PZC Minutes 081710HEART of the VALLEY al I Call to Order (4:30pm) Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda for August 17, 2010 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street The meeting was called to order at 4:35. II. Roll Call All commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Green. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the August 3, 2010 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the consent agenda as modified. Commissioner Prince seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. VI. Sketch Design Review New Commercial Structure Property Location: Lot 67, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek / 40 Nottingham Road Applicant: Dominic Mauriello, MPG; Owner: Jim Pavelich, GPI, LLC Description: The proposal is to demolish the existing Pizza Hut building and replace it with a new structure which is to contain a restaurant and a retail space with a second -story back-of- house/storage area for the primary restaurant and retail uses. Discussion: Matt Gennett stated that he had no presentation but that he would be available to answer questions. Dominic Mauriello presented an overview of the project. Commissioner Struve questioned when the property was originally built. Dominic responded that was constructed in 1985. Commissioner Anderson questioned if there were any photos of the retaining walls that would be removed with this proposal. Dominic pointed out an overgrowth area where retaining walls/planters were located. Commissioner Struve questioned if this building's setback from the gas pumps were the same as 7-11. Dominic stated he wasn't sure of the dimensions. Craig Snowden responded that the existing Pizza Hut building's wall is located where the new parking spaces are proposed. Commissioner Struve pointed out that restaurants typically have freezers in the parking lot for nighttime deliveries. Dominic stated that the owner didn't have a tenant and wasn't sure what the business plan would entail. Dominic presented the elevations of the proposed building. Commissioner Anderson questioned the snow shedding on the east elevation. Craig responded that the snow would shed into the planter bed. Commissioner Struve questioned the siding types. Craig responded that there would be clapboard siding and horizontal siding. Commissioner Roubos questioned the length of the roof lines. Craig responded that the main ridge was 60 feet in length. Commissioner Struve questioned if the applicant has access to the plans for the firehouse. Commissioner Goulding questioned how the design related to the adjacent stucco buildings. Craig responded that the design resembles an old farm house and that the main structure was a simple design and the architecture resembles additional pieces with varied exterior materials and roof forms. Commissioner Goulding asked if the architect studied how this design would relate to a gas canopy and the adjacent stucco building. Craig responded that this design was intended to be an introduction to the designs beyond rather than complementary to the existing adjacent buildings. Commissioner Patterson questioned how this would affect Lot 52A. Matt Gennett stated that lot is currently considered Lot 4 of the Buck Creek PUD and that it would be used for the future roundabout. Commissioner Patterson questioned if the design took into effect a roundabout adjacent. Dominic responded that the design did take this into effect by ushering pedestrians to the other side of the property. Craig further stated that the design of the building didn't turn its back on the roundabout and still provided some architectural interest. Commissioner Anderson questioned if a temporary patio would be considered if the applicant would enter into an agreement with the town. Craig stated the current design does allow for that potential. Commissioner Prince questioned what the FAR of this property would be. Dominic responded that he wasn't sure, but could provide that information. Commissioner Prince questioned if solar was considered for this application. Craig stated that the optimum roof orientation would be 90 degrees from the proposed so solar was not contemplated. Commissioner Anderson stated that the FAR was 0.21:1. Commissioner Patterson questioned if there were and issues with this design and the new proposed Development code. Dominic responded that setbacks could be an issue, but he stated he was under the assumption that Staff was rectifying these issues. Commissioner Anderson questioned the design's relationship to the easement. Staff stated that they were to get a letter from the water district in regards to Commissioner Struve stated he felt this was a good design and that the architecture wasn't dragged down by the neighborhood. He stated that more architectural interest could be provided on the west side or increased landscaping. He also stated signage should be considered with this application so that future tenants understand the restriction on sign language. Commissioner Roubos stated this was an upgrade from the current building. She appreciated the mimicking of the science school architecture instead of the gas station. She also commented on the parking and felt that there could be some insufficient numbers. She 2 also commented on the roof lines and she wanted to see more interest in the roof forms. She agreed with Commissioner Struve's comments about signage. Commissioner Anderson stated that the easement comment from Engineering needs to be addressed. He also commented on the issues with the parking space next to the trash enclosure. He appreciated the architecture and felt the long ridgeline wasn't an issue to him. Commissioner Patterson questioned where the gas tank filing location is for gas station. Craig responded that the design wouldn't impact that function. He commented that landscaping on the town owned lot should occur and the applicant should work with the Town. Commissioner Prince stated that he is happy to see the Pizza Hut building be removed. He didn't have any issues with the ridgeline. He felt the patio on the south side would be great if it were wrapped around to the west side. Commissioner Roubos clarified that her comments were related to two separate uses instead of a single use and that could pose reality issues. Commissioner Anderson questioned the design of the Firehouse as it relates to this project. Commissioner Goulding included the letter from the adjacent property owner for the record. He also commented that this design should correlate to the Firehouse instead of the school since that will not be viewed from this property. He stated that this application shouldn't be contingent on a sign application. Commissioner Struve commented that this design uses good proportions and is a collection of boxes and that would be good architecture. Action: There are no motions required for sketch design review VI. Other Business • Shane Pegram presented the roof options for the Recreation Center. Discussion ensued and consensus was the darker hues and more of a matte finish. • Discussion regarding duplex lots and the option of two single family structures. VII.Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 6:09 pm. W. Todd Goulding Chairperson Phil Struve Secretary