PZC Minutes 031709WORK SESSION (5:00pm — 6.00pm) Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for March 17, 2009 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building 1 One Lake Street I. Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items and review of training video. Open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (6:00pm) Call to Order The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:35 pm. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Roubos. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no amendments or additions to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Lane stated that he had a Conflict of Interest on Item VIII., PUD Amendment, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Wildwood Resort (Buck Creek PUD) V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the March 3, 2009 Meeting Minutes with minor modifications Action: Commissioner Goulding Moved to approve the minutes as modified by Commissioner Struve. Commissioner Struve Seconded the motion and it passed with a 5-0-1 vote, Commissioner Evans abstained due to his absence from last hearing. DESIGN REVIEW VI. Minor Project Property Location: Lot 64, Block 3, Wildridge 14271 Wildridge Road West Applicant:/ Owner: Kyla Marsh Description: The applicant is proposing to modify an existing structure by adding livable space above the existing garage. The addition will utilize similar windows to the existing structure as well as stucco as an exterior building material. The stucco will match the existing home's color. Discussion: Commissioner Goulding thanked the applicant for addressing the comments from the previous hearing and asked for clarification on the belly -band and landscapinglre-vegetation plan. Commissioner Struve had no further comments beyond those made by Commissioner Goulding. Commissioner Prince agreed with Commissioner Goulding and had nothing further to add. Commissioner Lane agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Goulding as well. Commissioner Green agreed with the comment regarding removing the belly -band and further. questioned the use of fenestration on the addition in related to the rest of the structure. Kyla Marsh answered the questions raised by Commissioners Goulding and Green. Action: Commissioner Goulding made a motion to APPROVE the Minor Modification application with the following CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1) The belly band must be removed for the addition; 2) A landscape plan be submitted to show limits of disturbed areas and re -vegetation areas; and 3) Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. Commissioner Lane Seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0. VII. Sketch Review Horton Residence Property Location: Lot 59, Block 3, Wildridge 14340 June Point Applicant: Millie Aldrich, Pure Design Studio 1 Owner.- Norma Horton Description: The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing residence on the subject property and replace it with a 5,100 square foot home. The proposed two story residence will utilize concrete, stucco, and stone on the exterior walls and will have a standing seam metal roof. Millie Aldrich made a presentation of the Sketch Design to the Commission. Discussion: Commissioner Green asked for clarification on the use of stone veneer materials on certain exterior walls. Millie Aldrich provided clarifications regarding the use of stone veneer. Commissioner Green asked what the compelling reason is for the use of 3:12 roof pitches when the Guidelines specify a minimum pitch of 4:12 on all primary roof forms. Millie Aldrich said the owner and architects can live with 4:12 roof pitches for all major roof forms currently shown as being 3:12. Norma Horton clarified the rationale behind why the 3:12 primary roof pitches were originally contemplated, which had to do with creating a lower -profile or less invasive 1 ostentatious appearance from surrounding perspectives. Commissioner Lane felt the design has strong potential. Commissioner Prince thanked the applicant for choosing to build in Wildridge. One minor concern he voiced was regarding design compatibility with surrounding structures and properties. He also asked for a good example of the materials and Millie Aldrich provided more detail on the materials. Commissioner Prince then asked that the photovoltaic panels be flush -mounted, if feasible. Commissioner Struve agreed with the comments of the other Commissioners, particularly with respect to changing the primary roof pitches to 4:12. Commissioner Struve commented on the design of retaining walls and whether the owner wished to ever maximize the views of the NY range from the subject site. He also commented that evaporative coolants are unnecessary at the elevation proposed in this design. Commissioner Goulding expressed concern over the reflective light values, especially. considering the metal materials being proposed for the roof surfaces. He also expressed confusion over how the elevations read on a two-dimensional plane. Millie Aldrich attempted to alleviate the confusion and give a better verbal description of those elevations. Chairperson Evans agreed with the comments made by the other Commissioners and clarified the proper mounting of the solar panels. He also asked for more specific landscaping plans clearly depicting the vegetation proposed to be removed, transplanted and added. Commissioner Evans also brought