road, just west of the round -about at Avon Road. The Property is part of subdivision which includes the Conoco gas station, 7-11, and associated second story offices to the east. A new 4,900 sq. ft. commercial building was recently constructed on the Property, and the Owner has opened a coffee shop and restaurant in a portion of the building. A vicinity map is attached (Exhibit A). Planning Analysis Location and Type As illustrated on Sheets 1 and 2 of the Sign Program (Exhibit C), the proposed sign types and locations on the building are as follows: Sign Type Sign 1: Double -Sided Blade Sign Sign 2: Double -Sided Blade Sign Sign 3: Double -Sided Blade Sign Sign 4: Double -Sided Blade Sign Sign 5: Flush Mounted Building Sign Location South elevation located on second story. North elevation located on second story. East elevation located on northernmost covered walkway column. East elevation located on southernmost covered walkway column. East elevation located on dormer face above covered walkway. Size Each sign is proposed to have a maximum size allowed as follows: Sign 1 — Five (5) feet tall by three (3) feet wide or fifteen (15) sq. ft. Sign 2 — Five (5) feet tall by two (2) feet wide or ten (10) sq. ft. Sign 3 — Two (2) feet tall by eighteen (18) inches wide or three (3) sq. ft Sign 4 — Two (2) feet tall by eighteen (18) inches wide or three (3) sq. ft. and, Sign 5 — Twenty-eight (28) inches tall by forty-eight (48) inches wide or 9.33 sq. ft. December 6, 2011 PZC Meeting Memorandum To Planning and Zoning Commission Fr Sally Vecchio, Community Development Director Date December 6, 2011 RE Work Session: Proposed Amendment to Avon Development Code (ADC) Table 7.24-1 Allowed Uses, to Permit Commercial Care Uses as Special Review Uses (SRU) in the Light Industrial and Commercial (IC), Public Facilities (P) and Open Space (OLD) Zone Districts. Summary On November 8th, the Town Council initiated an amendment to the Avon Development Code to include Child Care Centers in the Industrial (IC), Public Facilities (P) and Open Space (OLD) Zone Districts. Pursuant to Avon Development Code (ADC) Sec. 7.16.040, Code text amendment, the PZC will have 75 days to schedule a public hearing and make its recommendations to Council. The Council will rendered a final decision on the proposed amendment after conducting a public hearing. Background Regulatory Requirements for Child Care Facilities in Colorado The Colorado Department of Human Services is the state's lead agency for licensing and monitoring child care facilities and providers in the state. The Eagle County Health Department inspects all child care facilities in the County a minimum of once a year. The State inspections generally focus on the qualifications of the provider and their employees; while the County inspections address facility sanitation. The Avon Building Code includes specific requirements for day care facilities related to fire/life-safety, handicapped access, and bathrooms. The Avon Development Code addresses issues related to zoning, including parking, site design, lighting, and signage. Child Care Centers & Zoning > The ADC permits Child Care Centers as Special Review Uses in the Medium and High Density Residential Districts; as well as the Neighborhood Commercial (NC), Mixed -Use Commercial (MC) And Town Center (TC) Zone Districts. ADC, Table 7.24.1 Allowed Uses. (Exhibit A). > Child Care Centers are not permitted in the following zone districts: • Residential Duplex (RD) • Low -Density Residential (RL) • Light Industrial and Commercial (IC) • Public Facilities (P); and • Open Space (OLD). > The ADC defines a Child Care Center as: " ..a facility, by whatever name known, which is maintained for the whole or part of a day for the care of five (5) or more children under the age of sixteen (16) years who are not related to the owner, operator or manager, whether such facility is operated with or without compensation for such care and with or without stated education purposes. The term includes, but is not limited to, facilities commonly known as day-care centers, day nurseries, nursery schools, preschools, play groups, day camps, summer camps, centers for developmentally disabled children and those facilities which give twenty- four hour per day care for dependent and neglected children, but specifically excludes any family -care home as defined in this Code. Child care centers are also those facilities for children under the age of six (6) years with stated educational purposes which are operated in conjunction with a public, private or parochial college or a private or parochial school, except that the term shall not apply to a kindergarten maintained in connection with a public, private The total area of the five (5) proposed signs is forty and one-third (40.33) sq. ft. The Property contains sixty-seven (67) lineal feet of building front along Nottingham Rd which equates to forty- three and two-thirds (43.66) sq. ft. of allowable sign area. Design Details Materials • The double sided blade signs will be constructed of painted metal (Signs 1-2) and brushed aluminum panels (Signs 3-4). The flush mounted building sign (Sign 5) is also a painted metal sign. • The blade signs will be suspended