PZC Minutes 030607Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission AU , -11�i/ Meeting Minutes for March 6, 2007 VUN Avon Town Council Chambers C 0 L 0 R A D 0 Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / 400 Benchmark Road - Work Session Agenda - Town Center East - Preferred Alternative Presentation Description: Design Workshop, the Town's consultant for the Town Center East master plan, will present and respond to comments and feedback received from the Open House held in January. There will be a presentation of a "preferred alternative" for the Planning District master plan. Open to the Public. Matt Pielsticker began with historical background of the Town Center East and introduced Rebecca Leonard, Design Workshop. Ms. Leonard demonstrated the four alternatives of the project by presenting their pros and cons, and discussed how parts of the four alternatives were used to make the project presented. Comments from the public included having a mix of residential, vehicle circulation and mixed use residential streets. Ms. Leonard continued with the need to maintain two access points off Avon Road, maintaining a dispersed circulation pattern throughout retail and residential to create a better environment and the need to keep residential streets as secondary and smaller. Pedestrian circulation was discussed next with the focus on convenient pedestrian access throughout the Town. Parking issues, underground and surface were addressed along with a connectivity of parking garages and way finding to identify parking locations. Views were reviewed, followed by architectural character. Ms. Leonard mentioned that there is 12 acres of pavement, height being necessary in the plaza area along with towers as visual cues, breaking away from the noises of 170; sun breaks within the plaza and the realignment of Beaver Creek Boulevard and Main Street. Commissioner Green wanted to see how the East Avon and West Avon visually work together. Commissioner Foster questioned the central square and its circulation and if there would be a safer alternative. Amy Phillips, Town Council member, suggested a square roundabout. Commissioner Struve questioned the square dimension of the plaza and its look of tradition. Commissioner Green voiced that Chapel Square seemed orphaned by its location. John Perkins, Architect, suggested that a road may be built to go under the plaza as opposed to around it. Conversation continued with comparisons to Vail's design. John Perkins commented that he thought the intention of the 80 foot height was to back it up to 170. Amy Phillips mentioned that a road by the railroad might be beneficial or the use of the railroad bridge as a connection between the two centers. Commissioner Foster mentioned that the access over Avon Road needed to be functional for pedestrian use and that it was a critical issue. Public comments continued with how practical would the straightening of the road be if it wouldn't be constructed for over 30 years. Ms. Leonard responded that it would be best to shoot for what was wanted and time frame was not impossibility. It was mentioned that it was feasible when development would project into the future. Public comment continued with approval of the plan, with the road staying as it is, and that a study of connectivity was warranted. Ms. Leonard's next step would be to create a draft plan providing that this plan was the directive. Additional comments included a height study, parking spaces were underestimated, sun analysis on the north side of the streets, incentives were needed for property owners, and a plan was needed as a foundation for the project and would begin its implementation. Flexibility was needed in the plan. Commissioner Struve complimented the stakeholders for their input, needed was workforce housing in the center of town and the need to move the Post Office to Town Center East. II. Council / Commission Presentation concerning Impact Fees Description: Tom Pippin from BBC Research will give a presentation to Council and the Commission regarding impact fees. His presentation will focus on the feasibility of impact fees as an alternative source of revenue for the Town to pay for new growth; the legal framework of impact fees in Colorado; how impact fees are calculated and implemented; and potential issues and problems that could arise. Tom is currently working with the Eagle River Fire Protection District on their potential implementation of impact fees. Open to the Public. Impact fees would be generated through 'only new parts of the pie' and to support capital infrastructure. Fees are calculated on the anticipated new construction and how to spread the fee fairly across. - Regular Meeting - III. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm. IV. Roll Call Commissioner Evans and Commissioner Goulding were not present for this meeting. V. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There were no Additions or Amendments to the Agenda. VI. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. VII. Consent Agenda • Approval of the February 20, 2007 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Green motioned to approve the February 20, 2007 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with all Commissioners in favor. VIII. Housing Joint Session - Council / Commission Description: Staff will make a presentation and foster discussion on a policy direction for new workforce housing regulations. Staff will request further input from the Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission on the best policy options for incorporating a workforce - housing requirement into the Zoning Regulations. Matt Gennett approached the podium to begin a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Gannett began with definitions, displayed affordable housing properties with a map, purpose and applicability was voiced, AMI, and development location. Jared Barnes demonstrated the payment in lieu calculation and suggested property in lieu as an option to payment in lieu. Mr. Gennett continued with accommodation units versus dwelling units via definition and commented that a Nexus Study was needed for commercial. Ron Wolfe, Town of Avon Mayor, approached the podium to comment on his objection to "workforce" housing, region wide should be used for stats, mitigation of 20% was too low, suggested targeting average Area Median Income, generate an obligation, off-site employee housing should be discouraged, deed restrictions need to be dealt with, real estate commissions needed to be addressed, appreciation caps needed exploration, capital improvements needed definition, and net asset caps. Mr. Gennett voiced that the first step would be a draft form of this regulation. Brian Sipes, Town of Avon Councilman, voiced the need for diversity, to understand why people live where they do, target and value distance of where you live. Matt Gannett questioned the need for a Nexus Study and received an affirmative consensus. IX. Minor Project Application - Revised Modifications to Municipal Building Property Location: Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision / 400 Benchmark Road Applicant/ Owner: Town of Avon Description: The Town has submitted a design application for an expansion to the Municipal Complex building on the edge of Harry Nottingham Park. This expansion would be on the west side of the building between the building and parking lot. The plan was approved at the Commission's November 21, 2006 meeting, and this presentation is of minor modifications to that design for approval. Shane Pegram, Town of Avon Engineer, approached the podium to discuss the changes to this project. He continued that the proposed stick built structure would be less expensive than the modular but still over the initially approved budget and discussed the other changes per his memo. Commissioner Struve moved to accept Item IX, Minor Project Application - Revised Modifications to Municipal Building, Property Location: Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision / 400 Benchmark Road. Commissioner Green seconded the motion. The motion passed with all Commissioners in favor. X. Residential Final Design Review - Czarniak Duplex Property Location: Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5178 Longsun Lane Applicant: Scott & Adrienne Czarniak /Owner: Bernard & Lynn White Description: Final Design review to add one additional unit onto an existing Longsun Lane single-family residence to create a duplex residence. There was a Sketch Design review which took place at the January 2, 2007 Commission meeting. The design has changed slightly since first review. Applicant and current owners requested this item be tabled. Commissioner Struve motioned to table Item X, Residential Final Design Review - Czarniak Duplex, Property Location: Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / 5178 Longsun Lane. Commissioner Foster seconded and the motion passed 5-0 with all Commissioners in favor, XI. Other Business Walking the Dog was putting the fence in shortly, chain was necessary across a proposed access since the original proposal had changed and they were not going to use the driveway for their employees and parking, the area was not an approved access. Commissioner Struve heard the dog limit has been excessive. Illegal signs on trucks for the consignment shop on Nottingham/Metcalf Roads and on Benchmark Road for G'Day Pies. Timeshare west at next meeting X. Adjourn Commissioner Struve motioned to adjourn. All Commissioners were in favor with a 4 — 1 vote. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary Terry Smith Vice Chairman Phil Struve Secretary