PZC Packet 040213Staff Report - SRU/Minor Development Plan/AEC AV a April 2, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Report date March 29, 2013 Project type Parking Lot & Landscaping Legal description Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Address 0111 & 0121 Nottingham Road Prepared By Matt Pielsticker, AICP Summary of Requests The Applicant, G.P.I., LLC, (the Owner), represented by Mauriello Planning Group, has submitted a Minor Development Plan, Special Review Use (SRU), Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) application for a surface parking lot and associated landscaping on Lot 2, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, also described as o111 Nottingham Road ("the Property"). The Applicant is proposing to construct 30 parking spaces, crosswalk improvements, grading, landscaping, and lighting for the crosswalk. The SRU was submitted since a "commercial parking lot" is only permitted via an SRU permit processed by Avon Municipal Code (AMC) §7.24.060, Special Review Use. The parking lot is intended for a particular use, employees and customers of business in the Northside building, and is in the same ownership as the principal use. The Minor Development Plan is being processed in accordance with AMC §7.16.080, Development Plan, for landscaping and other above -ground improvements. The AMC permits variations to certain development standards via the AEC process; in this case the Applicant is proposing an alternative landscape plan design. Process The Application was submitted in February, 2013. Upon submittal, Engineering and Public Works staff reviewed the driveway design and orientation of the entrance. It was determined that as originally proposed the driveway entrance could pose safety conflicts given its proximity to the Shell Gas station back entrance and the Swift Gulch Road intersection immediately across the street. The application was revised in response to initial Staff comments and resubmitted on March 26, 2013. Before PZC are three applications to be reviewed concurrently. Staff's proposed motion will be discussed below; however, action will take place in two parts: 1) SRU must be acted upon first to address the use of the Property for surface parking; and 2) Design and Development Plan including landscaping can be acted upon separately if the use is approved. PZC is the final review authority according to AMC Table 7.16-1, Development Review Procedures and Review Authority. April 2, 2013 PZC Meeting Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, BMBC — Northside Parking Public Noticing and Hearing The SRU requires a noticed public hearing. Pursuant to a publishing in the Vail Daily for the March 5, 2013 PZC meeting, the public hearing was opened and continued to the March 19, 2013 meeting, and again to the April 2, 2013 meeting in order to address Staff comments. The hearing will be opened to public comments before final action. Planning Analysis The proposed parking area and landscape plan, including AEC request, appear to conform to the applicable review criteria as presented. Each individual application includes separate review criteria, and therefore Staff is providing a response to each as follows: SRU Review Criteria- AMC_§7.16.ioo(e) (i) The proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and all applicable provisions of this Development Code and applicable state and federal regulations; Staff response: The proposed parking use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and applicable development standards of the Development Code. The parking lot perimeter landscaping requirements was identified as the sole variation to the Development Standards. The applicant has provided rationale for an AEC application from that particular requirement. (2) The proposed use is consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district in which it is located and any applicable use -specific standards in the Development Code; Staff _Response: The Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zone district is established to provide "small-scale" neighborhood servicing commercial uses and a safe pedestrian environment. This parking area serves the neighboring Northside building and is served with a clearly defined crosswalk that will be demarcated and lit with new light fixtures at either side. (3) The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses in terms of scale, site design, and operating characteristics; Staff Response: After responding to initial staff comments, the site design and operating characteristics now appear to function better with neighboring adjacent uses. (4) Any significant adverse impacts (including, but not limited to, hours of operation, traffic generation, lighting, noise, odor, dust, and other external impacts) anticipated to result from the use will be mitigated or offset to the maximum extent practicable; Staff Response: There are no significant adverse impacts anticipated with this proposed use. The landscaping improvements should provide some level of mitigation to the appearance if parked rows of vehicles. (5) Facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, water, gas, electricity, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation, as applicable) will be available to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service for existing development; and April z, 2013 PZC Meeting 2 Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, BMBC — Northside Parking Staff Response: This criterion is not applicable to this application. Parking will be properly regulated by the private property owner(s). (6) Adequate assurances of continuing maintenance have been provided. Staff Response: The AMC requires property owners to maintain parking areas (i.e. striping) on a yearly basis. Landscaping must also be maintained and that is the responsibility of the property owner. No other assurances are needed in this instance that the improvements will be maintained in the future. Minor Development Plan_ Review Criteria- AMC §7.t6020(f) (�) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: This application is in general conformance with the Purpose statements of the Development Code. Using the property for parking is an appropriate use of the land given its close proximity to the Avon Road/Interstate-7o intersection and the auto centric nature of the area. (2) Evidence of substantial compliance with the §7.16.o9o, Design Review. Staff Response: The primary purpose of the Design Review section of the Development Code is to help blend development into the built environment with careful thought to the location of buildings and landscaping. (3) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The Property is located in District 13: Nottingham Road Commercial District. The planning principles for this district include the following: Planning Principles: Limit access points on Nottingham Road to simplify traffic movements. 0 Require landscape setbacks and internal landscaping of parking lots. 0 Screen all equipment and storage areas from view. Limit building heights to that which is compatible with the existing surrounding development_ Development intensity and activity should diminish when Working with the Applicant to properly locate the access point to Nottingham Road was important to Staff in order to simplify traffic movements for this portion of Nottingham Road. The Landscape Plan also helps to screen the parking area from adjacent properties. April 2, 2013 PZC Meeting Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, BMBC — Northside Parking (4) Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: There are no previously approved development plans on file with Community Development for the Property. (5) Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: As mentioned, other than the parking lot perimeter requirements in AMC §7.28.o5o(f), Parking Lot Landscaping, this development plan is in compliance with the design and development standards in the Development Code. (6) That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: This development should not increase the demand on public services and therefore is not applicable. AEC Review Criteria —AMC §7A6.i2o(d� (i) The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; Staff Response: The Landscape Plan appears to achieve the intent of the Parking Lot Landscaping Standards, by softening the visual appearance of parked vehicles. (2) The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; Staff Response: The alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. It is difficult to know exactly what meeting the 1.2 landscape unit requirement for perimeter landscaping would look like in this instance; however, three times as much landscaping than proposed is not necessary. (3) The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and Staff Response: The proposed Landscape Plan results in an equivalent benefit to the community. (4) The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties Staff Response: As stated throughout, the proposed "alternative" landscape plan design does not impose any increased impacts to adjacent properties than strict adherence to the code. April i, 2013 PZC Meeting 4 Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, BMBC — Northside Parking Engineering Analysis The Engineering department has reviewed the site plan for compliance with applicable codes and the parking lot design meets Town of Avon standards. The drainage off of Nottingham Road will be diverted safely around the parking lot and the developer is installing a water quality pond that treats the storm water runoff. Engineering Staff agrees that the design of the crosswalk across Nottingham Road and the associated pedestrian lighting will provide for a safe environment for pedestrians to cross the road. With the recommended conditions of approval stated herein, Staff recommends PZC approve this Application. Recommendation For the reasons stated herein, staff recommends approval of the Application as proposed. The proposed development plan and SRU are in conformance with the review criteria. Staff has prepared two (2) recommended motions: 1St motion is to approve the use of the property for parking; 2nd motion approves the physical improvements to the property and crosswalk. Recommended Motion 1St Motion "I move to approve Resolution 13-02, thereby approving the SRU application for parking on Lot 2, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision." 