PZC Packet 021913Staff Report — Master Sign Program AVON February 19, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Report date February 15, 2013 Project type Master Sign Program — Commercial Building Legal description Lot 71, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Shopping Center (SC) Address 91 Beaver Creek Place Prepared By Jared Barnes, Planner I Summary of Requests The Applicant, Monte Park, representing the owner of the North Court Shopping Center (the Owner), has submitted a Master Sign Program (MSP) application for the existing multi -tenant Commercial Building at 91 Beaver Creek Place, also described as Lot 71, Block 2 of the Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision (the Property). The Application is being reviewed in accordance with §15.28.080(16), Sign Programs, and §15.28.070, Design Review. Attached to this report are a Vicinity Map (Exhibit A) and the proposed MSP (Exhibit B) with staff recommended changes in red and underlined. The proposed MSP sets forth parameters for a maximum of five (5) building mounted tenant sign locations, two (2) building mounted building identification sign locations, lighting specifications, framing system specifications, and tenant panel specifications. Property Description The Property is located on the north side of Beaver Creek Place across from the Annex building. A multi -tenant commercial building was constructed on the Property in 1993 and currently contains multiple units. The eastern side of the building contains one (1) larger unit, where "Treasures" consignment shop is located. The building steps back, and in the middle "Taqueria No Se Hagen Bolas" restaurant occupies a smaller unit. The western portion of the building used to be occupied by a single larger retailer, but currently "Pandora Nails" salon occupies the eastern third (1/3) of that space. Planning Analysis A MSP was never established, but used the sign code for all previously approved signage. As outlined in §15.28.080(16), sign programs are encouraged for all projects, and are required as a part of the design review process for all proposed projects. The Applicant is proposing to establish a MSP for the North Court shopping center. Location and Type The application proposes a maximum of two (2) building mounted Building Identification signs. Each of these signs will be located in a circular area on the gabled portion of the stucco fascia. With each option, these locations and sizes are fixed and do not vary. As discussed above, the tenant mix within the building can change from time to time. With that potential, the applicant is proposing a variety of options within the MSP to allow for varying amounts of signage depending on the number of tenants within the building. In all instances, the Applicant is proposing to locate tenant signage within the recessed portions of the stucco fascia above the entry to the units. Pages 5 and 6 of Exhibit B, show these various options and are described as follows: February 19, 2013 PZC Meeting — Lot 71, Block 2, BMBC North Court MSP Total Number of Signs Sign Locate Option A 5 Sign Locate Option B 4 Sign Locate Option C 3 The difference between sign program options A, B, and C are the number of sign locations for the western half of the building depending on the number of tenants. In option A, the space is divided into three (3) tenant spaces; option B has two (2) tenant spaces; and, option C only includes a single tenant space. The MSP also proposes two (2) types of signage. The Building Identification signs shall be building mounted reverse channel interior lit letters with circular boarder of a like material. The Tenant Identification signs are to also be building mounted, utilizing a framing system which allows for tenant panels to be affixed to the frame. The tenant panels do not have limitations on materials, while the framing system is to be an aluminum plate. Page 7 of Exhibit B, further illustrates the sign frame and details how a tenant panel will be affixed. Size The proposed and existing building identification signs have a maximum areas of a six (6) foot diameter circle or twenty-eight (28) square feet for the eastern sign and a five (5) foot diameter circle or nineteen (19) square feet for the western sign. The Tenant Identification panels and frames are limited in size by Pages 5 and 6 of Exhibit B. The eastern space, Treasures, and the middle space, the restaurant, do not change in maximum size in any option. Due to the