PZC Minutes 073107I. Call to Order Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Special Meeting Minutes for July 31, 2007 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road REGULAR MEETING The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. H. Roll Call All Commissioners were in attendance with the exception of Commissioner Foster and Commissioner Smith. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest No conflicts of interest were revealed. V. Consent Agenda VI. Town Center Design Guidelines Description: At the previous Commission meeting held on July 17, 2007, staff distributed the final draft of the Town Center Guidelines to members of the Commission for their review and scheduled a special meeting to be held on July 31, 2007, for the purpose of discussing this document. Staff would like to receive input from the Commission on this document and forward on the document to Council for adoption. Rebecca Leonard, Design Workshop, approached the podium to discuss the historical process of this guideline. Ms. Leonard continued with the outline to be used, the document structure, conceptual master plan; underlying zoning, PUD and density; form and massing balance; 8 elements of district wide use; 7 elements of public signage guidelines; 10 items of general building -guidelines; and 5 items of site specific guidelines. Commissioner Green commented on concern of the diagrams contained within the guidelines and that said diagrams were critical for developers. Commissioner Struve suggested a caveat regarding the approval of pictures contained within. Commissioner Lane approved of the integration of LEEDS comments throughout the guidelines, circulation and pedestrian diagrams needed enhancement, and civic art direction was to be tied to a place and criteria. Use of public art as a public benefit and the role of the developer were discussed. Lighting specifics were reviewed. Commissioner Green motioned to accept the Design Guidelines for the Avon Town Center dated July, 2007, with the following revisions: the metal halide not be a restricted light source as called out on page 24, that there be language inserted at the beginning of the document that more strongly states the nature and intent of the illustrations as being illustrate only and not approved designs for this Town Center Plan, that there be some way, whether here or in another document that the fact that the documents get consolidated for ease of use and understanding, and that on page 17, the language be revised so that it reads that all installed landscaping shall be maintained and so moved to accept these Guidelines. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. With the permission of the Commission, we make a strong recommendation to Town Council to adopt this strong set of guidelines and will have a real positive and long term effect on the development of the Town of Avon. All commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously with a 5-0 vote. VII. East Avon Draft Plan Description: Detailed review of the remainder of Chapter 2 (Physical Plan), pages 25- 43. This review will also include Chapter 3 (Implementation) of the Town Center East District Plan. The draft plan is dated May 10, 2007. Last review took place at the Commission's June 19, 2007 meeting. Matt Pielsticker discussed the Commissioner's previous comments with the Commission. • Page 25: Third Bullet — Should Read "Enhance and maintain strong pedestrian connections between East Town Center and the Eagle River." The second to last bullet to be modified stating "Provide comfortable and safe spaces with adequate separation of automobiles and pedestrians." Add bullet "Create a safe and exploratory environment with strong pedestrian connections to secondary pedestrian corridors." • Page 26: Strike word "thereby" • Page 27: Avon Road Crosswalk color and or symbol showing connections between East and West Town Centers should be emphasized. First sentence should be reworded to start with "Consistent high quality and intuitive design are the driving forces....." There should be a consistent level of visual directives including materials, signs, landscaping, etc. The Photoshop drawing does not give the right feel to the plan. The lines appear too hard and should be broken in some way with new hand drawn sketches. • Page 28: The second dashed walking radius line does not have a leader • Page 29: The top photo is great, but the bottom picture is no representative of the envisioned East Town Center District. Under principal 4, second bullet, the work "border' should be replaced with "front." Under fourth bullet, should read "Avoid or minimize the impacts of traffic on secondary streets to create a pleasant living environment." Bullet five, "by encouraging owners with vehicles..." Under bullet one of principal five, replace "residential" with "mixed use." Also, the bottom photo shows flat roofs. • Pages 30 and 31: The residential street should be called "secondary" streets, and there should be some sort of hierarchy in line types, colors, etc. to differentiate between through roads and secondary roads. The buildings in the drawings should not be blocky as shown. • Page 32: Residential cross section appears more commercial than residential, and the cross sections throughout the document should be softened in some way. • Page 33: Trash Bins should be replaced with Trash Cans. Also in the first paragraph, should read "Trees should be no more than 30 feet on center." • Page 34: Same as previous page, trees should be no more than 30 feet o.c. The sentence in the middle of the paragraph should read "A minimum of six foot clear pedestrian circulation route should be provided, however, creative solutions to pedestrian routes is strongly encouraged." • Page 35: Strike 15% mixed use reduction bullet. Strike "Casual surveillance" bullet from principal 7. Under principal 8, add bullet to read "Encourage decentralized underground parking." Last bullet to read "Prohibit bland walls facing the street on buildings with parking garages. Bland walls must be decorated with artwork, display cases........ • Page 37: Do the footprints work with parking numbers? What were the assumptions that went into these parking studies? • Page 40: Strike last bullet under principal 10. Under the second to last bullet under principal 11, should read "Provide appropriate lighting to insure that paths are safe at night and still compliant with the Dark Sky Ordinance. • Page 41: LEED certification was discussed at length and whether or not it should be required in this document. Some of the bullets may be redundant (i.e. encourage the use of renewable materials) since they are required by LEED already. The second to last bullet under principal 14 should start with "Encourage the use of alternative energy sources and improve energy......" The bottom photo is not representative of the East Avon vision. • Page 42: Strike entire page. • Page 43: Strike first bullet. Add Bellyache Ridge to the third bullet. Strike the word "trees" from last bullet and this last bullet should be reworded. • Page 44: Strike entire page. • Page 45: View corridors should not be broken into primary and secondary, they should all be accepted as view corridors with no prioritization. The narrative should go into more detail on which views are important (i.e. call out bachelor's gulch, gypsum cliffs, etc again) and there should be a view from beaver creek boulevard looking straight down. • Page 47: The third bullet should read "Require the realignment of East Beaver Creek Boulevard." Under the last bullet Tax Increment Financing should be spelled out since it is the first time it comes up in the document. • Page 48: Strike first sentence of first paragraph. • Page 49: The Chapel Square figure was questioned. In the caption the work "will" to be replaced with "shall." There should be a note added indicating that the expenditures are based on 2006 or 2007 numbers based on assumptions. • Page 53: The schematic drawings should show existing conditions next to the proposed drawings that are shown. ® Page 56: The relationship between this plan and the Village at Avon was questioned. There should be a clear statement of intent in the conclusion. All Commissioners requested a copy of the final product prior to presentation to Town Council. VIII. Other Business Duplex Connection Design Guidelines (update) ® Walkin the Dog — no progress to date, will be followed up by Matt Gennett. IX. Adjourn Commissioner Struve motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve Secretary