PZC Minutes 040213I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:04 pm. II. Roll Call All members were present. III. Conflicts of Interest Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 2" , 2013 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. IV. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendment to the agenda. V. Special Review Use, Minor Development Plan, AEC — CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 2 & 3, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Property Address: 0111 & 0121 Nottingham Road Applicant Dominic Mauriello, MPG Owner. G.P.I LLC & G.P.I. Partners - Jim Pavelich Description: The request is for a surface parking lot and landscaping on Lot 2, immediately west of the Shell Gas Station. A crosswalk across Nottingham Road is also being proposed to access the North side Coffee and Kitchen building. This was continued from the March 19, 2013 PZC meeting. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker presented the application. He highlighted the process that has occurred prior to this meeting as well as the process for each application. He also discussed the Staff Recommended motions. Commissioner Struve asked if an SRU application would be required if the parking lots would have been contiguous. Commissioner Minervini asked if an SRU application would be needed if a design plan was proposed on this property. Commissioner Green discussed the request for SRU approval into perpetuity. Matt Pielsticker stated that the SRU would be re -reviewed if the ownership of the lot changed. Commissioner Green reiterated that he was not completely comfortable with the language as proposed, and indicated that the SRU should stay with the current property owner and use and should only be reviewed at such time as the change of use or ownership. Commissioner Losa asked about a requirement for a future sidewalk. Matt Pielsticker stated that the Town Engineer would require a sidewalk with any future development on the lot. Ila ,e Dominic Mauriello, Applicant, discussed the proposal and the vision for a "master planned" site. He also discussed the details of the proposed design. Commissioner Minervini asked if the crosswalk striping will be done by the Town or the Applicant. He further questioned the locations of the crossing signs. Commissioner Green asked if enough light was provided in the parking lot to ensure safety and if a photometric study had been done. He also discussed the parking lot materials. Jim Pavelich of GPI, responded that it would be asphalt and they would not prefer millings, and that no photometric study had been done. Commissioner Prince asked about the maintenance responsibility for the striping. He further asked if the gas station to the east had commented at all. Staff responded in the negative. Commissioner Prince also asked about the material of plantings along the property line shared with the gas station. Commissioner Clancy asked about the use of the various lots for the Northside Coffee and Kitchen. The Public Hearing was opened and closed without any comments being received. Commissioner Clancy had no further comments and stated he agreed with Staff's determination of compliance with the review criteria. Commissioner Prince was in agreement with Commissioner Clancy's comments. He suggested a 5 year SRU re -review. Commissioner Minervini had no further comments. Commissioner Struve commended the property owner for addressing a potential problem prior to it being an issue. He also suggested a bike path connection to the south with a future development. Commissioner Losa stated that the landscaping units provided should be maintained by the applicant if capital improvements are done by another entity. He also commented that the parking ratios were not sufficient in the code. Commissioner dialogue ensued regarding the use of the parking areas. Commissioner Green had no other comments. Action: Commissioner Clancy moved to approve Resolution 13-02, with the removal of the second condition. And add a new second condition: "When a future sidewalk is installed the owner is responsible to replace all the plantings that are removed or disturbed." Commissioner Losa clarified that the motion should be for Lots 2 and 3. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. Commissioner Prince asked if a timeframe would be added to the motion. The motion passed 6-0. 2J 1.1ag Commissioner Clancy moved to approve the AEC and Minor Development Plan with the findings and conditions as written by staff. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. VI. PZC Rules of Procedure Description: Pursuant to Section 7.12.040(1), Rules and Procedures, the PZC shall adopt rules and procedures that set forth the meeting process, regularity of meetings, and order of the agenda among other procedures. The PZC used to have adopted rules of procedure included in the Avon Design Guidelines, but since those were eliminated the PZC has not operated with current Rules of Procedure. Discussion: Jared presented the revised Rules of Procedures and requested additional comments or a motion to recommend approval to the Town Council. The Commissioners discussed the abstention rules as drafted and questioned if the new language was necessary requiring somebody to state the reasons for an abstention. The PZC did not feel that the language was necessary and it was either a yes vote, no vote, or abstention. Commissioner Green asked if the re -vote was necessary for chairperson and vice - chairperson when new members are appointed. The Commission stated that it was appropriate to perform re -elections. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to recommend approval of the Rules of Procedure, as amended by additional PZC comments. All Commissioners were in agreement and the motion passed unanimously. VII. Approval of Meeting Minutes • March 19, 2013 Draft Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner dialogue ensued regarding requested modifications. There was a motion to approve and it was seconded. Commissioner Struve made the motion to approve and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Clancy. The motion passed unanimously. VIII. Other Business • WR Point Subdivision • Code Amendments to Council • Wyndham Permit Submittal • PZC Appointments. Applications due April 16, and meeting for appointment were April 23. • Hahnewald Barn • USFS Appeal Update • April 16 Meeting? Losa and Prince will be absent. IX. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm SIGNED: Chris Green, Chairman ATTEST: Phil Struve, Secretary 31I'ag