varying number of units for the western half of the building, as discussed previously in this report, the MSP proposes varying sizes for the western units and the follow chart shows the proposed sign allocations: February 19, 2013 PZC Meeting — Lot 71, Block 2, BMBC North Court MSP Sign 1 Sign 2 Sign 3 Sign 4 Sign 5 Total Area Sign Sign frame: Sign frame: Sign frame: Sign frame: Sign frame: 83.05 sq. ft. Locate 30'x8' 30'x8' 30'x8' 30'x4' 30'x12' Option A Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant panel: panel: panel: panel: panel: 26"x92" or 26"x92" or 26"x92" or 26"x44" or 26"x140" or 16.6sq. ft. 16.6sq. ft. 16.6sq. ft. 7.95sq. ft. 25.3sq. ft. Sign Sign frame: Sign frame: Sign frame: Sign frame: 70.35 sq. ft. Locate 30'x10' 30'x8' 30'x4' 30'x12' Option B Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant panel: panel: panel: panel: 26"x114" or 26"x92" or 26"x44" or 26"x140" or 20.5 sq. ft. 16.6 sq. ft. 7.95 sq. ft. 25.3 sq. ft. Sign Sign frame: Sign frame: Sign frame: 58.55 sq. ft. Locate 30'x12' 30'x4' 30'x12' Option C Tenant Tenant Tenant panel: panel: panel: 26"x140" or 26"x44" or 26"x140" or 25.3 sq. ft. 7.95 sq. ft. 25.3 sq. ft. February 19, 2013 PZC Meeting — Lot 71, Block 2, BMBC North Court MSP The proposed MSP requires that the tenant panels have a minimum of a two inch (2") border around the circumference of the tenant panels. The MSP does allow for "broken borders" for tenant signage, so long as the Tenant Panel does not exceed the minimum border for more than thirty percent (30%) of the length of the panel and no more than two inches (2") beyond the framing system. This is consistent with the allowances for both the Buck Creek Plaza building and the Benchmark Plaza building. The Sign Code (§15.28.080(2)) limits a property's allowable signage to one (1) square foot of signage for the first thirty-two (32) lineal feet of building front and one-third (1/3) square feet of signage for any additional lineal feet of building front thereafter. §15.28.080 further allows the PZC to increase the maximum signage area if approved by a MSP. The Property contains one -hundred and thirty-one (131) lineal feet of building front along Beaver Creek Place. This equates to a maximum sign area of sixty-five (65) square feet of signage per the above formula. The total area of signage varies depending on proposed sign options as discussed throughout this report. Option C proposes the minimum amount of signage at 105.55 sq. ft., while Option A proposed the maximum amount of signage at 130.05 sq. ft. Both of these figures are inclusive of Building Identification signage. When comparing these areas to the maximum allowed by code, the MSP requests an increase of 162% to 200% in allowable sign area. If the existing Building Identification signs are not included maximum areas the requested increase in sign area is only 90% to 127 %. Staff supports the requested increase in maximum allowable sign area due to the number of potential tenants and necessary signage so that it is visible for a passing motorist. General Requirements The Applicant has proposed the inclusion of a General Requirements section. This section sets forth parameters for approval from the landlord/owner and the Town of Avon; installation, maintenance and removal; amendments to the program; temporary signage; and, window signage. This section resembles general requirements for many other MSPs throughout the Town of Avon and is acceptable as proposed Window Signs The proposed MSP includes allowance for window signage and mirrors the Town of Avon's window sign requirements. The proposed MSP limits window signage to 25% of a contiguous window bank. Design Details The MSP provides compatible signage through the use of sign illumination, framing systems, sign locations, and tenant panel sizes. The MSP does allow for flexibility with regard to the number of signs, sign content, graphics, materials and colors, with the exception of florescent colors which are prohibited. In addition, all tenant panels are required to be affixed to sign frames that are mounted to the building. The MSP provides specifications for specific light fixtures, but doesn't require illumination for every sign frame. If illumination is chosen for a sign frame system, it is capped at a number of fixtures proportional to the size of the sign frame and indicated on pages 5 and 6 of Exhibit B. Sign Illumination As stated above, sign illumination is not required and is limited proportional to