2nd Motion "I move to approve the Minor Development Plan and AEC request for parking and landscaping on Lot 2, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, with the following findings and conditions: Finding 1. The Application is in conformance with the Minor Development Plan review criteria and AEC review criteria in AMC §7.16.02o(f) and §7.16.12o(d) respectively. Conditions 1. The Site Plan will be revised accordingly: a. Relocate existing 25 MPH speed limit sign to vicinity of northwest corner of Lot. b. Sizing calculations for the proposed water quality pond will be provided to and approved by the Engineering Department prior to permit. c. Light fixtures that match the Avon standard fixture will be used for the crosswalk lighting. z. Any changes to the March 26, 2013 must be approved by the Community Development Department. Changes will be referred to PZC at the discretion of Community Development Staff. Attachments A: Application Materials, Dated March 26, 2013 B: Draft Resolution 13-02 April z, 2013 PZC Meeting 5 Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, BMBC — Northside Parking Attachment A Northside Parking Lit Applications to the Town of Avon Special Review Use, Minor Development Plan, & Alternative Equivalent Compliance 01 1 1 and 0121 Nottingham Road Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision V a Date Submitted: February 6, 2013 Revised: March 26, 2013 Mauriello Planning Group Table of Contents Proposal Minor Development Plan: Special Review Use Alternative Equivalent Compliance Adjacents Appendices Application Forms Title Report Soils Report Site Survey Site Plan Landscape Plan 3 6 8 10 12 13 Attachment A 2 Attachment A Proposal The applicant, G.P.I., LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group is requesting a Special Review Use, Minor Development Plan, and Alternative Equivalent Compliance, for the construction of a parking lot located at 01 1 1 and 0121 Nottingham Road / Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. The parking lot is located entirely on Lot 2, however, there is some minor grading occurring on Lot 3. The proposed improvements consist of 23 new parking spaces and associated drive aisle, site grading, lighting, and landscaping, along with a proposed crosswalk. The originally submitted design provided the entrance to the parking lot to be aligned with Swift Gulch Road. However, the Town Engineering, in coordination with the Road and Bridge Department, felt that the alignment which is currently in use for temporary parking provides a much safer, better situation. As a result, the parking lot was substantially redesigned. The two designs are provided below: Original Parking Lot Design Current Parking Lot Design 'q Attachment A The parking lot is being developed to provide additional employee and customer parking for the Northside Coffee and Kitchen located across the street from the proposed parking lot. The Northside project has been wildly successful and the key to maintaining that success is to maximize the availability of parking. The parking area may be used in the evenings for valet parking. The parking lot is additional parking and does not constitute parking required to serve the existing use. A crosswalk is proposed at the intersection with Swift Gulch Road accessing the existing handicap accessible sidewalk on the north side of the road. Lighting is proposed on either end of the crosswalk to allow for a safe crossing. The location of the crosswalk is strategic for two reasons. First it is located at an intersection where crosswalks are typical and expected versus a mid -block crossing and second its located in the most narrow section of the roadway making it the quickest crossing for pedestrians in this section of roadway. The application submitted is a Minor Development Plan, in accordance with Section 7.16.080 of the Avon Development Code and Special Review Use, in accordance with Section 7.16. 100 of the Avon Development Code. In addition, we are submitting an application for Alternative Equivalent Compliance in accordance with Section 7.16.120 of the Avon Development Code from the unrealistic landscape requirements contained in the Development Code. The design of the parking lot does not comply with Section 7.28.090 Design Standards of the Avon Development Code, with regard to the number of landscape units required in subsection ii, which states: (I) Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping (i) Perimeter parking lot landscaping a minimum width of six (6) feet shall be required for all parking lots having more than three (3) spaces where the parking lot is adjacent to a public street or a non -retail or industrial use such as a residential area, institutional use (e.g., hospital), or office. (ii)The parking lot perimeter landscaping shall achieve a minimum of one and two-tenths (1.2) landscape units per lineal foot. (iii) Where lots are being developed in a mixed-use district, the parking lot perimeter landscaping requirement may be reduced along an interior lot line, at the discretion of the Director, provided that interior parking /at landscaping applies to both parking lots. Based on the perimeter of the parking lot of 475 linear feet, this code section requires 570 landscape units. As proposed, the design provides 162.5 landscape units which includes 7 trees and 36 shrubs. The points are broken down as follows: • Spruce Trees - 24 points • Ash Trees - 28 points • Shrubs - 36 points • Boulders - 24 points • Xeriscape - 44 points • Cobble/cedar mulch - 6.5 points Total points 162.5 0 Attachment A In addition, there is a 10% bonus for maintaining a minimum of 300 sq. ft. of native vegetation on the site which the project is eligible for. However, there is no additional information on how to calculate this bonus (i.e., 10% of the points proposed? 10% reduction is points required?) so this bonus has not been included in the calculation. The landscape plan is provided below: 5 Attachment A ,'Minor Development Plan: Section 7.16.080 Development Plan of the Avon Development Code provides the review criteria for a Minor Development Plan: (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Applicant Response: The proposed additional parking is in compliance with the purpose of the Development Code. Specifically, the following purpose statements are applicable to this project: (d) Avoid undue traffic congestion and degradation of the level of service provided by streets and roadways, promote effective and economical mass transportation, and enhance effective, attractive and economical pedestrian opportunities; (e) Promote adequate light, air, landscaping and open space and avoid undue concentration or sprawl of population; (f) Provide a planned and orderly use of land, protection of the environment, and preservation of viability, all to conserve the value of the investments of the people of the Avon community and encourage a high quality of life and the most appropriate use of land throughout the municipality, (I) Promote architectural design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary to Avon's sub -alpine environment, (m) Achieve innovation and advancement in design of the built environment to improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption, reduce emission of pollutants, reduce consumption of non-renewable natural resources, and attain sustainability; (p) Promote the health, safety, and welfare of the Avon community. While generally these purpose statements are more applicable to development on a much grander scale than the proposed parking lot, the proposal is in compliance with these purpose statements. (2) Evidence of substantial compliance with the §7.16.090, Design Review. Applicant Response: The parking lot is in substantial compliance with Section 7.16.090. The proposed parking is not required of any development and is intended to allow for extra parking to help ensure the success of a local business that generates substantial revenues to the Town. (3) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 1.1 Attachment A Applicant Response: The Avon Comprehensive Plan provides the following Future Land Use Map: The map identifies the property as "Neighborhood Commercial" which is defined as follows: Neighborhood Commercial — These areas are intended to provide neighborhood -focused retail and service uses (such as markets, childcare, restattrants, and cafes) that are conveniently located near and connected E ith surrounding residential neighborhoods. The proposed parking lot is consistent with the Avon Comprehensive Plan. (4) Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Applicant Response: The proposed parl<ing is consistent with the above criterion. (5) Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Applicant Response: The proposed parking complies with the above criterion by meeting all of the development and design standards for a parl<ing lot, except for those noted in the proposed AEC. 7 Attachment A (6) That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Applicant Response: No additional services will be required with this proposal. ,.'Special Review Use Section 7.16. 100 Special Review us provides the criteria for the review of a Special Review Use: (1) The proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and all applicable provisions of this Development Code and applicable state and federal regulations; Applicant Response: This criterion was addressed in the section above. The proposed parking lot is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Avon Development Code, and all applicable state and federal regulations. (2) The proposed use is consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district in which it is located and any applicable use -specific standards in the Development Code; Applicant Response: The property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial as indicated on the Town of Avon Zoning Map provided below: Zoning Districts Residential Duplex dF Town Center Residential Low Density de Industrial and Commercial de Residential Medium Density _i Public Facility dF Residential High Density Park Residential High Density Commercial (Retired) dF 0pen Space, Landscaping and Drainag dF Neighborhood Commercial Planned Unit Development Shopping Center (Retired) dF Planned Unit Development, Open Spat Mired Use Commercial �� Short Term Ov h v Avon Town Boundary PUD Boundary Roads 10 PUD Number I-70 Rivers and Lykes Section 7.20.080 provides the purpose of the Neighborhood Commercial zone district: Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The NC district is established to provide for a compatible mix of residential, small-scale neighborhood -serving commercial and civic uses. Townhouse, multi- family units, and limited commercial uses are allowed in this district. This district is intended to Lf Attachment A be placed in a neighborhood setting providing a comfortable and safe pedestrian environment and further enhancing the character of the neighborhood. The NC district implements the mixed-use classification of the Avon Future Land Use Plan and should be located along a collector roadway. The proposed parking lot is consistent with the purpose of the NC zone district. The proposed parking lot is to serve as additional parking for the commercial uses across the street. To ensure safe pedestrian passage, a crosswalk is proposed. The parking lot will be lit to provide for a safe environment to the patrons of the lot. Finally, the landscaping has been designed to adequately screen the parking from adjacent properties and will enhance the character of the neighborhood. A parking lot is a special review use in the NC zone district, according to Table 7.24-1 Allowed Uses. There are no use -specific standards associated with this use. (3) The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses in terms of scale, site design, and operating characteristics; Applicant Response: The parking lot will be signed for Northside use only. The sign will be submitted to staff for approval prior to erection. The lot will be asphalted and striped for 23 parking spaces. The lot will be maintained by the owner to ensure that it is kept in a clean and well-maintained state. The parking lot is compatible with adjacent uses and will fit in with the neighborhood. The property is located between a gas station/convenience store (to the east) and automotive service facility (to the west), indicated in the photos below: Both of these properties are zoned Neighborhood Commercial. The westbound Interstate 70 on-ramp is located directly to the south of the property. To the north is Lot I of the Buck Creek PUD, which is currently vacant. Though there is