approximately six (6) inches below the existing roof beams (Signs 1-2) or approximately four (4) inches below a sign bracket (Signs 3-4). Illumination • All of the signs use exterior illumination from one of two (2) types of fixtures. • The blade signs use a directional bullet sign light, which has a single -head and will produce approximately 530 lumens per fixture. • The roof beams have one (1) light fixture attached to either side (fixture "EE"), while the sign bracket will have two (2) integrated light fixtures (fixture "DD"). • The flush -mounted building sign is illuminated with a light fixture approved with the Final Design for the Property. Sign Content & Graphic • The Owner is proposing to use all five (5) signs for the only tenant currently occupying the building. One (1) of the blade signs and the flush mounted sign will be Tenant Signs for the Northside Coffee and Kitchen. The remaining three (3) blade signs will be signs advertising a specific product sold by Northside Coffee and Kitchen. The tenant signs (blade and flush -mounted signs) will be painted a cream white, with blue and black letter painted over a coffee cup. Two (2) of the remaining blade signs will be painted cream white with a blue bottle and blue/cream white lettering. The remaining blade sign is to be a blue painted metal bottle with no lettering. • The sign designs are illustrated on the Sign Program exhibits. Review Criteria &15.28.070. Design Review Criteria. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: (1) The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located; (2) The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; (3) The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; (4) The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property; (5) The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired; (6) Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign code, and are appropriate for the project; (7) Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. Staff Recommendation 1. The proposed sign types, locations, sizes, illumination and mounting mechanisms for each sign comply with the sign code, and are appropriate for the size and scale of the project. December 6, 2011 PZC Meeting 2. The painted metal and brushed aluminum sign material for the Coffee Shop signs are not compatible with the building architecture and materials. 3. The Sign Program fails to specify the sign materials and font styles for future tenant signs (in the event that the Coffee Shop signs are replaced with other tenant signs). 4. The "Bottle Sign" is imaginative and encouraged. 5. The painted lettering on metal proposed for the Coffee Shoppe signs lacks sufficient articulation, depth and interest. Staff recommends that the application be table to allow the Applicant to revise the Sign Program as follows: 1) Modify the proposed sign material to better integrate with the building architecture; 2) Include font styles and colors for future tenant signs; and, 3) Revise the proposed Coffee Shop signs to add depth and articulation. Exhibits A: Vicinity Map B: Letter from Craig Snowdon dated November 21, 2011 C: Sign Program Exhibit A Vicinity Map - Lot 67, Block 1, 6MBC h e—Residential Streets �� • FeO a ao w wvm =v ce.n,��ir m.ow�,wwn^^m I EXHIBIT B November 21, 2011 Mr. Jared Barnes, Planner Community Development Town of Avon P.O.Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: 20 Nottingham Road — Signage Program Jared, Attached is a Sign Application for the "NORTHSIDE COFFEE AND KITCHEN" located at 20 Nottingham Road. The original sign concepts were reviewed during our 11/16/10 and 2/15/11 P&Z presentations. At that time, the Board had no issues with the concept locations and sizes proposed. The Owner is following up with a formal signage application for the selected tenant noted as "coffee shop" on the final design and permit drawings (dated 2/16/11) submitted and approved by the Town of Avon Planning and Building Departments. As originally proposed, the building is to have 5 tenant sign locations as follows: Sign 1 — A 2 sided hanging sign from the southern roof beam with associated lighting. Sign 2 — A 2 sided hanging sign from the northern roof beam with associated lighting. Sign 3 — A 2 sided hanging sign from a metal sign bracket (with lighting) on the northern most covered walkway column (east face). Sign 4 — A 2 sided hanging sign from a metal sign bracket (with lighting) on the southern most covered walkway column (east face). Sign 5 — A wall mounted sign on the east dormer lace (below the wall mounted "AA" light fixture) shown on the East Elevation. In addition, the address identification sign has been relocated from the southeast corner of the building to the south face of the southern most covered walkway column to accommodate blockage by landscape plantings. The property is allowed 43 square feet of signage per Town of Avon regulations. This allowable signage square footage is based on 67 lineal feet of Nottingham Road building frontage (32 sf at 1 sf/lineal foot for the first 32' plus 35sf at 0.3 3sf/lineal foot of remaining). Sign 1 is to be a 2 sided hanging sign (15 sf/60" w x 36" h) as shown on the attached photo/sign sheet no. 1, suspended