the size of the sign. All of the light fixtures have to comply with the building standard, which is a goose neck fixture with a thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) inch arm so that the light can be angled back onto the sign. February 19, 2013 PZC Meeting — Lot 71, Block 2, BMBC North Court MSP General Comments Generally staff supports the proposed MSP in both design and size of the signs. Staff has provided a couple proposed modifications to the MSP as seen on pages 2 and 3 of Exhibit B and represented in red and underlined. Staff is concerned about the various options for the various tenant mix and is of the opinion that option B should be removed for consistency in size of adjacent signs. Staff is also of the opinion that a single tenant occupying three (3) spaces should receive a larger sign similar to the eastern most sign, as represented in Option C, but any other tenant mix should be limited to option A with a tenant occupying two (2) spaces receiving two (2) smaller signs. Furthermore, Staff is also concerned that no provision exists for removal and replacement of sign frames and lighting in the event the tenant mix changes and a larger sign is desired. Staff would recommend additional language be added and approved by Staff that requires removal and replacement, if necessary, of sign frames and light fixtures if the tenant space allocation resembles a different option, A or C. Review Criteria §15.28.070, Design Review Criteria. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: (1) The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located; (2) The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; (3) The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; (4) The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property; (5) The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired; (6) Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign code, and are appropriate for the project; (7) Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. $15.28.080(16) Sign programs. Sign programs are encouraged for all projects, and are required as a part of the design review process for all proposed projects. Sign programs shall be in accordance with: a. Sign programs shall be compatible with the site and building, and should provide for a similarity of types, sizes, styles and materials for signs within a project. Several alternatives for signage should be included in the program so as not to be so restrictive as to eliminate individuality. b. Sign programs may be proposed or changed only by the owners of the building or the owners' association. Sign program changes or proposals may not be made by an individual business. c. Proposed signs, not in accordance with an approved sign program, will only be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon receipt of written evidence that the proposed sign is acceptable to the owners of the building or the owners' association. d. All sign programs shall be in written and plan form. Plans shall indicate size, location, type and number of signs for the site and buildings. e. Programs may include limitations on wording, colors, design, lighting, materials and other restrictions, and deemed appropriate by the applicant. February 19, 2013 PZC Meeting — Lot 71, Block 2, BMBC North Court MSP Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the "Master Sign Program" application for the North Court Shopping Center, Lot 71, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, be approved with the following conditions: 1. The staff recommended changes as exhibited in red and underlined on pages 2 and 3 of the proposed MSP be approved; 2. Sign Locate Option B be removed from the MSP; and, 3. Additional language, approved by Staff, be added to the General Requirements to require removal and replacement of sign frames, tenant panels, and sign lighting in the event that a single tenant opts to utilize sign option C instead of option A. And with the following findings: 1. The proposed MSP complies with the review criteria Review Criteria, of the Avon Municipal Code; and, 2. The increase in maximum sign area complies with 15.28.080(2)(c). Exhibits A: Vicinity Map B: Proposed Master Sign Program February 19, 2013 PZC Meeting — Lot 71, Block 2, BMBC North Court MSP as set forth in section 15.28.070, the provisions set forth in section 5irk�q+ - - - . - I & Graphics lac North Court Master Sign Program GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Approval Process/Permits: All signage shall be in accordance with North Court Building sign program. All owners/tenants must submit drawings and specifications for proposed signage and must be pre -approved by Building Owner or manager prior to submittal to the Town of Avon for approval and permitting. All building signage shall be approved and permitted by Town of Avon prior to installation. Incurred costs for submitted art work and permit fee shall be at tenant's expense. 