no building development proposed, the parking lot is compatible with these uses. The proposed landscaping will benefit the neighboring properties and the lot will be operated with the same care and attention as the Northside development. (4) Any significant adverse impacts (including, but not limited to, hours of operation, traffic generation, lighting, noise, odor, dust, and other external impacts) anticipated to result from the use will be mitigated or offset to the maximum extent practicable; Ei Attachment A Applicant Response: No adverse impacts are anticipated from the proposed use. (5) Facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, water, gas, electricity, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation, as applicable) will be available to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service for existing development; and Applicant Response: Adequate facilities and services exist to this property. It is zoned for substantially higher level of development. As a parking lot, there are limited needs for additional facilities and services. (6) Adequate assurances of continuing maintenance have been provided. Applicant Response: The owner will maintain the parking lot and all associated improvements. ', 'Alternative Equivalent Compliance Section 7.16.120 Alternative Equivalent Compliance provides the following criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: (1) The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; Applicant Response: The parking lot landscaping requirements are new and have not been applied to many projects at this point. Upon review of them, we discovered that they are cumbersome and generally impossible to meet. As designed, the landscaping will adequately screen the parking while minimizing water usage. (2) The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; Applicant Response: This criterion was addressed in the analysis above. (3) The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and Applicant Response: As the proposed landscape plan shows, the parking lot will be screened appropriately with the number of trees and amount of landscaping proposed. The landscape requirements of the Avon Development Code are far in excess of what is needed to appropriately screen parking lots and should be revisited and tested on a variety of existing properties to evaluate the requirements. 10 Attachment A (4) The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this ordinance. Applicant Response: The proposed alternative to the design of the parking area has no impact on adjacent properties. Landscaping has been focused at the entrance to the lot and along the east property line. There is significant distance (all of Lot 3) before the next adjacent property, which is an automotive service facility. As indicated in the aerial below, there are existing trees along this property line. 11 Site Survey Attachment 17 GENERAL NOTES 1. DATE OF TOPOGRAPHY: NOVEMBER 12, 2012. 2. PROJECT BENCHMARK: SEWER MANHOLE MH 200 LOCATED NEAR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2. RIM ELEVATION = 7496.6, INVERT (N) ELEVATION =7492.2, INVERT (S) ELEVATION =7482.1 (SEE DRAWING). 3. LOTS 2 AND 3 ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, OBLIGATIONS AND EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY AS SHOWN ON PLATS RECORDED RESPECTIVELY: FEBRUARY 27, 1974 IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 566; DECEMBER 26, 1974 IN BOOK 238 AT PAGE 41; AUGUST 11, 1976 IN BOOK 247 AT PAGE 989; OCTOBER 1, 1976 IN BOOK 249 AT PAGE 93; AND SEPTEMBER 5, 1978 IN BOOK 274 AT PAGE 701. 4. LOTS 2 AND 3 ARE SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE PLAT OF BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK RECORDED DECEMBER 26, 1974 IN BOOK 238 AT PAGE 41. 5. LOTS 2 AND 3 ARE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TRENCH, CONDUIT & VAULT AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 14, 2007 AT RECEPTION NO. 200721567. SAID AGREEMENT IS INSUFFICIENTLY DIMENSIONED TO SHOW HEREON. 6. ALL UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON WERE FIELD LOCATED BY 1st CALL LOCATING. PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR ADDITIONAL UTILITES NOT SHOWN. ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOULD BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7. PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. DID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESTABLISH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD. RECORD DOCUMENTS UTILIZED IN THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WERE PROVIDED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. V50018213, DATED OCTOBER 24, 2012, AT 5:00 P.M.. 8. NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, BRENT BIGGS, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WAS MADE BY ME AND UNDER MY SUPERVISION, AND THAT THE MAP IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE: BRENT BIGGS COLORADO P.L.S. No. 27598 FOR & ON BEHALF OF PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. LEGEND 7496.6 \ 7496.7 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH 1Y2" ALUMINUM CAP \ \ 74s7.o \ \ L.S. No. 27279 7495.9 Ad \ R \ 7496.8 \ \ \ \g 9s\ \A6\ � 7497.5 Cry R \ \ cry Ivo \ �7497.2 ��` / / \ \ 7497.9 �\ rsoNcti 70'' Ric 0 \ ?s• S EDGE OF CONCRETE 4 cry\ 8J' 7497.6 \ \ \� 7497.6 7492.6 \� / / ry 7498.3 N23°42'15"E - 207.28' / , / \��y 4� Ag2 \ `S EDGE OF ASPHALT / a \ / � 7498 05 / LOT 3 7497.8 \ LOT 4 053 AC ADDRESS: 121 NOT �O / \ d 7490.8 �/ J / d� d� 74 7.8 N, S41 °17'45"E 53.18 7497.1 7497.3 G\CONCRETE PAD S SEWER MANHOLE MH 200 ' y RIM ELEVATION = 7496.6 \ 9� Ge �a� INVERT (N) ELEVATION =7492.2 I /� / INVERT (S) ELEVATION =7492.1 (PROJECT BENCHMARK) \ SEWER MANHOLE MH 180 `� 749x.9 RIM ELEVATION = 7489.6 / \ / / y // INVERT (W) ELEVATION = 7484.0 LOT 2 7496.\ ?s• �/ INVERT (E) ELEVATION 7483.9 7489.8 � / O (0.54 ACRES) ADDRESS: 111 NOTTINGHAM R AD 90 FOUND C.D.O.T. MONUMENT 7495.7 \ / 2� / yy sem\ 7'Q Gey / _8" CONCRETE BAND FOUND No. 5 REBA\ WITH 02' ALUMINUM CAP s \ o �o�� L.S. No. 27279 7489.4 �` J Ge •6/ // 7494.5 \ \ 8" 7489.7 \ 8" 11 \ \ / / rn CTV ® CABLE TV PEDESTAL - �T�- ��- �T� �� �� BURIED CABLE TV LINE OS SEWER MANHOLE -ara-srra-aua-aces-aces- BURIED ELECTRICAL LINE -� SIGN -4s-cAs- ,s c.� G,� BURIED GAS LINE TP ® TELEPHONE PEDESTAL -�'K pd pH PH PH BURIED PHONE LINE ® TRANSFORMER -sEwsEw sEw sEw sEw BURIED SEWER LINE ------------------ EDGE OF ASPHALT ---------------------- EDGE OF CONCRETE 0 o FENCE (WOOD) INDICATES A DECIDUOUS TREE WITH TRUNK DIAMETER. \ \ INDICATES AN EVERGREEN TREE WITH TRUNK DIAMETER. D PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. PH:(970)476-8644 FAX:(970)476-8616 1000 LION'S RIDGE LOOP, SUITE 1D VAIL, CO 81657 Attachment A GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. \� \ 400 \ \ / \ \ 7488. �` {/ e00 c Q \ / / 00 Q // 66?�•`� ?4s Nq�F \ /�� / S23°42'15"W - 164.17' \ qT /O 05 \ 7489.2 �w \ q \ \ �SAa AgcFgSE/ y N / L 7493.6 \\\SA�yq�Tp \\\ �/ � 93��o� / 4 m \ `�� LOT 1 \\\ 7488.4\\\ Sts�Q�A\ �\ 4, J 7488.9 \ \ \ \ %88 s��\ {" / 7492.9 FOUND No. 5 REBAR \ \ 7488.6 T7489.3 7490.6 \ SEWER MANHOLE MH 002 RIM ELEVATION = 7489.6 E\ \ INVERT (N) ELEVATION = 7485.0 \ NO. 7489.6 o INVERT (SE) ELEVATION = 7484.9 \ 7489.8 �� \ 0748x.9 \ SEWER MANHOLE \ RIM ELEVATION = 7488.9 \ \ \ \ \ INVERT (W) ELEVATION = 7483.1 \ �f90 \ \ \ SEWER MANHOLE INVERT (E) ELEVATION = 7483.2 \ RIM ELEVATION = 7489.2 (NOT ON ERW&SD AS -BUILT DRAWINGS) \ \ 7469.9 INVERT (W) ELEVATION = 7483.4 \ \ \ \ 7490.1 INVERT (E) ELEVATION = 7483.3 (NOT ON ERW&SD AS -BUILT DRAWINGS) N66017'45"W - 79.13' TOPi CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD CHORD BEARING \ Cl 20'48'05" 100.00' 36.31' 18.35' 36.11' N51'41'31 "W Site Plan Attachment 18 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 7496.6 7496.7 \ \ 7497.0 7495 9... ° \�A 7496.8 \ \ a\E�,\ \ \ 7497.5 d 1 F 7492 ,,d ,/ F RELOCATED7497.9 ° \� 25MPH SIGN ° / \ 7492.fi� / A � / )%92 a ° CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY IF THIS IS AN \ OLD ABANDONED / SERVICE. a ..d 47490.8 / FF i ° F \ d F fF °' 7489.8 --- cb t89.0 \ � FS F \ � 7489.4 7 g � 8 8" �f WATER QUALITY POND. \ 7469.7fs \ 476 FTA 3 STORAGE + 12" \ 8" ` \\ �\ FREE BOARD. �\ `\ / 89.0 93.69 88.5 \ 7488. \ \\ / /0000 7489.2 7487. S / 0 7488.4 41 7488.9 \ \ 488 \ \ \ 8" � .. � fs FF 41\ \ 7488.9 � � \ 7489.3 \ E I �' \ 7489.6 7489.8 PROPOSED \ W\ ►� \7480\ \ 7489.9 \ ` 7490.1 SUBGRADE OR NOTES: IMPORTED FILL. 1. CLASS 2 AND CLASS 6 BASE COURSE PER DCOT SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL BASE COURSE, SUBBASE, AND REQUIRED SUBGRADE FILL SHOULD BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF THE MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHIN 2% OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. 3. REQUIRED FILL TO ESTABLISH SUBGRADE SHOULD CONSIST OF SUITABLE IMPORTED GRANULAR SOILS. 4. PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT, SUBGRADE SHALL BE STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL, SCARIFIED TO A DEPTH OF 8" AND COMPACTED AS DEFINED IN NOTE 2. PROPOSED PAVEMENT SECTION NOT TO SCALE POSSIBLE FUTURE CURB AND GUTTER, SIDEWALK LOCATION. AN EASEMENT T( ACCOMMODATE THE FUTURE CURB, GL AND SIDEWALK TO BE PROVIDED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT ` 499.3 \ y °A \ / PROPOSED STRIPED CROSSWALK. 7497.8 \ MODIFIED TYPE 94.8 4,67 // 1 7493.6 / I/ DESIGN LOCATION OF NORTHSIDE KITCHEN RAMP. REPLACE WITH TYPE 2A RAMP. REMOVED EXISTING WALK AND RAMP TO NEAREST JOINT. NNINSTALL METALIN WARNING PLATE A ALL RAMPS. SEWER MH 200 PROJECT BENCHMARK 749E RIM:7496.64 196.\ RAISE TO 97.20 RELOCATE EXISTING 25MPH SIGN TO WEST OF PROPOSED ENTRANCE. EXISTING TELEPHONE AND CATV PEDESTALS LIGHT FIXTURE, LOCATION RE: LANDSCAPE PLAN 7492.9 EXISTING TRANSFORMER. METER _ LOCATION TO BE COORDINATED WITH LANDSCAPE ARCH, HCE, AND AEI. 0 =OR AGENCY REVIEW ONLY MARCH 2013 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION LIGHT FIXTURE, - LOCATION RE: LANDSCAPE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 40 SCALE: 1'=20' LEGEND ® EXISTING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CTV ® EXISTING TV PEDESTAL NOTES: 80 1. SIDEWALK ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOT 2 WILL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH ANY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LOT 3. 2. SIDEWALK EASEMENT ALONG FRONTAGE OF LOT 2 TO BE RECORDED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT. 3. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS AND HAS NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED BY AEI. 4. CONTACT AEI PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF TREES, SHRUBS, IRRIGATION OR OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES TO REVIEW FINISHED GRADE. 5. COORDINATE SITE LIGHTING AND IRRIGATION WITH LANDSCAPE PLAN. 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS WARNED THAT CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING UTILITY SERVICES MAY EXIST. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR LINE LOCATIONS, AND CONTRACTOR SHALL THEN LOCATE ALL UTILITIES (INCLUDING DEPTH). ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. ANY CONFLICTS WITH THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER SO THAT MINOR LINE OR GRADE CHANGES CAN BE MADE TO ELIMINATE ANY CONFLICTS WITH THESE EXISTING UTILITIES. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE BY THE CONTRACTOR. UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR THAT WERE PROPERLY MARKED/LOCATED SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER OR ENGINEER. 