up the issue of access alignment and why it is being proposed as it appears on the site plans. Overall, the design is good and moving in the right direction. He commented on the air circulation and stated the metal surface materials should be powder -coated. Commissioner Green brought up another comment related to existing landscaping versus proposed and the Commission's preference for more natural looking landscapes. He also said that limits of disturbance will need to be shown on the plans at Final Design. Action: No formal action is necessary for Sketch Design reviews. ZONING VIII. PUD Amendment- CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Wildwood Resort 1 Buck Creek Road Applicant: Brian Sipes, Zehren & Associations /Owner. Oscar Tang Description: The applicant is proposing to amend the existing Wildwood Resort PUD Plan and Guide documents; and to further subdivide the existing Wildwood Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, and 3, into a total of six (6) lots and two tracts. The proposed is planned to allow for new land uses, including but not limited to: fire station hub with separate administration building, 42 townhome units, Montessori school with office space, and natural science school campus with employee housing. There is a corresponding Preliminary Subdivision application that is tracking concurrently with this zoning application. Matt Pielsticker gave a brief presentation highlighting the salient points from the most recent staff report. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker presented Staff's Report and made some minor corrections and added clarifications to the content of the report. - Commissioner Prince asked for clarification on the term "Architectural Projections". Matt Pielsticker read the definition from the Design Guidelines. Charlie Moore, Fire Chief, stated the tower would be used for a whole host of reasons, including training to repel and hose storage/drying. Jay Peterson stated that a formal presentation would not be made by the applicant's representative and he would be happy to answer any questions. He went on to summarize the background and entire process undertaken thus far with regard to this project. Commissioner Evans asked if the owner was agreeable to the potential of a future round -a- bout to be located on Swift Gulch Road by the Town of Avon. Jay Peterson responded that the owner was acceptable to the round -a -bout scenario. Commissioner Evans also questioned whether the parking requirements have been met. Matt Gennett stated the proposal conforms with current parking requirements. The Public Hearing was opened. The Public Hearing was closed with no comments. Commissioner Goulding stated that the project was great. He further commented on the Gore. Range Natural Science School (GRNSS) building encroachment into the stream setback and wanted to ensure that the setback was tied to the GRNSS use. Jay Peterson responded that the setback encroachment was tied to the development plan and its approval. Matt Gennett went on to say that any change in use would trigger some type of PUD Amendment if it were not in keeping with the specifics of the proposed educational use. Commissioner Goulding also asked about the phasing of the project and the potential for future development. Commissioner Evans stated that the future development will be on different lots and subject to Commission approval. Commissioner Goulding asked about vesting timeframes and requests for an extension to the. standard three-year vesting period. Jay Peterson responded that the minimum was 3 years and that it is a decision made by Town Council, but he would like to discuss this further with the Town Attorney. Commissioner Goulding also wanted to ensure that the representation of architecture and landscaping is the minimum expectation of the Commission. Commissioner Struve agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Goulding. He also stated that this project is as important to the Town as it is to the developer. Commissioner Prince had no added comments and that he felt that the application was in conformance to the twelve review criteria. Commissioner Green stated that the minimum architectural character for the future design is what is represented in this application. Action: Commissioner Goulding moved to recommend approval of the PUD with the conditions as outlined in Resolutions 09-05 and 09-06, with the following additional conditions added to Resolution 09-05: #8 The permitted architectural projection is limited to an approximate 20' x 20' (400 square foot) tower feature that may be used for training purposes; and, #9 The setback encroachment on Lot 3 is to be legally tied to the Gore Range Natural Science School (GRNSS) use pursuant to the new zoning designation. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion, and Chairman Evans asked if there were any further deliberations on the motion. Commissioner Green asked about the minimum architecture requirements. Commissioner Goulding allowed the addition of a new condition #10, related to the minimum - level of architecture tied to the material representations provided. The motion passed with a 5-0 vote. IX. Other Business ■ Questions from the Commission to the Fire Chief. ■ Buzz Reynolds's backhoe on Tract B. X. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40. PkK T,L- Approved on - er *vz- , 7, 2009° a_. Chris Evans Chairperson Phil Struve Secretary