PZC Minutes 100708WORK SESSION (5:OOpm — 5:30pm) Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for October 7, 2008 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road Description: Discussion of Regular Meeting agenda items. Open to the public. REGULAR MEETING (5:30pm) I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:31 pm. Roll Call Commissioners Goulding and Lane were absent. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Item VII. Final Design Extension Request — Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. Consent Agenda e Approval of the September 16, 2008 Meeting Minutes u Approval of Final Design Extension Request — Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision Commissioner Green motioned to accept Item V. Consent Agenda, September 16, 2008 meeting minutes and the Final Design Extension Request, and Commissioner Prince seconded the motion, and all Commissioners were in favor. VI. Joint Meeting with Town Council Description: Facilitation of a meeting with the Avon Town Council/URA Commissioners to develop a strategy for assisting private enterprise with development and redevelopment. Anne Ricker, a consultant hired by the Town from Leland Consulting, will be presenting information and facilitating the meeting. Discussion: Scott Wright, Assistant Town Manager, and Anne Ricker, Leland Consulting Group, introduced the joint meeting. Anne Ricker highlighted the purpose and objectives of this Work Session and discussed the previous meeting with Town Council. Anne Ricker reviewed the responses received from the Leadership questionnaire that was distributed to the Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission. Anne Ricker summarized all of the wishes of Avon's Elected and Appointed Officials goals for the Work Sessions. Anne Ricker outlined the most important expectations for both the Public and Private entities. Commissioner Green questioned the intention of the "Political Will" expectation highlighted in the report. Anne Ricker responded that it was intended that the Political will was to get through initial hurdles to determine if the partnership is acceptable and ability to withstand scrutiny. Anne Ricker highlighted the Potential Tools that could be used to benefit a Partnership. She then outlined the application of the tools and what guidelines would be needed. Anne Ricker summarized the Project Criteria that would be proposed with this policy. Commissioner Evans asked Anne Ricker to further describe Project Participation. Anne further described that specific tool. Commissioner Prince asked for further explanation of the 'Business Relocation" tool. Anne described the potential Tax Increment Financing to help a business stay in the town during construction. Mayor Wolfe explained that the first criteria is to be on the playing field by meeting specific town criteria, creating a better town, prior to being able to utilize some of these tools. Commissioner Evans questioned a few of the incentives if there is a need to evaluate compliance with the Town Documents. He brought forth an example of a PUD application where the Town Council is the ultimate decision maker on incentives provided when the applications first have to be brought to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Green agreed with Commissioner Evans comments and brought forth another example of Attainable Housing. Mayor Wolfe stated that the developers need to provide these potential tools to the Planning and Zoning Commission so that they have all the information needed to properly review applications. He went further to stating that if that information is not provided for the Planning and Zoning Commission then the Town Council should remand the applications back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further review. Commissioner Evans stated that this process could cause the town to become extremely unfriendly to developers. Dominic Mauriello, suggested that the process change. One idea was that•,the URA is the sole approval authority for PUD. Another idea is to create the zoning appear as a use by right. In all instances it should be a review of the current roles. Anne Ricker commented that it is a great that the Town Council wants the Planning and Zoning Commission comments. She stated that what should be added is a couple meetings with an executive board or the Town Council that give the developer direction on potential Town participation. Commissioner Green asked what that would look like. Anne Ricker responded that what is required would be ultimately decided by the Boards and Commissions of Avon. Commissioner Prince asked if the Planning and Zoning Commission would be reviewing the scope of work application that is to be reviewed by the Town Council or an executive board. Mayor Wolfe questioned if a draft development agreements were presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Matt Gennett responded that they were not presented to the Commission. Commissioner Green highlighted that there should be an extra layer of review if a developer wants to utilize public incentives. Mayor Wolfe asked Anne Ricker and the Commission if she received answers to all of the questions that were proposed at this meeting. He asked that the model development agreement be revised to require a developer to state all of the required public incentives to make a project successful. VII. Final Design Extension Request Property Location: Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision / Applicant l Owner.- Andy Gunion, East West Partners Description: The owners of this property have requested an extension to the final design plans that were approved in 2006. The Planning and Zoning Commission design review approvals are valid for two (2) years, with the ability for a one-time, one-year extension. Discussion: Item was moved to the Consent Agenda. VIII. Other Business ® Riverview Apartments ® November 4`h Meeting ® Nottingham Park Draft Plan ® Water Plant Repainting IX. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM. Approved on November 18, 2008: i Chris Evans / Chairperson' Phil Struve Secretary