PZC Minutes 071712Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for July 17, 2012 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public AVON Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street C O L O R A D O I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioners Minervini and Clancy. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda Commissioner Green added VAA action and future meetings to other business. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Anderson stated he had a conflict with Item V — working on design team. The PZC determined that he could remain in the room to hear comments but should hold back on providing feedback. V. Work Session for Lot 61, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Discussion: Dominic Mauriello introduced the design and development team for the project. Ted Hunter, Senior Vice President of Wyndham, highlighted other properties. He continued with the project background, highlighting the originally 8 stories and over 100 units design. He stated the project now had only 58 units proposed and lowered height from 8 to 5 stories. He commented that the building would consist of only presidential units which is not typical for Wyndam, as those units typically account for about 20% of properties. Dominic Mauriello explained the process, rezoning, major development plan and AEC. The Commission voiced some concern with the service location on "Gondola Way'. Commissioner Losa felt that the amount of landscaping could be a pitfall. He also commented on how main street could effect the project in the future. Commissioner Struve commented that he direction for the team was a great start. He also commented on the auto court is a benefit to the project and similar to other high end resorts in the valley. Commissioner Prince stated there was limited information, but the team was on the right track. He also expressed his desire for pitched roofs instead of flat roofs. Commissioner Green was interested in street level of architecture and how it interacts with ground level pedestrians. He commented that there is no back side to the property or design. He also stated the auto court is great idea. He felt the architecture was headed in the right direction. VI. Master Sign Program Northside Coffee and Kitchen Property Location: Lot 4, Buck Creek PUD / 14 Nottingham Road Applicant. Dominic Mauriello, MPG / Owner. Millmore, LLC Description: Modification to the existing Master Sign Program to allow for window signage and more flexibility with regard to future tenant signage. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the background of the sign program and its specificity and how it limited any new signage without a sign program amendment. He commented sign locations would remain the same. He stated sign size was slightly modified and enlarged for two of the signs. He highlighted the inclusion of window signs and allow for up to 25% of window area or 96 '/2 square feet and limited to ground level. Jared Barnes suggested that language be added to specify that the 25% requirement be for contiguous window space. Dominic Mauriello on behalf of Jim Pavelich presented the new concept for Northside and the rest of the building. Commissioner dialogue centered on the window signage and how it would be worded and calculated. Dominic Mauriello stated that the applicant and staff agree with the parameters and offered suggested language. Action: Commissioner Anderson moved to approve with Staffs recommended conditions, but the final condition be modified to state "25% of each contiguous window bank area." Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed with a 5-0 vote. VII. Major Design and Development Plan Chambertin Townhomes Units 5-8 Property Location: Lot 46, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 420 Nottingham Road Applicant: Mark Donaldson, VMD Architects / Owner. Chambertin Townhomes HOA Description: A reconstruction of the 4-plex townhome structure that was destroyed by fire in May of 2012. The reconstruction is subject to the Development Code as well as the Non - Conforming Uses and Structure section of the Development Code. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented staffs report and detailed review of the project. He explained the existing non -conformities of the design of the project. Commissioner Prince requested that Staff find out the cause of the fire to add as a finding for any approval. He questioned if Cedar shake shingles were allowed per code. Jared Barnes responded that they were not allowed or disallowed, but Class A roofing is required by Building Code. Commissioner Struve questioned if the foundation is structurally sound. Mark Donaldson went through the design of the project and demonstrated what the building would look like with a new roof form to meet the 35' maximum height requirement. Commissioner Anderson stated that Criteria #3 would allow the PZC to approve a building over height. Commissioner Prince asked about criteria number 5 as it relates to roofs shedding onto pedestrian areas. Mark Donaldson responded that snow clips could be utilized since it will be a fully engineered system. Commissioner Prince asked if there were solar panels on the burned building. Mark Donaldson responded that there were panels and those would also be non -conforming. 21 Commissioner Anderson was in support of redevelopment. Commissioner Prince was also in support, yet concerned with asphalt shingles and how it will look in contrast to what is existing on the other two buildings. Commissioner Struve agreed with Commissioner Anderson on review criteria number 3. Commissioner Losa stated the key is item number 4, which states "structures have been brought into compliance to the maximum extent possible." He was accepting of the proposed asphalt shingles. Commissioner Green had no further comments and was o.k. with the roofing and overall design. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to table to the next meeting. Commissioner Prince seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. VIII. Approval of Meeting Minutes • June 5, 2012 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Prince moved to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Commissioner Anderson seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. IX. Other Business • Update on VAA application discussion of last TC meeting • Fire Department Meeting — Fire departments are talking about defensible space. Commissioner Green explained the difficulty with defining zones around structures and further what exactly could happen in each zone. Green — adopt eagle county regs? PZC suggested further evaluation of the Eagle County regs and comparing recent approvals. Special Meeting compensation for those 2 meetings for seven members each month. X. Adjourn APPROVED on this 13th Day of August, 2012 SIGNED: Chris Green, Chair ATTEST: Scott Prince, Secretary 31''