PZC Minutes 051507Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road - WORK SESSION - (5:OOpm - 5:30pm) Discussion of regular meeting agenda items. - REGULAR MEETING - Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no Additions or Amendments to the Agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. V. Consent Agenda • Approval of the May 1, 2007 Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Goulding. All Commissioners were in favor and motion passed unanimously with a 7-0 vote. VI. Minor Project - Reroof Property Location: Lot 1, Filing 4, Eaglebend Subdivision / 2000 Hurd Lane Applicant: Luis Landeros / Owner. Frank Doll Description: A Minor Project application to replace tar and gravel roof with a standing seam metal roof in the Eaglebend Subdivision. Jared Barnes presented the Staff Report to the Commission Commission discussion revolved around the definition of a 'flat roof', were metal roofs on other projects in the area (negative response); was it the main house? Frank Doll approached the podium to advise the Commission that he lived in this house for the last 37 years and that the current roof leaks on his house. Commissioner review began with Commissioner Goulding mentioning that the slope was not an issue and the material was suitable. Commissioner Struve expressed that the color was acceptable and Commissioner Smith agreed. Commissioner Smith motioned to approve and Commissioner Foster seconded, concern by staff was acceptable to the Commission, material the roof pitch is an existing condition and color was acceptable. All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed 7-0. VII. East Avon Draft Plan - PUBLIC HEARING Description: Review of draft Town Center East District Plan. All stakeholders are invited to comment, and the next steps will be discussed. Rebecca Leonard approached the podium to present the first draft of the East Avon Plan. This plan articulates a vision, provides guidance to developers and landowners, aid in review of development applications, and attracts investment to the area. Ms. Leonard continued with presenting the history of this project to date and the directions from previous meetings. The Plan's intent was key to revitalization and redevelopment. Ms. Leonard continued by presenting a visual "Plan" and several visual models and their scales with an emphasis on flexibility of building shapes and mass, space on second floor, phasing, and zoning tradeoffs. Ms. Leonard presented the planning principles from the Comprehensive Plan for East Avon, the retail experience's needs such as strong anchors, easy access for both the pedestrian and for cars, parking and visibility. How to review the Draft Plan was explained next from the developer perspective, landowner perspective and how to accurately articulate the vision for the District. Ms. Leonard voiced that initial feedback was necessary and a strategy for reviewing the data. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Lynn Weiss, Manager of the Christie Lodge, approached the podium to ask about intent to acquire properties, what are guidelines and financial cost of the plan. Ms. Leonard commented that infrastructure would be approximately $31 million. Commissioner Evans voiced that this was just an idea/plan right now, parcel takeover was not a consideration, just a concept of the Town creation and the idea of a central plaza would be placed on Town property, and this was a guiding vision, meant to be a collaborative effort between the Town and its property owners. Commissioner Foster commented that this was a phased process over 40 to 50 years from now to have a uniformed concept. Brian Judge, VAG, approached the podium to mention that the plan was a difficult project and urged that the consultant be involved in the developer based projects, incentives, building heights, parking ratios, setbacks, and complexities of land ownership. Patrick Adair, Avon resident and Buck Creek Condominium manager, questioned the redevelopment of this property and what was his best plan of action. Commissioner Evans suggested Mr. Adair consult with the Town's planners. Paul Maloney, Avon resident, hoped that requirements for developers to be more energy efficient, environmentally proactive and financial motivations would be in the plan. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Green stated that this was a good start; Commissioner Struve agreed with the energy efficiency and the green building as a baseline; no box style stores unless they agree to Town's way; need for setbacks; emphasis on workforce housing; and the post office to be based on the Town Center East. Commissioner Foster questioned the pedestrian perceptive; aim in reality for 3 — 5 story building and no huge canyon walls. Commissioner Smith voiced concern for lower storied buildings. Commissioner Lane remarked that the taller buildings were appropriate as long as they were well designed, good draft plan and would like a study on secondary pedestrian traffic. Eric Heidemann commented that Ms. Leonard was looking for some additional feedback and clarification of items from the Commission by reconvening. Commissioner Green suggested it be an agenda item for the next meeting. Commissioner Goulding remarked that this plan was a great start and the biggest challenge was if it were realistic; economic driver to incentives for re -development. VIII. VAG, Inc. I Orion East Avon Concept Review - WORK SESSION Description: Preliminary review of a redevelopment concept that encompasses four properties in the East Town Center District: Christy Sports (Lot 21), Avon Annex (Lot 65- B), Town of Avon parcel (Lot 65-A), and the Benchmark Shopping Center (Tract Q). The Town Council has been invited to this Work Session. Matt Gennett presented Staff's report. Pedro Campos, VAG, approached the podium to discuss the goals, objectives and priorities of this redevelopment that may include the Benchmark property. Mr. Campos began with an overview of the properties in question, their ownership history and voiced the intent of forum was to get feedback from the Commission. He continued by identifying the healthy mix of land uses for the project, underground parking, gave square footage numbers to the variety of mixes, variety of building heights, phasing ideas, and areas of negotiation regarding' existing business and employee housing, along with the benefits to the Town. Commissioner review included definition of the outdoor semi -circle's use. Brian Judge, VAG managing partner, approached the podium to respond density, parking and building height issues. Commissioner Struve asked what limitations are in the Town's Charter and the connectivity of this project to Town Center West. Mr. Judge was looking for a unified approach from Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council, definitive - building heights, work on community benefits, combined sessions with both East and West Center participants. Commissioner Smith asked about employee housing use of the core and Mr. Judge answered that housing would be located within the property. Mr. Judge elaborated on the buildings, its usage by floor, and defined the various plates. Commissioner Evans commented that a joint session with Town Council would be most beneficial and the applicant would need to be prepared to prove its stance on its project. Commissioner Green mentioned that a model that incorporated this project along with both Town Center East and West concepts would be most beneficial to demonstrate the relationships of all the projects to one another. Commissioner comments included questions on phasing, height, Main Street to be primarily pedestrian than vehicular, architecture complimentary but not identical, site coverage instead of height, massing and orientation, sky bridge to link the two buildings together, 120 foot height as excessive, views from public spaces, and a need to see financial models for this project. IX. Other Business ® Confluence mock-up was available on site to visit it as the approval was open ended and needed Commissioner review. X. ® Lot C has been resubmitted and may be seen at June 5`h or June 19th. ® Work session on 6/5 with Town Council to discuss Orion proposal. ® Folson property has been scaled down and are coming back for review. ® Buck Creek was pending with Jay Peterson as lead on the project. ® Duplex connection policy in the Design Guidelines needs to be revisited either by Commission meeting or within Community Development Committee. Subcommittee was requested for a beginning point. ® Walkin the Dog — action to be taken by drafting a letter to inform property owner of impending costs to re-veg and provide erosion control Adjourn Commissioner Green motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: y Chris Evans Chairman Phil Struve iI "6ti l Secretary