PZC Minutes 061510.............. " Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for June 15, 2010 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public ` 0 I 0 R V-0- D " Avon Municipal Building 1 One Lake Street REGULAR MEETING I. Call to Order (5:OOpm) The meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present, with the exception of Commissioners Patterson and Anderson. (Commissioner Anderson arrived to the meeting at 5:15 pm after roll call.) III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the June 1, 2010 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Green moved to approve the amended minutes. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed 4-0, with Commissioner Roubos abstaining due to her absence from the previous meeting. VI. ZONING (PUBLIC HEARING) Avon Development Code Public Hearing Property Location: NIA Applicant/ Owner: Town of Avon Description: A public hearing to review the Draft Avon Development Code. The new code includes the consolidation of Subdivision and Zoning regulations, currently found Titles 16 and 17 of the Avon Municipal Code, respectively, into a unified development code. Discussion: Sally Vecchio overviewed the history of the code rewrite. She also outlined the major modifications including, but not limited to, improved formatting and organization, improved content and timing of submissions, baseline standards, development bonus, modernization of the PUD process, and updates to the commercial zone districts. Commissioner Roubos questioned the FAR numbers for each commercial zone district. Sally Vecchio stated that the FAR was set by Town Council and PZC, and is intended for Town Center zoning. Commissioner Struve questioned when the written public comments will be discussed. Commissioner Goulding stated they would be discussed during the Public Comment, The Public Comment and Hearing portion was opened. John Perkins, Christie Lodge, stated he applauded the process that is being undertaken. He further stated that this is long overdue. He commented that he was quite involved with the East Avon District Plan and feels this update will help achieve the goals stated therein. Bethany Boston Johnson, an Avon resident, then asked for clarification on how the new code applies to Wildridge and other PVDs, staff responded that primarily just the Development Standards chapter of the new code and typical procedural language would apply. Ms. Johnson had no further questions. Commissioner Goudling then summarized the content of two letters provided to the PZC by members of the public and entered them into the public record. Commissioner Goulding then continued the Public Comment and Hearing portion of this agenda item to the July 6, 2010 Commission meeting.. Commissioner Goudling then asked staff about the types and frequency of public outreach efforts performed by the Town to date. Sally Vecchio stated that outreach included updates to the Town's website, two advertisements placed in the Vail Daily, a public notice was also placed in the Vail Daily, and there have been 18 months of ZAC review. Commissioner Goudling summarized the recommendations the PZC may make when they are finished their review, as follows: approval; approval with modifications; or, denial. Commissioner Green stated that this was not going to be the only public hearing. He is not in favor of approving this tonight. Commissioner Prince asked whether tabling is an option. Commissioner Goulding stated that it was, but the end result would be one of the three options. Commissioner Green discussed the parking regulations for outdoor seating as brought forth by Dominic Mauriello in the public comment. Sally Vecchio stated that she would like to better study this to ensure that massive decks don't need to provide the parking. Commissioner Struve stated that he would like that to avoid being a loophole and would like some form of maximum outdoor space that doesn't need to provide parking. Commissioner Roubos agreed with Commissioner Struve's comments. Commissioner Green suggested a proportional relationship instead of a square footage cap. He stated that the district plans promote more outdoor seating and that this issue needs to be addressed, but those plans do not represent an exorbitant amount of outdoor seating. Commissioner Green also commented on the public input by Norris Design regarding assisted living facilities. Sally Vecchio stated that she would recommend an SRU for most zone districts as this use is too commercial for residential zone districts and too residential for commercial zone districts. Commissioner Goulding questioned if Commissioner Green was concerned with not allowing ALFs in RD zone districts or if they should be allowed as a use by right within the currently allowed zone districts. Eric Heil, Town Attorney, stated that a poll should be taken on each suggestion so that consensus can be made. Commissioner Roubos questioned where RD zone districts were located in town. Matt Gennett responded that 12 properties had this designation and most of those were located along W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Larry Brooks stated that an informed discussion should be undertaken to differentiate between assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Eric Heil stated that the definition of group home limited the number of beds to 8. Commissioner Goulding stated that staff should outline where the ALFs are allowed in town as a use by right or SRU and also outline review criteria that would be more fitting. Commissioner Green discussed solar arrays and the limitation on size. He suggested allowing more area for solar arrays. 