7. VERIFY THAT RAISING THE EXISTING SEWER RIM WILL NOT MAKE THE DISTANCE FROM RIM TO FIRST STEP GREATER THAN 1'-9". IF IT DOES, A NEW BARRELL SECTION WILL BE REQUIRED RATHER THAN GRADE RINGS. SIDEWALK RAMP TYPE 2A ESTRIAN SSWALK Attachment A - EXISTING 2' CONTOUR -7490- - EXISTING 10' CONTOUR EE EE- EXISTING ELECTRIC Es Es - EXISTING SEWER EG EG EXISTING GAS - EPH EPH - EXISTING PHONE - EN EN - EXISTING PHONE ® EXISTING TRANSFORMER OR C� SWITCHGEAR �S X EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ® EXISTING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CTV ® EXISTING TV PEDESTAL NOTES: 80 1. SIDEWALK ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOT 2 WILL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH ANY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LOT 3. 2. SIDEWALK EASEMENT ALONG FRONTAGE OF LOT 2 TO BE RECORDED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT. 3. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS AND HAS NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED BY AEI. 4. CONTACT AEI PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF TREES, SHRUBS, IRRIGATION OR OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES TO REVIEW FINISHED GRADE. 5. COORDINATE SITE LIGHTING AND IRRIGATION WITH LANDSCAPE PLAN. 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS WARNED THAT CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING UTILITY SERVICES MAY EXIST. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR LINE LOCATIONS, AND CONTRACTOR SHALL THEN LOCATE ALL UTILITIES (INCLUDING DEPTH). ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. ANY CONFLICTS WITH THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER SO THAT MINOR LINE OR GRADE CHANGES CAN BE MADE TO ELIMINATE ANY CONFLICTS WITH THESE EXISTING UTILITIES. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE BY THE CONTRACTOR. UTILITIES THAT ARE DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR THAT WERE PROPERLY MARKED/LOCATED SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER OR ENGINEER. 7. VERIFY THAT RAISING THE EXISTING SEWER RIM WILL NOT MAKE THE DISTANCE FROM RIM TO FIRST STEP GREATER THAN 1'-9". IF IT DOES, A NEW BARRELL SECTION WILL BE REQUIRED RATHER THAN GRADE RINGS. SIDEWALK RAMP TYPE 2A ESTRIAN SSWALK Attachment A P n NIM v o 0 z< " � LLJ o J Q W Co Z O U) W z0� p O en Z U1 U) Lu > L U 0 0 Q 74 P7 11W LJ O O Q 000 (o C) - N C0 = M C) O O N N Wllllllllllllllllllilllllllz �n 0 Cl) t-) O O LLJ inLLjvr- N r> Kon04 M P n NIM v o 0 z< " � LLJ o J Q W Co Z O U) W z0� p O en Z U1 U) Lu > L U 0 0 Q 74 P7 11W LJ O O Q 000 (o C) - N C0 = M C) O O N SHEET 1 OF 1 N Cl) O O N N r> 0 M X C� C� X o � 0 W Z Z Y p W Z W U)Q m � 0 0 0 U SHEET 1 OF 1 Landscape Plan Attachment 19 FLANT SCHEDULE QTY. SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANIG NAME SIZE NOTES MATURE HT./SPREAD DECIDUOUS TREES 4 FPP PATMORE ASH FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANIGA 'PATMORE' 5" GAL. MATCHED SET W/ 45'/55' EVERGREEN TREES 3 PPS COLORADO SPRUCE PIGEA PUNGENS DECIDUOUS/ EVERGREEN SHRUBS 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA / O SF 10 CLP PEKING GOTONEA5TER COTONEASTER LUCIDUS 7 SNB BLACK BEAUTY ELDER SAMBUCUS NIGRA 'BLACK BEAUTY' 3 SSU URAL FALSE SPIREA SORBARIA SORBIFOLIA 10 PPG DWARF GLOBE BLUE SPRUCE PIGEA PUNGENS 'GLOB05A' 6 J55 SGANDIA JUNIPER JUNIPERU5 5ABINA 'SGANDIA' IRRIGATION AREA LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED 755yo OF LOT 245 / 35,216 5F TOTAL I RRI GATED AREA % OF LANDSCAPED AREA / 5OUARE FOOTAGE SPRAY AREA 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA / O SF DRIP AREA 100916 OF IRRIGATED AREA / 170 5F LANDSGAFE N®TES GHT CATION. ATE) 1 .ED zIC DO NOT PRUNE OR DAMAGE LEADER NYLON WEBBING STRAP BITUMINOUS IMPREGNATED TREE WRAP -FASTEN TOP 4 BOTTOM (FALL INSTAL- LATION ONLY) 6LONG METAL "T" POST PAINTED GREEN MULCH SAUCER RIM (SEE NOTES) FINISH GRADE EXISTING UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP B ALL WIRE/METAL, ETC. BACKFILL AS SPECIFIED COMPACTED SPECIFIED BAGKF I LL FOR SETTI NS OF ROOTBALL JGER RIM IS TO BE ON DOWNHILL >E WHEN PLANTS ARE PLANTED SLOPES, BUT SHALL SURROUND NNT WHEN ON LEVEL &ROUND. 'LANTINO 1. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL 5UBM 1 T A WRITTEN DOCUMENT REGARDING 175 POLICY ON PLANT GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT TO THE OWNER. EACH GUARANTEE SHALL CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM STANDARD OF REPLACING ALL MATERIAL INCLUDING LABOR, DUE TO SICKNESS, DEATH, OR UNSATISFACTORY CONDITION OF A PLANT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOLLOWING ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. 2. CONTRACTOR TO HAVE HAVE UTILITIES LOCATED AND STAKED AT LEAST 45 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 5. FURNISH AND INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL AS NOTED. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SHOULD A DISCREPANCY IN QUANTITIES OCCUR, PLANT QUANTITIES ON PLAN SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THOSE IN THE PLANT SCHEDULE. 4. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE TO APPROVE ALL PLANTING BED AND PLANTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 5. PLANTING BEDS SHALL CONSIST OF 3" (DEPTH) SHREDDED CEDAR MULCH BORDERED BY 4"-6" RIVER ROCK GOBBLE ON WEED BARRIER FABRIC,, WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN. GOBBLE SHALL BE PLACED 50 THAT NO WEED BARRIER 15 EXPOSED. SMALLER RIVER ROCK SHALL BE I N57ALLF-D IN VO I D5 TO CONGEAL WEED BARRIER FABRIC. 6. PLANT MATERIALS IN NATIVE GRASS AREAS SHALL HAVE A MULCHED "SAUCER" AROUND EACH PLANT, CONTAINING 2 "-3" (DEPTH) SHREDDED CEDAR MULCH. 7. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISTRIBUTE 4" (DEPTH) DEBRIS FREE TOPSOIL TO ALL PLANTING BEDS. PLANTING BEDS SHALL BE AMENDED WITH 4 CU. YARDS "EKO-COMPOST" PER 1000 S.F. 8. PLANTING BACKFILL MIX SHALL CONSIST OF 80% TOPSOIL, AND 20% EKO COMPOST. �. PREPARATION OF DISTURBED NATIVE GRASS AREAS SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: -LOOSEN SOIL TO A MINIMUM OF 2" DEPTH. REMOVE STONES OVER 2" IN DIA., AND STICKS, ROOTS, AND RUBBISH. -DISTRIBUTE 2" (DEPTH) DEBRIS FREE TOPSOIL TO BE INCORPORATED INTO N 71 VE SOIL. -GRADE AREAS TO A SMOOTH, FREE DRAINING EVEN SURFACE WITH A LOOSE, MODERATELY COURSE TEXTURE. REMOVE RIDGES AND FILL DEPRESSIONS AS REOU I RED TO DRAIN. 10. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED WITH NATIVE GRASS SEED MIX SOWN WITH THE FOLLOWING MIX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) AT A RATE OF 60 LBS. PER ACRE. -25% SHEEP FESCUE -25% CANADIAN BLUEGRASS -24% HARD FESCUE -20% WESTERN WHEATGRASS -6% WHEAT6RA55 11. ONE APPLICATION OF A DI -AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER, I5-46-0 AT THE RATE OF '5 LBS. PER 1000 S.F. SHALL BE BROADCAST PRIOR TO SEEDING. 12. MULCH ALL SOWN AREAS WITH 2"-3" WEED FREE STRAW. TACKIFY STRAW MULCH AREAS WITH AN APPROVED ORGANIC. TACKIFIER AT THE RATE OF 120 LBS. PER ACRE. 15. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE DRIP I RRI GATED BY MEANS OF AN AUTOMA71 G UNDERGROUND I RRI GATT ON SYSTEM. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED WITH A RAIN SENSOR. IRRIGATION SOURCE TO COME FROM WATER LINE AT AUTO SHOP WEST OF PROPERTY AND METERED FROM AN EXISTING UNUSED WATER METER. 14. BOULDERS USED FOR OUT-CROPP I NGS AND RETAINING WALLS, SHALL BE RIVER ROOK BOULDERS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 2'5'-5' IN DIA. 15. LANDSCAPE EDGING, WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN TO DELINEATE PLANTING BEDS, SHALL BE PRO -STEEL, 4" WITH ROLLED EDGE. DO NOT PRUNE OR DAMAGE LEADER. ANY PRUNING MUST FIRST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3 GUY WIRE5 AT 120 DEGREES O.G., USE NYLON WEBBING STRAP AT TREE FLAGGING 3-I5" LONG METAL STAKES SET PERPENDICULAR TO WIRE AND FLUSH WITH FINISH GRADE SAUCER RIM FINISH GRADE EXISTING UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP 8 ALL WIRE/METAL, ETC. BACKFILL AS SPECIFIED COMPACTED SPECIFIED BACKFILL FOR SETTING OF ROOTBALL 2X BALL DIA. I NOTES: ,I MINK I. EVERGREEN TREES TO BE 3. SAUCER RIM IS TO BE ON DOWNHILL PLANTED 3" ABOVE SIDE WHEN PLANTS ARE PLANTED FINISH GRADE. ON SLOPES, BUT SHALL SURROUND PLANT WHEN ON LEVEL GROUND. 2. WATER THOROUGHLY AT THE TIME OF PLANTING. DO NOT FERTILIZE AT THE TIME OF PLANTING. EYEROREEN TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE 1) 1-h n i n 2X BALL DIA. MIN. SHRUB PLANTING ��j NOT TO SCALE 3" MULCH PLANT R0075ALL o GRADE WHICH SHRUB GREW IN NURSERY SAUCER RIM FINISH GRADE SUBGRADE R007BALL (REMOVE CONTAINER) BACKFILL MATERIAL UND15TURBF-D SOIL ON BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL Attachment A macDesign 1 LANDSCAPE 1 = ARCHITECTURE ■ ■ SITE PLANNING P.O. BOX 6446, AVON, CO 81620 970.513.9345 I SSUE : 2/4/2015 6' BRANCH I NG HT. 2/7/2015 5'-10' B$B SEE PLAN FOR 50'/25' 5/26/2015 LOCATIONS OF 8' AND 10' TREES 5 GAL. CONT. 101/8' 5 GAL. DONT. 81/8' 5 GAL. CONT. (01/6' 6 GAL. CONT. 41/5' 5 GAL. CONT. 2'/5' 1. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL 5UBM 1 T A WRITTEN DOCUMENT REGARDING 175 POLICY ON PLANT GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT TO THE OWNER. EACH GUARANTEE SHALL CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM STANDARD OF REPLACING ALL MATERIAL INCLUDING LABOR, DUE TO SICKNESS, DEATH, OR UNSATISFACTORY CONDITION OF A PLANT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOLLOWING ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. 2. CONTRACTOR TO HAVE HAVE UTILITIES LOCATED AND STAKED AT LEAST 45 HOURS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 5. FURNISH AND INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL AS NOTED. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SHOULD A DISCREPANCY IN QUANTITIES OCCUR, PLANT QUANTITIES ON PLAN SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THOSE IN THE PLANT SCHEDULE. 4. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE TO APPROVE ALL PLANTING BED AND PLANTING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 5. PLANTING BEDS SHALL CONSIST OF 3" (DEPTH) SHREDDED CEDAR MULCH BORDERED BY 4"-6" RIVER ROCK GOBBLE ON WEED BARRIER FABRIC,, WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN. GOBBLE SHALL BE PLACED 50 THAT NO WEED BARRIER 15 EXPOSED. SMALLER RIVER ROCK SHALL BE I N57ALLF-D IN VO I D5 TO CONGEAL WEED BARRIER FABRIC. 6. PLANT MATERIALS IN NATIVE GRASS AREAS SHALL HAVE A MULCHED "SAUCER" AROUND EACH PLANT, CONTAINING 2 "-3" (DEPTH) SHREDDED CEDAR MULCH. 7. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISTRIBUTE 4" (DEPTH) DEBRIS FREE TOPSOIL TO ALL PLANTING BEDS. PLANTING BEDS SHALL BE AMENDED WITH 4 CU. YARDS "EKO-COMPOST" PER 1000 S.F. 8. PLANTING BACKFILL MIX SHALL CONSIST OF 80% TOPSOIL, AND 20% EKO COMPOST. �. PREPARATION OF DISTURBED NATIVE GRASS AREAS SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: -LOOSEN SOIL TO A MINIMUM OF 2" DEPTH. REMOVE STONES OVER 2" IN DIA., AND STICKS, ROOTS, AND RUBBISH. -DISTRIBUTE 2" (DEPTH) DEBRIS FREE TOPSOIL TO BE INCORPORATED INTO N 71 VE SOIL. -GRADE AREAS TO A SMOOTH, FREE DRAINING EVEN SURFACE WITH A LOOSE, MODERATELY COURSE TEXTURE. REMOVE RIDGES AND FILL DEPRESSIONS AS REOU I RED TO DRAIN. 10. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE REVEGETATED WITH NATIVE GRASS SEED MIX SOWN WITH THE FOLLOWING MIX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) AT A RATE OF 60 LBS. PER ACRE. -25% SHEEP FESCUE -25% CANADIAN BLUEGRASS -24% HARD FESCUE -20% WESTERN WHEATGRASS -6% WHEAT6RA55 11. ONE APPLICATION OF A DI -AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER, I5-46-0 AT THE RATE OF '5 LBS. PER 1000 S.F. SHALL BE BROADCAST PRIOR TO SEEDING. 