from the southern roof beam with 2 "bullet" lights (1 PO Box 3340 • Vail, Colorado 81658 • Phone: 970-476-2201 0 Fax: 970-476-7491 per side). See light fixture "EE" cut sheet attached. The top of the sign is to be 22' above grade. The sign is to be a painted metal panel, white and blue with black lettering as shown on photo/sign sheet no. 1. Sign 2 is to be replaced with an "architectural design element" of a 60" h x 24" w "Blue Bottle" image as part of the signs 3 and 4 logo. The 2 sided hanging element as shown on attached photo/sign sheet no.2, suspended from the northern roof beam with 2 "bullet" lights (1 per side). See light fixture "EE" cut sheet attached. The top of the "architectural design element" is to be 22' above grade. This element should not contribute to the signage allowance. The sign is to be a painted metal panel, blue as shown on photo/sign sheet no. 1. Signs 3 and 4 are to be 2 sided hanging signs (3 sf/18" w x 24" h) as shown on attached photo/sign sheet no.2, suspended from metal sign brackets with 2 "bullet" lights (1 per side). The sign brackets are mounted to the east faces of the most northern (3) and southern (4) covered walkway columns. See light fixture cut sheet "DD". The top of sign 3 is 84" above grade, and sign 4 is 108" above grade. The signs are to be brushed aluminum panels with the blue logo and lettering as shown on photo/sign sheet no.2. Sign 5 is a wall mounted sign (933 sf/48" w x 28" h) as shown on attached photo/sign sheet no.2, mounted on the east dormer fagade. The top of the sign is to be 14' above the sidewalk The sign is to be a painted metal panel, white and blue with black lettering as shown on photo/sign sheet no.2. The total signage square footage proposed is 30.33 sf (43sf allowed). At this time, the tenant for the noted "Restaurant" space has not been determined. When a selection is made, a new sign application will be submitted with the "Restaurant" tenant signage. The signage will either replace or add to the signs at the 5 noted locations. At that time the remaining 11.66 sf of signage allowance for the property will be put to use. As part of this submittal, are plans and elevations (and photos) noting the size and locations of the 5 proposed signs. If additional information is needed on the application, please feel free to contact my office or myself. Si Craig . Sig n .Snowdon, AIA Snowdon and Hopkins — Architects, P.C. PO Box 3340 • Vail, Colorado 81658 9 Phone: 970-476-2201 0 Fax: 970-476-7491 Exhibit C A • 519P 100ADVA I - Y(Cw f roM 404% - 6V" w )c 36a h • l5 s• f, C_�rawl�_ COFFEE KITCHEN ic,atl'on • II/X1/if `� 99�09��099 ,CS • tilgn �6Gatloq 2 view from colt 6011 k x 1-9-° w• qa 6 f bottle image only - vto lef�eritioj Proudly Serving Blue C �e Co 15r jQ% ykeet vtiv. I 20 NOTTINGHAM ROAD M Snowdon and Hopkins•Archtects.P.C. LOT 67, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, P.O. Box 3340 970-476-'2^<0� Val, ONorado 81658 FAX 4476-7491 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO I i't W Y k• '2 S: f • sill\ Ie4atinN 4 • 4 View f YOM 501th • ��m�- l COFFEE KITCHEN 0 Irca'GIeN • P /?►/I► • 9IgV\ Iv�aG�bh 5 view irso04eloIT, 1190192011 4 14015190 s►neet no. I • • 5{�c1 IDGa�►oK 3 • view f rDVK east 114®1911 `� 20 NOTTINGHAM ROAD ¢4 Snowdon and Hopkins• Architects.P.0 LOT 67, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK''. ....,,, ,w 'o: PcBoX 3O " 97017E-2' Vat, colmatlo 81658 FAX 4754-S, TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO T U i The Classic Hanging Blade Sign Bracket is made with n 1" round tube steel The solid bar scroll work is hand hammered on the ends to give the true wrought iron appearance. Mounts to any flat host or will Features aheavy duty 3" back plate and four mounting holes. Black Powder Coat Finish. SPEURCATUMB • flAve "po"- • gif nm i and +. bvf&& Ct 31713 �K� ti �Kllet It�jh�s <_5(gn-a (avid 'L YVADLit Vpoket ��)F TI(4�iAL LIGHTING KITS _ "';STOOM SIZM- AVAILABLE 20 NOTTINGHAM ROAD LOT 67 BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK' _, d, , Snowdon and Hopldns•Archtects,P.C. P.O. Cox olorado l3NO81658 PAX<7&Ie99]0.47&220; Va6. B TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO (Dnaslinnv" Call Toll Free: 1-883-919-7446 Catalog Request 1 Email ! About IN i Testimonials 1 Press I View Court 0 Archit'trlurd Sign Brarkxs Ironer Brarkels Sigh Lighting 15>;I and Panel hlumunant Siwe. All Functioual Bracket, Display Style Sims "il.n L,lank: "'orrpen;' tali+ Haute snLng.+ LightiSign Ligiriing [i >uedlSpet Lights Gimul ruahMA—V f005ECURE- � O Sh0 8a ;• [Product Search l Bailrt Sigan Light p :..ne ni Directional Bullet Sign Light TESTEn bALY N -JULY Signup and be entered fora FREE monthly giveasuyl Architectural Sign Brackets W,JI Mount Sign Bmckcu Single Pon Sign Brclen Ceiliag Moms Sip, Buchus St. Sign Fume, & Bmekus Sign thesis. Fladuam Banner Brackets Wall htauru d Banner BraAk POSWOUm Banaer Bracken Ceiling Mowat Banner Brackua Banner S=A-ct HmJream Sign Lighting Sign Lighting G3xena'k LSglting naodlSPor Lighn Feat LHmm Lighting post and Panel Ambit [uni Post & Panel Ceurempomry Pr a and Panel Alunti.tan Porn Rva Path& Post Buses Rut Aerecwdn na Descdpdon ITnmtxoa� C....... . Code: C6E-OL-E-DL- ZO-NL-BLT ' You May Also Like Price: $85.85 Avslabilly^ Usually ships in 5-7 Snowdon and Hopkins •Architects,P.C. business days. ' Oimartaws: Bullet Length 5.25"x 3.5" Round -Sold Each Was Length P.O.Bo'r�0 87X476-220' M4051658 4R Length -365:85 Loa'yolmBe Dirccuond Bnikt „w. ,:; �ma"� Lights Q1yJ-1...3_-_ .. ._. . Price: $105.85 For etwom tough, aril FOO -89:5-0978 via. Customer Comments . Satisfaction Guaranteed! .