2. Requirements & Options: Tenants are required to comply with this sign program for any and all exterior signs on the building. Exterior signs are limited to tenant locations by unit as shown on "Sign Locations" attachment. Tenant signage must represent North Court businesses only. 3. Installation: All installation expenses are to be the responsibility of the tenant. A licensed electrician is required for any lighting installation requiring new wiring. All workmanship and specifications will comply with the North Court sign program and all applicable government regulations. 4. Maintenance: Tenant Signs are to be kept well-maintained and to the building standard. Lighting must be kept in good repair. Physical condition of tenant signs should be maintained including, but not limited to: no missing letters or characters; paint kept fresh and not faded; etc. Landlord holds rights to require tenant improvement or repair to any sign that falls below building standard. Any repair requirements will be presented in written form to tenant by the Building Manager. 5. Sign Removal: Tenant sign panels shall be the responsibility of and at the expense of the tenant. Framing panels shall become fixed assets of the building once installed and may not be removed by a tenant without replacement of the frame. Any changes to the framing panels require building association approval. The Landlord reserves the right to withhold the expense of removing any tenant signs from deposits held on a tenant space or lien the tenant for all costs incurred in said removal. 6. Temporary Signs: New Tenants may place a temporary sign in allocated sign location while permanent sign is under construction per Town of Avon's side code. Temporary signs for sales or special events must be approved by Building Manager and permitted by the Town of Avon prior to posting and be in compliance with Avon Town Code. 7. Window Graphics: Window Graphics are allowed for Tenants only. Window graphics should be of professional quality utilizing vinyl or digital mediums only. Window Graphics must be approved by Building Manager and be in compliance with the Town's Sign Code, allowing for no more than 25% Pagel of 3 & Graphics lac North Court Master Sign Program of a contiguous window bank to be covered in signage. No interior signs notices, posters, etc. are allowed in common areas with -out Building manager approval. BUILDING IDENTITY SIGNS: 1. Sign Locations & Allocated Size: The building ID sign is limited to the two locations as indicated on the "sign locate A and B" exhibits. The east location is a 6 foot diameter circle and the west location is a 5 foot diameter circle. The Building ID signs will be limited to reverse channel interior lit letters. A circular border of a like material may be proposed and the sign color and font are at the discretion of the Building Owner or manager. TENANT SIGN DESCRIPTIONS: 1. Sign Locations & Allocated Size: Tenants will be allocated designated sign spaces and maximum size allowed per tenant space as shown in attachment (See "sign locates A" attached). Tenants occupying more than one (1) tenant location will have an increased sign size option (see "sign locates B"). 2. Design Material & Lighting: Tenant signs shall comply with the following regulations: a. Framing Panels: Building mounted signs shall consist of a framing panel consistently shaped for all tenant signs with tenant panels attached to framing panel. The framing panel shall be constructed of a minimum thickness of 1/8" aluminum and will be sized according to the specifications on attachments "Framing detail" and "sign locates A and B". The framing panels will have same shape and painted color grey paint formula PMS445U matching trim in building recessed area surrounding frame. b. Tenant Panels: Tenant panels will be designed by each individual Tenant and may include business name, branding, and logo in sign. Tenants are encouraged to use individual designs, materials, colors, use of logo, etc. Fluorescent