12. MULCH ALL SOWN AREAS WITH 2"-3" WEED FREE STRAW. TACKIFY STRAW MULCH AREAS WITH AN APPROVED ORGANIC. TACKIFIER AT THE RATE OF 120 LBS. PER ACRE. 15. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE DRIP I RRI GATED BY MEANS OF AN AUTOMA71 G UNDERGROUND I RRI GATT ON SYSTEM. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED WITH A RAIN SENSOR. IRRIGATION SOURCE TO COME FROM WATER LINE AT AUTO SHOP WEST OF PROPERTY AND METERED FROM AN EXISTING UNUSED WATER METER. 14. BOULDERS USED FOR OUT-CROPP I NGS AND RETAINING WALLS, SHALL BE RIVER ROOK BOULDERS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 2'5'-5' IN DIA. 15. LANDSCAPE EDGING, WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN TO DELINEATE PLANTING BEDS, SHALL BE PRO -STEEL, 4" WITH ROLLED EDGE. DO NOT PRUNE OR DAMAGE LEADER. ANY PRUNING MUST FIRST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3 GUY WIRE5 AT 120 DEGREES O.G., USE NYLON WEBBING STRAP AT TREE FLAGGING 3-I5" LONG METAL STAKES SET PERPENDICULAR TO WIRE AND FLUSH WITH FINISH GRADE SAUCER RIM FINISH GRADE EXISTING UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP 8 ALL WIRE/METAL, ETC. BACKFILL AS SPECIFIED COMPACTED SPECIFIED BACKFILL FOR SETTING OF ROOTBALL 2X BALL DIA. I NOTES: ,I MINK I. EVERGREEN TREES TO BE 3. SAUCER RIM IS TO BE ON DOWNHILL PLANTED 3" ABOVE SIDE WHEN PLANTS ARE PLANTED FINISH GRADE. ON SLOPES, BUT SHALL SURROUND PLANT WHEN ON LEVEL GROUND. 2. WATER THOROUGHLY AT THE TIME OF PLANTING. DO NOT FERTILIZE AT THE TIME OF PLANTING. EYEROREEN TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE 1) 1-h n i n 2X BALL DIA. MIN. SHRUB PLANTING ��j NOT TO SCALE 3" MULCH PLANT R0075ALL o GRADE WHICH SHRUB GREW IN NURSERY SAUCER RIM FINISH GRADE SUBGRADE R007BALL (REMOVE CONTAINER) BACKFILL MATERIAL UND15TURBF-D SOIL ON BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL Attachment A macDesign 1 LANDSCAPE 1 = ARCHITECTURE ■ ■ SITE PLANNING P.O. BOX 6446, AVON, CO 81620 970.513.9345 I SSUE : 2/4/2015 PROGRESS SET 2/7/2015 SUBMITTAL PLAN 3/22/2015 PARKING LOT REDESIGN 5/26/2015 5UBM I TTAL PLAN 0 10 7m" ��� 717 SGa l e s 10'-0" North LAI DSC,AFE FLAN TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 13-02 SERIES OF 2013 Attachment A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE FOR COMMERCIAL PARKING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (NC) ZONE DISTRICT ON LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the Town of Avon ("Town") adopted Ordinance No. 10-14 adopting the Avon Development Code ("ADC"); WHEREAS, the ADC contains Table 7.24-1, Table of Allowed Uses, which classifies specific use types for zone districts and determines uses to be either permitted, not permitted, or permitted with a Special Review Use (SRU) approval; WHEREAS, the Vehicle and Equipment use category lists "parking lot (commercial)" as a SRU in the NC Zone District; WHEREAS, Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning Group LLC, ("Applicant") submitted an SRU application for parking in the NC zone district to the Town as the authorized representative for G.P.I., LLC, the owner of property in the Town described as 0111 Nottingham Road, Avon, CO 81620, or Lot 2, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision; WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon held public hearings on March 5, 2013, March 19, 2013, and April 2, 2013, after publishing, posting, and mailing notice as required by law, considered all comments, testimony, evidence and staff reports provided by the Town Staff, considered such information prior to formulating a decision, then took action to adopt a resolution; WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission finds the Application complies with the review criteria set forth in Sections 7.16.100(e); and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby approves an SRU permit to allow the construction of parking spaces on Lot 2, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, as described in the revised application materials dated March 26, 2013, as stipulated in Title 7, Avon Municipal Code; based upon the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The Parking Lot use will not have a significant adverse impact on surrounding uses or the community at large; and 2. The Application complies with the review criteria set forth in Sections 7.16.100(e). Attachment Conditions: 1. The Parking Lot, as depicted in the Major Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance plans dated March 26, 2013, must be developed within two (2) years from the date of this approval. 2. The Parking Lot use is approved in perpetuity. ACCEPTED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 2 1 OF APRIL, 2013 AVON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Signed: Chris Green, Chairman Resolution 13-02, Northside Parking SRU Attest: Scott Prince, Secretary AVON Staff Memorandum TO: Planning and Zoning Comm i ,on FROM: Jared Barnes, Planner I { DATE: March 29, 2013 RE: PZC Rules of Procedure Summary The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) has previously adopted Rules of Procedure as a part of the Avon Design Guidelines. In 2010, when the Town adopted AMC Title 7, Development Code, the Design Guidelines were eliminated as the new code included design standards. This also caused the previously adopted Rules of Procedure to be removed. §7.12.040, Planning and Zoning Commission, sets forth codified standards for the PZC including, but not limited to: Establishment and Purpose; Duties; Membership; Qualifications of Members; Quorum; Term; Vacancies; Removal from Office; Officers; Compensation; Staff; Rules and Procedures; Meetings; Material to be Submitted; Agenda; and, Authority to Retain Consultants. §7.12.040(1), Rules and Procedures, requires the PZC to operate in compliance with their own Rules of Procedure. It further states that these Rules of Procedures may be adopted or amended from time to time through a recommendation to Town Council and formal adoption by Town Council. Other sections, for example §7.12.040(m), Meetings, and §7.12.04o(n), Materials to be Submitted, state that the Rules of Procedure shall govern. Process This matter was identified in the 2013 PZC Work Plan for the 1St Quarter, and therefore Staff has prepared Draft Rules of Procedure (Attachment A) for the PZC to review. Staff is of the opinion that these Rules of Procedure, as proposed, provide clarity to the process that occurs at meetings and will assist future PZC members with better understanding the process they are expected to abide by. These rules of procedure also set forth standards for scheduling meeting and cancelling meetings; standard order of agendas; procedures for executive sessions; and, Decisions of the PZC among other aspects. Update Attachment A has been updated with comments received from the PZC at their previous meeting. The modifications are included with the redline strikethrough version. March 19, 2013 PZC Meeting — Rules of Procedure Page 1 of 2 Staff Recommendation The PZC should review the attached draft Rules of Procedures, and provide a recommendation to the Town Council to adopt these Rules of Procedure pursuant to §7.12.040(1), Rules and Procedures. Attachment Draft Rules of Procedure March 19, 2013 PZC Meeting — Rules of Procedure Page 2 of 2 HEART of the VALLEY C Q L O R A D a Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure March 2013 11Page Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) Table of Contents 1. Authority For Adoption.........................................................................................................................4 2. Applicability...........................................................................................................................................4 3. Definitions.............................................................................................................................................4 4. Other Laws............................................................................................................................................4 5. Regular Meetings..................................................................................................................................4 (a) Date, Time and Place of Regular Meetings.......................................................................................4 (b) Notice of Regular Meetings..............................................................................................................4 6. Special Meetings...................................................................................................................................5 7. Continued Meetings..............................................................................................................................5 8. Cancellation of Meeting........................................................................................................................5 9. Applicability of Colorado Open Meetings Law......................................................................................5 10. Electronic Record/Minutes...............................................................................................................5 11. Secretary...........................................................................................................................................5 12. Agenda and Meeting Materials........................................................................................................6 (a) Proposed Agenda..............................................................................................................................6 (b) Meeting Packets................................................................................................................................6 13. Presiding Officer................................................................................................................................6 14. Conduct of Commission Members....................................................................................................7 (a) Conformity With Town Code of Ethics..............................................................................................7 (b) Ex Parte Contacts..............................................................................................................................7 15. Conflicts of Interest...........................................................................................................................7 16. Expressions of Bias, Prejudice, or Individual Opinion Prior to Hearing and Determination.............8 17. Action by the Commission................................................................................................................8 (a) Action By Motion..............................................................................................................................8 (b) Who May Make A Motion.................................................................................................................8 (c) Second Required...............................................................................................................................8 (d) One Motion at a Time.......................................................................................................................8 18. Voting................................................................................................................................................8 (a) Who May Vote..................................................................................................................................8 (b) Adoption by Majority Vote...............................................................................................................8 (c) Duty to Vote......................................................................................................................................8 2 P a g e Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) 19 20 21 22 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Debate............................................................................................................................................... 