- These Cast Aluminum Adjustable Directional sign lights are available in a number of wire lead length options. This allows the installer to extend the directional sign light to a point closer to the sign by using standard conduit nipples and couplings that are available at most hardware stores. Most directional lights at hardware stores only come with 68" wire leads and are designed to install directly to a outdoariuncdou box. With these cast aluminum directional sign lights with extra long leads can be mounted to the end of a piece of threaded conduit This helps the sign installer extend the reach of the sign lights. Each cast aluminum adjustable directional sign light accepts standard outdoor rated PAR20 lamps that are not included. 7/26/10 2:29 PM Bullet Length 5.25" x 3.5" Round Monument Signs- All Cast Aluminum Powder Coated Black Manna., Signs -AR 4 - 5tiw phi tip HAOICK 64165 9730 114Men5 e a�t� . per"Ob ft -£t f fixture Functional Brackets hated..( Bred w - All Wall Meant Funetienel Brackets Past Movnl Fuudlooal Bracken Waling Mount Functional lind"re tntedor f%spia3'a @ B.L. Sirml Sign Fumtimal Brackets Customer Product Reviews F'vtdi,and Sign Hadsatm . Click Here to Share Your Thoughts! =Sigh -0 piIf rott'oh It /� <I► ° 20 NOTTINGHAM ROAD m ;u Snowdon and Hopkins •Architects,P.C. LOT 67, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK P.O.Bo'r�0 87X476-220' M4051658 AT BEAVER CREEK! „w. ,:; �ma"� VOCo 540476-729 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Q Q SWIFT GULCH ROAD (R.O.W. VARIES) 7520 —p 097136` _T 6432 —= 8RG S 1280' F— 7510 C tFry 128.2325 f ////� /✓� i,'1, ,'1 a ':€+ <1 _�i { � � rz � 1.. .>I( i `- Ex1BnN; BL«x y I Rerww�k wiL / ^� I �� gAIWG 1ULL ON/.iW CLPB EXSn/IG Wxi / // l LCGATKN Fl%RnE 4 F%ST NB RE. L VLL RE LML �� Alp iRAzxE.== R=� 201Y2$% E snw �b z FAUINs .c 7 41'13'5i w lo.as 45.00' EpA98lNR / .6eI L'•15.94' / To BE RFYNEp I / T=&OS' / 6R0=N 58'50'58' Ev C LEN=15. / � : i 16YCpYRER PAD � FXISnN5 BA55rwnLn �91lLER BTiR� ; i � Oa,TRb AGcex FAs@B" / � YW.L RE: LIVII(� - Etl5nN5 LIBIn Tp n No I I— `...-� / eK:LoswE Ixs /SWIFT bIJLOH GOMMEROIAL .LIIIL - - CONDOMINIUMS ca6rra'Lrlgi .Bs / J � � RPR6EN(AAJn®gisbl - 1ENILLWRErE //pG®I OF RLYI 1W.RK5 / / CMBAIO WTRR B u FX5iIx5 P/EW4AO LNGPY IIr �wVDOxCCM'UI pI 1EH PJJn� CMB RAW I Ia / ( BILTLLE I SIJ 11 �� LOT4 —� Y — -- I I - Ex1zTlxs I rI '�iJ BOOK GREEK / I (TOA) 3 ,• caxcRETE DW V r\ ABDVEn.PJ , ATO BE 1 X iJI I PRD ED�LDI I JA VV ,S9 MAIN I FVCI I rE*xGE � 6wR / I I TD. GEiKlryb = I 149060• 14r A — Y " / 605ERVILE i I I RM L11(5 TD. GEGK =-151068' I \ \ r: - � ABOIE / ST. I I O RCD Ir RENAIH I L7. TO �j I I I I I ]495 rO SEANLE lJdVLCY.� 5 E%ISTMB -� MVLT WA1K ' ^RY TABLE .I.. 1E161ELA1TiD WlI IW FL MEA: MAIN LEVCL: 3,115 SF 11REE LP'H. 1 IBS SF TOTAL: 4,9PJ 5F BJILDIN6 HE161R. PLLGFED. 35' PR(WOSEO: 31.33' .INS SPALFS: lSYd11 TED: 26 39 MEA . % a . SLOPE. 895 SlI3.9% LOT ATEA. 22.539 SF v O SIT AG46 ATEA AND % of &IILDIW LOT Gp/EFAGEr 3.850 SF. IT.Iz ATEA PNO % GF SITE LANDSLAPI>K: 4.121 SF. MEA AND % L PAVED SV16ALE. 3 960 SF 62 D% TOTAL: 22.339 SP 1. . SItlM STLRAEE AREA. 1,4. 5F. 6.4% ,— � Ex1BnNB LLNiaR �� PwRgEEp Lp1iOR M¢.. DF LMp5LAF5 NOTES. ExSnIG GpI PEROb irsff Alp Ir,� ARFOWIM1E iWMK pW4TER iO REMPm ELEVATION 749023' ON THIS SITE RAN 15 AIO '% APFRS�0%MAR 1NK1RE£ NEIER TO RWArN 2. TOPOORARIIL 1 :#1RVEY DATA PRd11. BY. \ l) ExIznHS mEe io PE REYGVEp EOWARpS. (q. 61632 910 44 9-14 06 r 3. 54 `mL IXtAWINFf FGR 6RAOINS. VTILITY. ORAINP!£, PARYIW, ALL CIVIL AND �? 5 SR4- : � 4_ «LIJmSLAF£ ORN 1. F ALL EASTINS TO I 5. PRO.EGT AL'R.. E55: 20 ttlTTllYaNnM ROAp 1'' AVM LO. BI&W 0 6. '. TO START OF 6 ,W, NE E94nIp p LMpFr GLY91TIp15. s °' 1 • 0 Sil LILHi REMAm J TP &E.'M INTERIMS - 3E ELEVATI. M R 296' SHEET A3D PND A3J. ] q. EMERIOR LI TIM -,M LIGH1'IM, qI RAN / \ SHEET E 10. EMERI I - ' PLg15 qim ELEVATI Ss GNAGE OIG. d— 1 .5 T=9.02 r EAST - TO 6AS STATION PLLEY EASEMENT LITE NGRTH -TO pRGFZRIY Luff SOIfIX - TO Ex15nm 51Tff W,Li, MT 1. E%ISTNK LIGM VlxW MG -N 31'51'28' E h 5T - RIY L11E V _ A� Q 12. �STILM�FLGH LITE ( R.VP PE. L�� EXSnKs CONLwETE � � REQ _ —� � _510bW1K ': —� SITE PLAN — — — — — �-1 — NDRTN 411745- E 133.84' O \ 6'POAp ROH EA.BEM tl itl 21Y 3P ELF ..T NOTTINGHAM ROAD (50' ROW) SCALE: I" 10 '-O' ,— � Ex1BnNB LLNiaR �� PwRgEEp Lp1iOR M¢.. DF LMp5LAF5 NOTES. ExSnIG GpI PEROb irsff Alp Ir,� ARFOWIM1E iWMK pW4TER iO REMPm ELEVATION 749023' ON THIS SITE RAN 15 AIO '% APFRS�0%MAR 1NK1RE£ NEIER TO RWArN 2. TOPOORARIIL 1 :#1RVEY DATA PRd11. BY. \ l) ExIznHS mEe io PE REYGVEp ,— � Ex1BnNB LLNiaR �� PwRgEEp Lp1iOR M¢.. DF LMp5LAF5 NOTES. 1. .. B.TIOH: ELEVATION 749023' ON THIS SITE RAN 15 O TTd£ ATIg TOPW 10 5N2VEY. 2. TOPOORARIIL 1 :#1RVEY DATA PRd11. BY. EAGLE VALLEY SIRVEYI.,, INL. EOWARpS. (q. 61632 910 44 9-14 06 r 3. 