PZC Minutes 080613Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes ` ust 6, 2013 Din Y TAvondTown Council cChhambe s Meetings are open to the public { 0 L 0 R A D 0 Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm II. Roll Call All PZC members were present with the exception of Commissioner Bonidy. Commissioner Bonidy joined the meeting at approximately 5:15pm. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest. V. Minor Design & Development Plan / Alternative Equivalent Compliance Property Location: Lots 21, 65-B, and Tract Q, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Property Address: 182 Avon Road, 142 Beaver Creek Place, and 83 Benchmark Road Applicant: Greg Hoffmann, Benchmark Investors, LLC Description: The applicant is proposing a color change for the Christie Sports building, Benchmark Shopping Center, and the Annex building. The colors will be a mix of earth - tones with red and brown hues, but also include a white hue that exceeds the Town's codified Light Reflective Value (LRV) maximum. Part of the application is requesting an Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) approval for "Monterey White", which exceeds the LRV value of 60. Discussion: Jared Barnes, Planner II, presented the application and outlined the Staff report and AEC request for the 'Monterey White'. Commissioner Struve asked about the code requirements and the applications compliance with the LRV standards. Olivia Gracen, of Worth Interiors, on behalf of the Hoffmanns, presented the color palette for the proposed buildings. Commissioner Prince asked about the location of various colors on each building. Olivia Gracen walked the commission through each building. Commissioner Hardy raised concerns about the two hues of red on Montana's and Benchmark Shopping Center. Commissioner Struve asked if the signs would remain the same. Jared Barnes responded that they would for the immediate future, but the property owner has indicated a desire to amend and update the Master Sign Programs. Commissioner Clancy asked if Staff had reviewed the proposed colors in comparison to the existing colors for the Annex building. Commissioner Struve and Minervini were in support of the application as it met the standards, including the AEC request for the Monterey White color. 1IPaI., e Commissioner Prince requested that the Monterey White be painted on the building as a sample prior to approving the color. Commissioner Bonidy expressed concern revolved around the current blue roof and the special attention required for prepping prior to repaint, but was generally in agreement with the colors. Commissioner Hardy supported the proposed colors. Commissioner Losa was not concerned with colors or buildings being too similar. Commissioner Losa did not feel there was a specific hardship to approve the Monterey White color. Commissioner Clancy was comfortable with the color palette, but expressed concern with the LRV of the Monterey White. Action: Commissioner Prince moved to continue the entire application with direction to come back with a mock-up of the trim and siding, as well as the Montana's color. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and all were in favor. Jared Barnes discussed the desire of the applicant to move forward with painting some of the buildings, and he highlighted that the majority of the commission were comfortable with all colors except the Monterey White. He proposed that the PZC approve some of the colors for the Christy Sports and Benchmark Shopping Center buildings and only table the color change for the Annex building. Commissioner Prince moved to rescind the previously approved motion. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and all were in favor. Commissioner Prince move to approve a portion of application, the Christy Sports building, but continued the color change application for the Benchmark Shopping Center and Annex buildings to provide paint scheme with an on -building mock-up. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and all were in favor. VI. PZC Appointments to various advisory boards • Avon Economic Development Committee o Includes Municipal Branding Process Action: Commissioners Prince and Clancy were appointed • Capital Facilities Planning Action: Commissioners Struve and Minervini were appointed with Commissioners Hardy and Losa as alternatives. The PZC requested that all be copied on the future agendas. • Parking and Transportation Task Force Action: Commissioners Bonidy and Losa were appointed. VII. Consent Agenda • July 16, 2013 Meeting Minutes — moved to the next meeting VIII. Other Business Village DRB meeting Update Commissioner Prince discussed 4 applications. He stated the DRB met on 3 of the 4: 1) move excavation dirt from Lot 61 to the pond in Lot 1 of the Village with a reveg plan; 2) temporary road to the water tank approved; 3) Salvation Army community garden fencing was approved although no formal application was actually submitted nor were any plans reviewed; 4) Town of Avon proposing snow storage and equipment storage site. • Snowrun townhomes — notice of violation going out tomorrow. 2111agg IX. Adjourn 6:07pm APPROVED on this 20th Day of August, 2013 3111age