8 ExecutiveSessions.............................................................................................................................9 SiteVisits.........................................................................................................................................10 General Provisions Governing Public Hearings...............................................................................10 (a) Part of Meeting...............................................................................................................................10 (b) Representation................................................................................................................................10 (c) Testimony Under Oath Not Required.............................................................................................10 (d) Right To Present Evidence And Cross -Examine Witnesses.............................................................10 (e) Rules Of Evidence............................................................................................................................11 (f) Objections........................................................................................................................................11 (g) Burden Of Proof..............................................................................................................................11 (h) Limitation of Evidence....................................................................................................................11 (i) Order of Debate...............................................................................................................................11 (j) Commission and Staff's Remarks....................................................................................................11 (k) Applicant (and Others) Questioned................................................................................................11 ConsentAgenda..............................................................................................................................11 Regular Application Items (Non -Public Hearings)...........................................................................12 Regular Application Items (Public Hearings)...................................................................................13 Continuance of Hearing..................................................................................................................13 Audio -Tape Of Public Hearing.........................................................................................................13 Record of the Public Hearing..........................................................................................................14 Reopening of a Public Hearing........................................................................................................14 Decisions By Commission................................................................................................................14 Execution of Documents.................................................................................................................14 Suspensionof the Rules..................................................................................................................14 Amendmentof the Rules................................................................................................................14 Reference to Robert's Rules of Order.............................................................................................15 Effect of Adoption of Rules.............................................................................................................15 3Page Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) 1. Authority For Adoption These Rules of Procedure are adopted pursuant to the authority granted to the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission by §7.12.040(1) of the Avon Municipal Code. z. Applicability These Rules of Procedure shall apply to all meetings of the Town of Avon's Planning and Zoning Commission. These Rules of Procedure are intended to supplement and be superseded by the codified Rules listed in §7.16.040, Planning and Zoning Commission, of the Avon Municipal Code. 3. Definitions Rules means these Rules of Procedure, as amended from time to time. Commission means the Town of Avon's Planning and Zoning Commission and also defined as PZC. Director means the Community Development Director of the Town of Avon, or such person's designee. Presiding Officer means the Chair, or to the Vice -Chair or Temporary Chair when acting in the absence of the Chair. 4. Other Laws These Rules must be read in conjunction with the Town of Avon's Development Code, as well as all applicable Town, state or federal laws, rules or regulations. In the event of a conflict between these Rules and any ordinance or statute, the ordinance or statute shall control. 5. Regular Meetings (a) Date, Time and Place of Regular Meetings The Commission shall hold regular meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, except that if a regular meeting day is a legal holiday, the meeting may be rescheduled or cancelled at the discretion of the Commission. All regular meetings of the Commission shall be held in the Town Council Chambers of the Avon Municipal Building, One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado, unless the Commission shall otherwise order. Each regular meeting of the Commission shall begin at 5:0o P.M., unless otherwise provided in the notice of the meeting. At the discretion of the Director an application may be scheduled out of the normal order of business if it involves a matter of substantial public interest, or if the Director determines that good cause exists to vary the normal order of business. Further, by general consent of the Commission, items may be considered out of order. (b) Notice of Regular Meetings Notice of each regular meeting shall be posted by the Director in Town Hall and 3 additional public locations as designated by the Director not less than 24 hours prior to the holding of the meeting. The posting shall include specific agenda information where possible and may be substituted by the meeting agenda. 4 1 P a ; e Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) 6. Special Meetings Special meetings of the Commission shall be called by the Director on the written request of the Chair, the Vice-Chair in the absence of the Chair, or on the written request of any four (4) members of the Commission. A special meeting may also be called or scheduled by vote of the Commission in open session during another duly called meeting. Notice of a special meeting shall be posted in accordance with Section 5(b). The notice shall set forth the date, hour, place and purpose of such meeting. No business shall be conducted at a special meeting of the Commission unless the same has been stated in the notice of such meeting; except that any business which may lawfully come before a regular meeting of the Commission may be transacted at a special meeting if all members of the Commission are present and consent thereto. 7. Continued Meetings A properly called regular or special meeting may be continued to a date and time certain by motion made and adopted in open session during the regular or special meeting. The motion shall state the date, time and place when the meeting will reconvene. No further notice need be given of such a continued session of a properly called regular or special meeting. 8. Cancellation of Meeting If: (i) no business is scheduled before the Commission; (ii) it is apparent that a quorum will not be available; or, (iii) the scheduled date for any Commission member is a legal holiday; a meeting may be cancelled by the Chair or the Director by giving notice to all members prior to the time set for such meeting. Notice of cancellation of a meeting may be given by telephone, electronically (email), fax, in person, or by first class mail. If no quorum is present at the meeting, the Director shall cancel the meeting and all items scheduled to be heard shall be rescheduled by the staff. g. Applicability of Colorado Open Meetings Law All meetings of the Commission shall be subject to the provisions of the Colorado Open Meetings law. io. Electronic Record/Minutes The Commission shall keep an electronic record of its meetings, including any executive sessions. In addition, full and aEE Fatewritten minutes of the Commission proceedings, except executive sessions, shall be kept as required by the Colorado Open Meetings law. Records of executive sessions shall be kept in accordance with the requirements of the Colorado Open Meetings law. These minutes shall be open to inspection of the public as provided in the Colorado Open Meetings law. The exact wording of each motion and the vote of each member he Commission thereon shall be recorded in the minutes. ii. SeEretaryDirector The DiFeEtE)F shall seFve s the ^ ^fc;E,^ s etaF , +^ the Commission. The Director shall designate a person or persons to provide the necessary seEret,r"' and recording services for the Commission. The Director shall be responsible for the giving of all required notice of 5IDage Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) Commission public hearings and actions under the Development Code or Subdivision Standards. 12. Agenda and Meeting Materials (a) Proposed Agenda The Director shall set forth the agenda for each meeting. The Director may consult the Chair for input when formulating the agenda. The proposed agenda should generally be consistent with the Order of Business as follows: Call to Order Roll call Amendments to the Agenda Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Consent Agenda Regular Agenda Items (Public Hearings) Regular Agenda Items (Non -Public Hearings) Approval of Meeting Minutes Adjournment At the discretion of the Director, an application may be scheduled out of the normal order of business if it involves a matter of substantial public interest, or if the Director determines that good cause exists to vary the normal order of business. Further, by general consent of the Commission, during the Amendments to the Agenda portion of the meeting items may be considered out of order. (b) Meeting Packets Meeting Packets shall be provided to the Commission not later than 48 hours prior to the meeting. The meeting packets shall include the proposed agenda and meeting materials for each agenda item. The meeting materials for each agenda item should generally include a staff summary as well as accompanying information. 