54 `mL IXtAWINFf FGR 6RAOINS. VTILITY. ORAINP!£, PARYIW, ALL CIVIL AND �? GEMCiIT10N IIFLRMATIIXI. � 4_ «LIJmSLAF£ ORN 1. F ALL EASTINS TO REMAM Plm NEW PLANTIWS A SITE YbRK 5. PRO.EGT AL'R.. E55: 20 ttlTTllYaNnM ROAp AVM LO. BI&W 0 6. '. TO START OF 6 ,W, NE CpPRALTOR SIW.L FIELD VERIFY EXISTING GLY91TIp15. s T. ALL NILITY 1V K4 TO BE VERIFIED ON • 0 SITE. J TP &E.'M INTERIMS - 3E ELEVATI. M SHEET A3D PND A3J. q. EMERIOR LI TIM -,M LIGH1'IM, qI RAN SHEET E 10. EMERI I - ' PLg15 qim ELEVATI Ss GNAGE OIG. II. UMTS � DISTURBrWLE: r EAST - TO 6AS STATION PLLEY EASEMENT LITE NGRTH -TO pRGFZRIY Luff SOIfIX - TO Ex15nm 51Tff W,Li, MT 1. E%ISTNK LIGM VlxW h 5T - RIY L11E Y LU F�LU LL U 3Y LU Q LU co r a Y O CQ Q C Z 0 LU J 0 m O Q Y Z O = U > O a Z CO LL O Z Z H N O 0 m .- 1- O � E s o A 1.0 6' TIN. AW ALLY e RE: n FNA) LITE < FRAM .E FOJR1 6'AFON C' J SER DRAINS FACE ci / YR MATBtIPL M✓1 IfAT AEGVE iA� lire) RW: 2. ALL INTERIOR AND E%IEWCR YIALLS ARE 2R6 PNfF LITE �" .( £� �L :,BN"E (irP) — hO."2 — � 5 lal2 WKD L0.NM[ IIrF N LiE 6 0R51GE FFASEJ FADE (ttP) 6 L.ATICN AND 512E5. 3, ELEVATION 6A pits ARE —O TO TXE ❑w.LL _ _ _ _ J'711 pVIL� _ _ O flNE.aTIdYTIdj INLAY Il'JIED OitERWIEE. _ I sx S`EHE CgWRETE aR TRdl(TLRAL FI.YYCVO ATNISK. " ALL IMERIGR WALLS TO HAVE 5161. WARD ebw• Sn• _ "�OVC. za lr na yr 58 fD+E 51ENSIENTTO n RIEWaP® E%IERIOR WITH A FAN AID. SYSTEM. $EE HEL11ASULAL IJRAYASGS. R9RAR B ALL INTERIOR p..VR C INSSi ARE TO CE — GENTEREp IX HAIL PALE. 5' MIW FRp-1 YNLL IE a 6�' N yML FPLE NLLE55 MTED OXK 5!!S N SPI.C£1 R. my R NS AN, ELECTRICAL TO EE INSTPLLED PER LOLES IN III AT Tll OF L N5T TION. ANTER HEA 10. R m 55AATION AS FLLLOMCa: n• A =Im WALLS(IS"MIbID) B BELOW SI NII 2 s R -IO - 26' FBLbffTER MD O ROOF/OEILIN55 -TO TE E%IE NM (81895) -9 I7. r q� I (gFFFE !NCP AND RESTPLRAM (6FLLP A31 TO COMPLY Wlni 20CT IBL REGLLATONS. .. ......._.. yy '______ _ N' Pi VY S VY � -5 i wsAffi.{ PoM LOCATIOM TO BE VERIFIED. N sve T Au,N CAY CI+ELOFED RAA80vE " ` z v O Z,,�II p N`' In NVC ---------- 1O" STA"�IRIAT.VJK SVY R4V SVI I ff SY-V S ,LYiFT iARTNNG i ,A GE LIR! / LONG VNLc SII, : - s ^ 6 .•i° ADA A4GE�f EI1:� xAip INST O S IEr srALL F xSI S R-39• 1 FFP. S n ITAINF R HYINS / EL.,998.bB' O 'SH,.AN65EAR`: e S t Ir �I N�4E N ��,N a ,SSRpj r¢cEfiH/ IRE S S TNI Lc�wLK�� n F .§LSIR. c l IOI� /� __ i. GExrIBIMya51ER Q< 2SHIeecN MO STOR SPAIEl. NPENGE V SERVILE o IOB s` 7' P ' IGB '.IIP � p RE. SR64'i ABNJE p w verr5ln'F GF , I 9 _§ I •. p . II II R &NRTAELABSE � I b O �' SVY W LCGR SIIK .1 ______ ________ l l� m nE VETEE M L— MUSS BREAK ^b L , FPMTHM (ADO 5 R e �/ AURY�ELE1 �'�� x A4D ®\• 5N 1. ,.T. WALL NSiNLnr ,NINE 11A,E P 77 1 y R p eb VY 154 N'i g _ S IR' S Vl 5 SD R-FSTAOIJRANT. O 5 j NAL SLREEI IST lar 11 mss Aa I I II _II N � III I� a Rr NR Iu,ERIK Im I Svr LLNNL TW.LK� yy e F NNSIDE FACE 6 I 5 IMLLhrPI ' GEILI RNE. S g T ABN.E "5 ¢RFAYT I I I I iRILi I I A,EF. INEAFI AINO.E O RE: ReI', t S I' N MCK VdA µ'Nm LIN' N -r E990b0' a OTT$} 9 I i] 9_ !TGR S I EL ILI E P 9 iUT = 1 L 9T ENTICE w/&y.TE I �f 3 UI s L CNILK / l " O O 36•geE RACK q RE. LMLIyy'21R� —— — ti pT®L DN9fiWT III TA BUrN NEAT r ro Ffi T ROL£u1E PoWEFgIf M,x FPLM SIDE-y,•IR FCULYITE AHA£ i,rF) NIATTAFL. A131rE ABJ NY}1K LISA DACE z850' Tfi SH' 1'i VIR 1'Y VIB 1 1R0 ITTP) 141 VS 1'-Y l? IETAL&RATS STNRS RN. ,p. btY }N• —b b' — SEI VHR a I/I,zJ }r -b— —� 5. FD. I•'N�•�< — — Sa Na Xyd' mo a'a sb• NERAL PLL D1F 1IGW ARE TO FACE GF IWJOO FR 1. OB .�CFEIE STAIRS I GRADE stn no.5 SIS. A5L LM.fE' RSTAIRS O e OSb•. GR Lpd:QETE. I� NMERZ REFER ,N NRNYMAS PRL5TED 1N NE 2. ALL INTERIOR AND E%IEWCR YIALLS ARE 2R6 TLL/A161 n1n.I-TNa IRI GONSTRULnox. Utl.Ess IaTEv OIXERWSE. o SEE ST TNRAL PRAAISKS FOR SXEAR O L.ATICN AND 512E5. 3, ELEVATION 6A pits ARE —O TO TXE ❑w.LL !SAFEST 1/B11 A ALL PLIA$ INS W4LL5 ARE 2w& O flNE.aTIdYTIdj INLAY Il'JIED OitERWIEE. 5. N1 FLOOR ELEVARE TO FADE ©�•. sx S`EHE CgWRETE aR TRdl(TLRAL FI.YYCVO ATNISK. ALL IMERIGR WALLS TO HAVE 5161. WARD © FII fD+E 51ENSIENTTO 1. ALL BATiRCdMS ARE TO IS VEMEO TO TIE RIEWaP® E%IERIOR WITH A FAN AID. SYSTEM. $EE HEL11ASULAL IJRAYASGS. R9RAR B ALL INTERIOR p..VR C INSSi ARE TO CE GENTEREp IX HAIL PALE. 5' MIW FRp-1 YNLL IE a 6�' N yML FPLE NLLE55 MTED OXK 5!!S N SPI.C£1 R. my R NS AN, ELECTRICAL TO EE INSTPLLED PER LOLES IN III AT Tll OF L N5T TION. ANTER HEA 10. R m 55AATION AS FLLLOMCa: A =Im WALLS(IS"MIbID) B BELOW SI NII 2 s R -IO - 26' FBLbffTER MD O ROOF/OEILIN55 -TO TE E%IE NM (81895) • R -C9 (gFFFE !NCP AND RESTPLRAM (6FLLP A31 TO COMPLY Wlni 20CT IBL REGLLATONS. 12. PROVOS DOER SLAB.1. SYSTEM. VERTICAL wsAffi.{ PoM LOCATIOM TO BE VERIFIED. 13. PROVIDE PERIPEIER DRAINS PER Wp l REPORT. OB .�CFEIE STAIRS I GRADE stn no.5 SIS. A5L LM.fE' RSTAIRS O e OSb•. Aa- NNRTS.. Aro S'v 7r l I� NMERZ REFER ,N NRNYMAS PRL5TED 1N NE - 5g REARS 6W 5.1 A., EN15] TLL/A161 n1n.I-TNa =A�FPI�bo1 o �f' O %'VANItt-AEE FIfiRE W69 SrzmEN HN. vR,'6e-LNenTw To BE ❑w.LL ..T, T`T`LFv - RE FILLRE 3.^63J O 3N'%90' nX ANS, LF ApA ILCE5 B FIGAE M]Y NUY99 ©�•. ARB. LF ADA ALLL55 -SFE N. R.., DYW © S9. 