PZC Minutes 060413,w Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission ;- . Meeting Minutes BE Tuesday, June 4, 2013 0 11T BE Nil Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public c o L o R A i —o Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street 1. Introductions II. Call to Order Description: Secretary, Scott Prince, will preside. The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm. 111. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. IV. Election of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, & Secretary Commissioner Prince made a motion to select Commissioner Clancy as the Chairperson. Second by Commissioner Struve and all were in favor. Commissioner Struve made a motion to select Commissioner Prince as the Vice Chairperson. Second by Commissioner Minervini and all were in favor. Commissioner Struve moved to eliminate the position of secretary and Commissioner Minervini *seconded the motion. None were opposed. Commissioner Minervini moved to reappoint Commissioner Prince as VAA DRB. Second by Commissioner Losa and all were in favor. V. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. VI. Conflicts of Interest Commissioners Losa and Clancy stated they had a conflict with Item VIII. Commissioner Losa made a motion to moved Item IX before Item VIII. The Commissioners approved the motion. VII. Major Design & Development Plan Property Location: Lot 4, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Property Address:. 2830 O'Neil Spur Applicant/Owner. Mark Donaldson, VMDA / GYO Retirement Plan Description: The applicant is proposing a duplex structure on the existing lot. The units will measure approximately 5,000 and 2,750 square feet. The structure will be finished with vertical and horizontal wood siding, stone, Cor -Ten and asphalt shingles. Discussion: Jared Barnes highlighted the application and packet materials. He stated that the ERWSD has not given final approval of the encroachments in the sewer easement, but he anticipated they would. Mark Donaldson, Applicant, presented the color and material board and mentioned that the encroachment was discussed today with the Eagle River Water and Sanitation board and an easement agreement will be forthcoming. 1 Page Commissioner Bonidy discussed the left side elevation and commented that there appears a column off corner of deck is within the easement. He recommended it be pulled back out of the easement: Commissioner Minervini was in favor of the process that has been undertaken with the referral review and subsequent Major Development Plan review. Commissioner Bonidy was concerned with driveway drainage as it appeared to be directed towards the structure, but was otherwise o.k. with the application. Commissioner Prince citied the application's conformance with the development code and Major Development Plan review criteria and Design review criteria. Commissioner Struve stated the colors and materials were compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Commissioner Clancy also commented on the project's conformance with applicable codes and review criteria. Commissioners Losa and Hardy had no additional comments. Action: Commissioner Prince moved to approve the application subject to staff's condition and noted finding and added a condition that "no encroachment in the easement with in ground footings shall be approved." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Struve and the motion carried as all commissioners were in favor. VIII. Special Review Use — Public Hearing Property Location: Lot 1, Filing 1, Village at Avon Subdivision Property Address: N/A ApplicantlOwner. Anna Robinson, Beaver Creek Resort Company / Traer Creek RP LLC Description: The applicant has requested to extend the previously approved SRU permit for the 2013 Beaver Creek Rodeo series. The application requests six Thursdays and one Tuesday throughout the summer for the rodeo which will begin at 5 pm and end at 8 pm. Discussion Commissioner Clancy and Losa left the room due to a conflict of interest. Jared Barnes presented Staff's report. He highlighted the previous approval and the likely lack of additional process for future Rodeo event once the Village at Avon settlement is finalized. Anna Robinson, applicant, briefly overviewed the event highlighting the single Tuesday event as the rest were Thursdays. Public hearing opened and closed with no public comment. The commissioners asked the applicant if there were any changes from previous years. Commissioner dialogue ensued regarding the length of the approval. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve Resolution 13-04 with condition #1 being revised to August 31, 2014. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Minervini and it carried with all Commissioners in favor. IX. Consent Agenda • Resolution 13-03, Natural Resources Code Amendments • April 16, 2013 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the minutes as revised during the meeting. Commissioner Bonidy seconded the motion and it passed 5-0: • May 21, 2013 Meeting Minutes 2 1 P a g e Action: Commissioner Prince moved to approve the minutes as revised during the meeting. Commissioner Bonidy seconded the motion and it passed with a 6-0 vote. X. Other Business Xl. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm APPROVED on this 18'h Day of June, 2013 SIGNED: Jim Clancy, Chairman