13. Presiding Officers Pursuant to Section 7.12.040(1), Officers, the PZC shall select its own chairperson, a vice chairperson and a secretary from among its members. This selection shall occur on a yearly basis immediately after the appointment of new members or re -appointment of existing members to the Commission. The Chair shall preside at all Commission meetings if he or she is present. The Chair may vote in all cases. In order to address the Commission, a member must be recognized by the Chair. If the Chair is absent, the Vice -Chair shall preside. If both the Chair and Vice -Chair are absent, another member designated by vote of the Commission shall preside as Temporary Chair. The Vice -Chair or Temporary Chair retains all of his or her rights as a member, including the right to make motions and the right to vote. The Presiding Officer shall maintain order and decorum, and to that end may order removal of disorderly or disruptive persons. 6 1 P a e Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) 14. Conduct of Commission Members (a) Conformity With Town Code of Ethics The conduct of Commission members shall at all times conform with the requirements of the Town of Avon Code of Ethics (Chapter 2.3o, AMC). (b) Ex Parte Contacts Each member of the Commission must exercise care in responding to and reporting any ex parte contact with respect to any matter which is pending before the Commission. (1) An ex parte contact is any contact (written, oral or electronic) concerning a matter pending before the Commission which is offered to or received by a member of the Commission outside of the actual hearing process. (2) Whenever a person attempts to make an ex parte contact with a member of the Commission, the member shall, to the extent possible, refuse to accept such ex parte contact. The member shall advise the person who is attempting to make the ex parte contact that all comments and information related to the pending matter should be presented to the entire Commission, as well as all interested parties, at the time of the public hearing. (3) Any member of the Commission who has received an ex parte contact must report the information and identify the source and date of the contact, to the full Commission and the applicant for inclusion in the formal record of the hearing on the application. (4) Any written ex parte contact transmitted to or received by a member of the Commission concerning a matter which is pending before the Commission, including printed and mailed communications, shall be forwarded directly to the Director for review and incorporation into the staff's report. A copy of such written material shall also be provided to the applicant not later than the commencement of the hearing. (5) The rule against ex parte contacts shall not apply to preclude members of the Commission from seeking and receiving information from other members, the Director, the Town Attorney, or staff members of the Department of Community Development, but no member of the Commission shall discuss the matter with the applicant, the applicant's counsel or representatives, or any person reasonably anticipated to be witnesses prior to the public hearing. 15. Conflicts of Interest The topic of conflicts of interest of Commission members is specifically dealt with in the Town's Code of Ethics, specifically §2.30.o6o, Conflict of Interest. 71Page Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) 16. Expressions of Bias, Prejudice, or Individual Opinion Prior to Hearing and Determination No member of the Commission shall express any bias, prejudice, or individual opinion on the proper outcome of a matter prior to its hearing and determination. 17. Action by the Commission (a) Action By Motion The Commission shall proceed by motion, unless otherwise required by applicable law. (b) Who May Make A Motion Any member of the Commission, including the Chair, may make a motion. (c) Second Required A motion requires a second. Any member of the Commission, including the Chair, may second a motion. (d) One Motion at a Time A member may make only one motion at a time. (e) Amending a Motion A member may suggest amendments to a motion that has been seconded. The amendments are only made to the motion if both the members making the motion and second accept the amendments. (fes Rescind or Withdrawal of an Approved Motion � - Formatted: Level 2, Indent: Left: 0" The Commission may rescind or withdrawal an approved motion if additional information is brought to light after the motion is made that alters the Commissions review or if a procedural error was made through the motion. 18. Voting (a) Who May Vote Except as provided in Section 15, with respect to a member who has a conflict of interest, each member of the Commission, including the Chair, may -must vote on any motion. (b) Adoption by Majority Vote A motion shall be adopted by a majority of the votes cast when a quorum is present. A majority is more than half. (c) Duty to Vote Every member of the Commission must vote unless excused by the remaining members of the Commission. The types of vote are limited to: (1) Yes; (z) No; and, Abstain. A member who wishes to abstain or be excused from voting shall se -inform the C-ha*Commission, of their reasoning. No member shall be excused from voting except in cases involving conflicts of interest, as defined by the Commission or by law, of -the member's official conduct, as defined by the Commission, or in special cases as determined appropriate by the Commission. ig. Debate The Chair shall state the motion and then open the floor to debate. The Chair shall preside over the debate according to the following general principles: 81Page Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) i. The maker of the motion is entitled to speak first; z. A member who has not spoken on the issue shall be recognized before someone who has already spoken. At their discretion, the Chair may alter the order of the debate or allow members to further Formatted: Indent: Left: 0" comment during the debate. It is the Chair's duty to allow any member of the Commission to comment or debate if that member wishes to be heard. zo. Executive Sessions At any meeting the Commission, by consent of 2/3 of the quorum present, may go into executive session for those purposes authorized by law. No adoption of any proposed policy, position, resolution, rule, regulation or formal action shall occur at any executive session of the Commission which is not open to the public, except as authorized by the Colorado Open Meetings law. Prior to the Commission going into executive session the Chair shall announce to the public the general topic of executive session, including a specific citation to the applicable provision of the Colorado Open Meetings law which authorizes the Commission to meet in an executive session, and identification of the particular matters to be discussed in as much detail as possible without compromising the purpose for which the executive session is authorized. The Commission shall terminate the executive session by a majority vote. Only those actions authorized by statute may be taken in an executive session. A motion to adjourn or recess a meeting shall not be in order during an executive session. A tape recording of the actual contents of the discussion during an executive sessions shall be made by the Chair of the meeting at which the executive session is held. The tape recording of an executive session shall not be subject to public disclosure or to discovery in any administrative or judicial proceeding, except in an action brought pursuant to Section 24-72-204(5.5)(a), C.R.S. Such tape recording shall be retained by the Director for only ninety- one (91) days after the date of the executive session. If, on such date, the Town has not been served with a summons in an action to review such tape recording pursuant to Section 24-72-204(5.5)(a), C.R.S., the Director shall forthwith cause the tape recording of the executive session to be destroyed. The mandatory destruction of an executive session tape as provided in this Rule shall be deemed to be part of the Town's record retention and destruction policy. If it appears that the tape recorder in the Commission chambers is not functioning properly at the time that an executive session is to be held, or if there is no tape recorder available at the location where the executive session is to by held, or when otherwise deemed necessary or advisable by the Commission, a written record of the actual contents of the discussion during an executive session which satisfies the requirements of Section 24-6-402 (2)(d.5)(II)(A) and (B), C.R.S., shall be kept. The written minutes of an executive session shall not be subject to public disclosure, or to discovery in any administrative or judicial proceeding, except in an action brought pursuant to Section 24-72-204(5.5)(a), C.R.S. The written record of an executive session, in the form of written minutes of the executive session, shall be retained by the Director for only ninety one (91) days after the date of the 9I'a- e Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) executive session. If, on such date, the Town has not been served with a summons in an action to review such written record pursuant to Section 24-72-204(5.5)(a), C.R.S., the Director shall forthwith cause the minutes of the executive session to be destroyed. The mandatory destruction of executive session minutes as provided in this Rule shall be deemed to be part of the Town's record retention and destruction policy. The provisions of Section 24-6-402(2)(d.5)(II)(B), C.R.S., concerning privileged attorney-client communications which occur in an executive session shall apply to any record of an executive session kept by the Commission. 21. Site Visits Each commissioner should visit sites of proposed developments prior to attending a meeting, as a helpful way to gather relevant facts concerning the proposed development. A site visit often leads to a better understanding of a proposed development and, therefore, enhances the ability of the Commission to make appropriate decisions concerning the development of the site. The Commission, as a whole, may schedule and conduct a site visit when requested to do so by the applicant, the staff, the general public, or on its own initiative. In connection with any site visit conducted by the Commission, the applicant shall be notified not less than 48 hours in advance and given an opportunity to attend and participate in the site visit. A site visit shall be noticed by the Director as a public meeting of the Commission. However, a site visit is not a public hearing. Members of the public shall be permitted to attend the site visit to listen to the questions and comments of the staff, the applicant and the Commission, but only at the discretion of the Chair does the public aet-have the right to ask questions of the staff, the applicant or the Commission members. Commission members shall avoid engaging in improper ex parte contacts during a site visit. No minutes of a site visit shall be kept by the Director, although the minutes of the Commission should reflect that a site visit was conducted. 