2 Commissioner Struve questioned why we were limiting roof mounted systems. Matt Gennett stated that solar arrays were actually ground -mounted and solar collection systems are roof mounted systems. Commissioner Anderson suggested removing the 600 SF minimum and allowing it to be 1/2 of the building footprint. Commissioner Struve stated that solar arrays need to meet other standards and be reviewed on a site specific basis. Commissioner Prince stated that he was in favor of adding wildlife considerations. Commissioner Anderson and Goulding also agreed with those comments. Commissioner Roubos said she prefers roof -mounted systems and a reduction of the land mounted systems. Commissioner Goulding stated that we are going to add language on the site design and preference of solar systems on the roof. Commissioner Prince stated that he would prefer it as proposed. Commissioner Anderson stated that he liked the language, but wouldn't mind an AEC process. Sally Vecchio clarified that the AEC process should be set aside for standards, but not for optional code language. Commissioner Green questioned wind collection systems and stated that the current standards would not allow for functional systems. Sally Vecchio stated that research shows that our region's climate precludes functional systems due to inconsistent wind patterns. Commissioner Struve stated that he felt the technology is not there yet and that we shouldn't provide for systems with substandard designs. Commissioner Goulding stated that he suggests not allowing wind systems as the acceptable method for alternative energy. Consensus was then confirmed that requiring an SRU for wind energy systems was acceptable. Bethany Boston Johnson, Wildridge Resident, commented that she would not support Wind Collection systems within any residential PUD. Commissioner Roubos questioned the authority of the Director, specifically 10% increases in site coverage. Sally Vecchio stated that small modifications were left at the staff level to make development less cumbersome and expediting small construction projects. Eric Heil explained the legal rationale for these types of decisions being at different levels of authority. Commissioner Goulding questioned if there was a call-up procedure for the PZC to call-up any decision made by the director. Discussion ensued regarding the hierarchy of decision making authorities. Consensus was to then confirmed to leave it as proposed. Commissioner Roubos questioned the Guest House definition. Matt Gennett stated that it was a definition borrowed from the Model Colorado Land Use Code. Commissioner Roubos commented on the formatting of page 50. Commissioner Roubos questioned allowing driveways across 50% slopes when you can't build on slopes greater than 40%. Justin Hildreth stated that it was intended to allow driveways to cross steep slopes to access the flatter sections. 3 Commissioner Roubos questioned applicability of these driveway Design Standards. Sally Vecchio stated that there was no magical number but 50% seemed like it was consistent with development and redevelopment of a residence. Commissioner Prince questioned the lack of Public Comment and that staff went above and beyond in trying to solicit public discussion. Commissioner Prince suggested an executive summary that outlines all salient issues that have been made. Larry Brooks stated that this code will be adopted at some point and he wants to see this code as the launching point of a journey rather than a destination. Bethany Boston Johnson, property owner in Wildridge, thought an executive summary would be a great idea. Commissioner Prince commented on the building height. Matt Gennett directed the Commissioners to the proper section of the code. Commissioner Green brought up existing examples of "coast-to-coast" duplex designs and the consequences of such duplex designs to the site and visual impacts to the neighborhood. Commissioner Goulding questioned how the proposed standards would affect "coast-to-coast" designs. Commissioner Anderson suggested establishing a maximum linear length for a duplex. Commissioner Goulding agreed with the comments and suggested that staff further study the idea of maximum linear length as well. Consensus was then confirmed. Commissioner Prince stated he had to leave the meeting early and did so. Commisisoner Anderson questioned detention ponds and the regulations that require undeveloped properties located above developing properties to accommodate unmitigated flows. Commissioner Anderson commented on the proposed easement size of 15 feet. He felt that 10 would be a more acceptable number. He also commented on the driveways with regards to steep slopes and snow storage. He felt that 25 feet was cumbersome. Justin Hildreth stated that was an existing requirement that must remain at a 15' width for such easements. Commissioner Anderson stated that he felt 2:1 FAR is on the low side of what it should be in the Town Center (TC) zone district. Commissioner Goulding said he would like Staff to go through the appropriate criteria for approval to ensure that everyone is on board with the code update. Commissioner Goulding also commented on the development bonus section. He would like the section revised to have the criteria to address each development bonus as read by a developer to help them understand the process and review criteria. He wanted to ensure that the cost of the improvements were accurate so that neither party incorrectly estimates these figures. Consensus was to create a methodology that would guide how to ensure accurate information. Commissioner Goulding outlined the issues that staff will review and respond to with the pertinent information at the next meeting. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to table the item to July 6th. Commissioner Roubos seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn 0 The meeting was adjourned at 8:40. Chris Green Vice Chairper Phil Struve Secretary