11-14 TN LN4L+ WMF@VAE RXi MAIN Li9VEL P COO PLAN CI, SCALE: W - I.4• I TH N1= 6 s E i•£�Ya tl YxE3x �T�yS'P_�i G[� ES✓� 9 �$i�$4•e £g�B�4 $ 3i4Pi3$3 4in'SY$k Y W W NUN W Q co ` r Q <O cQ Cl C Q 2 w Z W O' 0 m OU Y Z O O O Q Z (n LL O 0 CO Z Z H 3r N 0 O m Z ti o K a W a E i o A 2.0 I� NMERZ REFER ,N NRNYMAS PRL5TED 1N NE TLL/A161 n1n.I-TNa 3. LNLA,W4 FLR 516HIGE T4R WJgLM KLE551B1Ln, To �f' �cETWLt D. CA MAIN Li9VEL P COO PLAN CI, SCALE: W - I.4• I TH N1= 6 s E i•£�Ya tl YxE3x �T�yS'P_�i G[� ES✓� 9 �$i�$4•e £g�B�4 $ 3i4Pi3$3 4in'SY$k Y W W NUN W Q co ` r Q <O cQ Cl C Q 2 w Z W O' 0 m OU Y Z O O O Q Z (n LL O 0 CO Z Z H 3r N 0 O m Z ti o K a W a E i o A 2.0 t F 1 �E .w.,LT sNlx�s� ori wcee vExr I TD. SXEATNrIIS n � I I I 6x12 M'vGH 2EPM (v@tIP! M��1LRE) 516N TO BE .lo,.�- s.f. a - O O aR➢N¢ cwcSET 011111 I'lluo \ -V' EL. Ima s/Bnslsen ._.._.._ _ ROD , eowunnreD NeTAL •�DRT� RDOFIM P.,ELs-NANRAL LEVEL PgSG/. T.. J. TD. OEGKIIIS �� �s MpM O P i FLYYCGp EFAO MI.IO' PALI[Fll STAM 0.YMIL S.i, 1p, © BE4YbA'g5 WITYEI'IXMN9 FR ST/.M 0.Y:N'IL ST. 119 Q sTOM Ex snM (w eTEI ros<,Roce To � RssEo oR slwLu� Q LEVEL MI{ 2XIo iavm rErx' cEOAR rN lrz' cNlwxs M1t1FJ STPIN-0.TFPIL ST.Ifi 1. 51pINb I 61PR TRIM L2ftAR. .lA O .] 1.i6'EXPo%NFJ BEVELEDLM SIDINS. SiAH-0.YK1L ST. ,� �EwM 1WM 1.0 SHIM ] iYO NFAGHi •JW1N']%..N14£ILLKCWIR. [ED/.F. STAM-0.YMPIL 4T. Oi EL IooO•n.!'✓j.vB9 I I' ulowao BRa¢e ' a I ��IAI� YOGR. S�AT18AIW �DTNPPXTKDREE E.�DP ENrttIES TESA FFD' I eASE OF m'POPv RNLMY I AT .,i II J LII 'I ------t------------ ------- -�- -� ------------- ----------- NORTH ELEVATION ; 11 , _ D SGNE. 1/{• fO• D 4 -----�-- ------ J RICGE f• .r Elm EL 131'q l/B' (153019 —�Y __ LI Ll J - LL SIJ R � .t'�L LL._L'Y'T �_— - T- -JLr I __I JV J LII_ _ sign no • I Is sf• ftICGE �• rD. s1FwTelxs \ -V' EL. Ima s/Bnslsen ._.._.._ _ ROD , eowunnreD NeTAL •�DRT� RDOFIM P.,ELs-NANRAL LEVEL PgSG/. T.. J. TD. OEGKIIIS �� �s I.wvlffip q+gVE MAIH LEVH J, TD. `v1.AB ELELI� O i GWLLE RE: 'ffGI GRNVOGS 0 El Poo 1 ER® D E P T1i.>E g M Q ROD , eowunnreD NeTAL •�DRT� RDOFIM P.,ELs-NANRAL GVA E PgSG/. 1U hl G®AR `J✓MM Si/.M - 0.YlNG 5.i. MT �� �s I.wvlffip q+gVE O P i FLYYCGp EFAO MI.IO' PALI[Fll STAM 0.YMIL S.i, 1p, © BE4YbA'g5 WITYEI'IXMN9 FR ST/.M 0.Y:N'IL ST. 119 Q sTOM Ex snM (w eTEI ros<,Roce To � RssEo oR slwLu� Q SN461 2XIo iavm rErx' cEOAR rN lrz' cNlwxs M1t1FJ STPIN-0.TFPIL ST.Ifi 1. 51pINb I 61PR TRIM L2ftAR. .lA O .] 1.i6'EXPo%NFJ BEVELEDLM SIDINS. SiAH-0.YK1L ST. ,� �EwM 1WM 1.0 SHIM ] iYO NFAGHi •JW1N']%..N14£ILLKCWIR. [ED/.F. STAM-0.YMPIL 4T. Oi O WrNW, FL0.VEw 0.b: fALIXt-MESA �P,55 a � ��IAI� YOGR. S�AT18AIW �DTNPPXTKDREE E.�DP ENrttIES TESA FFD' O RNLMY ]'m'RAIM SREL (EWRRtNL EASTI. PAIN1ED eff5/. RER Nw' OI ��4GWwWK I GVA E I Iwo1g9 � �� RMLT ExiNG4£S 4N all R rL12Io I I I I euE uw �,.--,J BSN AM�wF~ 1. Fore w caxx - L I' 1u�LC " �EwM �To. (rn aFv LnE oP cc+c �1 ..... �� s�� r_Ll FoumnTlw �. zimcr `------ 'I EAST ELEYATIO ; 11 , _ D 4 -----�-- ------ J .r SISH dtALKET - 516N TO � DEIBA111EO IB r 0 Oy l El V 6 I Iwo1g9 � �� I all I I I I euE uw �,.--,J 1. Fore w caxx - L I' �To. (rn aFv LnE oP cc+c �1 mem u l r_Ll FoumnTlw �. zimcr `------ 'I EAST ELEYATIO ; 11 , _ ----------------------------- 4 -----�-- ------ J .r m m� c 0 V C N y O dm 3 xo � mU C 0= fA R > Y Y'gd''gd ma$.Y.E i YSS ��Eae4 �EFEp�C'F8 QjIIj Ep§'8.j® 8 Eyi�S:g� m£g�€i`si W LU U w w m Q Y_ 0 ao U Z O w J 0ap0 Q Y Z 0 �0a Z m LL 0 0 to 2Z Z H o00 N J H a 2 a A 3.0 L�kx�.m�iwKK�l� ----------------------------------------------- SAFip1K ARNKi yll � F6LTLLIIE mE9n0.E LIFETIE 10 [a LR-'VEnl1ERm O INS] SOUTH ELEVATION F � IA 1M (L LmN(SM'MIW SinIH-0.YTPL S.i. ld A9.1 YALE. V1• = I• -p• Fps nrwl¢o mcxze S IT I 2 EEAIy/LCIS IBV1•paCUaFIR. siAIN-GLYWC S.T. to FA r� F STINS 1q sIIFJ MYfPGCK TO M F73fim LR NmlR Rl I axa x.Im leru' cEOAR mN Irz' cmxuw ovlllF� sTAtx-a»nw s.. nB 7 To. SxE�TTNIKi IX FlLLp[ TUK� PAR. ST.MN M0. IC 5T. 7IN3-0.YIAL S.T.119 O SIOmS2 IXB(6'EVG9JIEI BEVELED IAP SID1...1.-x111 ST. 1O L r SI IN ] xCl=nGe(• lx.]xO.WC/JLVCCRI�.L®AR: rnm - aYlFe sr. 1C O W11CLlY .ELAYEN. LLAO. LOLOR-nETM R® F/`15 I]3 SFgh no.2 ' LFRR LEVEL \ Y ro. oECYIeG �� EL IR'4' (151060) �^ MAIH LEVE_ EL.IW' it 409-0' �) NLLIr,.E,ERS � 6'TALL SiURIbE_/ YAPD FEIGE I I ----- ------- ------5 ,K CLAVE— �t Q ,�Ii MAT IAL5 AIA FINISHES ;5 hw ILR-- i w t--r----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - WEST ELEVATION A9.1 SCN.E. v4•. 1'. . RNFIIYS 1 SAFip1K ARNKi yll � F6LTLLIIE mE9n0.E LIFETIE 10 [a LR-'VEnl1ERm O INS] LpW15AlEO METK'CCRiEH•INTf-INS FAIFL--IMTRAL F � IA 1M (L LmN(SM'MIW SinIH-0.YTPL S.i. ld � Fps nrwl¢o mcxze S IT FLYYgA EFIY BOAIA' PAIiHW: STAIN - 0.YeAL IT. NA Z EEAIy/LCIS IBV1•paCUaFIR. siAIN-GLYWC S.T. to FA STpE F STINS 1q sIIFJ MYfPGCK TO M F73fim LR NmlR �mpg I axa x.Im leru' cEOAR mN Irz' cmxuw ovlllF� sTAtx-a»nw s.. nB 7 SIVX•I IX FlLLp[ TUK� PAR. ST.MN M0. IC 5T. 7IN3-0.YIAL S.T.119 O SIOmS2 IXB(6'EVG9JIEI BEVELED IAP SID1...1.-x111 ST. 1O L r SI IN ] xCl=nGe(• lx.]xO.WC/JLVCCRI�.L®AR: rnm - aYlFe sr. 1C O W11CLlY .ELAYEN. LLAO. LOLOR-nETM R® F/`15 O �. � VIAL WO.OV. STNN. RESTAMAM2LREE mI'9 ENiWES FETK FRAME. P NiFP TO HLTLX 16I. REV' O RAIU— ]'.TL91ARSlEEI(6IMRLFARE/ W PPMIED KSA RID ;5 hw ILR-- i w t--r----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - WEST ELEVATION A9.1 SCN.E. v4•. 