22. General Provisions Governing Public Hearings (a) Part of Meeting A public hearing is considered to be part of a regular or special meeting of the Commission. (b) Representation At any hearing, any person may appear or be represented by authorized agents or attorneys at their own expense. An attenneyAn_y_p_erson who appears before the Commission at any hearing shall be required to state the name(s) and address(es) of all persons whom he or she has been authorized to represent at the hearing. (c) Testimony Under Oath Not Required Testimony offered at a hearing before the Commission shall not be required to be given under oath or affirmation. (d) Right To Present Evidence And Cross -Examine Witnesses 10?a g e Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) At a hearing held before the Commission, each party shall have the right to present such evidence as may be relevant, and to cross-examine all witnesses. (e) Rules Of Evidence The strict rules of evidence shall not apply to a hearing held before the Commission. (f) Objections Objections by the Applicant to submitted evidence shall be stated orally for the record. Any objection not made in a timely and proper fashion shall not be waived permitted. (g) Burden Of Proof The burden of proof shall be on an applicant to prove compliance with the applicable requirements of the Development Code, Subdivision Standards, or other applicable law by a preponderance of the evidence. Preponderance of the evidence means to prove that something is more probably true than not. (h) Limitation of Evidence The Presiding Officer shall have the authority to limit the presentation of evidence tending to be repetitious or which is immaterial or irrelevant. (i) Order of Debate Orderly procedure requires that each side shall proceed without interruption by the order; that all arguments and pleadings shall be addressed to the Commission; and that there be no questioning or argument between individuals. (j) Commission and Staff's Remarks During the hearing, Commission members and members of the staff may ask questions and make appropriate comments pertinent to the application; however, no member should debate or argue an issue with the applicant. (k) Applicant (and Others) Questioned The Commission members may direct questions to the applicant or any person speaking in order to bring out all relevant facts, and may call for questions from members of the staff. 23. Consent Agenda Items are presented to the Commission on a Consent Agenda when Commission action is required, but Staff expects that the Commission will approve the item without conditions. The Commission may call up items for further review when warranted, at their discretion. The following procedures shall be utilized for the review of the Consent Agenda; this review is intended only to ascertain if the items should remain on the Consent Agenda or be pulled off for further review: A. The Commission reviews the requests and asks minimal questions of the staff and applicants. These comments may be brief, and shall be limited to: (i) clarification of the Commissions understanding of the application(s); and (ii) the issue of whether a particular item should be removed from the Consent Agenda and called up by the Commission. 11 P a ^ e Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) C. The Commission may make motions to pull items off the Consent Agenda for further review. D. Any motions to remove items from the Consent Agenda shall be acted on at the time the motion is made. E. If no items are removed from the Consent Agenda, the Chair shall state "the Consent Agenda stands approved as presented". If an item has been removed, the Chair shall state th-e-that "all remaining items on the Consent Agenda stand approved as presented," and the Commission shall move on to the review of those items removed. F. Items removed from the Consent Ca,�Agenda shall be reviewed in the order that would pertain to that type of application as is outlined in Sections 24 and 25. 24. Regular Application Items (Non -Public Hearings) The following process shall be utilized for all regular application items that are not specifically designated as public hearings and may be amended by the Chair at their discretion, subject to the right of the Commission to overrule the Chair: A. The Chair opens the hearing. B. Staff introduces the application and may provide a summary of the staff analysis. C. The Commission asks questions of the staff concerning the staff analysis or procedure of the application. D. The applicant or applicant's representative presents the applicant's evidence in support of the application. D. The Commission asks questions of the applicant (or applicant's representative) concerning the application. F. Audience participation and comment may only be allowed at the discretion of the Chair, subject to the right of the Commission to overrule the Chair. If comment is allowed, it shall take place prior to Commission comments; shall be allowed equally for all participants; and shall allow for an opportunity for the applicant to respond to any opposition comments. G. The staff is given the opportunity to rebut any evidence presented by the applicant or the public, and make its final comments. H. The applicant is given the opportunity to rebut any evidence presented by the staff or the public, and make its final comments. I. The Commission members are given a second opportunity to examine any witnesses and the applicant, and to discuss the request. J. Members of the Planning Commission make individual comments concerning the application. The analysis, as presented by the staff, and testimony, as presented by the applicant, may be discussed by the Commission. K. The Chair shall ask if any motions to accept or change the staff analysis and recommendation are to be made. Motions shall be made pursuant to Section 17. 121Pa e. Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) L. The Commission shall then vote on the proposed motion, including any and all additional, specific findings and conditions to be placed upon the application if approved. The vote from the Commission shall be pursuant to Section 18. 25. Regular Application Items (Public Hearings) The following process shall be utilized for all regular application items that are not specifically designated as public hearings and may be amended by the Chair at their discretion, Subject to the right of the Commission overrule the Chair: A. The Chair opens the public hearing. B. Staff introduces the application and may provide a summary of the staff analysis. C. The Commission asks questions of the staff concerning the staff analysis or procedure of the application. D. The applicant or applicant's representative presents the applicant's evidence in support of the application. E. The Commission asks questions of the applicant (or applicant's representative) concerning the application. F. The Chair opens the Public Hearing and the Commission takes public comment concerning the application. Once all public comment is received the Chair closes the Public Hearing, unless reopened pursuant to Section 29. G. The staff is given the opportunity to rebut any evidence presented by the applicant or the public, and make its final comments. H. The applicant is given the opportunity to rebut any evidence presented by the staff or the public, and make its final comments. J. Members of the Planning Commission make individual comments concerning the application. The analysis, as presented by the staff, and testimony, as presented by the applicant, may be discussed by the Commission. K. The Chair shall ask if any motions to accept or change the staff analysis and recommendation are to be made. Motions shall be made pursuant to Section 17. L. The Commission shall then vote on the proposed motion, including any and all additional, specific findings and conditions to be placed upon the application if approved. The vote from the Commission shall be pursuant to Section 18. 26. Continuance of Hearing The Commission may continue any hearing, upon timely request, for good cause shown, or upon its own initiative. If a hearing is continued to a date certain, it shall not be necessary to re -notice the hearing; it shall be conclusively presumed that all interested parties are aware of the continuation of the hearing. If any hearing is continued without a date certain being specified, it shall be necessary to re -notice the hearing in the same manner as the original notice of hearing was given. 27. Audio -Tape Of Public Hearing 131Pa e. Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) An audio -taped record shall be made of each hearing which is held by the Commission. The Town shall retain the original audio -tape for not less than one (1) year. A copy of an audio - taped record of a hearing shall be made to any party upon written request and payment of a fee determined by the Town Clerk to be sufficient to reimburse the Town for the cost of providing such copy. The Town shall not be obligated to provide a transcript of a hearing which is held before the Commission, and any party desiring such transcript shall obtain and pay the cost thereof. 28. Record of the Public Hearing The record of a public hearing which is held before the Commission shall consist of: (i) all staff reports and similar information which is provided to the Commission in connection with the public hearing, excluding confidential attorney-client communications from the Town Attorney; (ii) all documents admitted into evidence by the Commission; (iii) all documents offered into evidence at the hearing, but not admitted; (iv) the written decision of the Commission; (v) copies of any applicable statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations; (vi) a transcript of the public hearing; and (vii) such other documents as may properly be included in the record. 29. Reopening of a Public Hearing Whenever a public hearing has been opened and continued to another date, or where it has been closed and the Commission wishes to take additional evidence prior to a vote or a reconsideration of a vote, the Chair may reopen the public hearing for purposes of taking such additional evidence. The Chair may limit the scope of such evidence to be taken. Whenever a public hearing is reopened and additional evidence is taken, all such additional evidence shall be deemed to be a part of the original public hearing. 30. Decisions By Commission The decisions by the Commission shall be pursuant to §7.16.020(f), Step 6: Review and Decision. 31. Execution of Documents Any document which requires the written approval of the Commission may be executed by the Chair, or in absence or incapacity of the Chair, by the Vice -Chair. In the event that both the Chair and the Vice -Chair are absent from the Town or are incapacitated at the same time, any member of the Commission may lawfully sign a document in the capacity of Assistant Vice -Chair. 32. Suspension of the Rules Any provision of these Rules not governed by the Town Charter or the ordinance which created the Commission may be temporarily suspended at any meeting of the Commission by a majority vote of the Commission. Any Rule may be suspended by general consent if the matter is presented by the Chair and there is no objection by any member of the Commission. 33• Amendment of the Rules These Rules may be amended at any regular meeting or at any properly called special meeting that includes amendment of the Rules as one of the stated purposes of the 141 P e Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013) meeting. Adoption of an amendment shall be pursuant to §7.12.040(1) of the Avon Municipal Code. 34• Reference to Robert's Rules of Order The Commission shall refer to the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, to answer procedural questions not resolved in these Rules, so long as RONR does not conflict with Colorado law, or with the spirit of these Rules. 35• Effect of Adoption of Rules These Rules supersede all prior rules and regulations of the Commission. Adopted: XX 151Page Planning and Zoning Commission Rules of Procedure (March 2013)