colors are prohibited. A minimum of a 2" border around the circumference of the tenant panel area showing the framing panel is required for all exterior signs. Broken borders are allowed within a smaller portion of allocated sign area to give unique shape options to tenant signs. Broken borders shall not exceed 2" beyond the framing system and should not exceed 30% of the entire length of the panel itself. Broken borders may include letters, logo's, basic sign shape with elements that break outside rectangular shape of sign frame. Building Page 2 of 3 & Graphics lac North Court Master Sign Program association has right to revoke any request for broken border signs as is deemed overbearing or not in design guidelines intended by sign program. c. Sign Lighting: Sign Lighting may be opted for at the tenant's discretion. Lighting shall conform to the standardized designated goose neck lighting fixture to be used for all tenant lights (see lighting exhibit). If lighting is opted for by tenant each sign shall install the number of fixtures designated on the exhibit "sign locates A and B". EXTERIOR SIGN SQUARE FOOT ALLOCATION SUMMARY: Building Identification Signage: Total 66 square feet • 36 sq. ft. for east location • 30 sq. ft. for west location Tenant Location 1, 2, and 3 — 26" x 92" or 16.6 square feet each Tenant Location 4 — 26" x 44" or 7.9 square feet Tenant Location 5 — 26" x 140" or 25.3 square feet Options: • Combining 2 tenant locations (for locations 1-4) — Instead allowed one (1) 26" x 116" tenant panel. • Combining 3 tenant locations (for locations 1-4) - Instead allowed one (1) 26" x 140" tenant panel Total building frontage on Beaver Creek Place — 131' Page 3 of 3 custom lengths are also available Our commercial grade aluminum Gooseneck Sign Light with 10in, Emblem Shade will add a contemporary yet elegant flare to your next Sign, Monument or Awning project. Now that many communities are migrating away from internally lit sign boxes it's the perfect solution for illuminating your sign, monument face or awning. Iii its standard incandescent configuration this shade is rated for up to a 150 Watt bulb. Each incandescent gooseneck fixture comes with a round 4 518" Dia. Cast aluminum wall mounting plate with holes that are 3-1/2" on center to allow installation to any standard 4" weatherproof recessed 4" Round or octagon ,1 - box. The mounting plates, gooseneck arms and LAAGE GASKET FOR WATEAPWFOO ir -114M V3r ROUND SLOT KM MOU09M SCIM 41 42 43 40 lkeal t ',)pper Black mall, 1311a( k Dark Green Red SMALL GASKIE T F0Q WATERPF9X,F&G ARM X Z ALUMMUM C0"0kJrTAJW 44 45 46 48 t4 White Medium Blue ye"M Pollished Galvanized NONE ALLEN SET SCREWS ONE -0 G M- 14 W 51 52 53 54 Navy Blue Arch Bronze Patina Rust Stucco 55 57 58 Sage Polished Alum. Satin Alum. No 51 62 Anodized Charcoal Anodized Browe 59 60 Copper Tone Canal Green 63 Iron Rust 5 %M1300 M A'areat"Ou-ne TEL (970194a-415 5 FAk (M) 949-467D — NORTH COURT `LIFKT� PHONE: DATE: 1/4/1-3 rAX: ARTWO11MIDY: I =L-1 117 Thl-6 Pv6lori 15 the cxrlualve- praperry of sign Pralgri & GriRphlr& ?18tr117wVoris,arW exhllyltiori of the5e! R1AC16 W anyone otftr Oan smployeeo of your company, or u+5e of air) olsksign w Lomotrua a filmIllar display lis atrictly prohlWtO i I 010*V V TEL: (970) 3'949-4565 F/ :X: ( 70) 3-49-4670 NORTH COURT MASTER SIGN PROGRAM A 5 SIGN LOCATES PRESENT TENANT 1 TREASURES CONSIGNMENT SIGN ALLOWANCE COMPENSATES FOR 3 LOCATIONS I Sign Frame 30" x 12') Sea Goose Nock Llghls ,9Ign Pane! 26" x 14-0" _ 25.3 sq fit r w w v +y SIGN LOGA...:t 5 11 1 � 6�e�dms. ►�c FUTURE TENANT TEL: (970) 949-4-505 F-Ak (970) 949-4-670 SIGN ALLOWANCE COMPENSATES FOR 2 LOCATIONS NORTH COURT MASTER SIGN PROGRAM B 4 SIGN LOCATES PRESENT TENANT \ TREASURES CONSIGNMENT SIGN ALLOWANCE COMPENSATES FOR 3 LOCATIONS 1 �� x6 Mi,11 Bldg I Lu<:aiiarl 35 sq R Sir Fran* Wr x 12'(3.& Go&. Nt5ck ugNc Sign Parcel 2W k1:p' = 25.3 sq R rrSIGN LOCATE 4 I M soon 0 FUTURE TENANT TEL: (970) 949-4505 FAX (970) 949-4670 SIGN ALLOWANCE COMPENSATES FOR 3 LOCATIONS NORTH COURT MASTER SIGN PROGRAM C 3 SIGN LOCATE PRESENT TENANT \ TREASURES CONSIGNMENT SIGN ALLOWANCE COMPENSATES FOR 3 LOCATIONS Sign K ramp 30' x 12'1 3ea e:oosa Neck LF01a Slgn Panel 26" x 140" = 23.3 sat R Un Frumo 30' : a 1 too Goose Nock L,p Sign Panes 26* x 44" a61 i �� cxa' Main ®dap 10 Locatlon 36 eq IM Sqn Frome 3T x t2'1 San Goose Nock Ugh@s Slgn Panel 28" x 140" = 26:3 sq h SIf,N LOCATE 3 qm -I I )) 26"30" SME uew SAMPLE TENANT SIGN NORTH COURT SIGN PROGRAM NOT TO SOALE UB'ALUMINUM BASE PLATE AMS 424C GREY TO MATCH BUILDING INSETACCENT AROUND SIGN LOCATIONS E PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO BUILDING - f -FURNITURE & HOME Is } �J ir '` ....,... .................. -• 140 144" — - -•- REMOVABLE 1+8'ALUMINUM SIGN FACE. CUSTOM PAINT EASE COLOR PMS 187C, METALLIC COPPER ,GOLD. TERRACOTTA ACCENTS ,,,,,,...