1'. . O � O Q Z Z FA LL BDnN-Exr �xawK � Z �N erucE nry Lxw«•on BEroHo` � • ) Z L r AlwLEo nK@aRncE RE. SlRLRi� O O O «T STR YRD E N J H ITLPANGK EOAR'EN( • � m ` F _ ACGE55 PAeELS M fpi'.E RE. KLM IM! IIYP 6 � � _ _ FORI P � _ K a or parochial elementary school system of at least six (6) grades so long as the school system is not also providing extended day services. > In addition to any specific conditions attached to the SRU permit, a Commercial Child Care must comply with the following Use -Specific Regulations (ADC, Sec 24.060(c): a. All child care centers, regardless of type or size, shall meet the applicable licensing requirements of the Colorado Statutes (C.R.S. §26-6-102 et. seq.) and the Regulations of the Colorado Department Human Services (12 CCR 2509-9); and b. A child care center shall provide one off-street parking space per employee and a child loading/unloading area of adequate dimensions, preferably off-street. Proposed Amendments The Town Council has proposed to amend the ADC to allow Child Care Centers as Special Review Uses in following zone districts: Light Industrial and Commercial (IC); Public Facilities (P); and Open Space, Landscaping and Drainage (OLD). Below is a brief synopsis of the three zone districts. The Avon Zoning Map is attached as Exhibit B. Light Industrial Zone District The intent of the Light Industrial and Commercial (IC) Zone District is to "...provide for a variety of business, including warehouses, research and development firms, repair shops, wholesale distributors and light manufacturing. This district may include supporting office and commercial uses where appropriate." Uses permitted in the IC Zone District include: warehouses, material supply stores, vocational and trade schools, convenience retail and offices. Special Review Uses include: public and private utility facilities, sexually -oriented business, religious assembly, dog kennels, veterinary clinics and accessory dwelling uses that support primary industrial/commercial uses. > Public Facilities (P) Zone District The PF district is intended to provide sites for public uses such as community centers, police and fire stations, and governmental facilities. Avon Town Hall, Recreation Center, Fire Station, Library, Swift Gulch Facilities, Avon Elementary School, and the Water and Sanitation District Facilities are all zoned Public Facilities. Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage (OLD). The OLD district is intended for areas that will be public or private undeveloped open spaces. There are two large tracts of open space north of 1-70 with this zoning designation. The Avon West Parcel (470 acres) is part of the USFS Land Exchange and will likely be encumbered by a conservation easement prohibiting development on the site. The other tract of OLD land is north of Nottingham Rd and Buck Creek. This was designated as opens space with the original Benchmark PUD. Portions of the Eagle River and Eco -trail are also zoned OLD. Zoning Text Amendment Review Criteria A zoning text amendment must meet the review criteria set forth in Sec. 7.16.040(c) of the Avon Development Code: 1. The text amendment promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the Avon Community. Response. Allowing child care centers to operate in a variety of locations throughout the community will provide greater options for employers that may want to offer day care to their employees, and more conveniently- located child care near existing residences and businesses. The SRU process ensures provides a reasonable regulatory framework for the management of child care facilities on private property and will help assure the protection of the public interest. 2. The text amendment promotes or implements the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Response. Policy C.1.6 (Land Use): Include sufficient land for public uses such as schools, recreation, community facilities (such as childcare), and government services near the people who use them. Including child care centers in the Public Facility Zone District supports this comprehensive plan oolicv. Goal EA (Economic Development): Ensure that there is a positive environment for small businesses. Including child care centers in the Industrial Zone District 3. The text amendment promotes or implements the purposes stated in this Development Code; or the text amendment is necessary or desirable to respond to changed conditions, new planning concepts, or other social or economic conditions. Response. This text amendment is intended to provide assurance to the community that child care centers will be compatible with their locations and surrounding land uses; and will further the purposes of the Avon Development Code. Recommendation Staff recommends that Child Care Centers be permitted as Special Review Uses in the Light Industrial Commercial (IC) and the Public Facility (P) Zone Districts. Buildings and structures are not permitted in the OLD District unless they are related to the primary uses. There are no offices or there employment facilities permitted in this district. Accordingly, child care facilities would be inappropriate in this district. 