• ............YS' DIMENSIONAL "TREASURES LOGO' PAINTED SATIN WHITE. FLUSH MOUNT ADDITIONAL COPY NON DIMENSIONAL WHITE VINYL SIGN CLEAT MOUNTED TO RASE PLATE ZRAN 2PENI1� - LESUE 26"30" NORTH COURT MASTER. SIGN PROGRAM 5 SIGN LOCATES SIGN SAMPLES / MATERIALS TBD 1 INTEGRATED GOOSE NECK LIGHTING TEL: (970) 949-4565 FAX: (970) 949-4670 Sign Frame 30" x 12'1 Sea Goose Neck Lights Sign Panel 26" x 140" = 29.3 sq ft 3 Cc sioMrarr s DRAFT — FOR PZC REVIEW AND COMMENT - DRAFT Proposed Meeting Agenda Avon Town Council / Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Joint Session Tuesday, February 26, 2013 4:00pm — 5:30pm I. Call to Order — 4:00pm II. Additions & Amendments to Agenda III. PZC Roles & Responsibilities. Review the purpose of the Planning and Zoning Commission (AMC §7.12.040) and Town Council (Town Charter). This discussion will include roles, responsibilities and duties for application review and necessary to facilitate special projects identified in the Town Council's 2013/14 Strategic Plan and Work Plan. In light of new development and re -development potential, the expectation is for a welcoming, considerate, and solution -oriented process where incentives are evaluated and minimum development requirements are clearly defined. IV. TOA 2013/2014 Strategic Plan and Work Plan. Review and comment on the draft document formulated by Town Council at their January retreat. [To be provided on February 22nd] Evaluate Work Plan elements —timing and priority. 1. 1St Quarter 2013 Work Plan a) Assist Council, as requested, in developing a land development "tool box" which identifies appropriate incentives and a regulatory framework to support and partner with developers and the building community. b) Recommend PZC Rules of Procedure to Council for adoption. (§7.12.040(1)) 2 2nd Quarter 2013 Work Plan a) Identify elements of the Comprehensive Plan, and as appropriate area specific and service plans, such as the District Plans and Transportation Plan, which should be amended to meet the current vision of the Town. b) Develop the scope, public process and schedule for commencement and completion of the Comprehensive Plan Update. c) Assist, as appropriate, in the expansion of the URA, should Council determine expansion of the URA is in the best interest of the Town. d) May 1St term expirations: Chris Green, Paul Anderson, and Jim Clancy e) Reappoint Village at Avon Design Review Board Representative f) DOLA/CIRSA Commissioner Training 3. 3rd Quarter & 4th Quarter 2013 Work Plan a) Review and forward Municipal Code Updates to Council, including but not limited to the following sections and processes: §7.16.020(g) —PUD February 26, 2013 PZC/TC Joint Meeting Page 1 of 2 Amendment/Minor Amendment Process & Criteria; §7.28.100 — Natural Resource Protection Applicability; §7.28.100 — Update Floodplain Regulations to comply with regulatory changes in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Identify areas of annual "code clean-up" in the amendments. b) Complete Comprehensive Plan Update process, including Council review and action. c) Commence work on other specific plans as prioritized in the 2nd Quarter. V. 2014 Work Plan 1) General Municipal Code Amendments, and annual code clean-up, including but not limited to: §7.06.020(d)(2) — Mailed Notice; §15.28 - Sign Code; §15.24 - Solid -Fuel Burning / Fireplace Regulations; §7.20 — Zone Districts, Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Density Allocation; §7.24.040 - Table of Allowed Uses; §7.28.050(f)(1) — Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping b) Finalize Historic and/or Cultural Landmark Ordinance; appoint a Historic Preservation Committee, and adopt Rules and Procedures c) Review Comprehensive Plan sub -area plans for updates, including: i. Review Transportation Plan updates concerning regional collaboration and results of AGS system study ii. Review West Town Center District Investment Plan (August 2007) and recommend updates to Council. KI Schedule Next Joint Meeting Tuesday, August 27, 2013 Adjourn — 5:30pm February 26, 2013 PZC/TC Joint Meeting Page 2 of 2