2. Schedule a public hearing and direct staff to prepare a resolution recommending an amendment to the Avon Development Code to include Child Care Centers as Special Review Uses in the Light Industrial and Commercial (IC) and Public Facilities (P) Zone Districts. Attachments Exhibit A: Excerpt from Table 7.241 Allowed Uses Exhibit B: Zone District Map 1 Singer Penny, "Caring for Children at the Work Site." New York Times Aug 05, 1990. 3 Avon Development Code — TC 2"' Reading Draft October 26, 2010 Page 100 rd Table 7.24-1 Allowed Uses P = Permitted Use S = Special Review Use Districts in GREY are retired and not available for rezoning Use Category Use Type Residential Non -Residential Use -Specific Regulations RD RL RM RH RH C NC MC TC SC P PF IC OLD Residential Uses Household Living Dwelling, Single -Family Detached P P Dwelling, Two -Family/ Duplex P P P Dwelling, Townhouse P P P P P Dwelling, Multi -family P[1] P P P P [ 1 ] Limited to eight units per building in RM Dwelling, Live/Work S S S S S S Accessory DU S S S Group Living Group Homes S S S S S S 7.24.060(b) Retirement home, nursing home, or assisted living facility S S S S S S Accommodation Bed and breakfast inns S S S S S P P P Lodging I I P P P Public and Institutional Uses Community Art gallery or museum P P P P P Services Community centers S S S P P P P P P Library P 7.24.050(a) Government services, offices and facilities P P P 7.24.050(a) Post office branches P Religious assembly S S S S S S S S S S Day Care Preschool, Nursery School S I S S S S S S 7.24.060(c) Child care, in home S I S S S S S 7.24.060(c) Child care center S S S S S 7.24.060(c) Educational Facilities College or university (non- exempt) S P S P P7.24.050(a) School,K-12 (public and private) P P P P P P P 7.24.050(a) School, vocational -technical P P P 7.24.050(a) Avon Development Code — TC 2"' Reading Draft October 26, 2010 Page 100 rd e 0 SOD IM ].DW AMA MA Official Town of Avon Zoning Districts Eagle County, Colorado Zoning Districts ® IMustdal aM GmmmerCtial rax, ceDw - Neighaulnad fgmmartial Rasklantlad SiMW Fainly Residenkal WpW. ® ResldenAul Lav Dainty - RePdi iel Medium Density - Raek * High Denehy - ReWbnPal High DDDuty CMPI& bl - ocan slice. Lerq—On and 0-k- e Oovemment. Palk and Emok yee Harsing Phoned Ooh Devekpn - Planned LIM DevebpirenL OPen SP rs vntid aw��ao ��mrmw — rro � RA.n.alM rM��e�r�Mer� ee� r� wmi .wi W+W mY ra�MFOr.WtlMY Minn �u�rrm�w�i. r nr�rwirre�eurw r� a�.ew..w e w aor ru r rbnrre re rr � nrr mnrai+an qr� YCp�ryp�Vrn'Mrtlrn� EXHIBIT B APPROVED Planning and Zoning Commission IV/OS (date) Chairman Ar Town Cou r (date) Mayor 1Zx.Qk C. Attest - Town Clerk To The Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Fr Jared Barnes, Planner I Date December 6, 2011 Re Review of the Design Review Process for Properties Within Town Core Summary The Avon Development Code includes a new provision which authorizes the Town Council to render the final decision on a major a development plan in the Town Core. The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) has referral authority in this case. ADC §7.16.080(e)(1), Major Development Plan. Discussion The Council's authority to render the final decision on major development plans in the Town Core was added to the Development Code during discussion at two joint work sessions with the PZC and Town Council in March and April of 2010. The adopted Town Core map is attached. The purpose was to comply with the West Town Center District Investment Plan policies, which also requires Town Council review for all projects within the West Town Center District, and to ensure that the Council had some involvement in the development process in Town Core, given the other revisions in the Code, which made a PUD rezoning in the Town Core unnecessary. Last month, Chairman Green requested a work session discussion with the PZC on this new provision; for the purposes of understanding how the new provision would be implemented. At the November,, 5th meeting, the (PZC) directed staff to prepare a redlined revision to the regulation removing the Town Council's review authority for major development plans within the Town Core. §7.16.080(e)(1) Major Development Plan. The Director shall review and provide a recommendation to the PZC on all major development plan applications. The PZC shall render the final decision on a major development plan, unless the application is located within the Town Core. The decision of the PZC may be appealed to the Town Council pursuant to §7.16.160, Appeal. If an appYeatien is located within the Town G,.., the Dk-e .,,.. shag FeWew and pFevide reeengm endation to the PZ6. The oZG shall Feview and pr-evide Fene.pgMeRrIation to the Town GeuneW. The Town GeunGil shag render the fine decision on a major devi�lepment plan within the Tewig GeFe-. Recommendation If the PZC feels that the Councils review authority in Town Core is not necessary, inconsistent with town policy, and would impede the development review process in the Town Core, then they may proceed in one of two ways: 1. Direct the staff to prepare a resolution recommending to Council that ADC §7.16.080(e)(1) Major Development Plan, be amended to remove the Council's review authority for major development plan within Town Core. 2. Direct Chairman Green to present the PZC recommendation to the Community Development Subcommittee for consideration. atm. �6i �z